Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 512 Millions of Spiritual Coins [Added update for leader Kyo1027]

The goal of accelerating the collection of [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi] was achieved, which made Zhou Chun feel relieved.

This was the most urgent thing he had to do when he came to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

As long as this thing is done, everything else will be easy to talk about.

In order to thank Sun Yuanjing for his help, and also to let him work harder to help him collect [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi] in the next time.

Zhou Chun specially sold a batch of precious spiritual objects brought over to Tianbao Pavilion.

These spiritual objects include precious things such as the fragrant scent of the fragrant musk deer, as well as rare treasures from the waters of Longyuanze, and specialties such as the Zhou family's honey flower tea elixir.

For shops like Tianbao Pavilion, if they do too high-end business, the help to their shops is actually not as great as some mid- to low-end businesses.

For example, the large quantities of spiritual objects that Zhou Chun is now selling to them are all treasures that are difficult to buy in other stores, and are suitable for all levels of Qi refining, foundation building, and Zifu.

If Tianbao Pavilion can sell these spiritual objects on the shelves and publicize them widely, it will definitely attract a lot of customer traffic, thereby driving the sales of other items.

As far as Zhou Chun knows, many big stores do this. They will launch some new spiritual products every once in a while to attract popularity and maintain their reputation and industry status.

Otherwise, if there is no innovation, and it is not a monopoly business, no matter how famous the store is, it will gradually decline.

Sun Yuanjing was also very satisfied with the spiritual objects sold by Zhou Chun, and he was happy to accept his reward, and the transaction price he gave was not low.

And he also vowed afterwards that he would be able to help Zhou Chun collect all the remaining [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi] within three years.

After making a deal that satisfied both parties, Zhou Chun went to Xiandufang City again to prepare to participate in the big auction.

When Zhou Chun first came to the Great Zhou Kingdom, he went to Xiandufang City to participate in a once-in-a-century auction.

But at that time, he was basically a spectator. Even though he had more than 200,000 spiritual coins, he didn't buy anything.

Now, more than a hundred years have passed since I participated in the big auction. The once-in-a-century big auction in Xiandufang City has begun again.

This time Zhou Chun came prepared, with millions of dollars in his pocket, vowing to make a difference in this big auction!

Unlike the last time I attended the big auction, several people crowded into a small private room and spent 5,000 spirit coins to purchase admission tickets.

This time, after Zhou Chun participated in the auction as a Golden Core monk, he was directly assigned to a private room for free. There was even a maid with a Foundation Establishment level in the private room to help him bid.

But the same thing is that the person hosting the auction this time is still a female cultivator, with the same charming appearance and temperament that can easily arouse male desire.

Zhou Chun had no interest in the treasures that appeared in front of the auction and just looked at them indifferently.

It wasn't until the second half of the auction that those items worthy of the Golden Core stage monks like them were brought out.

On the auction stage, the auctioneer opened the jade box, and a talisman emitting a hazy white light appeared in the sight of the cultivators, and then introduced the origin of this object.

"A fourth-level low-grade talisman [Thousand Fantasy Cloud Sea Talisman], a rare talisman hand-drawn by a fourth-level talisman master. This talisman is a rare psychedelic talisman that traps enemies. Once used, it will bloom. The enemy is besieged by a thousand-acre sea of ​​clouds, and it will take a lot of time for the early Golden Elixir monks to escape from the trap after being trapped in the sea of ​​clouds!"

"The starting price for this talisman is 50,000 spirit coins, and each increase in price must not be less than 500 spirit coins!"

It turned out to be a rare enemy-trapping talisman.

Zhou Chun's eyes lit up and he became interested.

For Golden Core Stage monks, those offensive and defensive talismans are actually not particularly useful in battles with monks of the same level.

Because the spells released by the magic talisman are much weaker than the fourth-level spells cast by the golden elixir monks themselves, it is difficult to break through the magic weapon defense of monks of the same level.

However, auxiliary spells such as trapping enemies and escape techniques are quite useful.

Like this [Thousand Illusionary Cloud Sea Talisman], even if it can only trap an early Jindan monk for more than ten breaths, it is enough to give him a lot of initiative in the battle.

At this time, Zhou Chun looked at the slowly rising bid and gave bidding instructions to the maid in the private room.

"The price for private room No. 37 is 71,000 spiritual coins. Is there any higher price?"

