Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 387 Easy to handle, unexpected gains [Please subscribe]

After receiving Lin Hongyu's assurance, Zhou Chun felt relieved.

To seize the Millennium Dragon Transformation Grass, Lin Hongyu, a golden elixir stage monk, is an indispensable part.

And the risks she takes are not small.

If she is not willing to help, Zhou Chun really has no way to find a replacement now.

While Lin Hongyu went north to Yang Kingdom to find Xue Po Palace to sell the cold jade veins, Zhou Chun took her place and established the Caiyu Mountain stronghold.

A few years have passed, and the Caiyu Mountain stronghold has been established in a good way.

Most of the captured casual cultivators have accepted the reality that they cannot escape and have begun to settle here as the Zhou family expected.

However, what made Zhou Chun feel a little regretful was that the Yuan-Building Fruit that he gave to Xu Fu did not create another Foundation-Building monk. Instead, the user failed to attack the Foundation-Building Fruit and died in the secret room.

In fact, spiritual objects like the Yuan-Building Fruit that assist in foundation building must have their own effects.

But in fact, the real role of these spiritual objects is to give confidence to the monks who build the foundation.

Confidence is very important.

Without the assistance of foundation-building spiritual objects, not many immortal cultivators would be able to muster up the courage to attack the foundation-building, facing the serious consequences of death or injury if the foundation-building fails.

This is even more obvious among those family sect monks.

In fact, most of the casual cultivators who have succeeded in building a foundation in the world of immortality do not take foundation-building pills or auxiliary foundation-building spiritual objects. Their success in building a foundation really relies entirely on their belief and luck that they will succeed if they don't succeed.

Behind every casual cultivator who successfully builds a foundation, there are many invisible losers.

And most of those who lose often end up dead.

Of course, from the perspective of a high-level monk from a cultivating family like Zhou Chun, he definitely didn't want the family monks to risk their lives by attacking the foundation.

After all, it is not easy for the family to cultivate these clan members. How can they be willing to watch many years of investment go down the drain after they have finally grown up to be useful.

For a family, as long as the family's income is stable enough, they can basically obtain Foundation Building Pills stably, ensuring that someone can successfully build a Foundation.

There is no need to kill the goose and lay the eggs for the tribesmen to risk their lives to attack the foundation building level.

If a sixty-year-old monk at the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage does not build a foundation, he will create great wealth for his family in the remaining decades.

Therefore, unless they are dilapidated families that are unable to produce foundation-building monks by normal means, normal cultivating families will never advocate building foundations by themselves, let alone instill this idea in their clansmen.

Zhou Chun didn't even want to instill this idea into the dead men of the Zhou family, lest these family dead men who had finally been cultivated by the family would seek their own death.

On this day, in the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, Zhou Chun, accompanied by Xu Fu, was inspecting the situation of the entire stronghold. Unknowingly, the topic turned to the foundation-building monk with a surname from the Zhou family: "I didn't expect you, Xu Fu, to break through so quickly. In the middle stage of foundation building, it seems that the qualification advantage of this high-grade spiritual root is that it is much stronger than the middle-grade spiritual root."

Xu Fu listened to his praise and replied very humbly: "The clan leader is too complimentary. The subordinates' cultivation has improved so quickly. The main reason is that the family provided a good cultivation environment and gave precious pills to help the subordinates practice." .”

Zhou Chun waved his hand and said: "You are too modest. Among the elders of the Zhou family, no one is worse than you in terms of cultivation environment and resources. Many people are not as busy as Qi, but none of them have improved their cultivation. Can be faster than you."

After finishing speaking, she looked at him with emotion and said, "Speaking of which, Elder Lin Wan'er is still in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, but you, a subordinate she trained back then, have already caught up with her in terms of cultivation!"

When Xu Fu heard this, he hurriedly bowed and said, "My subordinates are frightened and dare not compare with Elder Lin!"

"It doesn't have to be like this. Although you and I are different, I have always treated you as a junior. I have also seen your performance over the years and will keep it in my heart."

Zhou Chun helped the man up with his own hands, then looked at him with a serious face and asked, "If you, like Elder Lin Wan'er, join my Zhou family as an honorary elder, would you be willing?"

It seemed that he didn't expect him to say this. Xu Fu was obviously stunned for a moment after hearing this.

Then he responded with a face full of surprise: "This is an honor for me, how can I not deserve it!"

His tone was slightly trembling, it was excitement.

Indeed, as the leader of the dead soldiers of the Zhou family, being able to become an honorary elder of the Zhou family is definitely a huge improvement in status.

