Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 509 Thirty Foundation-Building Monks【Please subscribe】

On the second day after Zhou Mingde left the customs, the invitations for the Golden Elixir Ceremony that had been prepared were filled in with dates and sent to various forces and individuals.

Because it had been prepared for several years in advance, the Golden Elixir Ceremony was held three months after he left seclusion.

Just one month after he left seclusion, most of the Zhou family's foundation-building monks gathered at Tuyun Ridge to attend the family meeting.

At this time, the number of monks in the Zhou family's foundation-building stage alone has reached twenty-six!

Among them, the oldest foundation-building monk is Zhou Zhengyuan, who is over 230 years old and may pass away at any time, so he did not participate in today's family meeting.

The youngest foundation-building monk is named Zhou Simu, who is twenty-seven years old this year.

A twenty-seven-year-old monk of the "Si" generation, and not a monk with a high-grade spiritual root qualification, Zhou Simu is naturally a standard second-generation immortal.

His father was Zhou Xintie, the monk with the best weapon refining skills in the Zhou family. He had already reached the advanced stage of foundation building. He had previously exchanged his personal military exploits for a foundation building pill on the battlefield.

But he did not disappoint his father's expectations. He successfully established the foundation in one attempt and became the youngest foundation-building monk in the Zhou family.

At his age and with the support of his parents, as long as he doesn't die early, he will definitely have at least one chance to attack the Zi Mansion in the future!

This kind of thing is not an exception, there will be more in the future.

Zhou Chun himself has nothing against this kind of thing.

Because wherever there are people, this kind of thing is inevitable.

What he can do is to try his best to provide good training conditions for other ordinary tribesmen, so that they will not lag too far behind others in the initial stage.

If these ordinary tribesmen can succeed, it can only depend on their own luck!

Anyway, in the world of immortality, as long as they pass the spiritual root test, it is impossible for a true genius to be buried.

At this moment, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde were at the top, glancing at the Zhou family's Purple Mansion monks and Foundation Establishment monks who were gathered below. Each of them was in a rather complicated mood and was filled with emotion.

To this day, the Zhou family has a total of three golden elixir stage monks, namely Zhou Chun, Zhou Mingde, and Lin Hongyu.

There are six monks in the Zifu period, namely Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Daoquan, Lin Waner, Zhou Zhengyong, Zhou Xinlan, and Xu Fu.

There are as many as twenty-six foundation-building monks, namely: Zhou Zhengyuan, Zhou Zhengqing, Zhou Xindie, Zhou Xintie, Zhou Xinyan, Zhou Xinyi, Zhou Xinheng, Zhou Xintong, Zhou Xinchen, Zhou Sizhen, Zhou Siyu, Zhou Simiao, Zhou Sijun, Zhou Sihan, and Zhou Xinfu , Zhou Siming, Zhou Sipu, Zhou Yuanyuan, Zhou Yuanquan, Zhou Yuanbin, Zhou Yuanliang, Zhou Yuanxia, ​​Zhou Yuanping, Zhou Yuansheng, Zhou Yuanlian, Zhou Simu.

In addition, there are four foundation-building monks Zhang Liang, Liu Heng, Li Qi, and Lin Rongsheng who are driven by the control of the Zhou family.

Among them, Zhang Liang and Lin Rongsheng were both relatives who married into the Zhou family after establishing the foundation.

Li Qi, like Xu Fu and Liu Heng, succeeded in establishing the Yuan-Building Fruit foundation through meritorious service as a dead soldier of the Zhou family in the wilderness.

There are a total of sixteen Zhou family foundation-building monks present today, and the remaining ten have no time to come due to various reasons.

At this time, after carefully observing the elites of the Zhou family who were sitting upright, Zhou Chun, the clan leader, finally spoke.

"Every clan member has been notified in advance of the reason for summoning all clan members here today and is mentally prepared, so I won't go into details again."

"Now I announce that this family meeting has officially begun!"

