Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 498 Returning home in fine clothes [8,000-word chapter please subscribe]

Zhou Chun's unexpected discovery of Yu Jinghua's whereabouts left Zhou Chun unable to calm down for a long time.

If there is any golden elixir stage monk that he must deal with after he forms the golden elixir, it must be Yu Jinghua.

This traitor of the Zhou family single-handedly caused the decline of the Zhou family and embezzled the ancestral property left by the ancestors of the Zhou family. Whenever the older generation of monks of the Zhou family mentioned him, they all gnashed their teeth.

So if there was an opportunity to kill this traitor and take back the ancestral property left by the Zhou family's ancestors, Zhou Chun would definitely not let this opportunity go.

But before that, not only the Zhou family was looking for Yu Jinghua, but Tianjing Villa was also looking for him.

And he also knew that he had offended Tianjing Villa severely, and offended Master Tianjing, the Nascent Soul Stage Master.

Therefore, not only did he escape to the Great Zhou Kingdom, he also changed his surname.

In this case, unless Zhou Chun happened to bump into him and recognized him from his unchanged voice, I'm afraid no one would know where he was hiding.

But even if Yu Jinghua's whereabouts were discovered now, it would not be easy to deal with him.

Because Zhou Chun had just discovered that Yu Jinghua's cultivation had broken through to the middle stage of the Golden Core!

This must be the reason why this beast found a breakthrough opportunity in the Great Zhou Kingdom after taking away the resources in the Tianjing Villa's treasure house.

To deal with such a middle-stage Jindan monk, the current Zhou Chun and Lin Hongyu alone can at best draw with him, and there is not much hope of killing him.

But even so, it would be a great joy to be able to discover his whereabouts.

As long as we know where his hiding place is, wait until Zhou Chun succeeds in recasting the broken cauldron, refines his natal magic weapon, and invites Luo Qingni to help, it will not be impossible to kill him.

Even after killing him, you can take his head to receive the reward from Tianjing Zhenren!

These thoughts flashed rapidly through Zhou Chun's mind.

When the shopkeeper Ma asked him about it, he became confused and immediately replied: "I did meet him once at an exchange meeting before, but he must not know me!"

Hearing his answer, Shopkeeper Na suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face and nodded: "So that's it. Fellow Taoist Hua does like to participate in some exchange meetings, and he also likes to meet new fellow Taoists. If fellow Taoist Hua is interested in him, If so, Ma can make a recommendation on your behalf!”

"Zhang accepts Shopkeeper Ma's kindness, but it depends on fate. It's not good to force it."

Zhou Chun shook his head slightly and rejected Shopkeeper Ma's kindness in a calm tone.

When we met today, although Yu Jinghua didn't recognize him who had changed his appearance with [Hundred Magic Beads].

But if the two of them get along alone, and the other person is already in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, there is no guarantee that he will not find problems while talking to him.

Zhou Chun naturally wouldn't take this risk.

After he said something casually to Shopkeeper Ma, he walked into the shop behind him and started talking about business.

In order to avoid shopkeeper Ma becoming suspicious, Zhou Chun did not mention Yu Jinghua at all in subsequent conversations, as if he had never met this person before.

After getting two thousand-year-old elixirs from Shopkeeper Ma that were necessary for refining the "Guchen Pill", Zhou Chun quickly said goodbye and left.

After leaving Xuanqingfang City like this, Zhou Chun went straight to Tianyuan Immortal City.

As soon as he returned to Tianyuan Immortal City, he went straight to Tianzhi Tower.

"Zhang wants Guilou to help investigate this person's information. His name is Hua Feng. He is in the middle stage of Jindan. He is not an elder of a big force."

In the Tianzhi Building, Zhou Chun placed the disguised portrait and name of Yu Jinghua that he drew in front of the shopkeeper of this building, and directly stated his intention.

