Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 519 The attitude of Qinglianguan [Please subscribe]

After Qingchen Taoist failed to conceive a baby and died, Qinglian Temple now has a total of eleven golden elixir stage monks.

Among them, there is only one late-stage Golden Core monk left, four middle-stage Golden Core monks, and the rest are all early-stage Golden Core monks.

These Jindan stage monks are naturally not monolithic.

In fact, a considerable number of high-level monks among many sect monks are ascetic monks who only focus on their own practice and don't even care about their own disciples.

Normally, if the sect needs to use them somewhere, as long as it complies with the sect's laws and has appropriate remuneration, they will do things according to the sect's arrangements.

As for how the sect operates, they don't care.

Of course, that refers to normal times, when everything is normal in a sect, and when there is a real person in the Nascent Soul Stage above to suppress everything.

Now there is no longer any suppression from the Nascent Soul Realm in Qinglian Temple. Theoretically speaking, the temple owner and the great elder have the highest status and have the right to order other Jindan elders.

But in fact, we are all golden elixir stage monks, and I have nothing to hold in your hands. If you want me to obey your orders, it depends on my mood.

So at this time, Yiyang Taoist convened a meeting of elders, and Qingweizi proposed a resolute attack on the Zhou family, but it did not directly attract any approval.

On the contrary, after they explained the potential threat to the Zhou family and made it clear about the Zhou family's situation.

Regarding attacking such a powerful force, some elders of Qinglian Temple who usually focused on personal cultivation immediately raised objections.

"According to what you said, Junior Brother Qingweizi, since the Zhou family now has three Golden Core monks, and has a forbidden formation to guard the mountain gate, there is also an in-law family with two Golden Core monks, and they are taught by the Moon Wheel. valued.”

"These forces are not soft persimmons that can be easily manipulated. If the attack fails, the opponent is completely angered, and all the Golden Core monks of the opponent are unable to be destroyed, I don't need to say more about how serious the consequences will be! "

"Moreover, the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect only promised our ancestors to protect our Qinglian Temple's territory for two hundred years and the safety of the mountain gate. They did not say that they would allow us to attack their vassal forces!"

The elder of Qinglian Temple who raised the objection is now another middle-stage Jindan monk besides Taoist Yiyang, Qingweizi, and Shanyangzi, named Qingsongzi.

The remaining late Jindan cultivator in Qinglian Temple is Taoist Aunt Qingsu who participated in the battle of the Hualong Sect in the South. She is the same generation as Taoist Qingchen, and her lifespan is now less than a hundred years!

After listening to Qingsongzi's words, Qingweizi immediately frowned and said with a hint of annoyance: "Why is Senior Brother Qingsongzi so short-sighted? Can't you see the development potential of the Zhou family? If we don't take it now, They will be eliminated or driven out, and when two hundred years pass, they will become even stronger, and it will be difficult to eliminate them by then!"

Hearing his accusation, Qing Songzi couldn't help but smile coldly and said: "Maybe I am short-sighted, but I know better in my heart that if our sect does not have the Yuan Yingqi real person in charge, it will be impossible to continue to occupy several states no matter what. Got it!"

After finishing speaking, he said with a sarcastic tone: "Junior Brother Qingweizi, you know in your heart whether what you are doing is safeguarding the interests and stability of the sect, or creating a strong enemy for the sect!"

"In short, I will not take the initiative to create a strong enemy for myself among monks of the same level. If you want to deal with the Zhou family, you should deal with it yourself!"

He actually directly stated that he would not participate in dealing with the Zhou family.

"Senior Brother Qingsongzi, you..."

Qingweizi's expression changed and she looked at Qingsongzi with an angry expression. She didn't expect that he would say such destructive words in public.

Seeing that the two people were suddenly in a tit-for-tat confrontation, Taoist Yi Yang, the master of the temple, also quickly spoke up to smooth things over: "Junior brother Qingweizi, please calm down. We are all brothers in the same sect. We can discuss anything we have, so there is no need to be angry!"

"Yes, yes, both senior brothers, please calm down and just talk about what you have to say."

Others also quickly tried to persuade them to make peace, lest the two of them continue to quarrel and make everyone unable to get off the stage.

However, even after everyone tried to persuade him to make peace, Qing Songzi had no intention of changing his mind.

"Anyway, I'll leave it here. Unless the sect's property and mountain gate are attacked, I will not take the initiative to fight against monks of the same level!"

After he said these words, he closed his eyes, as if he was concentrating, and stopped talking.

And his attitude also affected some other Qinglian Temple elders.

Soon, two other early Jindan monks followed him and expressed that they did not want to participate in the attack on the Zhou family.

Seeing this situation, Taoist Yiyang and Qingweizi's expressions became extremely ugly.

