Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 496 Tianbao Pavilion【Please subscribe】

Tianyuan Fairy City.

When Zhou Chun entered this city for the first time as a Golden Core monk, he had a different feeling in his heart.

When he first came here, not long after he opened the Zi Mansion, due to the rules in the city, he could only fly at an altitude of less than three hundred feet.

Although I didn't encounter any golden elixir stage monks flying over my head at that time, I still had an uncomfortable feeling in my heart.

Now that he has entered the fairy city again as a monk at the Golden Core Stage, the height limit rule no longer applies to him.

He flew directly into the sky a thousand feet high, trampling all the monks below under his feet.

The feeling of stepping on all cultivators is indeed wonderful.

With his sensitive consciousness, he could easily detect the envy and awe shown by the monks below when they occasionally raised their heads to look up at him.

He had looked at other Golden Core monks with this look in the past.

But now he has become the object of envy and awe.

This is probably one of the motivations for cultivators to work hard in cultivation!

Zhou Chun sighed in his heart and quickly flew to the rental areas of the caves in the city.

After a while, someone else landed outside Luo Qingni's "Qingni Residence" and directly sent him a transmission note.

After sending out the transmission note, Luo Qingni did not receive a reply. On the contrary, after a while, a pretty-looking female cultivator in a red dress walked out of "Qingni Residence".

After the female cultivator in the red dress came out, she saluted Zhou Chun directly and said, "Junior Zhang Qingqing, pay your respects to Senior Zhou."

"What is the relationship between Fellow Daoist Zhang and Fellow Daoist Luo? Isn't Fellow Daoist Luo not in the cave?"

Zhou Chun frowned slightly and looked at the female cultivator in red dress and asked.

Hearing his question, the female cultivator in red dress who was only in the late stage of Foundation Establishment quickly replied respectfully: "Senior Luo is refining an important batch of elixirs, so he has no time to come to greet Senior Zhou."

"As for Qingqing, she should be regarded as Senior Luo's registered alchemy disciple!"

What does it mean to be barely considered a registered alchemy disciple?

Zhou Chun was slightly startled and couldn't help but glance at the female cultivator in the red dress strangely.

But this was a private matter, and it was not easy for him to delve into it further.

At the moment, she could only nodded and said: "Zhou understands. After Master Luo comes out of seclusion, Daoist Zhang will ask her to contact Zhou."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Since Luo Qingni was still refining elixirs, Zhou Chun certainly couldn't wait for her to do nothing.

The status of a Golden Core monk is indeed a representative of certain privileges.

When Zhou Chun found a rental office in Tianyuan Immortal City, he easily rented a cave that was not much worse than "Qing Ni Ju", and he could rent it for a year!

After he rented the cave, he first meditated and recuperated for half a month in the cave, not only to recover from the injuries from the previous fighting, but also to speed up the maintenance of the magic weapon [Wutu Vajra Shield] to prevent its condition from deteriorating.

After these two things were done, Zhou Chun took out the storage magic weapon of the multi-winged archmage he killed and looked at the loot.

The status of the multi-winged archmages in the tribe is very high. Even in tribes with holy mages, these archmages generally have a high status.

Moreover, unlike the organizational form of sects and families in the human race's world of immortality, the tribes of the Multi-Wing Tribe are actually equivalent to the country. There is also a "wing" unit within the tribe, which is roughly equivalent to a certain state or a certain city in the human race.

Each multi-winged archmage will have exclusive access to, or share the spiritual items contributed by his/her wing with other archmage from his/her "wing".

In other words, these multi-winged masters all enjoy the enshrinement of a family or even a sect.

In this way, their net worth will naturally not be much worse!

Zhou Chun found nine thousand-year-old elixirs, three magic weapons and spiritual materials, and a spiritual crystal in the storage of Ban Erva, the great mage of the multi-wing tribe.

There are hundreds of other elixirs and mineral materials that are hundreds of years old.

Many of these elixirs and spiritual materials are unique to Duolan Grassland and are very popular in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

In addition, there are many medicines and magic weapons refined by multi-winged clan mages in the storage magic tools.

Immortal cultivators dare not take and cannot use the medicines and magic weapons refined by the multi-wing mages. They can only find ways to exchange them with other multi-wing mages for other raw materials.

