Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 502 Afterwards【Please subscribe】

The sudden joking sound caused the expressions of the two warring parties in Tuyun Ridge to change instantly.

The originally confident Black Dragon Hall Master of the Hualong Sect, Di Long, suddenly turned panicked and his eyes were full of fear.

Zhou Chun and Lin Hongyu, who were originally extremely panicked, instantly became ecstatic like drowning people grabbing a life-saving straw.

Although both of them were a little unfamiliar with that joking voice, it was not difficult to know from the information revealed in his words that he was a senior Yuanying Stage monk from Jingguo.

Then it must be a helper from your own side!

Therefore, Zhou Chun immediately made a thought and suddenly revealed a gap in the control formation.

This gap seems to be convenient for the Yuanying Stage monks from outside to come in, but it is also convenient for Di Long to get out.

Zhou Chun didn't want a Nascent Soul Stage monk to take action in Tuyun Ridge. The aftermath of such an action would cause great damage to the Zhou family's mountain gate.

Even though Di Long knew Zhou Chun's intention of releasing the formation at this time, he had no choice but to give up attacking him and go straight to the gap.

Although he was a master of formations, before he came to assassinate Zhou Chun, he had enough confidence to break through the [Nine Palaces and Yellow Dragon Formation] and leave.

But that is based on the premise that there is no interference from Yuanying Stage monks.

Now that he knows that there are Nascent Soul Stage monks outside, if he still dares to stay in Tuyun Ridge, he will be waiting to be caught in a jar!

However, as soon as his figure rushed out of the gap, a golden mirror light came through the air and shone on him.

Under the illumination of that golden mirror light, the several layers of protection he had arranged were instantly penetrated, and then the person let out a miserable cry.

But relying on the powerful defense ability brought by the fourth level of "Secret of Dragon Transformation", Di Long actually withstood Nascent Soul's attack and quickly turned into a black light and flew away into the distance.

"Can you run away?"

A faint voice resounded through the sky, and another golden mirror light shone towards Di Long, who was escaping.

Dillon in the air also knew that this was a desperate moment.

So he quickly raised his hand and waved, and a black dragon scale as big as a water tank faced the golden mirror light, and instantly turned into a ball of black divine light and the mirror light died together.

This is obviously a life-saving method given to him by the Yuanying Stage monks of Hualong Sect, so that he will not have any power to fight back when facing the Yuanying Stage monks.

It's a pity that this one-time method can only protect him for a while.

I saw figures flashing in the sky, and a golden figure suddenly turned into a golden ray of light and chased after Di Long, much faster than him!

During the pursuit, golden mirror light continued to shoot towards Di Long.

Even though Di Long could use various means to block two or three attacks, he could not continue to resist them forever.

But Zhou Chun didn't see Ti Long's final fate.

A late-stage Jindan cultivator who was running for his life was so fast that a distance of a hundred miles could be said to pass in an instant.

Zhou Chun also learned after the fact that Ti Long failed to escape the hands of Master Tianjing in the end and died in the pursuit of this Nascent Soul monk.

Later, when Zhou Chun personally went to Yuelun Sect to meet the real person of worshiping the moon, he found out that Jingguo had already guessed that Hualong Sect could not just sit back and watch Lin Hongyu and Zhou Chun jump up and down, so they had been secretly arranging for people to stay at Zhou's house. Squatting near the mountain gate.

The Hualong Sect probably guessed this before, so they never sent anyone to attack the Zhou family.

But this time Zhou Chun held a high-profile Golden Elixir Ceremony, and the Hualong Sect obviously couldn't stand it any longer. They specially sent the leader of the Black Dragon Hall, Di Long, to lurk into Tuyunling in disguise and launch an assassination operation against him.

But Di Long obviously didn't expect that he deliberately waited until the end of the Golden Elixir Ceremony before taking action. He also chose to assassinate from within, but he still missed.

At the same time, he did not expect that the person arranged by Jingguo to secretly guard him was not the late-stage Jindan monk as expected, but the Nascent Soul stage monk Tianjing Zhenren!

