Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 515 Three Yang True Fire Pot [8,000 words please subscribe]

Zhou Chun's intention in calling Zhang Liang over was naturally to win over him.

After all, this is a quasi-formation master and a true strategic talent.

The relationship between Zhang Liang and his wife also gave him the convenience to win over each other.

At this time, after playing some emotional cards, he played another king bomb.

"When I came back this time, I heard that Zhang Xiaoyou has completely understood the formation method of the [Five Directions Miluo Formation], and I was very happy and happy."

"Since the death of our ancestor Chongshan, the talents of our Zhou family formation have withered away. Although I have Xindie to shoulder the banner, my talents are limited and it is difficult to achieve the achievements of my ancestors."

"Thanks to Zhang Xiaoyou's natural talent and extraordinary understanding, the couple worked together to study the formation method, and finally the Zhou family's formation method was not left behind. It is really gratifying and gratifying!"

When Zhou Chun said this, he looked at Zhang Liang with eyes full of joy and expectation and said: "Zhang Xiaoyou has extraordinary talent in formations and has the hope of being a master. If he can open up the Zifu, he will definitely surpass the ancestors of Chongshan in the formation. Become the first formation master after the reconstruction of my Zhou family!"

"It just so happens that I got two more [Spiritual Opening Pills] during this trip. With Zhang Xiaoyou's talent and contribution, I deserve one!"

After these words fell, Zhang Liang's face was suddenly filled with joy.

Although when he was summoned by Zhou Chun alone this time, he had some suspicions in his mind, knowing that he might get support from his family.

But I didn't expect that Zhou Chun would directly be willing to give a spiritual pill to help open up the Zifu!

You must know that before this, as the son-in-law of the Zhou family, although his treatment was the same as that of the monks of his own clan.

However, in terms of some key spiritual creature competitions, they were clearly rejected.

He also knew why this was the case.

Therefore, over the years, he has become accustomed to this kind of differential treatment.

Many times we simply don’t bother to fight!

It was just that when his cultivation had entered the late stage of foundation building for many years and he had been unable to go any further, he finally became anxious.

So after discovering that the Zhou family began to pay special attention to technical talents, he studied the [Five Directions Miluo Formation] diagram with all his strength, hoping to attract Zhou Chun's attention with his outstanding performance in this aspect. Get special treatment.

Now it seems that he undoubtedly made the right bet!

At this moment, Zhang Liang stood up in excitement and knelt down to Zhou Chun on the spot to express his gratitude: "Junior, thank you very much for the patriarch's love and the reward. Thank you very much for the patriarch's kindness. I will never forget it!!"

"Get up, there is no need to be so polite."

Zhou Chun waved his hand, and an invisible force lifted him up. Then he looked at him with a stern expression and said, "You must be aware of the situation of the Zhou family, because the whole Zhou family was involved in the incident about the traitor Yu Jinghua." We are all worried about the emergence of a second Yu Jinghua, so when it comes to cultivating relatives like you, the family has always been very cautious and dare not invest resources easily!"

"I made this decision under a lot of pressure this time. I hope you will not disappoint me and live up to the cultivation that the Zhou family has given you!"

Zhou Chun's words were exaggerated, but they were also true.

If they were not worried about the appearance of the second Yu Jinghua, a monk with high-grade spiritual root qualifications like Zhang Liang would have arranged various tasks for him as early as his cultivation reached the late stage of foundation building to save money and exchange it for assistance in developing spiritual objects in the Purple Mansion. of good deeds.

And this kind of thing cannot be hidden from others, and there is no need to cover it up.

In fact, Zhou Chun didn't really expect Zhang Liang to serve the Zhou family loyally with a heart of repayment.

He believes even more that as long as the Zhou family always shows sufficient competitiveness and has enough power to punish traitors, Yu Jinghua's example will never happen again!

If the Zhou family had a second Golden Core monk, even if Yu Jinghua wanted to split the Zhou family, no one would listen to him!

