Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 508 The strongest beast-controlling inheritance of the Zhou family [Please subscribe]

Jiangzhou, Sujiashan Gate.

Today is the day when Su Yuzhen, the newly promoted Golden Elixir monk of the Su family, holds the Golden Elixir Ceremony. The relevant invitations were sent to various forces and individuals two years ago.

Therefore, starting early in the morning, the sound of singing at the Sujiashan gate never stopped.

The Su family is different from the Zhou family. The Su family is a direct descendant of the Yuelun Sect. The female nun Su Yunniang, who was born in the family, is now the Jindan elder of the Yuelun Sect. The family has old friends and in-laws all over Jingguo.

Therefore, in terms of the number of visitors, Su Yuzhen had more visitors to the Golden Elixir Ceremony this time than Zhou Chun did.

Basically, more than 70% of the immortal cultivating families under the Yuelun Sect have sent people to give gifts and congratulate them.

The Moon Worshiping Master of the Yuelun Sect also sent a middle-stage Jindan monk to come over with congratulatory gifts.

Even Qinglian Temple sent a Zifuqi monk to give gifts!

"The Zhou family in Lingzhou sent a congratulatory gift, a piece of magical material [Water Essence Jade Mother] weighing ninety-three pounds and seven taels, a thousand-year-old elixir of water jade Ganoderma lucidum, and a rare water treasure seven sauvignon. Congratulations to fellow Taoist Su on the success of the golden elixir." , live a thousand years!”

Near noon, a loud voice sounded, attracting the attention of all the guests.

There was a flash of golden light in the sky, and a young man in brocade clothes flew to the main venue of the celebration and sat in the front row.

Who is this person if he isn't Zhou Chun?

However, according to the rules, Su Yuzhen had not yet come out to meet guests, and could not come to entertain him, so he only chatted with the ancestors of the Su family, Su Yunniang and other familiar monks.

Su Yunniang looked at him with a satisfied look on her face and said, "Zhengchun, you are really thoughtful. This piece of [Water Essence Jade Mother] can be used by Yuzhen to refine the natal magic weapon. She was also looking for this thing originally!" "

"As long as you are satisfied, Auntie."

Zhou Chun smiled slightly, but felt relieved in his heart.

At his previous Golden Elixir Ceremony, the ancestor of the Su family gave such a large piece of gold elixir, and he was also worried about how to return the gift later.

Fortunately, when I was counting the treasures in the family treasury, I discovered this piece of [Water Essence Jade Mother] mined by the scaled frog aliens.

When he first discovered the [Water Essence Jade] vein, Zhou Chun also got a piece of [Water Essence Jade Mother], but unfortunately it was used in exchange for [Huanglong Stone] later.

The piece obtained by the Zhou family this time is superior to that piece in terms of quality and size, so it is suitable for Su Yuzhen to refine his natal magic weapon.

"What do you mean, auntie, I am satisfied? You say this as if auntie, I have treated you harshly!"

Su Yunniang glared at Zhou Chun angrily, shook her head and said, "That's all. As long as you treat Yu really well, auntie, I really have nothing to be dissatisfied with."

Zhou Chun could only smile at this and couldn't say anything anymore.

Then I saw one after another Jindan monks or Jindan forces appeared on the stage one after another, sending heavy gifts to express their congratulations.

At noon, Su Yuzhen finally appeared on the stage after dressing up.

The way she appeared was certainly not comparable to Zhou Chun's ride on a dragon that day, but it was still very impressive to those present.

Suddenly, a long white silk ribbon flew out of the sky, and then a fairy in white, surrounded by eight female cultivators, came across the sky on the white silk ribbon.

Bai Ling did not fly particularly fast in the sky. Wherever it passed, colorful petals fell from the sky. The fragrance of flowers filled the sky and the earth, and the fragrance was astonishing.

Not long after, the fairy in white landed on the main venue of the ceremony.

I saw the white-clothed fairy floating down, like a fairy from the Nine Heavens coming to the mortal world. She then bowed slightly and saluted the Jindan monks present, and said in a soft tone: "I am Su Yuzhen, I have met all of you fellow Taoists. Welcome all Taoist friends to the Su family to attend the celebration of my golden elixir."

Seeing this, all the cultivators immediately returned the greeting.

What happened next at the Golden Elixir Ceremony was nothing more than a replica of Zhou Chun's previous Golden Elixir Ceremony, except that the protagonist was replaced by Su Yuzhen.

