Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 518 Small Heavenly Tribulation【Please subscribe】

After trying the power of his magical power, Zhou Chun rested at Su's house with peace of mind.

During this period, he also went to the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate to meet with the master of the Yuelun Sect, Master Baiyue, and inquired about his views on Qingchen Taoist Jieying.

However, Master Baiyue was very tight-lipped, and Zhou Chun was unable to find out any useful information.

So I can only calm down and recuperate, waiting for the results to come out.

During the days when he was recuperating from his injuries, Zhou Chun, in addition to daily nourishing and cultivating magic weapons, also began to understand the cultivation methods of several magical powers and secret arts.

After he completed the "recasting of the broken cauldron", some of the powerful magical powers recorded in the other four chapters of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" can also be practiced.

For example, the "Golden Escape Technique" magical power that he has always been thinking about has the method of practicing it recorded on it.

There is also a magical power called "Golden Light of Falling Treasures". After successful cultivation, it can knock down magic weapons refined with spiritual gold, causing its owner to temporarily lose contact with the magic weapon. This also makes him very excited and envious.

It even records the famous magical power of "Golden Touch", which can turn stones into gold. If you practice it to such a high level, you can even turn the enemy's magical powers into gold!

But the more powerful these magical powers are, the more difficult they are to cultivate.

After Zhou Chun's cultivation reached the golden elixir stage, he made rapid progress in understanding the secret arts and supernatural powers that he had practiced before, and he easily gained something.

But like the above three magical powers, he studied hard for half a year and gained almost nothing.

The only little gain is that when I studied the "Golden Escape Technique", I gained a deeper understanding of the "Flowing Golden Rainbow" escape technique that I originally practiced, and found a direction to continue to sublimate it.

According to Zhou Chun's estimation, this "Flowing Golden Rainbow" escape technique should be a secret technique derived from the magical power of "Golden Escape Technique".

And the secret technique of [Concentric Golden Lock] that he practiced seems to be somewhat related to the magical power of "Golden Light of Falling Treasures".

Zhou Chun also asked the ancestors of the Su family and Su Yuzhen about their practice of magical powers such as "water escape".

The answer he got gave him some comfort.

Although veteran golden elixir monks like the ancestor of the Su family, who have been cultivating elixirs for hundreds of years, have successfully mastered the magical power of "water escape," their escape speed in water is no worse than that of ordinary third-order high-grade water monsters.

But this is the result of hundreds of years of continuous practice!

And Su Yuzhen has only gained a little bit of skin so far, and the effect of "Water Escape Technique" is comparable to that of an ordinary second-level water demon.

Even the relatively simple "Water Escape Technique" was so difficult for the two golden elixir stage monks to practice. It was normal for Zhou Chun to have trouble progressing in the much more difficult "Golden Escape Technique".

In fact, magical powers such as the Five Elements Escape Technique are mostly easy to learn but difficult to master.

If you just learn something superficial, such as escaping into the soil, escaping into water, or escaping through wood, it is not particularly difficult. As long as the monks in the foundation-building period get the method and study hard for a period of time, they can do it.

But if you want to master this, it is too difficult!

Take the "Golden Escape Technique" as an example. The magical power cultivation method obtained by Zhou Chun records that this technique can only be considered a real success if it is practiced to the point of being able to escape a thousand miles.

If you can practice this magical power to a small degree, you will have a good chance of escaping even if you are chased by Nascent Soul Stage monks.

But in fact, even for Nascent Soul stage monks, it is not easy to practice this "Golden Escape Technique" to a small degree.

And if you can practice the "Golden Escape Technique" to the level of great success, then as long as you don't even have the opportunity to use the Escape Technique, or you encounter a strong enemy who also practices powerful Escape Techniques, or you accidentally fall into certain restrictions on the use of Escape Techniques. The territory, this world is so big, there is nowhere to go!

These magical powers may seem ordinary, but they actually involve the laws of the Great Dao, and their upper limit is infinite!

There are many immortal cultivators who focus their entire lives on one or two magical powers, hoping to achieve success in them.

And those monks who are able to achieve certain magical powers with their cultivation in the Golden Core Stage are all well-known in their country, and are even respectfully called "Little Masters". Somewhat thin noodles!