Finally, Zhou Chun also found a dozen eggs of different varieties of monsters in Ban Erwa's storage bag. Four of them exuded very strong vitality and should be eggs of intermediate monsters.

At the same time, in a spirit beast bag on Banerva's body, Zhou Chun also discovered a second-level high-grade monster, the Golden Feather Eagle. This beast actually did not die with Banerva's fall.

But to say what is the most precious thing on Banerva's body, it must be the feather fan he used in his previous battle with Zhou Chun.

This object is a magic weapon-level treasure. The green feathers on it are the natal feathers of a fourth-level monster. The handle of the fan is also the skeleton of a fourth-order monster, and other rare spiritual objects should be smelted into it.

Even if the magic weapons of the two clans cannot be used together, the power of this treasure itself is too outstanding. After Zhou Chun injects magic power, he can also stimulate some of its power and release some extraordinary and powerful popular spells.

If this treasure is exchanged with other multi-wing clan archmages, you will definitely be able to get a lot of good things in exchange.

Unfortunately, Zhou Chun no longer has this channel, so he can only sell it at a discount to people who have this channel.

He knew that the owners behind some large shops in Tianyuan Immortal City had connections to directly trade with the archmage from the Multi-Wing Clan.

Otherwise, just relying on some low-level immortal cultivators risking their lives to venture to the Duolan Grassland, how can they bring back some rare spiritual objects unique to the Duolan Grassland for the monks of the Great Zhou Kingdom!

"It's good to have these gains. At least the loss of the [Wutu Vajra Cover] has been made up for!"

Shaking his head slightly, Zhou Chun put away the relevant things into categories.

Then he raised his hand and waved, and the body of the colorful arowana, still frozen in ice, appeared in the room.

"It can be said that a monster with all five elements of attributes is very rare in the world of immortality. If someone needs this fourth-level demon pill, they will probably take a high-grade fourth-order demon pill and not exchange it for it!"

"Also, the fish scales and fish eyes and tails are also excellent materials for refining weapons. If a master refining master mixes in some rare materials, he might be able to refine a magic weapon with all five elements!"

"Such a treasure should be reserved for participating in the exchange meeting of high-level monks in the future, or put it up for auction at a big auction!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, and soon had preliminary ideas on what to do with the colorful arowana corpse.

I saw that he immediately took action himself, without damaging the materials, divided and removed all the demon elixirs, fish scales, fins and other items of the colorful dragon fish, packed them into categories with hundreds of years of cold jade boxes, and affixed them with anti-spiritual protection labels. Overflowing talismans.

After all the most valuable items were packed, Zhou Chun froze and sealed the fish.

He has already tried it. The meat of this colorful dragon fish is very delicious and contains rich spiritual power of the five elements. Golden elixir stage monks can benefit from it after eating it.

This thing is just waiting for him to use it to entertain distinguished guests when he returns to his family to hold a golden elixir ceremony. It will definitely become a good story by then.

After disposing of the colorful dragon fish's body, Zhou Chun took out the sword-sharpening stone given to him by Shen Jianxing and studied it.

Although he is not a sword cultivator and has no intention of becoming one, it does not prevent him from being curious about the sword cultivator's sword intention.

At this time, he touched the sword mark on the whetstone with his spiritual consciousness, and soon felt a sharp will that shattered the sky and the earth. In a trance, he seemed to see a silver sword light slashing towards him.


Suddenly, Zhou Chun groaned and hurriedly stopped studying the sword grinding stone.

He was attacked by the sword just now, and part of his consciousness that was thrown at the whetstone has been chopped into pieces by the sword. It can be said that he suffered a slight injury.

"You can actually attack the monk's spiritual consciousness directly. No wonder they say that sword cultivators who have condensed their sword intent are not easy to mess with!"

Zhou Chun looked at the sword sharpening stone with a slightly pale face, feeling even more afraid of the sword cultivator.

This was just the remaining sword intention when Shen Jianxing sharpened his sword, but it had the power to cut off his consciousness.

If he faced Shen Jianxing's sword intention with all his strength, would he be able to take the opponent's move now?

"It seems that the third level of "Heart Lotus Zhengfa" requires more practice before going back!"

Zhou Chun couldn't help but smile bitterly when he thought of this.

Originally, getting a pill was a very happy thing, but now the various problems that have emerged behind the pill make it difficult to be happy.

