Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 510 Sacrifice is necessary [Please subscribe]

For or against, that is not the question.

In the Zhou family, Zhou Chun's current prestige can be said to be much higher than that of Zhou Mingde.

Perhaps the older generation of monks such as Zhou Daoquan and Zhou Zhengyong still have great respect for Zhou Mingde, the respected ancestor of the family, and are deeply influenced by him.

But in the hearts of the younger generation of Zhou family monks, they only recognize the patriarch Zhou Chun as the boss of the Zhou family!

They grew up listening to Zhou Chun's legendary deeds, and when they grew up, they witnessed Zhou Chun, the patriarch, lead the Zhou family to become bigger and stronger step by step, until it became the number one golden elixir family in Jingguo!

Yes, the number one golden elixir family in Jingguo!

After Zhou Mingde successfully formed the elixir, the Zhou family, which also has three golden elixir monks in the family, can already be called the number one golden elixir family in Jingguo according to the popular calculation in the world of immortality.

After all, except for the Zhou family, no other Golden Core family can have three Golden Core monks sitting in the family at the same time!

The importance of a Golden Core Stage monk cannot be compared to ten Zifu Stage monks, let alone a Foundation Establishment Stage monk!

Therefore, even though the Zhou family may not have completely surpassed some of the old Golden Elixir families in terms of the number of monks in the Purple Mansion Stage and the number of monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage, it can still be called the number one Golden Elixir family in Jingguo.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Chun, who single-handedly brought the Zhou family to this height, can only imagine how deep his prestige within the family is.

So at this time, although he said that he could raise his opinions, no monk from the Zhou family really dared to raise his opinions.

Everyone knows that if you really want to ask for their opinions on this matter, you won't directly tell them a prepared plan. You should discuss it with them first.

Now tell them the planned plan directly and ask them to make suggestions. Who among them would dare to make suggestions?

This is not how you seek death!

"This junior has no objections. This plan proposed by the patriarch is very practical and very suitable for today's family. This junior fully agrees with this plan!"

Soon, Zhou Xinyi, the trusted acting patriarch, was the first to express his approval, and his words were full of praise for Zhou Chun.

Damn it, let him beat you to it, you sycophant!

Some monks from the Zhou family were secretly annoyed at being overtaken by others, and then they all followed up and praised Zhou Chun's proposal.

They care more about the views of Zhou Chun, the pillar of the family, than the quarter of the welfare benefits that have been cut.

No one wants to leave a bad impression in front of the family pillar.

After all, if they want to open up Zifu in the future, they still have to find a way from the family.

Of course Zhou Chun had expected this result, so it was no surprise.

He is a dignified Golden Core monk, and sometimes there is no need to explain to others what he does!

Dictatorship is dictatorship!

At this time, he just nodded slightly and said: "Very good, since you don't have any opinions, let's implement this plan. We will discuss the standards for how to evaluate the elite clan members later!"

Then they talked about revising the family rules.

This revision of the family rules is mainly to revise some of the previous rules that restricted Zhou family monks from venturing out, as well as restrictions on family monks' marriage and joining the sect.

In the past, the Zhou family had just arrived and had just established their roots in Jiufeng Ridge. In order to avoid causing trouble and prevent the loss of clan members, they formulated some strong rules according to the current conditions.

Now those rules have done more harm than good to the Zhou family, and it's time to change them.

Therefore, at this family meeting, Zhou Chun proposed the abolition and modification of these relevant rules on behalf of the family, and discussed with other senior families to formulate new rules.

After some exchanges, the new clan rules were finally agreed upon.

According to the new clan rules, ordinary and elite members of the Zhou family no longer need to report to the clan leader when they go out during holidays. Only those who go out for more than three days on non-personal holidays need to report to the clan leader.

As for the core tribesmen with cultivation levels above the Foundation Establishment stage, they still have to make a special report and apply before they can go out.

In terms of tribesmen's marriage, the family has completely relaxed the control of tribesmen's marriages, allowing all tribesmen to freely decide on their own marriage matters. Whether it is marrying outside the family or even marrying into another family, the family has no control.

However, one thing worth noting is that marriages that are not approved by the family will no longer enjoy the family's special dowry subsidies and bride price subsidies.

That is to say, it used to be possible to marry out of another family and then receive a generous dowry from the family, but now it is difficult to do so.

After all, the Zhou family is now a Jindan family and no longer needs to build a network of relationships through marriages between ordinary clan members.

As for worshiping into sects, apart from the Qinglian Temple, which is prohibited from worshiping, members of the Zhou family can freely choose whether to worship into any other sects that normally exist in the world of heaven, spirit and earth.

But if you join the sect, don't think about the family's resources anymore, unless you can show value worthy of the family's investment!

