Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 520 The foundation of the big sect [please subscribe]

In fact, it should not be said that Qinglianguan wants to gamble. In fact, Qinglianguan does not want to gamble.

According to the original intention of Taoist Yiyang, the Moon Lun Sect directly ordered the Zhou family to withdraw from Jiufeng Ridge and not to develop power in Lanzhou in the future.

He did not expect that the Moon Wheel Church would completely ignore the Zhou family and allow Qinglian to destroy the Zhou family.

However, Master Baiyue was always thinking about him. He always used the reason that the Zhou family was a meritorious minister and had taken root in Jiufeng Ridge for hundreds of years, and was unwilling to issue an order to force the Zhou family to withdraw from Jiufeng Ridge.

After some pulling and pulling between the two sides, Taoist Yiyang finally figured out the bottom line of Zhenyue Baiyue, so he took the initiative to propose a solution to the gambling fight, so that both sides could get off the ground.

After hearing this, Master Baiyue also acquiesced to the matter.

So after further discussions between the two, the details of the gambling battle were quickly finalized.

This gambling fight was divided into three rounds, including two for the Golden Core Stage monks and one for the Zifu Stage monks.

If any side wins two games, it is considered a victory for that side.

Originally, according to Taoist Yi Yang's wishes, all the Jindan monks should participate in the gambling fight.

But Master Baiyue also knew that Zhou Mingde was simply a parallel Jindan monk. If he really allowed him to play, it would be like giving points to Qinglian Temple, so he firmly disagreed.

In the end, Taoist Yiyang had no choice but to give in!

After Su Yunniang finished explaining the rules of the gambling battle, she looked at Zhou Chun solemnly and said, "Now that the date of the gambling battle has been set, it will be just one month later. If Zhengchun and your Zhou family want to keep Jiufeng Ridge, you can You have to plan carefully!"

"Do you only have one month to prepare?"

Zhou Chun's expression condensed, and he quickly understood the meaning behind this.

Obviously, Qinglian Temple was afraid of long nights and too many dreams, and was afraid of giving too much time, so the Zhou family borrowed powerful magic weapons or treasures from it to increase the combat power of the fighting monks.

And there is only one month. Unless the Zhou family can borrow several powerful magic weapons within ten days, even if they get the magic weapons later, they will not have time to practice and become familiar with them.

Thinking of this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but look at Su Yunniang and asked, "Didn't Senior Prayer Moon ask my aunt to bring you anything?"

Could it be that Su Yunniang didn't understand what he meant? After hearing this, she couldn't help but shook her head and said, "Everyone in Qinglian Temple knows about the powerful magic weapon of our sect. If I lend it to your Zhou family for use, I will obviously help you cheat." , Qinglian Temple will definitely not give up!"

After speaking, he emphasized and said: "Furthermore, this matter is a grudge between the two of you, and the opponent is a big force like Qinglian Guan. I'm afraid that not many people in Jingguo are willing to get involved and dare to borrow the magic weapon. For you guys!"

Hearing her answer, Zhou Chun felt indescribably disappointed.

But now that she has said it all, it is useless to complain to her at this time.

He could only nodded with an ugly face and said: "Junior understands, then I will inform the two elders to prepare for the competition, so I won't spend more time with my aunt!"

But he took the initiative to say goodbye.

This was the first time Su Yunniang encountered such treatment in the Zhou family.

After frowning, she couldn't help but shake her head and left immediately without saying anything else.

After sending Su Yunniang away, Zhou Chun's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

“As expected, it’s better to rely on yourself than relying on heaven and earth!”

"I thought that the Moon Wheel Church was a big tree that could protect it from the wind and rain, but I never thought that it was also a peacock that cherishes its feathers. Even if something goes wrong, it is still unreliable!"

He muttered to himself, feeling very heavy.

The ship turned around due to a disaster. This is the current situation of the Zhou family.

Even if Zhou Chun now knows that the Moon Wheel Sect is an unreliable target, he can't steer the ship of the Zhou family to turn around and leave this area.

Now the Zhou family has three golden elixir stage monks, hundreds of monk clan members, and many monster beasts.

How difficult it is for such a large force to move and find a suitable place to settle!

So even if he knew that the Yuelun Sect was unreliable, the Zhou family could only continue to stay in Jingguo and continue to be vassals of the Yuelun Sect.

