Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 503 Returning with a full load【Please subscribe】

Absolute desert.

After stepping into the Jueling Desert again with the Golden Core cultivation level, Zhou Chun's discomfort became even more intense.

The spiritual energy here is too thin, and the higher the level of monks, the more uncomfortable they will feel here.

Because the higher the cultivation level of the immortal, the greater the dependence on the aura environment.

This is why it is difficult to raise dragons in shallow water.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun doesn't need to stay here permanently.

After identifying the direction, he flew straight towards the abyss canyon containing the [Earth Mother Black Gold] ore.

With his current cultivation level, he had arrived outside the abyss canyon in less than half a day.

"Stone, it's up to you. Work hard and find all the [Earth Mother Black Gold] ores underground here. When the [Guchen Pill] is refined, I will be the first to let you try it. !”

Above the canyon, after Zhou Chun released the golden-armored mountain turtle stone, he immediately encouraged and promised him to work hard in mining.

Although these spiritual pets obey his orders 100%, sometimes giving them appropriate rewards and promises can also increase their enthusiasm for work.

A typical example is Mu Mei.

Now the wooden charm is hiding in the purple mulberry tree in Zhouchun Cave, sleeping and evolving. When it wakes up, it will definitely be a third-level high-grade monster.

When it followed Zhou Chun, it was only a second-level high-grade monster.

In just a hundred years, its cultivation level has been upgraded to three levels in a row. Its loyalty to Zhou Chun at this time is no worse than that of a spiritual pet like the Golden-winged Tiger that it has raised since childhood.

Now even if Zhou Chun lets it go, it may not be willing!

Sure enough, after getting the stone promised by Zhou Chun, he was instantly full of energy.

It had been promoted to a third-level mid-level monster at this time, and its strength had improved compared to before. It immediately escaped underground to search for the [Earth Mother Black Gold] ore.

After half a day passed like this, Shitou found more than a dozen pieces of [Earth Mother Black Gold] ore for Zhou Chun.

After bringing up all the [Earth Mother Black Gold] ores that he could bring out within his own strength, Shitou used the earth escape technique to take Zhou Chun to those gold-hiding places that were inaccessible to him.

Compared with Zhou Chun's current cultivation strength in the Golden Core stage, the strength of its third-level mid-level monster is indeed much lower.

In those dangerous places that it could not break into, Zhou Chun easily entered them and brought out the [Earth Mother Black Gold] ore after using the [Moon Toad Orb] to display the "Taiyin Protective Fairy Clothes".

In addition to the [Earth Mother Black Gold] ore, Zhou Chun also discovered some extremely high-quality fine gold ore, which he also dug out and took away.

You must know that the magic weapon and spiritual material Jinjing is made from fine gold.

If Zhou Chun's natal magic weapon [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] is successfully refined, a large amount of gold essence can be refined into it in the future to enhance its power.

Therefore, he would never have too much of a magical material like Jin Jing.

To be realistic, Lin Hongyu definitely has no hope of conceiving a baby in the future, but she is also a fire-attribute martial arts cultivator. The condensed elixir fire is most suitable for refining magical materials such as gold essence and iron essence.

As long as Zhou Chun collects enough fine gold ore, he can ask her to use some of her spare time to help him refine gold essence in the future.

Even Zhou Mingde can do this kind of thing if he succeeds in forming the elixir in the future!

After staying in the Jueling Desert for almost seven days, Zhou Chun finally collected all the [Earth Mother Black Gold] and high-quality fine gold ores that could be found on the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Stone, and then returned to Tuyun with great satisfaction. ridge.

The amount of [Earth Mother Black Gold] ore collected this time is extremely large. The amount of [Earth Mother Black Gold] obtained after smelting is completely enough for Zhou Chun to refine the natal magic weapon [Wanhua Golden Cauldron], and there will even be a lot more. remain.

When the time comes, he can completely use this item to replace top-level spiritual gold such as [Geng Gold] and [Tianyi Xuan Gold] to enhance the power of his own magic weapon.

It's just that smelting [Earth Mother Black Gold] can only be done if you have a golden elixir level cultivation level, and this matter involves some weapon refining.

