Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 522 Zhou Chun’s strength [Please subscribe]

It took Zhou Chun so much effort to refine the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron], so it is certainly not an ordinary magic weapon.

The mystery of this treasure lies in the word "Wanhua".

This treasure can breed and transform into the "All-changing Golden Qi". This "All-changing Golden Qi" has the mystery of ever-changing and can be transformed into various magical powers according to Zhou Chun's mind.

When used for offense, the "Ten Thousand Transformations of Gold" can turn into a sword rainbow to attack the enemy. Its power is no worse than the magic weapon of the same level, the Flying Sword. It is equally sharp and unparalleled, and there is no need to worry about the flying sword itself being damaged!

When used for defense, the "Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Qi" can be turned into shields, shields and even spiritual armor, and its defensive power is no less than that of magical weapons of the same level.

Except that it cannot cure injuries, this "All-changing Golden Qi" is almost like a snake oil.

Therefore, if Zhou Chun has this treasure in his hand, it is as if he has attack, defense, and enemy trap magic weapons at the same time. One treasure has multiple uses.

In addition, this [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] also has the mystery of assisting cultivation. It comes with another magic weapon called "Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Light", which can dissolve gold energy and decompose materials.

Zhou Chun needs to absorb a certain amount of gold energy when he practices. In the past, when he went out, he always carried the gold energy collected in advance with him to assist his practice.

After you have the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron], you only need to bring some spiritual gold ores with you, or a broken magic weapon. Before practicing, use the "Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Light" to decompose and dissolve these spiritual gold ores and turn them into the original Gold energy, and then absorb it during the cultivation process.

It is precisely because of the mystery of the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] that Zhou Chun decided to use this treasure as his natal magic weapon after discovering the [Earth Mother Black Gold] necessary to refine this treasure.

At this moment, relying on the mystery of the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron], he only relied on this natal magic weapon and the [Wutu Vajra Cover] to assist defense, and he was able to compete with Yan Lingzi, a veteran golden elixir that has been formed for more than 300 years. In the early days, the monks fought evenly, without losing the slightest advantage.

This scene also greatly surprised the Golden Core monks who were watching the battle, and they had a new view of Zhou Chun, a newly promoted Golden Core monk who came from a family of cultivators.

Everyone originally thought that even if Zhou Chun achieved such a big name during his Zifu period, it was not because of his own strength, but because of his spiritual pets.

After forming the golden elixir, and before cultivating a few spiritual pets to the fourth level, their strength should be average, not even as good as the ordinary new golden elixir stage monks like these big forces.

Because according to the rules of these powerful forces, newly promoted Golden Core monks can choose a magic weapon left behind by their predecessors from the Patriarch Hall for free, which means that they can have a magic weapon at their disposal as soon as they successfully form the elixir.

They never thought that the actual situation was completely opposite to what they thought!

After Zhou Chun successfully formed the elixir, his strength was not only extraordinary, but also obviously stronger than the core disciples they and other sects had cultivated quietly.

If he cultivates his own spiritual beast to the fourth level in the future, even if they are in the same realm, the golden elixir stage monks from these sects will probably not be his opponents!

"Uncle Master Master, the skills practiced by Zhou Zhengchun this time seem to be extremely extraordinary. After this battle, you might as well signal the Zhou family to present this skill so that we can learn about it!"

An Elder of the Golden Pill of the Moon Lun Sect couldn't help but secretly put forward his own suggestions to the real person worshiping the moon.

At their level of cultivation, although they will no longer change their main practice, their understanding of other techniques can also provide some inferences.

What's more, if they get the skills practiced by Zhou Chun, they will also have a better understanding of Zhou Chun's abilities. If there is a conflict between the two parties in the future, they will know themselves and the enemy.

Maybe you can even use this technique to cultivate a Zhou Zhengchun among the disciples of your sect!

As for whether the Zhou family would be willing to offer their skills, this is not a problem at all.

If a vassal cultivating family dares to refuse the request of the sect leader, it is asking for death!

However, Master Bai Yue did not give the elder a positive response at this time. He just replied lightly: "Let's take a look."

Looking at the battlefield again, seeing that it was difficult to gain any upper hand after fighting for a long time, Yan Lingzi felt that he could no longer hold on to his face, and immediately took out his trump card.

But when he patted the storage bag, a crimson tiger puppet appeared in mid-air.

It was a fourth-level low-grade puppet!

Puppet is a magic weapon, and this gambling battle is an unlimited battle. As long as it is not a monster that does not have a contractual control relationship with itself, other methods can be used normally.

Even the secret talisman left by the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage is no exception!

Therefore, it is not illegal for Yan Lingzi to release a fourth-level low-grade puppet at this time, and Zhou Chun is not surprised.

He himself had borrowed a fourth-level low-grade puppet from Qinglian Temple, and of course he had expected and prepared for this opponent to have such a trump card.

