Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 506: One happy and one sad【Please subscribe】

Under Zhou Chun's instructions, the Zhou family immediately sent foundation-building monk Zhou Xinyan to take Zhou Yuanlian and the [Tianling Order] to the Lingzhou Tianlingmen site.

Back then, Zhou Chun went on a killing spree in the "Tianling Secret Realm" and obtained some of the maps. He himself also fully recorded his experience.

Zhou Yuanlian's entry into it this time was much smoother than when he had a dark look in his eyes.

What's more, Zhou Chun also brought her many magic talismans before she entered, and told her not to worry about the "turbid evil energy" entering her body. If she encountered danger, she could boldly absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to refine and restore her magic power. After coming back, she will naturally use spiritual objects to help her get rid of evil spirits.

With these things and promises, she is now at the tenth level of Qi Refining Stage. If she still cannot bring back the [Soul Heart Fruit], then Zhou Chun will have to consider whether to continue to make great efforts to cultivate her.

Besides, after Zhou Yuanlian and Zhou Xinyan arrived at the Tianlingmen ruins on the blue-feathered fire kite, they found a place to rest temporarily just like Zhou Daoyi had brought Zhou Chun here.

But compared to Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun, who were ignored back then, after recognizing that they were from the Beast Control Zhou family, many foundation-building monks who brought their juniors over took the initiative to talk to Zhou Xinyan.

Some people even hinted, subtly or implicitly, that the younger generations of the two families could go as far as they wanted and be merciful when they met each other.

Of course, Zhou Xinyan didn't take the hints of these people to heart. The rules in the secret realm were to encourage competition and fighting. If you kill your opponent, you can get all the treasures on the opponent's body, and you don't have to worry about any retaliation.

In this case, clicking and stopping is a joke!

But of course he would not reject these people's overtures on his face. He would just give some ambiguous answers with a smile on his face.

After waiting like this for a few days, the entry vortex of the "Tianling Secret Realm" automatically opened, sending Zhou Yuanlian and others inside.

I don’t know if it was influenced by her practice. Zhou Yuanlian, who used to like white, blue, and goose-yellow clothes, now mostly wears black and dark green clothes.

And because the robes she wears need to be extremely corrosion-resistant, she now wears very few changes of clothes.

Wearing a dark green tights, she appeared in a forest as soon as she entered the "Secret Realm of Heavenly Spirit".

This was already the last multi-person trial. The previous levels were not that difficult for her, and she could use magic charms to force her way through.

Before she could clearly see her surroundings, there was a sudden noise in the grass, and then a piebald venomous snake with a flat head jumped out of the grass and bit her directly in the face.

Unfortunately, this snake picked the wrong target today.

Zhou Yuanlian just reached out and grabbed the snake's body with his palm.

As the poisonous snake was caught, it immediately turned around and bit her wrist.

But what confuses and frightens this poisonous snake is that its vicious bite clearly hits the target and injects its own venom, but the prey seems to feel no pain at all, and the palm holding its body does not loosen at all. Not even a tremor!


Zhou Yuanlian let out a slight groan. Not only did her face not show the pain after being bitten, but she seemed to be enjoying it.

She grabbed the snake's head with her other hand and squeezed it slightly, as if she wanted to squeeze out all the venom from the snake's body and inject it into herself!

This venomous snake has lived its whole life, but never imagined until its death that one day it would die from running out of venom!


With a soft sound coming from the ground, Zhou Yuanlian threw the corpse of the venomous snake into the grass as if it were trash.

And she just brought the bitten and bleeding wrist to her mouth and licked it a few times, allowing the wound to heal quickly, and then quickly left the place with a happy face.

Not long after, in a rotten swamp, a black and green Gila monster that lived here was killed by Zhou Yuanlian with a poisonous sword in the water.

Then the first thing she did was to step forward and remove the poisonous sac from the Monster Monster. She stored it carefully and put it in a storage bag. Then she collected some poisonous weeds guarded by the Monster Monster and packed them up.

Practicing the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" is not an easy task. In addition to enduring inhuman torture and the danger of death from poison at any time, you also need to collect many poisons to prepare the poisonous water.

Currently, with the support of the Zhou family, Zhou Yuanlian's cultivation is going smoothly.