In fact, it is precisely because these magical powers are so difficult to cultivate that there are various secret techniques in the world of immortality.

Because compared to these magical powers that directly point to the avenue, secret arts can often be achieved quickly by consuming certain spiritual objects and achieve effects similar to these magical powers.

Even though it was difficult to cultivate magical powers, Zhou Chun did not give up.

His daily meditation practice time has now been extended to eight hours. The remaining four hours are usually used to comprehend the "Golden Escape Technique" magical power and practice the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique" secret technique. The rest of the secret techniques are temporarily suspended. Let it go.

This is the power of the golden elixir stage monks. For the golden elixir stage monks, sleeping is enough once a month or even a few months, or even without sleeping.

If they want to restore their energy state through sleep, they can sleep for a few days or a few months.

In short, after reaching the golden elixir stage, immortal cultivators are completely different from ordinary people physiologically.

The time to recuperate passed quickly, and more than a year passed in the blink of an eye.

With the help of healing elixirs and dual cultivation, Zhou Chun recovered 50% to 60% of his previously lost vitality in just one year, and the effect was even better than expected.

At this time, Lin Hongyu and his wife also returned to the Zhou family, so Zhou Chun returned to the family.

"Zhengchun, you came back just in time. I heard that you lost a lot of vitality this time. It just so happened that during this trip, we got a few spiritual peaches that greatly replenish vitality. You can take two back and take them."

In Tuyun Ridge, when they saw Zhou Chun returning, Lin Hongyu and Zhou Daoyi immediately shared with him what they had learned from their trip.

In the past ten years, the couple has traveled to more than a dozen countries, traveling millions of miles, and each has gained a lot.

At this time, the spiritual peach that Zhou Daoyi brought out to replenish Zhou Chun's vitality was harvested from their travels in a certain country and came from a third-level spiritual peach tree.

If this kind of spiritual peach is taken by monks in the Zifu period, one piece can be worth one or two years of practice.

Even for a golden elixir stage monk like Zhou Chun, it has the effect of restoring the elixir of life.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun was not polite and accepted the gift directly, and then said with a smile: "The elder gave it to me, but I dare not say goodbye, then I will not be polite to you."

"Hahaha, I just like your character, Zhengchun, you are sensible!"

Zhou Daoyi smiled happily, and was actually very happy about Zhou Chun's rude behavior.

Since Zhou Chun opened the Zi Mansion, Zhou Chun has almost always been giving things to elders like them.

Although they are elders and there is nothing wrong with accepting gifts from younger generations, they always accept gifts without returning them, which always makes people feel a little bit uncomfortable.

So Zhou Daoyi was very happy to be able to give a gift that was helpful to Zhou Chun this time.

Through conversations with the two of them, Zhou Chun knew that the two of them had traveled to various countries over the years, mainly to expand their knowledge. Occasionally, they would also participate in activities such as auctions and underground Yibao societies, or communicate with some local monks. Experience and practice experience.

After this trip, the two of them have not changed much in their cultivation, but their vision and state of mind have indeed improved a lot, and their relationship has also improved a lot.

Now that Zhou Daoyi has returned, he is also preparing to form an elixir.

Of course Zhou Chun fully supports this.

Zhou Daoyi is the first noble person in his life, the elder who has supported and cared for him all the way. He also sincerely hopes that this elder can form a golden elixir and walk with him for hundreds of years.

It just so happens that it has been decades since the Zhou family exchanged the pill-forming spiritual objects. Logically speaking, one of the three pill-forming spiritual objects should be given to the Zhou family first.

As far as he knew, Lin Hongyu had previously prepared a pill-forming spiritual object for Zhou Daoyi.

So when Zhou Daoyi wants to form an elixir, it should not be a big problem to gather a set of auxiliary elixir-forming spiritual objects.

After such an exchange, Zhou Chun returned to the cave and took the spiritual peach presented by Zhou Daoyi and his wife.

This spiritual peach looks quite attractive, red, and one is as big as two or three fists.

When it touched it, it seemed like a crisp peach, but when Zhou Chun bit the skin, the pulp inside instantly softened into juice and he sucked it up. His mouth was immediately filled with the sweet aroma of peach.

