Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 386: Replacement of magic weapon, change of situation [Please subscribe]

After Zhou Chun stayed at Su's house for eight days, Su Yuzhen received a message from her aunt from the Moon Lun Cult, asking Zhou Chun to meet her in her cave.

So the two of them set off immediately and rushed to the location of the Moon Lun Sect's mountain gate.

The Lunar Sect's mountain gate is located on an island, but the island is not located in a lake or sea.

The island here is also a wonder of Jingguo.

Originally, there were two large rivers originating from the southern part of the mountain range on the island, flowing northward from the east and west.

I never thought that the place where the two big rivers would eventually merge would be a lake more than 700 miles away in the north of the mountain range.

Therefore, the location of the Lunar Sect's mountain gate was separated from the earth by these two rivers, forming a huge island.

That afternoon, a giant white bird with pure white wings carried a man and a woman across the large river east of Liangjiang Island and flew straight towards the cloud-shrouded mountains ahead.

The giant white bird was hatched from a Yunshui swan egg that Zhou Chun once gave to Su Yuzhen. Under Su Yuzhen's cultivation at all costs, this monster bird has now become a second-level mid-level monster.

And Zhou Chun's Golden-winged Tiger has just been promoted to the second-level mid-level monster!

At this time, the giant white bird carried Taoist couple Zhou Chun and flew to Liangjiang Island where the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate was located, and soon landed at the welcome point under the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate.

"Sir, please wait a moment. I will send a message to my aunt to send someone to pick us up."

Su Yuzhen patted the storage bag on his waist with his jade hand, then took out a child talisman from a mother-in-law communication talisman and ignited it, letting it turn into curls of smoke that lingered around his body, forming a faint aura mark.

This mother-in-law communication talisman is a special talisman of the Su family. Unlike the Thousand Miles Communication Talisman, which can directly bring the words you want to say to the recipient, it is just equivalent to a communication firework.

But one thing that is better than the communication fireworks is that there won't be much movement when it is set off, allowing the person holding the mother talisman to find his or her position at any time.

Therefore, in order to keep it secret, the Su family did not sell this talisman to the outside world. Even in-law families like the Zhou family could not buy it. It was only used by monks within the family.

Zhou Chun and Su Yuzhen waited at the reception point for less than an hour when a female cultivator in a blue dress came from the clouds and landed in front of them.

This female cultivator in blue skirt is only in the late stage of foundation building, and of course she will not be able to soar through the clouds and mist by relying on her own cultivation.

It's just that a flower basket magic weapon in her hand can release white clouds and lift her up to fly, so it looks like a golden elixir stage monk flying through the clouds.

She was obviously very familiar with Su Yuzhen. As soon as she landed, she greeted Su Yuzhen with a smile on her face: "Sister Yuzhen, Master ordered me to pick up you and fellow Taoist Zhou."

"Then there's Sister Laoyang."

Su Yuzhen replied with a smile, and introduced to Zhou Chun: "Husband, this is Sister Yang Junru, she is my aunt's eldest disciple."

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Yang. I'm glad to meet you."

Zhou Chun smiled and nodded, which was regarded as saying hello.

After the ceremony, the Taoist couple flew into the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate under the leadership of Yang Junru.

Zhou Chun had been to the mountain gate of Qinglian Temple many times, but this was the first time he came to the mountain gate of Yuelun Sect.

What he felt was that in addition to having a higher aura concentration than the Qinglian Temple Gate, the density of the cave buildings inside the Yuelun Sect Mountain Gate was also much higher, and there were also a lot more people.

All in all, although they are both members of the three sects of Jingguo, the Yuelun Sect is obviously superior to the Qinglian Sect.

Su Yunzhen's aunt Su Yunniang is a highly regarded core true disciple of Yuelun Sect. She has reached the late stage of Zifu and is planning to form an elixir.

Therefore, he also has a good independent cave inside the Yuelunjiao Mountain Gate.

Zhou Chun and his two men, led by Su Yunniang's eldest disciple Yang Junru, soon arrived outside a valley shrouded in clouds and mist.

Because they knew someone was visiting, as soon as the three of them arrived outside the valley, the clouds and mist in the valley surged, revealing a passage.

After the three people entered along the passage, their eyes suddenly became clear.

I saw that in the valley, which covers an area of ​​about two to three hundred acres, there are fragrant flowers and plants planted everywhere, and many varieties are spiritual flowers that contain spiritual power.

Apparently the owner of this place is a very fond of flowers.

Zhou Chun's eyes swept across the small valley, and soon fell on a beautiful woman wearing a pink dress.

That beautiful woman was not unfamiliar to him. She was the auctioneer sent by the three sects to preside over the auction after the Hundred Clans Conference. She was also the biological sister of Su Yuzhen's mother, Su Yunniang.

Su Yuzhen was naturally very familiar with her aunt. When she saw the beautiful woman, she quickly smiled sweetly at her and said, "Yuzhen has met my aunt."

