Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 394 Three years of changes, shocking news [Please subscribe]

The Guo family in Tuyunling is gone.

Guo Tong, the supreme elder of the Guo family, and three foundation-building monks of the Guo family, including the head of the Guo family, were all killed on the spot, and no one survived.

Ninety percent of the Guo family's Qi Refining Stage monks were also killed, with only a dozen of them escaping.

However, the Zhou family and other families who attacked the Guo family were not completely unscathed.

During the battle, when chasing down the three foundation-building monks of the Guo family, the three foundation-building monks of the Guo family all used the third-level talisman at the bottom of the box given to them by Guo Tong.

As a result, they were caught off guard and a mid-stage foundation-building monk died on the spot. At the same time, Zhou Zhengyong and a foundation-building monk from the He family were also injured.

Including Zhou Chun's spiritual pet, the Golden-winged Tiger, was also seriously injured.

Regarding this situation, both Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde had nothing to say.

This is what a genocidal war is like. Even if the strength is far behind the enemy, every family will try their best to drag the enemy to be buried with them.

They also gave some life-saving items to several Zhou family foundation-building monks before the war began.

After comforting the injured Zhou Zhengyong at this time, Zhou Mingde ordered the battlefield to be cleaned and prepared to go back and recover.

Unlike the Jiang family that was wiped out at the beginning, the Guo family was determined to die together after learning that no reinforcements had arrived.

Therefore, before the mountain-protecting formation was broken, they had already destroyed everything that could not be taken away, and no complete elixir could be found on Tuyun Ridge.

Therefore, except for the storage bags of the Guo family monks who died in the breakout, there were not many trophies for Zhou Chun and the others to pick up.

And because the Zhou family got the storage bags of Guo Tong and two Guo family foundation-building monks (one of them destroyed the storage bag before dying), they have already taken the bulk of the loot. As for the storage bags of the monks in the Qi refining period, that is By default, whoever kills will own the property.

On the contrary, it made other foundation-building monks make a small fortune.

After plundering everything they could, everyone just casually burned some of the corpses of the Guo family monks on Tuyun Ridge, and then left.

Almost half a day after everyone in the Zhou family left, the two Qi-refining monks from the Guo family suddenly returned to Tuyun Ridge, and then took away seven or eight children from the surviving mortals on Tuyun Ridge.

These young children were all members of the Guo family with spiritual roots. They were spared the slaughter because they had not yet developed their magic power.

According to the rules of the world of immortality, disaster does not affect mortals. Generally, even if it is a family-killing war, those who have no magic power will not be slaughtered in the other family.

Of course, not everyone will abide by this rule. Sometimes, in order to prevent people from the other family from taking revenge in the future, they will go back and use various methods to quietly get rid of those people with spiritual roots in the other family after destroying the other family. .

But whether it was when they slaughtered the Jiang family or now when they slaughtered the Guo family, Zhou Chun and the others did not do this.

This is not because they are merciful, but because these two genocide battles are special. They cannot directly occupy the mountain gate of the other family and use it for their own use.

On the other side, after Zhou Chun and his party returned to the Xiaoxiong Mountain stronghold, Zhou Mingde found the envoy of Qinglian Temple: "Your Majesty, the Guo family in Tuyunling has been destroyed. The supreme elder of his family, Guo Tong, and the three foundation builders The heads of the monks are all here, please have your envoy inspect them!"

After saying that, he patted the storage bag on his waist and took out the four heads contained in wooden boxes.

"Yes, it is indeed Guo Tong, the supreme elder of the Guo family, and the three foundation-building monks."

After the Qinglian Temple envoy carefully inspected the heads, he nodded slightly, and immediately fired a ball of real fire to burn the heads to ashes.

Then he said to Zhou Mingde who was still looking at him: "Friend Zhou, you have worked hard. I will truthfully report your contribution to the temple master. Now you have a good rest and wait for further orders from the temple master!"

"Zhou understands, then Zhou won't disturb the envoy."

Zhou Mingde nodded, cupped his fists and saluted, then turned and left.

When he returned to the rest area, he conveyed the message of the Qinglian Temple envoy to Zhou Chun and others, and then let everyone disperse to rest.

Then several members of the Zhou family gathered at Zhou Mingde's residence and counted the harvest together.

After all, the Guo family in Tuyunling is a large clan of immortal cultivators, and their family background is quite rich.

From Guo Tong's relics, the Zhou family not only obtained two third-level magical artifacts, but also obtained two thousand-year-old elixirs, many high-year elixirs, and more than 20,000 spiritual coins.

Among the relics of the other two foundation-building monks of the Guo family, there are also many magical weapons, elixirs, elixirs, and nearly 20,000 spiritual coins.

These are the spoils of war, and according to the rules, they are distributed entirely among those who participated in the war.