This is also a problem faced by many middle-level forces. They cannot succeed at high levels and cannot settle at low levels. They face various difficulties and pressures in their upward development. They can only do their best to maintain the stable inheritance of power and wait for the right time!

If the opportunity arises, and there are people to help, maybe you can transform into a dragon and become the kind of powerful force that will last for thousands of years or ten thousand years!

If you don't wait for that opportunity to appear and embark on the path of regression, you will have no choice but to fall apart, completely decline or even disappear like the original Sanjue Sect!

Not long after, Lin Hongyu, Zhou Mingde, Zhou Daoyi and others gathered in Zhou Chun's cave to discuss how to deal with the gambling fight.

In fact, there is nothing to discuss. There are not many choices for the Zhou family to choose, and they can only be Lin Hongyu, Zhou Chun, and Zhou Daoyi.

Among them, Zhou Daoyi has a blue dragon who is already a third-order mid-grade monster to help him, so his chances of winning are not small.

But Qinglianguan also knows this, and will probably make relevant responses, so it should not be underestimated.

As for Lin Hongyu and Zhou Chun, Zhou Chun was still quite confident about winning a match, even though he knew clearly that the people sent by Qinglian Temple would definitely possess magic weapons.

But it's hard to say for Lin Hongyu.

Her own strength is not bad, but in terms of treasures, it is difficult to compare with those sent by Qinglian Temple.

Even if Zhou Chun temporarily lent her the magical weapon [Blazing Gloves], she would still have no advantage at all.

"It's a pity that once I change the owner of my [Three Yang True Fire Pot], the 'Three Yang True Fire' accumulated inside will be dispersed first. Otherwise, this treasure can also become a killing move for Fellow Daoist Lin!"

Zhou Mingde sighed with regret, and there was nothing he could do about it.

After Zhou Chun thought about it, he said in a deep voice: "Then I will hand over the [Wutu Vajra Cover] to my great-aunt for sacrifice. She has also practiced this defensive magic weapon before, which can save the time of getting familiar with it." !”

Hearing what he said, Lin Hongyu immediately shook her head and said, "No, Zhengchun, if you give me this treasure, what will you do?"

As he spoke, he looked at Zhou Chun solemnly and said: "The key to this battle is not me, but you and Dao Yi, Zhengchun. As long as you can win, I will really lose because of my inferior skills. In the end The winner is also the Zhou family!"

Zhou Mingde also nodded and persuaded after hearing this: "Yes, Fellow Daoist Lin is right. Zhengchun, you still have to ensure that you can score a point. Fellow Daoist Lin, we just have to do our best!"

After the two persuaded him, Zhou Chun no longer persisted because he was not 100% sure of winning.

If he can use the [Moon Toad Orb], then he must have full confidence. After all, it is impossible for the Qinglian Temple to give the spiritual treasure to the early Golden Core monks for sacrifice.

And even if Qinglian Guan is willing to do this, Lingbao's weapon spirit may not be willing.

However, the third party witness of this gambling fight was the leader of the Moon Lun Sect, Master Baiyue, and many other Jindan elders of the Moon Lun Sect were present.

No matter how bold Zhou Chun was, he would not dare to reveal the [Moon Toad Orb], a spiritual treasure, in front of the Jindan elders of the Yuelun Sect.

A mere Zhou family is not qualified to own such a spiritual treasure!

After such discussions, Zhou Chun finally just handed over the [Blazing Gloves] magic weapon to Lin Hongyu for sacrifice, and then equipped Zhou Daoyi with several talismans and fourth-level magic talismans.

Then he went to the wilderness again and brought back all the mature and adult "Sky Frost Bees".

One month passed quickly.

On this day, Zhou Chun, Lin Hongyu, and Zhou Daoyi went to the mountain gate of Yuelun Sect together.

After Zhou Mingde sent the three of them away, he sat on Tuyun Ridge with a worried expression and waited for the news.

Over there, Zhou Chun and the others flew to the Moon Lun Sect's mountain gate together on the Golden Winged Tiger, and soon arrived at their destination.

The person in charge of receiving the three people was still Su Yunniang, and she directly welcomed the three people to the cave where the Yuelun Sect specially entertained distinguished guests.

Tomorrow is the time for gambling and fighting. The three people from the Zhou family came here today to adjust their status in advance.