"Okay, I'll bid you 73,000 spiritual coins in private room No. 24!"

"Seventy-five thousand spirit coins. Private room No. 31 offers 75,000 spirit coins. Is there anything higher?"

On the auction stage, the auctioneer kept reporting high bids one after another with a smile on his face, refreshing the bidding record for this item, and his voice was full of passion.

After Zhou Chun made several bids, he gave up the idea.

It's not that he can't afford it, but he doesn't think it's necessary to buy something at a high price that he doesn't know when he will use it.

It is true that he has money, but the money should be spent on things that are urgently needed now.

In the end, the [Thousand Fantasy Cloud Sea Talisman] was bought at a high price of 95,000 spiritual coins.

Then, a series of powerful fourth-level talismans were put up for bidding. Zhou Chun also took action several times, but in the end he did not choose to win because he felt it was not worth it.

He had just successfully formed the elixir, and even though he had millions of dollars, he still couldn't afford to spend 80,000 or 90,000 spiritual coins to buy a magic talisman that was not necessary.

Just like a person who has been frugal since childhood, even if his salary after work is very good and much higher than that of his peers, he will not be used to spending money lavishly at first.

There has to be an adaptation process!

"A piece of magic weapon and spiritual material [Fire Essence Copper] weighs sixty-five kilograms and four taels. The starting price is 100,000 spiritual coins. Each increase in price must not be less than 1,000 spiritual coins!"

Suddenly, another treasure that Zhou Chun was interested in was taken out by the auctioneer.

It was a yellow-red copper ingot about a foot long, exuding pure fire-attribute spiritual power.

Compared with the [Flame Heart Iron] Zhou Chun bought before, this piece of [Fire Essence Copper] is more precious and more suitable for the core material of Zhou Mingde's natal magic weapon.

Therefore, he quickly became determined to obtain this thing.

"150,000 spirit coins. Private room No. 37 offers 150,000 spirit coins. Is there a higher price?"

"The price has been increased again. The price for private room No. 37 is 182,000 spiritual coins!"

"One time for two hundred and thirty-five thousand spiritual coins, two hundred and thirty-five thousand spiritual coins for the second time... the transaction was completed. Congratulations to Room No. 37 for obtaining the ownership of this [Fire Crystal Copper]!"

When the auctioneer shouted the word "deal", Zhou Chun also breathed a sigh of relief.

Except for special cases like him, most monks who have just formed elixirs will not spend more than one million spiritual coins in total on refining their natal magic weapons.

Generally, after collecting several suitable magic weapons and spiritual materials, you will start to refine the natal magic weapon.

After all, the special nature of the natal magic weapon makes it possible to slowly improve it later.

And the first day you can possess the natal magic weapon, the first day you can stabilize your status as a golden elixir stage monk!

So now that he had bought two materials for Zhou Mingde, he only needed to buy one or two more.

In Zhou Mingde's situation, using too many high-grade materials to refine the natal magic weapon may not be a good thing.

[Fire Essence Copper] After that, the auctioneer took out several magic weapons and spiritual materials for auction. Because there were none that he and Zhou Mingde needed, Zhou Chun did not take action.

It wasn't until another item was brought out by the auctioneer that it caught his attention.

"The next treasure is quite special. It is a fragment of a powerful magic weapon. After appraisal by this auction house, the fragment contains a large amount of high-quality iron essence. If the iron essence can be stripped out using the secret art of refining, At least we can get more than ten kilograms of iron essence!"

"The base price of this item is 50,000 spirit coins. Each increase in price must not be less than 500 spirit coins. Interested fellow Taoists and seniors can bid!"

As the auctioneer on the stage was talking, he took out a broken blade similar to a sword and placed it in front of him for people to see.

This remnant blade only has about one-third of its body left, and the whole body is gray-black. Even though it is just a fragment now, it still exudes a sharp and attractive aura.

"If this object is complete, it must be at least a top-grade magic weapon, or even a top-grade magic weapon!"

Zhou Chun was secretly surprised and immediately asked the maid to join the bidding.

"Iron Essence" is also a very good magical material. When blended into magic weapons such as swords, it can increase the sharpness attribute. When blended into other magic weapons, it can also increase the solidity attribute.