After a few days of liveliness, all the guests dispersed, and the Taoist couple Zhou Chun and Su Yuzhen could finally return to the cave to talk to each other.

After the two of them exchanged their experience in forming pills in the cave, Su Yuzhen suddenly looked at Zhou Chun with amazement and said, "Husband, you have worked hard for me to form pills. Now let me return the favor." Husband!"

"Oh, madam, the feedback you are talking about is..."

Zhou Chun was still waiting to ask more questions, but suddenly he saw Su Yuzhen taking off her clothes.

Seeing this, he still doesn't understand what the word "feedback" means!

Su Yuzhen's "Plain Girl Mysterious Skill" is itself a dual cultivation skill, which can be improved through dual cultivation of men and women.

Therefore, ever since she found Zhou Chun, a dual cultivator who suited her perfectly, her cultivation path has been smooth and she has never encountered any obstacles.

However, "Su Nu Xuan Gong" is not the kind of evil power that harvests yin and replenishes yang, but a serious Taoist double cultivation skill. In the process of dual cultivation, not only oneself will benefit greatly, but also the Taoist monks will be able to do the same. Benefit.

After practicing to the golden elixir stage, practitioners of this skill will condense a "Yuan Yin Qi" similar to the virgin Yuan Yin every once in a while.

This "primordial yin energy" has little effect on the "Su Nu Xuan Gong" practitioner himself, but it can greatly benefit his two cultivators, and has the miraculous effect of improving cultivation, healing injuries and replenishing energy!

Therefore, after reaching the golden elixir stage, practitioners of "Su Nu Xuan Gong" will play a role in feeding back to the Taoist couple, making it more difficult for the Taoist couple to leave them.

Su Yuzhen had just successfully formed the elixir, and the "primordial yin energy" in his body was at its most effective.

After Zhou Chun and her practiced dual cultivation, the benefits they gained were no less than the benefits brought by the blending of the power of Yuanyang and Yuanyin when they first practiced dual cultivation!

The original vitality in his body that had not yet fully recovered was not only completely restored after this double cultivation, but even his magic power was slightly improved!

This discovery also surprised him, and he hurriedly asked Su Yuzhen the whole story.

After learning the details, he was surprised and happy, and felt very emotional.

What was Zhou Chun's biggest objection to becoming a Taoist couple with Su Yuzhen in the past was that he actually became the "furnace" for his partner's practice.

Even though he didn't really lose anything as a "furnace" at that time, the fact is that it is like that.

For him, who was quite high-spirited at the time, this incident was a shame.

But he didn't expect that everything was reversed now. Su Yuzhen became the "cauldron" to help him practice, the "human elixir" that could heal injuries and improve his cultivation!

"I'm afraid this "Prime Girl Mysterious Technique" is not a maid-raising technique created by some high-level male cultivator!"

Zhou Chun vomited secretly in his heart, and was a little bit dumbfounded.

But soon he remembered something again, and couldn't help but look at Su Yuzhen with worry in his eyes and asked: "Since this "Su Nu Xuan Gong" is so mysterious, after you practice it to the golden elixir stage, there should be some disasters, right?"

But it was because he remembered Su Yuzhen's love disaster and felt that things would not be that simple.

Sure enough, after listening to his words, Su Yuzhen was silent for a while, and then nodded slightly and said: "What your husband said is correct. After you practice "Su Nu Xuan Gong" to the golden elixir stage, disaster will indeed happen!"

Then he whispered about the disaster.

Different from the previous love tribulation, after practicing "Su Nu Xuan Gong" to the golden elixir stage, a "desire tribulation" will come.

Humans have seven emotions and six desires, and lust is one of the six desires.

Once the "Desire Catastrophe" in "Su Nu Xuan Gong" comes, the practitioner will be burned with desire.

The great thing about this "Desire Tribulation" is that it cannot be overcome by means of abstinence, but must be guided and vented through the method of dual cultivation.

But if desires are indulged, the practitioner will exhaust his energy and die!

At the same time, in the process of dual cultivation, the "desire calamity" will also affect the object of dual cultivation. If he cannot restrain his desire, there is also the risk of exhausting his energy!

In order to survive the "Desire Tribulation" safely, cultivators must release their desires in an orderly manner with the help of dual cultivation objects, and slowly reduce the power of the "Desire Tribulation" until the fire of desire in the body has completely subsided.

