Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 513 Picking up the leaks, everything is ready [Third update please subscribe]

Zhou Chun was very satisfied with the excellent effect of [Guchen Pill], so he was even more willing to invest resources and energy in searching for the elixir to refine this pill.

Speaking of which, it was a good thing that it was refined here in the Great Zhou Kingdom, so it was easy to collect everything.

In a place like Jingguo, just a fourth-level monster essence and blood medicine inducer would be enough to give Zhou Chun a headache.

After all, the blood essence is not the spiritual blood of ordinary monsters. He doesn't just go to the wilderness to find a fourth-level monster to fight and collect some blood from the opponent's wounds.

But in the Great Zhou Kingdom, although fourth-level monsters are rare, they are raised by many major forces, and it is not difficult to obtain their blood essence.

Even sects like the Yuling Sect where Yu Jinghua hides would treat such things as their own specialties and sell them or exchange them for elixir supplies.

If Zhou Chun can cultivate a monster to the fourth level, he can make a lot of money selling the monster's blood in the future!

Of course he wouldn't do that kind of thing.

Because the essence and blood are extracted, the monster itself will also lose vitality, thus delaying its cultivation and growth.

Among his spiritual pets, except for the golden-winged tiger, the other three have the qualifications of a fifth-level demon king!

If we delay their growth and evolution because of this immediate benefit, we will undoubtedly be choosing sesame seeds and losing the watermelon.

And good things naturally have to be shared by everyone.

This time, Zhou Chun did not concentrate resources on training anyone, but gave the remaining five [Guchen Pills] to Jin Jiafu Mountain Turtle Shitou Shitou, Lei Jiao Baibai and Golden Winged Tiger two each.

As for Mu Mei Mu Sang, the benefits it had gained from being on the secret island were already great enough, so giving it [Gu Chen Dan] would be a waste.

Just when these spiritual pets took the elixir and digested the power of the medicine through deep sleep, Zhou Chun also received a message from Luo Qingni and went to the other party's "Qingni Residence".

"This is the [Open Spirit Pill] refined by Master Ge Yun. In terms of the effect of assisting the opening of the Purple Mansion, it is not inferior to the [Purple Dust Pill]. It only costs 20,000 spirit coins per piece after the discount. Fellow Daoist Zhou Please put it away!"

In "Qingni Residence", Luo Qingni, after being polite to Zhou Chun who came to visit, took out a jade bottle and handed it to him, explaining the purpose of inviting him over.

After Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately took the jade bottle and thanked him: "Thank you, fellow Taoist Luo, please keep these spiritual coins."

With that said, he took out 40,000 spiritual coins and handed them to Luo Qingni.

Luo Qingni was not polite to him, and directly accepted the spirit coin, then looked at him and said: "Qingni will be in seclusion for a period of time. If you have nothing important to do, you can leave a message at the shop where Qingni placed orders. Ni will get in touch with fellow Taoists after he comes out of seclusion."

After hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately responded with understanding and understanding: "Zhou understands, then I wish fellow Taoist Luo a smooth retreat, and Zhou won't disturb me anymore."

Then he took the initiative to say goodbye and left.

After returning to his cave, Zhou Chun practiced the secret technique quietly and patiently waited for the underground Yi Bao Meeting to be held.

After almost a year passed like this, the underground Yi Bao meeting that Zhou Chun was waiting for finally began.

This underground Yi Bao meeting was held near Tianyuan Fairy City, and Zhou Chun got the token early.

At this time, he used various methods to conceal his identity and entered the venue where the underground Yibao Association was held. He saw that there were already many monks who were concealing their identities like him. Some even concealed their own auras very well, making it difficult for people to understand. See his specific cultivation realm.

By the time the underground Yibao Society started, the number of monks in the venue had exceeded two hundred!

Most of these monks are Zifu stage monks, and there are also some late-stage Foundation Establishment monks. There are not many Jindan stage monks. Zhou Chun can only see seven of them, but he doesn’t know if they deliberately hide their cultivation. of.

The monk who presided over the Yibao Society was a middle-stage Jindan monk. His body was shrouded in a hazy black mist. It was unknown whether it was some kind of magical power or the effect of a magic weapon.