The reason I say these words now is to make Zhang Liang understand how hard-earned this [Spiritual Opening Pill] was and work harder for the Zhou family in the future.

Zhang Liang was deeply moved when he saw that he was so sincere to him, and immediately replied with a firm expression: "I understand that I will definitely use practical actions to prove my loyalty to the clan to you and the clan, and I will definitely not let you down. I have gained your trust and cultivation, Patriarch!"

"Well, I believe in my own vision, and I hope I didn't see the wrong person!"

Zhou Chun nodded, looking very relieved.

Then he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out the jade bottle containing a [Spiritual Opening Pill] and handed it to Zhang Liang.

Besides, after Zhang Liang obtained the [Spiritual Opening Pill] and left Zhou Chun's cave, he immediately returned to his residence excitedly and shared the joy with Taoist companion Zhou Xindie.

In terms of age, Zhou Xindie is actually several dozen years older than Zhang Liang, and is now over 200 years old.

However, women are naturally fond of beauty, and they will also buy some skin care elixirs and take them. Therefore, she still looks like a graceful woman, looking like a middle-aged mature woman in her early forties.

At this time, Zhou Xindie's eyes lit up when she saw the [Elixir of Happiness] brought back by Zhang Liang, and then she congratulated Zhang Liang with a heartfelt smile: "Congratulations, husband, for finally getting what you wanted, with this pill." With the help of [Opening Spiritual Pill], I believe my husband will have no problem opening the Purple Mansion!"

"Hehehe, this is all thanks to the clan leader's kindness, who is willing to give me a chance!"

Zhang Liang laughed, his words full of confidence.

But he soon saw the fleeting look of sadness in the Taoist couple's eyes after he was happy.

This made his heart tremble, and a look of struggle flashed in his eyes.

Then he suddenly handed the [Spirit-Opening Pill] in his hand to Zhou Xindie, and whispered: "How about I give this [Spirit-Opening Pill] to you, madam, for you to use first? My husband won't live long anyway." Two hundred, there will be opportunities to continue to obtain such spiritual objects in the future!"

As if she didn't expect him to say this, Zhou Xindie was stunned on the spot.

When she came back to her senses, her eyes were filled with tears and she shed tears of emotion.

At that moment, she couldn't help but threw herself into the arms of the Taoist monk, and said with tears in her eyes: "How can I be so virtuous and capable as to be so loving to my husband!"

Of course she couldn't help but be moved.

Because only she knows how much effort and sweat Taoist monk Zhang Liang put in for this [Spiritual Opening Pill]!

In the many sleepless nights, you can see him thinking hard and trying in every possible way in order to understand the formation diagram of the [Five Directions Miluo Formation].

Zhang Liang does have a very good talent in formations, but his talent is far from the level of a monster!

He is able to have his current attainments in formations. In addition to his talent, he also put in a lot of sweat and hard work.

Now he is willing to give up the [Spiritual Opening Pill] that he spent countless sweat and efforts to give to his Taoist companion.

How could Zhou Xindie not be so moved and moved to tears by this!

I saw her murmuring to herself with great emotion: "Being able to get to know you in this life is a blessing that I have accumulated over many lifetimes. To be able to gain such love from my husband, I will die without regrets in this life!!"

Hearing her sincere words, Zhang Liang couldn't help but burst into tears. He couldn't help but hug her tightly and said, "Die'er, you..."

He seemed to want to say something, but was choked up.

Zhou Xindie shook her head slightly and said: "Husband, I understand your thoughts, but I am already over 200 years old. Even if I take this [Spiritual Opening Pill], the chance of successfully opening the Purple Mansion is less than 20%. If it fails, the consequences will be even more disastrous!"

Having said this, she suddenly raised her head and smiled gently at him and said: "As for me, if I can see my husband successfully open up the Zifu in my lifetime, and if I can live to the end of my life without any disease or disaster, I will have no regrets in this life! "

She seems to have looked past everything, and doesn't have much reluctance or regret about the fact that her life ends at foundation building.