Yu Jinghua is now at the middle stage of Jindan cultivation. Zhou Chun went to investigate the other party himself. If he was not careful, he might alert the enemy, and it would also be time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Therefore, he thought of using the power of Tianzhi Tower to investigate the other party.

This kind of business is also Tianzhilou’s favorite.

Because not only can they earn a lot of commission through this, but they can also collect an additional copy of detailed information about a certain monk.

But Tianzhilou also has a bottom line, that is, it will not do business targeting those elders of the golden elixir stage who are powerful.

Of course, external personnel such as Elder Keqing do not count.

Therefore, Zhou Chunhui specifically pointed out that Yu Jinghua's disguise of identity was not a matter for powerful monks.

"The target of the investigation is the middle stage of Jindan cultivation. According to the rules of this building, 50,000 spiritual coins need to be paid in advance. The news will be received in half a year at the latest."

Even when facing a Jindan monk like Zhou Chun, the shopkeeper of Tianzhi Tower still showed no fear and discussed the price with him in a very calm tone.

Zhou Chun also knew Tianzhilou's rules and work style, so he didn't pay attention to these details. He patted the storage bag on his waist, took out 50,000 spiritual coins and placed them in front of him.

"Here is the money. Here is my contact information."

Zhou Chun left Tianzhi Tower after leaving his money and contact information neatly.

Next, he did not wait for news in Tianyuan Immortal City, and continued to travel around the Great Zhou Kingdom to collect relevant materials.

After a few months passed like this, he felt that Luo Qingni's side was almost ready, so he returned to Tianyuan Immortal City.

As soon as he returned to the temporary cave, he found a message from Tianzhi Tower to him, so he hurried to Tianzhi Tower to receive the message.

Tianzhilou's ability to do things is indeed reliable.

The information Zhou Chun received from them was very detailed.

According to Tianzhilou's investigation, Yu Jinghua disguised himself as Hua Feng and appeared in the Great Zhou Kingdom about sixty years ago.

More than fifty years ago, Hua Feng took several close disciples to join a medium-power Yuling Sect in the Great Zhou Kingdom and became an elder of the Yuling Sect.

More than 20 years ago, Hua Feng's cultivation reached the middle stage of the Golden Core, and he became the third highest cultivation person in the Yuling Sect, thus firmly establishing his position as the elder of the Yuling Sect.

The mountain gate of Yulingmen is more than two thousand miles away from Xuanqingfang City, so Zhou Chuncai happened to bump into him there.

It is also worth mentioning that Yuling Sect is also a sect that is good at controlling beasts. Although it has never produced any Nascent Soul Stage monks, the inheritance of the sect has always been very stable. It can be said that there are Golden Core Stage monks in charge for generations. There are several fourth-level monsters left behind by the senior monks guarding the door.

The reason why Hua Feng, the pseudonym of Yu Jinghua, was able to join the spirit-controlling sect and become an elder in its sect was probably through selling the secret beast-controlling skills mastered by the Zhou family.

And the Yuling Sect must also know the true identity of Yu Jinghua!

"This Yuling Sect is so brave. Even if they are not afraid of my Zhou family, aren't they even afraid of Master Tianjing? Or are they actually protected by Master Nascent Soul Stage behind them?"

Zhou Chun looked at the intelligence information in his hand with a gloomy expression, and felt a sense of hatred towards the Yulingmen who accepted Yu Jinghua.

As the head of the Zhou family and the only golden elixir-level monk of the Zhou family, he is of course committed to protecting the inheritance of the Zhou family.

The Yuling Sect knew that the secret technique of controlling beasts offered by Yu Jinghua was a secret technique of the Zhou family, but they still chose to accept it. This in itself was an insult and contempt for the Zhou family.

If it were placed in those major sects, any force that dared to steal the fundamental inheritance of their own sect would definitely fight to the death!

But now that the Zhou family's strength is too different from that of the Yuling Sect, this account can only be kept in mind.

Zhou Chun quickly calmed down, put away the documents and headed to Luo Qingni's cave.

