Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 385 The Su family ancestor’s advice [Second update please subscribe]

Zhou Chun stayed at the Cold Spring Ice Cave for almost a year in order to conquer the Sky Frost Han Bee.

When the Jiang family fought, the Silver Lightning Python used the secret technique of "Ancestral Resurrection" in vain, and the period of weakness was almost over after he returned to the family.

Therefore, when he subdued the Sky Frost Han Bee, he did not take a few spiritual pets with him. Instead, he gave the Silver Lightning Python the Thousand-Year Thunder Grass that he bought for a lot of money and made it sleep and rest in Jiufeng Ridge. .

Now it seems that the Millennium Thunder Light Grass is indeed worthy of the heavy money Zhou Chun spent, and it has successfully caused the thunder dragon bloodline in Baibai, the silver lightning python, to change.

Except for some special species, generally speaking, pythons grow horns, which is a precursor to turning into a dragon. It means that the dragon blood in the snake has been strong enough to start to show such obvious characteristics of a dragon.

You must know that Zhou Daoyi's green dragon never grew horns before it transformed into a dragon.

Therefore, the silver lightning python now grows dragon horns in vain, which can be said to have taken an important step on the road to transforming into a dragon.

Now, as long as Zhou Chun can find the Millennium Dragon Transformation Grass, even if he does not refine it into a Dragon Transformation Pill, the success rate of transforming into a dragon will be over 50% after the Silver Lightning Python takes it in vain.

This success rate is already very high!

It can be said that just this small dragon horn gives Bai Bai an additional 20 to 30% chance of turning into a dragon.

What's more, the emergence of the dragon horn will not only help Bai Bai turn into a dragon in the future, but also truly improve his strength.

Now Bai Bai's bloodline potential has been developed to the extreme under the stimulation of the power of the Millennium Thunder Grass. Not only has the power of the spells he originally mastered been enhanced, but he has also awakened a powerful spell.

This spell is called "Tian Lei Qie", which can gather the power of thunder and lightning on the dragon horns above the head to form a powerful lightning blade with very powerful destructive power.

The power of Zhou Chun's "Sky-Splitting Blade" in its normal state is about the same.

And when he killed Fu Changqing, who was in the late stage of foundation building, he just used this move!

In other words, even without entering the thunder dragon transformation state, the silver lightning thunder python Bai Bai still has the strength to instantly kill ordinary late-stage foundation-building monks.

"As expected of the thunder dragon, which is famous for its combat prowess, I really look forward to the day when Bai Bai will turn into a dragon completely!"

After testing the fighting strength of his beloved pet, Zhou Chun couldn't help but exclaim with joy.

There are many types of dragons, and the thunder dragon may not be the most powerful among them, but in terms of attack power, it is definitely the most powerful competitor for the first place among the dragon clan.

If Baibai, the Silver Lightning Python, succeeds in transforming into a dragon, his combat power will definitely be much higher than that of the green dragon, which is worth looking forward to.

The fight between Zhou Chun and Bai Bai was very noisy. Soon Zhou Mingde knew that he was back and immediately called him over to talk.

When he learned that Lu Ran actually left two magic weapons to Zhou Chun and asked Zhou Chun to bury his body back to the place of his birth, Zhou Mingde sighed with emotion and said, "I don't think that Fellow Daoist Lu is such a temperamental person." Man, it seems that I have wrongly blamed him many times in the past!"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun patted the storage bag on his waist, took out the red dragon dagger and the fiery red orb magic weapon, handed it to Zhou Mingde and said: "These two magic weapons are not suitable for this junior, but they are still the supreme elder." You should practice it!"

However, Zhou Mingde did not reach out to take it. Instead, he waved his hand and said: "My magical weapon is enough, but Zhengchun's magical weapon was destroyed in the Kingdom of Zhou Dynasty. Now that the war is imminent, we need to buy one as soon as possible." Just use the magic weapon you have handy."

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun and said: "Let's take these two magic weapons and go to the Li family or the Su family to see if there are any magic weapons suitable for you in their family treasury. If so, , let’s exchange it with them!”

"That's fine."

Zhou Chun thought for a while and put away the two magic weapons after being persuaded.

Now he is indeed a little weak in magic weapons. The Zhou family has many third-level magic weapons, but not many are suitable for him to use.

The golden sword weapon before was already the best.

If he could exchange for a magical weapon like the Red Dragon Dagger from the Li family or the Su family, it would definitely be of great help to increase his combat power.

Next, after Zhou Chun rested with the family for two days, he took the magic weapon to the mountain gate of Danyao Li's family.

The Danyao Li family is a golden elixir family that has never declined. Its heritage is far from comparable to that of the current Zhou family. During the past Three Jue Sect period, the two families had exchanged magical weapons with each other many times.