The dignified Nascent Soul cultivator has been patiently squatting outside Tuyun Ridge, secretly protecting a new Golden Core cultivator from a Golden Core family.

Ti Long also couldn't figure out why Tianjing Zhenren did this until his death!

Naturally, he didn't know the inner anguish of Master Tianjing.

Since the Nascent Soul was captured by Master Qingxiao, he was forced to accept the control of the "Forbidden God Technique" and divided one-third of his own Yuan Shen origin into the "Forbidden God Token".

In this way, not only would he have no hope of breaking through to the middle Nascent Soul stage in the future, but his own life would also be in the hands of others and he would lose his freedom.

Now, on the surface, he is a superior Nascent Soul monk, but in fact he is just a high-level thug under the control of Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect. He does not dare to disobey the orders given to him by the Nascent Soul monks of the two sects!

Besides, Zhou Chun was completely relieved when he saw Di Long and Tianjing Zhenren disappearing quickly after chasing each other.

Then, while he hurriedly restored the gap in the formation, he let go of his spiritual consciousness to check the entire mountain gate in case there were people from the Hualong Sect lurking inside.

No matter what method Di Long used to disguise himself and lurk in, it shows that the Zhou family's security system needs to be improved.

Zhou Chun would not blame the tribesmen who let Di Long in, but he would never tolerate such a thing happening again.

After all, it would be a shame for any force to have such a powerful enemy sneak into the mountain gate quietly.

Fortunately, Di Long only wanted to assassinate Zhou Chun and Lin Hongyu this time. Otherwise, with his late Jindan cultivation, if he went on a killing spree in Tuyun Ridge, the consequences would be unimaginable!

At this time, after repeated inspections twice, it was determined that there should be no lurking enemies, and Zhou Chun removed his own protection.

However, all tribesmen were still strictly ordered not to move around randomly, and they all stayed where they should and waited for the ban to be lifted.

"Masachun, are you okay? Were you injured just now?"

Zhou Mingde had already arrived at Zhou Chun's side, but when he saw that Zhou Chun had not let go of his protection before, and felt Zhou Chun's unabashedly huge consciousness searching inside the mountain gate, he suppressed the worry in his heart and did not speak. At this time, when he saw Zhou Chun let go After turning on the protection, he looked at Zhou Chun with worry and asked.

At this time, Zhou Chun looked slightly pale and looked like he had lost a lot of energy.

At this time, listening to Zhou Mingde's concerned voice, he couldn't help but shake his head slightly and said: "Junior is fine, he just lost some energy."

"It's okay. Now you are the backbone of my Zhou family. You must protect yourself!"

As Zhou Mingde spoke, he frowned and suddenly said, "Is that senior Tianjing Zhenren just now?"

"Judging from the means, it should be Senior Tianjing!"

Zhou Chun nodded and confirmed the matter.

In fact, he had also met Master Tianjing before.

However, the Tianjing Master he saw when he participated in the Tianjing Dharma Assembly was his original body. The current Tianjing Master was obviously a reincarnated body, and his appearance and voice were different from the original one.

However, for immortal cultivators, their appearance and voice can be easily changed, but their magical powers are difficult to fake.

That powerful golden mirror light. Except for Tianjing Zhenren, no other Nascent Soul stage monk in Jingguo can master this method.

Then Zhou Mingde said softly: "If it is really the senior Tianjing Zhenren, he can be regarded as the savior of our Zhou family this time. Zhengchun, maybe you can prepare a generous gift to thank him later!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun was slightly startled, and couldn't help but glance at Zhou Mingde. As his thoughts turned around, he understood what he meant.

He immediately nodded with a look of understanding and said, "You are right, old man. I will go to Tianjing Villa in two days."

But he knew in his heart that Zhou Mingde wanted him to take this opportunity to see if he could have some relationship with Master Tianjing, the Nascent Soul Stage Master.

As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Even though the Zhou family is now protected by the Moon Wheel Sect, the family gate is still closer to Tianjing Villa after all.

If something like today happens again in the future, the Moon Lun Sect will definitely be out of reach and unable to provide timely assistance.

Tianjing Villa is very close at hand and can come to the rescue at any time.