At this time, Luo Qingni had indeed completely refined the magical elixir furnace, and had already opened the furnace to refine elixirs twice.

After learning Zhou Chun's intention, she immediately said: "Fellow Daoist Zhou came at the right time. Next, Qing Ni plans to refine another pot of elixir suitable for monks in the Zifu period. If the refining goes well, it can be refined." [Holy Spirit Blood Pill].”

"It couldn't be better."

Zhou Chun nodded and immediately stayed in Luo Qingni's cave.

Now he basically doesn't need to meditate and practice to increase his magic power. His daily practice time is spent practicing the "Heart Lotus Zhengfa", "Soul Control Technique" and "God-Beheading Technique".

Therefore, even if he practices in Luo Qingni's cave, he will not compete with the other party for spiritual energy.


On this day, Yu Jinghua suddenly received a letter from the Great Elder of Yuling Sect, asking him to come over.

After receiving this letter, he quickly left the cave and went to the great elder's cave to pay a visit.

"The great elder summoned me with a letter, what are your instructions?"

In the cave, after Yu Jinghua saluted the elder of the Yuling Sect, he directly asked the other party about his purpose in calling him here.

The two of them are both golden elixir monks. Although the elder has perfected the golden elixir and can transform into elixirs and form babies at any time, he does not need to be too humble. There is no problem in talking like this.

The great elder obviously didn't care about this either.

After listening to what he said, he looked at him and said, "I got the news that someone from Tianzhi Tower is trying to find out your information recently. Have you offended anyone recently?"

After hearing this, Yu Jinghua's expression suddenly changed.

It's not surprising that he is like this. Anyone who hears that someone is investigating their intelligence will definitely not feel better.

What's more, he still has a criminal background.

But the great elder in front of him also knew his details, so after his expression changed for a while, he shook his head and said: "Recently, I have been practicing inside the mountain gate. Occasionally I go out to purchase some cultivation resources. I have not offended anyone. !”

Seeing him like this, the Great Elder of Yuling Sect also knew what he was worried about, so he comforted him: "You don't need to panic, Tianzhilou will collect information about high-level monks everywhere, and put it to the test." As an important item for sale, maybe this time it was just their routine behavior, or maybe it was the actions of some of my old opponents from the Yuling Sect, but it was not you who committed the crime!"

"Anyway, don't go out these days. Let's hide inside the mountain gate for ten or twenty years to avoid the limelight!"

From what he said, it seemed that as long as Yu Jinghua hid inside the mountain gate of Yulingmen, everything would be fine.

After hearing his words, Yu Jinghua quickly nodded and said, "What the Great Elder said is absolutely true. Then I will go into seclusion for a period of time."

But even though he made this decision, after returning to his cave, Yu Jinghua felt quite uneasy inside.

He knows how bad his behavior was at the beginning, so he has been cautious and very low-key all these years.

Even when his cultivation reached the middle stage of the Golden Core a few years ago, he only celebrated in the Yuling Sect without inviting other Golden Core monks to celebrate.

Normally, I only have casual acquaintances with other Golden Core Stage monks, and I dare not go deeper because I am deeply afraid that if my true identity is discovered, I will be betrayed in exchange for benefits.

So now when he heard that Tianzhilou was investigating him, he couldn't help but panic.

It's just like those criminals found out that arresters were nearby to inquire about their information!

"It doesn't matter, don't be afraid. I am now at the middle stage of Golden Core cultivation. Even if a late Golden Core cultivator takes action, it will be difficult for him to easily defeat me!"

"Furthermore, Yulingmen is very powerful. Even if Old Ghost Tianjing comes here in person, as long as I hide inside the mountain gate, he won't be able to do anything to me!"

"This is the Great Zhou Kingdom. Old Ghost Tianjing is a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul in a remote place. He doesn't dare to attack the mountain gate of the local power openly!"

Yu Jinghua murmured to himself, and the panic in his heart gradually calmed down.