After the person made some opening remarks, he flicked his sleeves and took out all the things he had exchanged.

Then he introduced one by one: "One piece of magic weapon and spiritual material [Black Water Xuan Crystal], one piece of magic weapon and spiritual material [Millennium Cold Iron], a pair of fangs of a fourth-level low-grade snake demon, one hundred and thirty-four pieces of snake scales, Five Millennium Snake Dragon Grass Plants..."

"These things are only exchanged for the thousand-year-old treasure medicine. If there are Taoist friends who are willing to exchange, you can send a message to me to discuss the exchange!"

Sure enough, we came to the right place!

Looking at the treasures that the middle-stage Jindan monk brought out in exchange, Zhou Chun felt warm in his heart.

He has a lot of good things, but he has never been able to exchange them for what he wants.

If every cultivator at the Golden Core stage was like this and brought out so many magic weapons and spiritual materials in exchange, he wouldn't have to worry about not being able to exchange what he wanted.

However, although the things that this middle-stage Jindan monk brought out were all good things, the things he needed were undoubtedly more precious.

For most of the golden elixir stage monks who have refined their natal magic weapons, magic weapons and spiritual materials are just like that.

Unless there is a channel to find a master refiner to help refine the second and third magic weapons, this thing in their hands is just a bargaining chip in exchange for rare treasures.

But the thousand-year-old medicine is different.

At least Zhou Chun knew that some golden elixir stage monks would jointly raise thousand-year-old elixirs to refine spiritual elixirs for improving their cultivation, and then distribute the successfully refined elixirs to each of them according to their contribution.

So even if you only have one or two thousand-year-old elixirs in your hand, as long as your network of contacts is wide enough, you can work with others to refine the elixir and then share the elixir.

In this case, unless like Zhou Chun, in exchange for materials for refining the natal magic weapon, or other must-have things, he would not exchange such spiritual objects for something that he cannot use.

Therefore, until a quarter of an hour passed, no one actually took out the thousand-year-old treasure to exchange with this person.

In the end, he could only sigh in disappointment and put everything back.

Then he casually pointed to another early-stage Jindan monk to replace him.

Although this early Golden Elixir monk was not as arrogant as him, he still took out two magical materials and seven or eight rare thousand-year-old elixirs in one breath.

"I would like to exchange these things for thousands of years of fire-attribute elixirs such as Huoyang Ginseng and Fire Essence Zhizhi. If you have relevant elixirs, you can talk to me via voice transmission. The price can be easily determined!"

Sure enough, when the request was reduced to a thousand-year elixir, the early-stage golden elixir monk quickly made several deals and seemed quite satisfied.

After this person's transaction was completed, he pointed directly at Zhou Chun and motioned for him to replace him.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately patted his storage bag and took out some things he had prepared.

I saw him taking out as many as seventeen thousand-year-old elixirs and five magic weapons and spiritual materials in one breath, and then said: "I have a lot of things to change. This is the list. As long as you have For the above things, you can discuss it with me via voice transmission."

After saying that, he placed a piece of white paper filled with the names of various spiritual creatures in front of him.

I saw the names of more than a dozen elixirs written on the white paper, all of which were needed to refine the [Guchen Pill].

Then there are the magical materials that he and Zhou Mingde will use to refine the natal magic weapon, and even the third-level demon pill that matches the attributes of the three-headed spiritual pet!

The scope of the exchange was so wide that Zhou Chun would not be left with nothing.

Soon some monks started communicating with him.

After talking like this for almost a quarter of an hour, Zhou Chun also confirmed a number of transactions and exchanged them with some monks.

In the end, he replaced the five elixirs needed to refine [Ancient Chen Pill] and a magic weapon and spiritual material [Earth Fire Black Crystal Stone].

However, after completing these exchanges, Zhou Chun did not immediately designate the next monk to exchange.

Instead, he raised his hand and summoned the [Aoki Shensha Banner].

Then he shook the treasure flag in his hand and said: "This magic weapon was accidentally acquired by me before. Its owner had already sacrificed it into a middle-grade magic weapon during his lifetime, but later it fell back to a low-grade magic weapon because its properties were not in line with me." , I want to replace a low-grade magic weapon with fire or metal properties."