Therefore, Zhou Chun began to take some time to practice the art of refining weapons.

When he refines his natal magic weapon, he also needs to improve his weapon refining skills to at least the level where he can refine second-level magic weapons. At this time, he has two uses.

With the cultivation of the Golden Core stage to practice the art of refining weapons, and the fact that materials can be used casually, Zhou Chun's progress is naturally very rapid.

In just two years, he was able to refine a second-level mid-grade magical weapon.

At this point, it was not difficult for him to smelt [Earth Mother Black Gold], and he immediately began to smelt this top-level spiritual gold.

At the same time, after more than two years of seclusion, Zhou Xinlan also successfully opened the Zifu and broke through to the Zifu stage.

The father and son's double purple mansion was a good story in both the Zhou family and Jingguo, and it also attracted the envy of many clan members.

Zhou Chun was naturally not stingy with this relatively close junior. After Zhou Xinlan came out of seclusion, he summoned him and gave him the third-level high-grade defensive magic weapon [Xuan Gang Pearl] that he used.

After Zhou Xinlan's cultivation broke through to the Zifu stage, her alchemy skills also improved due to her breakthrough in cultivation, reaching the level of Zhou Mingshan, the former eldest elder of the Zhou family.

This can be regarded as making up for the losses caused by Zhou Zhengyuan's failure to open up the Zifu.

Yunzhou, Qiansheling.

Qiansheling is located on the border of Yunzhou. It used to be the dividing line between the wilderness and Jingguo.

After the victory of the Dragon Sect in the Southern Conquest of Jingguo, the area expanded thousands of miles, and this place was considered to be included in Jingguo.

However, because the Thousand Snake Ridge is densely populated with venomous snakes and there are snake caves everywhere under the mountain, few families and forces dare to come here to establish a branch base.

Therefore, this place has become an adventure place for some casual cultivators.

After all, the snake demon is full of treasures, whether it is snake scales, snake eyes, snake gallbladder, snake blood and other body materials, as well as snake eggs and other items, they are all very easy to sell.

And in such places where monsters and beasts gather, the Zhou family monks are naturally indispensable.

On this day, Zhou Xinyan and Zhou Xinchen, two Zhou family foundation-building monks, personally led a team of twenty or thirty people into Thousand Snake Ridge.

They came here for a snake nest. Someone found two second-order fire-scaled pythons and a large area of ​​fire snake grass in the snake nest.

Zhou Xinyan contracted two monsters, one was the mid-level monster Blue Feather Fire Kite that was rewarded to him by his family, and the other was the Red Flame Dragon Python.

Among them, Blue Feather Fire Kite has been hatched since his Qi refining stage, and its foundation is good enough. Now it has been cultivated by him into a second-level mid-level monster.

However, the Red Flame Dragon Python was a spiritual pet that was hatched after he successfully established the foundation. It was also of the bloodline of a low-level monster, and it was still stuck in the realm of a first-level high-grade monster.

With Zhou Xinyan's potential and cultivation, he certainly cannot tolerate his Red Flame Dragon Python staying at the first level. Over the years, he has been planning to help him break through and advance.

The two second-order fire-scale pythons discovered this time were what he believed to be opportunities for spiritual pets to break through.

When the fire scale python reaches the second level, a trace of fire dragon blood will awaken in the body. If the snake gall can be mixed with a 300-year-old dragon transforming grass and swallowed by the red flame dragon python, there is a 60 to 70% chance that the red flame can be transformed into a python. Dragon Python's evolution has broken through to the second level.

It's just that the two second-level fire scale pythons are extraordinary in strength, and they are also the king of the fire scale python tribe. Although Zhou Xinyan's cultivation is only one step away from the late stage of foundation building, he is not sure that he can take them down alone.

So after thinking about it for a while, he reported his needs to the family and asked for help.

So after Zhou Xinyi asked Zhou Chun for instructions, she arranged the Thousand Snake Ridge training operation and asked Zhou Xinchen to lead a group of young monks from the Zhou family to assist Zhou Xinyan in completing the task of exterminating the snake cave.