The juice inhaled into the abdomen was quickly transformed into a stream of pure vitality.

Zhou Chun threw away the fruit shell in his hand and started meditating.

Just two months later, Zhou Chun successfully restored his lost energy with the help of two spiritual peaches, and his condition completely returned to normal.

At this time, a piece of news came, which made several senior officials of the Zhou family become nervous.

"Qinglian Temple suddenly activates the mountain protection formation and prohibits everyone from sending messages to the outside and entering and leaving? Is this going to be the last minute?"

Inside the cave, Zhou Chun, Zhou Mingde and other senior family officials gathered together because of the news.

Everyone present knows that once a Nascent Soul stage monk appears again in Qinglian Temple, the Zhou family will definitely not have an easy life in the future. At least the Jiufengling Mountain Gate located in Lanzhou is likely to be taken away!

And even if Taoist Qingchen fails to conceive a baby, it is difficult to say whether Qinglian Temple will attack the Zhou family.

After all, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. If there are no Nascent Soul Stage monks in charge, the Zhou family with three Jindan Stage monks in charge will definitely be a potential threat to Qinglian Temple.

You know, among the Jindan monks in Qinglian Temple, there are several who have lived for more than 800 years, and they are also the group of people with the highest cultivation level in Qinglian Temple.

If we don't take advantage of the fact that these people are still there, we can eliminate the forces that threaten the sect.

When all these people pass away, the number of Jindan monks in Qinglian Temple will drop to seven or eight, and there will not be even one late Jindan monk among them!

At that time, the Zhou family, which has three golden elixir stage monks and a fourth-level thunder dragon, will have the ability to arm-wrestle with Qinglian Temple head-on.

As for the other families who surrendered to Qinglian Temple, I am afraid that they will also have different opinions, and they will no longer only follow Qinglian Temple.

Therefore, there must be action in Qinglian Temple, and there must be action!

Qingweizi and other Qinglianguan Jindan cultivators are not all idiots. They have no tolerance for others and cannot tolerate the Zhou family.

But they didn't dare to gamble, they didn't dare to gamble the future of the sect on the character and morality of the Zhou family.

If they do nothing in the face of the powerfully rising Zhou family and allow the Zhou family to grow bigger, then the Zhou family that will grow bigger in the future will definitely seek more land resources, just like the original Tianjing master.

Resources are limited. If the Zhou family takes more, Qinglian Temple will take less.

So when she discovered that the Zhou family was rising too fast and had great potential in the future, Qingweizi, who had previously treated both the Zhou family and Zhou Chun quite well, immediately decided to suppress the Zhou family and not allow the Zhou family to continue to rise and become bigger. .

With the example of Tianjing Zhenren in front of them, how big a heart and mind Qingweizi and those Qinglian Guanjindan monks must have to continue to tolerate sitting back and watching the Zhou family develop and grow without doing anything!

This is often the case, the butt determines the head, and interests outweigh everything else.

People who think they are innocent bystanders will probably not be able to wake up when they are in the middle of the situation.

At this time, after some discussion, Zhou Chun decided to go to the Qinglian Mountains in person, even if it was just outside the Qinglian Mountain Gate.

Just do it.

After Zhou Chun made his decision, he arrived outside the mountain gate of Qinglian Temple not long after.

Of course, he was not so arrogant that he directly monitored other people's mountain gates openly. Instead, he restrained his aura and hid dozens of miles away from the edge of the Qinglian Mountain Viewing Gate formation, observing in secret.

Zhou Chun guessed that he was not the only one squatting outside the Qinglian Temple Gate. There should also be people from the Yuelun Sect, the Yanyang Sect, and even the Tianjing Villa.

However, he had no intention of looking for those people. He was just monitoring the movement of the gate of Qinglian Temple while trying to figure out the magical power of "Golden Escape".

After more than three months of monitoring, the sky above Qinglian Mountain Gate suddenly changed, and large dark clouds appeared out of thin air. Among the dark clouds, there were streaks of blue and white thunder and lightning.

Although those blue and white thunderbolts had not yet fallen, Zhou Chun, who was hundreds of miles away, could already feel the oppressive force that made his heart palpitate.