Having said this, Zhou Chun glanced at Zhou Xinyi and said slowly: "Xinyi, please report the current situation of the family first!"

"Yes, junior, I obey."

Zhou Xinyi responded respectfully, then stood up, holding the documents in hand and began to report on the current personnel and material situation of the Zhou family.

"The Zhou family currently has three blessed places in Lingshan, namely Tuyun Ridge, Jiufeng Ridge, and Zhuye Island. Among them, Zhuye Island is the family enclave."

"The family currently has a total of 576 monks from our own clan and 148 monks from our relatives, including 26 foundation-building monks from our own clan and two from our relatives."

"At the same time, there are currently twenty-one second-level monsters registered in the family."

"Currently, there are thirteen species of rare monsters raised by the family, including the horn-winged snake, the cloud-walking dragon colt, the red-flame diamond monkey, the red-flamed dragon python, the wind-shadowed dragon snake, the one-horned dragon lizard, the red-eyed dragon vulture, and the dragon. Clawed monitor lizard, dragon-scaled horse, green-faced ghost ape, iron-feathered eagle, scented musk deer, and colorful pheasant!”

"Currently, the family raises eight species of rare monster insects, namely Black Armored Golden Feather, Flying Fire Scorpion, Blue Moon Butterfly, Carrion Moth, Jasper Spirit Bee, Golden-winged Black Bee, Azure Cloud Centipede, and Silver Silk Silkworm."

"Currently, the family has developed a total of 238 acres of medicinal fields, including a total of 1,586 elixirs that are over 200 years old, and a total of 1,758 elixirs that are over 100 years old. Plant."

"Currently, the family cultivates eleven kinds of rare spiritual trees, including Zhuyuan fruit tree, purple mulberry tree, snow jade pear, purple cloud apricot, jujube, and green tea tree."

"In addition, the family can now produce its own second-level magic talismans, its own foundation-building monks to take pills, its own second-level mid-level magic weapons, and its own advanced formations."

Zhou Xinyi's report was very detailed, and Zhou Chun and others listened attentively.

The Zhou family of today is no longer the Zhou family of the past.

When they first arrived in Jiufeng Ridge, the Zhou family was completely impoverished. Most of the monks who had been in the family for a few years knew what the family was like.

But now the Zhou family not only has a large number of members, but also has huge assets, and possesses countless spiritual objects.

Without looking at the information in his hands, even Zhou Xinyi, a monk who has been acting as the clan leader's affairs for a long time, would not be able to remember all the information.

Moreover, a lot of information is updated every year. Even if he remembers the previous data, it will be difficult to match the latest data.

Just from looking at these data, we can know how well the Zhou family has developed over the years.

Zhou Chun remembered that when he first arrived in Jiufeng Ridge, his family didn't have any rare spiritual beasts that he could handle.

The then patriarch Zhou Daoyi gave him a rock turtle egg, which made him smile with joy.

At that time, the family medicine fields had not yet been developed. After he returned to the family, he personally participated in the development and sowing of the medicine fields.

However, after nearly two hundred years of development, the Zhou family already has as many as thirteen species of rare monsters. I dare not say that each clan member can have one of these rare monsters. It can ensure that all outstanding clan members have one. This rare monster is not a big problem.

You must know that anything that can be called a population means that they have reproduced within the Zhou family and have the ability to reproduce future generations.

In fact, the Zhou family also has many other rare monsters that cannot form a population.

Let’s talk about those elixirs. The seeds of elixirs sown by Zhou Chun and his two generations back then have become elixirs that have not been picked yet.

As long as these elixirs are not moved, they will grow into elixirs that are more than five hundred years old in two to three hundred years.

By then, they will become a very valuable asset to the Zhou family!

The monks present all knew that the data reported by Zhou Xinyi today were actually reserved and were not the complete situation of the Zhou family.

There is no public data on the mines and Lingshan blessed land in the wilderness, as well as the servant monks trained by the Zhou family there.

