Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 389 The Golden Armored Rock Turtle’s Advancement, Qinglian Temple’s Means [Please subscribe]

After all, Zhou Xinyan practices the equally dangerous "Jiamu Xuan Gong". How far he can go depends on his own destiny.

After the cultivators have established the foundation, the path will almost begin to be fixed.

There are so many immortal cultivators in the Zhou family in the foundation-building period, but there are only a few monks who choose to practice the same technique.

Everyone practices different techniques, and when they encounter some difficulties in practice, most of the time they can only find ways to solve them on their own.

It seemed that he, Zhou Chun, had never practiced the "Jiamu Xuan Gong", and when Zhou Xinyan encountered difficulties in cultivation in the future, he could not give much advice.

This is why after building the foundation, one must be careful in choosing exercises.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye it is another two years.

In the past two years, except for the occasional trip to the wilderness to deliver supplies to the stronghold and visit the Sky Frost Bees, Zhou Chun basically stayed in the family mountain gate to cultivate. Zhou Daoquan took his place and returned to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold to take charge. .

Although his cultivation level could not be improved much in just two years, he was able to train the Golden Armored Rock Turtle to the second level.

The main reason is that half a year ago, a monk from the Zhou family who was in the Qi Refining Stage was exploring the wilderness in Yunzhou and luckily discovered a stalactite cave in which a pool of "Earth Spirit Milk" had condensed.

"Earth Spiritual Milk" is a spiritual object formed by absorbing the essence of earth element from thousands of years of stalactites. It has a very good body tempering effect and is also an important auxiliary material for refining many elixirs.

But for Zhou Chun's golden-armored rock turtle, it was the best spiritual object to improve his cultivation, even better than pills.

If the immortal cultivator uses "Earth Spiritual Milk" to temper the body, he must first remove the turbid and evil spirit in it, and then mix it with other elixirs to avoid being infected by the poison of petrification.

But the Golden Armored Rock Turtle can directly take this thing to improve his cultivation.

Therefore, Zhou Chun directly used 2,000 points of family good deeds to buy all the "Earth Spirit Milk" and fed them all to the Golden Armored Rock Turtle.

Therefore, the golden-armored rock turtle, whose own cultivation level was not far from being promoted to the second-level high-grade monster, easily broke through to the second-level high-grade monster.

As a monster known for its defensive power, and after undergoing mutation, the golden-armored rock turtle was promoted to the second-level high-grade monster, and its defense was strong enough to survive the attack of the early monks of the Purple Mansion.

Even the silver lightning python's white "Tian Lei Qi" can hardly tear its hard turtle shell.

In this way, if he were to fight ordinary early-stage cultivators from the Purple Mansion, Zhou Chun could release it and the Silver Lightning Python as helpers to put pressure on the enemy.

Now Zhou Chun is waiting for news about Lin Hongyu's release from the border, and then he can plot the Millennium Dragon Transformation Grass.

On this day, Zhou Chun was meditating at home as usual, and suddenly heard that an envoy from Qinglian Temple came to announce the decree.

This news surprised him and he hurried to the mountain gate to greet him.

When he arrived outside the mountain gate, Zhou Chun discovered that the monk who came to announce the decree was just a Qinglian Temple foundation-building monk.

This made him secretly relieved.

According to the unwritten rules of the world of immortality, the cultivation level of the monk who announces the decree is closely related to the importance level of the decree he announces.

With the current status of the Zhou family, if the Zhou family really wants to be mobilized to do something important, then at least a monk from the Zifu period will be needed.

However, although he was relieved in his heart, Zhou Chun still welcomed the people to the pagoda peak with a serious expression on his face, and summoned all the elders to welcome the decree.

The decrees in the world of cultivating immortals are usually issued by Golden Core monks. Naturally, there will be no such thing as destiny, and it is impossible for people to kneel down to receive the decrees.

Zhou Chun and others just stood in rows according to their status and arranged their appearance. Then the Qinglian temple monk took out the decree and read it loudly: "The decree of the master of the temple, the Zhou family in Lanzhou has a long inheritance, a prosperous population, and has taken root in Lanzhou." Since the founding of the state, he has set an example for all the families with his contribution in building the state. As a special reward, he will be given a talisman, three inner disciples and ten outer disciples!"

After reading it out, the envoy from Qinglian Temple took the decree in his hand, bowed it to Zhou Chun and said, "Senior Zhou, this junior is only responsible for announcing the decree. You have to go to our sect to receive the relevant rewards in person."

"Zhou understands, thank you for your hard work, fellow Taoist."

Zhou Chun nodded calmly, raised his hand to take the decree from the man, then turned to Zhou Jiarui and said, "Fourth Elder, please take this fellow Taoist to rest, and be sure to treat him well."

After watching Zhou Jiarui lead the people to the guest room to rest, Zhou Chun turned back to look at the elders behind him and found that the expressions on their faces were different. Some were worried, while others were happy.

