Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 514 The natal beast card [Fourth update please subscribe]

The deal with Yu Chifei really brought a big surprise to Zhou Chun.

He originally thought that the broken sword magic weapon refined from [Taibai Silver Star Iron] was a big leak, but he didn't expect that Yu Chifei's so-called ancestral sword control skills were also very exquisite.

Although Zhou Chun is not a sword cultivator and does not practice swordsmanship, as a Golden Core cultivator, his vision is not bad.

The "Light Sword Jue" left by Yu Chifei not only contains methods for condensing sword energy, but also methods for cultivating sword intention!

The Zhou family had acquired some sword-controlling skills before, but they basically only ended at the level of condensing sword energy. There are only some speculative records about such high-end power as sword energy.

Now that this "Light Sword Technique" actually contains the method of cultivating sword intention, its value has been doubled, which is enough to compare with the Zhou family's ancestral beast control skills!

Of course, compared to the art of controlling beasts, the art of sword control relies too much on talent and understanding, and is definitely not suitable as the main inheritance of a family. In terms of practical value, it is still lower.

But no matter what, Zhou Chun made a lot of money this time.

At least this "Light Sword Technique" exists. In the future, if there are monks in the Zhou family who are particularly interested in the art of sword control and have talents in this area, they will not waste their talents, and maybe they can cultivate a monk for the family. Legendary swordsman!

After studying the "Light Sword Jue" for a while, Zhou Chun stood up and left the teahouse with satisfaction.

But when he was about to settle the bill, he discovered that Yu Chifei had already settled the bill for him in advance.

This made his sense of this person much better.

After returning to the cave, Zhou Chun took stock of what he had gained in the past few years in the Great Zhou Kingdom and found that the gains were quite large.

First of all, [Guchen Pill] has been successfully refined, and its efficacy is very satisfactory.

He even harvested sixty-one Foundation Establishment Pills at one time, which was beyond imagination!

Although the [Soul Heart Fruit] failed to be refined into elixirs as expected, it was replaced with two [Spiritual Opening Pills], and the goal was barely achieved.

At the same time, Zhou Mingde's natal magic weapon refining materials are basically collected, and his own natal magic weapon refining materials are also almost complete.

Calculating this, in addition to the three things of "recasting the Broken Cauldron", refining the natal magic weapon, and replacing the [Aoki Shensha Banner] with other magic weapons, he has achieved more than half of his goal of coming to the Great Zhou Kingdom this time!

Now the "Recasting of the Broken Cauldron" still needs to wait for the arrival of [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi] from Sun Yuanjing, and there is no time for the next two things. After all, Zhou Chun has nothing urgent to do in the Great Zhou Kingdom. thing.

Therefore, after counting the harvest, Zhou Chun decided to go back to his family first and hand the things in his hands to Zhou Mingde.

So after waiting for two months, after several spiritual pets that had taken [Guchen Pill] woke up, Zhou Chun took the spiritual pets and returned to Zhou's home.

The journey was uneventful, and Zhou Chun had returned to Tuyun Ridge in less than a month.

But he got bad news as soon as he came back.

But before he left, Zhou Zhengqing, who had gone into seclusion to open the Purple Mansion, failed to open the Purple Mansion just like Zhou Zhengyuan!

And I don’t know if he used too much force at the time. Zhou Zhengqing’s soul was injured after his failure. He lost part of his memory and was confused most of the time.

This situation is undoubtedly the worst situation, and it basically means that the whole person is ruined.

After Zhou Chun learned about this, he immediately went to visit in person.

I saw Zhou Zhengqing, who had been in charge of the Zhou family's intelligence work for many years and was very smart and capable, but now his hair was all white, and he was sitting on the bed with disheveled hair, his eyes were unfocused, and he didn't even react when he came in.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun could only take action to restrain him first, and then checked his soul for him.

But after some inspection, Zhou Chun couldn't help but let out a long sigh and said: "Hey, the road of cultivation is very difficult. The twenty-seventh brother is in this situation now. I have no other choice. I will confine him to the back mountain in the future." Let his descendants take care of him until the end of his life!"

He had already checked and found that Zhou Zhengqing's sea of ​​consciousness was severely damaged, and his soul was eroded by the power of wind and evil from the outside world, and its origin was slowly being lost every day.

In this case, his condition will get worse and worse, and his lifespan will also speed up.

Basically, it can be concluded that his remaining life span will definitely not last ten years!

And in the future, his amnesia and hysteria will become more and more serious, until he completely turns into a fool!

This is one of the worst situations after the failure to open up the Zi Mansion, and it is even harder to accept than death.

