Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 494 Huge harvest! Steal the fish! [8,000-word chapter please subscribe]

Thousand-year-old chalcedony, in fact, is no longer a particularly rare thing for the golden elixir stage monks.

But because of its irreplaceability, its value has greatly overflowed.

Especially for a Jindan monk like Zhou Chun who comes from a family that cultivates immortality, this thing is something that must be obtained when encountering it.

Last time, Zhou Chun exchanged a three-thousand-year-old medicinal plant and a thousand-year-old elixir for three thousand-year-old chalcedony mushrooms, and then gave them to Luo Qingni to refine twenty-eight foundation-building pills.

Those foundation-building pills have not been used up until now!

But this time, he got seven thousand-year-old chalcedony mushrooms. If he asked Luo Qingni to refine them into foundation-building pills, he would get sixty foundation-building pills at least!

In this way, the Zhou family will not be out of stock of Foundation Establishment Pills within a hundred or two hundred years.

But in fact, for Zhou Chun, what he really valued was not these thousand-year-old chalcedony mushrooms, nor the three-thousand-year-old chalcedony mushroom.

What he really values ​​​​is the hope of the Zhou family to produce their own chalcedony mushroom!

Originally, chalcedony could only grow on fourth-level spiritual trees, and it could only grow by absorbing the essence of fourth-level spiritual trees.

The Zhou family moved away from their ancestral land and experienced family separation, so they had no foundation to cultivate such spiritual things.

Not only their Zhou family, but also the Dan Yao Li family had to cut down several fourth-level spiritual trees on Sanxian Mountain and pick all the chalcedony mushrooms on them because they fled Feng Country in a hurry.

Without the fourth-level spiritual wood as a carrier, even if they still have the Ganoderma spores of Chalcedony in their hands, they will no longer be able to grow this elixir.

But a golden elixir family or a middle-level force with a long history and orderly inheritance must definitely produce its own millennium chalcedony.

For example, Zhou Chun knew that there was a fourth-order spiritual tree planted inside the mountain gate of Sujia in Jiangzhou, and chalcedony was also cultivated on it.

Just because the Su family does not have enough background, the chalcedony mushrooms are not yet a thousand years old and cannot be harvested to make elixirs.

But even so, the Su family has taken a crucial step in producing self-produced chalcedony.

The Zhou family doesn’t have a fourth-level spirit tree yet, but there will definitely be one in the future!

The purple mulberry tree in Zhouchun Cave Mansion has great hope of being promoted to the fourth level within a hundred years.

At that time, it can be used to plant chalcedony mushrooms.

And with the existence of Mu Mei, the Zhou family may be able to pick chalcedony and make elixirs faster than the Jiangzhou Su family.

You must know that elixirs like Millennium Chalcedony Mushroom do not necessarily require a thousand years of growth to reach a thousand-year medicinal age.

This substance grows on the fourth-level spiritual wood. As long as the fourth-level spiritual wood supplies sufficient energy and uses some special methods to accelerate its ripening, it can reach a thousand-year medicinal age within hundreds of years.

And if Mu Mei can break through to the fourth level, its "nectar rejuvenation" magical power of accelerating the ripening of plants will definitely increase in power, and it may increase the age of elixirs by hundreds of years at a time!

"It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity that this spiritual tea tree cannot be taken away, otherwise the harvest of this trip to the secret realm will be truly complete!"

Zhou Chun came back to his senses and sighed secretly again.

Transplanting spiritual trees is very troublesome, let alone transplanting level 4 spiritual trees.

Not to mention that he is only an early-stage Jindan cultivator, even if he has early-stage Nascent Soul cultivation, it will take a lot of brainpower and energy to transplant this spiritual tea tree back to the Zhou family.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of spiritual teas on the tea trees. If you pick them all, you can get two or three kilograms, which is enough to drink for a long time.

As for the chalcedony mushrooms, Zhou Chun picked them all except for a few that were less than eight hundred years old.

