Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 495 Sword Cultivator Shen Jianxing [Please subscribe]

The "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" attacked Wushuang, and even the fourth-level low-grade colorful arowana fell without any resistance after being hit by a sneak attack.

If a mere Archmage from the Multi-Wing Clan was hit in the body by it, he would naturally have no reason to live.

After the multi-winged archmage in the sky turned into an ice sculpture, his aura suddenly dispersed and he flew straight down to the ground.

But before he could actually hit the ground, Zhou Chun waved his hand and cast a burst of magic to hold him up, and brought him in front of him.

"Humph, it's really hard to persuade a damn ghost with good words!"

Looking at the dead body of the multi-winged archmage in front of him, Zhou Chun didn't have the slightest smile on his face. Instead, he cursed in a low voice as if he was quite angry.

He really had nothing to be happy about.

Because it is easy to kill the great mage of the multi-wing tribe, but it is difficult to deal with the crazy revenge of his tribe.

The death of a great mage is enough to alarm the holy mage of the Multi-Wing Tribe, if his tribe exists at this level.

This is the most important reason why Zhou Chun can't be happy at all.

But now that the matter has been done, Zhou Chun has nothing to regret.

He raised his hand and waved at the [Moon Toad Orb], and the object absorbed all the cold air from the multi-winged clan archmage in front of him.

Then Zhou Chun quickly put away his storage items and magic weapons, and directly fired a ball of golden elixir fire to burn his body to ashes.

After doing this, Zhou Chun didn't even look at the panicked multi-wing mages in the distance, and directly used his escape technique with all his strength to escape in the direction of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Now there is no way to hide his whereabouts, and he no longer has to ride his spiritual pet slowly on the road. He should focus on escaping from the Duolan Grassland as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, he had already traveled two-thirds of the way, and now the straight-line distance from the Great Zhou Kingdom was less than three thousand miles.

At this distance, if he flew at full speed at this time, he would be able to reach the Great Zhou Kingdom in less than an hour!

And watching Zhou Chun create a golden light and quickly go away, the mages of the Multi-Wing Tribe who were lucky enough to escape the disaster seemed to be waking up from a dream. They were all yelling and hurriedly using all means to notify the tribe and send out a warning. .

They feel like the world is so crazy!

It was clear that the Archmage had the upper hand just now and kept suppressing the human monk.

Who would have thought that the situation would take such a turn for the worse in the blink of an eye.

The powerful Archmage was killed directly by the opponent's combo. It's really crazy!

On the other side, Zhou Chun had just flown about a thousand miles away when he suddenly felt a warning in his mind, feeling like he was being watched and a disaster was imminent.

After cultivating immortals, they will sometimes have mental warning signs about certain impending dangers. These warning signs will become more real and reliable as the cultivation of immortals becomes stronger.

Once a golden elixir stage monk develops a mental warning sign, I cannot say that it is 100% accurate, but it is at least 80% reliable.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun's mental warning, he immediately knew that he was afraid that he was being targeted.

"Is it the rumored 'Vengeance Blood Eagle' supported by the Multi-Wing Clan?"

Zhou Chun's expression changed slightly, and he also had a guess as to the source of the warning sign.

He was sure that when he killed the Archmage of the Multi-Wing Tribe, he was not contaminated by secret techniques such as "Blood Soul Induction", so even a Nascent Soul Stage monk would not be able to target him from thousands of miles away.

Only the rumored "Vengeance Blood Eagle", which is supported by the essence and blood of thousands of multi-winged mages, can possess such soul-locking tracking ability.

After discovering that he was targeted by the "Vengeance Blood Eagle", Zhou Chun also felt a sense of urgency.

He didn't know how powerful the "Vengeance Blood Eagle" would be brought to hunt him down. If it was the Holy Mage, it would be over!

Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, Zhou Chun directly performed the blood escape technique.

When this blood escape technique is below the Golden Core stage, the escape speed is naturally very fast.

However, after reaching the golden elixir stage, because Zhou Chun did not master the more profound and mysterious blood escape method, the escape speed of this technique was not as amazing as before.