The most fortunate thing about Zhou Zhengqing is that he is a monk in his family and has his own blood descendants.

Therefore, he can still pass away slowly in the care of his descendants.

If it were those casual cultivators or sect monks, after such an end, they would probably die soon due to various reasons!

At this time, Zhou Zhengqing's funeral arrangements were arranged. Zhou Chuncai and Zhou Mingde met in the cave and talked about their gains in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

As expected by Zhou Chun, when he saw him taking out sixty-one foundation-building pills, Zhou Mingde was shocked on the spot and didn't speak for a long time.

"This is really, this is really..."

Zhou Mingde looked at the dozens of pill bottles containing Foundation Establishment Pills in front of him and murmured to himself, his words a little mellow, and he was so excited that it was difficult to calm down.

It wasn't until quite a while later that I heard him take a long breath and say, "This is really an eye-opener!"

After saying that, he couldn't hide his excitement and continued: "Even if the three families of the Sanjue Sect jointly refined the Foundation Building Pills, my Zhou family could only get seven or eight pills at a time, and this only happens once every few decades. Chance!"

"Who would have thought, who would have thought, that now our Zhou family can actually produce dozens of Foundation Establishment Pills at a time!"

At the end of the sentence, a smile suddenly broke out on his face.

Only the older generation of monks like him who have experienced the most difficult period of the Zhou family know how difficult and difficult the Zhou family was.

Only then did he know what these sixty-one Foundation Establishment Pills meant to the Zhou family today.

To put it bluntly, for more than a hundred years from now, the Zhou family will no longer have to worry about the Foundation Establishment Pill.

In the next hundred years or so, there will definitely be dozens more monks in the foundation-building stage of the Zhou family!

Seeing his happy look, Zhou Chun was also very happy in his heart, but he still warned: "These foundation-building pill matters must be kept strictly confidential, otherwise if outsiders know, there is no guarantee that they will not arouse the suspicion of the Shangzong! "

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde immediately nodded his head and said: "Of course, I will personally take care of these foundation-building pills. From now on, I will release one or two pills to the family treasury every few years, saying that they were bought from the outside world at a high price!"

"You are always doing things, so the juniors will naturally feel at ease."

Zhou Chun smiled and complimented, and then took out several magic weapons and spiritual materials collected for him.

Seeing the various magic weapons and spiritual materials he took out, the smile on Zhou Mingde's face became even brighter, and he couldn't help but cheered: "Okay, okay, with these magic weapons and spiritual materials, I can start refining my own magic weapon. "

Then he put everything away with a smile on his face.

But just when he thought it was over, Zhou Chun took out the piece of [Soul-nurturing Wood] that the senior bought.

"Is this [Soul-nurturing Wood]? Such a big section of [Soul-nurturing Wood]!"

Zhou Mingde is also a knowledgeable person and has seen [Soul-nurturing Wood] before, so as soon as Zhou Chun took out this spiritual object, he exclaimed with surprise on his face.

Zhou Chun also spoke at the right time and said: "This [Soul-nurturing Wood] was bought by this junior at a high price from a big auction. Its size is enough to refine dozens of 'Native Soul Cards'. From now on we will Any cultivator in the Zhou family who is in the Purple Mansion stage and a cultivator with high-grade spiritual root qualifications can leave a 'birth soul card' in the family!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde nodded again and said: "Yes, it is indeed time to refine the 'Born Soul Card'. With this [Soul-nurturing Wood] here, in the next few hundred years, the elders of the family will all You can leave a 'birth soul card' in the family."

After saying that, he happily went on to talk about another thing: "And this [Soul-nurturing Wood] came at the right time. Daoquan's Blood Flame Dragon Python has also reached the limit of the second-level high-grade monster. We need to use the [Millennium Transformation Dragon Grass] in your hand, Zhengchun. If it can successfully transform into a dragon, Daoquan can extract its demon soul's origin and make it into a 'Best Beast Card', so that it can be used by the family in the future. Drive!”

By extracting the origin of the demon soul of a high-level demonic beast, it is refined into a "natal beast card" that can control its life and death. This is the key to each sect's family being able to support and drive the high-level demonic beasts left behind by the senior monks.

Otherwise, with the unruly nature of high-level monsters, it would be difficult for them to be willing to be enslaved and driven by human monks after their master dies.

Sects like the Yuling Sect of the Great Zhou Kingdom rely entirely on this method to retain the fourth-level monsters trained by their senior monks.

However, only high-level monsters with long lifespans and considerable strength are worthy of a sect family doing this.

Like those second-level monsters, because their lifespan and strength are limited, it is simply not worth doing this.