When he said this, he looked at the golden elixir stage monks.

But facing his gaze, several golden elixir stage monks turned a blind eye and obviously had no interest in exchanging magic weapons with him.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun could only sigh softly and silently took back the magic weapon.

The following golden elixir stage monks also came up with a lot of good things, but unfortunately there was nothing that Zhou Chun urgently needed.

On the contrary, when it was the turn of those Zifu period monks, Zhou Chun fell in love with something else.

"This broken sword is a treasure passed down from the ancestors. It is a powerful magic weapon in itself. Although a small half is missing, it can still use the blood sacrifice technique to activate its power and exert its power to a level comparable to that of fake magic weapons. power!"

"I would like to use this item in exchange for a spiritual item that can allow people to regenerate their severed limbs without leaving any consequences!"

I saw a masked late-stage cultivator from the Purple Mansion holding a silver-white broken sword with one hand and speaking in a low voice about his exchange needs.

His other sleeve was empty, and he no longer had an arm. It was obvious that he wanted to gain hope for himself.

For monks below the Nascent Soul stage, limb loss is a serious matter.

Once a limb is mutilated, normal meditation practice will be affected. When breaking through to a major realm, it is even more dangerous and will reduce the chance of one's breakthrough.

Therefore, if this late-stage cultivator from Zifu wants to form a pill, he must find a spiritual object that can regenerate his severed limbs and make up for his physical defects before forming a pill!

However, spiritual objects that can make people regenerate from severed limbs are very precious, and even Golden Core monks cannot take them out casually.

So after listening to the words of this late-stage cultivator from the Zi Mansion, no one immediately said anything, but they all carefully looked at the broken sword in his hand.

I saw that the sword was generally complete, but the part below the tip was missing. It seemed that the break was cut off by another sharper magic weapon.

And even if no one injects mana to activate it, the sword still exudes a silvery white shimmer, and it seems that it still retains a lot of spirituality.

"Can I try the power of this sword?"

After a golden elixir early stage monk stared at the silver-white broken sword for a while, he suddenly looked at its owner and asked.


The Zifu monk seemed to be hesitant, and his eyes couldn't help but look at the middle-stage Jindan monk who presided over the underground Yibao Society.

"Let this Taoist friend try it. It's just a broken sword. I don't think any Taoist friend will break the rules of Yibao Society for such a thing!"

The mid-Jindan monk who presided over the Yibao Society pondered for a while and then spoke lightly.

While speaking, he unabashedly released his powerful consciousness to lock onto the person who asked to test the sword.

After the man was silent for a moment, he laughed strangely and said, "What the fellow Taoist said is true. It's just a broken sword. I won't offend so many fellow Taoists here because of it!"

Then he raised his hand and took the broken sword from the hands of the late Zifu monk.

After his mana was injected into the silver-white broken sword, the broken sword that originally required the blood sacrifice technique of the Zifu period monks suddenly emitted a silver light and emitted a sharp sword light.

But before Zhou Chun could wait for the golden elixir stage monks to be happy, the silver light bloomed to a certain level and then quickly stopped abruptly, as if it was about to climax but was forcibly interrupted.

Although the sword light that stopped rising seemed to be quite powerful, it no longer made the eyes of the Golden Core Stage monks brighten.

The early-stage golden elixir monk who activated the Broken Sword quickly stopped injecting mana, shook his head with a look of dissatisfaction and said: "It can barely exert 50% of the power of a low-grade magic weapon, but the mana consumption is higher than that of the The lower-grade magic weapon is much higher, but it’s a bit useless!”

After saying that, he threw the broken sword back to the late-stage cultivator from the Zi Mansion, seeming to have completely lost interest in the broken sword.

Seeing this, the other golden elixir stage monks also shook their heads and lost interest.

Seeing this situation, the late-stage cultivator from Zifu couldn't help but sway, as if he had suffered a huge blow.

Although he couldn't see his face at this moment, he must be pale.

Maybe this broken sword is the best treasure he can get.

But for the Golden Core Stage monks, it is not a truly complete magic weapon and has little appeal at all. They will not pay precious healing medicine for such a broken magic weapon.

