Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 517: A little test of skill【Please subscribe】

Three months later, Zhou Chun finally walked out of the weapon refining room.

At this time, his face was still a little pale and tired, but his eyes were very bright, and his heart was full of excitement.

Although the refining of his natal magic weapon caused him a considerable loss of vitality.

But the long-awaited natal magic weapon was finally successfully refined, which still made him uncontrollably excited.

Before the elixir was formed, he had been collecting materials everywhere to refine this natal magic weapon. After the elixir was successfully formed, he had to wait for nearly twenty years.

Now I have finally succeeded in refining this natal magic weapon.

Although he has not tested its power yet, he expects that with the many rare materials he mixed in when refining this treasure, its power will definitely not disappoint.

If he cultivates it carefully in the future, the power of this treasure will definitely exceed that of most of the natal magic weapons of the early Golden Elixir monks.

Thinking of the joy, Zhou Chun couldn't help but show a proud smile on his face.

Then he returned to the bedroom and fell asleep, getting a good sleep.

After sleeping for three full days and nights, Zhou Chun's complexion improved significantly after waking up, and all the tiredness on his face disappeared.

Now, apart from forcing out his life essence and blood and continuing to maintain the lost vitality of the elixir fire, his overall condition has returned to normal.

As for the lost vitality, he still has some elixirs that can restore his vitality. After returning to the family, he can speed up the recovery through double cultivation with his Taoist companion Su Yuzhen. He thinks that he will be able to recover all of them in three to five years, and there will be no traces of them left behind. What are the sequelae?

At this time, Zhou Chun looked inside and saw two golden tripods standing opposite each other in his Dantian. There seemed to be some kind of wonderful resonance connection.

Several other magic weapons that have been refined, the [Moon Toad Orb] occupies an area by itself like the bright moon hanging high, and seems to disdain to be with other treasures.

The two magic weapons [Wutu Vajra Shield] and [Blazing Flame Gloves] were huddled in the corner, like a neglected little daughter-in-law.

It is said that after Zhou Chun's nearly twenty years of warming up, the cracks on the [Wutu Vajra Shield] have now almost all healed. With a few more years of warming up, it will surely be able to return to its original state.

But now that Zhou Chun has refined the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] and has the magical power of [Qianyuan Jinxia] at his side, the need for this defensive magic weapon is not that great.

He planned to hand it over to Zhou Mingde after he had warmed it until it was as intact as ever.

In this way, with the help of the two magic weapons of [Three Yang True Fire Pot] and [Wutu Diamond Cover], which are offensive and defensive, Zhou Mingde, even if his skills and magical powers are not as good as those early Jindan monks who have practiced top-level skills, You can also fight against them without losing.

"At a glance, it has been more than four years since I came out this time. Now that the magic weapon of my destiny has been refined, I can return to my family after I cure the stubborn disease in my body for that Taoist friend Zeng!"

Zhou Chun thought about this and immediately left the cave and went to the shop in the city where Luo Qingni put orders.

What made him a little disappointed was that Luo Qingni still hadn't left seclusion, and all the letters he had left behind were still in the shop.

So I could only leave a new letter and then went to Tianzhi Tower.

When going to Tianzhi Tower at this time, Zhou Chun naturally rushed towards Yu Jinghua.

After successfully refining his natal magic weapon, he was already certain that he could eradicate this traitor of the Zhou family.

It’s time to settle the centuries-old grievances between the two sides!

What makes Zhou Chun a little happy is that according to the news from Tianzhi Tower, Yu Jinghua should have relaxed his vigilance now, and has left the mountain gate of Yulingmen several times in recent years.

Of course, this does not rule out that the other party is deliberately fishing and wants to use his body as bait to lure out people who are hostile to him.

But no matter what, now that Yu Jinghua has started to come out, it is a good sign.

If they wait a few more years, their vigilance will surely relax.

So after happily paying the information purchase fee, Zhou Chun went to Tianbao Pavilion to inform Sun Yuanjing and asked him to summon the monk named Zeng to come for treatment.

Obviously, monk surnamed Zeng is more concerned about curing his own chronic illness than anyone else.

After Zhou Chun passed the message through Sun Yuanjing, he only waited for less than half a month before the other party arrived at Tianyuan Immortal City.

