Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 497 Goodbye Yu Jinghua [Please subscribe]

Half a month passed quickly.

Luo Qingni did not contact Zhou Chun during this period, indicating that he had not yet come out of confinement.

She didn't know what kind of important elixir she was refining, but it took so long.

Zhou Chun also visited Tianbao Pavilion again on time.

"This [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi] is the golden essence that some Jindan-stage sword cultivators from the Jiuyuan Sword Sect often purchase to refine their natal flying swords. Only the Jindan-stage monks who practice the Jinxing technique can smelt it with special secret techniques. It can be refined from many kinds of gold energy!"

"If even this kind of golden energy cannot meet the needs of Fellow Daoist Zhang, then unless Fellow Daoist Zhang can ask Master Yuan Yingqi to condense the gold energy for you, there will definitely be no one better than this [Taiyi Xuanjin Energy]. High-quality golden energy!”

In Tianbao Pavilion, Sun Yuanjing raised his hand and handed a small black bottle into Zhou Chun's hands, and then introduced the origin of the gold in the bottle with a hint of pride.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Chun's eyes suddenly lit up.

A while ago, Zhou Chungang had seen how powerful the Golden Core Sword Cultivator was, and now that he heard what Sun Yuanjing said, he couldn't help but feel more hopeful.

Without saying much at the moment, he just opened the cork and checked the gold energy inside.

I saw that this [Taiyi Xuan Gold Qi] was somewhat different from most of the gold Qi Zhou Chun had seen before. Its color was white-yellow, seven parts white, three parts golden, and the Qi machine was sharp and sharp.

He took a little bit of it and absorbed it into his body, and immediately felt a very strong tingling sensation. The Dao Cauldron in his Dantian also seemed to feel something and trembled slightly.

Seeing this situation, he knew what was going on.

Then he looked at Sun Yuanjing and said, "Yes, this [Taiyi Xuan Gold Qi] has indeed met Zhang's requirements. I wonder how much of this kind of gold Qi shopkeeper Sun can get for Zhang?"

Hearing his words, Sun Yuanjing's eyes immediately flashed, and he said slowly: "[Taiyi Xuanjin Qi] is of great use to the sword cultivators of the Nine Yuan Sword Sect in tempering their natal flying swords. The Great Zhou Kingdom produces it every year Most of the [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi] has been taken care of by them. If the demand for Fellow Daoist Zhang is small, it’s okay, but if the demand is large, I’m afraid it won’t be easy!”

It's not easy, it's something that can be done.

Zhou Chun easily understood the implication of Sun Yuanjing's words.

After pondering in his heart, he looked at Sun Yuanjing and said: "This [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi] is very useful for Zhang to practice a magical power. If he wants to achieve a great magical power, he will definitely need a lot of dosage, but it will be troublesome." Shopkeeper Sun helped Zhang with this!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and a cyan feather fan appeared in his hand.

This cyan feather fan was the trophy he had obtained from killing the Archmage of the Multi-Wing Tribe before.

Originally, he planned to find a large store with a strong background to sell this thing, and Tianbao Pavilion undoubtedly met the standards of this large store.

He handed the cyan feather fan to Sun Yuanjing and said: "This treasure will be regarded as the deposit paid by Zhang in advance. As long as shopkeeper Sun can help Zhang find enough [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi], Zhang will also We will raise some thousand-year-old elixirs or magical materials to pay for the transaction, what do shopkeeper Sun think?"

"This is the fourth-level magic weapon used by the great mage of the Multi-Wing Tribe!"

Sun Yuanjing looked at the cyan feather fan in front of him. With his rich experience and knowledge, he could tell the origin and grade of this object at a glance.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun with a confused expression, and a hint of fear flashed in his eyes.

Although the cyan feather fan in Zhou Chun's hand might have been obtained from a senior mage from the Multi-Wing Tribe, Sun Yuanjing knew that this possibility was not very high.

After all, the fourth-level magic weapons of the Multi-Wing Clan are even more valuable than the magic weapons in the world of human cultivation, and are basically unlikely to be owned by a high-level mage.

And Zhou Chun, who claimed to have just formed an elixir, could now so casually take out a fourth-level magic weapon of the multi-wing clan that was as precious as a magic weapon, which had to make Sun Yuanjing feel suspicious.