But based on what she has learned over the years, after she succeeds in building the foundation, apart from the precious poisonous weeds that Zhou Chun left her, it will be difficult for the Zhou family to provide her with a sufficient amount of poisonous weeds.

When the time comes, she will need to travel around to collect the venom of various poisonous monsters, as well as various poisonous minerals and poisonous weeds.

This trip to the "Tianling Secret Realm" is undoubtedly a rare opportunity for her.

Many poisonous weeds and poisons growing here are rare species in the outside world. It will be of great benefit to her future practice to take away as many as possible and store them.

Not long after, Zhou Yuanlian killed a monk who entered the secret realm in a mountain stream and got everything he had on him.

At this time, she already knew where she was in the secret realm, and was approaching the place where the [Soul Heart Fruit] tree was.

But when she came to the [Soul Heart Fruit] tree, she found that someone seemed to have arrived there first, and the sound of fierce fighting was coming.

After discovering this, her expression suddenly changed.

"There is absolutely no room for error in [Soul Heart Fruit]. Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and murderous intent suddenly arose in Zhou Yuanlian's heart.

She was once a kind-hearted mortal girl, but the tragic experiences she experienced thereafter caused her kindness to be ruthlessly trampled and crushed by reality.

And her more than ten years of cultivating immortality has given her a deep understanding of the cruelty of the immortal cultivating world.

Coupled with the influence of practicing the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual", she has unknowingly become a person who has no regard for life.

Nowadays, she just wants to become stronger, to have great power, and then to hunt down those who practice magic and get rid of all the magic!

Anyone who stands in the way of her revenge is her enemy!

In the valley where the green-faced ghost apes live, a middle-aged man and woman, who seemed to be a couple, were fighting fiercely with more than a dozen green-faced ghost apes. Several green-faced ghost apes bodies were already lying on the ground.

Judging from the two people's ease, it was obvious that they didn't take the dozen green-faced ghost apes seriously, and were determined to get the [Soul Heart Fruit] on the tree!

"Sister Shuang, help me resist the close attacks of these beasts, and I'll prepare the move!"

Suddenly, the man in the couple shouted loudly, seeming to have made a decision.

After hearing this, the woman immediately responded loudly: "Okay, Brother Xiong, just let go and cast the spell!"

As she spoke, she raised her hand and patted the storage bag on her waist, and a shield weapon that seemed to be made of ice was taken out by her and flew around the man.

A green-faced ghost ape tried to attack the man at close range, but was quickly repelled by the ice shield. Moreover, the claws used to attack the ice shield were stained with white frost, causing him to tremble with the cold and howl incessantly.

But the man was protected by the Taoist companion, but he was holding a fiery red orb in his hand, chanting some words in his mouth, and cast some kind of powerful spell.

But neither the man, his wife nor the green-faced ghost apes noticed that a stench like rotting animals suddenly appeared in the valley.

Maybe it's not that they didn't notice it, but that it's normal for such a smell to appear near the monster's lair, and it's not easy to attract attention.

But as the man kneaded and recited the incantation, a fiery red spiritual light was released from the orb in his hand, converging in the sky to form a fire cloud.

After more than ten breaths passed, he suddenly shouted and raised his hand to point at the green-faced ghost apes.

Suddenly, fireballs flew down from the fire cloud, bombarding the green-faced ghost apes like cannonballs.

Boom boom boom!

There were bursts of explosions and roars, and the valley was filled with raging flames.

But the places where the fireballs exploded intentionally avoided the location of the [Soul Heart Fruit] tree.

The group of green-faced ghost apes suffered heavy casualties under this attack. Five of them were killed on the spot, and most of the rest were injured.

However, the man seemed to be having a hard time. After the spell was cast, his body swayed and he almost couldn't even stand still.

Obviously, the powerful spell just now has drained the mana from his body, and he is no longer able to fight anymore.

Fortunately, with the protection of his Taoist companions, he didn't have to worry about being retaliated by those green-faced ghost apes.

"It's strange. Although the Fire Cloud Secret Technique in the past would draw a lot of mana from me, it wouldn't make me as weak as it is now..."

The man murmured to himself, couldn't help but reach for the storage bag on his waist, took out the "Returning Pill" to restore mana, and drank it.

