Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 393: Guess, destroy the family【Please subscribe】

Inside Tianjingmen Mountain Gate.

Yu Jinghua suddenly felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart.

If things are really as he guessed, then is he, the deputy leader, also a chess piece that can be abandoned at any time?

"No, I have to figure this out clearly, otherwise I won't be able to figure it out until I die!"

He clenched his fists and immediately set off to the location of Tianjing Zhenren's cave.

"Old Ancestor Mingjian, now there are fires in all directions. The gates of all the major immortal cultivating clans in Lingzhou are under siege by the families under Qinglian Guan. Family members will be destroyed within a short time. All families are eagerly waiting for their own troops to send troops to rescue them."

"In my junior opinion, if our sect does not send troops to rescue us at this time, we will lose all the people's hearts. Even if we can accomplish great things in the future, it will be difficult to gather people's hearts!"

Outside the formation of white mist, Yu Jinghua faced the white mist area in front and bowed, expounding his views.

This is also his temptation.

But after his words came out, there was no reply for a long time.

But this time, Yu Jinghua seemed determined not to leave until he got a reply, and kept standing there waiting.

After a full hour passed like this, a strong and deep voice rang in his ears.

"There is no need to worry, people's hearts are fickle. As long as we finally achieve great things, people's hearts will turn towards us. Thousands of years later, no one will remember what happened now!"

"If Fellow Daoist Yu is tired of those distress calls, just stop accepting them and just guard our mountain gate!"

After just two sentences, there was no sound again.

It was these two short sentences that made Yu Jinghua confirm his guess.

There was a turmoil in his heart, but he responded with a calm and respectful expression on his face: "Junior understands, thank you ancestor for your guidance."

Then he turned around and left this place.

When he returned to the master's hall, Yu Jinghua ordered not to report any more battlefield news to him, but only to make statistics.

Then he sat cross-legged on the couch, his face changing as he fell into deep thought.

"It seems that I really guessed it right. Master Tianjing deliberately used Qinglian Temple to eliminate those cultivating families that have been in Lingzhou for hundreds of years, so as to pave the way for cultivating direct vassal families in the future."

"But there are only so many useful monks in his Tianjing Sect right now. It's impossible to release them all to spread their branches and establish families."

"And even if we establish a family and take over those Lingshan blessed lands, we won't be able to recruit so many people to maintain the family's operations."

"Or is it that those Lingshan Blessed Lands are not actually prepared for disciples like the Tianjing Sect?"

Thinking of this, Yu Jinghua's eyes suddenly widened, as if he thought of something extremely surprising, his eyes widened and his mouth widened.

"Could it be that the real person has another group of troops hidden outside Lingzhou?"

He exclaimed in his heart, and his expression changed drastically.

If this is the case, his previous speculations will have a suitable reason.

Since there are people loyal to him hidden elsewhere, there is certainly no need to care about their life or death for these grassroots families in Lingzhou.

Just in time to borrow Qinglianguan's sword to harvest them, so that his direct descendants can settle in.

Moreover, when they fight back against Qinglian Temple in the future, these slaughtered families can also be used as an excuse to attack Qinglian Temple.

"If there is really another group of people hiding, will there be a Golden Core Stage cultivator among them?"

A thought suddenly popped up in Yu Jinghua's mind, making him unable to sit still.

Previously, relying on the fact that he was the only Golden Core cultivator in the Tianjing Sect, Yu Jinghua was at ease even when facing Master Tianjing. He was not as awe-inspiring and submissive to Master Nascent Soul as ordinary Golden Core cultivators were.

But if he is not the only Golden Core Stage cultivator in Tianjing Sect, then his previous actions may be a bit disrespectful.

And if Tianjing Zhenren has a closer subordinate who is a Golden Core monk, then his deputy leader is probably just a target deliberately introduced to attract attention.

When the situation is decided, it will probably be time for him to abdicate.

"It seems that I have to find another way out for myself!"

Yu Jinghua's eyes sparkled, not willing to wait for that day to come.


It was already the morning of the third day that Tuyunling was besieged.

After more than two days of attack, the mountain-protecting formation of the Guo family in Tuyunling was already crumbling, and anyone could see that it would not be able to hold on for much longer.

Zhou Chun and others, who had been attacking for more than two days in a row, were feeling a little tired mentally.

After all, people are not machines. Even if they can restore their mana by taking the Huiyuan Pill, and soothe their body and mind by taking turns to rest, they will inevitably become exhausted when they continue to attack the mountain-protecting formation at a high intensity.

