Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 505 The first third-level high-grade monster in the Zhou family [Please subscribe]

Tianyuan Fairy City.

When Zhou Chun left Tianzhi Tower, his expression was slightly gloomy.

After he commissioned Tianzhilou to investigate Yu Jinghua's situation last time, he added some money to ask this store to help pay attention to follow-up news.

Now the news he learned was that Yu Jinghua had never left the mountain gate of Yulingmen since his last visit to Xuanqingfang City.

Although Tianzhilou would not admit this, Zhou Chun had also realized that Yu Jinghua might have discovered that someone was investigating him, so he suddenly became cautious.

"It's better to alert the enemy!"

Zhou Chun sighed in his heart, and his mood suddenly became bad.

The reason why he didn't investigate in person in the first place was because he was afraid of disturbing the situation.

Unexpectedly, Tianzhilou was so rough in his work and immediately alerted the target.

The only good thing now is that Yu Jinghua probably doesn't know who is investigating him yet, so it is unlikely that he will target the Zhou family.

But if he is still paying attention to the news about Jingguo, I am afraid that Zhou Chun's success in forming the pill will not be hidden from him, and he will definitely be more prepared in the future.

This is why Zhou Chun is in a bad mood now.

But now that things have happened, there is no use worrying about it.

Zhou Chun could only return to his family with the harvest first.

After returning to his family, Zhou Chun devoted all his energy to practicing the "Soul Control Technique" and other secret techniques.

Now he cannot meditate and practice, so he can only practice various secret techniques diligently.

Another year passed like this, and the sleeping Mu Mei finally woke up and successfully broke through to the third level.

And after breaking through to the third level of high-grade, the power of the wood spirit it absorbed in the secret island has not been completely digested, and it can still continue to be slowly digested to improve its cultivation.

Zhou Chun estimated that if it goes quickly, it should be able to break through to the fourth level in another twenty or thirty years.

Speaking of which, it is still the Zhou family's first third-level high-grade monster.

Although Zhou Mingde's Vulcan Jackal broke through to the third-level mid-level more than a hundred years ago, it still has not broken through to the third-level high-level.

Zhou Daoyi's green dragon is still at the level of the third-level mid-level monster beast and has not been able to break through to the third-level high-level monster.

The reason why the cultivation of these monsters grows so slowly is simply because they don't have any medicinal pills or spiritual objects to take, and they don't want to practice exercises like human monks. They can only rely on their own bloodline qualifications to slowly absorb spiritual energy to grow.

Fortunately, the lifespan of third-level monsters is generally as long as seven to eight hundred years, and powerful races such as dragons have lifespans of up to a thousand years. They all still have enough time to survive slowly.

After breaking through to the third level of high-level cultivation, Mu Mei's various magical powers were strengthened again. Zhou Chun asked him to use the "Nectar Rejuvenation" magical power on the [Yuan-Building Fruit Tree] again, allowing the Zhou family to gain another harvest. Forty-two Yuan-building fruits.

According to the Zhou family's experience over the years, on average, four Yuan-Building Fruits can cultivate a Foundation-Building Stage monk. If pills such as [Pulse Protection Pill] are also prepared, the success rate will be even higher. Some.

When it is impossible to produce the Foundation Establishment Pill by oneself, having this spiritual fruit as a substitute is enough to ensure that a Foundation Establishment Stage monk will appear in the family every few years!

When harvesting the Yuan-Building Fruit, Zhou Chun couldn't help but think of the origin of this tree.

In fact, he had some ideas about the thunder dragon lizards and thunder lizards on the Thunder Lizard Island. After all, they were a rare monster species with great cultivation value.

If he could kill the two third-level thunder dragon lizards and give the demon elixir to Lei Jiao Bai Bai, it would definitely help Lei Jiao Bai Bai break through to the third level.

And those Thunder Lizard eggs can also give the Zhou family a very unique main battle pet in the future.

However, Thunder Lizard Island goes deep into Longyuanze. Once the Golden Core monks enter Longyuanze, they will easily attract the attention of the Jiaolong clan.

