Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 390 Qing Weizi’s temptation, Zhou Daoyi’s ambition [Please subscribe]

Zhou Xinlan, Zhou Xinhe, and Zhou Xinjian, these three monks of the "heart" generation, are the ones who the Zhou family decided to send to Qinglian Temple to become inner disciples.

All three of them have middle-grade spiritual root qualifications. Except for Zhou Xinhe, who only has the eleventh level of Qi Refining Stage, the other two are all at the Twelfth Level of Qi Refining Stage.

After the three of them enter the Qinglian Temple, there should be one foundation-building monk guaranteed. If they are not too lucky, there will be two.

As for all three of them successfully building the foundation, Zhou Chun didn't dare to think about that kind of thing.

After the three people's quota was determined, he dismissed the others and took the three people back to Zhongping Hall.

In the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Chun looked at the three of them with deep eyes and said slowly: "You three are already quite old, and you must be aware of the relationship between your family and the sect."

"The sect has its own rules. After you join the Qinglian Temple, you must abide by the sect's rules. You must not violate the sect's rules and bring disaster to yourself and even your family."

"Of course, although you have joined the Qinglian Temple, your surname is Zhou after all. If the family needs your help in the future, I hope you can contribute to the family within your ability!"

Hearing his words, the expressions of the three people who were originally in a state of excitement because of winning suddenly changed slightly.

Then the three of them looked at each other and immediately replied respectfully: "Yes, the younger generation must obey the patriarch's teachings and never forget the cultivation of the family!"

However, they all still know in their hearts that they have not joined the Qinglian Temple and have not succeeded in establishing the foundation, so they dare not show any slight to Zhou Chun, the clan leader.

As for the future, when the three of them successfully build the foundation and have lived in Qinglian Temple for a long time, whether they will still be as respectful as they are today will only be tested by time.

Zhou Chun also stopped talking and didn't emphasize too much.

He knew in his heart that the three of them were no longer just young people, and their thoughts and views were already mature. If he talked too much, he would be easily annoying, and going too far would be worse than enough.

Compared with these three inner disciples, the remaining ten outer disciples can be easily arranged.

The treatment of the ordinary outer disciples of Qinglian Temple is not as good as that of the current Zhou family monks, so they are not the favorites that everyone wants to compete for.

Zhou Chun directly selected seven girls and three boys from the young tribesmen with the least qualifications.

The youngest of these children is only seven years old, and the oldest is only thirteen years old.

They are the real "sincerity" of the Zhou family.

Younger disciples like this are what sects like Qinglian Temple like, because they haven't spent much time in the family, so the brand of the family will be very shallow.

But with the qualifications of these people's low-grade spiritual roots, if Qinglian Temple wants to use them in the future, it will really have to spend a lot of money.

After all the personnel were selected, Zhou Chun personally took thirteen people riding silver lightning pythons and flew to Qinglian Mountain Gate in vain.

The journey was uneventful. After arriving at the reception outside the Qinglian Guanshan Gate, Zhou Chun was allowed to go directly to the main peak of the Qinglian Guanshan Gate to pay homage to Qingweizi, the master of the temple, because he had the decree in his hand.

Arriving outside the master's hall of the main peak, Zhou Chun ordered the silver lightning python to drop down in vain, put down the thirteen Zhou family descendants, then put away his spiritual pets, bowed towards the master's hall with a respectful expression and said: "Senior and junior, master of the temple. Zhou Zhengchun, the head of the Zhou family in Lanzhou, came here to pay his respects."

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, there is no need to be polite. Please come in and talk."

A melodious voice floated out from the palace, and the closed palace door opened.

"Junior, I obey."

Zhou Chun responded and then told the juniors: "You can wait here with peace of mind. I will go and see the senior Guanzhu first before making arrangements!"

Then he strode into the main hall in front.

In the main hall, Qingweizi was still sitting cross-legged on the couch as she had been when they met in the past.

Zhou Chun felt that the other party's cultivation seemed to be better than before, but he did not dare to ask more questions.

After just bowing as usual, he said respectfully: "Senior, master of the temple, I have brought thirteen juniors who are willing to worship in your temple. Please give me your permission."

"Easy to say, I have always trusted Daoist Fellow Zhou's ability to do things. Now that Fellow Daoist Zhou has brought people here, they will become our disciples from now on, and we will definitely not treat them badly."

Qingweizi smiled slightly and her tone was very kind.

For those who didn't know, they thought Zhou Chun had such a good relationship with him.