In the end, Taoist Yiyang could only look at Taoist Sister Qingsu, who had been closing her eyes to rest her mind, and asked in a low voice: "Senior Sister Qingsu, what do you think? What do you think of this matter?"

Hearing his question, the other Jindan elders couldn't help but look at Taoist Aunt Qingsu, a late-stage Jindan monk.

As the person with the highest cultivation level of Qinglian Temple today, Taoist Aunt Qingsu’s opinion is undoubtedly extremely important.

However, Taoist Aunt Qingsu raised her eyelids slightly, glanced at the other cultivators, and said slowly and hoarsely: "At this old age, I have long been indifferent to personal life, death, honor and disgrace. If the sect wants to use me, Even if I give up my life, it doesn’t matter!”

At this point, he sighed again in a low voice: "However, Junior Brother Qingsongzi's worries are not unreasonable. If it is not possible to cut off all the Jindan monks in the Zhou family at once, and they will endure it for a hundred years and cause trouble, I'm afraid The sect will never have peace!"

Her answer was so ambiguous that it was impossible to guess which side she was leaning towards.

Taoist Yiyang and Qingweizi looked at each other at this time and frowned.

At this moment, Taoist Aunt Qingsu spoke again: "Junior brother Yi Yang might as well ask the Yuelun Sect first to see what their attitude is. Since the Zhou family has taken refuge with them now, how about beating the dog?" It also depends on the owner, and you must first ask them what their owner thinks."

Hearing her words, Qingweizi immediately retorted: "When we at Qinglian Temple deal with matters on our own territory, do we still need the Moon Lun Sect to make the decision? If the Moon Lun Sect doesn't let us deal with the Zhou family, will we? Do you want to watch the Zhou family develop and grow under their protection, and eventually occupy the magpie's nest?"

Unexpectedly, Aunt Qingsu nodded in a matter-of-fact manner and said, "Junior Brother Qingweizi, you are right. If the Yuelun Sect doesn't let us deal with the Zhou family, then we really can't do it openly!"

After saying that, he let out a long sigh and said: "Hey! I know that you, the junior brothers, are all bent on revitalizing the sect, turning the tide, and preventing the foundation laid by the founder from declining in your own hands!"

"But the reality is that it is very difficult to have that possibility! Without a real person at the Nascent Soul stage to be in charge of the sect, even if the number of Jindan stage monks in our sect is large, it will not be enough to truly make those Jindan aristocratic families respect and obey from the bottom of their hearts!"

"Instead of going to war for something that is destined to be difficult to save, it is better to seize the remaining more than a hundred years of security protection time, try to accumulate some accumulated resources for the sect, cut back on food and clothing, and hope that there will be another capable person in the future. A genius with the talent of Nascent Soul can revitalize the sect!"

She seems to have accepted the reality that Qinglian Temple must decline, and has seen through everything.

But neither Qing Weizi nor Taoist Yiyang could accept her statement.

Then I heard Qing Weizi say: "Senior Sister Qingsu is serious. Although our sect does not have a Yuanying Stage real person in charge, but with the heritage left by the Qingxiao Patriarch, it is still the third largest force in the Jingguo. No one can challenge it yet. The status of our sect!”

"What's more, if we want to cultivate a real person at the Nascent Soul stage in the future, we need to continue to stabilize our current status and territory. Otherwise, there will not be enough resources to support the consumption of cultivating a real person at the Nascent Soul stage!"

Taoist Yiyang also nodded repeatedly and said: "What Junior Brother Qingweizi said is absolutely true. Even if our sect is slightly declining now, it is still the third largest force in Jingguo, and it is still the master of the immortal cultivation world in the southern part of Jingguo!"

The words of the two people quickly attracted the response of many elders of Qinglian Temple, who strongly agreed with their statement.

Because in a sense, they are indeed telling the truth.

Taoist Aunt Qingsu also knew this, so she did not try to convince them.

He just shook his head slightly and said: "As I said, I am already old, and I am no longer able to interfere in the affairs of the sect. Since Junior Brother Yiyang, you are now the master of the temple, then it is up to you to make the decision on everything!"

Hearing what she said, Taoist Yiyang pondered for a moment, and then he no longer gave in. He nodded immediately and said: "Junior brother, I will go to Yuelun Sect personally to see what they say, and invite them by the way. Send someone to attend the memorial ceremony for Senior Brother Qingchen!"

Taoist Aunt Qingsu had no objection to this, so the matter was quickly settled.

On the other side, after Zhou Chun returned to the Zhou family, he also made some arrangements for the family.

Although he felt that Qinglian Temple could not be crazy enough to directly besiege the Zhou family's mountain gate, he still made the worst plan and arranged in advance for some potential Zhou family's younger monks to take refuge in the wilderness and Bamboo Leaf Island, the Leguo enclave. in case.