So Zhou Mingde took the initiative and divided the two third-level magic weapons and two thousand-year-old elixirs equally between himself and Zhou Chun, and then each took fifteen thousand spiritual coins and some high-year elixirs.

The remaining items were divided among the three foundation-building monks.

After dividing the harvested treasures, the five members of the Zhou family went back to their rooms to rest.

However, for the next five days, no further orders were issued from Qinglian Temple.

The lack of an order means that Zhou Chun and the others will continue to be stationed at the Little Bear Mountain stronghold.

But the Xiaoxiong Mountain stronghold itself is not a large stronghold. It is a place abandoned by a cultivating family that defected to Lingzhou, and was later taken over by Qinglian Temple.

The concentration of spiritual energy in this place simply cannot supply the cultivation needs of Zhou Chun and the other Zifu stage monks.

Therefore, if they stay here for a long time, it will delay their practice.

"Friend Zeng, how long will Zhou and others have to wait here? My Zhou family is only a thousand miles away from here. If nothing happens, can you let me go back to the family to practice first?"

On this day, Zhou Mingde found the Qinglian Temple envoy again, asked about Qinglian Temple's arrangements for himself and others, and put forward his own demands.

Hearing his words, the envoy of Qinglian Temple couldn't help but frowned, and then comforted him and said: "Fellow Taoist Zhou, please be patient. Since the temple master has not given any new orders, it means that there may be places where you can be useful, Taoist friend." You should be more patient.”

Unexpectedly, Zhou Mingde did not give up this time, but said with a serious face: "It's not that Zhou is impatient, but that Zhou and Xu Daoyou are different. Zhou has a family to take care of, and my family's pure cultivation is not the same. No delay!"

Such a strong tone immediately caused the Qinglian Temple envoy's expression to change, and he couldn't help but look at him with an angry expression.

But Zhou Mingde looked at him with a calm expression, showing no intention of giving in at all.

After the two faced off for a while, seeing Zhou Mingde's determination, the envoy of Qinglian Temple could only suppress his anger and said in a deep voice: "Well, since fellow Taoist Zhou is so anxious, Zeng will send another message to ask for instructions from the temple leader!"

"Thank you, Taoist friend Zeng."

Zhou Mingde nodded slightly and left with satisfaction.

I don’t know what the Qinglian Temple envoy said, but this time the order from Qingweizi Temple came very quickly.

According to the latest order, the two Zifu period monks of the Zhou family can return to the family and wait for orders, but the three foundation-building monks have to stay at the Xiaoxiong Mountain stronghold to continue to wait.

Looking at this situation, Qinglian Temple seems to have the idea of ​​using troops against Tianjing Sect again.

But no matter what, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde at least should not stay in the Little Bear Mountain stronghold doing nothing.

After the two received the latest order, they set off directly to return to the family.

After Zhou Chun returned to the family, he gained a more detailed understanding of the current situation by checking the news from the family information hall.

After the Zhou family broke through Tuyun Ridge, many large immortal-cultivating clans in Lingzhou were also defeated one after another. Basically, all of them were wiped out. Only a seriously injured Zifu and a few foundation-building monks escaped.

Because during this process, the Tianjing Sect has been sitting idly by, those cultivating families that were not besieged have also been completely chilled. Many families have abandoned the Mountain Sect and moved northward.

Nowadays, in Lingzhou, except for some scattered cultivator strongholds, there are few people from the mountain gates of the cultivating families.

At the same time, Qinglianguan was hoarding heavy troops on the border between Yunzhou, Lanzhou and Lingzhou, and seemed to be ready to invade Lingzhou to regain its lost territory at any time.

"What on earth is Master Tianjing thinking? Does he really intend to endure it until Master Qingxiao dies at the end of his life?"

"But if this continues, even if he has the patience to survive until the end of Qingxiao's life, many of the disciples of the Tianjing Sect may not have that long life to survive until that day!"

In the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Chun looked at the map of Jingguo spread out in front of him. Many places in the Lingzhou part of the map were crossed out by him with a red pen.

Although it is said that it is taboo for a mere monk in the Zifu stage to make irresponsible remarks about a real person in the Yuanying stage.

But now Zhou Chun really wants to know what Master Tianjing wants to do.

The current situation can be said to be very unfavorable for Tianjing Sect.

Zhou Chun didn't need to go to the Tianjing Sect's mountain gate to know that at this moment, all the Tianjing Sect's disciples were afraid that none of them could eat or sleep, and each one was more anxious than the last.

If this situation continues, Qinglian Temple will not even need to attack, it will be enough to make it difficult for the disciples of Tianjing Sect to calm down and practice, and make the people of this sect distracted.

And once Tianjing Sect starts to collapse from below, how can Master Tianjing and Master Qingxiao continue to fight?