"Most of the demon snakes of Thousand Snakes are highly venomous. Although we are fully prepared this time and have niece Xiaolian who can help detoxify, you must not be careless and get caught easily!"

"You must know that you will go out alone to experience in the future, but no one will help you detoxify at any time!"

After entering Thousand Snakes, Zhou Xinyan gave instructions to his entourage with a solemn expression.

This operation is mainly to help him, so he must not let anything happen to anyone.

Otherwise, let alone his conscience, he would have to pay for the pension and compensation out of his own pocket.

Although he has a high-grade spiritual root qualification and receives a lot of preferential treatment in his family, in fact, because he does not have the support of blood relatives and elders like Zhou Zhengyong and others, after he successfully builds the foundation, he has to work hard on his own. .

At least in terms of assisting in the development of spiritual objects in Zifu, the family can no longer give him free use like the Foundation Establishment Pill, and he must use his own good deeds to redeem it.

Fortunately, these Zhou family monks have been educated in the school since childhood, and they are all very obedient. Zhou Xinyan's cultivation status can also intimidate them. At this time, they are all very obedient, and no one dares to act recklessly.

In this way, on the way to the fire scale python nest, Zhou Xinyan and Zhou Xinyi will specially look for some first-order demon snakes to train these juniors, first to let them adapt to the life and death struggle with demon snakes.

But after some observation, Zhou Xinyan frowned and couldn't help but said to Zhou Xinchen: "Although our family is famous for its beast control skills, these juniors purely use contracted monsters to fight these monster snakes. How come Can it sharpen their will to fight? Shouldn't they be allowed to face the monsters head-on?"

He personally participated in the previous war against the invasion of demonic cultivators, and personally killed many demonic cultivators on the battlefield, including three foundation-building demonic cultivators, so he was considered a man with rich combat experience.

So when I saw that the younger generations of the Zhou family only dared to hide behind the contracted monsters and fight with the monster snakes, and I was just trying to make a fool of myself, I suddenly couldn't stand it.

As soon as he mentioned it, Zhou Xinchen also realized this problem. After thinking about it, he nodded gently and said: "Well, what you said makes sense, Brother Yan. With the two of us taking care of it, there won't be any problems." .”

After the two reached an agreement, they followed Zhou Xinyan's instructions and asked the younger generations to keep the contracted monsters with them and fight the monster snakes themselves.

As a result, these juniors who were able to crush the demon snakes of the same level in the past were suddenly beaten into chaos by the demon snakes. Most of them had to rely on the two foundation-building monks to rescue them.

Several people even accidentally got poisoned by snake venom and had to take detoxifying pills to remove the poison, which caused them a lot of suffering.

But there are also people who perform well.

That person is Poison Cultivator Zhou Yuanlian!

I have to say that the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" technique is very powerful.

Zhou Yuanlian's spiritual root qualification barely reaches the threshold of the middle-grade spiritual root. However, after switching to this technique, only more than ten years have passed, and her cultivation has reached the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage, becoming a late-stage Qi Refining monk. .

At this rate, although she had wasted ten years of cultivation time, it should not be a big problem to build a foundation before she turned forty.

As one of Zhou Chun's experiments, Zhou Chun would definitely prepare the Foundation Establishment Pill for her.

And with her current Poison Technique in the late stage of Qi refining, the toxins from those demonic snakes would not only be unable to harm her at all, but would also be directly refined by her to enhance the power of the Poison Technique!

She made a magic gesture with both hands, and a blue-gray water arrow shot at a first-level high-grade demonic snake.

This water arrow looks like "Water Arrow Technique", but it is actually a much more powerful "Poison Arrow Technique".

As soon as the arrow hit the demon snake, it immediately turned into poisonous water and corroded its snake scales and skin, and the toxins instantly entered the body and poured into it.

After just a few breaths of time passed, the demon snake, which was extremely poisonous in itself, died directly from Zhou Yuanlian's mixed toxins!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xinchen also changed his expression slightly, and couldn't help but said to Zhou Xinyan: "No wonder the patriarch values ​​Xiaolian so much. The ability of this "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" is indeed strange and powerful. When she succeeds in building the foundation in the future, it will only I’m afraid that even if you and I have the advantage in realm, we may not be able to match her!”