At the same time, among the Zhou family's Zifu monks, Zhou Daoyi also arranged to go to Bamboo Leaf Island in Leguo first, and Zhou Xinlan and Zhang Liang arranged to go to the wilderness.

In this way, as long as the three golden elixir stage monks of the Zhou family are not taken over, the Zhou family will still have a chance to make a comeback.

Zhou Chun is still very confident in his ability to save lives now. Even if a late-stage Jindan monk takes action himself, he may not be able to save his life.

In order not to cause panic, various reasonable excuses were used for these transfers.

Therefore, even a few Zifuqi elders only had some vague speculations and could not tell the truth.

After waiting nervously for half a month, Su Yunniang suddenly came to the Zhou family on behalf of the Yuelun Sect.

"They are all members of our own family. Auntie, I won't be estranged from you, Masachun. This time, auntie, I am here to convey the notice on behalf of the head master."

"A few days ago, Taoist Yi Yang, the master of Qinglian Temple, personally went to the mountain gate of Benjiao to visit the master master. What exactly he talked about with the master master, I don't know, auntie. I only know that this time the master master specially Ask my aunt to come over as a messenger to inform Zhengchun and your Zhou family."

When Su Yunniang said this, she looked at Zhou Chun solemnly and said, "Either the Zhou family will give up the spiritual land of Jiufeng Ridge directly, or send people and Qinglian Temple to have three gambling battles to decide the ownership of Jiufeng Ridge!"

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun's expression suddenly changed. He couldn't help but look at her and whispered: "Why is this happening! Doesn't the senior headmaster know the importance and significance of Jiufeng Ridge to my Zhou family?"

I also felt slightly angry in my heart.

Since the Zhou family took refuge in the Yuelun Sect, they have been conscientious in their work. They will try their best to meet the requirements of the Yuelun Sect as much as possible. They are much more submissive than they were to the Qinglian Temple at the beginning.

Who would have thought that Master Bai Yue would make such a decision directly for the Zhou family without even asking the Zhou family!

To put it more seriously, he didn't take the Zhou family seriously at all, and he didn't respect the few golden elixir stage monks of their Zhou family at all.

"What? Are you angry now?"

Su Yunniang glanced at Zhou Chun, with a hint of joking in her tone.

This is the unpleasant part of her character. She always likes to tease the younger generation by taking advantage of her status as an elder.

Zhou Chun might have been really angry at this time. After hearing what she said, he didn't try to please her as before.

Immediately he said coldly: "Young people don't dare to be angry with Shangzong. After all, hundreds of members of my Zhou family still have to rely on Shangzong to survive!"

When he said this, Su Yunniang didn't dare to play with it anymore.

At that moment, he looked at him and said softly: "Don't be angry. After all, Qinglian Temple is also the third largest force in Jingguo, and senior Qingxiao Zhenren has sacrificed his life for righteousness and made extraordinary achievements. Counting all the countries and sects, he owes He’s a favor.”

"Now that the war has only ended a few decades ago, the achievements of Senior Qingxiao are still being circulated in various countries. Since Taoist Yiyang, the master of Qinglian Temple, has come to our sect in person, the master teacher does not care about his face, but also wants to see Senior Qingxiao’s face should be sold to him!”

"What's more, your family's Jiufengling Spiritual Land itself is within the traditional sphere of influence of Qinglian Temple. Due to emotions and reasons, Qinglian Temple has the right to take it back at any time!"

It's okay that she didn't mention this, but when she mentioned it, Zhou Chun became angry.

He immediately said: "What does it mean to be more emotional than reasonable? When my Zhou family took refuge in the Yuelun Sect, it was to protect this family territory. This was also a good thing that senior worshiper Yue Zhenren promised at that time!"

"If the loss of the family territory is inevitable in the end, why should the juniors and the Zhou family continue to serve the Yuelun Cult? Why not just move out of Jingguo!"

These words made Su Yunniang speechless.

In the end, he could only say: "Uncle Master Teacher may have other plans. Masachun, you should act according to his instructions first. Besides, if Uncle Master Master hadn't persuaded Master Tianjing to help, the Black Dragon of Hualong Cult would The hall master might just run away!"

She said this a bit implicitly, but in fact she was telling Zhou Chun that the Moon Lun Sect had saved the Zhou family and him once before.

After hearing her words, Zhou Chun was silent for a while.

Then he had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and he could only nod his head and said: "Okay, aunt, please tell me about the gambling. How do you want to bet at Qinglian Temple?"

This week everything went wrong. I worked on the manuscript a few days ago and didn’t exercise. I went to the hospital in the next few days. Today it seems to have accumulated. My neck is sore and it hurts when I sit. Today I have 4,000 words! ! !

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