Only this time the other party not only brought two concubines, but also a young man in red robe who was in the early stage of Jindan cultivation.

"This is Zeng's junior brother Yang Xiao. He will protect the Dharma for us while Fellow Daoist Zhang is treating Zeng!"

During the meeting, the monk surnamed Zeng also introduced the identity of the young man in red robe and the purpose of bringing him here.

Zhou Chun knew that the so-called protector was nothing more than monitoring himself.

But he didn't say much, he just nodded lightly towards the young man in red robe Yang Xiao and said: "You are polite, fellow Taoist Yang, I am Zhang Liang."

Seeing this, Yang Xiao, a young man in red robe, also responded with a polite salute and said: "Yang has met Fellow Daoist Zhang, so I asked Fellow Daoist Zhang to deal with Senior Brother Zeng's stubborn illness."

After these few people met, the monk surnamed Zeng, who was eager for treatment, quickly took Zhou Chun to a certain cave in the city.

When they arrived at the cave, the two discussed the details of the treatment process again, and the three golden elixir monks entered the retreat room in the cave together.

Before the treatment, Zhou Chun also looked at the monk named Zeng solemnly and said: "Zhang has already informed fellow Taoist Zeng of the matters that should be paid attention to. I also ask fellow Taoist to remember Zhang's words and do not resist Zhang." The magical power released by the magic weapon!"

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhang, Zeng will definitely cooperate fully with Fellow Daoist."

The eyes of the monk surnamed Zeng also showed a firm look under the mask, and he responded hoarsely.

Then Zhou Chun opened his mouth slightly, and a golden light shot out, fell in front of him and turned into a seven-foot-tall golden tripod.

As soon as this cauldron appeared, it attracted the attention of monk surnamed Zeng and Yang Xiao.

But after seeing the two of them staring at the golden tripod for a while, surprise quickly appeared in their eyes, as if they had seen something.

However, the two of them also kept their identities and did not rashly ask Zhou Chun about the golden tripod.

At this time, Zhou Chun pinched the magic formula with both hands, and a golden glow rose from the cauldron. Under his control, it turned into a golden beam of light and rushed toward the chest and abdomen of the monk named Zeng.

Seeing this, the monk surnamed Zeng tensed up, but he chose to trust Zhou Chun and did not use any magic power to protect himself. Instead, he used all his strength to restrain the magic power in his Dantian.

But after seeing the golden beam of light falling on the monk named Zeng, it was like a breeze blowing on his face without hurting him at all. It was also like water moistening all things, and it went straight into the body along the pores on his body.

Then something happened that shocked Zeng Xiuxian.

The remaining golden mana in his chest and abdomen was instantly melted away by the impact of the golden aura, like snow meeting the scorching sun.

Yes, it is melting!

It's as if the golden aura is not metallic, but some kind of extremely corrosive water attribute power!

Not only his magic power, but also the destructive metallic spiritual power in his liver meridian quickly dissipated under the dissolution of the golden light!

Then the power of the golden light stayed in his liver meridian under Zhou Chun's control, constantly melting the destructive metallic spiritual power that was trying to absorb his mana and regenerate inside.

"Well, now that the out-of-control force in Zeng Daoyou's liver meridian has been eliminated, Zhang will continue to maintain the current state for one month. As for whether Zeng Daoyou can completely prevent the resurrection of that force after one month, it is not Zhang's I can handle it!”

Zhou Chun glanced at the shocked monk named Zeng and told the result in a low tone.

"Then it will be a burden to fellow Taoist Zhang!"

The monk surnamed Zeng nodded slightly, then sat cross-legged on the ground, making seals with his hands, as if he had practiced some secret technique.

Zhou Chun had no intention of exploring other people's secrets, so even though he had the opportunity to check the changes in the mana in the other person's body, he did not go beyond the slightest point. He just carefully maintained the power of the golden light beam to prevent the power from getting out of control and hurting the monk named Zeng.

Time passes like this day by day, and the agreed time of one month is coming soon.

On this day, the monk surnamed Zeng, who had been practicing a certain secret skill, suddenly took out a handful of silver-white needles, and then used a strange technique to insert these silver needles into some acupuncture points near his liver meridian.

After all the silver needles were inserted into the acupoints in his body, he suddenly hissed to Zhou Chun: "Fellow Daoist Zhang can use his magical powers."