He suspected that Zhou Chun's statement that he had just formed the elixir not long ago was not true.

But this kind of suspicion can only be suspicion, and it is impossible for him to ask.

After his expression changed, he smiled at Zhou Chun and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhang is really extraordinary. He can even take out the fourth-level magic weapon used by the great mage of the multi-wing clan. Sun admires him!"

After saying that, he nodded and said: "With this thing as a deposit, it is naturally enough, but if the demand for Fellow Daoist Zhang is large, I am afraid it will take more time to get enough. After all, the sword cultivators of the Nine Yuan Sword Sect also have They are not the ones who are short of money, many people want to sell their face!"

"Zhang understands this, but Zhang doesn't want to wait too long. Can shopkeeper Sun give us an approximate time?"

Zhou Chun nodded first, then looked at Sun Yuanjing and asked for the exact time.

Having waited for many years after the foundation was built, Zhou Chun was not unable to accept that it would take a little longer to recast the Broken Cauldron.

As long as he can complete this step before he collects all the materials to refine the natal magic weapon.

But we still can't give in where we need to push.

Faced with his urging at this time, Sun Yuanjing hesitated for a moment and then said: "Fellow Taoist Zhang, please tell me how much volume you need. Sun can estimate the time it may take."

When Zhou Chun heard this, he made a rough estimate and reported an amount.

In order to avoid any mistakes, he naturally quoted 20 to 30% more than the normal amount required.

Sun Yuanjing actually knew this, so he didn't delve into it. He just made some estimates and said to him: "Friend Zhang, the amount you need is not small. If you really want to collect it all, it will take two or three at least." It will take ten years!”

"Thirty years is too long. Zhang can only wait twenty years at most!"

Zhou Chun shook his head and spoke his bottom line in a deep voice.

In order to collect a spiritual object, it will take decades. This is something that high-level monks often encounter.

Only they, who have long life spans, can afford to wait for such a long time.

After listening to Zhou Chun's words, Sun Yuanjing made some calculations in his mind, and soon said again: "Let's do it, within twenty-five years, Sun will try to get a sufficient amount of [Taiyi] for Fellow Daoist Zhang in advance. Xuanjin Qi], but there is no guarantee that it can be completed within twenty years!”

"Okay, let's do that. Shopkeeper Laosun will take care of everything."

Zhou Chun thought for a moment and nodded in agreement with Sun Yuanjing's opinion.

Anyway, he had just formed the elixir not long ago, and his longevity was only in his early 200s, so he couldn't afford to wait a few more years.

After signing the contract on the spot, Zhou Chun left the cyan feather fan as a deposit and left Tianbao Pavilion first.

In the next ten days or so, Zhou Chun went to some large shops and auctions in Tianyuan Fairy City, selling some special spiritual items from the Duolan Grassland that he had obtained from the Archmage of the Duoying Clan, as well as items he had seized during the war. of magic weapon materials.

These things probably brought him a harvest of 250,000 spiritual coins. As a monk in the golden elixir stage, he didn't have to worry about being targeted for this.

Then he practiced in the temporary cave he rented for seven or eight days, and then finally waited for Luo Qingni's summons.

After receiving the summons, Zhou Chun did not waste any time and immediately went to "Qingni Residence" in person.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist Zhou for achieving the golden elixir and may you live a thousand years!"

In "Qingni Residence", Luo Qingni welcomed Zhou Chun into the guest room. After the two of them were left alone, he congratulated Zhou Chun with a smile on his face.

She seemed to be in a good mood, and she didn't know whether it was because her alchemy retreat was very successful, or because she had guessed that Zhou Chun had brought something good to her, or both.

Facing her congratulations, Zhou Chun also smiled lightly and said: "I just caught up with Fellow Daoist Luo."

Then he looked at Luo Qingni with a smile and asked: "Fellow Daoist Luo, you might as well guess what Zhou gained in that secret island?"

Hearing what he said, Luo Qingni's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, and then she smiled sweetly and said: "Giggle, listen to what Fellow Daoist Zhou said, Qingni's heart can be put back in his stomach."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhou Chun with eager eyes and said, "Please, fellow Taoist Zhou, please stop showing off and let Qing Ni open her eyes!"

"Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Luo is always calm, but his demeanor today is rare!"