But even if the effect is not as good as before, the speed is still much faster than Zhou Chun's own "Streaming Golden Rainbow" that has not yet been upgraded.

After flying thousands of miles like this, when Zhou Chun was still less than 500 miles away from the border of the Great Zhou Kingdom, pursuers finally appeared behind him.

In the sky, a sky-blue flying boat carrying a six-winged archmage was seen speeding through the air, so fast that it left a long-lasting mist-like white mark in the sky.

And on the shoulders of the six-winged archmage, stood a bloody flying eagle.

"That was the man, and Banerva was killed by him!"

Even though they were hundreds of miles apart, the Blood Flying Eagle stared at the blood-colored escape light transformed by Zhou Chun with a pair of blood eyes, and pointed out the target for the six-winged archmage Banglu in the language of the multi-winged tribe.

As a high-level mage whose cultivation is equivalent to that of a late-stage Jindan monk, Banglu is already one of the strongest people in the Lingfeng tribe.

As a tribe that once produced two holy mages, although the Lingfeng tribe is not as strong as before, it is not something that can be bullied by anyone.

This time, Banerva, a young archmage with outstanding qualifications in the tribe, suddenly died, which made Banglu and the other two high-level archmages of the Lingfeng tribe very shocked and angry.

Banglu, who had always had a master-disciple relationship with Banerva, personally brought the "Vengeance Blood Eagle" clone to hunt down the murderer.

At this time, after listening to the words of the blood eagle on his shoulder, Banglu immediately said in a cold voice: "He can't run away. We are still hundreds of miles away from the Great Zhou Kingdom. We will catch up with him soon!"

After speaking, he opened his mouth and spat out a burst of vitality into the flying boat at his feet. For a moment, the speed of the flying boat increased by a few points.

After hundreds of breaths passed like this, the cyan flying boat finally caught up with Zhou Chun twenty or thirty miles away.

This distance is completely within the attack range for late-stage Jindan monks.

Therefore, Master Banglu took action decisively.

But when he raised his hand, a green-brown wooden bow appeared in his hand.

Then he raised his hand to pull the bow string, and mana was injected into the wooden bow, and a green light arrow quickly condensed into form.

Then he loosened his fingers, and the green light arrow instantly turned into a blue light and shot through the air, appearing behind Zhou Chun in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun had no choice but to activate the [Wutu Vajra Cover] to protect himself, dispelling the blood escape technique.


A roaring explosion was heard in the air, and the cyan light arrow landed on the khaki light shield, instantly exploding into a ball of cyan light.

A force of distance shock was transmitted to Zhou Chun through the [Wutu Vajra Shield], making him feel as if his internal organs were shaking.

And cracks appeared on the khaki mask!

Banglu was worthy of being a high-level mage, and he almost broke Zhou Chun's magic weapon defense with just one blow.

Zhou Chun also truly experienced first-hand the power of the late-stage Jindan monks.

Since then, he has completely given up and no longer thinks about relying on the [Moon Toad Orb] to try his best.

As he continued to fly towards the territory of the Great Zhou Kingdom, he raised his hand to take out the [Aoki Sacred Banner] and directly activated the most powerful offensive power of this treasure.

In an instant, a ball of blue-black spiritual energy spurted out from the side of the flag, turning into a line of blue-black thunder and hitting the Archmage Banglu.

This is the "Green Wood Evil Thunder", and its attack power is quite extraordinary. Once it hits the target's body, the evil energy in it will quickly erode its body and destroy its foundation.

Unfortunately, its current target is Banglu, a high-level mage!

But when Banglu raised his hand and pinched the secret, a green shield protected himself and the flying boat under his feet.

The blue-black thunder bombarded the shield, causing it to shake slightly before making no sound.

The second arrow of spiritual light on the wooden bow in Banglu's hand has been shot out again.


There was another loud noise, and the [Wutu Vajra Cover] protecting Zhou Chun could not help but make a "clicking" sound, but cracks had appeared in the body of the magic weapon.

Although, as long as most magic weapons are not too seriously damaged, the damage can be gradually restored under the care of the owner.

However, the recovery time is measured in units of at least ten years. During this period, the magic weapon cannot continue to be used to fight others.