After hearing his words, Zhou Chun immediately withdrew all the power of his magic weapon from his body without hesitation.

Not long after, the monk surnamed Zeng opened his eyes, with a look of joy in his eyes.

He stood up quickly and hissed to Zhou Chun: "Zhang Daoyou's method is indeed effective. Zeng has now used secret techniques to temporarily seal the meridians around his lung meridian, which has prevented the metallic spiritual power from regenerating. Next, as long as the fire-attribute spiritual power in the lung meridian is eliminated in the same way, we can find a way to completely cure the stubborn disease!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately smiled and congratulated: "Then Zhang would like to congratulate fellow Taoist Zeng in advance, and wish fellow Taoist Master Zeng a speedy recovery from his stubborn illness and good health."

Hearing his words, the monk surnamed Zeng also smiled and couldn't help but raise his hand to him: "I would also like to thank fellow Daoist Zhang for his treatment. This is the spiritual object that fellow Daoist Zhang originally pledged. Please keep it."

After saying that, he took out the thousand-year-old treasure Phoenix Blood Vine that Zhou Chun had pledged and returned it to him.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also took the spiritual object with a smile on his face, then bowed his hand in return and said: "Fellow Taoist Zeng is indeed a believer, so Zhang will not disturb fellow Taoist and leave first."

Seeing him taking the initiative to leave, the monk surnamed Zeng didn't try to persuade him to stay. He just nodded and said, "Friends Zhang, please leave. I'll ask Junior Brother Yang to see you off."

Then he asked Yang Xiao, a young man in red robe, to escort Zhou Chun out of the cave.

After both Zhou Chun and Zhou Chun left the secret room, monk Zeng's expression turned gloomy.

"Where did this person come from? What kind of skills did he practice? The power of his magic weapon has the power to restrain other golden magic weapons and magical powers. It can directly remove other people's golden magic power and spiritual power. It is simply unheard of! "

The monk surnamed Zeng shuddered when he thought of the previous scene where the magic power in his body was easily dissolved.

He was also from a large sect, and the techniques he practiced were also very extraordinary, but this was the first time he had heard and seen such strange and mysterious power.

It's like he is the nemesis of monks who practice Jin Xing Kung Fu!

He had made a decision in his mind and asked the sect intelligence personnel and Tianzhilou to investigate this guy named Zhang Liang to find out his true origin.

On the other side, Zhou Chun, who didn't know that he was being remembered, only rested for a few days after returning to the cave, and then left the cave and returned to his family.

The journey was uneventful, and Zhou Chun quickly returned to Tuyun Ridge.

Compared with the bad news that Zhou Zhengqing failed to open up the Purple Mansion last time when he came back, this time he came back and learned the good news about Zhang Liang's success in opening up the Purple Mansion.

This made him feel much better. He immediately called Zhang Liang to praise and encourage him, and gave him several third-level talismans and some formation materials.

Then he shared his gains with Zhou Mingde.

"Yes, yes, this [Three Yang True Fire Pot] is quite suitable for me. If enough 'Three Yang True Fire' can be condensed and stored in it in advance, it will definitely be a killer move for me during a battle!"

In the cave, after Zhou Mingde worshiped and refined the [Three Yang True Fire Pot] given to him by Zhou Chun, he immediately nodded with satisfaction and loved this treasure very much.

The difference between the two can be seen here.

Zhou Chun is a treasure, and his spiritual pets are all rare breeds that are expected to reach the fourth level, and they also have powerful natal magical powers.

I really don’t think much of a magical weapon with a single power like [Three Yang True Fire Pot].

But for Zhou Mingde, having such an additional magic weapon can give him one more powerful killing move and shorten the distance between him and other top-level golden elixir stage monks, which makes him very satisfied.

"As long as you are satisfied!"

Zhou Chun replied with a smile, and then talked about the information he had found about Yu Jinghua.

As expected, when he heard that Yu Jinghua had dared to leave the mountain gate of Yulingmen, Zhou Mingde's smile suddenly faded, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

Dangzhi looked at him and asked: "Zhengchun, what are you going to do?"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately said: "This junior has damaged a lot of vitality by refining the treasure before, and it needs a few years of rest to recover. Moreover, the newly refined natal magic weapon is not suitable for use with others right away, so I want to rest for a few years first." Say it again."