However, they are all accomplished practitioners, so this fatigue is nothing and has minimal impact on their combat effectiveness.

"It's been two days and no one has come to rescue. It seems that Tianjingmen is determined not to care about the life or death of these vassal families!"

In the sky, Zhou Mingde expressed his judgment calmly while attacking the Guo family's mountain-protecting formation.

He didn't use his spiritual consciousness to transmit the message, he just spoke it directly.

Therefore, the Guo family monks on Tuyun Ridge can also hear it.

On Tuyun Ridge, Guo Tong and all the Guo family monks showed expressions of resentment and despair after hearing what he said.

They resisted vigorously at first, not only because they were angered by Qinglianguan's order to kill everyone, but also because they were expecting Tianjingmen to send reinforcements to support the Guo family.

But two days have passed. If the Tianjing Sect really wanted to support them, they would have come long ago.

"I only regret that Guo was blind and mistakenly looked at the old thief in the sky mirror!"

"Guo is really ashamed of all his clan members and his ancestors!"

Two lines of bloody tears couldn't help but overflow from the corners of Guo Tong's eyes. They were tears of regret.

Seeing this, an elder from the Guo family cried out in tears: "Sir, you are not wrong. What is wrong is the Tianjing Sect and the old thief of Tianjing. He has betrayed the trust of our families and is not worthy of the title at all." For real people!”

"I really hope that Master Qingxiao of Qinglian Temple can take away the life of that old thief before he passes away, so that the old thief will suffer the consequences!"

Another Guo elder cursed loudly, his words full of hatred for Master Tianjing.

Before this, they, the little Foundation Establishment Stage monks, did not dare to speak ill of the Nascent Soul Stage Master, for fear that their words would be heard by outsiders and cause trouble for themselves and their family.

But now, seeing that they and their family are about to be destroyed and die, they don't care about anything and just want to curse.

"Now that things have happened, it's useless for us to regret it. We still find a way to preserve some fire for the family so that the family's inheritance will not be cut off by our hands!"

The last Guo family foundation-building monk did not complain and curse, but calmly stated the key points at the moment.

This man is the patriarch of the Guo family, and he was originally a man of plans.

Seeing that he could be so calm and consider the family's future affairs under such circumstances, Guo Tong felt even more ashamed and regretful.

I couldn't help but let out a long sigh and said, "Hey, I regret not listening to you, Chongsheng! If I had listened to you and moved the whole family to the wilderness in the south of Yunzhou to guard the border for Qinglian Temple, how could we have been in such trouble today!"

Hearing this, the head of the Guo family smiled bitterly and said: "It is useless to talk about this now. If, Supreme Elder, you are willing to listen to the advice of this junior again, our Guo family may be able to retain some fire!"

"Of course, Chongsheng, if you have any suggestions, just say it. As long as you can keep the fire for my Guo family, you can even have my head on my neck!"

Guo Tongyun used his magic power to dry up the blood and tears from the corners of his eyes, and responded solemnly with a solemn expression.

Then he saw the head of the Guo family moving his lips slightly and transmitting his suggestions to him.

Not long after this, the mountain protection formation of the Guo family in Tuyunling suddenly changed. The shaky yellow light shield suddenly became transparent, allowing people outside to see what was going on inside.

At this time, the situation on Tuyun Ridge was quite eye-catching.

I saw a pile of spiritual coins piled up in a conspicuous place on the mountain, surrounded by piles of magic weapons, elixirs, magic talismans, and various spiritual materials contained in jade boxes.

Then the head of the Guo family personally divided these things into dozens of parts and put them into storage bags, and handed them to the Guo family monks to carry.

The three foundation-building monks of the Guo family each carried the largest portion.

Seeing this scene, a foundation-building monk who was attacking the formation couldn't help but wondered: "What are they doing? Do they want to break out?"

"It does seem like they want to break out, but the way they are doing it now... forget it, just let everything take its course!"

Zhou Chun couldn't help but shook his head mid-sentence, and suddenly stopped talking.

He has already seen the Guo family's intention of doing this.

But what the other party did was a conspiracy. Even if they found out, I'm afraid they would still submit obediently.

And whether this will be useful or not, I can't say now. It depends on the luck of the Guo family monks.