There was a hint of envy in his words.

But Zhou Xinyan replied calmly: "She deserves this. Thinking about the pain she suffered while practicing, who among you and me can bear it?"

He is also someone who has practiced the top-notch technique "Jiamu Xuan Gong", and he knows that these powerful techniques require equal effort and reward.

As far as he was concerned, when he broke through to the middle stage of foundation building, he almost went crazy and died.

It was precisely because of that experience that he was not so urgent to break through the late stage of foundation building. He wanted to polish his mana first and prepare some auxiliary spiritual objects to reduce the probability of going crazy before breaking through.

In terms of danger, the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" is only worse than the "Jiamu Xuan Gong" he practiced!

There is a reason why the true inheritance of poison cultivators in the world of immortal cultivation is so rare and the number is so small.

Although Zhou Xinchen did not practice top-notch techniques, he knew this truth and also knew the general process of Zhou Yuanlian's practice of the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual".

Therefore, when he heard Zhou Xinyan's words, he felt no envy and accepted the reality with peace of mind.

In this way, a group of them walked and walked among thousands of snake flies for several days before they arrived near the snake nest of the fire-scaled pythons.

At this time, after several days of experience, the mental outlook of the younger generations of the Zhou family suddenly changed.

This is one of the benefits of being a family monk.

Being able to receive systematic education and training since childhood without taking any detours.

After you grow up and become successful in cultivation, you can also be taken out by your family elders to practice, learn how to behave in the world, and learn the art of fighting.

On the other hand, those casual cultivators, regardless of whether they are taught by a master or not, will definitely not be treated as well as the family cultivators.

The Fire Scale Python's snake nest is not located deep underground like many snake nests, but in a rocky valley.

The rocky valley here is overgrown with weeds and jagged rocks. Where the stones are connected, many gaps and caves are formed for snakes to hide.

Fire-scaled pythons usually hide in valleys during the day and go out to look for food at night.

Zhou Xinyan had already made a plan to deal with the Fire Scale Python.

He first released his spiritual pet, the blue-feathered fire kite, and let it pretend to be a predator and hover over the rocky valley, looking for opportunities to prey on the fire-scaled pythons in the valley, thereby forcing the two second-level fire-scaled pythons out. .

A blue-black fire kite with blue-black feathers was seen circling and flying over the rocky valley. Not long after, it swooped down with a fierce roar, and instantly flew into the rocks and grabbed a three-foot-long fire kite. Red python.

The python's head was grabbed by the blue-feathered fire kite, and its body was pierced and hung by the sharp eagle claws. The snake's body kept twisting and trying to break free.

But the Blue-Feathered Fire Kite has a firm control over its snake body, and its eagle claws have even latched onto the keel of its spine, making it useless no matter how hard it struggles.

Not long after, the blue-feathered fire kite grabbed the fire-scaled python and flew down in front of Zhou Xinyan.

Seeing this, Zhou Xinyan immediately chopped off the snake's head with a sword, took out the snake's gall and fed it to it.

After eating the snake gall containing the essence of the fire-scaled python, the blue-feathered fire kite let out a satisfied neigh, immediately fluttered its wings and took off, continuing to hover over the Rock Valley.

As the saying goes, you can do one thing but not again, you can do two things but not three things.

A fire scale python was previously captured by the Blue Feather Fire Kite. It can also be said that the two second-level fire scale pythons did not notice it and were successfully attacked by it.

At this time, it came again in a short period of time, obviously not paying attention to the entire group of fire scale pythons.

How could the two second-level fire-scaled pythons, who were already born with wisdom, not be annoyed by this.

So when the blue-feathered fire kite swooped down again, two second-order fire-scaled pythons flew out from their hiding place, spitting fireballs and blasted at it.

What a blue-feathered fire kite!

At that moment, facing the flanking attack of two second-order fire-scaled pythons, it quickly pulled up in a "U" shape and dodged the bombardment of the two fireballs in the blink of an eye.

Boom! Boom!

The two missed fireballs exploded in mid-air and turned into fiery red fireworks.