When it comes to refining the foundation-building elixir, it does not necessarily require thousands of years of chalcedony to refine the elixir.

Using chalcedony, which is over 800 years old, to refine elixirs, you can also refine foundation-building elixirs, but the number of elixirs will be much lower.

Zhou Chun was particularly careful when picking the chalcedony mushroom that was over three thousand years old. Before picking, he specially collected some Ganoderma spores and sealed them as seeds.

If these Ganoderma spores are used to cultivate Chalcedony in the future, it will definitely be better than using Ganoderma spores from ordinary Millennium Chalcedony.

It is worth mentioning that if the Ganoderma spores of Chalcedony want to remain active, they must be collected under normal growth conditions.

The Ganoderma spores from those chalcedony mushrooms that have been picked can no longer be used for seeding.

After picking chalcedony mushrooms in this way, Zhou Chun began to target other rare elixirs.

I saw him first coming to the foot of the green blood pine tree, taking out a jade knife and starting to pick the five-leaf jade Ganoderma lucidum on it.

When he was digging for the five-leaf jade Ganoderma lucidum, the jade-blood pine began to shake violently as if it was conscious, and the pine needles on it fell off one by one, causing a rain of needles.

But as soon as Zhou Chun spat out his magic power, the jade knife dug out the entire Five-leaf Jasper Ganoderma lucidum plant.

And as the five-leaf Jasper Ganoderma lucidum was dug out, the green blood pine also lost all its energy in an instant, turning into a dead pine tree.

It turns out that after a long period of parasitism, the five-leaf Jasper Ganoderma lucidum has completely become one with the vitality of the Jade Blood Pine.

Once the Ganoderma lucidum is harvested, the vitality of the Blue Blood Pine will be cut off!

Many rare elixirs are the same. Once picked, they will definitely have an impact on the environment in which they grow.

Next, Zhou Chun started a large-scale sweep mode. All the elixirs in the medicine garden that were more than a thousand years old, or the elixirs and herbs worth a thousand years of elixirs, were his picking targets.

It should be noted that he had made sufficient preparations before coming in. He had prepared hundreds of various jade boxes used to seal spiritual objects!

And even if the jade box he prepared is not enough, the medicine cabinets he packed away before can also be used to seal the elixirs, and there will definitely not be any waste!

In this way, Zhou Chun was busy and spent a full day and a half before picking and packing all the elixirs he thought were worth taking away.

In order to make sure that he had not missed any hidden treasures, he specially asked Mu Mei to come in and search for a few more times, and then asked the golden armored mountain turtle and stone to escape into the ground to check around.

Only when he was sure that nothing was missing did he stop with satisfaction.

Then he carefully checked his harvest. Zhou Chun couldn't help but smile with joy.

Regardless of the rarity of the elixir itself, this time there are as many as eighteen elixirs of the thousand-year-old elixir level!

The number of thousand-year-old elixirs reaches as many as one hundred and thirty-seven!

There are also 78 other elixirs that are more than 800 years old!

Although this number may not seem like a lot, it is actually a lot.

After all, once the elixir reaches a thousand years of age, the daily supply of spiritual energy required will be very considerable.

When Zhou Chun was collecting herbs, he discovered many withered and rotten thousand-year-old elixirs. When they competed for the spiritual energy, they could not compete with other thousand-year-old elixirs and thousand-year-old elixirs. In the end, they gradually withered and withered due to insufficient spiritual energy supply. die.

This is just like ordinary plants competing for water and nutrients to grow. Only the winner will have the opportunity to continue growing.

Of course, a more important reason why there are only so many elixirs is because there are many spiritual trees growing on the mountain, and they also compete for and consume a lot of spiritual energy.

Among them, the only one that has reached the fourth level is the spiritual tea tree, but there are many other second and third level ones.

