Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 521 Zhou Daoyi’s trump card [Please subscribe]

The wilderness outside the Yuelun Sect Mountain Gate.

The fierce battle between Zhou Daoyi and Taoist Hongyang has lasted for half an hour.

Because the battle was too intense, and activating pseudo-magical treasures, talismans, third-level talismans and other items consumed too much mana, both of them had already begun to take elixirs to restore mana, and they were still holding spiritual crystals in their hands to absorb them. Refining spiritual power.

However, compared to Hongyang Taoist who has a fake magic weapon, Zhou Daoyi's condition is undoubtedly worse.

His [Green Marbled Treasure Umbrella] magic weapon has already suffered some damage after being bombarded by talismans and fake magic weapons. Most of the power of the talisman "Dingshan Seal" has also been lost, and the green-purple long The spear weapon also created cracks in the collision.

On the other hand, Taoist Hongyang relied on the hardness of the fake magic weapon to avoid collision, and used the talisman to attack the enemy along the way. Apart from the loss of the power of the gourd-shaped talisman, there was no actual loss.

But compared to the two masters who had been fighting for a long time without any injuries, the two third-level monsters were much more miserable.

The battles between monsters and beasts are all simple and simple. In addition to fighting with magical powers, they are physical combat.

The two monster beasts have been fighting until now, and there are hideous blood marks and burnt scars on their bodies. It seems that they have not taken much advantage.

"It's not a good idea to continue like this. Taoist Hongyang has strong magic power and has a fake magic weapon in his hand. The farther back he goes, the more disadvantaged this elder of your family will be..."

Beside Zhou Chun, Su Yunniang's figure appeared beside him at some point, and spoke her opinion in a low tone.

Zhou Chun listened to her words, but did not answer.

Anyone can see such an obvious thing.

You can tell by looking at the smiles on the faces of Taoist Yiyang, Qingweizi and others.

"Don't panic yet, Dao Yi won't fail that easily."

Lin Hongyu's voice suddenly sounded from the side. Although her tone was a little heavy, there was no hint of panic.

Zhou Chun couldn't help but feel something in his heart, and looked at her thoughtfully.

Then he said in a deep voice: "I also believe that my uncle will not fail so easily!"

Hearing these two words, Su Yunniang rolled her eyes, and immediately stopped saying anything to undermine morale, and the others continued to watch the battle.

After another fierce battle for half an hour, Zhou Daoyi seemed to finally be unable to hold on any longer, so he took out the fourth-level magic talisman and launched a counterattack.

I saw him stimulating a fourth-level talisman that exuded a misty blue light, and instantly turned into a green wind that swept towards Taoist Hongyang.

The strong wind roared across the border like a tidal wave, and it was impossible to guard against it with just the black mountain pseudo-magic weapon.

Taoist Hongyang could only take out a blue-green talisman and activate it, turning it into a blue-green lotus shadow to protect himself in the middle.

No matter how the azure wind blows, the lotus shadow firmly protects Taoist Hongyang without being affected in the slightest.

Zhou Daoyi then added two more third-level high-quality talismans, but still failed to break the protection of the lotus shadow.

"If you put your foundation in this way, I'm afraid your Zhou family and Qinglian Temple are still far behind!"

Su Yunniang spoke again. Although her words were unpleasant, they were also true and could not be refuted.

A major sect such as Qinglian Temple must have secret talismans left behind by monks in the Nascent Soul stage, let alone fourth-level talismans.

Of course, that kind of thing will definitely not appear in this kind of gambling, and can only be used as a basis for suppressing the fate of the sect.

Zhou Chun didn't want to argue with Su Yunniang, but just watched Zhou Daoyi's actions on the battlefield.

He believed that his great-uncle would not do useless work, and he had some expectations for Lin Hongyu's previous words.

Maybe Zhou Daoyi really gained something extraordinary from his previous travels.

After a while of this, when Zhou Daoyi finally used various means to erase the lotus shadow, Zhou Chun finally understood the meaning of Lin Hongyu's previous words.

But Zhou Daoyi suddenly patted the storage bag on his waist, and two jade boxes appeared in his hand.

He threw one of the jade boxes directly away, and was swallowed by the green dragon that used the wind escape technique.

Then he opened the remaining jade box, took out a purple-red pill and swallowed it.