Seeing this, Zhang Liang's eyes couldn't help but darken. He was speechless for a moment and could only hug the Taoist companion tightly.

Zhou Xindie let him hug her, but she said softly: "Husband, please spend more time with the children. The second wife of the third child's family recently gave birth to a pair of twins. You have never seen them before!"

"Well, I listen to you, husband. Tomorrow we will go to the third child's house to visit our grandson!"

Zhang Liang responded softly in a low voice, knowing very well what the Taoist companion meant.

It was just the examples of Zhou Zhengyuan and Zhou Zhengqing that made her worried that she would also have an accident.

So I wanted to spend more time with my family before retreating to open a purple mansion.

The two of them have been Taoist couples for many years and have three sons and one daughter. Unfortunately, only one son and one daughter have spiritual root qualifications, and they are all low-grade spiritual roots!

Now, except for the daughter who is not yet married, the other three sons are already married and have children.

In fact, the fact that Zhang Liang was finally able to gain Zhou Chun's respect and grant him the [Spirits-Opening Pill] was also related to the fact that he had given birth to children in the Zhou family and left descendants of his own blood.

With his children and grandchildren caring about him, he will have a deeper sense of identification with the Zhou family. In order for his children and grandchildren to have a good future in the future, he will work harder and serve the Zhou family more wholeheartedly.

But after Zhou Chun invested in Zhang Liang, a potential stock, he was not in a hurry to release the remaining [Elixir] in his hand.

Nowadays, the Zhou family has no shortage of foundation-building pills, but there is still an extreme shortage of spiritual objects to help open up the Zifu.

And it is foreseeable that there will be an extreme shortage for a long time to come.

Therefore, important strategic resources like this cannot be freely opened for exchange like the Foundation Establishment Pill.

According to Zhou Chun's idea, in the future, if most of the late-stage foundation-building monks of the Zhou family want to open up the Purple Mansion, they will still have to follow the example of their family ancestors and travel by themselves in search of opportunities.

The family can appropriately give them a spiritual coin subsidy.

For spiritual objects such as the [Spirits-Opening Pill] that assist in opening up the Purple Mansion, only those tribesmen who have made outstanding contributions to the family or have special talents can be cultivated by the family and directly given such spiritual objects.

In this way, it saves those family foundation-building monks from scheming all day long about how to get enough good deeds to exchange for assistance in opening up purple mansion spiritual objects!

Relatively speaking, it is more fair!

In fact, not only the [Spiritual Opening Pill], but also the Foundation Establishment Pill, Zhou Chun also plans to modify the exchange rules.

He had previously checked the family affairs handling records and Zhou Xinyi's feedback to him, and knew that the Zhou family's foundation-building pill exchange was now in chaos.

Because the family’s foundation-building pills and foundation-building spiritual objects are always limited, and the family currently has dozens of foundation-building monks, some of the foundation-building monks are lending their good deeds to their friends for various reasons. Among the early monks, loan sharking even occurred!

This forced Zhou Xinyi to increase the exchange price of the Foundation Establishment Pill, which has now risen to 12,000 family merit pills.

But even so, if they can borrow good deeds and exchange them, there are still many monks in the late stage of Qi refining who meet the exchange conditions.

In order to obtain exchange qualifications, these people often use various methods.

Some asked familiar Foundation Establishment elders to help put pressure on Zhou Xinyi, while others wanted to bribe Zhou Xinyi to help favor them. Among them, there were even female cultivators who were willing to sell their bodies for this! !

Seeing this kind of chaos, Zhou Chun also called it outrageous.

But he also knew that in the face of something like the Foundation Establishment Pill that could change one's own destiny, anything outrageous could indeed happen.

Therefore, in order to resolve the matter, he specially summoned several family elders and some core tribesmen who were in the foundation-building stage to discuss a solution.

