Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 507 Zhou Mingde forms the elixir【Please subscribe】

Zhou Jiapeng's death represents the end of another generation of the Zhou family.

In view of the achievements he made for the family during his lifetime, Zhou Chun, the clan leader with a golden elixir level, also personally read a eulogy for him and ordered all the monks in the family to pay homage to the old man in plain clothes for three days.

As for Zhou Jiapeng's descendants, Zhou Chun did not receive any special treatment.

As the leader of the clan, he generally has to keep a bowl of water level. Otherwise, with the current size of the Zhou family's foundation-building monks, how would he be able to take care of them in the future.

Moreover, as a late-stage foundation-building monk, Zhou Jiapeng had participated in many wars, and his accumulated wealth was not much worse than that of ordinary Zifu-stage casual cultivators.

The wealth he left behind was enough for his descendants to build foundations many times.

If this fails to cultivate a foundation-building monk, it means that his descendants are not worthy of cultivation, and there is no need for Zhou Chun to waste family resources on it.

The only thing Zhou Chun can do for Zhou Jiapeng is to let the family support his golden-winged and iron-feathered eagle, so that he can live a retirement life in the Zhou family with peace of mind!

Of course, with this bird's lifespan, it's not yet time to truly retire.

Its next mission is to leave as much of its outstanding bloodline as possible and give birth to more outstanding demon bird pets for the Zhou family.

It just so happened that the golden feathered eagle that Zhou Chun asked Golden Winged Tiger to train was a female eagle!

If these two kinds of bird monsters can mate successfully, they might be able to add a new intermediate monster species to the Zhou family!

It's a coincidence.

Just half a year after Zhou Jiapeng's death, the Golden Feathered Eagle finally gave in and was willing to sign another contract with the human monks after years of training by the Golden Winged Tiger.

Zhou Chun asked Zhou Zhengyong to keep it as a spiritual pet and mount.

Speaking of which, Zhou Zhengyong was also a bit unlucky.

His spiritual pet red-tailed monkey at the beginning had already exhausted its lifespan and died because it could not break through to the second level.

Later, he contracted a red flame diamond monkey and a red-eyed dragon vulture.

As a result, these two spiritual pets also died in the war!

This shocked him so much that he decided not to contract a spiritual pet anymore!

But as a Zifu period monk of the Zhou family, wouldn't it be a joke if he couldn't even bring out a second-level monster to support his appearance?

Therefore, Zhou Chun would directly give him a contract with the Golden Feather Eagle, who had the cultivation of a second-level high-grade monster beast, to save his face.

Time passes day by day.

On this day, many monks who were practicing in Tuyun Ridge suddenly discovered that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that had been gathered by their own movement skills suddenly flowed to another place uncontrollably. No matter how hard they tried, they could not Bring it back together.

This situation immediately made many people's expressions change slightly, and they hurriedly stopped their exercises and walked out of the practice room to check the situation, trying to find out the reason for the overflow of spiritual energy.

Then a majestic and majestic voice sounded in the ears of all the monks in Tuyun Ridge.

"Zhou Mingde, the supreme elder of our clan, is forming elixirs. All monks immediately stop absorbing spiritual energy and practice and leave Huanglong Peak!"

It’s the clan leader’s voice!

Many Zhou family monks recognized the identity of the owner of the voice and quickly left the vicinity of Huanglong Peak.

Some casual cultivators who came to Tuyun Ridge to practice quickly arrived at the edge of the mountain gate exit under the arrangement of the Zhou family monks.

In the past, these people might have been allowed to leave the family gate directly to avoid any accidents.

But now that there are two golden elixir stage monks in Tuyunling, there is no need to worry about this. Leaving them to watch the elixir formation celestial phenomena will actually build a good reputation for the Zhou family.

I saw dark clouds beginning to gather in the sky, and a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth poured into Zhou Mingde's retreat place.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the Zhou family is really amazing! Previously, the clan leader Zhou Zhengchun came back from outside to form pills, and now there is an elderly Supreme Elder who triggers the heavenly sign of forming pills. This is really fate and blessing from heaven and earth!"