After Zhou Chun counted the harvest at this time, he asked Mu Mei to absorb the power of the wood spirit contained in those spiritual trees, and then cut down all the trees except for the spiritual tea tree.

He even asked Mu Mei to clean up all the other weeds and ordinary trees on the mountain, ensuring that no seeds were left behind!

In this way, although the mountain peaks have become bare and ugly, it can provide a better environment for the growth of the remaining elixirs here.

Zhou Chun thought very far.

The jade talisman in his hand is not a one-time thing, and he can continue to enter and exit the medicine garden in the future.

So even if he can't find an inheritor who meets the requirements of the owner of this place in the future, he can still have the Zhou family's Zifu period monks come here with jade talismans and take away the rare spiritual herbs in the medicine garden again.

So this time he picked the elixirs. Many elixirs that were seven or eight hundred years old were not touched. He just wanted to wait for them to become elixirs that lasted for thousands of years before picking them to maximize profits!

At this time, he took out the jade slips and recorded the information about the various elixirs left in them before exiting the medicine garden.

Zhou Chun hesitated slightly after that, but instead of rushing to the Treasure Pavilion to select treasures, he diverted to the location of the alchemy room.

Although the owner of this place has said that if the formation detects that there is a golden elixir level fighting here, it will directly teleport him out.

But even though Zhou Chun had already gained a lot, he still wanted to fulfill his agreement with Luo Qingni first.

After all, he was able to gain so much because Luo Qingni gave him the jade talisman and many treasures to enter this place.

Now that he has consumed a lot of the treasures given by others, he has also made the fourth-level low-grade giant ape puppet semi-disabled. It would be too chilling if he could no longer take out the alchemy furnace!

Zhou Chun is still counting on Luo Qingni to help him refine [Holy Spirit Blood Pill] and other elixirs, so he cannot be short-sighted.

When Zhou Chun re-entered the third major hall of Danyuan Palace with the cultivation level of Jindan Stage, the alchemy furnace in his eyes no longer had the frightening feeling before.

No matter how high the grade of this object is, it cannot be a spiritual treasure, or even a top-grade magic weapon.

And he contains a real spiritual treasure within his body!

He looked at the alchemy furnace and pondered for a moment, then raised his hand and summoned the [Moon Toad Orb].

Then he pinched the spell with his hand and cast a stream of mana onto it, and a moon-white light bloomed out, falling on him and turning into a moon-white fairy garment.

Then he walked forward slowly wearing fairy clothes, and finally came to the front of the alchemy furnace, then raised his palm against the alchemy furnace and poured his majestic mana into it.

After Zhou Chun's mana was injected into it, the alchemy furnace suddenly began to shake violently, resisting his mana injection.

But this kind of resistance is not that strong at all compared to him.

Then the treasure repeated its old trick, and the red-gold toads on the three legs each spit out a wisp of red-gold flames and burned them towards Zhou Chun.

But Zhou Chun was protected by the "Taiyin Body Protective Fairy Clothes". After those red-gold flames touched the moon-white fairy clothes, they not only failed to burn through the fairy clothes, but were quickly extinguished by the cold air released by the [Moon Toad Orb] !

With the immortal clothes on your body, all laws will not invade you!

After feeling the power of the Immortal Clothes on his body, Zhou Chun immediately felt completely relieved and began to suppress the resistance of the alchemy furnace with all his strength.

After an unknown amount of time passed like this, the alchemy furnace was finally suppressed by his own powerful magic power, and it was filled with his magic power.

Then I saw him hitting the alchemy furnace with the magic formula, and the treasure shrank to the size of a human head, and he put it into the storage bag!

In this way, all the things Zhou Chun promised Luo Qingni were finally completed.

Even if he goes out now, he can give Luo Qingni a satisfactory explanation.

But it's impossible to go out. Zhou Chun still has treasures he hasn't picked up, so why would he go out now?

He re-examined the main hall here and made sure that the flame-extinguishing stones on the ground were used to block the fire vents below and were fixed by forbidden laws and could not be taken away. Then he shook his head and left the place.