When Su Yunniang saw this, she glared with beautiful eyes and said with a straight face: "Yuzhen, you girl, you have to think about it, how long has it been since you came to see my aunt? If you are not a lover who wants to ask your aunt for help this time, right? Still don’t plan to come over to see me, auntie?”

"No way, didn't I just come to visit my aunt three years ago?"

Su Yuzhen bowed his head slightly in embarrassment and his voice became much lower.

When Zhou Chun saw this scene, he immediately stepped forward and saluted Su Yunniang and said, "My nephew Zhou Zhengchun, pay your respects to my aunt."

"You're welcome, nephew Zhengchun. Since you have become a Taoist couple with Yuzhen, you are one of our own family, so there is no need to restrict yourself."

Su Yunniang waved her hand, looked at Zhou Chun with a smile and said, "Yuzhen's mother passed away early. Although I am her aunt, I have always treated her as my own daughter. My dear nephew, please don't talk to me." Why am I being polite?"

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun quickly responded: "Yes, my son-in-law understands."

Sure enough, Su Yunniang smiled even happier when she heard that he was called "son-in-law", and she immediately invited the two of them into her residence.

Several people entered the courtyard, and Su Yunniang's eldest disciple Yang Junru immediately took the initiative to make tea and water for the three of them, and served some cakes.

"Come on, Zhengzhun, this is your first time here. Try the Baihua tea and Baihua cake made by your aunt here to see if they suit your taste."

In the room, Su Yuniang waited for her apprentice to bring the tea and cakes, and then she smiled and recommended the food here to Zhou Chun.

The warm and hospitable look was like the mother-in-law entertaining the son-in-law who had just returned home.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun naturally wanted to save face, so he drank several cups of tea and ate several plates of cakes.

Not to mention, Su Yunniang’s Baihua tea and Baihua cake are indeed very good and unique.

After eating tea and cakes like this, Zhou Chun also took out the gifts he had prepared and presented them: "This is my first visit, and my son-in-law didn't prepare any too precious gifts. This jar of spiritual honey and a box of tea pills belong to my family. It’s a specialty product with a unique flavor. Auntie, you can try it when you have time.”

"It's rare that you are serious about it, Zhengchun. My aunt will try it when she is free."

Su Yunniang smiled and nodded, and also collected the gift from Zhou Chun.

After such pleasantries, she got down to business.

"After Yuzhen's message came over a few days ago, my aunt and I helped Zhengchun ask around. It turns out that there are indeed two senior brothers and sisters and an uncle who are willing to replace the magic weapon."

"But I don't dare to vouch for whether they can take a fancy to your magical weapon. I can only take you over to meet them."

Speaking of this, she seemed to be afraid that Zhou Chun would be disappointed, and smiled at Zhou Chun and said, "It doesn't matter even if the replacement fails. Auntie, I also know several masters of weapon refining in Yanyang Sect. As long as you can collect Zhengchun, Materials, or willingness to spend enough spirit coins, and with my aunt’s face, they can help you customize a satisfactory magic weapon!”

After Zhou Chun heard this, he quickly stood up from his seat, bowed deeply to him and said, "Auntie, please bother me. My son-in-law is scared."

"You kid, you told me you don't have to be polite."

Su Yunniang looked at him with some anger, but she was quite happy in her heart.

Next, under the leadership of Su Yunniang, Zhou Chun and she went to visit several Lunar Sect monks who were willing to replace their magic weapons.

In the end, after some selection, Zhou Chun successfully exchanged a third-level high-grade metallic magic weapon [Golden Rainbow Sword] from a Golden Core monk of the Moon Wheel Sect.

This flying sword weapon is a trophy of the Golden Core Stage monk. The sword body is mixed with two ounces of iron essence, so its sharpness and hardness are much stronger than ordinary flying swords of the same level.

In order to exchange for this fine flying sword, Zhou Chun not only handed over the red dragon dagger, a third-level high-grade magic weapon, but also paid three elixirs that were over seven hundred years old.

At the same time, at a late-stage Yuelun Cult Zifu monk, Zhou Chun exchanged another third-level middle-grade magic weapon, the Qingni Bracelet, for a third-order middle-grade defensive magic weapon, the Golden Ring.

Although in the Great Zhou Kingdom, the Qingni Bracelet, a magical weapon, helped Zhou Chun resist the soul-stirring thunder attack of the silver-robed young man Wang Jun, the conflict between this wooden magical weapon and Zhou Chun's magical properties was too serious. , he can only exert less than 80% of its power, which is far less useful than the metallic dry gold circle.

After successfully replacing two suitable magic tools, Zhou Chun did not disturb Su Yunniang any more. He only stayed in her cave for one day and then returned to the Zhou family to sacrifice and refine the magic tools.

As for Su Yuzhen, she stayed at Su Yunniang's place and did not go to Zhou's house with Zhou Chun.

After Zhou Chun returned to the Zhou family, he greeted several elders and began to practice the newly acquired magic weapon in his residence.

A month later, Zhou Chun became familiar with the two newly acquired magical weapons and his strength increased.

It was at this time that the Tianjing Sect and Qinglian Temple, which had been fighting fiercely, experienced new changes.