He has been in the Yuling Sect for decades. Although he could not be truly reused because he joined midway, he still knows some of the details of the sect.

Therefore, as long as the Great Elder of the Yuling Sect never abandons him, even if Master Tianjing comes in person, he has a lot of confidence that he can survive this disaster safely.

As for the Zhou family, Yu Jinghua didn't think about it at all.

Only a few decades had passed, and even if a new Jindan monk appeared in the Zhou family, there was no way they could pose a threat to him.

What's more, in his opinion, Zhou Mingde had no chance of successfully forming the elixir. Even if he succeeded in forming the elixir by luck, it would not threaten him.

So in the following time, Yu Jinghua immediately announced his retreat and started cultivating wholeheartedly in the mountain gate of Yulingmen.

On the other side, after Zhou Chun waited for almost four months, Luo Qingni finally successfully came out of seclusion and completed the refining of [Holy Spirit Blood Pill].

"Fortunately, Qing Ni has lived up to his mission. I also ask fellow Taoist Zhou to taste this elixir."

Inside the cave, Luo Qingni smiled slightly at Zhou Chun, who had been waiting for a long time, then raised his hand and took out the refined [Holy Spirit Blood Pill] and handed it to him.

"It's easy to talk about. Thank you for your hard work, Fellow Daoist Luo."

Zhou Chun said politely, but did not stop moving his hands. He opened the cork of the elixir bottle on the spot and began to examine it.

But I saw that the elixir bottle only contained a purple-red elixir the size of a chicken. Such large elixirs were extremely rare.

As soon as the bottle cork was opened, a strange aroma of red pepper that penetrated the heart and soul poured into Zhou Chun's mouth and nose.

Even though he is now a monk at the Golden Elixir stage, after smelling the scent of this elixir, his whole body felt warm, and he felt that his energy and blood circulation had sped up a little.

Seeing this, he quickly put the cork on the bottle to prevent the potency from being lost along with the fragrance.

Luo Qingni had obviously experienced this situation a long time ago, and he took advantage of the situation and said: "This [Holy Spirit Blood Pill] can not only help people form pills, but even when monks like me and the Golden Pill stage take it, it can also use its medicinal power to temper the body. It can be used as a life-saving elixir at critical moments to restore essence, blood and vitality!"

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but shook his head and said: "There are many elixirs that can temper the body and replenish qi and blood, but this elixir that can rejuvenate a person and increase the chance of forming elixirs is unique. How can the two be compared?"

Luo Qingni couldn't help but smile when he heard this and did not continue the topic.

After Zhou Chun accepted the [Holy Spirit Blood Pill], he was already preparing to leave the Great Zhou Kingdom and return to his family.

After all, Zhou Mingde's lifespan is running out. If he delays for a few more years, even if he has the [Holy Spirit Blood Pill] to restore his physical body to its peak state, the pill formation may fail due to lack of time.

However, before officially leaving, Zhou Chun remembered one more thing and said to Luo Qingni: "Previously on that secret island, Zhou had obtained some residual pills that overflowed with spiritual power. If Fellow Daoist Luo is interested, you can contact me. Let’s study it for you.”

"What about the residual pill? If you have time in the future, Qing Ni can study it!"

Luo Qingni pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Then Zhou Chun handed her part of the residual pill.

As for the remaining residual pills, Zhou Chun planned to feed them to some monsters after returning.

Now he can use the [Pure Heaven and Earth Divine Jar] to condense the "Pure Essence Spiritual Water". Even if the residual pill will produce more serious erysipelas, this spiritual water can be used to purify and treat it.

Moreover, the monster beast itself is physically strong, and its ability to withstand erysipelas and various toxins is significantly stronger than that of human monks, so there is no need to worry too much about damaging the body.

After bidding farewell to Luo Qingni temporarily, Zhou Chun embarked on the road back to his family alone.

This time when he returned to his family, Zhou Chun was in a very light mood.

After all, it can be said that he has returned home in glory!