But after Zhou Chun came to the door this time, Li Jingxuan, the Supreme Elder of the Li family, who learned of his intention, shook his head slightly and said: "It's not that I don't want to help Zhou Chun, but my Li family does not lack this kind of fire attribute magic. The few metallic magic weapons in the family treasury must be kept by the two younger members of the clan, and I really can’t help you, Daoyou Zhou."

This answer made Zhou Chun unable to help but feel disappointed.

But he couldn't say much.

He also knew that the two juniors Li Jingxuan mentioned were twin brothers of the Li family. Both of them had high-grade spiritual root qualifications, and they had now reached the late stage of foundation building.

It can be said that the Li family is now cultivating these twin brothers as the seeds of the future golden elixir. They will keep everything good for them. How can an outsider like him, Zhou Chun, compete with these two people.

At the moment, he could only nod his head and said: "Junior understands, then I will not disturb Senior Li."

After leaving the Li family in this way, Zhou Chun went north to the Su family in Jiangzhou.

For things like replacing magic weapons, generally only families with good relationships would be willing to do so.

What Zhou Chun wants to replace is a third-level high-grade magic weapon. The average cultivating clan cannot afford this level of magic weapon.

So now the only ones that meet his requirements are the Jiangzhou Su family.

The reason why Zhou Chun first chose to go to the Li family instead of the Su family was because he knew that the members of the Su family were less specialized in fire techniques, and they might not have much need for the Red Dragon Dagger in his hands. He didn't want the Su family to be old. Zu felt that he took advantage of the Su family.

But now that the Li family's road was blocked, he had no choice but to go to the Su family and give it a try.

After Zhou Chun arrived at Su's house, he didn't show any pretense. He went directly to see his Taoist companion Su Yuzhen and explained his purpose of coming.

After hearing his purpose, Su Yuzhen immediately said: "This matter is easy to handle. The real good things of the Su family are all in the ancestor's cave. I can just take my husband to visit the ancestor."

After saying that, he took Zhou Chun directly to visit the ancestor of the Su family.

"Zhengchun, your two magical artifacts are rare and exquisite, especially this red dragon dagger magical artifact, which is even more extraordinary."

"It's a pity that the best metal magic weapon in my ancestor's hands is only a third-level mid-grade magic weapon, and it's still a bulky gold brick magic weapon. I'm afraid it won't suit your liking!"

In the cave, after looking at the two magical artifacts that Zhou Chun wanted to replace, the ancestor of the Su family couldn't help but sigh slightly and said something that disappointed Zhou Chun.

It's not that he refuses to swap with Zhou Chun, but he doesn't have a suitable magic weapon to swap with Zhou Chun, and he can't even if he wants to.

But after Su Yuzhen listened to his words, she stepped forward and grabbed his arm and said: "Ancestor, you have many connections and connections. Even if the family does not have a magical weapon suitable for my husband, you can still help me find other seniors." Replace it!"

When the ancestor of the Su family heard this, he immediately stared, raised his hand and nodded her head and said: "What nonsense are you talking about, ancestor, can my favor be used like this? It's just a few third-level magic weapons. , Zhengchun, as long as he runs around and participates in more auctions and underground Yibao meetings, he can always find the right one!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also spoke up and said: "Ancestor is right. Since the Su family does not have a suitable magic weapon, Madam, please don't embarrass Ancestor."

He knew that the ancestor of the Su family loved Su Yuzhen very much and would not be angry about it, but he also did not want Su Yuzhen to make it difficult for the ancestor of the Su family for his own sake.

That would only make the ancestor of the Su family feel that he was ignorant.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, the ancestor of the Su family immediately cast an admiring look at him.

Su Yuzhen looked at him and obediently let go of his hands.

Seeing this, the ancestor of the Su family couldn't help but said slowly: "Although my ancestor can't help Zhengchun, you can, girl Yuzhen. You might as well take him to your aunt and ask your aunt to help him teach him in the Moon Wheel." Replace two magic weapons inside!"

"Yes, why did I forget about my aunt? She is a core disciple of the Moon Wheel Sect. She must have a way to help her husband!"

Su Yuzhen's face lit up, and she returned to Zhou Chun and pulled him and said, "Husband, let's go, I will take you to Yuelun Cult to find your aunt."

Seeing her turbulent look, the ancestor of the Su family couldn't help but shook his head and said helplessly: "Don't be so anxious. Yuzhen, please send someone to Yun Niang to inform her of the matter first, so that she can be prepared. .”

Zhou Chun also helped persuade and said: "Ancestor is right. Madam, you'd better talk to your aunt first. I still have something I want to ask Ancestor for."

