Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 391 The Power of the Magic Weapon [Flaming Dragon Ring] [Please subscribe]

Caiyu Mountain stronghold.

Zhou Mingde, Zhou Daoyi, and Zhou Chun, three monks from the Purple Mansion of the Zhou family, came here together. Together with Zhou Daoquan, who was already in charge here, the four of them were invited into their cave by Lin Hongyu.

Inside the cave, Lin Hongyu was wearing a long red palace dress. Although her face looked a little haggard and tired, everyone could see the joy.

She also knew the purpose of several Zhou family's purple mansion monks gathering here, and she didn't mind showing off the natal magic weapon she had just successfully refined.

But seeing her mouth open slightly, a red fire flew out of her mouth and fell into her raised hand, revealing a strangely shaped fiery red ring magic weapon.

This ring magic weapon has two inner and outer rings. The outer ring has a curled blade, and the inner ring is a normal ring. The ring is engraved with dragon scale-like patterns.

"This object is the natal magic weapon [Flaming Dragon Ring] that I refined according to the instructions on the cultivation method. It is made from the flame core iron produced in the earth fire magma as the main material, and is blended with iron essence, Copper essence is two things that enhance the power of magic weapons. They can compete with sword-like magic weapons and can also surround and protect the whole body."

"Furthermore, under my urging, this treasure can release the Flame Dragon True Fire that burns mountains and boils seas. Even ordinary Golden Core Stage monks will be seriously injured if they are exposed to this fire."

When Lin Hongyu said this, she couldn't help but said proudly: "With this treasure in hand, I will have the confidence to fight even a dragon of the same level!"

She is also really lucky. When refining the natal magic weapon, she can add precious spiritual objects such as iron essence and copper essence to enhance the power of the magic weapon.

Generally speaking, monks in the Golden Core stage do not have enough knowledge, so they reluctantly collect the spiritual materials of their natal magic weapon to refine the magic weapon first, and then slowly accumulate money to seek such spiritual objects to enhance the power of the magic weapon.

In this way, the power of the natal magic weapon they just refined is actually relatively ordinary.

After listening to her words, Zhou Mingde was not polite at all and asked directly: "Fellow Daoist Lin, can you let me see the power of this treasure?"

"Of course, I'll go find a place outside and give it a try!"

Lin Hongyu smiled softly, immediately put away the magic weapon, and left the Caiyu Mountain stronghold with several Zhou family Zifu monks.

After flying hundreds of miles from the stronghold, the group arrived at a mountain range.

Then Lin Hongyu pointed at a certain mountain peak below and said, "Let's use that mountain peak as a target!"

Zhou Chun looked in the direction she pointed and saw that the mountain she pointed to was four to five hundred feet high from the foot of the mountain to the top. It would be twenty or thirty miles to go around the mountain.

If he were to take action on such a majestic mountain, he would probably only be able to flatten the top of the mountain with all his strength and cut cracks deep into the mountain.

It is unrealistic to destroy this mountain.

But Lin Hongyu just sacrificed her natal magic weapon [Fire Dragon Ring] at this time, causing it to enlarge and turn into a giant fire ring with a diameter of dozens of feet, suspended above the mountain.


He heard Lin Hongyu shouting and pinching the magic formula in his hand.

The fire on the giant fire ring was blazing, vaguely forming a lifelike flame dragon.

Then with Lin Hongyu's finger, the flame dragon swooped down and hit the mountain below.


The roar of landslides and ground cracks resounded through the wilderness. Countless beasts, wolves, and pigs fled in all directions on the earth. Thousands of birds flew in the sky.

And from the center of the landslide, countless smoke and dust billowed up, covering the sky for dozens of miles nearby.

Burned by the blazing Flame Dragon True Fire, the rocks and soil were burned into magma, flowing downwards.

The high temperature that spread first has directly scorched the nearby vegetation into charcoal, and even the rocks have burst under the high temperature.

Only visible to the naked eye, the mountain peaks that were hundreds of feet high are now less than a hundred feet high. All living things on the mountain, including birds, beasts, insects, snakes, flowers, plants and trees, have all been transformed under the true fire of the Yanlong. Fly ashes.

Such a scene really left Zhou Chun and others dumbfounded and shocked.

It must be said that they are not ignorant people. During the Southern Expedition, they also saw the battle between the Golden Core Stage monks.

But because during the battle between the Golden Core Stage monks, each other's powers canceled each other out, and because most of the battlefields were high in the sky, the visual impact was far less shocking than when Lin Hongyu destroyed the mountain with one strike.

At this time, looking at the shocked expressions of several people, Lin Hongyu smiled faintly and was not surprised by this.

The further you go on the road to immortality, the greater the strength gap between each realm will be.

And this turning point is in the Golden Elixir stage.