Therefore, if we can establish a relationship with Master Tianjing, it will definitely be of great benefit to the Zhou family.

However, Zhou Chun had a vague feeling in his heart that the matter was not that simple, and that the real Tianjing might not be as reliable as Zhou Mingde thought.

But this is just his own feeling without any evidence.

In the following time, seeing that Tianjing Zhenren, who was chasing Di Long, did not come back, Zhou Chun went out to clean up the battlefield.

Previously, Di Long was hit by the attack of Master Tianjing outside Tuyun Ridge. A dragon scale shield magic weapon was directly destroyed by the golden mirror light and fell to the ground.

Zhou Chun picked up the object at this time and found that the shield magic weapon had been broken into several large pieces, and it was impossible to repair it.

But he still kept these things and prepared to send them to Tianjing Villa later.

No matter what, these are the trophies of Master Tianjing.

Maybe the other party doesn't care about this little gadget, but the Zhou family can't keep it private.

Not long after that, Zhou Chun received a flying sword message from Wang Qingyun, a golden elixir stage monk at Tianjing Villa, informing him that Di Long had been killed by Tianjing Daoist.

After learning that Di Long was dead, both Zhou Chun and Lin Hongyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Zhou Chun first lifted the ban on monks in the clan and allowed the clansmen to return to normal life.

He himself meditated in the cave for three days and then went to Tianjing Villa to pay a visit to Master Tianjing with a thousand-year-old precious medicine, preparing to thank him in person.

Unexpectedly, Master Tianjing had no intention of meeting him at all. After accepting the gift from him, he just sent a message telling him "I understand" and dismissed him.

With this look, it was obvious that he didn't want to have too much interaction with him.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun could no longer hold his hot face against his cold butt and continue to pester her.

Immediately, he said goodbye and left, and then went to the Yuelun Sect to meet with the Moon Worshiper and report the attack on him inside the family mountain gate.

It was also from Master Baiyue that he learned that the Moon Wheel Sect had arranged for people to stay secretly. At the same time, he also received comfort and assurance from Master Baiyue, so that he no longer had to worry about the revenge of Hualong Sect.

After receiving this guarantee, Zhou Chun felt completely at ease. After thanking him profusely, he returned to his family with confidence.

After returning to the family, Zhou Chun summoned the senior officials of the Zhou family to discuss ways to improve the security inspection methods at the mountain gate.

Currently, the security check of people entering and exiting the Zhou Family Mountain Gate mainly consists of the monks' own spiritual consciousness and related documents and tokens, as well as some monsters with keen sense of smell.

However, because it is impossible to arrange for monks from the Purple Mansion Stage to guard the door, spiritual detection is basically ineffective against the monks from the Golden Core Stage, and the written tokens may also be used by others.

The smell test of monsters basically only targets acquaintances. If thousands of strangers suddenly come in like the Golden Elixir Ceremony, the monsters won't be able to smell anything at all.

So after some discussion, Zhou Chun decided to improve the family's security inspection methods from two aspects.

On the one hand, it is to arrange a formation that can detect the cultivation level of monks coming in and out. Although this kind of formation is not very effective for those who deliberately hide their cultivation level, it can sometimes play some unexpected roles.

On the other hand, they are trying their best to find a kind of demonic insect called "spirit fluke".

This "spirit fluke" is a very strange monster insect that likes to suck spiritual power, and the higher the quality of the spiritual power, the stronger its reaction will be after sucking it.

If this "spirit fluke" can be found and tamed, and every outsider and Zhou family monk who enters and exits the mountain gate can cast a magic power for it to absorb and detect, we can completely prevent high-level monks from pretending to be low-level monks to sneak into the mountain gate.

After all, cultivation can be concealed through secret techniques, but the quality of mana is difficult to change.

It's just that "mind flukes" are very rare. Whether and when this kind of monster insect can be found depends on the luck of the Zhou family.

After Zhou Chun finalized the two security inspection methods, he stopped caring about the matter.

To arrange the formation for detecting the cultivation of incoming and outgoing monks, you can completely ask the formation master of the You family or ask someone from the Moon Lun Sect for help. Zhou Chun does not need to worry about it personally.