Zhou Chun laughed and couldn't help but tease Luo Qingni.

Then, he stopped showing off, directly raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out the alchemy furnace that he had taken away.

This alchemy furnace has been subdued by Zhou Chun. After it came out, with the injection of his mana, it grew to the size it looked like when it was first seen in the Danyuan Hall.

After the alchemy furnace appeared, Luo Qingni couldn't keep his eyes off it.

She looked at the red-gold alchemy furnace with fiery eyes. She walked slowly to the furnace involuntarily, and gently stretched out her hand to touch the flame carvings on the furnace wall as if caressing a lover.

Seeing this look in Zhou Chun's eyes made him feel quite weird.

However, Zhou Chun asked himself that if he got a treasure that could greatly enhance the combat power of his spirit beasts, or speed up the growth of spirit beasts, he might be as obsessed and excited as Luo Qingni now.

Therefore, he did not urge or disturb Luo Qingni, but quietly waited for her to wake up on her own.

After waiting like this for nearly half a quarter of an hour, Zhou Chun heard Luo Qingni murmur in words full of surprise: "It is indeed the magical alchemy furnace used by real people in the Yuanying stage to make alchemy. It not only comes with its own matching furnace fire, but also contains The legal prohibitions on pills and tempered pills!”

She seemed to be able to understand the purpose of the flame carvings on the alchemy furnace. She had already figured out some of the magical functions of the alchemy furnace without ever sacrificing it.

Zhou Chun also spoke up at this time and said: "Speaking of it, it was your fate, Fellow Daoist Luo. Although Zhou successfully walked to the alchemy furnace before forming the elixir, he resisted the monk's collection. At that time, Zhou Chun did not I was unable to take it away, and I almost burned the puppet you gave me, Fellow Daoist Luo!"

"Later, Zhou succeeded in forming a pill, and then he successfully subdued it and brought it out."

He was not taking credit for himself, he was just stating the facts.

After Luo Qingni heard what he said, she felt frightened.

Immediately he looked at him with grateful eyes and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhou, I have promised you a thousand pieces of gold, Qing Ni admires me!"

Zhou Chun took advantage of the situation and said: "In addition to this alchemy furnace, Zhou also obtained some classics related to alchemy in the Danyuan Hall. Maybe Fellow Daoist Luo will be interested!"

Sure enough, upon hearing his words, Luo Qingni's beautiful eyes lit up again and she looked at him expectantly.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun smiled slightly, and immediately took out all the books related to alchemy and handed them into her hands.

The situation was not what he expected. When he saw those alchemy classics, Luo Qingni, the master of alchemy, couldn't take his eyes away again. He looked like he wanted to immediately hold the book in seclusion and study hard.

This forced him to take the initiative to interrupt the other party.

"Most of the things that Fellow Daoist Luo gave to Zhou before have been consumed. This puppet is also seriously damaged. I am afraid that Fellow Daoist Luo needs to send it back to the puppet master for repair before it can be used again."

Zhou Chun said as he took out the giant ape puppet.

Seeing this, Luo Qingni immediately waved his hand and said, "These are all trivial matters. Can you, fellow Daoist Zhou, tell me what you went through after you formed elixirs on the secret island?"

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun curiously, waiting for his answer.

"Of course, there's nothing bad to say."

Zhou Chun nodded and immediately talked about his experience after forming the pill.

In addition to concealing the secret attack and killing of the colorful arowana by him, deliberately ignoring his harvest in the medicine garden, and hiding the request of the owner of the secret island to find his successor, Zhou Chun did not shy away from telling his other experiences.

After listening to Zhou Chun's story, Luo Qingni couldn't help but sigh: "I see, I didn't expect that it would be so difficult to obtain the inheritance of the master of the secret island. That senior never wanted to let future generations obtain his inheritance." Inheritance!”

"Don't even think about getting the inheritance. Even if someone can replicate Zhou's experience and take the risk to form a pill successfully, there is no way he can pass that test!"

When Zhou Chun said this, he said half-truthfully: "Besides, all the things that can be taken away inside have been taken away by Zhou. Even if others go in again, it is unlikely that they will gain anything!"

"That's true. If the situation in the Weapon Palace is similar to that of the Alchemy Room, even if another Zifu Stage monk can defeat two warrior puppets, there will be little gain in it!"