Recast the broken cauldron, refine the natal magic weapon, practice the secret method, support the spiritual beast to attack the fourth level...

If you want to complete all these things well, it will be difficult to complete without a hundred years of hard work.

Zhou Chun now knows why those Golden Core Stage monks seldom go out. There are too many places to waste energy and time!

A thousand years of life seems to be a long time, but if you think that with such a long life, you can relax and have no worries, you are totally wrong.

Zhou Chun is a person with pursuits and dreams. He cannot be willing to stay in the Golden Core Stage for the rest of his life, nor does he want to become the kind of weak Golden Core Stage monk who can be bullied by anyone.

So even if he succeeds in forming the elixir, he is destined to be unable to enjoy himself until he grows old!

"It seems that I was born to be a hard worker!"

After shaking his head, Zhou Chun sighed, suppressed all his worries, stood up and left the cave.

No matter what the future holds, he must act in the present and do what he should do.

Soon after, Zhou Chun used the [Hundred Magic Beads] to transform into Zhang Liang and appeared in Tianyuan Fairy City's largest comprehensive store, "Tianbao Pavilion".

It is said that behind this "Tianbao Pavilion" are several powerful forces from the Great Zhou Kingdom, and all kinds of spiritual items such as alchemy weapons, talismans, and arrays are for sale in its shop.

Shops with such a strong background usually have formations to detect the aura of monks entering the realm.

As long as you don't deliberately hide your cultivation level, the monks in the shop will immediately know the exact cultivation level after entering it, and then arrange for the corresponding monks to come and receive you.

Therefore, as soon as Zhou Chung entered the shop, before he had gone a few steps, he heard a voice ringing in his ears: "Dear guest, please go straight to the third floor. Sun is here to wait for you Taoist friend."

Not long after he finished speaking, a maid came over with a respectful face, saluted Zhou Chun, and led him to the third floor.

When Zhou Chun arrived on the third floor, a fair-faced man in brocade clothes came up to him with a smile on his face, bowed his hand and said, "Welcome to Tianbao Pavilion, my distinguished guest, Sun Yuanjing, Tian is the shopkeeper of this pavilion."

This person's cultivation level is the same as Zhou Chun's in the early stage of the Golden Core. However, Zhou Chun has just successfully formed the elixir, while he is already at the peak of the early stage of the Golden Core.

"It turns out to be shopkeeper Sun. Please be polite to Zhang Liang."

Zhou Chun bowed his hand in return and reported his name.

Then he was invited by Sun Yuanjing to enter the private room on the third floor, and the guests and hosts sat down.

Soon two maids came forward with plates and offered spiritual tea to the two of them.

"This Xiangxue Lingcha is one of the four spiritual teas used by this pavilion to entertain distinguished guests like Daoyou Zhang. Its taste is sweet and cold. It must be brewed with snow spring water to fully display its taste. Daoyou Zhang may wish to give it a try."

Sun Yuanjing first picked up the tea and took a sip, then smiled at Zhou Chun and invited him to drink tea together.

But since Zhou Chun was cheated in Tianyuan Immortal City, he can no longer believe in the credibility of these so-called big stores.

At this time, he just replied calmly: "Zhang appreciates Shopkeeper Sun's kindness, but Zhang doesn't have the habit of drinking tea outside. Let's talk business first!"

Hearing what he said, Sun Yuanjing didn't feel displeased at all. He just nodded slightly to the maids and asked them to take the tea away and retreat.

Then he said to Zhou Chun: "Zhang Daoyou seems quite unfamiliar. Could it be the first time you come to our store?"

"This is indeed the first time that Zhang has come to your store after successfully forming the elixir."

Zhou Chun replied calmly, not hiding the fact that he had just formed a pill.

There is no need to hide this kind of thing, because his identity as Zhang Liang will be his common identity in the Great Zhou Kingdom from now on.

As for the original identity, of course it should be kept as low as possible without being exposed.

After all, even if he is not afraid of the enemies he provokes outside, he still has to worry about the enemies knowing his true identity and going to Jingguo to take revenge on the Zhou family.

Basically, these golden elixir monks with families would not reveal their true origins when traveling abroad.

After hearing his answer, Sun Yuanjing immediately smiled and said: "It turns out that Fellow Daoist Zhang is a newly promoted Jindan monk, so Sun must first congratulate Fellow Daoist."

