Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 516: The natal magic weapon becomes [8,000-word chapter, please subscribe]

The low-grade magic weapon [Three Yang True Fire Pot], like Zhou Chun's [Aoki Sacred Banner], was once the natal magic weapon of a certain golden elixir stage monk.

The magical power of this treasure is slightly single, which is to condense the "Three Yang True Fire" to fight against the enemy.

"Three Yang True Fire" itself is a kind of true fire magical power. It has a very famous name and its power is naturally extraordinary.

If you can sacrifice and refine this [Three Yang True Fire Pot], you will be able to master a powerful true fire magical power out of thin air.

Generally speaking, monks who use this kind of magic weapon as their natal magic weapon do so because they have also practiced the "Three Yang True Fire" magical power, and then use the natal magic weapon to increase the power of the magical power and push it to an extremely powerful level. The height makes it his famous stunt.

For Zhou Chun, this [Three Yang True Fire Pot] is actually not the type of magic weapon he most wants to exchange for.

Because Zhou Mingde was bound to be unable to give full play to his power.

But he knew better that he didn't have many choices, and [Aoki Shensha Banner] was not a magic weapon with a particularly competitive advantage. It was probably impossible to exchange for those high-quality magic weapons.

Now he finally met someone who was in need of a wood-attribute magic weapon, and he couldn't miss it.

So he sent a message to talk to the middle-stage Jindan monk on the spot.

After the two had a conversation, Zhou Chun took out the [Aoki Shensha Banner] and handed it to the other party for inspection, and he also got the [Three Yang True Fire Pot] magic weapon in the other party's hand.

Sure enough, Zhou Chun discovered after injecting mana to check that although this [Three Yang True Fire Pot] can condense the "Three Yang True Fire" to fight against the enemy, if one does not practice the "Three Yang True Fire" magical power, it must be condensed in advance. Refining enough "Three Yang True Fire" is stored in it.

If you want to condense the "Three Yang True Fire" to fight against the enemy in battle, the effect will be too poor.

Generally speaking, it is a conversion container that can condense and store the "Three Yang True Fire"!

But before Zhou Chun could express his dissatisfaction, the middle-stage Jindan monk first mentioned the shortcomings of the [Aoki Shensha Banner].

"This [Aoki Shensha Banner] by fellow Taoist is too mediocre. Although it can attack and defend, its attack power is not outstanding and its defense power is mediocre. It is of little use to Hong."

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chun immediately replied calmly: "Fellow Daoist Hong is right, but compared to Daoist Hong's [Three Yang True Fire Pot], which has a single power and cannot provide continuous assistance in battle, Zhou felt that [Aoki Shensha Banner] is worth more!”

"If fellow Taoist Zhou thinks so, Hong will have nothing to say. Fellow Taoist, please take back the magic weapon!"

The monk surnamed Hong shook his head and did not argue with Zhou Chun. He just returned the magic weapon and did not want to make this exchange.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun put away the magic weapon without any further force.

Then two Golden Core monks took out the wood attribute magic weapon and checked with the monk surnamed Hong. However, either the monk surnamed Hong was not satisfied with the other party's magic weapon, or the other party also felt that the [Three Yang True Fire Pot] was too defective. No barter was agreed upon.

In the end, the monk surnamed Hong could only take back the magic weapon with an ugly expression, and gave the right of exchange to the next monk.

Next, the golden elixir stage monks displayed various treasures and spiritual objects, which also dazzled Zhou Chun.

Maybe everyone cherishes this rare exchange meeting between monks of the same level. The treasures exchanged are all relatively rare items. Ordinary thousand-year-old elixirs are not qualified to appear!

Zhou Chun came across many natal magical materials that he had collected before, as well as some rare thousand-year-old elixirs.

It's a pity that he either already has those magic weapons and spiritual materials, or he can't get what the other party asked for, and in the end he can only watch.