After leaving the alchemy room like this, Zhou Chun went to the Qi Palace again.

There are also two fourth-level low-grade puppets guarding them there.

After Zhou Chun looked at it from a distance, he still didn't rush to take action and went back the same way, back to the bluestone square.

After looking at the roads in all directions on the Bluestone Square, Zhou Chun quickly headed to the road leading to the Treasure Pavilion.

The Treasure Pavilion is an important part of the cave and is very close to the main hall.

After Zhou Chun followed the road for twenty or thirty miles, he came to a courtyard.

The teleportation circle leading to the Treasure Pavilion is located in the courtyard, and the jade talisman in his hand is the activation key.

Originally, a fourth-level puppet was arranged to guard this courtyard, but now the puppet has disappeared. It was obvious that Luo Qingni and others had been here before and worked together to eliminate the puppet.

Zhou Chun entered the courtyard and easily found the intact teleportation array. Then he activated the magic array through the jade talisman and was teleported to the Treasure Pavilion.

The place where he appeared was the first floor of the Treasure Pavilion, which was mainly used for teleportation. The second, third, and fourth floors were where the real treasures were located.

But Zhou Chun can only enter the second level to choose one treasure!

After sizing up the empty first floor, he injected the jade talisman with mana, waved at the white light curtain at the entrance of the stairs, and a white aura fell on it, helping him to open the forbidden method here.

When he climbed up the stairs to the second floor, he saw dozens of treasures stored on a separate stone platform!

All of these treasures are magic weapons and magic materials, and each one is extremely precious to the Golden Core Stage monks.

Not to mention those magic weapons, in the magical materials alone, Zhou Chun saw a piece of Geng gold as big as a baby's head, some kind of animal horn imprinted with fiery red runes, and the [Earth Mother Stone] which was as precious and rare as Geng gold. ]!

The value of these magic weapons and spiritual materials is no worse than a finished magic weapon.

It is a pity that in order to maximize the effect of these magic weapons and spiritual materials, the master of weapon refining must personally take action, or they must be integrated into his own natal magic weapons.

But Zhou Chun couldn't do either of these things now.

So after looking at all the magic weapons and spiritual materials, he shook his head and turned his attention to the finished magic weapons.

These finished magic weapons come in different styles and have different properties.

Because there is a protective shield, his spiritual consciousness cannot enter, and Zhou Chun doesn't know which one is higher and better.

However, as he looked at it, Zhou Chun suddenly discovered a blind spot and couldn't help but frown and said, "Why is there no puppet magic weapon? Isn't the owner of this place proficient in the art of puppetry?"

If he were given a choice between a fourth-level puppet and a magic weapon, Zhou Chun would definitely choose the fourth-level puppet without hesitation.

But now there is not even a fourth-level puppet here, which makes it difficult for him to choose.

I saw his eyes wandering back and forth over those magic weapons, carefully observing each one. It took nearly two days, and he slowly eliminated most of the magic weapons using the elimination method.

In the end, he chose to keep five magic weapons, including a golden axe, a black-yellow shield, a red silk glove, a green-purple wood seal, and a silver-white hairpin.

Among these five magic weapons, the functions of axes, shields, and hairpins can basically be determined, and their appearance also looks a lot higher than the other magic weapons.

The two magic weapon forms of gloves and wood seals are not common. What kind of power they have can only be known after you get them.

"It seems that defensive magic weapons can be eliminated. The defensive effect of [Wutu Vajra Shield] is already excellent enough, and [Moon Toad Orb] can also provide me with powerful defensive magical powers!"

"Hairpins can also be excluded. Although these female magic weapons can be given to Elder Lin for use, there is no need!"

"The blue-purple wood seal may have extraordinary power, but its attributes are not particularly suitable for me and the Supreme Elder, so we can rule it out!"