This made him sigh, knowing exactly what these people were thinking.

Until now, few members of the Zhou family have joined the Qinglian Temple.

This is because the senior officials of the Zhou family, including Zhou Chun, are interested in controlling this matter.

After all, the Zhou family had always been short of people before. How could they want their people to go to Qinglian Temple when their own family didn't have enough manpower.

But things are different now.

Now the number of monks in the Zhou family has exceeded 300. Although the family can afford to support these people, there are still very few people who can have the opportunity to build a foundation within the family.

And now Qinglian Temple is willing to give three inner disciple quotas to the Zhou family, which means that as long as the Zhou family sends people to occupy these three quotas, all three of them will be rewarded with the Foundation Establishment Pill.

This kind of reward that directly gives quotas to inner disciples is also a special treatment given by sects like Qinglian Temple to their Immortal Cultivation families. Generally, only families that have made great achievements can receive it.

So those happy elders naturally thought that some of their juniors could compete for this spot.

But Zhou Chun knew in his heart that the Qinglian Temple suddenly rewarded the Zhou family with these benefits. In addition to the Zhou family's extraordinary performance in the battle to destroy the Jiang family, it was probably also because they were somewhat wary of the Zhou family.

Allowing monks from the Zhou family to join the Qinglian Temple by rewarding disciples can really inspire other families. Secondly, it can also tie the Zhou family and the Qinglian Temple deeper. Thirdly, if there is a conflict between the two sides in the future, these joining Members of the Zhou family of the sect can also play some special roles.

In fact, Zhou Chun, Zhou Mingde and others had already been mentally prepared for this day to come.

It's just that at this juncture, Qinglian Temple suddenly issued such a decree, which is really intriguing.

"Elders, please go back first. I will send the decree to the Supreme Elder for review!"

Even though Zhou Chun had all kinds of thoughts in his mind, his face was also moved. After waving the elders to disperse, he went to the cave on the top of the mountain.

In the cave on the top of the mountain, Zhou Chun handed over the decree of Qinglian Temple to Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi who came over.

After the two of them finished reading, Zhou Mingde sighed softly: "This matter has finally happened!"

"Yeah, even though I knew this day would come, I didn't want it to happen now!"

Zhou Daoyi also sighed with emotion.

After sighing like this, Zhou Mingde looked at Zhou Chun and asked: "The decree of Qinglian Temple has been issued. There is no room for evasion in this matter. Zhengchun, how do you think the family should handle this matter?"

In the past, Qinglian Temple only gave the Zhou family the order to ascend to immortality, or some people hinted that the Zhou family could send people to worship at Qinglian Temple.

Regarding these, the Zhou family can still pretend not to know and keep them sealed for use.

But now, Qinglian Temple directly issued the decree, which was a notification rather than a consultation.

The Zhou family didn't want to be accused of being ignorant of promotion and disobeying orders, so they had no choice but to obey.

Therefore, after listening to Zhou Mingde's inquiry, Zhou Chun immediately replied: "If you want to see it for the younger generation, it is naturally best to choose the three inner disciples from the late Qi refining monks in the family who are expected to hit the foundation building. As for those For the ten outer disciples, let’s choose some of the younger tribesmen with less qualifications to go over!”

"Well, this arrangement is reasonable, but in my opinion, it would be better to arrange for as many female tribe members as possible to come over."

Zhou Mingde nodded slightly and expressed his opinion.

It is not necessary for all female cultivators from cultivating immortal families to marry. There are many female cultivators who are devoted to Taoism and will never marry.

But for a family that cultivates immortals, with the same spiritual root qualifications, male cultivators are definitely more useful than female cultivators.

Not to mention that male cultivators are more efficient in continuing family bloodlines, but male cultivators are generally better than female cultivators in terms of fighting and fighting.

Moreover, when female cultivators are sent to the sect, they don’t have to worry about them spreading their branches outside and establishing a new Zhou family. Secondly, if they form Taoist couples with the monks in the sect, they will bring more people to the family. A person who is available can be said to be one of the best.

Therefore, Zhou Chun was not surprised that Zhou Mingde would propose this.

He actually agreed with this, because for those female cultivators, going to the sect, apart from being separated from their relatives, was better than staying within the family.

At least when they go to the sect, they can not only get the benefits of the sect, but the family must also provide subsidies in order to maintain their emotional bond with the family.

At this time, he quickly nodded in agreement and said: "Junior understands, then we will arrange nine female cultivators and four male cultivators."

"Then let's do it. At that time, Zhengchun, you will personally take people to the Qinglian Temple Gate, and by the way, you can collect the talisman awarded by Qinglian Temple. It will also be considered as an extra protective item for you."

Zhou Mingde waved his hand and made the final decision.

By the time Zhou Chun returned from the cave on the top of the mountain, news about the Qinglian Temple's decree had begun to spread among the monks in the Zhou family's Qi Refining Period.