That purple-red elixir was not unfamiliar to Zhou Chun at all, because it was something he had given to Zhou Daoyi before. It was the special elixir [Explosive Yuan Dan] given to him by Luo Qingni when he entered the secret island.

After taking this substance, it can increase the mana of late-stage cultivators of Zi Mansion by 30% out of thin air, and the effect is quite powerful.

But when the effect of the medicine wears off, the monk will be weak for a year, and basically can only lie in bed for this year!

Zhou Chun originally gave this thing to Zhou Daoyi because he had no use for it, and Zhou Mingde was about to retreat to form an elixir.

But I didn't expect that he would use this thing on an occasion like today.

At the same time, after Zhou Daoyi took the [Exploding Yuan Pill] and his cultivation power increased steadily, the green dragon that swallowed the jade box suddenly let out a roar mixed with excitement and pain, and then the aura on his body began to It surged violently and was instantly promoted to a third-level high-grade monster.

Not only that, while the mana aura surged, a dark red power also overflowed from the green dragon's body, forming a dark red protective aura on its surface.

"This is……"

Zhou Chun's complexion changed slightly, and he couldn't help but look at Lin Hongyu aside.

After feeling his gaze, Lin Hongyu couldn't help but sigh softly: "This is a special elixir [Blood Essence Reverse Spirit Pill] that I spent hundreds of thousands of spirit coins to bid for when I was traveling abroad. A kind of elixir that is only suitable for third-level monsters. It can stimulate the power of blood in the monster's body, raise a small level of cultivation out of thin air, and obtain a blood aura equivalent to a third-level high-grade defensive spell!"

Speaking of this, she also said in a very sad tone: "But the price of taking this pill is that the cultivation level will directly drop to a small level. If you are only a third-level low-grade monster when you take it, you may even fall back to the second level. The Pill Broken Demon is dead!!"


Zhou Chun's expression changed, and his look at Zhou Daoyi suddenly became extremely complicated.

Probably only a monk like him who also owns a third-level monster can understand how Zhou Daoyi felt when he chose to give Qingjiao the [Blood Essence Reverse Spirit Pill]!

Even monsters with powerful bloodlines like the Four-clawed Thunder Dragon will slow down significantly after reaching the third level. In addition to not having a small realm barrier, their cultivation growth rate is not as fast as that of the human Zifu monks.

Zhou Daoyi's green dragon advanced to the third level almost two hundred years ago, but more than two hundred years later, it is still only a third-level mid-level monster!

Originally, in about a hundred years, the green dragon should be able to be promoted to a third-level high-grade monster.

But now, after taking the [Blood Essence Reverse Spirit Pill], my cultivation dropped directly back to the lower level of the third level. If I want to cultivate to the upper level of the third level, I don't know how many years it will take. I don't know if Zhou Daoyi will see the day!

This price is not heavy!

It is estimated that only an older generation of Zhou family monks like Zhou Daoyi, who values ​​the spiritual land of Jiufeng Ridge more than his own life, would be willing to pay such a price to keep this spiritual land!

At the same time, after seeing that Zhou Daoyi's master and servant had greatly increased their magic power by taking secret medicine, the smiles on the faces of Taoist Yi Yang, Qing Weizi and others gradually disappeared.

Zhou Daoyi would use secret methods to stimulate potential or take elixirs such as [Explosive Yuan Dan] to enhance his magic power. This was not beyond their expectations.

However, the third-level mid-level demon beast Qingjiao was suddenly promoted to the third-level high-level demon beast, and also obtained a body-protecting blood element spiritual light magical power that was destroyed and reborn, which was far beyond their expectations.

Just looking at the scars that appeared on the golden flame lion's body after the green dragon's cultivation level skyrocketed, you can know how powerful the green dragon is at this time.

The Golden Flame Lion may not be able to survive even a quarter of an hour!

And once there is no golden flame lion to hold back the green dragon, it is absolutely impossible for Taoist Hongyang to be the opponent of Zhou Daoyi's master and servant whose cultivation level has soared.

Thinking of this, Taoist Yiyang immediately coughed twice violently.

This is a signal agreed with Taoist Hongyang in advance. Once he sends this signal, Taoist Hongyang will also have to use secret techniques to stimulate his own potential.

Sure enough, after hearing Taoist Yiyang's cough, Taoist Hongyang's expression suddenly changed, and then a fierce look flashed in his eyes, and he immediately used his hands to perform a secret technique that consumes essence, blood, and longevity.

