Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 500 This is what a man should do! 【Please subscribe】

The bells ring twenty-four times, which means there is a happy event in the family.

With the sound of twenty-four melodious and brisk bells, the mountain gate of Zhou's home in Tuyunling opened wide and began to welcome guests from all over.

Immediately, many monks who had been waiting outside the Zhou Family Mountain Gate all night rushed towards the Zhou Family Mountain Gate like a tide.

These people are all people without invitations. They come here simply to eat and drink, to increase their knowledge, and to enjoy the joy of the Golden Core Stage monks.

Maybe this will be their only chance to see a golden elixir stage monk in their lives!

Those with high status would not come so early and would definitely appear one after another after morning time.

But according to the rules, all invited guests must appear before noon, otherwise it will be rude.

On such an important occasion, being late is a very serious matter and will be regarded as disrespectful to the monks holding the Golden Elixir Ceremony.

Therefore, unless there are force majeure factors, it is impossible for anyone to be late for such an occasion!

When the time came to Chen hour, the number of monks in Tuyun Ridge who came to congratulate uninvited had exceeded a thousand.

As soon as the Chen hour began, monks appeared one after another with invitations.

"The Sun family of Jinfengling would like to present a congratulatory gift, an eight-hundred-year-old topaz ginseng plant, to congratulate Senior Zhou on his success in achieving the golden elixir and may he live a thousand years of life!"

"The He family of Qingzhu Mountain would like to present a congratulatory gift, a Polygonatum japonica plant eight hundred years old, to congratulate Senior Zhou on his success in the golden elixir..."

"The Wang family of Hongyao Valley presents a congratulatory gift, a thousand-year-old topaz ginseng plant, to congratulate Senior Zhou on the success of the golden elixir..."

The only thing that could be heard was the voice of Zhou Zhengyong, the monk from the Zhou family's Zifu who was responsible for singing "Nai". The voice was full of energy and extremely loud, and could be heard clearly in most of the Tuyun Mountains.

Those family monks who were invited to attend the Golden Elixir Ceremony, after offering congratulatory gifts, were taken to Huanglong Peak by dedicated Zhou family monks for the main ceremony.

As for those monks who come uninvited, unless their cultivation reaches the Zifu stage, they can only sit in the square at the foot of Huanglong Peak.

Of course, the monk who arrives first usually represents a lower status.

The big clansmen of the Purple Mansion all appeared one after another after half of the hour, and the gifts they presented began to become more precious.

Basically, one millennium elixir is the minimum standard!

"The Xie family in Yunzhou would like to present a congratulatory gift, a Millennium Purple Flower, to congratulate Senior Zhou on the success of the Golden Elixir and a thousand years of life!"

"The Zhao family in Cangzhou presents a congratulatory gift, a piece of magical material [Thousand-Year Black Iron] weighing seventy-eight pounds and six taels. Congratulations to Senior Zhou for his success in the golden elixir and a thousand years of life!"

"The Wu family in Jiangzhou presents a congratulatory gift, a Millennium Bixia Grass, to congratulate Senior Zhou on the success of the Golden Elixir and a thousand years of life!"

But in Tuyun Ridge, Zhou Zhengyong's voice continued to sound. Every time his voice sounded, a Zifuqi flew to Huanglong Peak with the younger monks.

The invitation given by the Zhou family will determine how many people the inviter can bring to the main venue of the celebration based on the status of the inviter.

Generally, the stronger the force, or the better the relationship with the Zhou family, the more people it can bring.

Normally, for a family with only foundation-building monks, the invitation can only bring two people in.

The number for the Immortal Cultivation Clan will be relaxed to three people, and the number for the Golden Elixir Family will be further relaxed to five or more people.

In this way, when there was still a quarter of an hour before the end of Chenshi, most of the seats at the main celebration venue on Huanglong Peak were filled, and only the seats near the front were still empty.

It was only then that the big forces who were truly qualified to sit in the front row began to appear.

Zhou Zhengyong's voice suddenly rose to a higher level, and he sang loudly like a bell: "The Jiangzhou Su family presents a congratulatory gift, a magic weapon, a piece of gold essence, weighing nine pounds and seven taels, and a thousand-year-old elixir, a nine-petal golden lotus." , a plant of the thousand-year-old elixir Purple Smoke Ganoderma, congratulations to fellow Taoist Zhou for your success in the golden elixir and a thousand years of life!"