Even in the previous battle between Zhou Daoyi and Hongyang Taoist, Zhou Chun had thought that Hongyang Taoist might be carrying a fourth-level puppet.

However, when Taoist Hongyang showed off his fake magic weapon, Zhou Chun knew that he would probably be dealing with someone without a fourth-level puppet.

Because although the puppet does not consume much of the master's mana, in order to exert the true power of the fourth-level puppet, the master must use a large amount of spiritual consciousness to control it.

Back then, with his powerful spiritual consciousness, he could only use two or three third-level magic weapons when controlling a fourth-level puppet.

Taoist Hongyang's control of the pseudo-magic weapon will only consume more spiritual consciousness, making it difficult for him to concentrate on controlling the fourth-level puppet in battle.

Otherwise, the other members of the "Seven Heroes of Heavenly Spirit" at that time would not have been equipped with a fourth-level puppet despite having a fake magic weapon!

At this time, as soon as Yan Lingzi released the demon tiger puppet, he immediately patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released the golden-winged tiger and thunder dragon in vain.

Seeing this situation, Yan Lingzi couldn't help but sneer and said: "Are you finally willing to let these beasts go? That's fine, then let you see with your own eyes how these beasts die!"

After saying that, he controlled the demon tiger puppet to pounce on the golden-winged tiger.

Probably because he also knew that the thunder dragon with the magical power of thunder escape was difficult to kill, so he wanted to pick the weak one first.

Facing the demon tiger puppet that turned into a streak of fire, the golden-winged tiger flapped its wings without fear, and the two cyan light groups flew towards the demon tiger puppet, turning into a cyan hurricane and trying to trap it. live.

As a result, they were easily dispersed by the demon tiger puppet!

But before Yan Lingzi could feel happy, a large number of white demon bees suddenly appeared around the golden-winged tiger, and then white cold air shot towards the demon tiger puppet like a gust of wind and rain.

The white cold air made Yan Lingzi's consciousness feel a hint of danger, so he hurriedly activated the defensive magical power of the demon tiger puppet, and a red flame light shield instantly rose up on his body.

But what happened immediately surprised him!

But after those white cold arrows landed on the flame shield, they were quickly connected into pieces and forcibly frozen and extinguished. Then the demon tiger puppet was also frozen in mid-air and fell straight to the ground.

"Damn it, what kind of monster is this? Why is it so cold!"

Yan Lingzi looked at those white demon bees in shock and anger, his eyes full of shock and anger.

The "Sky Frost Cold Bee" trump card was not used much by Zhou Chun on the battlefield of immortals and demons, so it was not taken seriously by others.

Among the information about Zhou Chun collected by Qinglian Temple, they were only mentioned briefly and were not taken seriously.

It wasn't until now that the fourth-level low-grade puppet was blocked by ice without any backhand power that those who had ignored this realized that Zhou Chun had such a powerful trump card!

At this time, after using the prepared "Sky Frost Bee" to freeze the demon tiger puppet, Zhou Chun also quickly let the thunder dragon attract the wind and cloud in vain, and began to accumulate energy to prepare the "Sky Thunder" magical power, preparing to destroy the demon first. The tiger puppet made both Yanlingzi and Qinglianguan feel heartbroken.

Seeing this situation, Yan Lingzi's face suddenly darkened, and he hurriedly opened his mouth to spit out, and a ball of blue-red real fire flew out of his mouth, turned into a fire bird and flew towards the Demon Tiger Puppet, preparing to help the Demon Tiger Puppet thaw.

This is a true fire magical power he cultivated, called "Qingyang True Fire". It is a kind of true fire for alchemy that alchemists like very much. Yan Lingzi himself is also an alchemy master.

But he seemed to have underestimated the power of "Sky Frost Cold Air".

The blue-red real fire fell on the ice that froze the demon tiger puppet, but it did not melt the ice as easily as he thought.

On the contrary, those "Sky Frost Cold Bees" were driven by Zhou Chun to spit out cold air at the demon tiger puppet again, as if even his "Qingyang True Fire" was about to freeze!

"Junior, how dare you!"

Yan Lingzi shouted angrily, and immediately activated the magic weapon in the net to snare the many "Sky Frost Cold Bees".

But he didn't expect Zhou Chunzheng to wait for him to do this.

Seeing that the magic weapon in the net bag was removed, Zhou Chun directly raised his hand, and a golden long pole suddenly condensed in his hand, and then he threw it towards Yan Lingzi on the opposite side.

Then he pointed again, and the golden cauldron in the sky suddenly spit out a large ball of golden light, which instantly turned into a golden spear hole and shot towards Yan Lingzi.

Yan Lingzi's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly waved his hand to recall the flame halberd that was attacking Zhou Chun, and intercepted the golden long spear.

Then he activated the earth-yellow umbrella magic weapon with all his strength, and a rich earth-yellow light bloomed to protect himself inside.