But after Zhou Chun settled down, he still went to pay a visit to Master Yue Bai.

"I know that you must have complaints about this gambling fight, but don't worry. Even if your Zhou family still loses this time, I and I will definitely find a place for your Zhou family. A place no worse than Jiufeng Ridge should be turned into a separate courtyard!"

In the main hall, after worshiping Zhou Chunxing, Master Baiyue just glanced at him and made a promise in a calm tone.

But to be honest, Zhou Chun didn't take his promise seriously at all.

Because only the senior leaders of the Zhou family know how important the spiritual land of Jiufeng Ridge is to the Zhou family.

But since Master Bai Yue has given his attitude, Zhou Chun still has to cooperate.

At that moment, with a hint of joy in his eyes, he saluted solemnly and said, "On behalf of the Zhou family, I would like to thank the Master Master!"

Master Baiyue waved his hand, then looked at him with deep meaning and said, "Young friend Zhou, you are a smart man, and your own potential is not small. If you can cultivate to the late stage of Jindan in the future, the Zhou family, the number one Jindan family in Jingguo, will Your position is truly as stable as a rock, so don’t be too impatient in your behavior.”

"In recent years, the Zhou family has given birth to two Golden Core Stage monks, several more Zifu Stage monks, and many Foundation Establishment Stage monks. It is already a big tree attracting the wind. After this incident, we still have to pay attention to the steady flow of water and not to be too ostentatious! "

These meaningful words made Zhou Chun's heart tremble.

In fact, he himself noticed this.

But whether he forms the elixir himself or Zhou Mingde forms the elixir, it is something that must be done.

The same is true for Zhou Zhengyong and other newly promoted monks of the Purple Mansion Stage.

But looking at the history of the Jingguo Immortal Cultivation World, going back thousands of years, I am afraid that there is no Immortal Cultivation Family like the Zhou family. Suddenly, in just a few decades, so many Jindan stage monks and Zifu have emerged one after another. Period monk!

Even many people know that this is all because the Zhou family caught up with the good times and made a fortune from the war.

But knowing it is one thing, jealousy and jealousy are inevitable.

At the same time, it will also make forces like Qinglianguan feel threatened and feel uneasy.

At this time, Master Yue Worship's reminder was a reminder, but it wasn't necessarily a warning.

If the Zhou family continues to expand and explode at this rate, even the Moon Lun Sect may not be able to sit still.

There will definitely be someone who wants to delve into the truth and find out the real secret behind the Zhou family’s explosion!

At this time, thoughts were swirling in his mind, and Zhou Chun quickly responded with a respectful look: "Junior understands, the Zhou family will definitely hide its power and bide its time in the future, keep a low profile, and never let the Shang Zong worry about it again!"

"As long as you understand, I still think highly of you and the Zhou family."

Master Baiyue nodded with satisfaction, and after talking to Zhou Chun about some things, he let him leave.

On the next day, the people from Qinglian Temple also arrived at the gate of Yuelun Sect.

A total of seven people came to Qinglian Temple this time. Except for a late-stage cultivator from Zifu, the remaining six people were all elders at the golden elixir stage.

Among them, Taoist Yi Yang and Qing Weizi are both middle-stage Golden Elixir cultivators, while the other four are early-stage Golden Elixir cultivators.

Zhou Chun soon also learned the identities of the three monks from Qinglian Temple who participated in the gambling fight.

Two of the Jindan monks were named Yan Lingzi and Xuan Shuangzi respectively, and the late Zifu monk was named Hongyang Taoist.

The Zhou family has collected general information about the two golden elixir-level monks. Among them, Yan Lingzi was the earliest to form elixirs for more than three hundred years, and Xuan Shuangzi had been forging elixirs for more than two hundred years. The two of them practiced fire. Xing Kung Fu, a practicing ice walking technique, seems to be targeted at restraining Lin Hongyu and Zhou Chun.

As for the Taoist Hongyang, the information collected by the Zhou family shows that this person is a descendant of a late Jindan monk in Qinglian Temple, and he may have a fake magic weapon in his body!

In short, all three are not easy to chew!

At this time, people from both sides, led by the Moon Lun Sect monks, came to a barren mountain outside the Moon Lun Sect's mountain gate.