"Then just wait, we should know the result in three to five years at most!"

Zhou Chun shook his head with confusion on his face, put down the red pen in his hand, put away the map, and stopped studying.

Now it is basically certain that unless there is a general attack on Tianjingmen, there should be no need for monks like them to go to the battlefield.

Next, he would practice with peace of mind and wait for new changes in the situation.

Things seemed to be developing as Zhou Chun thought.

In the next two years, Qinglian Temple almost completely emptied the world of immortal cultivation in Lingzhou through some overt and covert means.

Not to mention that all the cultivating families that originally belonged to the Tianjing Sect were either dead or gone, even the scattered cultivating strongholds were mostly empty.

After all, the casual cultivators had a coexisting and mutually beneficial relationship with the Xiuxian family. Now that the Xiuxian family did not purchase the spiritual objects from the casual cultivators and refine elixirs and talismans for them, it would be difficult for them to stay in Lingzhou.

So the Lingzhou Immortal Cultivation World, which was originally very lively, was now unusually quiet, terrifyingly quiet.

Zhou Chun even heard some rumors that the low-level monks from Tianjing Sect had begun to flee.

If this matter is true, then what he expected and expected will probably happen soon.

In the past two years, the three clan members sent by the Zhou family to Qinglian Temple all attacked the foundation building.

The result was similar to what he had guessed, two people succeeded and one failed.

The ones who succeeded were Zhou Xinjian and Zhou Xinhe, and the ones who failed were Zhou Xinlan.

After Zhou Chun learned the news, he sent a thousand spiritual coins as congratulatory gifts to the two successful people.

As for the failed Zhou Xinlan, what will happen to her in the future can only be seen by herself.

In addition, there is some good news for the Zhou family. First, after the "Wind Shadow Dragon Snake", the second dragon-born monster that was affected by the aura of the green dragon also appeared.

This kind of monster is the horned lizard beast that Zhou Chun brought back from the Great Zhou Kingdom to hatch. After alienation, it turned into a "one-horned dragon lizard" that mastered the popular magic. In one fell swoop, it was transformed from a transportation mount to a main battle spiritual pet. .

Compared with the "Dragon-clawed Dragon Lizard" monster originally owned by the Zhou family, this "One-horned Dragon Lizard" is much stronger in combat power and much faster. It is very suitable for training as the main battle spirit pet for monks in the Qi Refining Stage. .

The second good news also came from the Zhou family's animal garden.

It was the horse king in the Zhou family's dragon-scaled horse group that evolved and successfully advanced to become a second-level low-grade monster. From the original low-level monster dragon-scale horse, it evolved into an intermediate-level monster, the cloud-stepping dragon pony.

The Zhou family's dragon-scaled horse was originally obtained from the Hualong Sect's White Dragon Fentan Mountain Gate, and has the blood of the White Water Dragon flowing in its body.

The mid-level demonic beast Cloud-Stepping Dragon Horse is not very different from the Dragon Scale Horse in appearance, but the dragon scales on its body are harder, and dragon whiskers grow under its jaws.

However, this beast has mastered the art of "stepping on clouds". When it flies away, it will be accompanied by white clouds under its feet. Not only does it look very good, but its speed is no worse than that of second-level birds.

The key is that it can also carry people into the water, even to the bottom of the water as deep as a thousand feet!

If it weren't for the fact that it was the king of the dragon-scaled horses, and the Zhou family still needed to keep it for breeding and breeding, just because of its good appearance, several of the Zhou family's monks from the Purple Mansion would be tempted to adopt it as a traveling mount. .

The third good news came from Zhou Mingde.

It turned out that the two black jade toads that had successfully evolved before finally began to produce toad venom.

Although according to Zhou Mingde, the quality of the toad puffs produced by these two black jade toads is much worse than that of the original two black jade toads, it is still a good start, and can also be made to help assist The secret spiritual incense practiced by monks in the Zifu period.

In addition to these three relatively important good news, there are other smaller good news that are not worth mentioning.

Another half a year later, a shocking news suddenly spread throughout Jingguo.

Master Tianjing, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly heard the news that he wanted to fight Master Qingxiao of Qinglian Temple, and there was also an important bet.

The content of the bet did not choose to be hidden, but was announced along with the news.

According to the bet made by Master Tianjing, if Master Tianjing can fight Master Qingxiao head-on for half a day and escape from Master Qingxiao's pursuit, Qinglian Temple will proclaim itself a mountain gate for three hundred years and give up Lanzhou and Yunzhou. Ruled by Tianjing Sect.

If Master Tianjing is unable to do these two things, he will disband the Tianjing Sect, and from now on he will only sit in the south of Jingguo as a Nascent Soul Stage casual cultivator to protect the southern land of Jingguo!

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