So Zhou Chun felt extremely distressed at this moment.

But it was heartbreaking. Between the magic weapon and his own life, he would definitely choose the latter.

Therefore, he didn't care about losing vitality, and directly spit out a mouthful of natal elixir onto the [Wutu Vajra Cover], instantly maximizing the power of this defensive magic weapon.

The originally shaky earth-yellow light shield suddenly emitted a bright yellow light, with countless runes shining brightly on it.

At this time, Banglu's third arrow was shot again.


With the third explosion, the [Wutu Vajra Shield] that had reached its limit could no longer hold up, and was directly knocked back to its original shape and turned into a small shield full of cracks.

Zhou Chun also suffered a certain amount of backlash damage, and blood spilled out of his mouth.

"Damn it, if I hadn't refined my natal magic weapon yet..."

Zhou Chun raised his hand with an ugly expression and took the [Wutu Vajra Cover] into his body to warm it up, feeling very unwilling to do so.

If he had refined his natal magic weapon and practiced the "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique" in the golden elixir stage, even if he was still no match for the late golden elixir monks, he would definitely not be as unbearable as he is now, being killed by three moves. He was beaten until he vomited blood!

But unwilling to give up, reality still has to be faced.

Zhou Chun was already preparing to use the [Moon Toad Orb] and the "Taiyin Body Protective Fairy Clothes" to supplement his defense.

With the grade of [Moon Toad Orb], there is no need to worry about the spirit treasure's body being damaged, but the magical power of "Taiyin Body Protective Immortal Clothes" may not be able to catch a few arrows from the opponent, and may also expose the existence of the spirit treasure.

But at this point, Zhou Chun didn't care about that much anymore, he prioritized saving his life first!

However, at this moment, the expressions of Zhou Chun and Master Banglu changed at the same time, and they suddenly looked in the direction of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

In the sky dozens of miles away, a silver escaping light was shooting towards this side at a very fast speed, which was no worse than Bangluu's azure airship.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun was stunned for a moment, then his thoughts changed, and he immediately smiled coldly and said: "Your Excellency is so bold, you dare to bully the small and attack Zhang on the border between the two tribes. Now that Comrade Zhang has arrived, see How do you end it!"

He actually turned the tables and put the blame on Master Banglu.

These words also made Master Banglu angry. He looked at him with murderous intent and shouted angrily: "Boy, you are looking for death!"

Before he shouted, he raised his hand and took out another bone arrow branded with many cyan runes, put it on the bow string, aimed directly at Zhou Chun and shot a long arrow!

The bone arrow was obviously some kind of powerful one-time consumption weapon, and it must be valuable, otherwise the great mage Banglu would not have used it before.

Now seeing an unexpected factor appearing, he decided to kill Zhou Chun at all costs before the silver ray of light arrived.

But just when he shot this extraordinary long arrow, Zhou Chun also inspired Luo Qingni to give him the last of the three fourth-level talismans.

This talisman is called "Void Spirit Talisman", and it is a life-saving fourth-level low-grade talisman.

After this talisman is cast, it can temporarily turn the cultivator's body into an illusory spirit body and avoid most attacks.

Originally, this talisman was specially prepared by Luo Qingni to allow Zhou Chun to avoid the killer move of the archer warrior puppet, but he didn't expect that it would also come in handy now.

But he saw the white bone arrow flying to the front and back of Zhou Chun, instantly passing through his disembodied body and shooting far behind him.

And because the speed of this arrow is so fast, even if Master Bangluo can make it change its flight path within the reach of his spiritual consciousness, there will be no time to correct it after it misses the target.

Boom! !

A loud roar was heard from the sky dozens of miles away behind Zhou Chun, but the bone arrow detonated directly after it flew out of the control range of Archmage Banglu and reached its limit flight distance.

The power of the explosion was more than doubled compared to the previous simple aura arrows.

If he had used this bone arrow from the beginning, Zhou Chun would have been afraid that the next arrow would have destroyed a defensive magic weapon!

After avoiding his fatal arrow, Zhou Chun immediately took advantage of the situation and galloped towards the silver escaping light that shot towards him.