"Junior thinks that perhaps the foundation-building monks can be prohibited from lending good deeds to the Qi-refining monks. This may improve the chaos!"

Elder Zhou Xinlan first expressed his opinions and suggestions.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Xinyi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Although the elder's suggestion is good, it is a bit troublesome to implement and the resistance will be considerable. After all, foundation-building monks also have descendants, and they cannot help their descendants. No way, right? And even if they can’t directly lend out their good deeds, they can still achieve the purpose of transferring their good deeds through tasks!”

"Then how about changing it a little bit and stipulating that each foundation-building monk can only redeem one foundation-building pill for his descendants, and how about taking a commission for publishing tasks?"

Zhou Xinlan thought for a moment and then expressed his opinion.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he said these words, the first person to object was his own father, Zhou Zhengyong.

Then he saw Zhou Zhengyong scolding him with a cold expression: "Confused! We are a cultivating family, not a cultivating sect. If we do this as you say, we will cut off the roots of the family! You'd better shut up!"

After reprimanding his son in this way, he cupped his hands towards Zhou Chun and the other family monks present with a wry smile and said, "Please forgive me, this kid in my family usually only practices cultivation and alchemy. He is not even a Taoist monk, and he doesn't know how to behave at all. Please don’t share your parents’ feelings with him!”

Hearing his words, Zhou Xinlan was also a little confused. She stood there for a moment, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun spoke up in time to help out: "Brother Yong, don't be excited. This kid Xinlan just made a suggestion. I have told the clan members a long time ago that you can speak freely in family meetings without fear of saying something wrong. "

After speaking, he nodded to the others and said, "Okay, others, please continue to share your opinions."

Seeing this, everyone tacitly agreed not to mention Zhou Xinlan's suggestion again, and each expressed some of their own opinions.

In the end, it was Lin Wan'er's words that reminded Zhou Chun.

According to Lin Wan'er, since there are too many monks and not enough porridge, and there is no way to increase the amount of porridge, everyone can only drink porridge according to their ability.

So after some discussion, everyone finally agreed on a plan.

That is, except for the clansmen with high-grade spiritual root qualifications, the rest of the clansmen who have reached the late stage of Qi refining and are under the age of sixty can participate in a family competition every three years.

Only the top two clan members in the family competition can be qualified to exchange for foundation-building pills, while those in third to fifth place can be qualified to exchange for other foundation-building spiritual items.

This redemption qualification can only be used in the current period and will become invalid upon expiration.

In this way, all the monks who want to run away from the relationship can take a break.

However, in order to appease those foundation-building monks who had descendants, Zhou Chun still gave them an opportunity to hide their descendants, which was to exchange the foundation-building pills at the market purchase price.

According to the current market price, a foundation-building pill can be sold for fifteen thousand spiritual coins, or even higher.

After the reform, the monks of the Zhou family in the early stage of foundation building now only have 400 good deeds for a year, which means that if they only rely on basic benefits to exchange for foundation building pills, they will need to accumulate for thirty or forty years!

In this way, even if they do not spend any good deeds themselves, they will only be able to shadow their descendants three or four times in their lives.

But in fact, this is difficult to do. After all, the monks who have established the foundation will think about opening up the Zi Mansion again.

Unless they have discovered that it is impossible for them to open up the Zi Mansion, they may turn to supporting and cultivating future generations.

After the upper management reached an agreement, the new foundation-building pill exchange rules were quickly publicized.

Regarding this new rule, some of the middle and low-level monks of the Zhou family naturally agreed, while others opposed it. It was just because of the different positions of their buttocks.

However, Zhou Chun and a group of elders reached a unified understanding and gave the core tribesmen who had cultivated in the foundation period a privilege to take care of future generations, so those objections could not make any waves at all.

After dealing with this important family matter, Zhou Chunxian left a ray of his soul power in a "natal soul card" refined by Zhou Mingde, activated the soul, and then returned to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Regarding the exchange meeting held by the Nascent Soul stage loose cultivator "Master Huang Yun", Zhou Chun still needs to find a recommender.