It can be seen from this that a good dual cultivator is important to the practitioners of "Su Nu Xuan Gong".

If you don't find a good dual cultivator, no matter how talented the cultivator is, it will be difficult to pass the "Desire Tribulation" stage.

"The 'Desire Tribulation' is different from the Love Tribulation. Generally speaking, within a hundred years after forming the pill, the 'Desire Tribulation' will not break out. The higher the level of cultivation in the future, the easier it is for this Tribulation to break out!"

When Su Yuzhen said this, she looked at Zhou Chun with an apologetic look and said, "When the 'Desire Tribulation' comes, I will trouble my husband to help me overcome the calamity. Please forgive me."

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun immediately replied with a serious face: "Madam, you are serious. As Taoist couples, you and I are supposed to eliminate disasters for each other during practice. It is our duty as husbands!"

He wasn't just pretending, this was what he really thought in his heart.

No matter which aspect he considered, when Su Yuzhen's "desire disaster" broke out, he had no reason to avoid helping.

Su Yuzhen is his double monk, and now he is also a monk at the Golden Core stage, so he can naturally feel his true feelings.

Hearing his heartfelt words at this time, her heart suddenly moved, and she couldn't help but throw him onto the bed again, and took the initiative to offer him a sweet kiss.

Zhou Chun is determined and does not indulge too much in the gentle countryside.

What's more, Zhou Mingde was still in retreat and Lin Hongyu was traveling again. He really couldn't leave Tuyunling for a long time.

Therefore, after staying in the Su family for half a month, he resolutely said goodbye to the beautiful woman and returned to the family to take charge.

Su Yuzhen will also be busy refining his natal magic weapon and has no time to go to Zhou's house to accompany him.

Not two months after returning to the family, Zhou Chun's "God-Slaying Technique" also reached the second level, and he condensed two "God-Slaying Swords".

At this time, the two majoring in secret arts and magical powers finally reached the golden elixir level.

Zhou Chun can also spend more energy on improving other secret techniques.

Among the secret techniques he has practiced, there are many that can still play a role in the golden elixir stage. Among them, "The Secret of Dragon Transformation" currently lacks the support of the fourth-level thunder dragon spiritual blood, so it can be ignored.

[Golden Gang Slash] and [Concentric Golden Lock] are magical powers that can still be practiced and used during the Golden Core stage.

In comparison, [Golden Gang Slash] has greater uses.

Because most of the golden elixir stage monks have natal magic weapons to protect their bodies, and most of them have sharp reflexes, it is more difficult for [Concentric Golden Lock] to hit the target.

The higher the level of [Golden Gang Slash] training, the more attack power and speed it will increase, making it difficult for even Golden Core Stage monks to dodge.

In addition, Zhou Chun also plans to practice the Zhou family's highest secret technique of beast control - "The Great Method of Combining Beast Spirits"

"The Great Method of Combining Beast Spirits" is among the secret techniques of beast control inherited by the ancestors of the Zhou family. It is the only secret technique that requires cultivation to reach the golden elixir stage before it can be practiced.

Moreover, this technique is still a residual technique and is incomplete.

But even so, this secret technique of controlling beasts is still very useful.

After successfully practicing this technique, you can use this technique to temporarily merge with your spiritual pet and gain the unique magical powers of your spiritual pet.

For example, Zhou Chun used this technique to combine with Thunder Dragon Baibai, and he was able to master Thunder Dragon Baibai's thunder escape magical power and a thunder-attribute magical power.

By combining it with the golden-armored mountain turtle stone, you can master the stone's earth-moving magical power and earth-escape magical power.

By combining with the Golden-winged Tiger, you can master the spatial magical power of the Golden-winged Tiger.

By combining with Mu Mei Mu Sang, you can master Mu Mei Mu Sang's magical power of wood movement and wood escape.

It can be said that as long as Zhou Chun successfully practices the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique", with his luxurious team of spiritual pets, he will be able to exert the power of this mysterious magic to full effect!

On the other hand, even if Zhou Mingde mastered this secret technique after successfully forming the elixir, he could basically only obtain some of the Vulcan Jackal's magical powers by merging with the Vulcan Jackal, which would not improve his combat effectiveness at all.

But the Zhou family's "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique" is just a rudimentary technique, lacking a prescription to resolve the rejection of the combination.