Luo Qingni nodded, basically agreeing with Zhou Chun's words.

Then I heard Zhou Chun say: "Zhou wants to discuss with fellow Taoist Luo and give the jade talisman that goes in and out of the secret realm to Zhou for safekeeping and use, so that I, the monk of the Zhou family, can go in and out of the secret realm island in the future to pick the elixirs in the medicine garden. "

Having said this, he hurriedly added: "Of course, if Fellow Daoist Luo wants to arrange for someone to venture into the secret island, Zhou can also hand over the jade talisman to Fellow Daoist at any time!"


Luo Qingni looked at Zhou Chun with hesitation on his face.

Although she and Zhou Chun can no longer enter the secret island, although Zhou Chun also said that all the treasures that can be taken away from the secret island have been taken away.

But after all, the secret island is a cave dojo left by a powerful Yuanying stage master, and there are also inherited treasures and many spiritual objects left by the Yuanying stage master.

The only access jade talisman was given to Zhou Chun for safekeeping, wouldn't it be equivalent to giving Zhou Chun the ownership of the secret island?

Seeing that she was hesitant, Zhou Chun immediately said with a serious face: "Fellow Daoist Luo is worried that Zhou will steal the jade talisman? I think you don't have to worry about this. After all, if Zhou doesn't give the jade talisman to Luo, you can arrange it." You can definitely publicize this matter, and Zhou and the Zhou family will definitely not be at peace. How could Zhou do such an unwise thing?"

He had reached this point, and Luo Qingni could no longer remain silent.

After a quick thought in my mind, I felt that what Zhou Chun said made sense, so I reluctantly nodded and said, "Okay, then, the jade talisman will be kept by fellow Taoist Zhou!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he suddenly felt happy and quickly bowed his hands and said, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Luo, for your help!"

Then he went on to talk about asking Luo Qingni to help introduce the puppet master to repair the bow and arrow warrior puppet, and hinted that the precious elixirs he obtained from the secret island could be given to Luo Qingni to help make elixirs in the future, or to replace them. into other spiritual beings.

Luo Qingni listened to his request and quickly replied: "This is easy to talk about. Master Qianji was originally very interested in the puppet refining method on the secret island. Fellow Daoist Zhou was willing to give him a relatively complete puppet to study. , he will definitely not refuse.”

"Even if he can't research anything at the moment, it shouldn't be a big problem to replace a fourth-level puppet with fellow Daoist Zhou!"

With her guarantee, Zhou Chun felt relieved.

So I talked about the last two things.

"Zhou has two other things he wants to trouble Fellow Daoist Luo. One is to ask Fellow Daoist Luo for some elixirs that can improve the mana of Foundation Establishment monks and Zifu monks. It would be better if there are elixirs suitable for monsters to take. Got it!"

"The second thing is to ask Fellow Daoist Luo to help refine the [Holy Spirit Blood Pill] as soon as possible so that Zhou can bring it back in time for the elders to take the Shock Golden Pill!"

Although he could ask Luo Qingni to help him refine elixirs, it would be better to teach people to fish than to teach them how to fish. It would be better if the Zhou family could produce the elixirs themselves, even if it would waste some elixirs.

Luo Qingni listened to his two requests, thought about it, looked at him and said: "Qingni can give fellow Taoist Zhou three pill recipes suitable for monks in the foundation-building stage to improve their mana, one pill recipe for [Zengyuan Pill], and one pill recipe." I have prepared an [Ancient Chen Pill] prescription that is suitable for third-level monsters. Can you take a look at it, Fellow Daoist Zhou?"

"As for the matter of refining the [Holy Spirit Blood Pill], it will be easy to handle. Once Qing Ni refines the magic pill furnace, he will start refining the pill several times and get used to the furnace, and then he will immediately refine the pill for Fellow Daoist Zhou!"

"What? Fellow Daoist Luo still has a pill recipe suitable for third-level monsters!"

Zhou Chun looked at Luo Qingni with a look of surprise, he was really overjoyed.

He originally thought that he would be satisfied if he could get a pill recipe that was similar to the [Demon Spirit Pill], but he didn't expect this unexpected surprise.

Unexpectedly, Luo Qingni shook his head at him and said, "Don't be too happy, fellow Daoist Zhou. Although Qingni has the recipe for [Guchen Pill], the elixir resources used to refine this pill are too much. Qing Ni has been refined several times for a certain Golden Core Stage cultivator before."