The blue-feathered fire kite flapped its wings, and more than a dozen blue-white flame arrows were fired at one of the smaller second-order fire-scaled pythons.

Seeing this, the fire-scaled python hurriedly gathered its strength to bloom a fiery red spiritual light on its body, forming a spiritual light protection.

But as the blue-white flaming arrows fell on it and exploded, the powerful force instantly tore through the protective aura, leaving many burnt scars on its body.

Although it is also a fire-attribute monster, it is obviously not immune to the demonic fire of the Blue Feathered Fire Kite, which is a little higher than it.

The injury this time also completely angered it and the other fire-scaled python. The two demon pythons immediately jumped into the air and rushed towards the blue-feathered fire kite like two fire dragons.

On the other side, seeing the two fire-scaled pythons being lured out of their holes by the blue-feathered fire kites, Zhou Xinyan and Zhou Xinchen immediately took up the escape light and galloped towards the battlefield.

Zhou Xinyan had a high cultivation level, strong strength, and faster speed. He transformed into a turquoise light and flew to the battlefield first.

But when he raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, a blue-black sword light shot towards a fire-scaled python.

At the same time, a green flag quickly appeared in his hand, and with a wave, he released a green wooden knife and slashed at another fire-scaled python.

When the blue-feathered fire kite saw its master arriving, it no longer hid its clumsiness. It immediately opened its mouth and spat out, and a ball of light blue flame turned into a fireball and bombarded the flaming scale python.

This time the master and servant joined forces, and it had a miraculous effect in an instant.

The two second-level fire scale pythons were seriously injured under the joint attack of the master and servant, and each of them screamed in pain.

However, the monsters have a tenacious vitality. Even though the two fire-scaled pythons were seriously injured, they did not lose their fighting power on the spot.

As soon as they opened their mouths and spit out, a fiery red poisonous mist surged towards Zhou Xinyan and the Blue Feathered Fire Kite, and then the two demon pythons immediately fell towards the ground, trying to hide in the snake's nest.

But Zhou Xinyan had been prepared for their move for a long time, how could he let them succeed!

He shouted lowly, and green light emerged from his body, forming a green shield to protect him, and he blocked the attack of the fiery red poisonous mist.

At the same time, he waved a purple-black rope magic weapon, and the rope immediately came first and tied up the flaming scale python.

Zhou Xinchen, who had been a step behind earlier, also rushed to the battlefield. When he saw the fire-scaled python trying to escape, he directly waved an earth-yellow short stick magic weapon and hit the small fire-scaled python, knocking it away with one stick. Got out.

After failing to escape like this, the two second-order fire-scaled pythons immediately screamed and called for help from the tribe.

Soon, figures of fire-scaled pythons appeared on the ground below, and then fireballs spit out from the mouths of the fire-scaled pythons and bombarded Zhou Xinyan and the two.

Looking down from a high altitude, fiery red pythons are swimming around in the rocky valley. There may be at least a hundred of them at a glance!

But the attack of the first-order fire scale python was not harmful at all to the two foundation-building monks.

They easily dodged the attacks of those fireballs while attacking the two second-order fire scale pythons with all their strength.

Almost half a quarter of an hour later, the blue-feathered fire kite swooped down and pecked seven inches of the flaming scale python. Then Zhou Xinyan took the opportunity to nail the python's neck with his sword. The master and servant teamed up to take the lead in the victory.

After such a stronger Fire Scale Python died, the remaining second-level Fire Scale Python was quickly decapitated.

After killing two second-order fire-scale pythons, Zhou Xinyan and his two men asked Zhou Yuanlian and other juniors to enter the battlefield, using the remaining first-order fire-scale pythons as whetstones to sharpen themselves.

With two elders in the foundation building stage looking after them at the scene, the Zhou family's juniors all drove their spiritual pets towards the target in high spirits.

For them, this is a very rare opportunity to gain experience in life-and-death combat without much danger, while also harvesting materials from the monsters they kill.

Therefore, the right thing for them to do is to take advantage of the fact that they are under the supervision of their elders while participating in the training mission, and try to kill as many monsters as possible to earn good deeds and spiritual coins, so as to add some foundation for going out alone to experience in the future.

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