Master Baiyue, the headmaster of the Yuelun Sect, is already waiting here with Wei Yong and other seven or eight elders of the Golden Core Stage of the Yuelun Sect.

When both of them arrived, Master Baiyue immediately looked at the people on both sides and said in a deep voice: "Since both of you trust me and are willing to let me be the witness of this bet, then I will also tell you what I am. The rules of betting and fighting.”

"First of all, when one party admits defeat, the other party is not allowed to continue to take action. Anyone who violates this will be declared a loser!"

"Second point, both of you are the pillars of Jingguo. Both of them have made great contributions in the previous war between immortals and demons. Therefore, I hope that during the competition, you will be able to hit the target and not make a fatal blow."

"Third point, after the gambling battle between the two parties is over, everything must be carried out according to winning or losing. The loser is not allowed to use any excuse to retaliate against the winner, otherwise this sect will definitely punish him severely!"

These three points have been informed to both parties in advance, and they are mentioned again now just as a warning.

Immediately, the leaders of both forces, Zhou Chun and Yiyang Taoist, expressed their agreement one after another.

Seeing this situation, Master Baiyue nodded with satisfaction and said: "Okay, since you both agree, let's start the first gambling battle between monks in the Zifu period now!"

After the words fell, Zhou Daoyi and Taoist Hongyang looked at each other, immediately flew away from the team, and faced off thousands of feet apart.

Zhou Daoyi was not unambiguous here either. He called out the green dragon directly before Lord Worshiping the Moon announced the start of the war.

But what everyone in the Zhou family didn't expect was that Taoist Hongyang actually slapped the spirit beast bag on his waist and directly released a third-order monster beast from it, and it was also a third-order middle-grade monster golden flame lion!

"What's going on? Where did this golden flame lion come from? Is it the inherited spiritual beast left by the senior monks of Qinglian Temple?"

Zhou Chun's face changed slightly, and he looked at the red-gold fire lion with a surprised look on his face, and his heart sank.

The Golden Flame Lion itself is also a strange beast, and its actual combat effectiveness is not much worse than that of his Golden Winged Tiger. It is not a problem to temporarily defeat the Green Dragon.

And without the help of Qingjiao, Zhou Daoyi would probably not be the opponent of Taoist Hongyang!

No one on their side expected that Zhou Daoyi, who originally thought he had a high probability of winning, now had the highest probability of losing!

Zhou Chun thought of this, and immediately gave a salute to Master Baiyue and said: "Senior Baiyue, Qinglian Temple is cheating! That Golden Flame Lion is not the contracted spirit beast of Hongyang Taoist at all. How can Qinglian Temple let This spiritual beast fights with him!”

Hearing his words, Master Baiyue had not yet responded. Taoist Yiyang over there smiled confidently and said: "Who said that the Golden Flame Lion is not the contracted spirit beast of Master Nephew Hongyang? Daoist friend Zhou, you Zhou Our family is also famous in Jingguo for its skills in controlling beasts, but now it seems that it is difficult to live up to its reputation."

Hearing his confident words, Zhou Chun's expression couldn't help but change.

Then I heard Master Bai Yue nod his head gently and said: "What Taoist Fellow Yiyang said is unnecessary. This golden flame lion has indeed signed a contract with Little Fellow Hongyang, and it can now be regarded as Little Fellow Hongyang's spiritual pet!"

"You heard it, Master Bai Yue's words of jinkou, can they still be false?"

Taoist Yiyang glanced at Zhou Chun with a smug look, and said in a mocking tone: "Don't think that because your Zhou family got lucky and cultivated a few third-level monsters, you really think that you are in the field of beast control." Jingguo ranks first among the top, and its real richness in a large sect cannot be compared to that of a small family like you!"

Zhou Chun was speechless for a moment, feeling regret and hatred in his heart!

The Zhou family had considered a lot in advance. For example, Taoist Hongyang might have a pseudo-magic weapon and a fourth-level talisman.

But the level 3 monsters were really not taken into consideration.

After all, only they themselves know how difficult it is to cultivate third-level monsters.

But who could have thought that Qinglian Temple could actually make the inherited spirit beasts left by the predecessors recognize their master Hongyang Taoist again!

Generally speaking, there is basically no possibility of this kind of inherited spirit beast left by the predecessors to recognize its owner again.