After this news spreads about his strong return to the family with the golden elixir level cultivation level, it will definitely cause some waves in the Jingguo immortal world.

Some people and forces who have a sneak peek at the Zhou family will have to reassess the situation from now on.

It only took less than a month for Zhou Chun to return to Tuyunling smoothly.

In Tuyun Ridge.

Lin Hongyu was concentrating on practicing some kind of magical power. Suddenly, a breath of a golden elixir-level monk that seemed familiar to her appeared outside Tuyun Ridge.

"This aura... is the result of that boy Zhengchun successfully forming a pill!"

Her expression changed slightly at first, and then she looked happy, and she quickly stopped and left the cave.

And when she finished her work and appeared outside, Zhou Mingde had already come out one step ahead of her.

"Hahahaha, Masazumi, you are finally back. It will be good if you come back. It will be good if you come back!!"

At the entrance of the mountain gate, Zhou Mingde looked at Zhou Chun, who had returned as a golden elixir monk, and immediately laughed loudly, laughing with great joy.

His clear laughter could be heard in most of Tuyun Ridge.

Anyone who heard his laughter knew how happy he was now.

He has not felt this happy for a long, long time!

At this time, Lin Hongyu also came to the scene. After seeing Zhou Chun, who was already at the golden elixir stage, she also shouted with surprise: "Sure enough, it's you, Zhengchun, you finally succeeded in forming the elixir!"

Neither Zhou Mingde nor she seemed surprised that Zhou Chun could successfully form the elixir.

As if this is a matter of course.

Perhaps this is Zhou Chun's successful performance before, which has completely conquered their hearts and made them 100% believe in Zhou Chun.

After Zhou Chun said a few humble words, he followed the elders back to the mountain gate.

Soon, the news of Zhou Chun's successful return from outside the pill formation spread throughout the Zhou family, and then spread like the wind in all directions.

"Ancestors, have you seen it? My Zhou family has a Golden Core monk again! My Zhou family finally has a Golden Core monk of our own clan again!!"

In the Zhou family's ancestral temple, Zhou Mingde came here alone, crying with tears in his eyes at the portraits of the ancestors' spiritual tablets, leaving tears of joy.

Ever since he took Zhou Daoyi and others to break up the family and reestablish the foundation of the Zhou family, the biggest wish in his heart is to revive the Zhou family and return the Zhou family to the ranks of the Jindan family.

Just like what he said back then, if he could see the Zhou family return to the ranks of the Jindan family, he would have no regrets even if he died immediately!

Now with Zhou Chun's successful return from the pill formation, his wish has been completely fulfilled.

For him, life can be said to be complete and he has no regrets!

He now feels that he is worthy of his ancestors and descendants, and his life has reached perfection.

In terms of family development, he has nothing good to pursue.

"Maybe I can really try forming pills?"

In the ancestral temple, Zhou Mingde, who had been alone for who knows how long, suddenly had such an idea in his heart.

As the first Zifu period monk in the Zhou family, he had never dared to think about forming pills before.

Because he knew that with his qualifications and the situation of the Zhou family, it was impossible for him to get to that point.

However, since the invasion war of the Yuan Demon Realm ended, the Zhou family has obtained multiple pill-forming spiritual objects one after another through Zhou Chun, and there are absolutely extra pill-forming spiritual objects for him to use.

Especially the [Holy Spirit Blood Pill] that Zhou Chun was going to hand over to him today could make up for the last flaw that made it difficult for him to successfully form the pill because he was too old.

This made him, who had never even dared to dream about forming pills in the past, couldn't help but want to give it a try.

After all, there is nothing he must pursue in terms of family development, so it is not impossible to try and take a step forward in his personal path.

Zhou Chun and other Zhou family monks, of course, fully support Zhou Mingde's attack on the golden elixir stage.

They all sincerely hope that this family ancestor can successfully form the elixir!