"Besides, Yu Jinghua is there now and no one can escape. I think it would be better for the family to wait until the incident at Qinglian Temple passes before considering eradicating the traitors."

Hearing his answer, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but nodded and said: "Well, Zhengchun, you are right. We have endured it for so many years. There is no need to rush, everything should be based on the overall interests of the family!"

Then he also talked about the changes in Qinglian Mountain Gate.

Although Qinglian Temple is now closed, there are so many Qinglian Temple disciples inside that it is impossible to completely lose contact with the outside world.

Therefore, some news about it can come out from time to time.

Just over a year ago, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth inside Qinglian Guanshan Gate began to move. A large amount of spiritual energy of heaven and earth began to converge towards the retreat location of Taoist Qingchen. This has been going on for more than a year now.

Under this situation, many Jindan monks in Qinglian Temple have temporarily stopped practicing to avoid competing with Taoist Qingchen for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which would affect their birth.

"According to the records in the classics, this large-scale spiritual energy of heaven and earth is converging towards the location of the Ying-Jiu monk, indicating that he has officially embarked on the road of transforming elixirs and forming babies. As long as the elixir can be successfully released later, it will be considered a success. After that, you only need to survive the 'Heart Demon Tribulation' and the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation, and you will be considered a true Nascent Soul Stage monk!"

When Zhou Mingde said this, he couldn't help but whisper in a complicated tone: "And today's spiritual energy changes have been occurring for more than a year. It is estimated that the result will be known in two or three years at most!"

"Two or three years? Counting the time, Elder Lin and the others should be back soon!"

Zhou Chun suddenly mentioned the matter of Lin Hongyu and his wife.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Mingde seemed to understand something, and immediately nodded slightly and said: "It's almost time. They came back from the previous summons and said they would come back in the next two years."

"Then, this junior will go to Su's house to recuperate first, and then go visit Master Yue Worshiper."

Zhou Chun pondered for a moment and then stated his plan.

Zhou Mingde naturally had no objection to this.

So Zhou Chun did not stay in the family for long, and soon went to the Su family in Jiangzhou to recuperate.

The Su family's mountain gate is rich in spiritual energy, but it can barely support the cultivation of three golden elixir stage monks.

When Zhou Chun was recuperating in the Su family, he also talked to the Su family ancestor about Yu Jinghua.

Regarding his request, the ancestor of the Su family finally agreed after asking about the situation in detail.

When Zhou Chun was recuperating in the Su family, he specially pulled the ancestor of the Su family out for a sparring session, hoping to use him to test the power of his own magical power [God-killing Golden Ge].

Over an uninhabited wilderness near the Su family's mountain gate, Zhou Chun and the ancestor of the Su family stood thousands of feet apart.

Then at Zhou Chun's suggestion, the old ancestor of the Su family arranged a blue water curtain shield for himself with two hands, and then used a blue jade staff magic weapon to transform into a blue mysterious light to protect the outside.

After putting on the double layer of protection, the ancestor of the Su family immediately nodded to Zhou Chun and said: "Come on, ancestor, let me see how strong your natal magical power is!"

"Okay, ancestor, be careful!"

Zhou Chun responded, and the magic power in his body poured into the Dao Cauldron, instantly activating his magical powers.

I saw the picture of a god holding a sword on the tripod suddenly emitting golden light, and then the golden light condensed in Zhou Chun's hand, and soon a golden sword that was several feet long appeared.

He held the golden Chang Ge and threw it at the ancestor of the Su family. The golden Chang Ge instantly turned into a golden light and shot through the air towards the ancestor of the Su family, as fast as lightning!

The ancestor of the Su family turned pale instantly after the golden Changge locked onto him, and he felt a sharp and sharp meaning that pierced his heart.

[God-killing Golden Ge] This magical power, the word "god-killing" in it is not named casually.

Once locked by this magical power, the target's mind will be impacted by an extremely sharp will, just like being locked by a sword cultivator's sword intent!

In this case, the target will have to be distracted for a moment or two before taking action.

But he saw the golden light breaking through the sky, and in the blink of an eye it fell on the cyan mysterious light transformed from the cyan jade staff magic weapon.