Once he is exposed in it, even the fifth-level dragon may attack him!

Therefore, even though Zhou Chun had successfully formed the elixir, he still did not dare to take risks there easily.

This is how people are, the higher they climb, the more they cherish their lives.

In the Zhou family's situation, the [Yuan-Building Fruit Tree] was extremely important to the family. Therefore, even though Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde knew that it was very dangerous to go deep into Thunder Lizard Island to seize the [Yuan-Building Fruit Tree], they had no choice but to take the risk.

But now, neither the demon elixirs of the two third-order thunder dragon lizards nor the thunder lizard eggs on the island are things that the Zhou family must obtain.

It's understandable that Zhou Chun doesn't want to take the risk himself.

The best way is to let the Zifu period monks take risks. If it succeeds, it is good, but if it fails, it will only lose a few Zifu period monks!

But every Zifu period monk in the Zhou family had a hard time getting it, and even Zhou Chun's relatives and friends asked him to send these people to risk their lives for two Thunder Dragon Lizard Demon Pills, and he couldn't do it!

So after thinking about Thunder Lizard Island for a while, he suppressed this dangerous idea and didn't think about it any more.

And just three months after Mu Mei regained consciousness, news came from Fangshi that Xu Fu had successfully opened up Zi Mansion.

After Zhou Chun learned about this, he immediately sent someone to summon him.

Xu Fu seemed to have expected that Zhou Chun would summon him. He immediately followed the messenger to Tuyun Ridge without any delay.

When he saw Zhou Chun in the cave, he quickly bowed and paid homage: "My subordinate, Xu Fu, pays homage to the clan leader."

"No need to be too polite. I am very happy to hear that you have successfully opened up Zi Mansion. You won't blame me for not going to Fangshi to congratulate you in person!"

Zhou Chun waved his hand and said lightly with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Xu Fu hurriedly responded respectfully: "I don't dare! Patriarch, as the Lord of the Golden Core, your subordinates should come to see you. How dare you come in person!"

"Come on, come on, sit down first, let's have a good chat today."

Zhou Chun changed the topic and suddenly waved to Xu Fu, and a stool flew to his side.

But Xu Fu didn't dare to actually sit down, and just whispered: "I don't dare, I just stand!"

"You are asked to sit down, are you still afraid that I will eat you?"

Zhou Chun glanced at him with an unhappy expression and said.

This time Xu Fu did not dare to refuse anymore, and responded hurriedly: "I obey, thank the patriarch for giving me a seat."

Then I dared to sit down half ass.

Looking at Xu Fu who was sitting slightly bent over, Zhou Chun quickly said: "Speaking of which, Xu Fu has been in the Zhou family for more than a hundred years."

Hearing his question, Xu Fu hurriedly replied respectfully: "The Hui clan leader said it is like this. It has been almost one hundred and seventy years since my subordinates have been in the Zhou family!"

"Yes, one hundred and seventy years is not a short period of time. Speaking of which, you are also an old man of the Zhou family. I still remember that you were only a teenager at that time!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and talked about what happened that year with some emotion.

Xu Fu was a smart and intelligent person. When he heard what he said, he immediately followed his words and complimented him: "Chief, what you said is absolutely right. At that time, my subordinate was only a teenager, and he had the evil spirit in his body." "Qi Shenzhong, if you had not come to the rescue of the clan leader, not only would I have opened the Purple Mansion now, but I would not have been able to pass the foundation building level. I am afraid that by now I would have turned into withered bones in the grave!"

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun with gratitude and said, "The patriarch's kindness to his subordinates for making a comeback has always been engraved in their hearts, or they dare not forget it!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun's face suddenly trembled slightly unnaturally, and the corners of his eyes twitched a few times.

Zhou Chun couldn't remember how many times he had said such words of loyalty.

Today is the first time I heard someone say this to me, and it sounds a bit awkward.

Especially since he summoned Xu Fu here today, it can be said that he has some evil intentions!

But after all, he was a monk at the Golden Core stage, so the little awkwardness and some debts in his conscience were quickly overtaken by a greater sense of responsibility.