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun and asked, "But I don't know what deal Zhang Daoyou wants to make when he comes to Tianbao Pavilion today?"

Zhou Chun heard this and immediately replied calmly: "Zhang has just formed the elixir not long ago, so naturally he has to work hard for his natal magic weapon and the cultivation of magical powers, so he wants to exchange with your store to buy some magic weapons, spiritual materials and high-quality gold essence!"

As he spoke, he revealed the relevant magic weapons and spiritual materials he needed to refine his natal magic weapon.

However, after listening to his words, Sun Yuanjing quickly shook his head and said: "These magic weapons and spiritual materials you mentioned, Zhang Daoyou, are not ordinary things. Even our store currently only has two types: [Tianxuan Gold Sand] and [Venus Stone]" We have an inventory of spiritual materials, and we only accept spiritual items of corresponding value in exchange."

"As for the high-quality Jin Xing Jing Qi, our store does have some in stock, but I don't know if it meets Zhang Daoyou's needs."

Hearing his answer, Zhou Chun was not disappointed, but showed joy.

There are a lot of materials needed to refine the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron]. Zhou Chun had no hope of being able to collect them all at once in Tianbao Pavilion, so he was happy to have two of them.

He immediately agreed: "No problem, Zhang has also prepared some magical materials and elixirs for exchange. As for the golden essence, I also asked fellow Taoist Sun to get some for Zhang to examine."

Then he took out some of the things he had prepared for exchange and let Sun Yuanjing choose on his own.

This kind of barter method is of course not about who wins and who loses, it only depends on who has the need.

Many of the things Zhou Chun took out were higher in value than the two magic weapons and spiritual materials he needed, so Sun Yuanjing quickly selected the two most valuable items.

After he made his choice, he smiled slightly at Zhou Chun and said, "Fellow Taoist Zhang, please wait a moment. Sun will arrange for fellow Taoist to fetch spiritual objects."

Then he moved his lips slightly to transmit a message to someone.

About half a quarter of an hour later, the door to the private room was pushed open, and a beautiful woman in green clothes walked in.

This beautiful woman has a cultivation level in the middle stage of Zifu. After entering, she only glanced at Zhou Chun for a moment, then bowed respectfully to Sun Yuanjing and said, "I pay my respects to the shopkeeper. I have brought you what you asked me to collect."

As he spoke, he patted the storage bag on his waist and handed two jade boxes and several bottles to Sun Yuanjing.

"Okay, you go down first."

Sun Yuanjing took the thing, waved his hand, and then waved away the beautiful woman in green.

Then he handed the things to Zhou Chunyi and said, "The things are all here. Fellow Daoist Zhang, please check the goods yourself!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately took out the two jade boxes and inspected the two magical materials, [Tianxuan Gold Sand] and [Venus Stone] inside.

After confirming that the quality and quantity of the two magic weapons and spiritual materials met his needs, he took the bottles containing the golden essence and inspected them one by one.

The gold essence sealed in these bottles are just samples. If Zhou Chun is satisfied with something, he can purchase it in specific quantities.

But after he looked at several types of Jin Xing essence, he frowned and couldn't help but look at Sun Yuanjing and said: "Although the quality of these Jin Xing essence is pretty good, it failed to meet Zhang's psychological expectations. I don't know how valuable it is." Does the store still have higher quality gold essence?"

"Aren't these okay?"

Sun Yuanjing was stunned for a moment, and then gave him a strange look. He lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said again: "As for higher-quality Jinxing Jingqi, although our store doesn't have it in stock yet, we can help Daoyou Zhang find it. , but in that case, it won’t work if you just want to buy it with spirit coins!”

Zhou Chun's eyes lit up immediately and he immediately replied: "Shopkeeper Sun, please rest assured that as long as Zhang's needs can be met, Zhang will naturally be willing to use other precious spiritual objects to pay for the transaction!"

When Sun Yuanjing heard what he said, he no longer had any doubts in his heart. He immediately nodded and said, "Okay, since Fellow Taoist Zhang said so, please give Sun half a month. Fellow Taoist will come back to inspect the goods after half a month!"

"That one will come back in half a month."

Zhou Chun said, immediately stood up and left with two newly acquired magic weapons and spiritual materials.

I encountered an online fraud and was on my way to the police station to report the crime. I have never felt like a fool like now! ! ! !

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