Then this piece of cyan black light was torn apart easily like tofu, and then fell on the blue water curtain shield behind.

At this time, the ancestor of the Su family had once again strengthened his mana output, and the blue water curtain shield glowed brightly, forming a layer upon layer of internal and external multi-layer shields.

But in front of the golden Changge's sharp edge, those blue shields were shattered one after another.

Later, when the ancestor of the Su family saw that something was wrong, he opened his mouth and spat out his own magic weapon. An eight-sided mace hit the golden Changge with a rich blue light.

This time, with the full force of the eight-sided mace that had been cultivated into a middle-grade magic weapon, the golden Changge was finally smashed into golden light scattered all over the sky.


Seeing that the golden Chang Ge was finally broken, the ancestor of the Su family breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he put away the two magic weapons, looked at Zhou Chun in amazement, and shouted repeatedly: "Incredible, incredible, Zhengchun, your natal magical power is really incredible!"

"Ancestor, I have also fought against several Golden Core Stage monks from the Yuelun Sect. Even those among them who have practiced several of the true techniques of the Yuelun Sect are less powerful than yours. One chip!"

"The technique you practice seems to be very extraordinary!"

After hearing his words, Zhou Chun was very satisfied.

Being able to outperform the golden elixir stage monks of the great sect just by relying on his natal magical power, this fully proves that he made the right decision to practice the "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique" in the first place.

Now, even if he does not count the magical treasures and spiritual pets, his own magical abilities and age should not be inferior to those golden elixir stage monks carefully cultivated by big forces.

But humility is one of his best qualities. Although he was very happy and satisfied in his heart at this moment, he still smiled slightly and said: "Old Ancestor is so complimentary. This junior has taken advantage of the attributes of the skills, and the power of this natal magical power." Although it is large, it consumes a lot of money, but in comparison it is not as useful as a magic weapon!"

Hearing his answer, the ancestor of the Su family couldn't help but roll his eyes.

This is really talking nonsense with open eyes.

Based on the attack power of that blow just now, it would be difficult for at least ordinary low-grade magic weapons to unleash such a powerful attack.

But it was difficult to refute Zhou Chun's words at this time, so he could only change the subject and said: "Speaking of magic weapons, ancestor, I haven't seen your natal magic weapon yet. Can you show it to me, ancestor?"

"The ancestors want to see it, and the younger generation should obey it."

Zhou Chun pondered for a moment, then nodded with a smile.

Then he saw his mouth open slightly, and a golden light flew out from his mouth, falling in the air and turning into a golden treasure cauldron about seven feet high.

Although he did not activate the golden tripod very much, as soon as the tripod appeared in mid-air, it naturally exuded a deep and powerful aura.

The ancestor of the Su family condensed his eyes and stared at the golden tripod for a while. Then he looked at Zhou Chun with a surprised expression and said, "Not long ago did you successfully refine this natal magic weapon?"

"Ancestor has good eyesight. This junior's [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] was successfully refined within less than a year!"

Zhou Chun glanced at the ancestor of the Su family with a surprised expression, and then admitted the matter frankly.

Then he looked at the ancestor of the Su family curiously and asked, "How did the ancestor see this?"

Hearing this, the ancestor of the Su family immediately explained: "Although your magic weapon has extraordinary momentum, its aura still fluctuates a bit. This is something that is unavoidable even after the magic weapon has just been successfully refined. Only after a period of cultivation and cultivation can it be achieved. His aura has completely stabilized!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhou Chun with amazement and said: "But this natal magic weapon of yours is really extraordinary. It has such a look not long after it was successfully refined. I am afraid that many rare spirits were used during the refining." Material!"

This is something that is easy to see, and there is no need to hide it, so Zhou Chun also smiled and nodded: "What the ancestor said is right, this junior has traveled back and forth for more than 20 years to refine this natal magic weapon. load!"

Hearing his words, the ancestor of the Su family couldn't help but sigh: "It's a pity that your magic weapon has just been refined not long ago, otherwise, ancestor, I really want to see its power!"

"Hahaha, my ancestor will see it when the time comes."

Zhou Chun laughed and agreed.

I went to the hospital today. There was something stuffed in my nose. It was very uncomfortable and my nose kept running, which affected my coding efficiency. There were only 6,000 words!

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