Seeing this situation, Master Bangluo's eyes turned cold, and he immediately took out another bone arrow and put it on the bow string, opened the bow and shot out.

"Thieves should stop being so arrogant!"

Suddenly, a loud shout sounded from the sky, and then a silver sword light slashed through the air, and in the blink of an eye it clashed with the bone arrows that shot through the air.

Following a loud roar, a silver-white flying sword flew back to its owner.

At this time, Zhou Chun also saw clearly the appearance of the person coming.

He saw that he was a middle-aged man in silver robe with a stern face. His cultivation level reached the late stage of Jindan. It was unknown where he came from in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

"In the next week, Chun, thank you fellow Taoist for saving me!"

After hesitating for a while, Zhou Chun decided to give his real name.

His name has not done any bad things in the Great Zhou Kingdom, and he is now a Golden Core monk, so even if some things in the past are revealed, there should be no trouble.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Zhou. Fellow Daoist will return to our territory of Great Zhou first, and this thief will be handed over to Shen to deal with!"

While responding to Zhou Chun's words, the middle-aged man in silver robe made a secret gesture with both hands, urging the silver flying sword to transform into thousands of sword lights and shoot towards the Archmage Banglu.

Judging from his sword-wielding skills, he is probably a swordsman!

"Well, Fellow Daoist Shen, be careful, Zhou took the first step!"

Zhou Chun didn't try to be brave. After saying some polite words, he quickly flew towards the Great Zhou Kingdom.

The great mage Banglu didn't seem to give up, he still stretched his bow and shot an arrow of spiritual light towards Zhou Chun.

But the middle-aged man in silver robe just casually slashed out a sword light, and then exploded the spiritual light arrow in the air.

With his support, Zhou Chun quickly left the battlefield.

Not long after, Zhou Chun flew out of the territory of the Multi-wing Clan in the traditional sense and returned to the territory of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Then he didn't go far, and waited for the middle-aged man in silver robes at the border.

After waiting like this for about a quarter of an hour, a middle-aged man in silver robe came with a sword and joined him.

"It's a pity that we let that guy run away, otherwise Shen would really want to use this sword to drink the blood of a high-level mage today!"

After meeting Zhou Chun, the middle-aged man in silver robes told him the result of the fight before he could ask.

This result was not beyond Zhou Chun's expectation. After all, both parties were of the same level. Even if the middle-aged man in silver robe was stronger, there was little chance that he could retain an archmage of the same level who wanted to leave.

Immediately, he solemnly clasped his fists towards the middle-aged man in silver robe and saluted, "I am saved by my Taoist fellow today, but I haven't asked for my Taoist's name yet!"

"You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Zhou. The person who is in Sinking Sword Star is the elder of the Nine Yuan Sword Sect of Great Zhou."

The middle-aged man in silver robe waved his hand and told his origin in a deep voice.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chun was also shocked. He quickly saluted again and said, "It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Shen of the Nine Yuan Sword Sect. How disrespectful!"

The Nine Yuan Sword Sect is a behemoth, one of the top forces in the Great Zhou Kingdom. Although there are no great monks in the Yuanying Stage in the sect, there is a pair of Yuanying Stage Taoist couples who have been practicing sword practice together since childhood.

One of these two people has a peak cultivation level in the middle stage of Yuanying, and the other has a peak cultivation level in the early stage of Yuanying. With their two swords combined, they can compete with the great monks in the late stage of Yuanying!

Shen Jianxing comes from such a big sect and is a late-stage Jindan practitioner. His strength is naturally extraordinary. No wonder he defeated the high-level mage of the Multi-Wing Clan so easily.

"You Daoist Zhou is being targeted by the 'Vengeful Blood Eagle'. It's best not to set foot on the Duolan Grassland for a hundred years, otherwise once you are surrounded, it will be difficult to escape!"

When Shen Jianxing said this, he just took a deep look at Zhou Chun and did not ask why he was targeted by the "Vengeance Blood Eagle".

His behavior made Zhou Chun feel a sense of admiration for him.

Although many immortal cultivators know that it is best not to try to pry into other people's privacy unless necessary.

But many people just have strong curiosity and can't help but want to pry into other people's privacy, and end up becoming enemies because of it.

