Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 504: Meteor Gold【Please subscribe】

Lingzhou, somewhere in the barren mountains.

I saw that in the past, even the monks in the Qi Refining Stage would not easily visit this barren mountain and wilderness, but today it has attracted many immortal cultivators searching for something here.

"Search carefully. The demon has been severely wounded by the Commander. He must still be hiding in these mountains!"

In the sky, Xu Fu stood in the air, with a solemn expression and loudly ordered many of his men to search the mountains below.

At this time, it had been more than ten years since he was transferred back to Lingzhou to serve in the Demon Slayer Brigade.

In the past ten years, he has made great achievements, and with the Zhou family's background, he has finally become the deputy commander of the Demon Slayer Brigade.

A few days ago, the Lingzhou Demon Slayer Brigade found clues that a demon was hiding in a rogue cultivator stronghold, secretly plotting against the rogue cultivators to practice demonic skills.

Then the leader of the Lingzhou Demon Slayer Brigade led Xu Fu and others to the rogue cultivator stronghold, and started a battle with the demon leader and his minions.

After a chase and escape battle, the demon used a secret technique that would hurt both sides and fought with the leader of the demon-killing brigade, forcing both sides to break through and escape into the mountains.

The leader of the demon-killing brigade was seriously injured and had demonic energy entering his body, so he could only go back to a nearby stronghold to meditate to heal his injuries, so he handed over the task of hunting down the demon to Xu Fu.

For Xu Fu, this is both a challenge and an opportunity.

After so many years of hard work, he has accumulated more than 70,000 points of military merit.

If he could lead the team to take down the demon this time, he would have a great chance of saving enough to redeem an auxiliary item to open up the Purple Mansion.

With his high-grade spiritual root qualifications and his strong will honed through hundreds of battles, as long as there is a spiritual object to assist him, the success rate of opening the Zi Mansion will definitely be 50 to 60%!

So at this time, he was more active than anyone else in searching for the devil.

Perhaps it was because he was really badly hurt, and it didn't take long for the demon's hiding place to be found.

The two Qi Refining Stage monks who approached were caught by the demon on the spot and drained of their blood!

"Here, the devil is here!"

A voice full of panic rang out from a certain mountain. After hearing the shout, Xu Fu in the sky immediately rushed over with seven or eight foundation-building monks.

Then these foundation-building monks, led by Xu Fu, formed a battle formation to fight against the demon.

Because the demon himself had been seriously injured and his strength was reduced to ten percent. At this moment, facing the battle formation formed by Xu Fu and other foundation-building monks, he was unable to do anything to defeat these juniors.

In the end, after a hard-fought and fierce battle, Xu Fu and his team successfully killed the Zifu period demon cultivator at the cost of the death of two early-stage foundation-building monks!

Xu Fu became famous for using a Foundation Establishment Stage monk to kill a Purple Mansion Stage Demonic Cultivator, even a severely injured Demonic Cultivator.

And because he was from the Zhou family, his superiors did not dare to take too much credit for his achievements, and basically reported his achievements as normal.

So after the final calculation, Xu Fu finally accumulated enough to exchange for a battle merit to assist in opening up the Zifu spiritual object.

As for the spiritual coins needed to exchange spiritual items, he has already accumulated enough after so many years of fighting.

Therefore, as soon as his military achievements reached the standard, he immediately applied for exchange.

According to the rules of the Tianling Alliance, monks in the Qi Refining Stage who redeem Foundation Establishment Pills and Foundation Establishment Spiritual Items, and monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage who redeem auxiliary materials for developing Purple Mansion Spiritual Items have priority.

So even though the Zhou family still had two [Xuanxin Purple Return Pills] waiting in the queue, Xu Fu only had to wait a few months to get an assist in opening up the purple mansion spiritual objects.

After he obtained the spiritual object, he immediately asked for leave and went into seclusion in the residence.

As the honorary elder of the Zhou family, the news that Xu Fu had been assisted to open up the spiritual objects of the Purple Mansion and go into seclusion quickly reached Zhou Chun's ears.

At that time, Zhou Chun was still busy smelting [Earth Mother Black Gold]. After hearing the news, he also narrowed his eyes slightly.

After he asked someone to find Xu Fu's intelligence in recent years and check it, he couldn't help but said to himself: "This boy's chances are quite good. It seems that after he comes out of isolation, he must be recalled to the family immediately!"