And just when the man was refining the elixir to restore his mana, his Taoist companion had already taken advantage of the situation and picked several ripe spiritual fruits from the [Soul Heart Fruit] tree, and then rushed straight out of the valley with him.

However, how could the group of green-faced ghost apes, which suffered heavy casualties, just give up and launch a fierce attack around the two of them to keep them behind.

After fighting like this for a while, the man suddenly stumbled and fell directly to the ground.

"Brother Xiong..."

The woman's expression changed wildly, and she hurriedly stepped forward to protect the man.

But at this time, several green-faced ghost apes activated their "soul-crying" magical power, instantly making her expression freeze.

A green-faced ghost ape took the opportunity to quickly pass over the man on the ground and directly took off his head!

When the woman regained her clarity and saw this bloody scene, her eyes were all red and she screamed hysterically: "Ahhhhh, you damn beasts, I want you to die, you all." I’ll die!!”

Then he frantically used his magic weapon to attack those green-faced ghost apes.

But not long after, she suddenly felt dizzy and chest tight, as if she couldn't breathe.

"I'm... bad, I was poisoned! Brother Xiong was poisoned to death!"

The woman used her magic power to try to suppress the discomfort in her body. At the same time, her eyes were full of resentment as she glanced around, trying to find the person who had poisoned her.

At this time, the green-faced ghost apes also showed symptoms of poisoning and stopped attacking the woman.

Seeing this, the woman immediately shouted angrily at the surrounding mountains and forests with excitement: "Who is poisoning and hurting people? Get out of here!"

"If you don't get out, I will destroy the storage bag, and none of us will be able to live well!"

As he spoke, he reached for the storage bag on his waist.

Obviously she also knows that the person who secretly poisons and hurts people will definitely not let him destroy treasures such as [Soul Heart Fruit].

But she seemed to have underestimated the power of the poison and overestimated her own abilities.

Just when her palm touched the storage bag, she suddenly felt her vision go dark, and she suddenly fell to the ground.

"What a stupid idiot! If you hadn't yelled, maybe the poison wouldn't have poisoned you so quickly, but you still yelled..."

In the valley, Zhou Yuanlian slowly walked out of the forest where he was hiding, holding an incense burner in his hand.

The toxin is released through the burning of the incense burner, and the incense burner is also a poison cultivation tool.

After she appeared, she immediately raised her hand and hit the forehead of the woman on the ground with a black poisonous needle weapon.

After seeing the black poison needle piercing her forehead, Zhou Yuanlian stepped forward with confidence and took her storage bag into her hands.

Then he turned to look at the green-faced ghost apes.

As monsters, the green-faced ghost apes are much more resistant to toxins, but most of them have been injured. After inhaling a large amount of poisonous smoke, they are already walking staggeringly and cannot pose a threat to Zhou Yuanlian.

"The clan leader asked me to bring some green-faced ghost apes back to keep for breeding, but I only brought four spirit beast bags. Which ones should I bring?"

After pondering for a while while looking at the green-faced ghost apes that looked like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, Zhou Yuanlian made a decision.

She selected four apes that looked full of life from among the green-faced ghost apes that were still alive in the valley, and put them into a storage bag. The genders of the apes were three females and one male.

These powerful poisons prepared by her using her poison skills were enough to make several green-faced ghost apes sleepy and unable to wake up for half a month.

She did not kill the remaining green-faced ghost apes, but instead treated their injuries.

The [Soul Heart Fruit] tree cannot be transplanted at all, and the tree still needs the green-faced ghost ape to take care of it. Therefore, destroying the green-faced ghost ape group is killing the goose that lays the egg.

After handling everything in this way, Zhou Yuanlian quickly left the Ghost Ape Valley.

In the time that followed, Zhou Yuanlian relied on the weird and hard-to-prevent poison skills to get into the secret realm like a fish in water. He collected seven [Orders of the Heavenly Spirit] without much effort and gained a lot.

But she was not too greedy, and she did not actively hunt down those trialists. Most of the time, she wandered around the secret territory, collecting the spiritual resources inside.

When it was finally time to leave, she successfully qualified to enter the tower with seven [Heavenly Spirit Orders].

During the subsequent process of breaking through the shield to retrieve the treasure, she activated her poison skills to the maximum, and with the help of several magical weapons, it took her more than ten breaths to break through the shield and obtain a jade box.