"Isn't that true? I heard that the monk from the Su family in Jiangzhou who formed elixirs a few years ago was also the dual monk of the Zhou family head. If you count, the three of them formed elixirs!"

"It used to be said that the head of the Zhou family was a man of great fortune. I just thought it was them themselves who wanted to put money on their faces. But now it seems that this may be the case!"

"If the supreme elder of the Zhou family succeeds in forming the elixir, then wouldn't the Zhou family have a three-gold elixir? Is there any other family in our Jingguo that has three golden elixir-level monks?"

Even inside the Zhou family's mountain gate, there were many Zhou family monks nearby, but they could not stop the casual monks from gossiping about Zhou Mingde's elixir formation.

At this moment, the attention of all Zhou family monks fell on Huanglong Peak. Even if some people heard some disrespectful remarks about the family, they had no time to pursue anything.

Everyone knows that being able to trigger the heavenly sign of forming an elixir is only half the success of forming an elixir.

Only by waiting for the heavenly signs of pill formation to dissipate on their own and the aura of heaven and earth return to calm can the pill formation be considered successful.

In fact, this level has reached a point of no return. Failure will result in death by explosion. There is no third option!

Therefore, even Zhou Chun was a little worried at the moment.

[Holy Spirit Blood Pill] can restore the energy and blood of an old man to its peak. After all, this is just a record on the pill recipe. Whether it is really so miraculous, Zhou Chun cannot guarantee.

If the effect is not as good as what is recorded in the prescription, then this level will be very dangerous for Zhou Mingde!

Fortunately, what Zhou Chun was worried about did not happen.

After a long period of time, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and the abnormal restlessness of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gradually subsided.

All this shows that Zhou Mingde has successfully overcome the difficulties and successfully formed the elixir!

However, Zhou Chun knew that with the skills practiced by Zhou Mingde, even if the elixir formation was successful, the time needed to stabilize his foundation would be much longer than that of Su Yuzhen. Don't expect him to leave seclusion and meet people in a short time.

Therefore, after the result was confirmed, he quickly spoke again: "Huanglong Peak is temporarily designated as a family forbidden land. No summons are allowed. Clan members are strictly prohibited from entering. All caves in Tuyunling that are rented out to the outside world are temporarily suspended!"

This order was naturally to allow Zhou Mingde to practice quietly and consolidate his cultivation.

And after issuing this order, Zhou Chun quickly visited Lin Hongyu.

The reason for this visit is very simple. In the name of traveling, Lin Hongyu is asked to leave Tuyunling and go to Caiyu Mountain in the wilderness to practice practice.

In such a small place as Tuyunling, there can't be enough room for three golden elixir stage monks.

Even the two golden elixir stage monks seemed crowded!

It’s because Zhou Chun didn’t switch to the practice method and basically didn’t meditate much, otherwise he wouldn’t have let Zhou Mingde form elixirs here!

Lin Hongyu understood this very well, but she had no intention of going to Caiyu Mountain to practice, but wanted to actually travel for a while.

Speaking of which, since she successfully formed the elixir, apart from going out for a period of time to collect materials for refining the natal magic weapon, she spent the rest of her time in the wilderness with the Zhou family, and fighting on the front lines.

As a monk who has been cultivating elixirs for hundreds of years, she has never truly traveled out once.

Now that the situation is stable, two more golden elixir-level monks, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde, have appeared in the Zhou family. She is no longer needed to guard the Zhou family at the mountain gate all the time.

Naturally, she wanted to go out and travel.

Not only her, but also Zhou Daoyi, who has broken through to the late stage of Zifu, also has this idea.

Zhou Chun was not an unreasonable person. After learning about this situation, he immediately agreed to the couple's trip.

I just made an agreement with Lin Hongyu that the travel time should not exceed ten years.

Because by then the result of the birth of Taoist Qingchen at Qinglian Temple should appear, the situation in Jingguo may change due to this, and Lin Hongyu must come back to face it together.

Lin Hongyu and Zhou Daoyi naturally agreed with this.