It can be said that Xu Fu participated in the Zhou family's development of the wilderness and knew many of the Zhou family's secrets.

It is absolutely impossible for Zhou Chun to let such a person break away from the Zhou family and stand on his own.

As the Zhou family's power grows, the interests of the wilderness become more important to the Zhou family.

Once the layout of the wilderness is exposed, the impact on the Zhou family will be much greater than before.

Therefore, these outsiders who know the secrets of the wilderness must tighten their control!

Zhou Chun began to understand and practice the "Soul Control Technique" after successfully forming the elixir. Now after several years of practice, he has made some gains. If he is given another two or three years to practice, he should be able to successfully use this secret. Technique.

Compared with the original positioning and tracking of threats based on "The Secret of Dragon Transformation", the "Soul Control Technique" is undoubtedly much better at controlling people.

This method is similar to the "Dragon Soul Heart Seed" secret technique taught by Hualong to those at or above the guardian level. It can plant a "soul seed" in the soul of the recipient with the spiritual consciousness of the golden elixir monk.

If there is no golden elixir monk who has planted the "soul seed" within a certain period of time to help stabilize the "soul seed", the "soul seed" will automatically explode, causing the soul of the subject to be destroyed or severely injured.

Naturally, practitioners of the "Soul Control Technique" can also actively cast spells to detonate "soul seeds" and eliminate those who dare to betray them from thousands of miles away!

However, the disadvantage of the "Soul Control Technique" is that the practitioner must be a higher level of cultivation than the recipient, otherwise the "soul seed" will not be able to threaten the opponent at all and will be easily erased.

And if a monk whose spiritual consciousness is much stronger than the caster comes to help, the "soul seed" can also be erased with the active cooperation of the recipient.

From this aspect, the "Dragon Soul Heart Seed" is undoubtedly much more subtle and powerful than the "Soul Control Technique".

It is a pity that although the Zhou family has a method of practicing the "Dragon Soul Seed Heart Technique", that method can only be used after practicing the fourth level of "The Secret of Dragon Transformation". Only the recipient can practice the "Secret of Transforming Dragon" The "Dragon Soul Heart Seed" can only be successfully planted after reaching the third level, and Zhou Chun did not practice this method with the blood of Qingjiao!

After the technology reaches the standard, smelting [Earth Mother Black Gold] is actually a hard work like an assembly line.

Zhou Chun had to smelt the ore with his own golden elixir and true fire every day, stripping out the impurities bit by bit, and what was left in the end was [Earth Mother Black Gold].

According to his speed, it would take about two years to smelt all the collected [Earth Mother Black Gold] ore.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand why it took Lin Hongyu several years to refine the natal magic weapon.

Jiufeng Ridge, Baozhi Peak.

But it was said that after Zhou Xinyan successfully obtained the snake gallbladder of the second-level fire-scale python, he returned to his family and handed in the mission, then rushed directly to Jiufeng Ridge, and then made his spiritual pet, the red flame dragon python, swallow two snake gallbladders and one snake gallbladder. The three-hundred-year-old medicine Dragon Grass has begun its evolution.

And the reason why he came to Jiufeng Ridge was also due to psychological reasons.

Many monks of the Zhou family now believe that Jiufeng Ridge is the family's blessed place. It is easier to achieve breakthroughs in seclusion here or to allow spiritual pets to break through and evolve than in other places.

Zhou Xinyan is also one of them, so he specially chose Baozhi Peak, where the clan leader Zhou Chun once lived, to let his spiritual pets break through and evolve.

Even the place he chose was not far from Zhou Chun's original courtyard.

I don’t know if there is really luck in the dark, but after only waiting for more than three months on Baozhi Peak, Zhou Xinyan’s spiritual pet, the Red Flame Dragon Python, successfully evolved to the second level and became a Intermediate monster.

I saw that the red flame dragon python that had evolved to the second level not only grew red snake scales like dragon scales on its body, but also had a bulge on its head similar to that of the original silver lightning python. It was obviously gestating with dragon horns. .

At this time, it may be called the Flame Dragon Python!

After successfully training the spiritual pet Red Flame Dragon Python into the Flame Dragon Python, Zhou Xinyan was extremely happy.

He has always regarded the patriarch Zhou Chun as his idol and goal, and wanted to become as strong as the patriarch Zhou Chun.

Therefore, despite possessing the intermediate monster Blue Feather Fire Kite, he contracted to cultivate a red flame dragon python, dreaming of cultivating it into a dragon one day.