Of course, if you join the Moon Lun Sect, the family will still give you some help. After all, the Zhou family is now a vassal family of the Moon Lun Sect, so even if you look good, you have to do something decent.

Finally, the subsidy measures adopted by the Zhou family to encourage family members to have children are now officially abolished.

Now the number of immortal cultivators in the Zhou family is large enough, and the number of mortals in the family has also increased a lot in two hundred years.

Nowadays, there are as many as seven or eight children with spiritual roots detected among ordinary children every year, and sometimes there are even as many as ten!

There is absolutely no need to implement a maternity subsidy system anymore.

The modification and abolition of these rules not only gave the Zhou family monks some freedom of choice, but also saved the family some expenses.

It can be said that it not only won the hearts of the people, but also saved money.

Therefore, when these new clan rules were revised, the Zhou family monks present, especially the younger generation of monks, strongly agreed.

After the rules were set, Zhou Chun asked everyone to discuss the criteria for judging the elite tribesmen.

According to Zhou Chun's opinion, the number of elite clan members should not exceed one-fifth of the total number of monks in the family's Qi refining period, which is more than a hundred people.

This number is not small, and many Zhou family monks have the opportunity to compete.

According to the unanimous decision of everyone, the dual identification standards of the inspection system and the assessment system will be implemented for the elite tribesmen.

If a tribesman reaches the late stage of Qi refining, his character and achievements are highly praised and recognized by the family elders, and five core tribesmen or one elder is willing to recommend him to become an elite tribesman, then he can become an elite tribesman. .

Each core tribesman and elder can only use the power to recommend others to become core tribesmen once every three years.

The assessment system is simple. Zhou family monks who feel they are qualified to become an elite clan member can apply to the family for assessment. The assessment is divided into practical assessment and technical assessment. If you pass the assessment, you can become an elite clan member!

When the number of elite tribesmen reaches the upper limit, other ordinary tribesmen can challenge the elite tribesmen to seize each other's elite status.

Compared with ordinary tribesmen, elite tribesmen have priority in redeeming foundation-building spiritual items, the right to practice a variety of precious secret techniques, more holidays, and their own treatment will be higher than that of ordinary tribesmen!

It is foreseeable that the monks in the Qi Refining Stage of the Zhou family will fight for their lives in order to compete for the status of elite clan members.

After discussing all major matters in this way, Zhou Chun announced the adjournment of the meeting.

Subsequently, regarding the revision of the clan rules and the rules for determining the status of clan members, clan members in various parts of the family were quickly notified in the form of official announcements.

In less than a month, even the monks of the Zhou family who were adventurously traveling outside knew these things as long as they were still in Jingguo.

As Zhou Chun expected, these revised new clan rules quickly gained support from the clan members, who all praised his sage.

As for the subsequent rearrangement of family status, although some monks who were originally determined to be elite clan members complained secretly, on the surface everyone supported this fair and just selection method.

However, the actual recommendation and assessment cannot be carried out yet, because Zhou Mingde’s Golden Elixir Ceremony will be held soon.

At dawn this day, twenty-four bells rang out one after another in Tuyun Ridge.

The monks of the Zhou family, who had already experienced it once, immediately took their places after the sound of the bell and entertained the guests who came to congratulate them.

In just ten years, two golden elixir ceremonies were held in succession, which greatly delighted many low-level casual cultivators in Lingzhou, Lanzhou, Yunzhou, Cangzhou and other places.

Because the Dragon Fish Banquet at the last Golden Elixir Ceremony was so famous, the number of casual cultivators who came to eat and drink this time was much larger than last time.

Fortunately, the Zhou family took a long time to prepare this time, and made sufficient preparations for the food and drink for the low-level monks, so they did not care about the little money they spent on food and drink.

And I don’t know if it’s because Zhou Mingde’s influence has further expanded after Zhou Mingde formed the elixir, or because he knows that he doesn’t have to give generous gifts this time, or because he is simply a man of the golden elixir period who only successfully formed the elixir when he was 450 or 60 years old. The monk was curious.

The number of golden elixir monks who came to attend Zhou Mingde's golden elixir ceremony this time was actually as many as sixteen, and several of them came uninvited!

Regarding this situation, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde are both happy to see the outcome and welcome it.

They did not disappoint these golden elixir stage monks who came. Although the [Bibo Heart Cleansing Tea] could not be provided, the meat of the colorful arowana was still brought out to entertain these distinguished guests.

This golden elixir ceremony lasted for several days, and finally ended with the guests and hosts having a great time.

After the Golden Elixir Ceremony was over, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde also had an in-depth conversation in Zhou Chun's cave.