Of course, he already had a goal in mind when choosing him.

After returning to the Great Zhou Kingdom, Zhou Chun visited Sun Yuanjing of Tianbao Pavilion and asked him to be his introducer.

After listening to Zhou Chun's words, Sun Yuanjing did not refuse, and immediately nodded and said: "This is easy to say. Senior 'Huang Yun Zhenren' always likes to make friends from all walks of life. This exchange meeting is also to celebrate his thousand years." It is specially held for my 500th birthday, so Fellow Daoist Zhang only needs to prepare a congratulatory gift and go!"

After Zhou Chun heard what he said, he said with a look of embarrassment: "Zhang also didn't hide it from Shopkeeper Sun. He has been traveling all over the country in the past few years and has made several enemies. What if he comes to the exchange meeting?" If I meet him from above, I am afraid that my sudden emotional lapse will offend the seniors and fellow Taoists present. I wonder if I can participate in this exchange meeting with my face hidden?"

Now Zhou Chun's identity as Zhang Liang is disguised through [Hundred Magic Beads].

But [Hundred Illusion Beads] is only a third-level magic weapon after all. It is very good to be able to hide it from the eyes of the Golden Core monks. It is simply impossible to hide it from the eyes of the Nascent Soul Stage monks!

Therefore, if he went to the exchange meeting held by the "Master Huang Long" in this capacity, it would be very bad if he was exposed on the spot by this Nascent Soul monk.

That's why we have this problem now.

"It's not impossible for Fellow Daoist Zhang to conceal his true identity. Senior 'Huang Yun Zhenren' is also a senior in the world of immortality who has been practicing for thousands of years, so he can naturally understand this. But in that case, Fellow Daoist Zhang will have no choice but to attend the exchange meeting directly."

"After all, it would be too insincere and impolite to hide your identity to celebrate your birthday!"

When Sun Yuanjing said this, he added: "Even if you only participate in the exchange meeting, Daoist Zhang still needs to prepare a congratulatory gift in advance and hand it over to the disciples of the senior 'Huang Yun Zhenren', and then he will lead the fellow Taoist to the exchange meeting!"

"I see, Zhang understands. Thank you, shopkeeper Sun, for clearing up Zhang's doubts."

Zhou Chun nodded with a sudden look on his face, and immediately thanked Sun Yuanjing.

After that, he asked Sun Yuanjing to issue a letter of introduction, and then took this letter of introduction to the location of "Huang Yun Zhenren"'s cave.

As a casual cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, the location of "Huang Yun Zhenren"'s cave is naturally the blessed land of Fang Lingshan.

This place is located in a place called "Huang Yunjian" in the southeast of the Great Zhou Kingdom. There is a market nearby called "Tongshan City", which was opened by the family of a disciple of "Zhenren Huang Yun".

Because of the banner of "Huang Yun Zhenren", "Tongshan Fangshi" is also doing very well. Although it is not as famous as the famous Dafang City, it is also the largest one within a thousand miles nearby.

After Zhou Chun arrived at "Tongshanfang City", he took the letter of introduction from Sun Yuanjing and directly visited the real disciple.

"This matter is easy to discuss. Since it was introduced by shopkeeper Sun, Taoist friend Zhang will leave the matter to Guo. Guo will forward the congratulatory gift to the master on behalf of the Taoist friend and reveal the inside story to the master!"

In a certain cave in "Tongshanfang City", a middle-aged man with a mustache read the letter of introduction brought by Zhou Chun and heard what he asked for. He immediately agreed on the spot with a smile on his face.

"Thank you Daoist Guo for being so accommodating. This is a birthday gift prepared by Mr. Zhang for senior 'Huang Yun Zhenren'. I also ask you to pass it on. This water-repelling bead is a gadget that Zhang got by chance, so I gave it to Mr. Guo." .”