As soon as these words were spoken, there was a sensation all over the mountain and down the mountain.

As the in-law family of the Zhou family, the Su family of Jiangzhou is really the rightful owner of today's Golden Elixir Ceremony, so it is not surprising that they would choose to be the first to appear to support the Zhou family.

But their generous gift is really surprising.

Especially that piece of gold essence. Such a heavy piece of gold essence cannot be obtained without two to three hundred thousand spirit coins!

And a pill-forming spiritual object like [Poly Yang Fire Spiritual Liquid] is only worth this price.

At the same time, the next two thousand-year-old elixirs are also rare and rare things, and are not comparable to the ordinary thousand-year-old elixirs offered by the powerful immortal cultivators before.

The willingness to give such a generous gift this time shows how much the Su family values ​​Zhou Chun!

"I've heard about Fellow Daoist Su's reputation for a long time, and today I finally have the honor to see you in person. I'm so glad to meet you!"

On Huanglong Peak, Lin Hongyu looked at the ancestor of the Su family who had arrived personally with Su Yuzhen and five other Su family monks. She immediately stood up with a smile on her face and paid her respects.

Zhou Chun is today's protagonist, so naturally he will not come out to greet guests in person, nor will he appear prematurely.

Therefore, the person responsible for entertaining the Su family ancestors and the golden elixir monks can naturally only be Lin Hongyu, the golden elixir monk.

Facing Lin Hongyu's greetings, the ancestor of the Su family smiled heartily and said: "Hahaha, I have heard about Fellow Daoist Lin's reputation for a long time, and today I saw Fellow Daoist Lin's heroic appearance. He is indeed a worthy scholar despite his great reputation! "

After the two parties were so polite, the ancestor of the Su family was invited to a separate seat reserved for Golden Core Stage monks.

As Zhou Chun's Taoist companion, Su Yuzhen came to sit next to Zhou Mingde and others.

Just when the ancestor of the Su family took his seat, Zhou Zhengyong's voice rang out again.

"The Zhu family of Yanzhou would like to present a congratulatory gift, a third-level high-grade flying magical weapon, a thunder and fire speeding chariot. Congratulations to fellow Taoist Zhou for his great achievement of the golden elixir and a thousand years of life!"

As soon as the words fell, a red fire cloud carried five figures and flew to Huanglong Peak, among which appeared the figure of Jindan monk Zhu Wuya.

Seeing this, Lin Hongyu naturally stood up to greet and entertain.

Then one after another, the Golden Core families and the Golden Core cultivators followed closely.

"The Li family of Sanxian Mountain in Fengguo would like to present a congratulatory gift, one bottle each of [Red Yuan Dan] and [Hei Nirvana]. Congratulations to fellow Taoist Zhou for his success in the golden elixir and his longevity!"

"The You family of Sanxian Mountain in Fengguo would like to present a congratulatory gift, the [Five Directions Miluo Formation], a set of formation techniques. Congratulations to fellow Taoist Zhou for his great success in the golden elixir and a thousand years of life!"

"Su Yunniang, a Golden Elixir cultivator from the Yuelun Sect, presented a congratulatory gift, a box of [Tianxiang Baihua Ointment], to congratulate fellow Taoist Zhou on his success in attaining the Golden Elixir and a thousand years of life!"

"Wei Yong, a Golden elixir cultivator from the Moon Wheel Sect, presented a congratulatory gift, two intermediate-level monster Golden Flower Poison Python eggs, to congratulate fellow Taoist Zhou on his success in achieving the Golden elixir and a thousand years of life!"

"Wang Qingyun, the golden elixir cultivator of Tianjing Villa, presented a congratulatory gift, a black dragon flag, a third-level high-grade magic weapon, to congratulate fellow Taoist Zhou on his great achievements in the golden elixir and a thousand years of life!"

The closer the time gets to noon, the more urgent Zhou Zhengyong's singing becomes.

When Chen hour passed completely and noon arrived, the number of Golden Elixir monks on Huanglong Peak who came to attend the Zhou Chun Golden Elixir Ceremony had reached eleven!

So many golden elixir stage monks attended Zhou Chun's golden elixir ceremony together, which was considered to give Zhou Chun enough face.

You must know that when the ancestor of the Su family held the Golden Elixir Ceremony, the number of Golden Elixir monks present was less than half that of Zhou Chun today.