With that said, he directly reported some precious materials needed to refine [Guchen Pill].

According to what she said, this [Guchen Pill] is an ancient prescription. Although its medicinal power is strong, it also consumes a lot of elixir materials.

To refine a furnace of this kind of elixir, you need to prepare twelve thousand-year-old elixirs and many other auxiliary medicines, and you also need to use the blood essence and blood of fourth-level monsters to make the medicine.

As a result, it is very difficult for even a golden elixir stage monk to gather enough materials for a furnace of [Ancient Chen elixir].

Therefore, after Luo Qingni obtained this elixir recipe, except for refining several batches of this elixir for a certain golden elixir stage monk, she never refined it again.

But for Zhou Chun, as long as he can make a few spiritual pets keep up with him, no matter how much spiritual medicine he spends, it will be worth it.

Therefore, after getting the prescription from Luo Qingni, he decided to make collecting information on the prescription a top priority in the future.

No one knows better than Zhou Chun himself how he got to where he is today.

Without the help of a few spiritual pets, he would be no different from other ordinary monks.

Therefore, after he formed the elixir, the best way to improve his strength was to train his spiritual pet to the fourth level.

With the qualifications and potential of his several spiritual pets, no matter which spiritual pet is promoted to the fourth level, it will make a qualitative leap in his strength.

After the exchange with Luo Qingni ended, Zhou Chun took his leave and returned to his temporary cave.

And Luo Qingni also went into seclusion to practice the newly obtained magic weapon pill furnace.

That alchemy furnace is at least a middle-grade magic weapon. With Luo Qingni's cultivation, it would be difficult to complete it in less than half a year if she wanted to sacrifice it to bring luck.

In addition, she will have to open a furnace to refine alchemy and familiarize herself with its performance, which will take several months. Zhou Chun estimates that when her one-year lease in the cave is over, she will be almost able to open a furnace to refine [Holy Spirit Blood Pill]. 】.

Zhou Chun will naturally not be idle during this period of time.

He left Tianyuan Immortal City directly and went to Xiandufang City and other large markets in the Great Zhou Kingdom to sell the magic weapons and spiritual objects he had accumulated, and by the way see if he could collect some magic weapons, spiritual materials and elixirs that he needed.

The Great Zhou Kingdom has a vast territory and abundant resources. Although Tianyuan Fairy City is the most prosperous and lively place, it does not mean that other places do not have their own characteristics.

After Zhou Chun visited several markets, he actually collected another spiritual material needed to refine the natal magic weapon, as well as three thousand-year-old elixirs that can be used to refine the [Ancient Dust Pill].

At the same time, he also obtained nearly 300,000 spiritual coins by selling magic weapons and spiritual objects.

On this day, Zhou Chun entered a large market called Xuanqingfang City. As usual, he went straight to the largest store in the city to see if he could find what he needed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived outside the shop, he saw two Jindan monks walking out of it one after another.

As the two walked away, they also exchanged polite greetings.

"Okay, Shopkeeper Ma doesn't need to give more. Hua will go on his own now."

A deep voice was heard from the mouth of one of the men in black. As the man spoke, he looked at Zhou Chun, who was coming over, and nodded slightly at him.

But Zhou Chun, who had always paid great attention to etiquette, was slightly stunned at this time and forgot to return the gift.

It wasn't until the man in black frowned at him and walked away that he suddenly came back to his senses.

I saw him turning his head to look at the retreating figure. Although his eyes did not change much, his heart was already in turmoil.

You can’t go wrong!

The words he just heard were that person's voice!

Yu Jinghua, this traitor to the Zhou family!

Even though his appearance had changed, his unchanged voice still exposed his true identity!

"Does this fellow Taoist also know fellow Taoist Hua?"

Just when Zhou Chun's heart was in turmoil, a slightly curious voice brought him back to reality.

He looked up and saw Shopkeeper Ma, who was bidding farewell to Yu Jinghua, looking at him with curiosity.

The past is unbearable to look back on, and the lessons learned are profound! I can't stand it anymore today, so I'll forget about writing 6,000 words. I'll update the 8,000 words tomorrow to make up for the 2,000 words I owe!

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