After Zhou Chun finished speaking, he handed a jade box with a spirit sealing talisman and a water-proof bead to the middle-aged man with a mustache.

Seeing him being so virtuous, the smile on the middle-aged man's face became even brighter.

He immediately put away the jade box and said directly: "Fellow Daoist Zhang is interested. When Master's birthday comes, fellow daoist can come here and wait for Mr. Guo. When the exchange meeting starts, Mr. Guo will have someone lead fellow Taoist there!"

"In this case, Zhang will thank fellow Taoist Guo in advance!"

Zhou Chun cupped his fists and thanked him, and left quickly without staying any longer.

On the way back to Tianyuan Fairy City, Zhou Chun couldn't help but shake his head when he thought of the price he had paid to participate in the exchange conference.

He wondered how the "Master Huanglong" could be so kind as to hold such an exchange meeting to facilitate outsiders like them.

Emotions use this reason to receive benefits!

In exchange for tickets to the conference, birthday gifts were received. After this birthday ceremony, the gifts received were more and better than those at his Zhou Chun Jin Dan Ceremony.

Just like in order to participate in this exchange meeting, he presented a third-level low-grade magic weapon worth tens of thousands of spiritual coins!

Others may not have given him such high birthday gifts, but it is inevitable to get a thousand-year elixir.

After all, if it is lower than this level, it will be a slap in the face of the Yuanying stage master!

It has to be said that the Yuanying stage master is really awesome.

Even if you are a casual cultivator without a sect, there are many ways to earn resources, and people will take the initiative to send resources to your door!

Several months later, the birthday ceremony of "Master Huang Yun" was held on time, and many cultivators gathered at the scene. There were dozens of golden elixir monks who came from all over to celebrate his birthday!

After the lively birthday ceremony lasted for several days, Zhou Chun, who had been waiting in "Tongshanfang City" for a long time, was taken to the location of "Huang Yun Stream" by the clansmen of Guo Ziyuan, the fifth disciple of "Huang Yun Zhenren".

Although the cave is called "Huangyun Stream", in fact the cave is not in the mountain stream, but on a majestic peak more than 1,700 feet high.

The "Huang Yun Stream" is just a mountain stream below this majestic peak. It is filled with earthy yellow clouds and mist all year round. It is said that it is a strange phenomenon caused by the practice of "Huang Yun Zhenren".

When Zhou Chun entered the majestic peak, he deliberately compared it and found that the concentration of spiritual energy here was not much weaker than that of the main peak of Qinglian Temple. No wonder it was chosen by the Yuanyingqi master and turned into a cave.

After he arrived at this majestic peak, he was quickly personally escorted to a certain hall by the middle-aged man with a mustache, Guo Ziyuan.

At this time, Zhou Chun's face had been transformed into Zhou Zhengqing's appearance through the [Hundred Magic Beads], and his name had also been changed to Zhou Qing.

When he followed Guo Ziyuan into the main hall, he saw that fifty or sixty Jindan monks had gathered inside, including many masters of late Jindan cultivation.

After he was led in by Guo Ziyuan, many people looked at him, but in full view of the crowd, no one took the risk of using their spiritual eyes to observe him.

After waiting in the hall for a while, Zhou Chun quickly discovered that he was not alone.

Later, six more Golden Core monks were brought into the hall alone by Guo Ziyuan and two other disciples of "Huang Yun Zhenren". From the looks of it, they probably all hid their true identities.

Finally, when the number of Jindan stage monks in the hall stopped at seventy-one, "Huang Long Zhenren", the Nascent Soul stage master, also appeared.

Suddenly there was a flash of yellow light in the hall, and a rich old man wearing a yellow robe sat on the throne at the head of the hall.

From the outside, this Yuanyingqi real person looks like a big businessman, with a rich face and a constant smile on his face, like an old man in his fifties or sixties.

The aura on his body is not strong, and it does not have the power of a real person in the Yuan Ying stage as Zhou Chun imagined.