These are the hidden powers of the Zhou family, and only the real top leaders of the family can know and master them.

At this moment, after listening to Zhou Xinyi's report, many Zhou family monks felt very uneasy in their hearts.

For example, monks such as Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun who had personally experienced the entire process from scratch felt a sense of satisfaction and pride in their hearts.

Because the current foundation of the Zhou family was built up bit by bit from scratch, and it is soaked in their sweat and blood.

They are like parents raising children, watching their children grow up day by day, and finally become a successful and successful person!

The satisfaction and pride of this kind of harvest are more joyful and satisfying than when they get a powerful magic weapon or some kind of precious spiritual object.

Unable to help themselves, Zhou Mingde, Zhou Chun and others all had smiles on their lips, sincerely happy for the Zhou family's current achievements.

Although those younger generation Zhou family foundation-building monks have not fully experienced the creation process of the Zhou family from scratch, they have also witnessed and participated in the great revival of the Zhou family, and they also have a sense of participation in it.

Now that they find out that the Zhou family's family fortune has become so strong and the family business is so prosperous, they are also excited and proud, and their hearts are full of pride.

They are proud to be Zhou family monks!

Although immortal cultivators are relatively selfish, humans are emotional animals after all. Many times, even those Nascent Soul cultivators who have lived for thousands of years will risk their lives to protect something for a certain emotion.

Just like the fallen Master Qingxiao, in order to protect the Taoist inheritance of Qinglian Temple, he could have lived for a few more years, but he chose to self-destruct his Nascent Soul and destroy the space transmission channel.

On the Zhou family's side, when the Zhou family monks are truly proud of their surname and bloodline, then when the family is in danger and the family needs them, most of them will be able to protect their hearts. Be proud and fight for your life!

For example, when the Jiang family, a cultivating family that was destroyed by the Zhou family, faced the crisis of destroying their family, there were still clansmen who were loyal to the family and dared to swing their swords at powerful enemies!

Therefore, when Zhou Chun saw the shining light in the eyes of the juniors below and the expressions on their faces, he couldn't help but nod his head, feeling even more satisfied and happy.

People’s hearts are available!

He sighed in his heart, his expression gradually calmed down, and he said in a calm tone: "After Xinyi's report just now, I think you all know the general situation of the family."

"It is no exaggeration to say that my Zhou family can now firmly occupy the position of the Jindan Family with this family background!"

“And these are accumulated through hard work and hard work by several generations of the family. They are precious assets that can be passed down to future generations!”

At this point, Zhou Chun paused slightly, and then said again: "But you should also know that if you sit back and eat everything, then one day the gold and silver mountains will be eaten up. If we are intoxicated with the achievements we have made in the past, we will lose everything." If you are enterprising and only satisfied with the status quo, then the wealth and prosperity in front of you will be like a passing cloud and will disappear soon!"

Hearing his words, the Zhou family monks sitting below were all frightened and quickly calmed down.

Then Zhou Chun continued: "The family's current wealth is indeed quite strong, but as you all know, the number of monks in the family has also increased many times, and the number of middle- and high-level monks has also increased significantly compared to before."

"To support so many family monks and to train them with the best, the financial resources required are not a small amount!"

"Especially as you all know that the prices in the entire Tianling Earth Realm are abnormal now. Many of the family's businesses have been affected and their income has dropped sharply."

"Up to now, the family's annual expenses have exceeded their income, and they are unable to make ends meet!"

When he said this, Zhou Chun's tone became much heavier.

And all the smiles on the faces of everyone in the hall have disappeared.

It is a simple and easy-to-understand truth that feelings cannot be eaten as food.

The youngest of the Zhou family monks who can be present here today is twenty-seven years old. No one will understand this truth.

They are boasting how prosperous the Zhou family is now. If they can't even pay out welfare offerings to the clan members, how can people really love and be loyal to the family!