At the same time, Zhou Chun also discovered that there were many monks who exchanged magic weapons at such exchange meetings.

Unfortunately, not many succeed in the end.

Many times it's not that no one can get the magic weapon they need, but that both parties are dissatisfied in their own way after checking the other's magic weapon.

If no one is willing to compromise and add other bargaining chips that can impress people, the exchange will most likely not be successful.

After all, magic weapons are rare, and most Golden Core monks rarely handle a few in their lifetime.

If they cannot find a magic weapon that they are satisfied with, they would rather wait a little longer than easily lower their requirements and choose to compromise.

After half the number of exchangers had been exchanged, Zhou Chun encountered another exciting object.

"One of the eggs of the high-level monster [Phoenix-tailed Flame Bird] can be exchanged for a chalcedony that is over three thousand years old. If you can get two of them, there is also a third-level middle-grade demon elixir that you can take." !”

A man in green raised his hand and waved, and a crimson egg the size of an ostrich egg appeared in front of him.

"It turns out to be the egg of the [Phoenix Tail Flame Sparrow]. This is a high-level monster with the blood of the Fire Phoenix!"

A golden elixir stage monk couldn't help but let out a low breath, as if he was moved.

But some people said disapprovingly: "So what if you have Fire Phoenix bloodline? How difficult is it for a high-level monster bloodline to break through to the fourth level, let alone cultivate it from an egg!"

But even so, someone soon spoke up and said: "I don't have the three-thousand-year-old chalcedony mushroom, but I have a red jingzhi mushroom that is also over three thousand years old. Fellow Taoist, are you willing to exchange it?"

"Sorry, it must be chalcedony with a medicinal age of more than 3,000 years!"

The man in green shook his head slightly and said the answer firmly.

The monk with the red jingzhi seemed unwilling to give up, and immediately said: "Don't you know, fellow Taoist, that chalcedony, which is more than three thousand years old, is the main medicine for refining the elixir of spiritual cultivation. Items can only be cultivated in the medicine gardens of the major forces, and they belong to the common property of the sect family, so it is impossible for them to fall into the hands of anyone and be exchanged!"

"That's not something Chen should consider."

The man in green replied calmly, so choked up that he could no longer speak.

Zhou Chun, who was originally very excited and wanted to exchange, was hesitant at this time.

If he now takes out the chalcedony that is over three thousand years old, he can certainly exchange it for the egg of the [Phoenix Tail Flame Bird], but in this case, wouldn't it be very likely to reveal that he has been to a hidden cave or secret realm? ?

But just when Zhou Chun was hesitating, the "Master Huang Yun" who was sitting at the top suddenly spoke up: "I happen to have a few of the three-thousand-year-old Chalcedony Mushroom in my medicinal garden. This [Phoenix Tail Flame Sparrow] Give me the egg and the demon pill in your hand in exchange!"

Hearing this, the man in green was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed to him and said: "It is an honor for this junior that the real person is willing to exchange."

Then he directly handed over the demon bird egg and a jade box containing the demon pill to "Zhenren Huang Yun".

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun could only sigh softly in his heart and completely stopped thinking.

He has always wanted a fire-attributed monster spirit pet, and if this [Phoenix-tailed Flame Sparrow] could be cultivated well, it would be just right.

It's a pity that after a moment of hesitation, I missed it after all, and I can only see if there is an opportunity later.

The exchange meeting continued, and when only one-third of the people were left, it was finally Zhou Chun's turn to appear.

He first took out the [Aoki Divine Banner] and introduced: "The owner of this magical weapon [Aoki Divine Banner] had already sacrificed it and refined it into a middle-grade magic weapon during his lifetime, but later it fell back to the lower-grade. The attributes don’t match Zhou’s, and I want to replace it with a low-grade magic weapon with fire or metal properties.”

At this point, he added: "If any Taoist friend comes up with a magic weapon that is better than this, Zhou can make up for it with some thousand-year-old elixir or magic material!"