So after making some arrangements, Lin Hongyu and his wife rode the green dragon and left Tuyunling while Zhou Chun watched.

After seeing off Lin Hongyu and his wife, Zhou Chun returned to his cave to rest quietly.

In the following period, all kinds of congratulatory letters poured in to the Zhou family like snowflakes.

Just like what a casual cultivator said that day, there are three golden elixirs in one discipline. This is the first time this has happened in Jingguo!

The average middle-level sect forces, such as the former Sanjue Sect, only have a few Golden Core Stage monks.

What's more important is that when people investigate carefully, they can find that the three golden elixir stage monks of the Zhou family have all successfully connected elixirs over a period of more than a hundred years.

Among them, the time when Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde succeeded in forming pills was less than twenty years apart!

This situation is really amazing!

You know, even for sects such as the Yuelun Sect, it is rare in history that two Golden Core monks appear one after another within twenty years.

It would be great if one could be produced every fifty years!

Therefore, this inevitably made many monks murmur in their hearts, wondering whether the Zhou family had obtained some heaven-defying spiritual object that could greatly increase the success rate of forming pills.

Such rumors were also spread deliberately. I don't know if they wanted to test something, or if they simply just wanted to bring hatred to the Zhou family.

But these monks who spread rumors may be disappointed.

Because the senior leaders of the Lunar Sect and other major forces knew that Zhou Chun had obtained many pill-forming spiritual objects in previous wars.

Therefore, the Zhou family was able to emerge two golden elixir stage monks one after another. Although they were very surprised and lamented the good luck of the two Zhou family, they did not really think that the Zhou family had obtained any heaven-defying spirit that could help people successfully form elixirs. things.

Let’s not talk about whether there are such heaven-defying spiritual objects in the world of immortality. Even if they do exist, they are unlikely to be obtained by Zhou Chun before forming the pill.

Of course, this premise is that no one in the Zhou family will successfully form a pill in the next period of time.

Otherwise, even a powerful person like Master Worshiping the Moon would probably doubt whether the Zhou family had obtained a spiritual object such as the [Five Elements Spiritual Fruit] tree.

In fact, after learning that Zhou Mingde had successfully formed elixirs at the age of over 450 years old, Master Bai Yue had already sent a letter to find out the details.

Zhou Chun also knew that this matter would arouse people's curiosity, so he generously dedicated the [Holy Spirit Blood Pill] prescription to Master Baiyue, in order to explain clearly how Zhou Mingde was able to form a golden pill at such an advanced age. Reason, by the way, to show loyalty.

As for whether the Moon Wheel Sect can find another strange insect like "Holy Spirit Blood Leech" and refine the [Holy Spirit Blood Pill] to train Golden Core Stage monks, that is none of his business.

Anyway, the Zhou family and the Moon Lun Sect are not competitors. The Moon Lun Sect has a few more golden elixir-level monks, so it has little relationship with the Zhou family.

Zhou Chun even hoped that the Moon Wheel Sect could successfully refine this elixir.

In that case, those golden elixir stage monks who relied on [Holy Spirit Blood elixir] to successfully form elixirs would definitely have a good impression of the Zhou family who presented the elixir.

In short, with the current strength of the Zhou family, as long as they do not arouse the suspicion of sects such as the Moon Lun Sect, a few rumors will not affect them at all.

Therefore, Zhou Chun didn't bother to pay attention to those rumors, and only asked Zhou Xinyi to start planning for the second Golden Elixir Ceremony, which could be held after Zhou Mingde came out of isolation.

Convening two golden elixir ceremonies in a short period of time was actually a bit difficult for the families and monks who were invited, because they would have to give another expensive gift.

But it is impossible not to hold the Golden Elixir Ceremony.

Therefore, Zhou Chun plans to wait for Zhou Mingde to come out of seclusion and discuss it with him so that the families and monks who come to attend the Golden Elixir Ceremony no longer need to give heavy gifts, but only need to prepare a small gift before they can come to participate, making the scene and The atmosphere was lifted.

He believed that with Zhou Mingde's magnanimity, he would not object to his proposal.