This is because only Golden Core Stage monks can wield magic weapons, and the power of magic weapons exerted in the hands of Golden Core Stage monks is more than ten times more powerful than the third-level magic weapons wielded by Zifu Stage monks.

A Golden Core monk with a magic weapon in hand can easily kill a Zifu monk. This is a qualitative difference!

Of course, magic weapons also have different powers.

For example, Lin Hongyu's [Flame Dragon Ring] magic weapon is extremely high-end, both in terms of the materials used in its refining and the refining method, so its power is unmatched by ordinary magic weapons.

It is precisely because the magic weapon is so powerful that after every cultivator forms a golden elixir, the first thing he needs to do is to refine his own magic weapon.

There is a huge difference in strength between the Golden Core Stage monks who do not have a life magic weapon and the Golden Core Stage monks who have a life magic weapon.

Lin Hongyu did not have a natal magic weapon before. Although she had formed a golden elixir, she still lacked some sense of security.

But now that she has her magic weapon in hand, she has gained the confidence that she can go anywhere in the world.

Confidence comes from strength, which is an eternal truth.

At that moment, Lin Hongyu raised her hand, and a ray of fire flew out of the smoke and dust in the sky, fell into her hand and turned into a big ring of slaps.

Who would have thought that it was just this palm-sized ring that had not seen it with their own eyes, destroying a mountain hundreds of feet high with one blow!

Lin Hongyu turned her hand, and the big ring of the palm automatically turned into a beam of fire and sank into her body.

This is the mystery of the magic weapon. It no longer needs to be carried in a storage bag. It can be stored in the Dantian of the body at will, so that it can be sent and received from the heart in a true sense!

After she put away the magic weapon, she whispered: "The movement just now was a bit loud. Put out the fire first, and then leave this place!"

Hearing his words, the four people in the Zhou family seemed to wake up from a dream. Not only did they look at each other, they also saw the shock and joy in each other's eyes.

The strength shown by Lin Hongyu is certainly shocking, but it is even more gratifying to think that she is now the guardian of the Zhou family.

As the junior with the lowest seniority present, Zhou Chun immediately said: "What the seniors said is true, let the juniors do the work of putting out the fire!"

Then he flew forward, pinched his hand and cast a spell to spread the rain.

He does not have the qualifications for water attribute spiritual roots, but with his cultivation at the Zifu stage, it is not difficult to perform some rain-making techniques.

When Lin Hongyu took back the magic weapon, she had already taken back the power of the Yanlong True Fire. It was not difficult to put out the mountain fire with rainwater.

In just two quarters of an hour, he put out the mountain fire and prevented a disaster from happening.

After confirming that the mountain fire was completely extinguished, the group returned to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold.

An hour later, a giant black bird with a wingspan of several feet flew from a distance, circled and flew around the ruins of the mountain for a few times, and then left the place with awe in its eyes.

Naturally, Lin Hongyu didn't just choose a random place to try out her moves. This area had been explored by the Zhou family for a long time, and there were no fourth-level monsters in the vicinity for five to six hundred miles.

In this way, she can test the power of the magic weapon, and no matter how loud the movement is, it will not attract the fourth-level monsters.

Even if the third-level monsters came to the scene to check, they could not find anything. It was impossible to tell whether the traces on the ground were left by the immortal cultivators or the fourth-level monsters.

On the other side, after several members of the Zhou family returned to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, everyone first praised and congratulated Lin Hongyu.

Then Zhou Chun looked at Lin Hongyu expectantly and asked, "Senior Lin is now done. I wonder when he can help this junior capture the Millennium Dragon Transformation Grass?"

Facing his inquiry, Lin Hongyu thought about it in her mind and quickly replied: "This retreat to refine the magic weapon consumes a lot of my energy, and I also need some time to become familiar with the power of the magic weapon. , after practicing a life-saving escape technique, it may take three to five years before I can help Zhengchun do this for you!"

Will it take another three to five years?

Zhou Chun felt a little disappointed, but he also understood that what Lin Hongyu said made sense.

After all, she has the important task of luring the dragon away. If the dragon is too strong and she is defeated, she must have a life-saving escape technique to escape from the battlefield.

So he didn't say anything more, just nodded and said: "It should, it should, juniors can still afford to wait for three to five years."

Lin Hongyu seemed a little sorry after hearing what he said. After thinking about it, she looked at him and said: "This time I was able to refine the magic weapon of my life. You are the most responsible, Zhengchun. It just so happens that I have the magic weapon of my life now. Those magic weapons were of no use anymore, so I gave them to you for disposal!"

As he spoke, he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out two exquisite third-level high-grade magic weapons and handed them to Zhou Chun.