After that, he also made a list of the spiritual replenishing objects he had made.

He attaches great importance to this exchange meeting and has made sufficient preparations in advance.

Sure enough, several people took out their magic weapons and examined each other with him.

However, the results of mutual inspection are not particularly ideal.

The magic weapons that two of them took out were all in the form of swords, and Zhou Chun knew that Zhou Mingde's natal magic weapon was already of this type, and he didn't really want to change it.

There is another person whose magic weapon meets the requirements, but it is a metal magic weapon, which is also not what he wants most.

Just when Zhou Chun was hesitating whether to simply choose the metallic magic weapon, the monk surnamed Hong who was holding the [Three Yang True Fire Pot] suddenly spoke.

"If Fellow Daoist Zhou can attach that piece of [Ink Cloud Stone], Hong will switch with you."

The [Black Cloud Stone] he mentioned was also a magic weapon and spiritual material, which was a trophy that Zhou Chun had obtained in previous wars.

But Zhou Chun felt that he was at a disadvantage because of this, so he said: "If Zhou wants to affix the [Mo Yun Stone], fellow Taoist Hong will have to find another 50,000 spiritual coins for Zhou."

"Okay, Hong agreed."

The monk surnamed Hong just pondered for a moment and then agreed.

So after going around and around, the two of them completed the exchange of treasures.

After successfully changing to the [Sanyang True Fire Pot], Zhou Chun's minimum goal of coming to the exchange meeting was achieved, and he was relieved.

However, he did not end the exchange immediately. He quickly took out two thousand-year-old elixirs and some magical materials. He wanted to continue to exchange some third-level demon elixirs suitable for spiritual pets, or magical spirits that could enhance the power of magical weapons. material.

In the end, he actually exchanged a thousand-year-old treasure medicine for a third-level middle-grade earth-attribute demon pill, and exchanged a magic weapon spiritual material for a third-order low-grade metallic demon pill.

With these gains, Zhou Chun's participation in the exchange meeting was not in vain.

In this way, one golden elixir stage monk after another appeared in turn, and finally when the last golden elixir early stage monk also completed the exchange, the eyes of the whole audience fell on "Zhenren Huang Yun".

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, "Master Huang Yun" couldn't help but smile lightly and said: "I have prepared three treasures this time, let's see if you have the ability to take them away!"

As he spoke, he waved his sleeves, and the three treasures he mentioned appeared in front of him.

They are a pale golden ruler, a yellow talisman exuding intoxicating spiritual pressure, and a white jade bottle.

Just when everyone was looking at the three treasures, "Master Huang Yun" also took the initiative to introduce the origins of the three treasures.

"This is the [Golden Light Breaking Mountain Ruler], a middle-grade magic weapon. It is the proud work of a master of weapon refining. The power of one foot can break mountains and break the earth!"

"This secret talisman seals 30% of the power of my defensive magical power. It would take at least half an hour for an ordinary late-stage golden elixir monk to break it!"

"The jade bottle contains a portion of the [Wutu Yuanjing] refined by me. Whether it is used to practice earth-attribute magical powers and secret techniques, or to enhance the power of earth-attribute magic weapons, or to assist in breaking through small realms, They are all very useful!”

Having said this, "Master Huang Yun" smiled faintly at the dozens of Golden Core monks below and said: "It's still the old rule. Whoever of you can get something that impresses me can take any one of the three treasures. pieces!"

His old rules are already known to the monks who come to the exchange meeting.

At every exchange meeting, "Master Huang Yun" would bring out some treasures for the many Golden Core Stage monks to exchange.

But whether the treasure can be exchanged from his hands depends on the background of the golden elixir stage monks.

Sometimes, it is not surprising that not a single treasure has been exchanged.

After all, treasures that can impress a real person in the Nascent Soul stage are absolutely rare treasures!

But every time there will still be people who are well prepared.