"I can successfully form elixirs. This life is considered complete. My personal practice is no longer important. Therefore, I plan to study the art of weapon refining for the rest of my life. In the future, whether it is to leave more magic weapons for the family as a legacy, or to use Golden elixir true fire training gold essence, iron essence and other magical materials can provide some help to you Zhengchun and other golden elixir monks from other families in the future."

"There are also family affairs. If you, Zhengchun, don't have time to worry about it in the future, I can take care of it for you, so you don't need to spend any more energy on it."

"In short, even if the family can no longer provide any support for your cultivation path, it must not become a burden that hinders your cultivation!"

In Zhou Chun Cave Mansion, Zhou Mingde stared at him with a serious face and expressed his thoughts after long consideration.

As the founder of the current Zhou family, Zhou Mingde also deeply understands one thing, that is, if a family wants to continue to grow and develop, someone must sacrifice their own path.

Because he understood this, he didn't dare to dream about forming pills before, and he only thought about how to grow his family, even if it delayed his cultivation time.

Because of this, he won the respect and respect of Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Daoquan, Zhou Chun and other descendants, and won the love of his tribe.

But he also knows in his heart that not everyone can do this kind of sacrifice for the development and growth of the family.

This is especially true for those monks who have a long road ahead and are expected to go further.

And Zhou Chun, who has successfully formed elixirs in his early two hundred years, is undoubtedly the kind of monk who has a long way to go and is expected to reach the Nascent Soul stage!

If Zhou Chun continues to be distracted from family affairs and uses his energy to support the development of the family, it will certainly be of great help to the family, and I believe he himself will not particularly care about this.

But after two or three hundred years passed, Zhou Chun found that because he was distracted from taking care of his family, his progress in cultivation was not as good as expected, and he might even lose hope of reaching the Nascent Soul stage.

At that time, no matter how deeply Zhou Chun feels about his family, he will inevitably feel resentful, or even directly cut off from the family, leaving the family to concentrate on pursuing the Yuanying Avenue!

If that happens, the Zhou family's losses will be much greater than what they get now.

And this kind of example is not unheard of in the world of immortality, it is even somewhat common!

If Zhou Mingde did not succeed in forming the elixir, even if he saw this, there would be no good solution.

After all, as the only golden elixir-level monk of the Zhou family at that time, Zhou Chun inevitably had to devote his energy to worrying about family affairs, including giving lectures and teachings to the younger family monks and answering their questions about practice.

But now that he has successfully formed the elixir, his lifespan has been greatly extended, and he still has at least five hundred years left to live.

In this way, he could completely replace Zhou Chun's distractions.

Anyway, given his situation, there is no possibility of conceiving a baby at all, so there is no problem at all in sacrificing some time for cultivation.

So after thinking about it for a long time, he chose this time to talk to Zhou Chun about these things.

Zhou Chun also didn't expect that when Zhou Mingde said he had something to discuss with him, it would be this matter.

After Zhou Mingde finished speaking, he was stunned.

Then he looked at Zhou Mingde with a complicated expression, his throat was surging, he didn't know what to say for a moment, and he was extremely moved in his heart.

I saw him brewing in his heart for a while before he said affectionately: "I have never felt that my family is a burden to me!"

"I have always been grateful to you and your family for taking care of and helping me when I was in low cultivation. I have always liked the atmosphere of mutual help among the family members, and I have always been proud to be a member of the Zhou family. !”

"Although my family is indeed no longer able to give me much support in terms of cultivation resources, the help it has given me in other aspects still exists. I have never thought about leaving the family."

These were not humble words, but words from his heart.

Just like what he said, although the Zhou family can no longer provide him with any training resources, he does not have to pay rent in the cave within the family, and he can also receive high benefits from the Zhou family every year.

In addition, whatever materials and information he wants to collect now, hundreds of monks from the entire Zhou family will serve him.

Even the food for his spiritual pets was provided by the Zhou family.

These conveniences are difficult for a casual cultivator to have.

And if you join a certain sect, you can enjoy these conveniences, but once you enjoy these conveniences, don't you have to do things for those sects?

In this case, it is better to stay in the Zhou family and be respected as the ancestor!

Zhou Mingde could naturally tell whether Zhou Chun's words were true or false, and he nodded with relief and said: "Yes, I believe that with Zhengchun's feelings for the family, it is impossible for you to break away from the family."

After saying that, he changed the subject and said, "But families and tribesmen should be mutually successful."

"Now that you have brought the family to an unprecedented level of prosperity, but the family is now helping you less and less. Whether it is for the sake of your path or the long-term interests of the family, you should no longer Spend more energy on family matters!"

His words were so straightforward. If Zhou Chun continued to push the envelope, he would be a little ignorant.

At that moment, he saluted him with a solemn expression and said: "Junior has learned the lesson. No matter what my future achievements are, you will always be the elder I respect most, and the Zhou family will always be my home!"