The natal magic weapon that Zhou Chun wants to refine, the Wanhua Golden Cauldron, is very special. It can smelt various rare spiritual gold materials and extract their essence to enhance the power of the magic weapon.

Therefore, for him, the more materials like "gold essence" and "iron essence", the better.

As for how to peel off the "iron essence" from the remnant blade, it is actually very simple. After he refines the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron], he can easily do this with the help of the magical power of this natal magic weapon. matter.

But there are obviously not many monks who can peel off the "Iron Essence" like him, so the competition for the Broken Blade is not that fierce.

In the end, Zhou Chun only paid 167,000 spiritual coins and won the auction.

If he could really peel off more than ten kilograms of "iron essence" by then, he would have made a big mistake!

With several harvests in this way, Zhou Chun became even more looking forward to the remaining treasures.

After a few more treasures passed by, the auctioneer quickly took out another treasure that moved Zhou Chun's heart.

"A piece of rare spiritual wood [Soul-nurturing Wood], seven feet and six inches long, can be used to make more than fifty soul tablets. It can also be used to nourish the soul of a monk. It can keep the soul immortal for a hundred years, and can also be used to refine defensive gods. A magical weapon that knows how to attack!"

On the auction stage, the auctioneer raised his hand and touched the storage bag on his waist, and a long jade box appeared in his hand. When the lid of the box was opened, a section of purple-black strange wood that was more than seven feet long was revealed inside.

The color of this wood is black, the bark is as smooth as cinnamon bark, and there are circles of lavender spiritual lines.

"[Soul-nurturing Wood], the starting price is 200,000 spirit coins for a section, and each increase in price must not be less than 1,000 spirit coins!"

Just when Zhou Chun was carefully looking at the piece of [Soul-nurturing Wood], the auctioneer started bidding in a high-pitched voice.

There were obviously many monks interested in this [Soul-nurturing Wood], and soon the auctioneer shouted out high prices one after another.

Zhou Chun was also very excited about this thing.

Although the Zhou family can now be said to be the number one golden elixir family in Jingguo, no one, including their three golden elixir stage monks, has left a "birth soul card" in the family.

It's not that they are unwilling to do this, nor that they don't have the skills, but because they lack the materials to refine the "Born Soul Card".

If we can capture the [Soul-nurturing Wood] now, in the future, all of the Zhou family’s Golden Core Stage monks and Purple Mansion Stage monks will be able to leave a “Birth Soul Card” in the family, and even some important ones. All monks in the foundation-building stage can have a "natal soul card".

As for using the [Soul-nurturing Wood] to refine magic weapons, that's just the auctioneer's words to trick others into bidding for this item.

In fact, most of the weapon refining masters do not have the ability to refine [Soul-nurturing Wood] into a magic weapon that can defend against spiritual attacks, let alone a magic weapon!

Otherwise, the magical weapons that can defend against spiritual attacks in the world of immortality would not be so rare, and Zhou Chun would not have to work hard to practice the secret technique of "Heart Lotus Zhengfa".

And as many monks competed to bid, the price of [Soul-nurturing Wood] also increased, and soon doubled, exceeding 400,000 spirit coins!

"Forty-three-five thousand spiritual coins, is there anyone who bids higher than the price for private room No. 37?"

"For the second time of 435,000 spiritual coins, is it true that no one bids higher?"

"The third transaction of 435,000 spirit coins is completed! Congratulations to Room 37 for obtaining this [Soul-nurturing Wood]!"

When the auctioneer finally announced the transaction price, Zhou Chun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If the price were any higher, he would be ready to give up!

After taking pictures of three precious treasures in succession, most of the spiritual coins in his hand were gone, and he no longer planned to take action.

From then on, Zhou Chun watched the treasures being auctioned for various high prices without ever taking action again.

Finally, when the finale came on stage, Zhou Chun was also a little surprised.

Because the last three treasures in this auction actually include two magic weapons and a set of pill-forming spiritual objects.

Unfortunately, even that set of pill-forming spiritual objects ended up being sold for a sky-high price of one million spiritual coins, and Zhou Chun could only watch.

After the auction ended, Zhou Chun's bid for [Fire Essence Copper], Magical Treasure Broken Blade, and [Soul-nurturing Wood] were all delivered to his private room by a Golden Core monk, who then took away the 830,000 he delivered. Seven thousand spiritual coins!