For example, this time, after "Master Huang Yun" finished speaking, a golden elixir stage monk came forward to salute and started talking to him through the sound transmission of his spiritual consciousness.

Zhou Chun was also very keen on the three treasures, especially the secret talisman.

But he looked through the treasures in his hand that could be exchanged, and found that except for the three treasures of the Five-Colored Dragon Fish Demon Pill, the Five-leaf Jasper Lingzhi and the [Earth Mother Black Gold], there was nothing else that could possibly impress "Master Huang Yun" "Yes.

But when he was asked to take out these three treasures, he felt very reluctant and hesitant.

What if he failed to get the secret talisman after taking out the treasure?

Wouldn't that be a way of revealing that one possesses such a treasure?

But he was just a monk in the early stage of the Golden Core, but he had such a treasure in his possession, and he was not a monk from a powerful force in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

It’s hard to say whether he will be attacked or killed because he reveals that he is carrying a heavy treasure!

Therefore, after much hesitation, Zhou Chun gave up the idea of ​​exposing the treasure and just quietly watched the actions of other Golden Core monks.

After more than a dozen Jindan stage monks came forward to communicate with each other, "Huang Yun Zhenren" waved his hand and sent the secret talisman and the "Golden Light Breaking Mountain Ruler" to the two Jindan stage monks.

Then the two middle-stage Jindan monks also took out the jade box containing the treasure from the storage bag and handed it to "Zhenren Huangyun".

After accepting the jade box in this way, "Huang Yun Zhenren" casually took back the bottle of [Wutu Yuanjing], then waved his sleeves and said: "Okay, this exchange meeting is over, I won't keep any more Fellow Taoists, please come back!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a ray of yellow light and disappeared into the hall.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun and other golden elixir stage monks also left this "Huang Yun Stream" one after another.

Perhaps his performance at the exchange meeting was not enough to make people remember him. On his way back to Tianyuan Immortal City, Zhou Chun did not encounter any tracking or robbery, and he returned to Tianyuan Immortal City safely.

Then he fed the metallic demon elixir obtained at the exchange meeting to the Golden-winged Tiger, and fed the earth-attribute demon elixir to the golden-armored mountain turtle stone, letting both spiritual pets sleep in the cave to digest the power of the demon elixir.

As for Thunder Dragon Baibai, he can only promise to give it two more [Guchen Pills] after the next time he successfully refines them.

After all, the thunder attribute demon elixir is too rare and difficult to obtain in exchange.

After doing all this, Zhou Chun patiently practiced the secret technique in the cave, waiting for Sun Yuanjing to notify him to collect [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi].

The sun rises and the moon sets, and soon another two years pass.

In the past two years, Zhou Chun has achieved good results in practicing several secret techniques, and the Golden-winged Tiger has been promoted to a third-level mid-level monster because of swallowing the demon pill.

Although the Golden Armor Bearing Mountain Turtle Stone has not yet broken through the third level of high-grade, it is probably just a matter of taking one or two more [Guchen Pills].

In this way, the three spiritual pets are all on the same starting line again!

On this day, Zhou Chun's figure appeared again in the private room on the third floor of Tianbao Pavilion.

"All the [Taiyi Mysterious Gold Qi] that Fellow Daoist Zhang needs has been collected, because Fellow Daoist Zhang traded a batch of [Taiyi Mysterious Gold Qi] from Fellow Daoist Zeng on the way. Now the treasure that Fellow Daoist pledged before is still available. I wonder if the overflow value should be converted into spiritual coins, or should I continue to collect this item for fellow Taoists?"

In the private room, after Zhou Chun checked and confirmed that the quality and quantity of the collected [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi] were fine, Sun Yuanjing also took the opportunity to talk about the checkout.

Zhou Chun was in a state of excitement at the moment, and just wanted to go back immediately to prepare for retreat to "recast the broken cauldron", and didn't care at all about such things.