As the Zhou family officially restored its status as a golden elixir family, he did not need to do many things personally. He only needed to write a handwritten letter as a token, and many monks would naturally give him face after reading it.

After leaving the matter to others, Zhou Chun first returned to the cave to renovate his cave.

Di Long's previous attack caused great damage to his cave. Not only were all the formation restrictions broken, but many of the stone chambers inside the cave were also collapsed and broken into pieces.

At this time, Zhou Chun could only call out the golden-armored mountain turtle stone and let it restore and renovate the cave.

This kind of work is a piece of cake for Stone. It was easy to follow Zhou Chun's request to remove all the gravel and sand in the cave and restore all the gaps to their original appearance.

It's just that the formation restrictions in the cave had to be rearranged by Zhou Chun.

However, this matter was no longer so urgent, and Zhou Chun was not in a hurry to do it.

After having an intimate relationship with Taoist companion Su Yuzhen, he continued what he had not completed before and counted the harvest from this Golden Elixir Ceremony.

During this Golden Elixir Ceremony, a total of one hundred and thirty-seven gifts were collected, including thirty-eight thousand-year-old elixirs, six kinds of magic weapons and spiritual materials, six third-level magic weapons, six monster eggs, and various other gifts. Grow some elixirs, elixirs, and spiritual materials.

Among those thousand-year-old elixirs, two happened to be the necessary materials for refining the "Ancient Dust Pill", which was an unexpected harvest.

Among the magical materials, [Millennium Black Iron] and the golden essence given by the ancestor of the Su family can be used to refine the natal magic weapon.

The remaining thousand-year-old elixirs, magical materials, and even various elixirs are of little use to Zhou Chun. At most, they will give him more chips to exchange for other needed spiritual items in the future.

The same applies to those third-level magic weapons and monster eggs.

Zhou Chun planned to put all the monster eggs in the family treasury for the clan members to redeem.

As for the third-level magic weapon, he will keep it in his hands for now. When a monk from the Zhou family succeeds in opening the Zifu in the future, he can just give it as a reward.

However, there is an exception for a third-level magic weapon, which is the third-level high-grade flying magic weapon [Thunder Fire Speeder] given by Zhu Wuya, the master of weapon refining.

This thing looks like a bronze carriage, with low roof and exposed sides. There is a red round umbrella standing inside the carriage, wheels on both sides, and two long shafts in front.

Although it is a flying magic weapon, the flying speed of the object itself is not very fast.

In order to fully utilize the flying speed of this object, it is necessary to have a thunder attribute monster or a fire attribute monster to pull the cart.

If there is a third-level thunder attribute monster pulling the cart, this [Thunder Fire Speeder] will form a resonance superposition effect with the monster itself, making the monster fly much faster.

Obviously, this [Thunder Fire Speeder] is a magical weapon specially customized by Zhu Wuya for Zhou Chun.

Moreover, he was extremely considerate. Even if Zhou Chun does not use this item, he can still leave it to Zhou Mingde, who possesses the Vulcan Jackal, so that it will not be like the third-level magical artifacts given by other monks and can only be eaten in a storage bag. Ash.

"Zhu Wuya is quite ingenious and a thoughtful person!"

After Zhou Chun tasted the magical artifact [Thunder Fire Speeder], he couldn't help but admire Zhu Wuya's ingenuity.

Perhaps because of insufficient talent and resources, this person has never been able to break through to the realm of a master of weapon refining.

However, his skills in weapon refining and some ingenious ideas are indeed quite unique, and he is worthy of his status as a master of weapon refining.

In short, Zhou Chun himself is very satisfied with this [Thunder Fire Speeder], and when he plans to attend some important occasions in the future, he will take this car to show off his noble status.

The world of cultivating immortals is also very realistic, and it is not advisable to hide one's clumsiness as it is easy for people to ignore it.

If Zhou Chun was a casual cultivator, this might be feasible.

But he is not a casual cultivator, he is the pillar of a golden elixir family.

