Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 499 Golden Elixir Ceremony [Please subscribe]

"Hmph, this evil thief Yu Jinghua dares to betray the secret skills inherited by my Zhou family to other sects. What an unforgivable crime!"

In Tuyun Ridge, when Zhou Chun took some time off from his busy schedule and told Zhou Mingde, Zhou Daoyi and other senior officials of the Zhou family about his trip to the Great Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Mingde, who learned that he had discovered Yu Jinghua's whereabouts, also became furious. He started to curse.

If anyone among the current Zhou family monks hates Yu Jinghua the most, it must be Zhou Mingde.

If he didn't have that ability, even if he and Yu Jinghua died together, he would never hesitate at all!

So when he learned that Yu Jinghua dared to sell the Zhou family's secret skills to Yulingmen in exchange for Yulingmen's protection, anger instantly filled his chest and made his hair and hair stand on end.

Zhou Daoyi also shouted angrily with a gloomy look: "Yu Jinghua deserves to die! If this thief is not eliminated, it will not be enough to comfort the ancestors of my Zhou family and those who fell because of his splitting the family!!"

Zhou Chun listened to the words of the two elders and immediately responded with a serious face: "The two elders are right, this thief Yu Jinghua is extremely rebellious and unforgivable. If he is not eliminated, he will not be a model, and if he is not eliminated, it will not make the people angry! "

After saying that, he changed the topic and continued: "However, this thief is not only protected by the Yuling Sect, but has also broken through to the middle stage of the Golden Core. He also has several magic weapons on his body. If you want to get rid of him, you need to take a long-term approach!"

"It would be best if you, Supreme Elder, can successfully forge the elixir. Then we will gather the strength of all the golden elixir-level monks in my Zhou family, and then invite other good friends of the golden elixir-level monks to help out, and get rid of this evil thief together!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde suddenly raised his eyebrows, seeming to be interested.

But remembering that before Zhou Chun formed the elixir, there had been no golden elixir-level monks in the Zhou family for hundreds of years, and he couldn't help but sigh: "Of course I also want to form the elixir, but whether this matter can be successful or not, we can only see. God’s will!”

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately said: "It depends on man-made things. God's will is also taking care of our Zhou family now. You will definitely succeed!"

"That's right, what Zhengchun said is absolutely true. Everything depends on human effort. We all have confidence in you!"

Zhou Daoyi also nodded repeatedly at this time, expressing his support attitude with a serious look on his face.

In this way, Zhou Mingde also has a reason to break through the golden elixir stage, if he still wants to kill the traitor himself!

As for Zhou Chun's harvest on the secret island, because those elixirs were too precious and high-end, Zhou Mingde and others believed that he should be allowed to keep and use them by himself without taking into account the rest of the family.

In the end, the things he left to his family were the third-level high-quality talismans and healing elixirs that Luo Qingni had prepared for him before, as well as some beast eggs obtained from the multi-winged tribe's archmage.

There are four eggs of intermediate monsters in these eggs, which are rare and good things. Zhou Chun put them directly into the family treasury for exchange by the Zhou family's foundation-building monks and the Zifu period monks. Each egg needs to be exchanged. The number of good deeds is as high as 30,000.

The remaining eggs are also marked with corresponding prices.

The several alchemy prescriptions obtained from Luo Qingni were all handed over to the Zhou family's alchemist.

It is worth mentioning that Zhou Zhengyuan, who originally had the best alchemy skills in the Zhou family, also took the [Purple Dust Pill] to attack the Zi Mansion during the few years after Zhou Chun left the family.

It's a pity that he didn't have Zhou Zhengyong's will and luck, so he ultimately failed to open up the Zi Mansion and was severely damaged.

Now that he has more than ten years of life left at most, he can no longer attack the Zi Mansion again, and he can't even open a furnace to make alchemy.

Basically, he can only spend the next ten years summing up his lifelong experience in alchemy and training other junior alchemists.

Now the important task of alchemy for the Zhou family falls entirely on Zhou Xinlan and Zhou Simiao, two foundation-building monks.

But according to what Zhou Chun learned from Luo Qingni, unless these two people can practice to the golden elixir stage in the future, it is basically impossible for them to become alchemy masters with their alchemy talents.