She was originally a highly valued protector of the Red Dragon Hall of the Hualong Sect, and all her magical weapons were of high quality.

But in order to purchase auxiliary pill-forming spiritual objects, she had already sold several magic weapons at a discount, and there were not many magic weapons left on her body.

Now, in addition to keeping one self-defense magic weapon, the two magic weapons she took out were all her magic weapons.

Just these two magic weapons can fetch hundreds of thousands of spiritual coins if they are put up for auction.


Zhou Chun looked at the magic weapon handed over by Lin Hongyu and couldn't help but hesitate, and did not accept it immediately.

According to his own idea, he would exchange information about the cold jade veins for Lin Hongyu to help him seize the Millennium Dragon Transformation Grass, and that would be enough.

"Since the ruby ​​has been given to you, Zhengchun, don't be polite. Just treat it as a gift given to you by your elders."

Seeing Zhou Chun's hesitation, Zhou Daoyi easily understood his thoughts and couldn't help but offer words of advice.

Lin Hongyu also said: "My husband is right. I am also your elder, Zhengchun. It is normal to give you a few magic weapons. Don't you regard me as your elder in your heart?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Chun couldn't refuse anymore.

He could only accept the magic weapon and thank him repeatedly: "You're welcome, junior. Thank you very much for the gift of the treasure."

According to seniority, Zhou Chun, who belongs to the "zheng" generation, really has to call Zhou Daoyi grandpa.

So it’s not wrong to call Grandma Lin Hongyu.

And his words of "Grandma" also made Lin Hongyu smile and cheer continuously.

Next, the group did not stop at Caiyu Valley and quickly returned to Jiufeng Ridge.

However, when Zhou Chun returned, he informed him that the family had agreed to promote Xu Fu to the rank of honorary elder, but it would not be officially announced to the entire family until he returned to Lanzhou.

Xu Fu was naturally very happy about this result, and kowtowed to Zhou Chun on the spot to show his loyalty.

On the other side, Zhou Chun, who returned to his family, also inspected the two magic weapons given to him by Lin Hongyu in his residence.

One of these two magic weapons was very familiar to him. It was the crimson decapitation knife magic weapon used by Lin Hongyu when he first saw him.

This magical weapon was extremely sharp. Lin Hongyu even used it to cut off the green dragon's body with one blow.

Moreover, this magic weapon was tailor-made for monks of the Dragon Transformation Sect, and it is very suitable for use as a melee magic weapon after using the "Secret of Dragon Transformation".

Zhou Chun can sacrifice it to improve his combat effectiveness after using the "Secret of Dragon Transformation".

As for the other magical weapon given by Lin Hongyu, it was a dragon scale token, which was refined using the fourth-level red fire dragon scales, which could activate the dragon's fire to attack the enemy.

Although the dragon fire triggered by this dragon scale token is not as powerful as the demonic fire spewed by the real fourth-order red fire dragon, it is still extremely lethal to the monks of the Purple Mansion Stage.

Because the power of this object comes from the dragon's fire attached to the magic weapon itself, even though it is a fire magic weapon, Zhou Chun can exert its full power when using it. It is a very good magic weapon.

With these two magical artifacts as supplements, Zhou Chun's shortcomings in the magical artifacts have almost been filled.

Not long after this, Zhou Chunyi also had an opportunity to show off his skills.

It turns out that on this day, Qinglian Temple finally launched an operation against the various immortal cultivating families in Lingzhou who chose to retreat.

The decree from Qinglian Temple was sent directly to the Zhou family, requiring the Zhou family to send two monks of the Zifu period and three monks of the Foundation period to go to Lingzhou to participate in the crusade against the rebellious immortal cultivating family.

Yes, Qinglian Temple still did not directly attack the Tianjing Sect's mountain gate or branch this time. It still only cut off the immortal cultivating families under Tianjing Sect.

It seems that they plan to use this method to force Tianjing Sect to end directly.

Naturally, the ones who took action this time were still immortal cultivating families like the Zhou family, but they were more organized than before.

After the Zhou family received the decree, several senior officials discussed it briefly and asked Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun to take the three foundation-building monks Zhou Jiapeng, Zhou Zhengyong, and Zhou Xintie to the border of Lingzhou to gather.

It was also a coincidence that when the five members of the Zhou family arrived at the place notified by Qinglian Temple, they discovered that there were many acquaintances among the monks gathered here.

The foundation-building monks from the Wang family in Hongyao Valley, the He family in Qingzhushan, and the Sun family in Jinfengling were all assigned to the same team as the Zhou family. Among the other foundation-building monks who came over, Zhou Chun also saw a lot of people who had no relationship with the Zhou family. shallow family.

Obviously, this was arranged intentionally by Qinglian Temple.

The leader of their team is the Zhou family.

Just one update today!

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