"Okay, I'll go and send a message to my aunt first. Husband, you and my ancestor can talk slowly."

Su Yuzhen nodded and immediately left the cave.

After watching her leave like this, the ancestor of the Su family looked at Zhou Chun with curiosity and said, "Zhengchun, what do you want to tell me, ancestor? Could it be that you have encountered some doubts in your practice?"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately shook his head and said: "It's not a matter of practice, but I want to ask my ancestor about the fight between Tianjing Sect and Qinglian Temple. I want to know what you think of the two sides, ancestor."

"So that's what happened."

The ancestor of the Su family nodded suddenly, but then did not answer immediately. Instead, he looked thoughtful as he seemed to be thinking about how to speak.

Zhou Chun didn't rush him and waited patiently.

After almost half a quarter of an hour passed like this, the ancestor of the Su family spoke slowly: "Ancestor, I don't know any inside information about this matter, so I can only briefly share my opinion."

"Old Ancestor, please speak, I am all ears."

Zhou Chun bowed slightly, his gesture was very impressive.

Seeing his appearance, the ancestor of the Su family nodded with satisfaction, and immediately continued: "According to my opinion, for the entire Jingguo, several states in the south cannot be without Nascent Soul monks, and Master Qingxiao It is said that there is not much longevity left, so this is probably the Tianjing Sect’s biggest support!”

"But Master Qingxiao is, after all, a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. In terms of magical powers, even Master Yinyue from Yuelun Sect can't say that he will definitely defeat him. As long as he is still alive, no one will dare to ignore him. will!"

"So the battle between Tianjing Sect and Qinglian Temple will most likely only be a battle between monks below the Nascent Soul Stage. It will not involve the Yuanying Stage monks, and it will not evolve to the level of a battle to destroy the sect!"

His words were a bit cryptic and he seemed to have some scruples, but Zhou Chun also had a delicate heart and quickly understood what he didn't say clearly.

The implication of the words of the ancestor of the Su family is very simple. After Master Tianjing successfully gave birth to a baby, he became the most suitable person to succeed Master Qingxiao in the southern part of Jingguo in the eyes of Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect.

After all, Qinglian Temple itself is the weakest of the three major forces in Jingguo. There is nothing wrong with replacing Qinglian Temple with Tianjingmen.

But since Master Qingxiao is still alive, he will definitely not agree to this matter, and will not let the Qinglian Temple that he has supported and strengthened decline and collapse.

Perhaps Master Qingxiao had already tried to kill Master Tianjing after he learned that Master Tianjing had successfully formed a baby. However, Master Tianjing escaped, or perhaps the Nascent Soul stage monks from the other two factions intervened to save Master Tianjing. .

However, because they are afraid of the strength of Master Qingxiao, Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect do not dare to provide any support to Tianjing Sect now, nor can they admit the existence of Tianjing Sect. They can only choose to ignore, not admit, and not suppress it.

And since Tianjing Zhenren cannot be killed directly, if we want to prevent Qinglian Temple from being replaced by Tianjing Sect, we can only prevent Tianjing Sect from developing.

If Tianjing Sect doesn’t even have a single Golden Core monk, or only one or two Golden Core monks, then even if Master Qingxiao is enthroned, there is no way that Tianjing Sect can defend the south with just three or two big cats and kittens. The land of several states.

But since even the ancestor of the Su family can see this, how can Zhenren Tianjing not see through Qinglian Temple's plan?

Why is Tianjing Sect still having such a head-on confrontation with Qinglian Temple?

Thinking of this, Zhou Chun saluted directly to the ancestor of the Su family and said: "What the younger generation doesn't understand is that if the Yuanying Immortals don't take action, how can the Tianjing Sect be the opponent of the Qinglian Temple? I'm afraid that the Qinglian Temple is alone. Even if you don’t even come out, the Immortal Cultivation Family under your command alone is enough to destroy the people of Tianjing Sect!”

"This matter is really unpredictable. I think the real people of Nascent Soul must have other plans. With my ancestor's knowledge, I can only see this point!"

The ancestor of the Su family shook his head, but was unable to answer this question for Zhou Chun.

After all, he is only a Golden Core monk. Although his experience and knowledge are much higher than Zhou Chun's, many high-level things are difficult to access without reaching that level of cultivation.

However, although he could not answer Zhou Chun's question, he still gave Zhou Chun some advice: "Your Zhou family has been a pioneer before, so it is a wise choice to stay dormant now. But if Yu Jinghua doesn't die and survives until Qingxiao's immortal death, , I’m afraid that your Zhou family will be in danger, you need to prepare for this matter in advance!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, his heart suddenly trembled, and he immediately thanked him and said, "Junior, I understand. Thank you for your guidance, ancestor."

The second update is here!

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