Zhou Yuanlian's luck seemed to be better than that of Zhou Chun.

Inside the jade box she got, there was actually a jade slip, which contained a rare poison formula. If it was prepared, it could even poison a monk in the Zifu period!

After leaving the secret realm, Zhou Yuanlian did not elaborate on the gains in the secret realm, but only asked Zhou Xinyan to take her back to the family as soon as possible.

Seeing this, Zhou Xinyan didn't ask any questions and directly released the Blue Feather Fire Kite to take her back to Tuyun Ridge.

"Clan Chief Mingjian, this junior has lived up to his mission and has brought back the [Soul Heart Fruit] and the Green-faced Ghost Ape!"

In Zhou Chun's cave, Zhou Yuanlian, who had returned from the trial in the "Tianling Secret Realm", respectfully took out his harvest and dedicated it to Zhou Chun.

Because of her practice of poisonous skills, she was a bit of an anomaly in the Zhou family. Many Zhou family monks did not dare to deal with her, which made her lack awe for many of the Zhou family's elders.

But in front of Zhou Chun, she didn't dare to be disrespectful in any way.

Firstly, it was Zhou Chun who gave her the power she has today, and secondly, she was naturally in awe of the power Zhou Chun had!

"Are there only two [Soul Heart Fruits]?"

Looking at the spiritual fruit offered by Zhou Yuanlian, Zhou Chun couldn't help but frown.

When he picked the [Soul Heart Fruit], there were still two unripe ones on the tree, so he didn't pick them.

I didn't expect that after so many years, I still only got these two [Soul Heart Fruits].

After hearing his words, Zhou Yuanlian hurriedly explained: "There are still four [Soul Heart Fruits] on the tree that have not yet matured, so I followed your instructions, patriarch, and did not touch them!"

"No need to panic, I don't mean to blame you."

Zhou Chun comforted her slightly and let the woman go down first.

Then he put away the two [Soul Heart Fruits] and handed the four green-faced ghost apes to Zhou Xinyi, asking him to arrange for them to be sent to a secret place to be raised.

The green-faced ghost ape can only live in the evil place, and it is impossible for the Zhou family's mountain gate to raise this beast.

However, with the current power of the Zhou family, it is perfectly normal for them to occupy several special places and open up other courtyards to raise some monsters that have special needs for the environment.

After Zhou Yuanlian retreated, he went to see Zhou Xinyi again and donated most of the elixirs he obtained in the "Tianling Secret Realm" to the family in exchange for the family's good deeds.

If she wants to practice poison skills, she must collect various poisons, and it is obviously too slow to collect them by herself.

Therefore, most of the good deeds she has earned over the years have been used to collect those poisons through family tasks.

This is a difference between her and ordinary immortal cultivators.

Relatively speaking, she does not need to take any pills to improve her magic power. Instead, she can absorb the power of poison through medicinal baths to speed up her cultivation.

So her money would be spent on collecting poisons.

Time flies, and another year has passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Su Yuzhen, who was in retreat later than Zhou Mingde, had reached the critical period of forming elixirs.

After Zhou Chun got the news, he immediately went to the Su family in Jiangzhou and gave her part of his own life energy using the secret technique of dual cultivation taught by the ancestor of the Su family, so that she could use this part of her energy through the method of "Su Nu Xuan Gong". The pure golden elixir energy is transformed into nourishing one's own strength.

After transferring his natal energy, Zhou Chun did not dare to disturb Su Yuzhen, and hurriedly left the secret room to take the elixir to restore his energy.

It's just that the loss of vitality this time was really big. Even though Zhou Chun took the elixir provided by the ancestor of the Su family, he still felt weak.

So I could only go back to Tuyunling Cave to meditate deeply to recover my lost energy.

After more than a year passed like this, the good news first came from the Su family. Su Yuzhen successfully formed the elixir!

When he heard the news, Zhou Chun also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he had great confidence in Su Yuzhen from the beginning, he could not completely relax until the final result came out.

Now that the results are out, I can naturally feel relieved.

Su Yuzhen's success in forming the elixir not only brought the Su family's reputation in Jiangzhou to a higher level, but also had two golden elixir-level monks headquartered in the family.