First, it was raised by the original owner since childhood, and the original owner has long been regarded as the closest person. After the original owner passed away, it was impossible to recognize the new owner.

Second, as high-level monsters, they already have considerable wisdom. Even if they are restricted by the "Born Beast Card" and have to become the inheritance spirit beast of a certain sect and family, they will not be willing to directly create another one. Master comes.

After all, there are still many inconveniences in using "natal beast cards", and the restrictions on their freedom are not that big.

After signing a contract and recognizing the master, you are really a slave and a servant, and there is no room for bargaining.

It's just that now that the matter has come to this, Zhou Chun's regrets are useless.

Even if he knew this in advance, it would still be useless.

He can't transfer his thunder dragon to Zhou Daoyi!

For the beast-controlling monks of the Zhou family who regard their spiritual pets as relatives, this kind of thing is simply impossible!

"let's start!"

Master Baiyue didn't pay too much attention to the change in Zhou Chun's expression. After confirming that the Golden Flame Lion was already Taoist Hongyang's spiritual pet, he quickly announced the start.

As he finished speaking, Zhou Daoyi immediately raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and a green-purple spear turned into a bolt of lightning and shot towards Hongyang Taoist Cave.

At the same time, another green gourd appeared in his hand. When the magic power was activated, a blue-black evil wind turned into countless wind blades and shot at Taoist Hongyang.

Taoist Hongyang also took action almost at the same time as him.

He raised his hand and threw it, and a black mountain magic weapon suddenly flew out of the air. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a mountain peak more than ten feet high and bombarded Zhou Daoyi.

The green-purple spear hole shot onto the black mountain magic weapon, barely piercing the layer of black glow emitting from its surface before it flew away!

Everyone in the Zhou family guessed correctly in advance that Taoist Hongyang indeed had a fake magic weapon in his hand!

After the black mountain magic weapon knocked away the purple spear, it then smashed most of the oncoming wind blade frenzy, and then still had enough energy to continue smashing towards Zhou Daoyi.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Daoyi could only immediately activate a "Dingshan Seal" talisman in his hand and turned it into a giant earth-yellow seal to withstand the black mountain offensive.

But he had just stopped the fake magic weapon Black Peak, and over there Hongyang Taoist offered another fiery red gourd talisman. The mouth of the gourd spewed out red flames, and in the blink of an eye it turned into flaming divine thunder. It blasted towards him.

Fortunately, Zhou Daoyi also had an extremely exquisite third-level high-grade defensive weapon [Blue Treasure Umbrella] on him. At this moment, he opened the umbrella, and a ball of green mist glow protected him in it, blocking the bombardment of those flaming divine thunders.

All in all, it would be difficult for the two late-stage Zifu cultivators to defeat each other in a short period of time after receiving full support from the forces behind them.

There is a high probability that they will have to use up all their consumable cards, or one party will run out of mana first, before the winner can be determined.

And while the two late-stage Zifu monks were fighting fiercely, the fight between two third-order mid-level monsters also started.

As a wind-attribute dragon, Qingjiao has mastered the art of wind escape and undoubtedly takes the initiative in the battle.

While it continuously casts various third-level wind attribute spells to attack the Golden Flame Lion, it also sneaks behind the Golden Flame Lion to launch a close sneak attack.

Many of the Golden Flame Lion's attacks cannot hit it.

But as a strange monster, the Golden Flame Lion also has its own unique abilities.

The golden flames spitting out of its mouth are extremely hot, only slightly inferior to the elixir fire of the golden elixir stage monks. Even if a dragon like the Qingjiao is contaminated, the dragon scales on its body cannot withstand the burning.

At the same time, it can also use this golden flame for defense and physical attacks. If the green dragon's claws and tail attack it, it will inevitably be contaminated by this golden flame.

And when its own claws and fangs attack the target, it can also have a burning effect with golden flames.

In addition, it also has a sonic attack magical power. The lion's roar from its mouth can shake the soul and can break the green dragon's wind escape magical power.

Therefore, after fighting with it, although Qingjiao took the initiative and wanted to win it, it was not so easy to do so.

But at this moment, everyone present knew that facing Taoist Hongyang who had fake magic weapons and numerous talismans and talismans, Zhou Daoyi's only chance of victory lay with his spiritual pet Qingjiao.

Only if Qingjiao joins forces with him can we defeat Taoist Hongyang!

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