For his own safety and for the sake of the entire Zhou family, there were things that he had to do.

It is very irresponsible to risk one's own life and that of the whole clan on one's conscience!

At that moment, he looked at Xu Fu with a calm face and said: "When I rescued you, I couldn't bear to see your good talents wasted in vain. I also wanted you to be able to do something for the Zhou family when you grow up. .”

"Now it seems that I really did the right thing with my kind thoughts back then. You lived up to my expectations back then. You really stood out from many of your peers and made it to where you are today."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Fu didn't know how to answer it.

After being silent for a while, he replied in a respectful tone: "This subordinate is here today thanks to the cultivation of the patriarch and the family. The patriarch's kindness to his subordinates will never be redeemed by death!"

Zhou Chun did not answer his words, but changed the topic and said: "If I remember correctly, Xu Fu, you are practicing "Xunfeng Jue". This technique is peaceful, and although the speed of improvement of magic power is not as fast as "Xunfeng Jue", Cultivation techniques such as "Condensing Yuan Gong" can produce quite solid magical power, and as a top-level technique that is simplified from "Xunfeng Zhenjing", if you can successfully form elixirs using this method in the future, you will still have a chance. Turn to the "Xunfeng Zhenjing", the top skill!"

Having said this, he looked at Xu Fu with a deep look and asked: "Now that you have successfully opened up the Zi Mansion, have you ever thought about forming a pill in the future?"

This question is not without its sharpness.

After Xu Fu heard this, he was stunned on the spot.

He glanced at Zhou Chun with doubtful eyes, then hurriedly lowered his gaze, and said in a cautious tone: "I didn't dare to think so much. I can successfully open up the Zi Mansion. I am already satisfied. The matter of forming pills is illusory. I don’t dare to be too far away!”

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately shook his head and said, "You don't have to be so cautious. Now that we, the monks, have embarked on the path of spiritual practice, who doesn't want to succeed in forming elixirs and forming babies!"

Having said this, he also smiled lightly and said: "After building the foundation, you want to open a purple mansion, after opening a purple mansion, you want to form an elixir, and after forming an elixir, you want to have a baby. This is all human nature, there is nothing bad to say!"

When Xu Fu heard what he said, he couldn't help but his expression moved, but after hesitating in his heart, he said nothing and just remained silent.

Seeing that he was silent, Zhou Chun no longer tried to be pretentious, looked at him directly and said, "I think you, Xu Fu, know the situation of the Zhou family very well. After declining for hundreds of years, it has finally been revived in my hands. Revitalize and make a comeback, I and the elders of the Zhou family will never allow anyone to destroy this hard-won good situation!"

"And the interests of the wilderness are an important part of maintaining the current prosperity of the Zhou family. There is absolutely no room for loss!"

When Zhou Chun said this, he also stared at Xu Fu deeply and said, "Do you understand what I mean?"

How could Xu Fu not understand!

He understands Zhou Chun's meaning very well!

At that moment, he hurriedly stood up, bowed deeply to Zhou Chun and said: "I understand that I have already sworn an oath that I will never leak information about the wilderness to anyone, and I have always done so these years. Keep your mouth shut!”

"Well, I naturally believe this."

Zhou Chun nodded as if he was convinced.

But before Xu Fu could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard him say in a deep voice: "It's just a matter of the fate of the entire clan of monks. If it is only restricted by your personal oath, both myself and other elders in the clan will be worried and dare not teach others." Take it!"

Hearing his words, Xu Fu's expression suddenly changed.

He looked up and looked at him with a changed expression, and then he took a deep breath and said, "What should I do, my subordinates, to reassure the patriarch and the supreme elders?"

What Zhou Chun was waiting for was his words.

At that moment, he looked at him with a serious face and said: "After I successfully formed the elixir, I have developed a secret technique that can plant a 'soul seed' in the sea of ​​human consciousness. If I don't help stabilize it for a period of time, The soul seed, or if it is detonated by my method, the 'soul seed' will explode and annihilate the host's soul!"