But even though Zhou Mingde had an idea, he still didn't put it into action easily. Instead, he planned to wait for Zhou Chun's Golden Elixir Ceremony before trying to retreat to form an elixir.

On the other side, as the news of Zhou Chun's return from the pill formation began to spread, the monks who knew him both inside and outside the Zhou family also came to congratulate him in person, or sent people to congratulate him with letters of congratulations.

Among them, all the Zifu monks and Foundation-building monks from the Zhou family rushed over in person as soon as possible.

"Hahaha, I knew I was right. Zhengchun, you really succeeded! The Zhou family has been waiting for five hundred years, and finally they are waiting for you!!"

Zhou Daoyi came over after hearing the news, and when he saw Zhou Chun, who was already a golden elixir monk, he burst out laughing, grabbing his shoulders with joy and laughing.

The five hundred years he mentioned not only referred to the Zhou family in Jiufengling, but also the Zhou family during the Sanjue Sect period.

In the hearts of the older generation of the Zhou family in Jiufengling, the Zhou family has always been the Zhou family, and they have always regarded themselves as the orthodox successor of the Zhou family.

And more than five hundred years ago, it was the time when the last golden elixir stage monk of the Zhou family passed away!

"Uncle, your cultivation and help to this junior will always be remembered in my heart. Without your insight, I would not be where I am today!"

Zhou Chun bowed to Zhou Daoyi solemnly, expressing his gratitude.

In the Zhou family, the first person who showed kindness to him was Zhou Daoyi.

It was Zhou Daoyi who strongly recommended and protected him in the beginning, so that he could truly be valued by Zhou Mingde, the family's supreme elder, and receive the family's full support and cultivation.

It was this kindness that made him loyal to his family in the future, and he devoted himself to developing and prospering the family in order to repay the trust and love of these elders.

Now that he has successfully formed the elixir, he can be considered a success.

But the kindness of these elders has never been forgotten in my heart, and I still respect them as always.

"Hey, hey, don't do this again in the future. You are now a golden elixir stage monk. If I continue to accept your great gifts like this, my life will be shortened!"

Zhou Daoyi hurriedly helped Zhou Chun up, telling him half-jokingly and half-seriously, but his face was full of joy.

This was what he admired most about Zhou Chun.

He attaches great importance to love and justice, is humble and polite, and even if his cultivation strength is far stronger than that of his former elders, he will not despise or treat his elders lightly.

Following Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Daoquan, Zhou Zhengyong, Zhou Jiapeng and other senior Zhou family elders also came to Tuyunling.

After meeting Zhou Chun, who was already a monk at the Golden Core stage, Zhou Daoquan, a family elder who had always been taciturn, couldn't help but smile and said: "Zhengchun, you are indeed the treasure given to my Zhou family by God. You are the treasure of my Zhou family's five hundred A true dragon that comes once in a year!”

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh: "Being able to see you, Zhengchun, successfully form the elixir in my lifetime, and seeing my Zhou family return to the ranks of the Jindan family, we can be considered worthy of our ancestors, and worthy of those who dedicated their lives to revitalizing the Zhou family. The tribe of life!"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chun also said sternly: "This junior is what I am today, thanks to the support of you and the elders. The revitalization of the Zhou family is also the result of everyone's joint efforts!"

"Hahaha, Zhengchun, you are still so humble, you will always put gold in the faces of us old guys!"

Zhou Daoquan couldn't help laughing, and he patted Zhou Chun on the shoulder with a smile, and everything was understood.

When the white-haired Zhou Jiapeng dragged his old body to Tuyunling and saw Zhou Chunzhi, who looked much younger again after successfully forming the pill, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

I saw him holding Zhou Chun's palm tightly with both hands, and said with tears of joy: "Being able to see Zhengchun you successfully form the elixir before you sit down, I will die with no regrets! I hope that the Zhou family can be with you Zhengchun in the future." Under the leadership of the leadership, it is getting better and better and more prosperous!”