No matter how loudly you shout slogans, it's still not as good as actually giving out money!

So after knowing that the Zhou family's finances were now unable to make ends meet, everyone realized the seriousness of the problem.

Zhou Chun also looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: "I have already informed you before, asking you to think about how to create income for the family. I wonder if you have any good ideas?"

"If you have any ideas, please feel free to speak out. No matter whether it is feasible or not, it can give me and others some reference!"

After hearing what he said, the scene fell into a brief silence.

Then I heard Zhou Xinlan say: "This junior believes that the family currently has a large number of people, but the spiritual land it occupies is small in comparison. If possible, we should open up new spiritual lands to divert the clan members, and at the same time, we can rent new spiritual lands. Gain income by cultivating the spiritual land and cultivating elixirs!”

As soon as these words came out, many Zhou family monks couldn't help but nod their heads, obviously agreeing with these words.

But Zhou Xinyi quickly shook his head and said: "It is certainly a good thing to open up a new spiritual land, but it is impossible for the new spiritual land to provide income for the family and solve the urgent needs!"

As he spoke, he explained: "Now Jingguo and even the surrounding countries have lost a large number of monks due to the war. Each stronghold is afraid that no one will come to practice, rather than being unable to free up space!"

After hearing his explanation, Zhou Xinlan fell silent, acquiescing to his statement.

But with Zhou Xinlan taking the initiative, others have nothing to worry about.

So Zhou Xinyan, one of the foundation-building monks, quickly said: "What about increasing the express delivery fee of 'Zhou Tong Tianxia'? The current express delivery fee is so low, I think the price should be increased by one-fifth or even one-third. It is feasible, and we can even try to launch express delivery business in other countries!"

He seemed to have done relevant investigations, and his tone was quite tough and confident now.

Zhou Xinyi nodded slightly at this time and said: "This method is not unfeasible. Nowadays, the prices of many things are increasing, and express delivery is a monopoly business of our family. Even if some people are dissatisfied with an appropriate price increase, they should not be able to afford it." The waves are coming.”

In fact, he had thought about this method and submitted it to Zhou Chun for instructions.

However, Zhou Chun did not rush to make a decision at that time, but asked him to wait until after the family meeting.

He also knew Zhou Chun's intention of doing this.

It is nothing more than wanting more senior family members to participate in making suggestions for the family, so as to prevent some kind of monologue within the family.

Although he didn't understand the meaning of Zhou Chun's actions, as a junior and subordinate, he just had to watch it honestly.

So not only did he not come out to grab the credit at this time, but he gave some support to Zhou Xinyan's suggestions.

Sure enough, after seeing that Zhou Xinyi thought there was no problem, most of the others nodded in agreement with Zhou Xinyan's suggestion.

This put a smile on Zhou Xinyan's face, and she felt a sense of satisfaction in being recognized.

This also stimulated the desire of other Zhou family monks to express themselves. Regardless of whether the suggestions could be recognized or not, they all put forward their own suggestions and opinions.

This is the effect Zhou Chun wants.

He didn't want to hold any kind of democratic symposium or democratic voting meeting. He just wanted to let these elite tribesmen who usually focus on cultivation have more contact with family management affairs and give them a sense of participation.

Perhaps people like Zhou Mingde would not understand the role of this sense of participation, but Zhou Chun understood how important it was.

When those clan members participate in the formulation of family rules and decision-making on family affairs, even if they only participate, they will wholeheartedly support the family.

Furthermore, those who will be responsible for the management of family affairs in the future of the Zhou family will have to be selected from among these people. Now, if they are allowed to participate more in the decision-making of major family affairs, their level can be better seen.

Such a thing that kills two birds with one stone, why not do it!

At this time, everyone worked together, and Zhou Chun and Zhou Xinyi came up with some good ideas. It can be regarded as a lot of ways to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

After discussing like this for a while, Zhou Chunyi waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's stop discussing how to generate income and save money for the family. Next, let's talk about the revision of family rules."