After saying that, he seemed to be afraid that he would think wrong, and immediately went on to comfort him and said: "But don't worry, the 'soul seed' itself is harmless before it is detonated, and will not affect your cultivation, nor will it be affected by any external force. Detonate it, unless someone wants to forcefully destroy it!"

But despite his comfort, Xu Fu still looked very ugly.

It's no wonder, after all, according to Zhou Chun, once you accept the "soul seed", it is equivalent to putting life and death in someone's hands. It would be difficult for any immortal cultivator to accept this.

Not to mention that Xu Fu had just successfully opened up the Zifu, and it was a time of high spirits.

But no matter how reluctant he was in his heart, he also knew that since Zhou Chun raised this matter, he had already made up his mind.

Therefore, he did not dare to say the words of direct rejection.

At the moment, he could only grit his teeth, looked up at Zhou Chun and asked: "I dare you to ask the clan leader, once the 'soul seed' is planted, how long will it take for the clan leader to help stabilize it? What if I fail to find the clan leader in time? If you help stabilize it, you will definitely die!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately replied confidently: "Don't worry about this. With the strength of my spiritual consciousness now, once the 'soul seed' is planted, there will be no problems for at least fifty years, and you only need to do it every time." Just ask me to help stabilize it every twenty or thirty years!"

"And even if I am traveling abroad and unable to come back due to other matters, you can still ask Elder Lin to help you temporarily resolve the 'soul seed'. I will leave the solution to her!"

He had obviously considered all aspects.

Therefore, Xu Fu had nothing to say and could only nod his head helplessly: "In this case, I have no choice but to obey your orders!"

The words were full of reluctance.

But Zhou Chun naturally ignored his little emotion.

At that moment, he asked Xu Fu to sit cross-legged in front of him, relax and cooperate with him in casting spells.

In less than half a day, Zhou Chun planted the "soul seed" into Xu Fu's Purple Mansion Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Once the "soul seed" is planted, Xu Fu can be considered one of his own in the true sense.

So Zhou Chun quickly started giving sweet dates.

He looked directly at Xu Fu and said: "Xu Fu, since you have successfully opened the Zifu, you can also practice on the third level of "The Secret of Dragon Transformation". I will teach you this skill now, and the related dragon spirit blood will also be released soon." Ready for you."

"In addition, you have just opened the Purple Mansion, and you don't have any magical weapons to use. Although this [Gale Wind Flag] is only a third-level middle-grade magical weapon, the advantage is that the properties of the technique are very suitable for you, so I gave it to you for self-defense. "

"And if you want to practice other secret techniques, you can also go to the third floor of the library to have a look. There are also some good secret techniques there that are more suitable for your own skills!"

As Zhou Chun spoke, he took out the secret jade slips and magical artifacts and handed them to Xu Fu. He was obviously well prepared.

Although Xu Fu also knew this, it did not prevent him from being happy because he had obtained the secret technique and magical weapon.

You must know that he had already emptied almost all of his wealth in order to exchange for assistance and open up the Zifu spiritual items.

Without the [Gale Wind Flag] magic weapon given by Zhou Chun, if he wanted to buy a third-level low-grade magic weapon, he would have to struggle for at least ten more years, let alone a third-level mid-grade magic weapon.

Moreover, the third level of "Secret of Dragon Transformation" is indeed the secret technique that can increase his strength the fastest.

"I would like to thank the clan leader for the treasure. The clan is so kind to me. I am deeply grateful!"

He took the secret jade slip and magical weapon, bowed and saluted with a grateful tone to express his gratitude.

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, accepting his thanks.

Then he looked at him and asked: "What are your plans in the future? Will you continue to stay in the Demon Slayer Team as the deputy commander, or will you come back to serve the family?"

Hearing this question, Xu Fu immediately replied without thinking: "My subordinates are at the mercy of the patriarch and the family's arrangements. I will go wherever the patriarch tells my subordinates to go!"

This answer obviously made Zhou Chun very satisfied, and he immediately said with a smile: "Then come back and serve the family. Now the Demon Slayer Team is a retirement place, which is not conducive to your young people's struggle."

These words of tiger and wolf came out of his mouth so naturally.