Zhou Chun's eyes moved back and forth on several magic weapons, and based on the demand again, he eliminated three of them.

In the end, his eyes only turned back and forth on the golden ax and red gloves.

If he gets these two treasures and the golden ax in his hands, it will definitely greatly improve his conventional combat capabilities.

After all, [Moon Toad Orb]'s ultimate move consumes too much mana to activate, and it is more suitable to be used as a trump card, which can be avoided without being exposed.

In particular, if he wants to refine the natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of Ten Thousand Transformations], he must first complete a "recasting of the broken cauldron" and transfer to the golden elixir stage skills.

This means that he may not have a magic weapon available for decades to come.

Therefore, choosing a golden ax cannot be said to be a wrong choice.

But the crimson silk glove magic weapon is also very attractive!

There is a rule in the world of immortality that is not 100% accurate, that is, the weirder the appearance of the magic weapon, the more bizarre and difficult it is to prevent the magical power.

Generally, magic weapons like bells, tripods, mirrors and beads are rarer and more powerful than common swords, sticks and spears.

This was the first time Zhou Chun had seen a magic weapon in the form of gloves.

Therefore, he also guessed that this object must have extraordinary magical powers, and perhaps it could have unexpected effects at certain times.

Moreover, although the properties of this object do not match his main magic power, it matches well with Zhou Mingde and Lin Hongyu. Even if Zhou Chun refines his natal magic weapon [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] in the future and has no use for this object, he can still use it. Give it to the two of them for use in sacrifice.

Of course, this premise is that Zhou Mingde can successfully form the elixir!

"Let's take a bet. Anyway, we have gained a lot this time. Even if we lose the bet, we will also get a magic weapon!"

After hesitating for a long time, Zhou Chun gritted his teeth and chose to take a gamble, sticking the jade talisman to the stone platform where the red silk glove was.

These stone platforms where magic treasures are stored were originally protected by the powerful formation restrictions in the Treasure Pavilion, not only to prevent their power from being damaged due to the passage of time, but also to prevent outsiders from violently obtaining the treasures.

After the jade talisman in Zhou Chun's hand was attached to the protective shield outside the stone platform, the shield immediately dissipated automatically.

At the same time, the luster of the jade talisman also dimmed a lot, and it seemed that it had lost some function.

But Zhou Chun didn't care about studying the jade talisman at this time. He directly took the crimson silk glove magic weapon into his hand and poured his magic power into it to examine it.

After infusing mana and spiritual consciousness in this way, Zhou Chun quickly understood the general information about this treasure.

This treasure is called [Blazing Flame Glove], and it is a low-grade magic weapon with two magical powers, namely "Blazing Flame Impact" and "Blazing Flame Fire Net".

Among them, "Blazing Impact" is a pure offensive magical power, which can release powerful flame impact energy to cause great damage to targets within a hundred feet.

The "blazing fire net" is mainly used to capture trapped enemies. When activated, the gloves will turn into a web of spider silk and fire to cover the target.

Although these two magical powers are not particularly amazing, they fit Zhou Chun very well.

He was quite satisfied with his choice.

In addition, these [Blazing Gloves] are also very helpful in controlling flames. The material itself also has a strong fire-proof effect, and it can also play some unexpected roles in certain situations.

"This material looks like the spider silk of some kind of spider. The spider silk that can be refined into a magic weapon must be at least the native spider silk in the fourth-level mid-grade spider demon silk sac. I don't know what kind of fire it is. Spider silk with the attribute of spider demon!"

Zhou Chun wore a glove with his left hand and touched the silky texture with his right hand. He couldn't help but feel curious about the source of the material.

He also knew about several powerful fire-attribute spider monsters, but it was impossible to identify the origin of the spider silk just by relying on the spider silk that had been refined into magic weapons. After all, he had never seen the original bodies of those spider monsters, and only read it from the classics. Just read the records.

But these were all trivial matters, and Zhou Chun quickly stopped paying attention.