"Many of the family's rules now were made out of necessity to protect themselves when the family was weak. They can no longer keep up with the development of the family today. They will only seriously restrict the life and practice of the clan members and make them complain! "

"So it is urgent to revise the family rules. The sooner it is done, the better!"

After hearing what he said, the Zhou family monks in the hall suddenly looked serious.

In the Zhou family, family rules are law, so changing the family rules is like changing the law, and everyone understands its importance.

When facing such an important event, no matter how cautious you are!

But just when everyone was preparing to listen to Zhou Chun's explanation on how to revise the clan rules, they saw him suddenly change the subject and suddenly said: "Before talking about the clan rules that should be revised, I also discussed with the Supreme Elder here We discussed the matter of rearranging the status of the family monks within the family, and tentatively decided on a plan. Let’s see if you agree first.”

As soon as these words came out, many of the foundation-building monks suddenly changed their expressions slightly, as if they had realized something.

The Zifu period monks like Zhou Daoquan and Zhou Zhengyong were sitting on the Diaoyutai without changing their expressions.

Zhou Chun seemed to have not seen the changes in everyone's expressions.

Still minding his own business, he said: "In the past, the highest cultivation level monk in the family was the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde. Therefore, the rule was established that the monks in the Zifu Stage are the Supreme Elders and the monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage are the family elders."

"But now there are three Golden Core Stage monks in the family, as many as six Zifu Stage monks, and as many as 20 or 30 Foundation Establishment Stage monks. The previous rules are obviously unworkable and need to be reformed. That’s it!”

"Therefore, after discussion between me and Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde, it was decided that in the future, the standards for Supreme Elders will be raised to the Golden Core Stage, and the standards for elders will be raised to the Zifu Stage. The tribesmen in the Foundation Establishment Stage will be changed to core tribesmen, and the monks in the late Qi Refining Stage or Tribesmen who have excellent spiritual roots and are particularly talented in skills can be promoted to elite tribesmen at their own discretion, while the rest of the tribe are ordinary tribesmen!"

At this point, Zhou Chun did not look at the sharp changes in the expressions of the Foundation Establishment monks, and continued: "Of course, although the Foundation Establishment clan members no longer have the status of elders, their treatment cannot be completely in accordance with the treatment of the previous core clan members. Distribution, my opinion is to cut it by a quarter from the original basis!"

After hearing that their salary was only reduced by a quarter, the faces of those foundation-building monks looked better, but they still looked sad.

After all, Zhou Chun's plan gave them a severe blow whether it was face or dignity.

They had been enthusiastically discussing how to earn spiritual coins through open sources, but they never expected that the first blow to reduce expenditure would hit them!

But in fact, all knowledgeable Zhou family foundation-building monks know that this sword will come sooner or later!

After all, no Jindan family will have dozens of "elders"!

However, cutting their welfare contributions is something that some of them have not thought of.

But in fact, from Zhou Chun's point of view, most of these family foundation-building monks now succeeded in building foundations because of the family's credit.

If the family had not made it easier for them to obtain foundation-building pills, Yuan-building fruits and other spiritual objects in various ways, many of them would not have been able to successfully build foundations.

Including that their spiritual pets can be promoted to the second level, they also obtain related spiritual objects from their families in a relatively easy way.

Since their foundation-building process has brought so much glory to the family, it is time to cut back on some of their own welfare offerings in order to ease the financial pressure on the family.

What's more, even after reductions, their welfare offerings will not be much worse than those of foundation-building monks from other Jindan families.

And with their cultivation strength in the foundation-building period and the support of the Zhou family as a platform, as long as they are willing to put in a little effort, they can earn enough of the reduced welfare offerings in other areas.

"This is my preliminary plan. If you think there is anything wrong with it, you can raise it now."

When Zhou Chun said this, he glanced around the people in the hall indifferently and said nothing.

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