"Okay, okay, with your words, I am satisfied!"

Zhou Mingde cheered repeatedly and helped him up with joy.

After determining their respective tasks in this way, in the days to come, Zhou Mingde began to take care of family affairs instead of Zhou Chun.

However, Zhou Chun still wore the title of clan leader and did not take it off.

That is, in the third month after the Zhou Mingde Golden Elixir Ceremony, Zhou Zhengyuan, the highest-ranking monk in the "Zheng" generation of the Zhou family, passed away.

Although Zhou Zhengyuan had never fought for his family on the battlefield in his life, he had devoted his whole life to serving his family's alchemy, which could be regarded as a great achievement for his hard work.

Therefore, his posthumous affairs were treated at the same level as Zhou Jiapeng who had passed away before. The whole family paid tribute to the deceased family minister for three days.

"Now that Sixth Brother is gone, among the family's contemporaries, the only Thirteenth Brother and you are actually the only ones left!"

Where the Zhou family tomb is located, Zhou Zhengyong and Zhou Chun stood together in front of the newly buried tomb of Zhou Zhengyuan. They both looked at the newly piled tombs in front of them, feeling a little melancholy.

Then I heard Zhou Zhengyong murmur: "Among all the clan members of the same generation, Thirteenth Brother, you and I were not the most qualified. Unexpectedly, it is you and me who have gone the furthest and survived to the end!"

The people of the same generation he mentioned obviously only refer to the group of people who were born before the Zhou family came to Jiufeng Ridge.

A tribesman like Zhou Zhengqing, although he was of the same generation as them, was actually twenty or thirty years older than them, so he could not be considered a real tribesman of their generation!

After listening to Zhou Zhengyong's words, Zhou Chun also sighed with a sigh on his face: "Yes, who could have thought at that time that in the end, the ones who would achieve the most among our peers would be you and me, Brother Yong!"

As he spoke, names and faces flashed through Zhou Chun's mind one by one.

Zhou Zhengkang, Zhou Zhengtao, Zhou Zhengjie...

In the Zhou family back then, these peers competed with Zhou Chun, hoping that they could get support from the family and thus build a successful foundation.

In the end, Zhou Chun had the last laugh and became the one who received unanimous praise and support from the elders.

And Zhou Chun did not disappoint the expectations of those elders, and successfully brought the Zhou family to an unprecedented height. He was worthy of the efforts and expectations of those elders!

"That's different. Thirteenth brother, you were able to form the golden elixir all because of your own ability. I am able to survive today only because of your blessing!"

Zhou Zhengyong shook his head slightly and spoke his mind with a look of deep emotion.

He knew very well that he, whose qualifications were not outstanding among his peers, was able to reach this stage today because he established a good friendship with Zhou Chun before he became famous and was supported and cared for by Zhou Chun.

Otherwise, he would be like his long-dead contemporaries, who would have passed away long ago because they could not successfully build the foundation.

"Luck is also a kind of strength. Brother Yong, the fact that you can reach this day is enough to explain a lot of things. Why belittle yourself!"

Zhou Chun shook his head slightly and comforted Zhou Zhengyong softly.

But Zhou Zhengyong moved his lips, and finally just sighed lightly and said no more words.

In this way, after the two of them paid homage to Zhou Zhengyuan's tomb, they left together.

Just one month after Zhou Jiapeng passed away, the second [Xuanxin Purple Return Pill] that the Zhou family had exchanged was also distributed.

Since this elixir had been promised to Zhou Zhengqing a long time ago, Zhou Chun personally handed it into his hands after the elixir was distributed.

And Zhou Zhengqing, who was already quite old, quickly went into seclusion after getting the elixir.

However, Zhou Chun did not stay in the family and wait for the results of Zhou Zhengqing's retreat. Instead, after making an explanation with Zhou Mingde, he quietly went to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

When going to the Great Zhou Kingdom this time, Zhou Chun must find Luo Qingni to refine the [Ancient Chen Pill] and the Foundation Establishment Pill. At the same time, he must urge Sun Yuanjing to speed up the collection of [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi], even if it means adding money. No matter what!

In addition, he also wanted to buy and exchange materials for Zhou Mingde to refine his natal magic weapon, and he needed to collect the few remaining materials for his own natal magic weapon.

In order to achieve these goals, Zhou Chun brought all the precious spiritual objects collected by himself and the Zhou family with him this time, as well as a large number of spiritual coins.

He has made sufficient preparations and is determined to complete the "recasting of the Broken Cauldron" and refine the natal magic weapon in the Great Zhou Kingdom in one go, and then return to Jingguo in the strongest state to face the changes in Qinglian Temple.

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