His complexion was also like the color of that day, and it changed drastically in an instant.

"Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation, this must be the legendary Nascent Soul 'Little Heavenly Tribulation'!"

His expression changed drastically and he exclaimed, his eyes full of shock.

Golden elixir stage monks transform into elixirs and form babies to survive thunder tribulations and "inner demon tribulations".

Because the power of this Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation is much smaller than the power of the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation when the Yuan Ying Stage breaks through the Divine Transformation Stage, it is also called "Small Heavenly Tribulation" by cultivators.

Although it is a "small heavenly tribulation", the attack power of the thunder tribulation is still at the Nascent Soul level. A golden elixir-level monk like Zhou Chun will definitely die if he gets hit by it!

And being able to cause thunder tribulation obviously shows that Taoist Qingchen has at least reached the level of Dan Suiying.

Next, as long as he can survive the "Heart Demon Tribulation" and then the Nine Heavenly Thunder Tribulations, he will be able to truly achieve Nascent Soul completion and become a true Nascent Soul Stage monk!

"It is said that the 'Heart Demon Tribulation' is the most difficult to overcome, and those who survive it are often somewhat lucky. Even if a monk in the Nascent Soul stage is allowed to experience the 'Heart Demon Tribulation' again, he may not be able to survive it. I don't know how clear this situation is. Is Taoist Chen’s state of mind qualified?”

The thoughts in Zhou Chun's mind were racing, and he was really hoping that Taoist Qingchen would fail to overcome the tribulation and die under the "Heart Demon Tribulation".

Otherwise, if there is one more Nascent Soul Real Person in Qinglian Temple, and a real Nascent Soul Real Person who has just had a baby and will live for one to two thousand years in the future, then the Zhou family will really be in big trouble!

Inside the Qinglian Temple Gate, Qing Weizi, the previous temple master of Qinglian Temple, the current temple master Yi Yang, Taoist monks and other golden elixir monks looked at the cave under the thunderclouds from a distance, with tense expressions on their faces. Taoist Chen sweated and secretly prayed that the other party would succeed.

It must succeed! ! !

At this moment, those disciples of Qinglian Temple who sincerely hoped that a real person at the Nascent Soul stage would appear in Qinglian Temple to suppress the sect, all secretly prayed for Taoist Qingchen in their hearts.

But God seemed to have played a huge joke on them.

Just after they sealed the mountain and waited for more than 20 years, finally waiting for Taoist Qingchen Dan Suiying to come out and take a crucial step, what they finally waited for was a scream of despair!

"No, I'm not willing to give in!!!"

Accompanied by a desperate roar that resounded throughout the Qinglian Mountain Gate, a gray-black flame suddenly appeared on the body of the Nascent Soul that Taoist Qingchen had just formed in the cave, and then this little Nascent Soul was directly in the gray-black body. The flames turned into a plume of black smoke and dispersed.

Then his body was turned into ashes!

And just after Taoist Qingchen's Nascent Soul and his physical body were wiped out into ashes at the same time, the tribulation thunderclouds in the sky that were preparing to strike suddenly disappeared again as if they suddenly appeared.

The bright sunshine once again shone inside the Qinglian Mountain Gate, but it could not make Qingweizi, Taoist Yiyang and others feel the slightest warmth.

At this moment, their hearts felt cold and desolate, as if they were mourning for their heirs, and their eyes were full of loss and despair.

"How could it be like this! How could it be like this! Could this be, could it be that the sky is going to die..."

A Qinglian Guanjindan cultivator murmured to himself, his figure swaying, his eyes full of despair.

No wonder they are like this. The birth of a baby by Taoist Qingchen is not just about his personal path and life safety, but also about the fate of Qinglian Temple.

Moreover, the [Infant Transformation Pill] he used to conceive a baby was something that Master Qingxiao exchanged for his own life, and it carried extraordinary significance.

Furthermore, if Taoist Qingchen hadn't even gotten past Dan Suiying's exit, forget it. Although people would be disappointed with him, they wouldn't be as desperate as they are now.

The key is that he has already taken this crucial step, and it seems that he can succeed as long as he survives the disaster.