For other monks of the Zhou family, Zhou Mingde's success in forming elixirs was even more inspiring and confidence-boosting.

After all, Zhou Chun and Lin Hongyu both succeeded in forming elixirs outside. At that time, no monk from the Zhou family had witnessed it with their own eyes, and they lacked a sense of participation.

In addition, Zhou Chun's personal experience is truly legendary and cannot be imitated. Although many members of the Zhou family regard him as an idol and are full of admiration and adoration for him, they dare not think that they can become the second one. he.

But Zhou Mingde is different.

He successfully formed the elixir inside the Zhou family's mountain gate, and the heavenly sign of the elixir formation was witnessed by many Zhou family monks. Many Zhou family monks also witnessed the process of his successful elixir formation.

This sense of participation can be said to be very satisfying, and it leaves a very deep impression on people.

Another thing is that Zhou Mingde has never been a genius.

He only succeeded in opening the Zi Mansion when he was more than two hundred years old. He did not practice any top-notch skills. He could be said to be a true ordinary monk, but his luck was better than that of ordinary monks.

But he was able to successfully form elixirs at the age of over 450 years old!

This has a great motivating effect on the vast majority of Zhou family monks.

Because many of them are no worse than Zhou Mingde in terms of conditions, and are even much better than Zhou Mingde!

In this case, since Zhou Mingde can successfully form the elixir, why can't they?

As soon as this idea came up, it lingered in the minds of many Zhou family monks, planting a seed of ambition in their hearts.

Driven by this seed of ambition, many of them worked harder in cultivation and worked harder to find ways to earn cultivation resources for themselves.

An atmosphere of involution was unknowingly brewing within the Zhou family.

When Zhou Chun learned about this situation, he felt very relieved.

As someone who has experienced this, he knows how much of a positive effect this involution atmosphere has on the family.

In fact, what a big family fears most is that the clan members begin to settle for pleasure and not make progress.

A family that is not enterprising, no matter how glorious it was in the past, will definitely be eliminated as time goes by.

Therefore, in order to sustain the ambition of these tribesmen, Zhou Chun also specially established a "Breakthrough Award".

Depending on your spiritual root qualifications and the techniques you practice, if you are able to break through to a certain realm before a certain age, you will be rewarded by your family with a large amount of good deeds.

This idea came from the scholarship system in his previous life, which was modified to be more suitable for this world.

They all play somewhat similar roles, that is, to help some monks who come from a bad background but work hard enough to go further!

But at this moment, Zhou Xinyi reported bad news to him.

That means the Zhou family's finances are tight again!

"Nowadays, the markets in neighboring countries are shrinking and consumption has dropped significantly. Business in our Zhou family's stores is generally not doing well, and our income is much lower than before."

"But the population of monks on the family side is still growing at a rapid rate. The expenditure on good deeds distributed to the clan members is increasing year by year, and the gap between income and expenditure is increasing day by day."

"Furthermore, the family's previous rush to buy strategic materials emptied out most of the inventory of spiritual objects, and held a large amount of spiritual coins for the Golden Elixir Ceremony. Now the number of spiritual coins remaining in the account is less than 200,000!"

"If we can't find a way to increase the family's income, the family will suffer losses in five years at most!"

In Zhou Chun's cave, Zhou Xinyi came here with a book of accounts and reported the family's financial situation to Zhou Chun with a serious expression.

He is now taking the place of Butler Zhou Chun, and usually would not come over to report on matters that are not particularly important.

Because Zhou Chun would go to Zhongping Hall in person every few days to check on family affairs.

However, financial matters are closely related. After discovering the tight financial situation in the new round of statistics, Zhou Xinyi did not dare to delay at all, and immediately came to see Zhou Chun in person with the compiled account information.

After listening to his story at this time, Zhou Chun said very calmly: "Don't be anxious. Let me take a look at the account books first."

After saying that, he raised his hand and opened all the account books, and his powerful spiritual consciousness read multiple account books at the same time.

The Zhou family's account books will be recorded in detail, and where every money is spent will be recorded clearly. When checking the accounts, every transaction must be correct.