Facing this elder who is the only one who has made great achievements in the "family" generation, Zhou Chun could only hold his hands with his backhand at this moment, nodded vigorously and said: "This junior must remember your teachings, Uncle Peng, and your contribution to the family will also be great." It will be passed down in the family and inspire future generations to learn and follow suit!”

"Hehehe, if you are honest and pure, Uncle Peng believes from the bottom of his heart that when I go to Jiuquan, I will definitely tell all the elders and clan members about the happy news of your success in forming pills, so that they can also be happy and bless you!"

Zhou Jiapeng laughed, but he already had a very open mind about life and death.

When Zhou Zhengyong, who was sitting in the wilderness, also returned to Tuyun Ridge, facing Zhou Chun who had successfully formed the elixir, he didn't say much. He just looked at Zhou Chun with a smile and said: "Congratulations ten Third brother, if you succeed in forming the elixir, I know you will succeed!"

His trust in Zhou Chun could be said to be blind.

Therefore, compared to Zhou Mingde and others who had waited for many years for Zhou Chun to successfully form the elixir, compared to these family elders who were waiting for their dreams to come true, he had no burden in his heart and just firmly believed that Zhou Chun would definitely succeed.

Facts have proved that his idea was correct, and Zhou Chun succeeded just like countless times before.

Therefore, he didn't have too many unexpected surprises. He was purely happy that Zhou Chun succeeded in forming the elixir.

After these Zhou family monks came to congratulate them, Su Yuzhen, who received the news, also came to Tuyunling from the Su family with a congratulatory letter written by the ancestor of the Su family.

"Zhou Lang, you really succeeded in forming the elixir! It's really great!!"

In Zhou Chun's cave, when Su Yuzhen saw Zhou Chun, who was already a golden elixir stage monk, she threw herself into his arms with joy on her face, feeling happy for him from the bottom of her heart.

Although the two of them had unpleasant experiences and used each other when they first got together, after many years of getting along, they have both accepted each other.

So now that Su Yuzhen saw his Taoist partner form a golden elixir and live for thousands of years, Su Yuzhen was sincerely happy for him.

After Zhou Chun felt the happiness from the heart of the Taoist monk in his arms, he gently stroked her back with a smile and said: "Yes, I have successfully formed the elixir, and it will be my turn next." It’s time for you, Yuzhen, and when you form the elixir, I will personally protect you!”

"Well, I will definitely succeed in forming the elixir, so that I can be worthy of you, Zhou Lang!"

Su Yuzhen replied firmly, and Zhou Chun was also a little moved by the words he said.

He didn't know how to answer for a moment, so he could only hug her tightly.

For more than a month after that, Zhou Chun received letters congratulating him on the success of forming an elixir almost every day, or he met with monks who came to congratulate him on forming an elixir.

Many letters even came from monks outside Jingguo.

For example, his subordinate Cheng Zhiming and some familiar monks on the battlefield.

Even Li Qianyang, who was born in Zhengyang Palace and had successfully formed elixirs a few years before him, sent him a letter of congratulations.

Zhou Chunye either wrote it himself or had someone write it for him, and attached a thank-you letter to those who sent the letters.

At the same time, after discussion with Zhou Mingde and others, Zhou Chun and others quickly determined the date of his Golden Elixir Ceremony, which was set on his 210th birthday a year later!

After confirming the date, Zhou Chun and the Zhou family distributed invitations widely, sending invitations to all the forces and individual monks they had good relationships with, inviting them to attend their Golden Elixir Ceremony.

From this time on, many monks in the Zhou family began to get busy, preparing for the Golden Elixir Ceremony more than a year in advance.

According to Zhou Mingde, Zhou Chun's Golden Elixir Ceremony is a historical moment that announces the Zhou family's return to the ranks of the Golden Elixir family, so it must be held with the highest standards. No matter how much manpower and material resources are spent, it is worth it!

In the past ten days this month, a total of 63,000 words have been updated, and all the remaining words have been filled in. More updates will be added later depending on the situation!

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