The biggest reason why Zhou Chun was able to invite so many Golden Elixir monks to attend his Golden Elixir Ceremony was that he had gained a good reputation in the war before and showed extremely strong potential.

Therefore, most of the Golden Core monks who were willing to show up to support him today valued his potential and came here specially to form a good relationship with him.

When noon arrived, following Lin Hongyu's order, the nine Zhou family foundation-building monks immediately flew into the sky and cast spells in the sky outside the Zhou family's mountain gate, detonating dazzling magic fireworks.

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the roaring explosions, colorful auras reflected each other in the sky, forming gorgeous pictures such as dragons and phoenixes showing auspiciousness, unicorns offering auspiciousness and so on.

Just when everyone's eyes were attracted by the gorgeous magic fireworks in the sky, suddenly a real dragon roar rose melodiously from Tuyun Ridge.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a silver dragon more than ten feet long rising into the sky from the mountain behind Huanglong Peak, soaring vigorously in the air and slowly flying towards Huanglong Peak.

And anyone who sees this silver dragon cannot ignore this person, a man as dazzling as the sun!

Zhou Chun was seen wearing a gold-woven robe, and the golden light shone on his body. The light was shining but not dazzling. Even the monks in the Qi Refining Stage who came to eat and drink at the foot of the mountain could see his handsome and handsome face.

He stood on top of the silver dragon, with his hands behind his back, and rode the silver dragon slowly towards Huanglong Peak with an indifferent expression.

At this time, from every angle in Tuyun Ridge, there were monks from the Zhou family using photo-taking beads to record this precious moment.

In the future, in the Zhou family's family school, this scene will surely be played for the primary school children, so that they can aspire to be a great Golden Core monk like the patriarch Zhou Zhengchun from an early age!

A cultivator who doesn’t want to become a cultivator at the golden elixir stage is not a good cultivator!

This was a new letter of admonishment that Zhou Chun left for the Zhou Family Academy after he successfully formed the elixir. It was hung directly in the most conspicuous place in the school classroom.

At this moment, looking at the man flying on the dragon, countless monks in Tuyun Ridge widened their eyes, showing envy and awe.

Even those golden elixir stage monks also had envy in their eyes.

A third-level dragon serves as a mount, and it is also a four-clawed thunder dragon that will become a fourth-level monster in the future. This kind of treatment is something that not many Golden Core monks can have!

"This is what a man should do!!"

At the foot of the mountain, Xu Fu, who also took leave today to maintain order, looked up at the scene in the sky and shouted in his heart with envy.

But he could only scream in his heart and never dared to say it out loud.

In this way, under the gaze of countless envious and awed eyes, Lei Jiao Baibai carried Zhou Chun slowly down to the ceremony site and landed on the main stage that had been specially vacated.

It was seen standing in a snake coil on the main stage, slowly lowering its head and placing it on the ground, allowing Zhou Chun above him to jump off its head effortlessly and fall to the ground.

Then with a low groan from its mouth, it turned into a ray of silver light and flew into the spirit beast bag on Zhou Chun's waist.

Then Zhou Chun shook his robe, raised his hands in all directions with a smile on his face, and said loudly: "Dear relatives, friends, fellow Taoists, welcome to Zhou's home today to participate in Zhou's elixir formation celebration. On behalf of myself and the Zhou family, I would like to welcome you all!"

After the words fell, all the monks including Lin Hongyu, Zhou Mingde and other Zhou family members saluted him with ancient rituals and said: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist Zhou (Senior) for your great success in the golden elixir, and may you live a thousand years!"

"Thank you for your congratulations. I hope you can condense the golden elixir and transform it into a baby one day!"

Zhou Chun returned the gift with a smile and also sent his own congratulations.

Then he recounted his own practice career, starting from the age when he entered Taoism and practicing. As long as you are willing to talk about the big and small things he experienced during this period, you can tell them, and then it ends until the golden elixir is formed.

By saying this, I want to tell the younger generations how rare it is to achieve the Golden Elixir, and how difficult it is to achieve the Golden Elixir yourself.

In the end, of course, I told those monks who had not formed the golden elixir that I was able to form the golden elixir, and everything was the result of my own hard work!

The reason why I was able to form a golden elixir was because I had something special about me.

To put it bluntly, you are just praising yourself!

After saying this, Zhou Chun took a seat at the main table, then raised a glass of spiritual wine and said loudly to the many guests at the ceremony: "Double happiness is coming to our door today, please drink to the victory!"