"Seniors are all golden elixir stage monks. If you can find a way to repair this sword, you can get a high-grade magic weapon. What the juniors want is just a healing elixir!"

Words that were almost like pleading came from the mouth of the late-stage cultivator from Zifu. He seemed to want to make a final struggle.

But the early Jindan monk who tried the sword seemed dissatisfied with his previous behavior, and replied with a sneer: "Junior is really ignorant. If the magic weapon is so easy to repair, how can this sword be in the hands of a Zifu period junior like you for so long? If you want to exchange this broken sword for the holy healing medicine, you will have your own whims!"

The words made the late-stage cultivator from Zi Mansion tremble slightly, but he did not dare to say anything more.

He is just a monk at the Zifu stage. If he dares to argue with a monk at the Golden Core stage, his life will be in danger after leaving the underground Yibao Society!

So at this moment, even though he felt extremely humiliated, he could only silently put away his hand, cut off the sword, and retreat to the side.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind, causing him to tremble slightly, and then he lowered his head slightly to cover up the joy in his eyes.

The Yibao Society continued, and one monk after another showed off the treasures he had brought.

It's a pity that there is nothing that can make Zhou Chun excited anymore.

After this continued for several days, this Yibao meeting was finally over.

Then, under the arrangement of the host, the participants were sorted according to their level of cultivation, with those with lower levels of cultivation leaving the scene first.

Finally, Zhou Chun and several other golden elixir stage monks left together.

Besides, after Zhou Chun returned to Tianyuan Immortal City, he was not in a hurry to return to his cave. Instead, he went to a teahouse in the city and opened a private room.

And as soon as he drank a cup of tea, the restriction on the door of the private room was touched.

He casually picked up the token that controlled the restriction and waved it, then opened the door.

Then I saw a bearded man with empty sleeves on his left side standing outside the door with a worried look on his face.

At this time, when the bearded man outside the door saw the door open, he first glanced at Zhou Chun, then hurriedly bowed and saluted: "Junior Wei Chifei, pay your respects to Senior Zhang!"

"You're welcome, fellow Taoist Yuchi. Come in and have a cup of tea first."

Zhou Chun smiled softly, waved his hand, let him in, and closed the door again.

But Yu Chifei obviously had no interest in drinking tea. As soon as the door closed, he looked at him impatiently and said, "Senior Zhang said before that he was willing to exchange the healing medicine for the ancestral sword passed down by the younger generation, but do you really mean it?"

His eyes were filled with anticipation.

Seeing how urgent he was, Zhou Chun could only nod his head and said: "Yes, Zhang has a [Rebirth Pill] in his hand. It is a healing medicine that can resurrect the dead, flesh and bones, and regenerate even severed limbs. but!"

Speaking of which, this [Rebirth Pill] was a treasure that was looted from the Jiang family when the Jiang family was destroyed.

Because of its powerful healing properties, Zhou Mingde gave it to Zhou Chun to carry with him in case of emergency.

However, although Zhou Chun has encountered many life and death crises over the years, he has never really used this item, so he has always kept it on his body.

Now his spiritual pet Mu Mei Mu Sang is already a third-level high-grade monster, and it is only a matter of time before it breaks through to the fourth level.

Once there is a breakthrough, the effectiveness of the healing power will surely improve by leaps and bounds, and it will not be difficult to help people regenerate their severed limbs.

By then this [Rebirth Pill] will be of little use.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with exchanging this object for treasure with others.

After listening to Zhou Chun's words, Yu Chifei's eyes suddenly showed a look of ecstasy. He looked at him hurriedly and said, "Senior Zhang, can you take out the treasure pill and let me have a look?"

After the words fell, Zhou Chun waved his hand and said, "Don't rush this yet."

Then he looked at him and said: "I have seen it before. Although your broken sword is extraordinary, it is not even close to the [Rebirth Pill] in my hand. You need to use the sword first." Bring it to me and take a look."

These words made Yu Chifei's face freeze with joy. After his expression changed slightly, he took out the silver-white broken sword and handed it to Zhou Chun and said: "The sword is here, senior, please take a look."

Zhou Chun raised his hand to take the silver-white broken sword and injected a little bit of his own magic power into it.