After hearing this, he immediately said: "Continue to collect [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi], Zhang will still have demand for this item in the future!"

The secret technique of [Golden Gang Slash] that he practices also needs to absorb high-quality gold energy. Naturally, the more [Taiyi Xuanjin Energy] the better.

Then he hurriedly left Tianbao Pavilion.

After returning to the cave, Zhou Chun extended the lease of the cave for a few more years, left a letter to Luo Qingni, and then completely sealed the cave.

I saw Zhou Chun sitting cross-legged in the secret room of the Dongfu, surrounded by many black vials containing [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi].

At this moment, the picture that flashed through Zhou Chun's mind was exactly what he had experienced during his previous "broken tripod recasting".

For practitioners of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong", every "broken tripod recasting" is a test of life and death. Failure means death. There is no second possibility!

However, after experiencing a "Broken Cauldron Recasting", Zhou Chun also discovered some techniques.

According to his own experience, "Broken Cauldron Recasting" requires extremely high spiritual consciousness from practitioners, and people with stronger spiritual consciousness are less likely to make mistakes.

At the same time, the physical requirements for practitioners are also very high. The stronger the physical body, the easier it is to withstand stress when the golden energy enters the body.

And Zhou Chun's current spiritual consciousness is already stronger than that of ordinary middle-stage Jindan monks.

Because of the "Secret of Transformation into a Dragon", the physical body is also stronger than most golden elixir stage monks.

With these two major advantages, coupled with extremely high-quality gold energy such as [Taiyi Xuan Gold Energy], he is quite confident about the "Recasting of the Broken Cauldron".

At this time, after half a month of reflection and meditation, Zhou Chun finally started his second "Recasting of the Broken Cauldron".

The process was still similar to the previous one. He first burned the Dao tripod in Dantian with the golden elixir true fire, and then absorbed a large amount of [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi] into his body, blended with the golden soup turned into after the Dao tripod was broken, and turned into a heavy... The gold liquid used to cast the Dao Cauldron.

During this process, the meridians and blood vessels in Zhou Chun's body experienced great tests and were under tremendous pressure.

But just as he expected, his body was strong enough and his meridians were tough enough, and he could still withstand the pressure.

When it came time to recast the Dao tripod, under the control of Zhou Chun's powerful spiritual consciousness, he condensed the gold liquid in his body and recast the new Dao tripod in strict accordance with the style and size recorded in the "Golden Cauldron Xuan Gong" technique.

I don't know how much time passed before a golden Dao tripod was recast inside Zhou Chun's dantian.

The whole process can be said to be done in one go!

But this was not the time to breathe a sigh of relief. Zhou Chun continued to practice mystical skills silently, and a golden elixir returned to his dantian. The origin of one of the golden elixirs differentiated and turned into a golden fire light and threw it into the Dao cauldron.

Just like the finishing touch, with the input of this golden firelight, the golden Dao tripod, which was originally like a dead object, instantly seemed to come alive, and the patterns on the four-sided tripod suddenly changed at the same time.

In a trance, Zhou Chun saw the golden god man driving a car and holding a sword to fight against the monsters and alien beasts. As the golden long sword waved, it tore apart giant beasts and aliens one after another.

Then he seemed to see a huge golden mountain, with thousands of golden lights on the mountain condensed into clouds.

It seems like a long time has passed, and it seems like only a moment has passed.

When Zhou Chun's consciousness returned to normal, the Dao tripod had been recast, and information about two magical powers instantly appeared in his mind.

But at this time, he had no time to pay attention to that.

After carefully inspecting the Dao Cauldron and confirming that there were no problems, Zhou Chun immediately started the third chapter of the "Golden Cauldron Xuan Gong".

He has studied this third technique many times, but he was unable to practice it because he had not completed the step of "recasting the broken cauldron".

At this moment, the recasting of the Dao Cauldron was completed, and he immediately felt like a fish in water when practicing, and he quickly mastered it.