"Drink victory!"

Many monks raised their glasses in response, and drank all the spiritual wine in their glasses.

At this time, it was already more than half past noon, and it was time for the banquet to begin.

Following the order, various spiritual meals cooked by the chef began to be served one by one by the Zhou family monks.

Today at the Golden Core Ceremony, the seats are arranged according to cultivation level. The Golden Core monks are at a table alone, the Zifu monks are at a table for two, and the Foundation Establishment monks are at a table for four.

Each grade of food is different.

The food on the table of those Jindan monks, the price of various ingredients alone has reached thousands of spiritual coins, including fish fillets made from the flesh of colorful dragon fish, and fish bones with hundreds of years of medicine. The fish bone soup made with elixirs is a delicacy that is hard to get even if you have money.

Even on the table of the Zifu period monks, there are spiritual meals cooked with the flesh and blood of third-order monsters. These monster flesh and blood were all the Zhou family's previous stocks. Although it took a long time, under the cooking of the chef, It also tastes great and is great for the body!

Of course, all of the Golden Core Stage monks are discerning people.

At this time, as soon as they ate the slices of fresh and tender colorful arowana meat and felt the pure and rich replenishing vitality, everyone's expressions were shocked and showed surprise.

"Could this fish meat be the flesh and blood of the fourth-order fish demon?"

The ancestor of the Su family looked at Zhou Chun in surprise and asked a question that all the other golden elixir stage monks wanted to ask.

Then he saw Zhou Chun chuckle and said: "Hahaha, ancestor is indeed well-informed. This thing is the meat sliced ​​from a fourth-level fish demon. Its taste is fresh and refreshing. It can be said to be delicious when paired with this fish bone soup." Add freshness to it, it’s wonderful!”

Hearing his answer, the expressions of all the golden elixir stage monks present changed slightly.

Then he saw Wang Qingyun, the golden elixir monk from Tianjing Villa, looking at him with a look of surprise on his face and whispering: "Being able to make the meat of the fourth-level fish demon into a spiritual meal, doesn't this mean that Fellow Daoist Zhou has just successfully formed an elixir? Have you already killed a fourth-level monster?"

His words were full of surprise, and it was obvious that he could not believe this fact.

After all, most of the fourth-level monsters are no weaker than human Golden Core monks of the same level, and even many with powerful bloodlines are stronger than ordinary human Golden Core monks who only have one natal magic weapon.

And how long has Zhou Chuncai been forming elixirs?

At this time, I’m afraid I haven’t even refined my natal magic weapon yet!

Under such circumstances, even if he has the magic weapon left by his predecessors to use, his strength is at most comparable to those early golden elixir monks who refined the magic weapon of his life.

Why should he kill a fourth-level monster?

Wang Qingyun is obviously not the only one who has such doubts. Even the ancestor of the Su family and Su Yunniang are looking at Zhou Chun with surprise at this moment, unable to believe that this is true.

But Zhou Chun smiled faintly and said, "It's just a trick, and it was also caused by the carelessness of that beast!"

He clearly didn't want to go into detail about the process.

But just his answer was a disguised admission of Wang Qingyun's words.

Therefore, after hearing what he said, the expressions of all the golden elixir stage monks present changed drastically.

The golden elixir monks from the big sect like Wei Yong, who were in the middle golden elixir cultivation level, were better. Although they were surprised by Zhou Chun's powerful strength, they were not worried about anything.

But the other golden elixir stage monks were somewhat frightened.

Their strength may be comparable to some fourth-level low-grade monsters. Zhou Chun was able to kill a fourth-order low-grade monster not long after forming a pill.

Does this mean that Zhou Chun now has the ability to kill them?

It’s terrifying to think about it!

Thinking about it like this, the precious and rare fourth-level fish meat in front of him seemed to no longer taste good.

Looking at the group of golden elixir monks who were suddenly silent, Zhou Chun seemed not to know what everyone was thinking. He just picked up a piece of fish with a smile, cooked it in the boiling fish soup, and then put it in. He chewed it slowly in his mouth and said, "Why don't you fellow Taoists eat it? This fish won't last long after it's thawed. You'd better finish it as soon as possible. Don't waste Zhou's heart!"

I had something to do during the day today. After a busy day, I went home to write in the evening. It seems that I finished writing the 6,000 words at 12 o'clock, so I will update the 4,000 words first, and I will make up for the 8,000 words tomorrow!

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