Therefore, the hope for the Zhou family's alchemy lineage still has to be found among the younger generation of monks.

Zhou Chun was quite open to this.

Anyway, he can ask Luo Qingni to help refine the current high-end elixirs. With their current friendship, Luo Qingni will not refuse at all.

As long as Zhou Xinlan and others can refine elixirs suitable for monks in the foundation building stage and Qi refining stage, it will be enough to benefit most members of the family.

At the same time, Zhou Chun also believed that with the alchemy inheritance completed and no shortage of alchemy materials, an outstanding alchemy master would definitely appear in the Zhou family in the future.

On this day, Zhou Siyu, a descendant of the Zhou family and a foundation-building monk, was summoned and went to Zhouchun Cave Mansion in Tuyun Ridge to meet with the family patriarch.

Yes, although Zhou Chun has now successfully formed the elixir, he is still the patriarch of the Zhou family.

According to Zhou Mingde, there is currently no visible outstanding descendant in the Zhou family who can be his successor as the patriarch.

So instead of letting a mediocre person serve as the clan leader, it would be better for Zhou Chun to continue to use the title of clan leader and continue to use other people to do things.

In fact, this is because Zhou Mingde is a little too picky. He always likes to compare Zhou Chun's standards with those who come after him.

With such a comparison, it is of course difficult to find anyone who satisfies him.

Although Zhou Chun knew this, he had no intention of forcibly resigning.

Anyway, with the Zhou family's operating model that he transformed, even if he continues to be the patriarch, he will not delay his own cultivation too much because of family affairs.

He will also have plenty of time later to slowly discover and cultivate his successor.

Besides, after Zhou Siyu entered Zhou Chun's cave, he saw the golden-winged tiger beating the golden-feathered eagle as soon as he entered the cave.

In the valley, a giant golden-winged eagle with a wingspan of more than five feet was beaten wildly by another giant golden-winged tiger.

Here, he just slapped the golden-winged giant eagle away with one claw, smashing several eagle feathers, and then his figure flashed, and instantly appeared behind the flying golden-winged giant eagle, and slapped it back with another claw. It's like playing volleyball alone!

The poor Golden Feathered Eagle, although it was also a second-level high-grade monster, was no different from an ordinary rooster facing the Golden-winged Tiger, with no power to fight back at all.

Seeing this scene in Zhou Siyu's eyes, it shocked her heart.

She knew very well that if she were to face the golden feathered eagle, she would be killed by the opponent's claws within ten moves.

But such a powerful monster is now being played with like a toy by one of Zhou Chun's spiritual pets. How powerful is the true strength of Zhou Chun, the clan leader!

Invisibly, her awe for the clan leader deepened.

The golden-winged tiger is naturally not really bored and wants to play the game of tiger catching eaglets.

This is the task assigned to it by Zhou Chun.

As a second-level high-grade monster, Golden Feather Eagle was hatched and raised by the great mage of the Multi-Wing Tribe since he was a child, and he had a deep relationship with his old master.

If you want to tame it for your own use, you must first completely destroy its will!

Zhou Chun himself didn't have the time to kill the eagle, so he gave this task to the Golden-winged Tiger and Thunder Dragon Baibai, asking them to mix doubles every day to destroy the will of this unruly monster bird.

Anyway, even if he is injured, Mu Mei can be healed.

When the golden feathered eagle is subdued and willing to accept its new master, can it get rid of this beating.

After watching the golden-winged tiger beating the golden-feathered eagle for a while, Zhou Siyu remembered his purpose and hurried to Zhou Chun's residence to meet him.

"Siyu pays homage to the clan leader."

In the cave, Zhou Siyu briefly glanced at Zhou Chun who was sitting cross-legged above him, and then hurriedly knelt down to salute and pay homage.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately waved his hand and said, "There's no need to be so polite. I'm calling you here today. I just want to ask you something."

As he spoke, an invisible force helped Zhou Siyu up.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Siyu quickly responded respectfully: "Yes, this junior must tell you everything he knows."

"A few years ago, I issued a task within the family, asking the clan members to help me find a suitable place to build a dragon's lair. This time I came back to check on the matter and found that you also accepted the task, and it seems that Something was discovered.”