Now that the Red Flame Dragon Python has evolved into the Flame Dragon Python, taking an important step on the road to becoming a dragon, it goes without saying that the joy in his heart goes without saying.

In order to celebrate this event, he specially held a banquet and invited many monks of the same clan to his residence to celebrate, showing them the majestic appearance of the evolved flame dragon python.

Zhou Chun accidentally sent out his consciousness to scan everywhere in Tuyun Ridge, and happened to see the celebration scene at Zhou Xinyan's residence.

He secretly observed the state of Zhou Xinyan's mana aura, and then observed the newly evolved flame dragon python. He couldn't help but nodded slightly and said: "Well, Xinyan is not bad. If he can successfully open up the Zifu, In the future, you can consider cultivating it as a golden elixir seed!"

With high-grade spiritual root qualifications and practicing top-notch techniques, even in a large sect, this kind of monk is enough to become a candidate for the golden elixir seed.

Of course, there is no shortage of geniuses in the sect. If you want to truly become a golden elixir seed and gain access to the resources of the sect, you have to look at your personal background and performance.

However, in a cultivating family like the Zhou family, geniuses of this level are rare. Once they appear, as long as they are not the kind of people with bad character and unworthy of cultivation, it is generally easier for the family to cultivate them as golden elixir seeds.

This is also one of the important reasons why some geniuses from cultivating immortal families are willing to stay in the family.

To put it bluntly, there is no shortage of geniuses in the world.

Take the Zhou family as an example. Among the monks in this family, there are currently two high-grade spiritual root qualified monks, Zhou Xinyuan and Zhou Yuanyuan. There will definitely be more high-grade spiritual root qualified monks in the future.

In addition, there are two monks with foreign surnames, Zhang Liang and Xu Fu, who also have high-grade spiritual root qualifications.

This does not include Lin Hongyu and Su Yuzhen, two high-grade spiritual root monks.

Therefore, if you think that if you possess the qualifications of Pinlinggen, you will be trained by the sect, that is completely wishful thinking.

Zhou Chun doesn't care what other monks think, anyway, his own experience has shown that resources are more important than qualifications!

If the resources are good enough, a monk like him with middle-grade spiritual root qualifications can successfully form pills in one go.

If the resources are not good, it is not uncommon for monks with high-grade spiritual root qualifications to fail to form elixirs.

Therefore, as the controller of resources, he would never easily invest resources in a clan member just because he has outstanding spiritual roots.

Unless he has the legendary top spiritual root qualification!

Time passed slowly. When Zhou Chun was concentrating on smelting [Earth Mother Black Gold], according to his request, the Zhou family held several skill competitions.

Because the prizes are generous and everyone can sign up to participate, many Zhou family monks have signed up to participate.

Although several competitions consumed a lot of family resources, they did unearth a few talented clan members.

Among them, the most talented tribesman is a young man named Zhou Zhixiong. He is very talented in making talismans. He is only at the third level of Qi refining stage and is learning the art of talisman making. In three years, he has been able to produce more than a dozen first-level low-grade magic talismans, and the success rate has reached more than 30%.

After Zhou Chun learned about this, he immediately asked the second-level talisman maker in the clan to take him specially and provide him with preferential help in terms of elixir resources.

Nowadays, the best talisman maker in the Zhou family is Zhou Daoyi, who can make third-level low-grade talismans.

But according to his own words, this is basically the upper limit of his talisman-making skills. Unless he can successfully form the elixir, it will be impossible to make more advanced talismans.

Zhou Zhixiong's talent for making talismans as shown by his current age and cultivation level is obviously much stronger than that of Zhou Daoyi. If he can successfully open the Zi Mansion in the future, he may have a chance to become a third-level high-grade talisman maker.

If a Talisman Maker of this level could be cultivated, it would be enough to greatly enhance the family's heritage.

In addition to Zhou Zhixiong, the genius of making talismans, there was another person whose performance in the skills competition attracted Zhou Chun's attention.

That person was Zhang Liang, a monk who was a relative.

This high-grade spiritual root-qualified monk who first became acquainted with Zhou Chun and then married into the Zhou family turned out to have a very good talent for formations.

During the years of living together with Zhou Xindie, his Taoist companion, the formation master, he also discovered his talent in this area, and under the indoctrination and training of the Zhou family's relatively complete formation inheritance, he has already surpassed him in formation attainments. He killed his Taoist companion Zhou Xindie.