After the secret technique was used, his mana also increased steadily, and soon surpassed Zhou Daoyi.

After such a sudden increase in mana, the power of the black mountain pseudo-magic weapon in his hands became even more powerful. In a head-on confrontation, he directly smashed Zhou Daoyi's purple spear weapon, and continued to move towards him unabated. Throw it away myself.

Seeing this, Zhou Daoyi immediately activated a talisman again, turned into a blue ax and struck the black mountain, narrowly blocking the talisman.

But then a series of blazing flames and thunder struck in front of him, directly blowing up most of his protective [Green Marbled Umbrella]. His whole body was also blown away by the fire wave, and he vomited a large mouthful of blood on the spot.

But he did not give in, but hurriedly activated another green wooden ruler talisman, which bloomed with green light to protect him.


Seeing that his opponent was still resisting, Taoist Hongyang couldn't help but snorted. He immediately took out another talisman and activated it, turning it into a fiery red flying sword and slashing at Zhou Daoyi.

There are many monks in Qinglian Guan Jindan stage, and they have been passed down for so many years, so the number of talismans accumulated is naturally much more than that of the Zhou family.

If the talisman is not too powerful and consumes more mana, making it difficult for Taoist Hongyang, who already has a fake talisman, to afford the consumption, it is not impossible to give him a talisman refined with a high-grade magic weapon. .

Therefore, it is impossible for Zhou Daoyi to compare with him in terms of treasure competition.

But just when Taoist Hongyang felt that he would be able to defeat Zhou Daoyi soon, the Golden Flame Lion couldn't withstand it at first.

[Blood Essence Reverse Spirit Pill] not only improves the Qing Jiao's cultivation level to the third level, but the attached blood essence spiritual light magical power also greatly enhances its defensive capabilities, and its resistance to the golden flames of the Golden Flame Lion has been greatly improved.

In this case, it first trapped the Golden Flame Lion in one place with the technique of wind binding, and then used the elusive technique of wind escape to randomly appear anywhere on the Golden Flame Lion's body, and launched an attack on it with its claws to the flesh. A violent attack.

In just a short period of a hundred breaths, a long bloody hole was torn out on the left side of the Golden Flame Lion's abdomen, and even the intestines gushed out!

Although the monster's vitality is said to be tenacious, this injury is not enough to kill a third-level middle-grade monster, but it is enough to greatly reduce its strength, making it even more difficult to resist the ferocious power of the green dragon.

"What a beast!"

Taoist Hongyang's expression changed slightly. After all, he couldn't bear the death of a spiritual pet like the Golden Flame Lion here. He hurriedly took out a third-level high-quality defensive talisman and played it to temporarily protect it.

But he didn't expect that his distraction would instantly allow Zhou Daoyi to seize the opportunity.

As soon as Zhou Daoyi closed his eyes, an invisible sword of consciousness burst out of his body and pierced into Hongyang Taoist Zifu's sea of ​​consciousness in the blink of an eye.

The secret technique of spiritual consciousness attack "God-killing Technique"!

It turns out that he has already mastered this secret skill.

Zhou Chun has always been very generous to the elders of the Zhou family. After receiving the inheritance, he taught them the cultivation method.

Several elders also understand the power of this secret technique and have been practicing it diligently.

Now, except for Zhou Daoquan, whose cultivation is stuck and unable to break through the late Zifu barrier, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi have both reached the first level and condensed a "god-killing sword".

At this time, the "God-Slaying Sword" entered Hongyang Taoist's Purple Mansion Sea of ​​Consciousness. Even though he had practiced the "Heart Lotus Zhengfa" to the second level, his soul was inevitably shaken, and he temporarily lost his ability to control fake magic weapons and talismans. Treasure control.

But the green dragon, who had the upper hand over there, suddenly used the wind escape technique to come directly behind him a hundred feet away, and spit out his demon elixir directly at him!

At this time, the green dragon is already a third-level high-grade monster, and the violent power contained in the demon pill is more terrifying than the strike of the talisman.

When Taoist Hongyang's consciousness recovered from the attack of the "God-Slaying Sword", the green demon pill had already arrived several feet behind him.

With such a small distance, he had no time to make any response. He could only use all his strength to activate a fiery red copper bell talisman that he had used to protect himself.