When Zhou Chun said this, he looked at Zhou Siyu calmly and said, "Please tell me about your discovery in detail, and I will see if it meets my requirements."

"Yes, junior, I obey."

Zhou Siyu responded and immediately told everything he discovered in detail.

It turned out that after she discovered the mission issued by Zhou Chun, she had the intention to please and personally spent several years traveling throughout Jingguo to find a suitable place to build a dragon's lair.

After searching like this, I naturally found several good places.

There was one place that made her feel the most superior, and after she came back, she reported it to her family as a key point for claiming credit.

Zhou Chun had previously checked the locations reported by various tribesmen, and felt that the place Zhou Siyu found was the best, so he called her over to inquire in person.

According to Zhou Siyu, the place she found was located in a lake in Yunzhou. It was the largest spring in the lake and the core of the water vein.

The concentration of spiritual energy inside the spring is no worse than that of Jiufeng Ridge, and is completely enough to support a third-order dragon.

Moreover, the lake area is large enough to allow a third-order dragon to swim freely in the water.

But that lake now has an owner!

The lake is occupied by the Zeng family, a large family of immortal cultivators in Yunzhou. They use the spiritual energy emanating from the water veins of the spring to raise several kinds of aquatic spiritual beasts.

Although the main source of income of the Zeng family is not here, after all, this is also a source of wealth and territory for their family.

If Zhou Chun wanted to occupy this place and build a dragon's lair, he might not be willing to agree.

Of course, with Zhou Chun's current cultivation strength and the current power status of the Zhou family, if he really wants that place, as long as he is willing to give enough benefits, there is a high probability that the Zeng family will not refuse to make a good friend. Jindan family.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun listened to Zhou Siyu's narration, he nodded to him and said, "I know the situation. You have done a good job in this matter. I will tell Xinyi to give it to you." Give out rewards.”

Then he asked Zhou Siyu to leave first.

Next, Zhou Chun hid his cultivation identity and personally went to Yunzhou to inspect the lake.

After some observation, he had to admit that the environment here was indeed very good, much better than Zhou Daoyi's green dragon's nest.

But because of the long distance and the owner of this place, Zhou Chun was not in a hurry to make a decision.

According to his own thoughts, it would be best to wait until he has refined his natal magic weapon, or even after the Thunder Dragon has been promoted to the fourth level in vain, before doing such a thing.

Otherwise, once the dragon's lair is exposed, and others are practicing at a distance from their spiritual pets, if someone wants to harm the thunder dragon in vain, he may not be able to rush over in time to rescue him.

So Zhou Chun also put the matter on hold for the time being.

Anyway, Lei Jiao Baibai himself was not very urgent about building a nest, so there was no need for him to make such a urgent decision.

In the days that followed, Zhou Chun first quietly went to the wilderness, put all the "Sky Frost Bees" back into the ice cave, and by the way revealed his golden elixir level cultivation to Ukuru, the high priest of the alien tribe of scaly frogs. Let these aliens fear themselves and the Zhou family even more.

Then he personally went to the Yuelun Sect to visit the real person worshiping the moon, and presented him with the dragon spiritual blood newly taken from the thunder dragon Baibai and some tributes. This was considered as a sign of loyalty and showed that the Zhou family would not be punished just because he succeeded in forming the elixir. How dare you have any objections to the Moon Lun Sect?

After accepting what he offered, Master Baiyue also gave him a sugar pill.

It implies that as long as he can offer enough precious treasures in the future, he can also ask the leader of the Yuelun Sect to use the [Moonlight Purification] magical power to purify the body and mind of a monk like the Su family in Jiangzhou.

Generally speaking, families with this kind of treatment are die-hard families who are vassals of the Moon Wheel Sect.

The fact that the Zhou family can enjoy this kind of treatment also shows from the side that Master Bai Yue attaches great importance to the Zhou family.

Zhou Chun also understood this in his heart, so he expressed his gratitude and expressed his loyalty on the spot.

But what Master Bai Yue doesn't know is that the "Pure Yuan Spiritual Water" that Zhou Chun has condensed through the [Pure Heaven and Earth God Jar], apart from being unable to purify the soul, is no more effective on the physical body than the [Yuehua Purifies the World] 】How different is the magical power.