After giving instructions to Zhou Chun, he changed the topic and suddenly looked at Zhou Chun and asked: "Is that demon python just now the spiritual pet of fellow Taoist Zhou? I see that its dragon horns have grown and it has turned into a dragon. His appearance is really enviable!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, his heart suddenly trembled, and he replied with a wry smile: "Senior Guanzhu has high regard for this junior. How can it be so easy for a python to transform into a dragon? Junior now has no way to even make it break through to the third level. !”

When Qingweizi heard his answer, she looked at him with deep meaning and smiled lightly: "Young Daoist Zhou are being humble. Since your Zhou family has the means to trade with the foreign tribes of Long Yuan Ze and Scale Frog, you must have the ability to find them." As long as you find the Millennium Dragon Transformation Grass in the dragon's lair, with your background as a monster python, you will definitely have a great chance to transform into a dragon and advance to the third level!"

These words just revealed Zhou Chun's plan.

If Zhou Chun hadn't only told a few core executives of the Zhou family about this matter, he would have almost doubted whether Qingweizi had planted a spy around him.

So much so that after hearing Qingweizi's words, he looked startled and was stunned for a moment.

Then he said with a wry smile: "Senior has a keen eye, but this junior has indeed had this idea. However, the dragon's nest that can breed the millennium dragon grass is at least the kind of lair where the fourth-level dragon has been operating for thousands of years. With the junior and the Zhou family With that kind of strength, if you really dare to be greedy and plot against the other party, I'm afraid everything will be gone forever!"

Unexpectedly, even if he said this, Qingweizi still didn't seem to want to end the topic, and immediately "kindly" mentioned: "This is not impossible. As far as I know, your Taoist companion, Zhou Daoyou, is very popular." Fellow Daoist Su is very important to you, if you can ask Fellow Daoist Su to help, with his ability, he should still have a chance to help you lure away the dragon, so that you can get what you want!"

Good guy, after Zhou Chun heard Qingweizi's words, he immediately knew that the other party had probably conducted an in-depth investigation into both himself and the Zhou family.

He really didn't know whether to feel honored or to lament the other party's caution.

But at this time, he could only continue to smile bitterly and said: "Senior Guanzhu is joking. Although Old Ancestor Su loves his junior Taoist companion Yu Zhen, he is the pillar of the Su family. How could he do it for a beastly opportunity?" This junior has never dared to think of putting himself in danger!"

"That's true. Family monks like Su Daoyou can't help themselves sometimes!"

Qingweizi nodded, seeming to agree with Zhou Chun's statement. After sighing, she stopped worrying about the Silver Lightning Thunder Python turning into a dragon.

This made Zhou Chun feel relieved.

He didn't know why Qingweizi was so concerned about this matter today, but he really didn't want the other party to pay attention to him at all.

At this time, he even regretted why he used the silver lightning python to carry people in vain, why not replace it with a golden-winged tiger or a golden-armored rock turtle.

That way you can avoid what happened just now.

"It seems that I have been a little too successful in recent years and gradually forgot to keep a low profile!"

Zhou Chun secretly warned in his heart and decided to keep a low profile in the future, and could no longer ride the silver lightning python in front of those high-level monks.

After Qingweizi ended the topic of silver lightning and thunder python turning into dragon, she stopped embarrassing Zhou Chun. Dangjie raised her hand and took out a golden talisman.

On the light golden talisman paper, a golden bowl pattern is lifelike and contains powerful power.

Qingweizi held the talisman in her hand and said in a low tone: "This golden bowl talisman was made by a middle-stage Jindan monk from our sect who extracted the source of the natal magic weapon before his death two hundred years ago. It has both offensive and defensive capabilities. , give it to fellow Taoist Zhou to defend himself!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and handed the talisman to Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun stretched out his hand to catch the talisman, and felt the powerful aura of the talisman contained in it with his tentacles. He immediately felt happy and quickly took out a jade box to put it away.

Then he bowed to Qingweizi with a grateful face and said, "On behalf of the Zhou family, I would like to thank the Master for the generous reward."

Qingweizi waved her hand and cast a soft spell to lift him up and said: "There is no need to be so polite. There will be many places where the Zhou family will need help in the future. I hope the Zhou family can be as dedicated as before." This sect never hesitates to reward those who have made meritorious deeds!"

Zhou Chun stood up and responded firmly: "Senior Guanzhu, please rest assured that this junior and the Zhou family will unswervingly follow the Shangzong and do their best to serve the Shangzong!"

"Great kindness!"

Qingweizi smiled while stroking her hands, very satisfied with Zhou Chun's attitude.

Next, Zhou Chun gave another lecture to the thirteen Zhou family descendants, and asked them to ask someone to pass a message to the family after settling in, and then returned to the family alone.