In this Zhou family's skills competition, he was the examiner on top of the formation.

With his current formation attainments, he is almost as good as Zhou Chongshan, the second elder of the Zhou family.

Now it is said that he is meditating on the [Five Directions Miluo Formation] diagram sent by the You family at the Zhou Chun Golden Elixir Ceremony.

If he can really understand this square formation diagram thoroughly and arrange the [Five Directions Miluo Formation], then his formation attainments will be considered to have completely caught up with Zhou Chongshan.

"If this person can really set up the [Five Directions Miluo Formation], we might as well support him to open up the Zi Mansion. Then he might be able to become the first formation master of my Zhou family!"

"And this can also be used to buy horse bones for a thousand dollars!"

Zhou Chun secretly made a note in his little notebook. The names written in this little notebook were all talents that he felt could be observed and cultivated in the family.

After spending nearly two years in this way, Zhou Chun finally smelted the [Earth Mother Black Gold].

As soon as this important matter was completed, Zhou Chun went to the Su family in Jiangzhou.

His Taoist companion Su Yuzhen has now begun to practice the "Void Pill" in seclusion, and the progress is also very good, and it is estimated that he will be successful within one or two years.

After Zhou Chun understood the situation, he left directly without disturbing the Taoist companion.

Then he rushed straight towards the Great Zhou Kingdom.

A few years later, Luo Qingni must have recovered from her research on improved elixirs, and Zhou Chun wanted to find her connections to gather the elixir to refine a batch of [Guchen Dan].

In addition, he has allowed his family to collect several batches of auxiliary materials for foundation building pills in the past few years, and it is time to ask Luo Qingni to refine them as well.

He also had to collect the [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi] from Tianbao Pavilion first to prevent shopkeeper Sun from misappropriating the goods he ordered to others.

At the same time, we have to see if we can meet with the puppet master that Luo Qingni mentioned last time.

By the way, I also want to inquire about Yu Jinghua's news and see what this old guy has been up to recently!

After entering the golden elixir stage of cultivation, it was very convenient to travel between the Great Zhou Kingdom and the Jing Kingdom. Zhou Chun didn't have to think twice about making arrangements before going there.

But what Zhou Chun didn't expect was that when he entered Tianyuan Immortal City and came looking for Luo Qingni, he came to nothing.

I still learned from the shop where Luo Qingni listed that she was entrusted and invited by a sect in a country outside the Great Zhou Dynasty to make alchemy for the sect for three years. She has been there for two years now.

"This is strange. With Luo Qingni's character, it is okay to ask her to make alchemy, but it is almost impossible to ask her to serve as a full-time alchemist! Could it be..."

Zhou Chun suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but shook his head and didn't think about it any more.

If, as he thought, Master Yuanyingqi personally came forward to invite him, then Luo Qingni would really not be able to refuse.

After all, strength is the most important thing in the world of cultivating immortals. If a Nascent Soul monk comes forward to invite a Golden Core monk to help with something, as long as it is not too harsh, the Golden Core monk will find it difficult to refuse and dare not refuse!

Since Luo Qingni can't come back for the time being, asking her to make elixirs can only be postponed.

Zhou Chun immediately transferred to Tianbao Pavilion to collect the reserved [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi].

Sun Yuanjing of Tianbao Pavilion is indeed acting in accordance with the contract. Zhou Chun easily obtained the [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi] collected in the past few years from him. If it can be so smooth in the future, it will take about twenty years to make up. The gold energy he needs is not something difficult to achieve.

After delivering the gold energy, Sun Yuanjing suddenly looked at Zhou Chun and said, "By the way, have you collected all the magic weapons and spiritual materials mentioned by fellow Taoist Zhang last time? Sun has also known one of these spiritual materials in recent years. Who is in the hands of the material, and he also intends to use it to exchange for other treasures? If fellow Taoist Zhang is willing, Sun will be willing to come forward to connect the two fellow Taoists and facilitate a deal!"

"Oh, I wonder what kind of spiritual material Sun Daoyou is talking about?"

Zhou Chun's eyes lit up and he suddenly became interested.

"It's a piece of [Starfall Gold], weighing more than 700 kilograms. It should be enough for what you need, Fellow Daoist Zhang!"

Sun Yuanjing smiled slightly and told the answer.

"It turns out to be [Starfall Gold]!"