A violent explosion was heard, and Taoist Hongyang's body flew backwards and instantly turned into a bloody man, while the copper bell talisman was directly knocked back into its original form.

However, several cyan wind blades arrived first and were about to catch up with him and cut him into pieces.

At this moment, a blue lotus shadow fell from the sky and protected him inside, blocking those wind blades with ease!

"In the first battle, the Zhou family wins!"

In mid-air, Master Baiyue glanced at Qingweizi who took action, and announced the result in a calm tone.

Regarding this result, the Qinglian spectators and the elders of the Jindan stage naturally looked extremely ugly and were very unwilling to accept it.

As for the Zhou family, although Zhou Chun and Lin Hongyu were relieved, they could not see any joy.

They all saw how Zhou Daoyi won just now.

The price of this victory cannot be said to be heavy!

At this time, the outcome was decided, Zhou Chun hurriedly helped Zhou Daoyi dissipate the power of [Explosive Yuan Dan] in his body, then supported him who was extremely weak, and asked Su Yunniang: "Auntie, please take my uncle back to you first. The cave to recuperate, we will handle the rest of the battle!"

"It's easy to talk about this. I will definitely send Fellow Daoist Zhou back to the sect safely!"

Su Yunniang nodded and accepted his request solemnly.

And Zhou Daoyi also knew that there was no point in staying here anymore, so he just looked at Zhou Chun and whispered before leaving: "If something cannot be done, everything must be done to preserve your own life and path, and you must not act like me! !”

"Don't worry about recovering from your injuries. This junior knows what's going on!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, agreeing.

On the other side, after Qingweizi rescued Taoist Hongyang, she also treated him with spells and fed him healing elixirs.

Judging from Taoist Hongyang's appearance, it is estimated that the recovery time will be much longer than that of Zhou Daoyi, which can be regarded as a heavy price paid.

Therefore, the several Qinglian Jindan elders looked at the two Zhou family members with very unkind and hostile looks.

Regardless of what the two sides thought, Master Bai Yue quickly announced the start of the second gambling battle.

"The personnel for the second gambling match between both sides are ready to go on stage."

Hearing this, Lin Hongyu immediately said to Zhou Chun, "I'll take care of this."

After saying that, he stood up and flew forward.

As expected, Xuan Shuangzi, who was practicing the Ice Walking Technique, quickly flew out of the Qinglian Temple team on the opposite side.

The two Golden Core monks had nothing to say politely. As soon as Master Baiyue announced that the gambling fight had begun, they immediately activated their magic weapons to attack each other.

The magic weapon of Xuan Shuangzi is a white orb, which seems to be made from thousand-year-old cold jade. It can release extremely cold and freezing light and a body-protecting ice shield.

And he himself also refined a flying sword magic weapon that matched his own attributes, and a bottle-shaped magic weapon with water attributes. This magic weapon is still a middle-grade magic weapon!

Relying on these three magic weapons, as well as his own magical power that can turn into an ice chilong to attack the enemy, Xuan Shuangzi already had the upper hand after fighting Lin Hongyu for almost half an hour.

This is how the battles of the Golden Core Stage monks are. Once the magic weapon has an advantage and its attributes are incompatible, it will be difficult for the one who is at a disadvantage to save the situation.

The elixirs or secret techniques that can greatly increase the mana of Golden Elixir monks are all rare and hard to find, and the consequences are much more serious than [Explosive Yuan Dan] and the like. They will basically not be used unless it is a life and death fight.

What's more, in Lin Hongyu's situation, even if she uses that kind of elixir and secret technique, she may not be able to win Xuan Shuangzi. She will only be delayed by the opponent and wait for the duration of the secret technique and the effect of the medicine to pass, so she can win easily!

Lin Hongyu also knew this very well, so when the battle lasted for more than an hour, she became more and more embarrassed when she saw that she had exhausted all her methods. She simply gave up on her own initiative to avoid further fighting and sacrificing the vitality of the magic weapon.

"In the second battle, Qinglian will win."

Master Baiyue announced the result of the gambling battle lightly.

Then his eyes turned to Zhou Chun, his eyes flashed, and he said in a calm tone: "Now the third game begins. The victory or defeat in this battle will determine the outcome of this betting battle!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun and Yan Lingzi looked at each other, and each flew into the battlefield with a solemn expression.