At this time, Zhou Chun only had 330,000 spiritual coins left on his body.

"Sure enough, after reaching the golden elixir stage, the spiritual coins can't help but be spent!"

Looking at his shriveled storage bag, Zhou Chun couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, put away the three spiritual objects and left the auction house.

It is easy for Golden Core monks to earn spiritual coins, but spending money is obviously faster.

Zhou Chun is not an alchemy master like Luo Qingni, who can continuously earn a large amount of spiritual coins with his superb skills.

He is able to have a net worth of millions purely because of his previous war fortune.

Now unless he becomes a tribulation cultivator, it will be really difficult for him to restore his net worth to one million levels.

After all, he has dealt with almost all the mid- to low-end spiritual objects that he can handle now.

Although there are still many treasures left, they are all things that may be used in the future and cannot be exchanged for spiritual coins easily.

From this point of view, if he wants to obtain a large amount of spiritual coins in the future, he will have to start from his family.

After participating in the big auction in Xiandu Fang City, Zhou Chun did not stay in this city and quickly returned to Tianyuan Fairy City.

After returning to Tianyuan Immortal City, Zhou Chun sent a messenger talisman to Luo Qingni, but received no response, which told him that the other party should still be refining elixirs.

So after hesitating for a while, he rented a cave and paid the rent for five years at a time.

The risk of "recasting the broken cauldron" is very high, especially if it cannot be disturbed.

Although the Zhou family's mountain gate can be considered a safe place, the Zhou family also has enemies.

Therefore, Zhou Chun prefers to complete this step here in Tianyuan Immortal City.

At least in Tianyuan Immortal City, unless the Nascent Soul Stage monks come to cause trouble in person, they will not disturb the people in retreat inside.

After practicing in the cave for two months, Zhou Chun received a message from Luo Qingni, asking him to go over and receive the refined elixir.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou clearly knows that [Guchen Pill] Qingni has not been refined many times, and the difficulty is not that small. Only six pills were produced this time, and they still have the light of the alchemy furnace."

"As for the Foundation Establishment Pills, they all worked well this time. A total of fifty-five pills were refined in the first six furnaces. However, in the last four furnaces, only six pills were made into pills due to the poor efficacy of the main materials in the last four furnaces, for a total of sixty-one pills. !”

In "Qingni Residence", facing the visiting Zhou Chun, Luo Qingni did not say much and directly told the results of the alchemy refining in seclusion.

As she spoke, she also took out all the elixirs and handed them to Zhou Chun.

But Zhou Chun was in a daze at this time.

It wasn't until Luo Qingni took out all the pill bottles containing the pills and handed them to him that he looked at Luo Qingni with surprise and said, "Fellow Daoist Luo, you just said, how many Foundation Establishment Pills are there in total? It's sixty-one, right?" "

"Yes, there are a total of sixty-one Foundation Establishment Pills, all of which are here."

Luo Qingni looked at Zhou Chun strangely, nodded and admitted.

Of course she, a casual cultivator in the golden elixir stage, cannot understand the thoughts of a family golden elixir cultivator like Zhou Chun.

In her eyes, sixty-one Foundation Establishment Pills were a huge amount of wealth, but that was all.

After all, apart from selling this thing for spiritual coins, she has no use at all.

But to Zhou Chun, so many Foundation Establishment Pills represent dozens of Foundation Establishment Stage monks!

Even if three Foundation Establishment Pills are successful for one person, it can add twenty Foundation Establishment Stage monks to the Zhou family!

There was a time when the Zhou family had to spend all their money in order to buy one or two Foundation Establishment Pills!

Zhou Chun thought of this and couldn't help but thank Luo Qingni repeatedly: "Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Luo. Being able to meet you, Fellow Daoist Luo, is Zhou's blessing and the Zhou family's blessing. You are really a great benefactor to Zhou and the Zhou family!"

Counting the twenty-five Foundation-Building Pills that Luo Qingni had previously refined, Luo Qingni had provided the Zhou family with eighty-six Foundation-Building Pills!

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a great benefactor of the Zhou family!

However, Luo Qingni was obviously confused by Zhou Chun's sudden thank you. She was stunned for a while before she understood what he meant. At that moment, she couldn't help but shook her head and said: "Fellow Daoist Zhou is too polite. Qingni is just entrusted by others. He is a loyal person." It’s nothing more than a matter of fact, but I don’t deserve to be called a great benefactor like you!”