Zhou Chun would often randomly check the account books to ensure that no one dared to directly embezzle the Mo family's property in this regard.

As for some profit-making behaviors that are carried out by using personal power, Zhou Chun also knows that it is impossible to completely eliminate it. As long as it is not done too much and is too conspicuous, and let him know, he can only ignore it.

At this time, after flipping through all the account books, Zhou Chun closed his eyes and digested the numerous numerical data he had just seen in his mind. With the powerful mental arithmetic ability of the Golden Core monk, it didn't take long to correct each account.

The result of the reconciliation is of course absolutely correct!

If anything goes wrong in this regard, Zhou Xinyi will not be qualified to manage the family on his behalf.

He opened his eyes and suddenly looked at Zhou Xinyi and said: "I took a look and found that the family's accounts still have more than 270,000 kilograms of [Water Jade] raw ore and more than 60,000 kilograms of Red Blood Jade raw ore. The raw ore of black jade is more than 70,000 kilograms, the raw ore of flawless white jade is more than 120,000 kilograms, the raw ore of black corundum is more than 160,000 kilograms, the raw amethyst jade ore is more than 50,000 kilograms, and the raw ore of black iron is more than 570,000 kilograms!"

"If these ores were sold at the market price before the war, how much spiritual coins would they be worth?"

The ores Zhou Chun mentioned were obtained by the Zhou family from mining in the wilderness over the years.

Because it was not affected by the war, even when the battle between the Yuan Demon Army and the Tianling Army was at its fiercest, the Zhou family's mine in the wilderness still did not stop mining.

However, due to the impact of the war, these mined ores can no longer be sold and can only be accumulated in warehouses.

Although the Zhou family itself can also process and consume some ore, compared to the huge amount of mining, these consumptions are undoubtedly not worth mentioning.

So after decades of accumulation, we now have so much inventory.

After listening to Zhou Chun's words, Zhou Xinyi quickly estimated the value of the ores he mentioned.

After making such an estimate, I heard him reply softly: "I have made an estimate. If calculated based on the market price before the war, and taking into account the price fluctuations caused by bulk trade, these ores are worth approximately 280,000 spiritual coins!"

"Then let's count it as 280,000 spiritual coins!"

Zhou Chun nodded, and then said: "I bought all the ores at this price, but the ores are still temporarily stored in the family treasure house."


Zhou Xinyi looked at Zhou Chun in surprise, not expecting him to say this.

"What? Do you think it's inappropriate?"

Zhou Chun glanced at him and asked lightly.

"No, I don't dare. I admire you from the bottom of my heart for your noble conduct, patriarch!"

Zhou Xinyi shook her head repeatedly, and then looked at Zhou Chun with reverence to show her respect.

How could he not know that Zhou Chun intended to transfuse blood for the family to help the family overcome difficulties.

This behavior of subsidizing the family out of his own pocket fully illustrates Zhou Chun's deep feelings for the family.

If I didn’t love my family deeply, I would never do such a thing!

But Zhou Chun waved his hand and said: "I have to use my own money to supplement the family finances, so it can only be a temporary relief. If we really want to relieve the family's financial crisis, we have to solve it from the fundamentals."

"Later, please inform all the monks in the family who are above the level of foundation building, and ask them to come back to the family when they are free. Let's all work together to discuss how to make money."

"In addition, some of the family's rules may be a bit outdated. They should be revised in time to adapt to the current changes in the family!"

Having said this, Zhou Chun shook his head slightly and said: "Forget it, let's tell those people what we want to discuss first, so that they have time to think about it carefully. As for the time of the discussion, let's wait until the Supreme Elder comes out of seclusion before deciding! "

"Yes, junior, I obey."

Zhou Xinyi responded respectfully and retreated first.

Time passed, and soon three years had passed since Su Yuzhen successfully formed the elixir.

After three years of latent cultivation, she had stabilized her cultivation level and took the initiative to leave seclusion.

Following her release from seclusion, the Su family's Golden Elixir Ceremony was held soon.

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