Therefore, on certain occasions, he is destined not to downplay his existence like some casual cultivators and do not compete for fame and fortune.

At this time, after playing with the magical weapon [Thunder Fire Speeder], Zhou Chun collected the various gifts, lowered his head and pondered about the situation of this golden elixir ceremony.

Overall, this Golden Elixir Ceremony was naturally very successful. Both the number of invited Golden Elixir monks and the number of uninvited monks were higher than those of other Golden Elixir Ceremonies. Much more.

But it is not without flaws.

As for the biggest flaw, it was naturally that Qinglian Temple, which nominally ruled the land of Lingzhou and Lanzhou, did not send anyone to attend.

"This time Qinglian Temple didn't even send someone to express congratulations. It seems that the master of Yiyang Temple now has a lot of prejudice against my Zhou family!"

Zhou Chun's eyes flickered, and his mood became a little heavy.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Even if there are no Nascent Soul Stage monks in Qinglian Temple now, its strength is far beyond what the Zhou family can match.

Now, because Taoist Qingchen is in seclusion and has a baby, Qinglian Temple has chosen to close the mountain to protect itself, and the Zhou family can still be at ease.

When the closure of Qinglian Temple is over, I'm afraid they will try every means to suppress the Zhou family!

"It usually takes 20 to 30 years for the golden elixir stage monks to go into seclusion to conceive a baby. Now, less than ten years have passed since Taoist Qingchen went into seclusion to conceive a baby. There should be one or two more time left for my Zhou family." ten years!"

Ten or twenty years is not a long time.

But you can do a lot of things.

Zhou Chun thought secretly in his heart and soon came up with some ideas and decisions.

In the following months, the Dragon Fish Banquet at the Zhou Chun Golden Elixir Ceremony, as well as the subsequent attack on the Zhou family by the late Golden Elixir cultivators of the Hualong Sect, directly became a hot topic among the monks in Jingguo and even surrounding countries.

The fact that Zhou Chun was not killed or even injured even under the attack of the late Golden Core monks also surprised many Golden Core monks. They also completely believed that he killed a fourth-level fish demon just after successfully forming the elixir. .

So when talking about Zhou Chun, few people dared to treat him as a true elixir-forming monk anymore. They all treated him as a senior early-stage elixir-forming monk.

After the Golden Elixir Ceremony was held, the status of the Zhou family's Golden Elixir family was completely recognized and consolidated, and the status of the Zhou family's monks in the world of Jingguo's immortality also increased accordingly.

From now on, even if you go to other states of Yasukuni, you can make many small and medium-sized forces sell face.

The Zhou family's various businesses are getting better and better.

At the same time, the senior leaders of the Zhou family also received considerable benefits.

After Zhou Mingde was sure that the threat of the Hualong Cult was over, he drank a jar of "Pure Spirit Water" handed to him by Zhou Chun to purify the erysipelas and turbidity in his body, and then took the [Holy Spirit Blood Pill] and other pill-forming spirits. The object entered the cave to retreat and form elixirs.

Zhou Daoyi also received some pills donated by Zhou Chun, and he also began to work hard to break through the late Zifu.

Previously, Zhou Chun used the [Devil Order] to exchange for three pill-forming spiritual objects, all of which were prepared for Zhou Daoyi.

As long as Zhou Daoyi breaks through to the later stage of Zifu, he will have a chance to attack the core formation.

And more than ten years later, Zhou Chun also received the first [Xuanxin Purple Return Pill] that he had redeemed. This pill was directly handed over to Zhou Xinlan, who also couldn't wait to go into seclusion after receiving the pill.

Zhou Chun himself was not idle either.

He first selected most of the unknown varieties of lotus seeds he had obtained from the secret island and planted them in a pond on Tuyun Ridge. The rest was given to Taoist monk Su Yuzhen and asked to take it back to the Su family for planting.

Then, in the name of seclusion to recuperate, he secretly left Tuyunling with the golden armor carrying the mountain turtle and the stone, and went to the Jueling Desert.

Now that the elixir has been formed successfully, it is time to collect the [Earth Mother Black Gold] in the abyss canyon in the Jueling Desert.

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