Although the leader of the dead warriors also holds a high position in this wilderness, he is actually still a dead warrior of the family and cannot be put on the stage. Even many monks of the Zhou family may not know that there is such a person as him.

But the honorary elder of the Zhou family must be informed to the whole clan, and all the monks of the Zhou family will know that he is such a famous person.

And when he walked inside the Zhou Family Mountain Gate, all the Zhou Family monks who had cultivated in the Qi Refining Period had to salute him, and even the foundation-building elders could no longer boss him around openly.

As for other benefits, there are many more.

All of this was something Xu Fu had only dared to dream about in his mind before.

Now that his dream has come true, even a person like him who has experienced life and death crises many times and has an extremely tenacious will can't help but beam with joy, and he is so happy that he has nowhere to talk to anyone.

Seeing his happy expression, Zhou Chun couldn't help but smile, as if he was very satisfied with his appearance.

Then he patted his shoulder affectionately and said: "Don't make any noise about this matter for now. When I return to the family, I will do it for you. If you can cultivate a person here to replace you in the future, The successor can return to Lanzhou to serve the family."

"Yes, my subordinates must keep their mouth shut!"

Xu Fu nodded heavily, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

He originally thought that Zhou Chun told him this because the family resolution had been passed.

But he didn't expect that Zhou Chun just had this idea in his mind, and it had not yet become a reality.

This made him feel uneasy.

But this is exactly what Zhou Chun wants.

The most important thing in the way of governing is rewards and punishments.

If you don't reward your merits, it's hard to convince others. If you don't punish your mistakes, it's hard to establish authority.

When it comes to rewarding people, there are many ways to do it.

For small favors, it is best to cash them in immediately so that they can produce the quickest results.

Important rewards should be delayed, so that people can deeply feel the hard-earned rewards while looking forward to them, and cherish the rewards they receive more.

For Xu Fu, being promoted from a domestic servant to an honorary elder of the family is undoubtedly a great reward, and it can be said to be a step to the sky.

Delaying him at this time will only make him work harder and cherish this identity even more in the future.

Zhou Chun also stopped talking and soon stopped mentioning the matter and began to focus on patrolling the stronghold to understand various situations.

In the following months, Zhou Chun sat at the Caiyu Mountain stronghold and concentrated on meditating and cultivating secret techniques.

While he was practicing, spiritual pets such as Mu Mei, Silver-horned Thunder Python, Golden-winged Tiger, Golden-armored Rock Turtle, etc. were all assigned tasks by him to do things.

Mu Mei is mainly responsible for finding elixirs, while the other three spiritual pets serve as thugs, helping Xu Fu, who is traveling with him, to collect elixirs.

According to Zhou Chun's idea, now that these spiritual pets have been cultivated, they should know how to work for themselves to earn cultivation resources.

With the strength of his four spiritual pets, even if they encounter ordinary third-level low-grade monsters, they still have the power to fight, and they are not afraid of anything happening in the wilderness.

In just three months, the four spiritual pets brought back hundreds of elixirs for Zhou Chun, including many precious elixirs that were seven to eight hundred years old.

At the same time, after three months of hard training, Zhou Chun finally mastered the secret technique "Concentric Golden Lock".

After successfully practicing this secret technique, the first target to be tested is a third-level monster in the wilderness.

On top of a lake, Zhou Chun, under the cover of the Silver Lightning Python and Mu Mei, quickly made seals with his hands, and then shouted.

Immediately, a golden spiritual light flew out from his hand, shooting towards a blue-scaled arowana hundreds of feet away like a golden chain.

The blue-scaled arowana was so huge that it had no time to dodge before being hit by the chain.

Then the golden chain ignored the protection of the cyan aura and hard dragon scales on its body, and immediately penetrated into its body.

For an instant, it seemed as if there was an invisible shackle in its body, locking its magic power and making it difficult for it to cast spells freely.

This made it panic, and it immediately swung its tail and swooped down to the lake below, intending to escape back into the lake.

But at this moment, the silver-horned thunder python not far away suddenly hissed, and silver-white thunder and lightning surged from its body, converging towards the foot-long horn above its head.

Immediately after the silver-white lightning flashed, a several-foot-long thunder blade composed purely of silver-white lightning jumped out from the top of the silver-horned thunder python, and instantly landed on the left gill of the blue-scaled dragon fish like a silver lightning. .

Then the skin and flesh burst open, broken scales and broken fish gills flew everywhere, the aroma of barbecue filled the air, and black smoke rose.