Many monks in the Qi Refining Stage of the Zhou family who originally thought they had little hope of building a foundation now felt that an opportunity had come. As long as there was no mission, they came to the Pagoda Peak, hoping to make Zhou Chun, the clan leader, see their existence.

They all know in their hearts that the family will definitely not send those with particularly outstanding qualifications to Qinglian Temple, and they would have sent them away long ago.

So this is a once-in-a-century opportunity for them, and they all want to compete for this opportunity.

As for the distribution of the three inner disciples, Zhou Chun was really troubled.

There was no other reason. There were too many qualified monks in the Zhou family, and he couldn't just designate three. That would be difficult to convince everyone.

So I could only say in a deep voice to the tribesmen who were wandering outside: "I already know what you are thinking. Those who are in the late stage of Qi refining and under the age of sixty want to compete for three inner disciples. Anyone who has a quota, come and sign up, I’ll see how many people there are first!”

As soon as the words came out, as many as twenty-three people signed up within half a day, and these were just people in the family's mountain gate.

Zhou Chun was not unfavorable to those family monks who were out on missions or traveling, and also ordered the Intelligence Hall to contact them as much as possible to explain the matter.

After a month of this, the final number of applicants has reached forty-two, including eight who have reached the twelfth level of Qi Refining Stage!

Zhou Chun was not surprised by this situation, but sighed helplessly: "Sure enough, in the face of the temptation of foundation building, even decades of family education and blood ties cannot make people choose to stay. !”

To say that these people who signed up are not loyal to the family is not true.

But to say that they are so loyal that they are willing to give up their own future for the sake of their family, obviously not.

Immortal cultivators are selfish. Blood and family ties can only bind them when there is little hope.

Once they are given hope that they can touch, not many of them can give up the opportunity to move up because of blood ties.

Zhou Chun asked himself, if one day he was trapped in the late Zifu for hundreds of years, there would be no hope of forming a pill.

Suddenly, a certain sect is willing to provide him with a set of spiritual objects that can assist in forming pills, so that he can join in. However, he may not necessarily stay for the sake of the Zhou family.

After all, the Zhou family would not be able to survive without him.

And if he didn’t have that set of auxiliary pill-forming spiritual objects, he might really have no hope of forming pills for the rest of his life!

Those Zhou family monks who signed up now all have this idea.

Moreover, in the minds of many people, even if they join the sect, they can still help the family.

You may even be thinking that if you succeed in building the foundation in Qinglian Temple and become a monk in the foundation building stage of Qinglian Temple, you can help the Zhou family better.

Under this psychological influence, they will not have any entanglements in signing up.

"Well, in order to convince them all, let's decide the outcome through a battle of wits!"

Zhou Chun's eyes flickered, and after some hesitation, he decided to use the most commonly used method in the world of immortality to decide on candidates.

In addition, methods such as drawing lots to capture the week can easily make people feel that there is a shady secret and easily lead to dissatisfaction.

Of course, there must be secret operations in the fighting. At least Zhou Chun, following the principle of more women than men, has decided to subsidize treasures for several female tribesmen who signed up.

After deciding on the method, Zhou Chun didn't hesitate and immediately called people together and announced his decision.

Two days later, on the arena that the Zhou family often used for martial arts competitions, Zhou Chun personally presided over the martial arts competition.

"This time, the three places will be determined through a martial arts competition. Except for the use of secret techniques that damage one's own vitality, there are no restrictions on the other methods available. I will personally host the competition, so you can rest assured to show off what you have learned!"

On the ring, Zhou Chun looked at the dozens of registered monks with a calm face, announced the rules, and then let these people go on stage to compete one by one according to the draw of lots.

The patriarch personally presided over it, which really relieved the anxiety of those Zhou family monks who signed up. Soon one by one, the Zhou family monks came on stage and tried their best to compete for this hard-won opportunity to build the foundation.

Then during the battle, some monks from the Zhou family found out to their dismay that several female members of the same clan who had not performed particularly well in the past had become rich women today. The money offensive defeated them.

According to their inquiries afterwards, these female nuns from the family who suddenly became rich women all obtained the talismans by promising to marry a disciple of the Qinglian Temple in the foundation-building stage, and then borrowed money from the clan leader to buy the talismans.

Regarding this kind of thing, the defeated Zhou family monks, although they complained in their hearts that the patriarch Zhou Chun was partial, they could only hate that they were not female cultivators and could not marry.

After all, it is much easier for a female cultivator in the Foundation Establishment stage to marry a male cultivator in the Foundation Establishment stage than for a male cultivator in the Foundation Establishment stage to marry a female cultivator in the Foundation Establishment stage.

The final result of the martial arts competition ended with two female cultivators and one male cultivator taking the top three places.

First update, there are still three and a half hours left, let’s see if we can repeat yesterday’s miracle!

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