Without the help of this special secret medicine, if a cultivator wants to successfully perform the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique", he and his spiritual pet must have a very high degree of compatibility at the spiritual level in order to complete the integration.

And without the help of the secret medicine, the time of integration will be very uncertain, and it can easily be broken due to the fluctuations in the minds of the two.

The last and most important point is that merging will put a huge load on both the cultivator and the spirit beast itself. If the merging time is too long, both parties will be seriously injured after the merging is released!

According to the summary experience of the senior monks of the Zhou family, in order to perform the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique", the cultivation realm of the cultivator and the spirit beast cannot exceed one major realm.

That is to say, if a cultivator has a golden elixir stage cultivation level, the spirit beast must be at least a third-level low-grade monster!

If a Golden Core Stage cultivator is paired with a second-order monster, then the second-order monster's body simply cannot withstand the powerful load brought about by the combination.

After making the decision at this time, Zhou Chun took the secret training method of "The Great Method of Integration of Beast Spirits" and concentrated on studying it.

There are not many monks from the Zhou family who have successfully practiced the secret technique of "The Great Method of Integration of Beast Spirits", and they have very little experience left behind.

In the cultivation experience left by the predecessors, every word reveals helplessness and laments the difficulty of cultivating this mysterious skill.

At the same time, they all urge future generations to work hard to find the missing prescription.

Because according to their opinion, the practice of this magical power will be much easier if there is a secret medicine to assist.

However, after Zhou Chun practiced the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique", it only took him only half a year to successfully merge with the Thunder Dragon for the first time!

Inside the valley, a thunder dragon with a human face was soaring in the sky, and from time to time it would use the art of lightning escape to escape to various parts of the valley.

At this time, the mana aura exuding from the human-faced thunder dragon was as high as the fourth level!

Look at the human face that appears on the dragon's forehead. Who is it if it's not Zhou Chun?

This is the mystery of the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique". It can temporarily merge the physical body of the immortal cultivator and the physical body of the monster beast into one, so that the physical body of the immortal cultivator is no longer a shortcoming.

At the same time, it can transfer the mana of one's own cultivation to the monster, raising the mana of the third-level monster to the fourth level.

And after merging, Zhou Chun can still use magic weapons to fight against enemies, and he can still use many magical powers in the same way!

If there is any difference between the human-faced thunder dragon and the fourth-order thunder dragon at this time, it is that his magical power is still at the level of a third-order monster beast, and he has not awakened the stronger fourth-order thunder magic power.

But with the Thunder Escape Technique, using the golden elixir stage mana to activate this escape technique is enough to increase Zhou Chun's escape speed by several percent compared to before.

The only flaw in this transformation is that because the first transformation did not work well together, the two were forced to end the combined state when their minds experienced great fluctuations.

After ending the combined state, Zhou Chun was doing better. Apart from some physical discomfort, there were no major problems.

But as a third-level mid-level monster, Thunder Dragon Baibai's body's energy and blood were in chaos, and his vitality was greatly damaged. He needed to rest for several months before he could recover and enter the combined state again.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun quickly let it rest, and then tried to merge with several other spiritual pets.

As a result, no matter whether it was Shitou Shitou, the golden-armored mountain turtle who followed him first, or the golden-winged tiger, and the wooden charm musang, all of them failed to merge with him.

Zhou Chun could feel that it was not that these spiritual pets resisted merging with him, but that he had not mastered the secret technique yet and could not truly fuse with them.

The reason why he was able to successfully merge with Lei Jiao Bai Bai so quickly was probably because he practiced the "Secret of Dragon Transformation" and refined a large amount of Lei Jiao Bai Bai's dragon spiritual blood in his body.

After realizing this, Zhou Chun no longer rushed to merge with other spiritual pets, and calmed down and continued to practice various secret techniques.

Time flies by, and four years have passed since Zhou Mingde successfully formed the elixir.

On this day, after four years of seclusion and cultivation, Zhou Mingde finally stabilized his cultivation and took the initiative to leave seclusion.

"Hahahaha... I have been born for four hundred and sixty years, half of my life was rich and half of my life was poor, but today I finally became a golden elixir fruit, I spread my eyebrows and smile to the sky!"

In Tuyun Ridge, Zhou Mingde's joyful laughter resounded throughout the mountain gate. Anyone who heard the laughter knew how happy he was at the moment.