After saying that, he couldn't help but sigh: "And Qing Ni should also thank fellow Taoist. The [Bibo Heart Cleansing Tea] sent by fellow Taoist is extraordinary. Speaking of which, Qing Ni took advantage of this transaction!"

At that time, she didn't pay attention to Zhou Chun's statement that it could increase spiritual consciousness, because many types of spiritual tea also had such effects, but those spiritual teas really only increased the spiritual consciousness a little.

However, the continuous consumption of [Bibo Heart Cleansing Tea] obviously increases the consciousness by more than a little.

As a golden elixir stage monk, she knows very well how precious and rare this kind of spiritual object that can increase spiritual awareness is.

"Hahaha, if fellow Taoist Luo likes it, next time Zhou has a chance to get this kind of spiritual tea, he will definitely give some more to fellow Taoist Luo!"

Zhou Chun came back from his excitement, couldn't help but laugh, and made a promise with a smile.

[Bibo Heart-Cleaning Tea] is produced in the medicine garden on the secret island, and the jade talisman for entering and leaving the secret island is now in his hand. The Zhou family will definitely send people into it to collect this kind of spiritual tea in the future.

Luo Qingni didn't know this. After hearing this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately laughed and said: "Then Qingni will not be polite to fellow Taoist Zhou. Qingni will note this down."

The two chatted and laughed, and the atmosphere suddenly became much more relaxed.

After talking and laughing like this for a while, Zhou Chuncai got down to business again: "Last time, Fellow Daoist Luo talked about exchanging [Soul Heart Fruit] for spiritual elixirs. Zhou has also considered it. Please ask Fellow Daoist Luo to help exchange this matter. Zhou Don’t show up anymore!”

Hearing his words, Luo Qingni immediately nodded and said, "This is a small matter. Qingni will definitely handle it for Fellow Daoist Zhou soon."

"Then Zhou thanked fellow Taoist first."

As Zhou Chun spoke, he took out two [Soul Heart Fruits] and handed them to Luo Qingni.

He then exchanged his experiences with Luo Qingni and returned to his cave alone.

After returning to the cave, the first thing Zhou Chun did was to call out the golden armored mountain turtle and stone.

Then he looked at the beloved pet in front of him and said: "Shitou, what I promised you back then will be fulfilled today. I will let you taste the first soup of [Guchen Pill] first and see how it works!"

Hearing his words, Jin Jia Bearing Mountain Turtle Shitou's eyes suddenly lit up, showing a look of joy, and he hurriedly rubbed his head against his thigh.

Then Zhou Chun poured out the elixir bottle and poured out a reddish-brown elixir that exuded a fragrant aroma.

Perhaps because it was given to monsters, this elixir was very large, almost the size of an egg.

As soon as the elixir was taken out, the aroma made Shitou couldn't help but open his mouth.

"for you!"

Zhou Chun raised his hand and threw it, and the elixir turned into a parabola and sank into the stone's mouth.

Then because the power of the elixir began to be released, Shitou had to concentrate on entering a state of practice to digest the power of the medicine, and had no time to play with Zhou Chun.

It took almost three months for the stone to completely digest the medicinal power of the [Ancient Dust Pill].

Judging from his feedback, the medicinal power of one [Guchen Pill] is at least worth the results of ten years of practice!

Under normal circumstances, it might take hundreds of years for the stone to break through to a third-level high-grade monster.

After all, monsters like the Golden-armored Mountain Turtle grow much slower than monsters like the Thunder Dragon because of their long life span.

But if Zhou Chun takes all six [Guchen Pills] to it, I'm afraid it will be promoted to the third level of top grade within twenty or thirty years!

This shows how powerful [Guchen Pill] is.

"It seems that after the refining of my natal magic weapon is successful, the most important thing is to collect the refining materials of [Gu Chen Dan] with all my strength!"

Zhou Chun looked at Shi Shi in front of him who looked like he still wanted to eat, and he immediately made a choice in his mind about what he wanted to do in the future.

I was so busy writing additional updates today that I forgot to update normally! Fortunately, it’s finished. The two chapters add up to 14,000 words! ! ! For the sake of being so awesome, please support us by voting monthly! There will be an update on Monday night!

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