The mana, which had not increased since the pill formation was successful, finally increased again.

After practicing for a while, Zhou Chun slowly finished his work, and then carefully realized the gains of this "Broken Cauldron Recasting".

Speaking of the biggest gain, naturally I can continue to practice in the future, and I don’t have to worry about my skills being held back until the Nascent Soul stage.

The second is the two natal magical powers he awakened after recasting the Dao Cauldron!

Any skill that has been cultivated to the golden elixir stage will be combined with the cultivator's own situation to form one or more natal magical powers.

The power and mystery of this natal magical power are mainly related to the martial arts, but also related to the cultivator's own situation.

For example, factors such as the quality of the gold energy used by Zhou Chun in "Recasting the Broken Cauldron" and his own mana, spiritual consciousness and physical body will have a certain impact on the formation of his natal magical powers.

The two natal magical powers that Zhou Chun awakened this time are [God-killing Golden Ge] and [Qianyuan Jinxia], which happen to be one for offense and one for defense!

The power of these two natal magical powers is extraordinary, and it consumes a lot of money to display, which is enough to be used as a trump card at the bottom of the box.

After Zhou Chun carefully studied the two magical powers, he couldn't help but want to test their power.

Because [God-Slaying Golden Ge] is a killing magical power and it is not convenient to try it in Tianyuan Immortal City, Zhou Chun first tested the power of [Qianyuan Jinxia].

I saw his mana pouring into the Dao Cauldron in his body, and the side carved with golden mountains and rivers suddenly glowed with golden light, and a rich golden glow suddenly poured out from Zhou Chun's body, protecting him inside.

At this time, Bai Bai, the thunder dragon who had already received his order, directly condensed a "Tian Lei Qie" and hit him.

As a result, this blow, which could severely damage even the third-order high-grade monsters, did not even break the surface of the golden glow. Zhou Chun didn't even feel anything!

Then he asked the golden-armored mountain turtle stone to cast "golden magnetic glow" on him. As a result, after the golden glow fell on the golden glow, it still only caused it to flicker slightly and then lost its effect. Zhou Chun did not feel anything. of oppression.

Even the gravity field exerted behind the stone was completely unable to have any impact on him.

It was as if once the golden glow opened, he was invincible!

"It is indeed a magical power, its power is extraordinary!"

Zhou Chun accepted the magical power with a satisfied look on his face, and couldn't be more satisfied with the power of this magical power.

In his opinion, the defensive power of even the low-grade defensive magic weapon [Wutu Vajra Shield] is almost the same as [Qianyuan Jinxia], but not as comprehensive as [Qianyuan Jinxia].

The only advantage of the magic weapon is that it consumes relatively little and has relatively small backlash.

Since the defensive power of [Qianyuan Jinxia] is so strong, the attack power of [God-killing Jinge] will definitely not be much worse, so Zhou Chun doesn't need to try again for the time being.

He has more important things to do next, which is to refine the natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of All Transformations].

The other four chapters of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" record a variety of natal magic weapon refining methods, but the "Wanhua Golden Cauldron" is undoubtedly the most suitable magic weapon for this skill, and it is also the most mysterious magic weapon.

Zhou Chun had long been full of expectations for this magic weapon.

After finally being able to refine this natal magic weapon, he immediately entered the refining room in the cave without too much hesitation and continued to retreat to refine this natal magic weapon.

In the refining room, Zhou Chun took out pieces of precious magical materials one after another and placed them around him.

[Earth Mother Black Gold], [Geng Gold], [Star Meteor Gold], [Taibai Silver Star Iron], [Tianxuan Gold Sand], [Venus Stone], [Millennium Black Iron], [Gold Essence], [Silver Essence] ], [Iron Spirit] and other magic weapons and spiritual materials are dazzling to see.

The combined value of these magic weapons and spiritual materials is estimated to be more than enough to replace a high-grade magic weapon.