The Zhou family used to have high-level monsters left behind by their predecessors. However, even for high-level monsters, most species only have a lifespan of seven to eight hundred years.

And the last third-level monster left by the predecessors of the Zhou family died of exhaustion of life more than two hundred years ago!

If the blood flame dragon python can evolve into a third-level blood flame dragon, its lifespan will be as long as a thousand years, and it may even break through to the fourth level!

But Zhou Daoquan's hope of forming a pill is really slim.

Including Zhou Daoyi, the situation is also unknown!

Therefore, if you do not want to release or kill the green dragons and blood flame dragons that you have finally cultivated successfully, using the "Born Beast Card" to enslave them and drive them to continue to serve the Zhou family is the best choice!

After listening to Zhou Mingde's words, Zhou Chun immediately responded: "The [Millennium Dragon Transforming Grass] has been kept by me by the great elder. Unfortunately, fellow Taoist Luo happened to be in seclusion. If we want to refine the [Dragon Transforming Pill], I’m afraid I have to wait a few more years!”

After hearing his answer, Zhou Mingde immediately waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, Daoquan has been waiting for him for so many years, and he is not in a hurry for this moment."

Then he took the initiative to take over the matter of refining the "Born Soul Card".

Zhou Mingde also learned some weapon refining techniques in his early years. After successfully forming the elixir, he specialized in this technique. In addition, he practiced the fire movement method to facilitate weapon refining. Now his weapon refining skills are better than Zhou Chun's.

As for refining the "Native Soul Card", it is basically foolproof if you have the level of a second-level weapon refiner.

The main reason is that the material [Soul-nurturing Wood] is hard to find!

In this way, while Zhou Mingde devoted himself to refining the "Born Soul Card", Zhou Chun temporarily sat in the clan and took care of clan affairs.

Later, while dealing with family affairs, Zhou Chun learned that Zhang Liang, the Zhou family's ancestral son-in-law with whom he had become acquainted, had successfully understood the [Five Directions] that the You family had sent to him at the Golden Elixir Ceremony. [Miluo Formation] The method of setting up the formation has pushed the formation attainment beyond the threshold of the master level in one fell swoop!

After learning about this, Zhou Chun also quickly summoned him to talk.

Zhang Liang has a high-grade spiritual root qualification. After joining the Zhou family, his resources are much better than those of casual cultivators. Especially after he became acquainted with Zhou Xindie, the Zhou family's formation master, and became a Taoist companion, the cultivation resources he received were even greater. too much.

Therefore, even though he is only over 180 years old, he has already been promoted to the late stage of foundation building for many years.

After being summoned by Zhou Chun alone at this time, he was also a little excited, knowing that the opportunity he had been waiting for had come.

After he entered Zhou Chun's cave, he only glanced at Zhou Chun briefly, then immediately bowed and paid homage: "Junior Zhang Liang, pay homage to the clan leader."

"Zhang Xiaoyou, there is no need to be polite, please sit down and talk first."

Zhou Chun waved his hands with a smile on his face, his attitude seemed very kind.

This made Zhang Liang feel a little excited and apprehensive, and because of this, he hurriedly saluted again and said: "Thank you very much, Chief, for your kindness, but I'd better just stand here."

Zhou Chun admired his caution, but he continued: "No need to be so formal, just sit down."

His tone was a little more decisive than before.

This made Zhang Liang's expression change slightly, and he responded hurriedly: "Yes, I will obey, junior!"

Then he sat down on the seat next to him.

After he sat down, Zhou Chun looked at him with a smile and said, "It's fate. I brought your wife back to the family from Feng State, and you also became friends with me in Shen State. , and then joined the Zhou family by chance, and became a Taoist couple with your wife!"

Hearing what he said, Zhang Liang immediately stood up and respectfully replied: "What the patriarch said is absolutely true. This junior and his wife Xindie were both saved by the patriarch. Your kindness to the junior and his wife cannot be repaid in this life." All!"

The words are full of gratitude.

In fact, to be honest, this was one of the reasons why the couple got together, and both of them were very grateful to Zhou Chun for this.

Zhou Chun had known this for a long time, but bringing it up now was just to pave the way for what would follow.

At this time, when he saw that the fire was coming, he waved his hand and said: "Sit down first. I have called you here today not just to talk to you about old times, but also to talk to you about some important things."

"Yes, Patriarch, just give me your instructions, I am all ears!"

Zhang Liang responded respectfully, then returned to his seat and sat down, listening respectfully to Zhou Chun's true intention of calling him over.

The fourth update! Please vote for me! The monthly ticket is a bit lower than expected. I finally managed to hold it together and give you some motivation, brothers! ! !

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