Perhaps because of too great a loss, or perhaps because of other considerations, all the immortal cultivating families under the Tianjing Sect suddenly closed their mountains collectively, and the clan disciples no longer left the family's mountain gate.

In this way, if you want to attack these families again, you will have no choice but to cut down the mountains and exterminate the clan just like the Zhou family did.

But first of all, it is not easy to cut down mountains and annihilate people. Secondly, it is taboo to cut down mountains and annihilate people on a large scale.

The Zhou family could do this kind of thing to the Jiang family at that time because the Jiang family had repeatedly targeted the Zhou family, and the two sides had developed great hatred, and this incident was also an exception.

But now if we carry out a large-scale extermination of the Immortal Cultivation Family in Lingzhou, it would be a premeditated massacre.

This kind of thing will bring a huge negative reputation.

Another thing is that the immortal cultivating families in various places have in-laws. Many immortal cultivating families in Lingzhou have formed in-law relationships with families in Yunzhou and Lanzhou, and each has its own female cultivators marrying into the other's family.

If they cut down the mountains and exterminate the clan, there is no guarantee that the same clan will kill each other. This is something that a cultivating family would never want to happen.

Therefore, after all the immortal cultivating families in Lingzhou closed their mountains, the families in Lanzhou and Yunzhou also stopped and stopped killing them all.

Qinglian Temple has not given any further instructions for the time being.

The situation suddenly became confusing again.

But no matter what, from the perspective of the Zhou family, Zhou Chun and other senior leaders of the Zhou family still hope that the war will come as late as possible, so that the Zhou family can finally develop for decades.

Therefore, Zhou Chun still likes this change of situation.

"Your Majesty the Patriarch, this junior is already ready. Please ask the Patriarch to give you the Foundation Establishment Pill!"

In the Zhongping Hall, an ordinary-looking young man in green knelt down on his knees facing Zhou Chun, the clan leader, and with a respectful expression he asked him for something that countless monks in the Zhou family's Qi Refining Period had dreamed of.

This ordinary-looking young man in green is none other than Zhou Xinyan, the only high-grade spiritual cultivator among the descendants of the Zhou family.

This child possesses the qualifications of a spiritual root and is supported by various resources of the Zhou family. Now in his thirties, he has successfully cultivated to the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage and can take the Foundation Building Pill to build the foundation.

And with his high-grade spiritual root qualifications, as long as his luck is not too bad, he can basically successfully build the foundation with the help of the foundation-building pill.

Therefore, facing his request, Zhou Chun was not embarrassed. He just nodded lightly and said: "According to the clan rules, clan members with high-grade spiritual root qualifications will be given free gifts by the clan after their cultivation reaches the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage. A Foundation Establishment Pill supports Foundation Establishment. Since you are ready now, Xinyan, I will naturally not be in trouble."

"It's just that the Foundation Establishment Pill is hard-won. I hope you can be truly prepared before taking it. Don't let down the family's expectations of you!"

After saying that, he went to the family secret treasury in person, took out the Foundation Establishment Pill stored there, and handed it over to Zhou Xinyan himself.

"Thank you, clan leader. I will definitely not disappoint the clan and clan leader!"

The young man in green firmly grasped the pill bottle in his hand and made the promise with a smile on his face.

Within a few days, Zhou Xinyan entered the retreat room on the Pagoda Peak and began to retreat and build foundation.

At the same time, taking advantage of the temporary calm in the situation in Jingguo, Zhou Chun also set out for the Caiyu Mountain stronghold in the wilderness and secretly met with Lin Hongyu, who was cultivating there.

"...In short, this is the situation. The price at which the cold jade vein can be sold depends on your own methods, Senior Lin!"

In the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, Zhou Chun told the story of the cold jade veins in the Xueyuan of Yangguo with a calm face, and gave this benefit to Lin Hongyu in vain.

And Lin Hongyu, who got this benefit in vain, was not a stupid person. She quickly realized the hidden meaning of Zhou Chun, and couldn't help but look at him with deep meaning and said: "This gift from fellow Taoist Zhou is a bit heavy. Could it be?" Is there anything you need my help with?"

It was her words that Zhou Chun was waiting for.

He immediately said frankly: "I don't dare to hide it from Senior Lin. After you, Senior Lin, refine the magic weapon of your destiny, I really have something important that I need your help with, Senior Lin!"

After saying that, he revealed his plans for the Millennium Dragon Transformation Grass.

This matter was regarded as his personal matter. Although Lin Hongyu promised to protect the Zhou family, she only helped the Zhou family when the Zhou family encountered trouble.

For example, helping Zhou Chun obtain the Thousand-Year Dragon Transformation Grass was not within the scope of protecting the Zhou family.

Therefore, if Zhou Chun wanted her to take the risk to do this for him, he would definitely have to offer benefits that would impress the other party.

After hearing what he asked for, Lin Hongyu just pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "If you just lure the dragon away and fight with it for a while, I don't have any problem, I agree to this. "

I'm having a hard time with Kawen today, mainly because I don't think well about some details and write very slowly!

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