Compared with the four people who had never had any communication before, when Zhou Chun and Zhou Chun entered the battlefield, Yan Lingzi suddenly smiled coldly and said: "I have heard of your name Zhou Zhengchun a long time ago. Okay, in today’s battle, I will let you, the younger generation, know that the battle between Jindan monks is not like that of the Zifu monks, and your beasts can no longer provide you with anything. Help!”

"Really? I hope you can still be so stubborn after you lose!"

Zhou Chun replied in a calm tone, which made the other party angry.

"Junior is rampant!"

Yan Lingzi let out a low roar, and when Master Bai Yue announced the start, he immediately activated a flaming halberd to slash towards Zhou Chun in the air.

Looking at the momentum of that flaming halberd, it is still a middle-grade magic weapon, and it is also Yan Lingzi's natal magic weapon!

In the early stage of the golden elixir, he cultivated his natal magic weapon into a middle-grade magic weapon. No wonder he was so loud just now.

It's a pity that Zhou Chun is no longer the newcomer who just formed the pill.

He was not in a hurry to activate the defensive magic weapon [Wutu Vajra Shield], but only activated his own [Qianyuan Jinxia] body-protecting magical power to forcefully catch the oncoming flaming halberd.

I saw golden clouds swaying and fire splashing everywhere.

After the flaming halberd cut through most of the golden glow, it was still too weak to cut through this powerful protective magical power with one blow.

"What a powerful natal magical power! Has he actually awakened his defensive magical power?"

The faces of all the monks watching the battle changed slightly, and they looked at the young man on the field with surprised eyes, surprised by the power of his natal magical power.

Yan Lingzi was naturally the most surprised.

"Hmph, even if you have good defensive powers and can block one blow from me, you can still block three or ten blows!"

He snorted coldly in his heart, and immediately activated the flame halberd to slash at Zhou Chun again.

But Zhou Chun just wanted to test the defensive strength of [Qianyuan Jinxia], so how could he really rely on his defensive powers to fight him head-on.

At this moment, seeing the flaming halberd slashing at him again, he immediately activated the repaired [Wutu Vajra Cover] to block the blow.

Then he opened his mouth and spat out, and a golden light flew out, turning into a golden cauldron.

I saw the golden tripod flying to Zhou Chun's head, golden light gushing out from inside, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a golden sword rainbow and shot towards Yan Lingzi.

Looking at the power of the golden sword rainbow, it is no worse than the magical flying sword!

Yan Lingzi did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly moved an earth-yellow umbrella-shaped magic weapon to block it in front of him, blooming a dazzling yellow glow to block the golden sword rainbow.

Judging from the aura of this khaki umbrella-shaped magic weapon, it turns out to be a middle-grade magic weapon!

Obviously Qinglian Temple also knows that Zhou Chun is the hardest bone to crack, so the configuration given to Yan Lingzi is stronger than that of Xuan Shuangzi.

At this time, after blocking the attack of the golden sword rainbow, Yan Lingzi quickly used a purple-red net bag magic weapon, and turned it into a large flame net to snare Zhou Chun.

This is another mid-grade magic weapon!

With three middle-grade magic weapons in his possession alone, Yan Lingzi was confident that even if he met a mid-stage Golden Core cultivator, he would be able to fight the opponent vigorously without falling much behind.

Moreover, the three middle-grade magic weapons were just within his tolerance range, and the mana consumption would not be particularly large, which was completely enough to cope with a normal battle.

However, facing his opponent's behavior of showing off his magic weapon, Zhou Chun didn't show any fear on his face.

As soon as he pointed, a ball of golden light spewed out from the golden cauldron again, turning into a golden ball of light and blasting towards the flame net.

As the "rumbling" explosion sounded in mid-air, the flame net was blown away by the strong explosion impact.

But at this moment, Zhou Chun raised his hand and pointed at Yan Lingzi, and three more golden lights spurted out from the inside of the golden cauldron, turning into three golden sword rainbows and slashing at the opponent.

"What kind of magic weapon is he? It doesn't seem to be of the middle grade. How come the magical power of his attack is so changeable and the frequency is so fast!"

One of the Moon Wheel Sect's Jindan elders who was watching the battle couldn't help but burst out in surprise, feeling incredible about the power of the golden cauldron.

But even Master Baiyue couldn't answer his question and could only continue to watch the battle changes on the field.

This month’s update contains 206,000 words!

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