This kind of happiness is not much worse than seeing Zhou Chun return successfully after forming the pill.

When Zhou Chun returned from forming the elixir, he truly consolidated the status of the Jin elixir family for the Zhou family and fulfilled Zhou Mingde's original wish when he rebuilt the Zhou family, leaving him with no regrets in his life.

Now that he has successfully formed the elixir, his life has been complete!

Nowadays, the power of the Zhou family is booming. Apart from the fact that the territory it owns and the spiritual land of the mountain gate are not as good as before, in terms of strength and potential, it is the strongest in the history of the Zhou family!

And he also achieved an achievement that he could not even imagine before, and successfully formed a golden elixir.

For Zhou Mingde, this is not a perfect life, what is a perfect life!

"Congratulations to the Supreme Elder on the success of the golden elixir. I wish the Supreme Elder endless blessings and longevity, and an everlasting immortality!"

Zhou Chun's figure suddenly appeared in the sky, with a smile on his face and congratulations to Zhou Mingde after he came out of seclusion.

Hearing his words, the other monks of the Zhou family in the mountain gate also came to their senses, and immediately bowed to the sky above Huanglong Peak and saluted, shouting in unison: "Congratulations to the Supreme Elder for your great success in the golden elixir, and I wish the Supreme Elder great success." May you have endless blessings and longevity, and may your immortality be evergreen!"

The shouts shook the whole mountain gate.

After such excitement, Zhou Mingde invited Zhou Chun to his cave to talk.

As soon as the two of them sat down in the cave, Zhou Mingde looked at Zhou Chun with emotion and sighed: "Zhengchun, I really want to thank you!"

"You not only fulfilled my lifelong wish, but also allowed me to accomplish things that I never dared to dream of!"

"If I were not your elder, today I should bow down to you and say thank you for your kindness in making me a better man!"

At the end, he showed his true feelings and his eyes were full of gratitude.

Only he knew in his heart how much help Zhou Chun had to help him successfully form the elixir this time.

The other few pill-forming spiritual objects are fine, but the [Holy Spirit Blood Pill] deserves to be the biggest contributor!

Without this magical elixir, no matter how bad his luck was, Zhou Mingde would have no chance of successfully forming the elixir!

Thanks to the help of this elixir and the extended life span after successfully forming the elixir, Zhou Mingde now looks dozens of years younger. All his original white hair has fallen off and black hair has regrown.

Now, he looks like a middle-aged man in the prime of his life, and his physical condition is as good as ever.

Facing Zhou Mingde, who was looking at him with gratitude, Zhou Chun replied humbly as always: "The Supreme Elder's words are serious. You have worked hard for the family all your life, worked hard and complained all your life. When you get old, you should enjoy the benefits of the younger generations. Filial piety, this junior is just doing his duty as a junior in the family within the scope of his ability!"

Having said this, he also looked at Zhou Mingde with a sincere face and said: "The fact that you were able to successfully form the elixir this time shows that you are on a path that goes beyond this, and that you are a person blessed by good fortune. It’s just the icing on the cake!”

Listening to his answer, Zhou Mingde was also amused. He couldn't help laughing and said: "Hahahaha, you kid is really good at talking. I almost believed it!"

Then he shook his head and said with a smile: "We are still one family and don't talk to each other. Zhengchun, I just need to keep these things you have done for me in my heart, and I will pay you back slowly in the future!"

After speaking, he seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly asked: "By the way, why don't you see Daoyou Lin and Dao Yi? Where have they gone?"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately told the story of Lin Hongyu and Zhou Daoyi's long trip. By the way, he also talked about the arrangements for Zhou Mingde's Golden Elixir Ceremony and the holding of a family meeting.

After listening to his story, Zhou Mingde immediately nodded and said, "Fellow Daoist Lin has indeed devoted a lot to the family over the years. Since she wants to travel far away, the family has no reason to stop her."

"There is also the gift for the Golden Elixir Ceremony. Zhengchun, you are very thoughtful. With the current momentum of our Zhou family, there is really no need to use this to make money or do things that ruin our reputation."

"As for the family meeting, I think it's very good. There are indeed some rules that should be revised!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Mingde also immediately discussed with Zhou Chun how to revise some family rules.

Now that Lin Hongyu and Zhou Daoyi are not here, and Zhou Daoquan has never worried about family affairs, the two of them have discussed such a major matter and can basically implement it.

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