For the Zhou family, it is also a great joy.

After all, she is the double monk married by Zhou Chunming, who is equal to half of Zhou's family.

Now that she and Zhou Chun have formed a golden elixir, they will surely become a good story in Jingguo again.

It's also Zhou Mingde who is still in retreat and consecrating elixirs, otherwise he would be happily dragging Zhou Chun along to discuss how to send gifts to express his congratulations.

However, Su Yuzhen was not Zhou Chun, and there was no rare spiritual object like the [Five Elements Spiritual Fruit] that could quickly stabilize his cultivation.

After she successfully forms the elixir, she still needs to continue to practice in seclusion for several years before she can leave the seclusion to entertain guests.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun got the news, he did not rush to Su's house to see her immediately. He just asked someone to send a letter to congratulate her.

At this time, Zhou Chun's thoughts fell on Zhou Mingde.

A quick calculation showed that Zhou Mingde had been in seclusion and alchemy for seven or eight years.

Because of Zhou Mingde's practice, it took more time for him to condense the "Void Pill" than monks like Zhou Chun and others who practiced top-level techniques, and in the end, the limit of the "Void Pill" he could condense could not catch up with them.

But seven or eight years should be enough for him to take this step.

If there are no accidents, the results will be announced in the next one or two years.

At this critical moment, Zhou Chun did not dare to leave the family. His original plan to go to the Great Zhou Kingdom to find Luo Qingni to refine elixirs and collect [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi] could only be postponed temporarily.

However, before Zhou Chun could wait for the results of Zhou Mingde's elixir formation to appear, he first waited until the last monk of the "family" generation of the Zhou family passed away.

"I'm still a little unwilling! It would be great if I could wait until the Supreme Elder's pill formation results appeared and see him successfully forming the pill before leaving!"

In his own cave, facing Zhou Chun who came to see him off for the last time, Zhou Jiapeng, who had returned to his original state of mind, expressed his regrets with a hint of unwillingness in his eyes.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Chun felt sorry for him from the bottom of his heart.

But now that the matter has come to this, I can only comfort him: "Uncle Peng, don't worry, the Supreme Elder will definitely successfully form the elixir!"

After saying that, he looked at him and asked: "Uncle Peng, do you have any other last words to say?"

Zhou Jiapeng heard this, hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low tone: "I have already explained everything that needs to be explained to the juniors. If there is anything else that I am worried about, it is the golden-winged and iron-feathered eagle. It has been with me all my life, and has accompanied me in battles in the north and south for more than two hundred years. I have long regarded it as my own relative, and I hope that it will die in good health in the future and be buried next to my tomb!"

According to the tradition of the Zhou family, monks of the Zhou family will release their contracted spiritual pets before they die. If the spiritual pets do not want to go to the wild, they can be given to their descendants or their families for adoption.

Zhou Jiapeng had previously terminated his contract with the golden-winged iron-feathered eagle, but the eagle monster was very loyal, so the golden-winged and iron-feathered eagle was unwilling to leave and was willing to continue to protect his descendants.

But that golden-winged iron-feathered eagle is now a second-order high-grade monster, which can be regarded as a very good combat power. However, there is currently no foundation-building monk among Zhou Jiapeng's descendants.

Without a foundation-building monk, even if the golden-winged iron-feathered eagle is willing to protect his descendants, I am afraid that his descendants will not be able to command this monster bird, and in the end the family will inevitably have to intervene.

And the Zhou family doesn’t raise idle demons!

Therefore, when Zhou Chun heard Zhou Jiapeng's words, he understood his inner worries.

At that moment, he looked at him solemnly and promised: "If this is the case, Uncle Peng, you can rest assured. I can assure you that unless there is a crisis of genocide, I will never let your bird go." The golden-winged and iron-feathered eagle goes out to fight the powerful enemy so that it can spend the rest of its life safely in the Zhou family!"

After getting this promise from him, Zhou Jiapeng suddenly showed a hint of excitement and couldn't help but cheered: "Okay, okay, then I will really die with no regrets!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he sat down peacefully with a smile on his face.

With the death of Zhou Jiapeng, the Zhou family's "family" generation was completely extinct. Later, people can only see their names from the genealogy and ancestral tablets!

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