After hearing this, Xu Fu seemed to have no objection, and quickly responded respectfully: "I obey my orders."

Seeing that he agreed, Zhou Chun quickly asked him to retreat.

According to Zhou Chun's idea, it would be better for Xu Fu to develop in a wilderness next.

Firstly, he is very familiar with it, and secondly, it can minimize the risk of him leaking information.

Moreover, the Zhou family will further intensify its efforts to develop the wilderness, and more experts will be needed.

Time flies, and half a year has passed quickly.

On this day, a burst of joyful laughter suddenly sounded in the Zhouchundongfu training room.

However, after years of hard training, Zhou Chun finally reached the third level of the "Heart Lotus Zhengfa".

When he was in the later period of Zi Mansion, he had already completed the second level of the "Heart Lotus Zhengfa". However, the third level required cultivation at the golden elixir level to be successful, so it was postponed until today.

After successfully cultivating the third level of "Heart Lotus Zhengfa", a golden soul lotus was directly derived from his Purple Mansion Consciousness Sea, and a golden elixir was wrapped in it.

This golden soul lotus is condensed from the power of his soul, and has a strong defensive effect on any attack on his soul.

Under the protection of this golden soul lotus, no matter whether it is the divine attack magical power or the soul-taking magical power, as long as the cultivation level of the caster is not too much higher than his, it will be difficult to directly hurt his soul and break it. There is a sense of "nothing can invade".

Moreover, at the same time that the third level of "Heart Lotus Zhengfa" was completed, Zhou Chun was almost finished with the second level of "God-Slaying Technique".

When he unleashes two "god-killing swords" at once, even the golden elixir stage monks who are caught off guard will suffer a big loss!

In a happy mood, Zhou Chun went outside the cave, brewed a pot of queen honey tea directly under the purple mulberry tree and drank it.

He had already drank most of the [Bibo Heart Cleansing Tea] he had received before, which had increased his consciousness by about three to four percent. Drinking it later would have no effect.

He plans to give the remaining spiritual tea to Luo Qingni as a reward later when he asks Luo Qingni to help him make elixirs, which can be regarded as a courtesy.

But just after Zhou Chun drank half a pot of royal honey tea, a messenger suddenly flew into his hand. The messenger was none other than Zhou Xinyi, who was handling family affairs on his behalf.

"Oh, will the 'Secret Realm of Heavenly Spirit' be opened again?"

His eyes narrowed slightly, Zhou Chun was also moved by the message from Zhou Xinyi.

If you take a closer look at Zhou Chun's life experience, it is not difficult to find that his personal rise began after he returned from participating in the "Tianling Secret Realm".

Back in the "Tianling Secret Realm", he killed everyone by himself and harvested many good spiritual objects, including the ancestors of the current Zhou family's fragrant musk deer.

Now, after nearly two hundred years, the "Secret Realm of Heavenly Spirit" has been opened again. How could Zhou Chun not be interested in it?

Even with his current level of cultivation, there should be nothing there that could be useful to him.

But he has not forgotten that there are also strange fruits such as [Soul Heart Fruit] and special monsters such as the Green-faced Ghost Ape.

If Zhou Chun could bring out a few [Soul Heart Fruits] and go to the Great Zhou Kingdom to exchange for some rare materials, he might be able to ask someone to refine the kind of elixir that would help open up the Purple Mansion!

"It's strange. The family has collected a lot of various treasures over the years, but this [Heavenly Spirit's Order] seems to be the only one I got back then!"

Zhou Chun frowned, feeling a little troubled.

He didn't know much about the strength of the monks in the Qi Refining Stage of the Zhou family today, and he didn't know if any of them could have the same strength as he did back then.

If he didn't have the strength to defeat all heroes, it would not be that easy to obtain the [Soul Heart Fruit] from the protection of the green-faced ghost ape.

But he soon seemed to remember something, and couldn't help but pat his forehead lightly and said: "Well, I almost forgot about her. With her current poisonous skills, as long as she didn't prepare antidote pills for her in advance, Even foundation-building monks and second-level monsters may fall under her hands!"

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