So his sugar pill is actually not very sweet.

Now that Zhou Chun is a monk at the golden elixir stage, certain functions of the [Purifying Heaven and Earth Jar] no longer need to be hidden away from outsiders as before.

He had already made a plan in his mind. After a few years, he would take out the "Pure Yuan Spiritual Water" to purify some Zhou family monks of the erysipelas in their bodies, and even the "turbid evil spirit" that they accidentally contaminated.

If he can turn elixirs into babies in the future, then it will be nothing if he uses the [Pure Heaven and Earth Divine Jar] to treat others openly.

Before leaving the Moon Lun Sect, Zhou Chun also visited Su Yunniang, her aunt, and presented her with some rare flower seeds that she brought from the secret island.

On the way, I also went to visit the young children of the Zhou family who were sent to Yuelun Cult in the past few years to check whether they had been abused.

Time passed like this day by day, and soon a year had passed since Zhou Chun returned to the family.

At this time, there were only a few months left before Zhou Chun's Golden Elixir Ceremony, and arrangements had been made in advance for the ceremony on the Tuyun Ridge where the ceremony would be held.

On the main peak that has been renamed "Huanglong Peak", many weeds and trees have been eradicated, and spiritual trees and flowers transplanted by the Zhou family monks from various places have been planted.

The grass and trees that were not removed were trimmed to ensure they looked pleasing to the eye.

Some cranes and deer, which represent certain auspicious meanings, were also released on the mountain in advance to adapt to the site, and were followed and cared for by dedicated personnel.

In addition, in order to celebrate the beauty of the magic fireworks used in the performance above, the nine Zhou family foundation-building monks put aside their own practice and worked hard to practice the performance magic together for a year!

To put it bluntly, except for the two golden elixir stage monks Zhou Chun and Lin Hongyu, all the monks in the Zhou family are busy with this golden elixir ceremony.

The most tiring person among them is probably Zhou Xinyi, who handles family affairs for Zhou Chun.

He has to deal with family affairs, and many things in this Golden Elixir Ceremony require him to be involved.

The closer he gets to the Golden Elixir Ceremony, the busier he becomes.

And he also knew very well that he must not make any mistakes in this Golden Elixir Ceremony, otherwise not only Zhou Mingde would not be able to forgive him, but he himself would not be able to forgive himself!

"The amount of spiritual wine can be enough for a thousand people to drink for seven days? Isn't that enough? Continue to send people to buy it, and go abroad to buy it. It should be enough for at least two thousand people to drink for ten days!"

"Not enough spiritual vegetables for meals? Buy them and arrange for someone to buy them immediately. No matter how expensive they are, you must buy enough!"

"What? A batch of purchased spiritual fruits were robbed by demonic cultivators midway? Hurry, arrange for people to re-purchase them immediately. Be sure to complete enough reserves before the ceremony!"

In the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Xinyi sat on a chair, watching all parties sorting out the documents and materials submitted, constantly giving instructions and issuing urgent orders one after another.

At this time, because the size of the Zhou family has greatly increased, the number of family monks who assist in office work in the Zhongping Hall has reached more than a dozen, and more than thirty mortal clerks are sitting behind the desks, copying and recording various documents.

Without the assistance of these people, not to mention Zhou Xinyi, who was only in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and Zhou Chun, who was already a Golden Core Stage cultivator, would have been busy talking and not even thinking about cultivation.

Although Zhou Chun did not participate in the preparations for his Golden Elixir Ceremony, he could see the busy work of the clan members and was quite moved in his heart.

He could see that most of the tribesmen who were busy preparing for their Golden Elixir Ceremony were doing this happily, not because they could get rewards for their family's good deeds.

These people all know the truth. The stronger and more prosperous the Zhou family is, the more help they will be able to borrow from the family for their future cultivation.

Therefore, they are truly happy that someone in the upper echelons of the family can break through to a great level.

People’s hearts are available!

This is how Zhou Chun felt while watching.

He had no doubt that if he called on his clansmen to donate spiritual coins and do something important for the family, there would definitely be many clansmen willing to answer the call and support him.