This "Thunder Cut" directly opened a huge gap in the left gill of the blue-scaled arowana, and the fish bones inside were clearly visible.

However, although this injury is serious, it is not fatal compared to the strong vitality and recovery power of the blue-scaled arowana.

As long as you return it to the water, it will recover in less than half a year.

Therefore, the Silver Lightning Python's attack was not over in vain.

After breaking through the blue-scaled arowana's defense with its "Tenraikari", which is good at breaking through armor, it quickly swung its tail while the mana of the blue-scaled arowana was still locked, and its figure instantly transformed into a silver-white thunderbolt. Disappeared into the distance.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared under the blue-scaled arowana through "thunder and lightning".

Then it raised its snake head high and used the horn on its head as a spear. The horn was surrounded by thunder and lightning, and it hit the wound of the blue-scaled dragon fish like a lightning spear, knocking half of the snake's head into the blue-scaled dragon. inside the body of the fish.

This blow almost penetrated the blue-scaled arowana's head, and the sharp dragon horns penetrated directly into its brain. The power of thunder and lightning surged above it, directly smashing the blue-scaled arowana's brain into pieces and scorching it.

With such injuries, except for some extremely special types of monsters, it is impossible for most monsters to survive.

Plop! Plop!

As two sounds of falling into the water were heard one after another, the body of the blue-scaled arowana fell into the lake together with the silver lightning python.

It was only then that Zhou Chun took the initiative to disperse the secret technique.

Then he began to collect the corpse of the blue-scaled arowana.

Although this blue-scaled arowana is a third-level low-grade monster, because it possesses the blood of a dragon, its dragon scales have very good defense. The scales can be used to refine third-level low-grade defensive magic weapons.

In addition, fish eyes are also excellent treasures. Taking them after processing has the effect of improving eyesight and can greatly enhance vision.

Others such as fish fins, blood, bones, and fish meat are also rare spiritual objects.

There is also its inner elixir, which is the most precious thing.

The blue-scaled arowana belongs to water, and its inner elixir is aqua blue, about the size of an egg, and exudes a charming brilliance.

Zhou Chun does not plan to sell this item, but plans to ask someone to refine it into a pill when he goes to the Great Zhou Kingdom in the future.

He had seen an elixir called "Dragon Spirit Pill" at an auction in the Great Zhou Kingdom. It was of great help to monks in the Zifu period to improve their magic power. The most important ingredient in refining this elixir was It is the third level dragon bloodline demon elixir.

During the auction, when the auctioneer introduced the elixir, he mentioned the identity of the alchemist by the way. He was a well-known alchemy master in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Masters of casual alchemy like this usually take on alchemy tasks to help others make alchemy. In this way, they can not only obtain free materials and accumulate alchemy experience, but also earn a lot of alchemy remuneration.

At this time, Zhou Chuncai carefully put the demon pill into a jade box for preservation, and then Zhou Chun began to deal with the body of the blue-scaled dragon fish.

He first removed the scales and eyes of the fish, collected the fish blood, and then used the newly obtained Golden Rainbow Sword to scrape off the fish meat and cut off some useless thorn bones, leaving only a spinal keel.

After doing this preliminary process, he put all the loot into the storage bag.

Then he pondered for a moment, then stepped on the white back of the silver lightning python, and asked it to lead him to the bottom of the lake to find the nest of the blue-scaled dragon fish.

Generally speaking, the places where third-level monsters inhabit are not ordinary places, especially monsters like the Blue Scale Arowana with dragon bloodline, which is a place where the phoenix cannot survive without treasure.

Under the leadership of the silver lightning python Baibai, Zhou Chun didn't spend much effort to find the blue-scaled arowana's nest, a cave at the bottom of the lake more than 500 feet deep.

After entering the cave, he soon discovered that there was a vein of water essence jade. He even found dozens of extremely high-quality water essence jade and a magic weapon in the lair of the blue-scaled dragon fish. Level spiritual material Water Essence Jade Mother.

"To be able to produce water essence jade mother, this water essence jade vein must be at least a large vein. This is really a big harvest!"

In the underwater cave, Zhou Chun looked at the water jade mother that was as big as a millstone in his hand, his eyes full of joy.

He originally just wanted to hunt rabbits in the grass to see if he could get some unexpected results in the blue-scaled arowana's nest.

I didn’t expect this harvest to be so great, it was really unexpected!

It's been a lot better today. Let's update first. I'll try to update one chapter tomorrow morning, and then another chapter in the evening!

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