But who would have thought that just when he gave everyone hope, he suddenly fell under the "Inner Demon Tribulation"!

His fall has not only pushed the Qinglian audience who had just seen some hope directly into the bottomless abyss, making people despair from the bottom of their hearts.

At the same time, while there was a cry of despair inside the Qinglian Mountain Gate, Zhou Chun, who was watching the changes in the thunderclouds in the sky with a tense look on his face, soon discovered that the thunderclouds had dispersed.

He saw that the thunder clouds dispersed before the thunderstorm fell, and naturally he quickly understood what happened.

At that moment, his expression relaxed, and he couldn't help shouting with joy on his face: "Hahaha, it really failed. The 'Heart Demon Tribulation' is indeed well-deserved!"

But I am happier than the Chinese New Year.

Of course he had reason to be happy.

Taoist Qingchen failed to form a baby and fell under the "Heart Demon Tribulation". This not only proved that Qinglian Guan's destiny was declining, but also caused Qinglian Guan to lose a very powerful monk who was a perfect monk in the late stage of forming pills.

In this way, even if the Qinglian Temple attacks the Zhou family later, the Zhou family will have one less powerful enemy to face!

At this moment, he was so happy that he couldn't help but take out a gourd of spirit wine from his storage bag, took a big gulp of wine, and then left the Qinglian Mountains with a smile on his face.

Now that the results are out, he and the Zhou family just need to wait for Qinglian Temple to make a move.

I believe that after Qingchen Taoist failed to conceive a baby and died, the closure of Qinglian Temple will no longer be maintained, and further news on the mountain will soon come out.

When Zhou Chun returned to Tuyunling of the Zhou family, he immediately informed the family's top brass of the news that Taoist Qingchen had failed to conceive a baby.

Like him, the senior officials of the Zhou family were all extremely happy when they learned the news, and took out spiritual wine to celebrate on the spot.

A few days later, the news that Taoist Qingchen failed to form a baby and fell under the "Heart Demon Tribulation" quickly spread throughout the Jingguo.

For a time, this matter became the hottest topic in the Jingguo immortality community.

While the matter of Taoist Qingchen's failure to conceive a baby was being discussed outside, inside the mountain gate of Qinglian Temple, a group of golden elixir monks had recovered from their sadness and despair. Under the auspices of the temple's master, Taoist Yi Yang, A high-level meeting was held.

I saw Taoist Yiyang first look around at the many elders and said in a deep voice: "Senior brother Qingchen failed to conceive a baby. According to his instructions during his lifetime, all his relics will be donated to the sect. This is his last contribution to the sect." force!"

"Next, the sect will set up a tomb for him and let all the monks mourn for him."

Having said this, he paused slightly, and then continued: "Of course, these are all preparations that have been made before. Let's talk about the key points of today's party!"

"Now that Senior Brother Qingchen has failed to conceive a baby, the reputation of our Qinglian Temple will definitely be hit hard again. There are also various pessimistic discussions within the sect, and people's hearts are floating. I believe all the elders have discovered and heard about this these days. .”

"If I don't do something to restore the sect's reputation and dignity, then both the vassal forces outside and the wandering disciples within the sect will inevitably have doubts and neglect of the sect, which will directly affect the sect. interests and reputation!"

"And more importantly, during the more than 20 years since the sect was closed down, a force that could seriously threaten the sect's interests has appeared outside. If they are given the opportunity to continue to develop steadily, when Qingxiao Once the two-hundred-year security protection period that the Patriarch secured for the sect expires, the sect’s status will definitely be challenged by this force!”

When Taoist Yiyang said this, his eyes suddenly looked at Qingweizi.

Then he asked in a calm tone: "Junior brother Qingweizi, you are the previous generation of the temple master of our sect. The current patriarch of the Zhou family, Zhou Zhengchun, was once your registered disciple. You should know him and his family best. Now you Is there anything you want to say?"

Hearing his words, Qingweizi immediately replied without hesitation: "If Brother Guanzhu wants to ask his opinion, then his opinion is that the Zhou family must be severely attacked. Even if the family cannot be destroyed, it must be We must prevent it from posing a threat to our Qinglian Temple!"

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