But the name of a person and the shadow of a tree. At this moment, both he and the late Jindan monks, after seeing this rich old man, bowed to him with respectful expressions and said: "Junior pays homage to the real senior!"

But I saw the old man smiling and waving his hands: "Fellow Taoists, there is no need to be polite. Let's start this exchange meeting now!"

There was not a word of nonsense and he got straight to the point.

However, although this exchange meeting was hosted by "Master Huang Yun", he did not seem to follow the rules and show the intention of exchanging treasures first. Instead, he casually pointed to a late-stage Jindan monk to start.

Seeing this, the man was not frightened. He immediately raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out many treasures for exchange.

This person is worthy of being a late-stage Jindan cultivator. The treasures he brought out are all very precious and rare. There are thousand-year-old treasures that are more than three thousand years old, there are also materials from fourth-level monsters that are enough to refine magic weapons, and [Taibai Silver Star Iron] This level of rare magic weapon and spiritual material.

But what he asked for always made people shake their heads after hearing it.

"Qin will first exchange these things for spiritual objects or secret techniques that can help conceive babies, and secondly exchange them for warm Ganoderma lucidum that is more than 5,000 years old!"

The low words floated in the hall, but no one responded for a long time.

The monks in the temple are all at the Golden Core stage. Even if they have infant spiritual objects and secret techniques, it is impossible to exchange them with this person.

As for the warm Ganoderma lucidum that is over 5,000 years old, let’s not talk about whether others have it. Even if they do, it is unlikely to be exchanged for some mismatched spiritual objects, even if they are exchanged for several items!

Therefore, the late-stage Jindan cultivator soon took back the spiritual object with a somewhat ugly look on his face, and looked at "Master Huang Yun" pointing at another late-stage Jindan cultivator.

The items brought out by the second late Jindan cultivator were also very precious, and there was even an extremely powerful low-grade water attribute magic weapon among them.

What this person asked for was some thousand-year-old treasure medicine and some rare water attribute spiritual object, but he successfully made two exchanges.

Immediately afterwards, the third late-stage Jindan monk appeared.

As soon as this late-stage golden elixir cultivator took action, he released a fiery red demon elixir that exuded powerful energy fluctuations. It was a fourth-level demon elixir!

"A fourth-level low-grade fire attribute demon elixir comes from a wolf demon in exchange for a fourth-level low-grade wind attribute demon elixir, preferably a bird demon elixir. If any fellow Taoist is willing to exchange it, Yan can also compensate." A thousand-year-old medicine!"

It turned out to be a fourth-level demon pill!

Zhou Chun looked at the demon elixir in the hands of the late-stage Golden elixir cultivator, with an inexplicable look flashing in his eyes.

He also has a fourth-level demon pill, and it is much more precious than this fire wolf demon pill.

It's a pity that now he doesn't dare to take this thing out and exchange it with others. Otherwise, after leaving this "Huangyun Stream", there is no guarantee that no one will take action against him.

What Zhou Chun didn't expect was that this late-stage Golden Core monk actually made this exchange with another mid-stage Golden Core monk!

This also gave him a direction.

In the future, can he also exchange for fourth-level demon pills at such exchange meetings to help several spiritual pets quickly advance to fourth level?

Anyway, with the talents of Thunder Dragon Baibai and Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Shitou, there is no longer any bloodline shackles from the third to fourth levels. As long as they can become a third-level high-grade monster and swallow a fourth-level demon pill that matches their own attributes, Almost 80% can be promoted to the fourth level!

After another two middle-stage Golden Core monks took their turn, the exchange treasures brought out by the third Middle-Golden Core monk instantly cheered up Zhou Chun.

"A low-grade magic weapon [Three Yang True Fire Pot] can condense and release the 'Three Yang True Fire'. It is very powerful. If you replace it with a low-grade wood magic weapon, it is best to use a defensive magic weapon!"

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