Soon, under the watchful eyes of Zhou Chun and others outside, the Guo family monks on Tuyun Ridge had packed up all their valuables. Even the family's domesticated monsters had rushed to the foot of the mountain, looking ready to break out at any moment. look.

It was at this time that the Guo family's mountain-protecting formation changed again, covering up the situation inside the mountain gate again.

Almost a quarter of an hour later, with a "bang" sound, the Guo family's mountain-protecting formation was completely destroyed from the outside.

"Zhou Mingde, come and accept your fate!"

As the Guo family's mountain-protecting formation shattered, an angry shout suddenly sounded from Tuyun Ridge.

Then a ray of yellow light shot up into the sky, turning into an earthy yellow mountain peak and smashing towards Zhou Mingde.

The earthy yellow mountain peak is somewhat similar to the first-level high-grade magic weapon [Small Thousand Mountain Seal] that Zhou Chun used during his Qi refining stage.

However, although this object is not a real magic weapon [Thousand Mountains Seal], it is still a third-level mid-grade magic weapon. Its power is far beyond that of the [Small Thousand Mountains Seal]. One blow can shatter a hill.

Zhou Mingde did not dare to be negligent in the face of such attacks, and hurriedly used a flaming spear to stab the fallen mountain.

But at this moment, a yellow figure flashed, but it swayed and flew away into the distance.

It turns out that Guo Tong's attack on Zhou Mingde was false, but his escape was true.

For this reason, he was even willing to give up a third-level mid-grade magic weapon.

Fortunately, Zhou Mingde was not alone, there was also Zhou Chun at the scene.

Seeing Guo Tong running away at this time, Zhou Chun suddenly shouted: "Guo Taoist friend, please don't leave!"

Before the shouts ended, the others turned into a golden rainbow and chased the yellow light.

Just when Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde were focusing on the escaped Guo Tong, the three foundation-building monks of the Guo family on Tuyun Ridge suddenly fled quickly in three different directions.

At the same time, other monks in the Guo family's Qi refining stage either rode representative monsters, controlled flying magic weapons, or walked on foot to ride the wind, and instantly fled in all directions like birds and beasts.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Jiapeng couldn't help shouting loudly: "Guo Tong has his own supreme elders and clan leaders to deal with. We will keep these Guo family foundation-building monks and Qi-refining monks behind, and we must not let any of them escape!"

"Yes, you can't keep members of the Guo family, as the consequences will be endless!"

"Kill all these brats, don't leave any trouble to the family's descendants!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

One by one, the foundation-building monks shouted loudly, and they all dispersed and massacred the fleeing Guo family monks.

But when several of them were killing people, they also spent some time collecting the storage bags from each other.

After all, the head of the Guo family had previously distributed all the property of the Guo family to various clan members, but after they saw it with their own eyes, they naturally did not want to miss such a harvest in vain.

But in this way, their efficiency in killing the Guo family monks was delayed.

This is one of the plans to preserve the fire inheritance for the Guo family as mentioned by the head of the Guo family.

Although Zhou Chun saw through the plan of the head of the Guo family, he also knew that he had proposed it. Except for the monks of the Zhou family who might comply, others might not take it seriously.

So he simply stopped talking, and just told them not to run away from the three Guo family foundation-building monks, and specifically left the silver lightning python and the golden-winged tiger to join in the hunt.

As far as the Zhou family is concerned, even if the Guo family escapes some Qi Refining Stage monks, it actually doesn't matter much.

But the monks in the foundation building stage are different.

If a foundation-building monk shamelessly concentrates on revenge against the Zhou family, it will cause considerable losses to the Zhou family.

Until now, the Zhou family has arranged people in rotation to monitor Jiang Chuanxiong, the remaining foundation-building monk of the Jiang family. As long as he dares to leave Fangshi, he will be hunted down with all his strength.

On the other side, Guo Tong was forcibly stopped by Zhou Chun within twenty miles of Tuyunling.

Both of them were in the early stages of Zifu's cultivation. Although Guo Tong's cultivation was deeper than Zhou Chun's, his magic power was not as good as that of Zhou Chun, who practiced top-notch techniques.

That is to say, it was only because of the fierceness of Saburo that he fought with Zhou Chun.

But as Zhou Mingde and Vulcan Jackal came to kill him, his life came to an end.

Soon Zhou Mingde stabbed him to death with a spear and took off his head.

Then he looked at Guo Tong's headless body and sighed: "Guo Tong is dead. Our mission is completed. There will be no Guo family in Tuyunling anymore!"

The second update is here!

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