This is what a prosperous and developing family should be like.

As long as everyone can benefit from the development of the family, then everyone will support the family and the leadership of the family from the bottom of their hearts.

Even if you encounter some unfair treatment in daily life and encounter difficulties from some tribesmen with bad morals, it will not really affect this support.

As the leader, Zhou Chun felt a sense of accomplishment and pride when he saw such a united family.

After all, for the Zhou family to be as prosperous as it is now, and for the clan to be so united, he has the greatest contribution!

"How can you not love such a family!"

Zhou Chun sighed softly, withdrew his consciousness and looked at the things in front of him.

The thing in front of him was some tea leaves, which he picked from the fourth-level spiritual tea tree on the secret island.

There are quite a few differences between the spiritual teas in the world of immortality and ordinary tea leaves. Some spiritual teas need to be tanned using special techniques and other materials to achieve maximum effectiveness.

And some tea leaves cannot be tanned in any way. Only by picking them directly and soaking them in water, or even putting them directly into the mouth for chewing, can they achieve maximum effectiveness.

Even sometimes the quality of the water used to make the tea is different, which will affect the effect of the spiritual tea.

Zhou Chun has already tried the effects of chewing directly and soaking in water. Although it can slightly improve his consciousness, the effect is not very good for him who is in the golden elixir stage.

He could feel that these two methods did not bring out the maximum effectiveness of these spiritual teas.

So he began to try other tanning methods to see if he could find the most suitable method to bring out the effect of this magical tea.

Doing this will consume some spiritual tea, but it will not be completely wasted, because even if the tea is not effective, it can be given to several monks in the Zhou family's Purple Palace period to drink to help them increase their spiritual consciousness.

In this way, after trying more than a hundred different methods and consuming half a catty of tea leaves, Zhou Chun finally found a good way to make tea.

First stir-fry and dry the tea leaves three times to make dry tea. Then boil it with morning dew. When the tea leaves are boiled, drink them together and swallow the leaf residue together. This can greatly improve your mood. knowledge.

Zhou Chun didn't know if this method was the best way to bring out the effect of spiritual tea, but it was indeed the best method he could try at the moment.

So he made most of the spiritual tea in his hand into dry tea, and then gave some to several monks of the Zhou family's Zifu period. Lin Hongyu, Zhou Mingde, and Zhou Daoyi gave some more, and finally he took it into his own hands. There are about five taels of dry tea left.

He prepared to take out one or two from the Golden Elixir Ceremony to entertain the distinguished guests of the Golden Elixir Stage monks, and drink the rest slowly by himself.

Time flies, and soon there are only three days left for Zhou Chun's Golden Elixir Ceremony.

At this time, many guests from far away had already stayed in Tuyunling, or stayed with the Xiuxian family in nearby Fangshi.

Inside the Tuyunling Mountain Gate of the Zhou family, lanterns have been decorated, and various festive lanterns, ribbons and other objects are scattered all over the mountains and plains.

On the day when the real golden elixir ceremony is held, the mountain gate of Tuyunling is wide open. As long as the monks come to congratulate, they can go in and ask for a cup of spiritual wine for free. Those who are in the late stage of Qi refining or above can just give it as a gift. For just one spirit coin, you can stay there and participate in the banquet.

Therefore, the number of immortal cultivators attracted by this Golden Elixir Ceremony will be very large.

In order to prevent accidents, Zhou Mingde also called together more than 20 foundation-building monks from the Zhou family at this time. He looked at everyone with a serious face and said sternly: "I don't need to mention the importance of this golden elixir ceremony. In the past few days, you will be patrolling hundreds of miles in all directions day and night, and you will absolutely not allow anything that interferes with the ceremony to occur on the day of the ceremony!"

"Yes, junior understands!"

Zhou Xinlan and other Zhou family foundation-building monks responded loudly with stern expressions.

So in the next few days, the Zhou family's patrol teams rotated one after another, patrolling the hundreds of miles around Tuyun Ridge day and night, and prohibited all monks from fighting within this range.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed quickly.

Early that morning, as the sky broke, the melodious and brisk bells rang from Tuyun Ridge, twenty-four times in a row!

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