Shen Jianxing saved Zhou Chun's life this time. In fact, he could have asked why Zhou Chun was being hunted. I believe that even if Zhou Chun didn't want to answer, he wouldn't say anything more.

But he was able to do it without asking at all, which shows his high level of cultivation.

No wonder this person can cultivate to the late stage of Jindan!

Zhou Chun secretly sighed in his heart and said with a wry smile on his face: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Shen, for your warning. Zhou will definitely not dare to go to Duolan Grassland again. He will stay as far away as possible in the future!"

After saying that, he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a jade box and handed it over and said: "Zhou knows that Shen Daoyou has a noble character and may not care about the life-saving grace he gave to Zhou today, but Zhou has to repay this kindness. The Thousand-Year Golden Sword and Bamboo contained in it was accidentally acquired by Zhou back then, I hope Fellow Daoist Shen can accept it!"

The Thousand-Year Golden Sword Bamboo obtained from the wilderness has been kept as a treasure by Zhou Chun. He wanted to use it to exchange for top magic weapons and spiritual materials such as [Earth Mother Black Gold] after forming the elixir.

But now that the main materials for his natal magic weapon have been found, there is no need to be so persistent.

Shen Jianxing saved his life today. If he brought out an ordinary spiritual object to repay his kindness, it would be an insult to himself, not to mention that Shen Jianxing would not appreciate it.

After much thought, this Thousand-Year Golden Sword Bamboo is the most suitable.

This is also true.

Originally, Shen Jianxing didn't care much about Zhou Chun's repayment of gratitude.

After all, he is already a late-stage Golden Core cultivator and comes from a prestigious sect such as the Nine Yuan Sword Sect. Things that are generally regarded as treasures by Golden Core-stage cultivators are just like that in his eyes.

But as a sword cultivator, when encountering a rare flying sword material like Thousand-Year-Old Golden Sword Bamboo, it is impossible not to be tempted.

Even though he has no use for this thing, he is not alone. He also has brothers and disciples in the same sect, and there must be people among them who can use this thing.

Wouldn't it be great if I could give this item to my relatives and friends who could use it and help them refine a superior natal flying sword?

"Shen, you really can't accept this gift from fellow Daoist Zhou!"

At this time, looking at the spiritual object handed over by Zhou Chun, Shen Jianxing hesitated for a moment, then sighed softly and raised his hand to put it away.

This is the case for sword cultivators, who mostly do things neatly and neatly without being sloppy.

Because there is no regret when the sword is used, if the character is not firm and decisive, it is impossible to go far on this path.

At this time, after accepting the Millennium Golden Sword and Bamboo, Shen Jianxing also slowly said: "Shen has a big hatred against the Duoying Clan, so he invited himself to patrol the border and kill the Duoying Clan mages who dare to cross the border. Today, he came to rescue Fellow Daoist Zhou, it is also because he wants to use the blood of the great mage to refine his sword heart!"

As he spoke, he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a black stone full of wear marks and threw it at Zhou Chun: "This sword sharpening stone was used by Shen to sharpen his sword before, and there are still some traces of Shen in it. A certain sword intention has a certain value for some sword cultivators who have not yet mastered the sword intention, so it can be regarded as a return gift from Shen to fellow Daoist Zhou."

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun quickly caught the sword-sharpening stone and put it into his storage bag with great care. At the same time, he said, "Fellow Daoist Shen is so righteous, and Zhou admires it."

"Then let's say goodbye."

Shen Jianxing nodded slightly, then turned into a silver ray of light and left.

Zhou Chun had never noticed it before, but now he saw clearly that the escape technique performed by Shen Jianxing was the rumored sword escape technique!

It is said that this kind of escape technique can only be performed by sword cultivators at the Golden Core stage who have understood the meaning of the sword. When they escape, they fly through the air like a flying sword. Not only are their escape speeds extremely fast, but they also have extremely strong penetrating and destructive capabilities.

"You really are a swordsman!"

Zhou Chun couldn't help but sigh in admiration, and Zhou Chun immediately turned into a golden light and flew towards Tianyuan Immortal City.

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