Suddenly, the silver light on the sword skyrocketed, and you could even feel a vague sense of joy, like a child who had eaten candy.

Obviously, Zhou Chun's magic power made the remaining spirituality in this broken sword more pleasurable than the early Jindan monk who was not a Jinxing practitioner at that time.

And he also took the opportunity of injecting mana to carefully feel the inner condition of this broken sword.

The situation was similar to what he thought. In fact, the magic prohibitions in the Broken Sword were basically intact, but a part was missing, which prevented its power from being exerted.

If not, how could a broken magic weapon still exert a power that is not inferior to that of a fake magic weapon!

"The sword is a good sword, but it's a pity that it was ruined!"

Zhou Chun withdrew his magic power, sighed with regret, and then handed the broken sword back to Yu Chifei.

This made Yu Chifei anxious.

Then he grabbed the broken sword and looked at him and said: "Senior, if you really like this sword, you can actually go to the sword master of the Nine Yuan Sword Sect to help repair this sword. The ancestors of this junior have left records, saying that it is from the Nine Yuan Sword Sect. The sword-making Tianchi has a mysterious ability and can repair some damaged swords. This sword is not very damaged, and there is a chance that it can be repaired completely with the help of the power of the sword-making Tianchi!"

"Of course I have heard of the famous sword-making Tianchi of the Nine Yuan Sword Sect, but you also know how arrogant those sword cultivators are. Not to mention that I am from a small family, but I am a fellow cultivator of those big forces. , If you want to ask them to help repair this sword, I’m afraid the price won’t be much smaller than refining a magic weapon!”

Zhou Chun shook his head repeatedly, as if he was grateful.

How could Yu Chifei not know this? If the broken sword was really easy to repair, his ancestor's Golden Core Stage monk would have gone to the Nine Yuan Sword Sect to repair it long ago!

At this time, seeing that Zhou Chun was not able to catch the trap, he could only grit his teeth and continue to add: "This junior also has a set of exquisite sword-handling skills passed down from his ancestors. You can exchange this sword with your senior. What do you think, senior?" "

Hearing that he had even used the sword-control skills inherited from his ancestors as bargaining chips, Zhou Chun knew that he might not have much more to gain from him.

So he nodded slightly and said: "Well, it's so-called being convenient for others and convenient for yourself, I will form a good relationship with you!"

"Thank you, senior! The younger generation will definitely remember the kindness of the senior!"

Yu Chifei looked overjoyed and hurriedly saluted and thanked him.

Then he saw Zhou Chun raising his hand and taking out the [Huitian Good Fortune Pill] and handing it to him.

He opened the elixir bottle and just smelled the aroma of the elixir. He felt that the energy and blood all over his body were very restless, and there was also a slight reaction in the broken arm of his left shoulder.

I immediately knew in my heart that Zhou Chun's previous words were not exaggerated in the slightest. This was definitely the ultimate healing elixir that could heal flesh and bones!

So he bowed and thanked Zhou Chun again, handed over the jade slip and the broken sword that recorded the ancestral sword-wielding skills to Zhou Chun, and happily left the teahouse with the [Huitian Zai Zai Dan] to retreat for healing.

After Zhou Chun waited for Yu Chifei to leave, he looked at the broken sword in his hand with a smile on his face.

Of course, it is impossible for him to ask someone from the Nine Yuan Sword Sect to help repair this sword. Not to mention whether he can do it, even if he can, there is no need!

Because from the beginning to the end, he never thought about repairing the sword, but instead focused on the materials for refining the sword.

After previous identification, he has confirmed that the main refining material of this sword is a kind of rare spiritual gold [Taibai Silver Star Iron], which is a material he needs to use to refine his natal magic weapon [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron]!

Because this sword is basically made from a whole piece of [Taibai Silver Star Iron], Zhou Chun only needs to melt it away and smelt out the other materials mixed in it, and then he can use it as a raw material for refining It’s your magic weapon.

After obtaining the two precious spiritual golds [Starfall Gold] and [Taibai Silver Star Iron] one after another, he basically has complete materials for refining the full version of [Wanhua Golden Cauldron].

Next, as long as the "Broken Cauldron Recasting" is successful, you can start refining this long-awaited natal magic weapon!

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