He looked at the other treasures in the treasure pavilion again, and tentatively put the jade talisman in his hand on the stone platform where the golden ax was. However, when the jade talisman touched the shield, there was no reaction at all.

Then Zhou Chun pondered for a moment, then raised his hand to form a golden blade of light and hit the shield.

However, this attack, which was enough to instantly kill ordinary late-stage cultivators from the Purple Mansion, only caused the shield's light to flicker for a few times before making no sound.

Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but sigh in a low voice and gave up the idea of ​​breaking the shield.

Obviously, the owner of this place is too cautious to leave such a loophole for him to take advantage of.

The treasures in this building are destined to have no chance with him!

After that, Zhou Chun quickly left the Treasure Pavilion through the teleportation array and returned to the previous courtyard without taking any further notice.

According to normal circumstances, Zhou Chun would not be able to gain much from this secret island.

Because once he uses Jindan level methods to attack restrictions or fight monsters or puppets, he will inevitably trigger a large formation and teleport himself out.

But Zhou Chun planned to take advantage of the opportunity and try to see if he could gain another big harvest for himself!

He walked straight to the outside of the orchard, then opened the door and entered, quickly releasing the golden-winged tiger.

When the golden-winged tiger came out, he immediately put Zhou Chun into his space bag, and then walked swaggering towards the location of the colorful arowana inside.

Perhaps it was the first time he saw other monsters. After seeing the golden-winged tiger, the colorful arowana did not attack. Instead, he immediately unleashed the power of his fourth-level monster and ordered the golden-winged tiger to come to him.

Seeing this, the Golden-winged Tiger was naturally happy to take advantage of the situation and get closer.

When the golden-winged tiger came to the edge of the colorful pool, the colorful arowana immediately neighed at it and asked about its origins.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, the Golden Winged Tiger suddenly spread its wings and released Zhou Chun who was holding the [Moon Toad Orb] in his hand.

Such a drastic change in the situation of a living person was obviously beyond the expectations of the colorful dragon fish. For a while, it was somewhat unable to react and was stunned.

This is also the limitation of this demon. Since it was raised in this colorful pool, it has rarely experienced battles. Its combat experience is extremely rare, and it has never experienced fighting with enemies of the same level.

It wasn't until Zhou Chun activated the [Moon Toad Orb] to release a beam of white cold light towards it that it instinctively wanted to activate its defensive powers to resist.

But as soon as the colorful spiritual light flashed from its body, it was quickly defeated by the white cold light, and then the entire fish was frozen and turned into an ice sculpture!

In Zhou Chun's senses, the rich life breath of the colorful arowana was quickly dissipating.

But at this time, he could not wait for the life breath of the colorful arowana to completely dissipate. He could only retract the golden-winged tiger, and hurriedly used the [Concentric Golden Lock] magical power to lock the colorful arowana, and hugged it with both hands. Frozen colorful arowana.

Just when he finished doing this, a huge silver light group suddenly fell from the sky and trapped him, teleporting him directly out of this secret island.

In the sky above Muli Lake, silver light flashed, and Zhou Chun appeared in mid-air holding a ten-foot-long colorful dragon fish ice sculpture.

He looked up at the blue sky, then at the white lake below, and finally at the colorful ice sculpture of arowana held in his hands, and couldn't help but grin.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The joy of successfully stealing the fish made Zhou Chun burst out laughing.

After previously refining the [Moon Toad Orb], he understood the power of the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" and came up with the idea of ​​stealing fish.

He used the powerful lethality of this magical power to instantly kill the colorful arowana, and then used the secret technique of [Concentric Golden Lock] to transfer his magic power into the body of the colorful arowana, allowing it to be contaminated with his own breath, and finally hugged it and stuck it together.

If he does this, the [Qiankun Reversal Formation] without autonomous consciousness will most likely not be able to accurately identify the state of the colorful arowana, and thus think that the colorful arowana is his thing and send it out with him.