Now they are all used to refine a natal magic weapon.

If any outsiders saw this scene, they would definitely be shocked.

Even though he is their owner, Zhou Chun's heart is surging now when he looks at the magic weapon materials collected through various methods.

Regarding the refining method of the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron], he has long been familiar with it, and the technology is completely sufficient.

Now he is refining second-level high-grade magic weapons, with a certain success rate.

After taking a deep breath, he first waved his hand to fetch a few large pieces of [Millennium Black Iron], and used his own golden elixir true fire to smelt the magical material and remove the impurities in it.

It is worth mentioning that most magic weapons and spiritual materials cannot be tempered too long in advance before being used to refine magic weapons.

Because these materials are generated by heaven and earth, once they are smelted by fire, the spiritual essence in them will be stimulated and slowly dissipate.

Therefore, if these magic weapons and spiritual materials are tempered too long in advance, their spirituality will be seriously lost.

There are too many magic weapons materials that Zhou Chun needs to use now, and many of them are of very high quality, so it takes him a lot of time just to temper these materials.

It took him two years to process all the materials.

After processing these materials, he rested for a few days to recover, and then activated a treasure refining circle that had already been carved.

This treasure refining magic circle has no name. It is a magic circle that must be arranged to refine the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron], and there can be no mistakes at all.

Every golden elixir stage monk will create such a unique treasure refining array when refining his natal magic weapon.

And this is also the key to why refining the natal magic weapon is so easy to succeed!

At this moment, as the magic circle was activated, colorful spiritual lights rose up and merged into a huge ball of light in mid-air.

At this time, Zhou Chun was making magic spells with both hands, controlling the magic circle with his consciousness, and shooting magic words one after another at the huge ball of light.

Gradually, the color of the light ball gradually changed into bright gold, and then gradually divided into countless golden runes. Finally, under the control of Zhou Chun's magic formula, a golden treasure tripod with two ears and four legs was formed.

After the phantom of the golden cauldron took shape and stabilized, Zhou Chun remelted the various spiritual golds that had been smelted into metal balls into liquid form and threw them into the phantom of the golden cauldron.

At the same time, he spit out another mouthful of golden elixir fire and dropped it under the cauldron to wrap the cauldron and calcine it. After all kinds of liquid spiritual gold were added to the shadow of the golden cauldron, the golden cauldron, which was originally just a shadow, gradually solidified into a A mouthful of liquid golden cauldron.

At this time, it was time to truly test Zhou Chun.

I saw that he first forced out a large ball of natal essence and blood with a little bit of gold and fell into the golden cauldron. As soon as the essence and blood came into contact with the golden cauldron, it quickly disappeared into it and disappeared.

But Zhou Chun established a spiritual connection with Jin Ding.

Then his powerful spiritual consciousness was released, and his spiritual consciousness was highly condensed, and like a carving knife, he carved miniature runes on the inside and outside of the golden tripod.

He doesn't know the meaning of most of these runes, but they must be engraved in the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] refining method, and the number and location are exactly the same!

In this way, while maintaining the stability of the elixir fire, it also consumes the inscribed runes of spiritual consciousness. In addition, a large ball of natal blood essence was forced out just now, which consumes a lot of Zhou Chun's mana, spirit and body.

But he devoted himself completely to refining the treasure as if he were selfless, and did not care about the consumption at all.

It can be said that there is only one chance, and there is no room for him to make any mistakes.

After an unknown amount of time passed like this, when Zhou Chun finally carved the last rune into its proper place, the change finally occurred!

I saw the golden tripod in mid-air suddenly emitting golden light, releasing a powerful suction force and absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth within ten miles around Zhouchun Cave Mansion was attracted, and all of them converged towards the golden tripod.

At this point, Zhou Chun didn't have to do anything anymore. He took the initiative to put away the pill fire and became a spectator with great expectations!

Another eight thousand words! 180,000 words have been updated this month!

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