Zhou Chun's eyes narrowed, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The list of magic weapons and spiritual materials he gave to Sun Yuanjing before was the materials needed for the complete version of the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron].

But in fact, when refining the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron], only a few materials are needed at the beginning.

The same goes for the natal magic weapons of many Golden Core monks. At the beginning, you only need to gather the core refining materials to refine them.

For example, the core refining materials of [Wanhua Golden Cauldron] are [Earth Mother Black Gold], [Millennium Black Iron], and [Tianxuan Gold Sand]. As long as these materials are gathered together, the basic version of [Wanhua Golden Cauldron] can be refined. Transformed into a golden cauldron.

If you later obtain materials such as [Gold Essence], [Geng Gold], and [Venus Stone], you can still add smelting into the magic weapon to increase its power and growth speed.

However, by smelting the materials and adding them to the magic weapon halfway, you need to use secret methods to warm and maintain the magic weapon for a certain period of time, which will waste some training time.

If Zhou Chun can gather the complete version of the materials to refine the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron], then after the treasure is successfully refined, it will not only be much more powerful than the basic version, but it will also save a lot of effort later.

Therefore, if possible, he still wants to collect as many materials as possible to refine the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron], so as to save the effort of slowly smelting and warming it in the future.

And the [Star Meteor Gold] that Sun Yuanjing is talking about now is exactly one of the materials required for the [Wanhua Golden Cauldron], which is relatively difficult to collect.

Now that there is news about this thing, how can Zhou Chun be unhappy.

Dangjia cupped his fists and saluted Sun Yuanjing and said, "Shopkeeper Sun is interested, so I'll leave this matter to Shopkeeper Sun!"

"It's easy to talk about."

Sun Yuanjing smiled slightly and agreed.

He is willing to make connections and do this kind of thing, of course not because he is willing to help others, but because doing this kind of smooth favor can expand his network of people and extend his kindness to others.

Today he helped Zhou Chun make the connection. No matter whether the final deal was successful or not, Zhou Chun and the monk who owned [Star Meteor Gold] would accept his love. In the future, whether it was selling spiritual objects or purchasing spiritual objects, they would be He will definitely be thought of first.

Business will come in this way!

The activities of the Golden Core Stage monks are wide. Their Tianbao Pavilion may be very competitive in Tianyuan Immortal City and the Great Zhou Kingdom, but this may not be the case in other places.

If he can develop the golden elixir monks from other places into regular customers through these favors, it will also be helpful to Sun Yuanjing's own status in Tianbao Pavilion.

In this way, with Sun Yuanjing's help, Zhou Chun quickly met the monk who owned [Starfall Gold].

There is no doubt that the other party is also a Golden Core monk, and a middle-stage Golden Core monk.

Moreover, this person does not need magic weapons and spiritual materials, but only wants to exchange [Meteor Gold] for two rare thousand-year-old elixirs.

"Congratulations on the thousand-year-old elixir that fellow Taoist requires, Zhang only has one plant of Polygonatum odorifera in his hand that meets the requirements of fellow Taoist. This elixir is over 3,600 years old and is very precious!"

"If fellow Taoist is willing to change, Zhang can also add a two-thousand-year-old herbaceous plant!"

In Tianbao Pavilion, Zhou Chun made his most sincere offer after inspecting the [Starfall Gold] that the other party took out.

It is impossible for him to really exchange two thousand-year-old medicinal herbs for a piece of [Star Meteor Gold], because although this [Star Meteor Gold] is also difficult to find, it is not as hard to find and necessary as the [Earth Mother Black Gold].

Even if he can't get it now, he will still have a long time to collect it slowly in the future.

And he himself will use the thousand-year-old medicine in the future.

There is no doubt that Zhou Chun's offer was just above the opponent's bottom line.

The other party guessed that he needed [Starfall Gold] to refine the natal magic weapon, and he also knew that the other party wanted the thousand-year-old elixir to refine the spiritual elixir to attack the later stage of the golden elixir.

Neither side can rely on the other's demand to take the initiative.

So after several pulls, Zhou Chun added two more ordinary thousand-year-old elixirs as bargaining chips, and finally got the piece of [Starfall Gold].

Although this piece of [Star Meteor Gold] weighs more than 700 kilograms, it is actually only the size of a goose egg. It looks dark and not very eye-catching.

After reaching the deal, Zhou Chun thanked Sun Yuanjing again and went to Tianzhi Tower to find out about Yu Jinghua.

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