From now on, these thirteen people are the disciples of Qinglian Temple, and they must keep an appropriate distance from the Zhou family.

On the way back to his family, Zhou Chun remembered the previous question and answer with Qingweizi, and couldn't help but feel worried in his heart.

Intuition told him that Qingweizi did not want to see the silver lightning python turn into a dragon successfully.

"Even if Bai Bai succeeds in transforming into a dragon, it will only be a third-order dragon. Qingweizi is a dignified golden elixir-stage monk, and Qinglian Temple is also a major sect. Is there any need to be afraid of a third-order dragon?"

“Is this Qinglian Temple’s capacity to accommodate only this small amount of people?”

Zhou Chun was a little irritable and had been confused by Qingweizi's attitude.

If his intuition is correct, then once Bai Bai succeeds in transforming into a dragon, it will be a disaster rather than a blessing for the Zhou family!

But Bai Bai turning into a dragon has always been his dream, and it is also Bai Bai's own dream.

They can't let their master and servant give up their dreams just because of Qingweizi's words or his intuitive guess!

On the back of the golden-winged tiger, Zhou Chun shook his head vigorously, as if to get rid of those irritable emotions.

I saw him let out a long breath and said: "Huh, never mind, there is no discussion on the matter of Bai Bai turning into a dragon, and we must not stop eating because of choking!"

"At worst, after the dragon is successfully transformed, we can just let Bai Bai hibernate first and not let Qinglian Temple know about it!"

At this time, Zhou Chun couldn't help but think of the famous saying of a certain celebrity in the previous life: We must do a good job if the enemy doesn't let us do it!

Qingweizi didn't want to see Bai Bai turn into a dragon, he wanted to make Bai Bai turn into a dragon successfully!

Not only did he want Bai Bai to transform into a dragon successfully, he also wanted to train Bai Bai into a fourth-level dragon!

By that time, Master Qingxiao of Qinglian Temple should have passed away long ago. Let’s see what else he can do in Qinglian Temple. How about the Zhou family who has a fourth-level dragon and a golden elixir-level monk!

Holding this breath, Zhou Chun quickly returned to the Zhou family, then told Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi about his trip to Qinglian Temple, and showed the "Golden Light Bowl" talisman to them.

After listening to him talk about Qingweizi's unusual concern for the Silver Lightning Python turning into an albino dragon, as well as his own thoughts, Zhou Mingde immediately expressed his support: "Zhengchun, you are right, we don't need to He stopped eating because of choking, and because of his fear of Qingweizi and Qinglian Temple, he tied his hands and feet to prevent Baibai from turning into a dragon."

"As long as Bai Bai succeeds in transforming into a dragon, our Zhou family will have two third-level dragons. With these two dragons in hand, we can have a place to stay wherever we go. There is no need to look at his Qing Lian Guan's face!"

In the Zhou family, Zhou Mingde has never been a person who is afraid of getting into trouble. On the contrary, he is more adventurous than Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoyi.

As long as it can improve the Zhou family's strength, he will dare to take risks.

He had insisted on keeping Lin Hongyu in the first place.

Zhou Chun also understood this, so he said it so openly.

And Zhou Daoyi was naturally very supportive of his idea.

He directly followed up and said: "Qinglian Temple is also going downhill now. When Master Qingxiao leaves, if they don't have new Nascent Soul Stage monks, they will have to huddle in Lianzhou from now on."

"Let's be patient for now and see the outcome of their fight with the Tianjing Sect. If it doesn't work out then, let Hongyu change his face and identity, and form a life-and-death alliance with the Li family and the You family again, and then the ancestors of the Su family As a foreign aid, I might as well take over Lanzhou to compete with them!"

Listening to the heroic words of these two elders, Zhou Chun felt a little ashamed inside.

I feel that compared to the two elders, I am still a little less courageous. It seems that the youngest me is more timid and fearful.

He couldn't help but be inspired by the heroic words of the two elders for a moment, and said with excitement: "Thank you to the two elders for your support. I would like to thank the two elders in advance!"

After saying that, he bowed deeply to the two of them.

Next, in order to appease those members of the Zhou family who were agitated about the number of inner disciples of Qinglian Temple, Zhou Chun also took out two Yuan-Building Fruits and put them on the treasure house exchange list, letting these people know that even if they stay in Within the family, there is also a chance to obtain foundation-building spiritual objects to build a foundation.

Half a year later, the news that Lin Hongyu had successfully escaped from confinement also came back from the wilderness.

After learning the news, several Zifu monks from the Zhou family went to the wilderness together, hoping to see the power of the natal magic weapon of the Golden Core monks up close.

The second update is here, go take a shower! ! !

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