Now the result undoubtedly proves that his idea is effective and he succeeded in stealing the fish!

At this time, the vitality of the colorful dragon fish has been completely wiped out by the power of the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light", and even the demon soul is no exception.

Such a complete corpse of a fourth-level monster is of great value.

However, more importantly, without the colorful arowana guarding it, if the [Five Elements Fruit Tree] bears fruit again, the monks who enter will be able to pick spiritual fruits more easily, and there is no need to worry about the spiritual fruits being eaten by the colorful arowana. .

This is the most important reason why Zhou Chun finally chose the Colorful Dragon Fish as his target, instead of the puppet in the Qi Palace!

After a long laugh at this time, Zhou Chun put the frozen body of the colorful dragon fish into the storage bag, then determined the direction and flew towards the Great Zhou Kingdom.

After three or four years, Luo Qingni was definitely no longer waiting for him here. He could only go to Tianyuan Fairy City alone to find him.

In fact, this can be regarded as a test for him by Luo Qingni.

If he successfully brought the alchemy furnace back to Tianyuan Immortal City and handed it over to Luo Qingni, he would definitely be able to take this opportunity to become a close friend of this Sanxu alchemy master and forge an extremely deep friendship.

And if he is greedy for treasures, then Luo Qingni will definitely break off relations with him, and maybe even take revenge on the Zhou family!

Zhou Chun was very clear about this, so he never thought about swallowing the treasure from the beginning.

But I don’t know if Zhou Chun’s luck ran out on the secret island.

On his way back to the Great Zhou Kingdom, he had just traveled two-thirds of the distance when he accidentally bumped into a multi-winged clan archmage who was traveling with a group of junior mages!

The Archmage of the Multi-Wing Clan corresponds to the Golden Core Stage cultivator in the world of immortality, and his strength is very extraordinary.

Zhou Chun, who was riding a thunder python in vain, was discovered by him and immediately attacked by him.

"It's not easy for you to become a great mage. Zhang just wants to return to the Kingdom of Zhou and doesn't want to cause more trouble. Why don't you just turn a blind eye!"

In the sky, Zhou Chun activated the [Wutu Vajra Shield] to protect himself in it, resisting the attack of the archmage from the opposite side, while trying to make a sound with a gloomy face to make the other side retreat.

If possible, he certainly doesn't want to fight a multi-winged master on the Duolan grassland, especially since he just wants to return to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

But the multi-winged archmage with eight wings was obviously a person who couldn't get rid of the dirt in his eyes. He completely turned a deaf ear to Zhou Chun's words and just used one spell after another to attack him with a sneer on his face. .

"Humph, you forced me to do this!"

Seeing this man's lack of food and salt, Zhou Chun also became slightly angry.

He raised his hand and waved, and the [Aoki Sacred Banner] came out in his hand, and then when the magic power was activated, a blue-black divine light came out and swept towards this person.

But the great mage of the multi-wing tribe just raised his hand and waved his hand, and a green wall of wind stood in front of him, easily blocking the attack of the blue-black divine light.

Then the man waved the cyan feather fan in his other hand, and a cyan evil wind swept towards Zhou Chun, shaking the khaki light shield that protected him.

But at this moment, Zhou Chun raised his hand and made a seal, and the "God-Slaying Sword" suddenly launched, instantly hitting the multi-winged clan archmage.

ah! !

The Archmage of the Multi-Wing Tribe who was caught off guard suddenly let out a scream and fell into a state of confusion.

Zhou Chun seized the opportunity and directly activated the [Moon Toad Orb] to shoot a "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" at him.

But as soon as the white cold light touched the protective means laid out by the multi-winged archmage, it broke through them in the blink of an eye, falling directly on him and freezing him into an ice sculpture!

This chapter has 8,000 words, making up for the 2,000 words owed by No. 1. There is still a thousand words left to make up from yesterday! Please give me a monthly pass!

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