But at this moment, his eyes suddenly went dark, and two swords of divine consciousness were directly pierced into the Purple Mansion Sea of ​​Consciousness. Even though the fire lotus formed on the third layer of "Heart Lotus Zhengfa" tried its best to resist, it was still quickly destroyed. Torn apart, Jindan Yuanshen was instantly slashed twice by two swords of divine consciousness!

To outsiders, it was Yan Lingzi who suddenly let out a scream and couldn't help but hold his head with both hands.

The several magic weapons under its control suddenly lost their master's control and their flexibility was greatly reduced, and they would only attack in the direction that the master had aimed in advance.

Fortunately, his earth-yellow umbrella magic weapon was accompanied by the ability to automatically protect the owner. Even if he temporarily lost the owner's control, he still blocked the golden spear attack with the strength of the umbrella body and protected his life.

However, the magic weapon in the net bag that originally targeted those "Sky Frost Bees" failed because it lost the control of its owner. It only caught a dozen adult demon bees that had no time to dodge.


When the silver thunder crashed down, Yan Lingzi finally regained consciousness.

Although he had a splitting headache at this moment, he quickly activated the earth-yellow umbrella to protect himself. At the same time, he also called his natal magic weapon, the flame halberd, to his side to avoid being found by Zhou Chun and taking advantage of him.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhou Chun had no intention of taking advantage of the situation to deal with him.

Instead, after using the second level of "God-killing Technique" to attack him, he set the target of the attack on the frozen demon tiger puppet.

At this time, when the thunder fell, Zhou Chun activated the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] to shoot out a golden sword rainbow that also shot towards the head of the demon tiger puppet.

It seems that Yan Lingzi has trapped himself in a cocoon this time.

His "Qingyang True Fire" thawed the ice a lot, allowing Zhou Chun's golden sword rainbow to penetrate the ice and hit the demon tiger puppet's head without much effort.

Even though this puppet is a fourth-level low-grade puppet and the materials used are very high-end, it is not like a magic weapon that can be completely refined with magic weapons and spiritual materials, and it is impossible to be as hard as a real magic weapon.

Therefore, after the golden sword rainbow landed on the head of the demon tiger puppet, a hole was instantly penetrated in its head.

Then another silver-white thunderball boomed from the sky, hitting near the hole.


Following the explosion of dazzling silver-white lightning, Yan Lingzi immediately found that the mark of his spiritual consciousness imprinted on the body of the demon tiger puppet was strongly impacted, and his connection with the puppet became extremely weak.

Moreover, the spirit crystal of the demon tiger puppet is located just inside the head. This attack may have shattered the spirit crystal inside!

"Junior is so brave!"

Taoist Yiyang's face darkened as he watched the battle, and a hint of murderous intent appeared in his eyes as he looked at Zhou Chun.

The fourth-level puppet can be said to be a strategic treasure of the sect. Even if Qinglian Temple has accumulated it for so many years, there are only a few of them.

The fourth-level puppet previously lent to Zhou Chun has not been completely repaired yet.

Now that the demon tiger puppet was destroyed by Zhou Chun again, Qinglian Temple's background in this aspect could be said to have been severely damaged.

This made Taoist Yiyang wonder how he could not have murderous intentions.

But since Zhou Chun chose to do this, how could he care about Taoist Yiyang's opinion.

For him, Qinglianguan's attack this time has completely torn the faces of both sides, and there will still be a fight in the future.

Naturally, we must seize the opportunity to destroy the opponent's combat power as much as possible.

So not only did he want to destroy the demon tiger puppet, but he also prepared to find an opportunity to seriously injure Yan Lingzi and let Qinglian Temple know that the Zhou family was definitely not someone they could manipulate at will!

And if you want to ask who was the most angry after the demon tiger puppet was destroyed, it was naturally Yan Lingzi.

When he found that he could no longer activate the demon tiger puppet, his heart suddenly hurt. Then he looked at Zhou Chun and shouted angrily: "I want you to die!"

Before the roar ended, the flaming halberd suddenly burst into flames, turning into a flaming fire dragon and pounced towards Zhou Chun.

At the same time, he waved his hand, and three blazing "Earth Fire Thunder Beads" hit Zhou Chun.

Facing his desperate offensive, Zhou Chun also showed a rock-solid defense.

His thoughts turned, and the golden cauldron dropped down. The golden light laid out a golden light curtain around him. Inside the light curtain was put the [Wutu Vajra Shield], a defensive magic weapon. Inside, there was also his own defensive magical power [Qian]. Yuan Jinxia] personal guard.

With such three layers of protection, both inside and outside, it can withstand attacks from late-stage Jindan monks for a while.

After the blazing fire dragon pounced on the golden light curtain, although it successfully smashed the light curtain, it was forced to reveal its original form of the flaming halberd, making it difficult to break through the defense of the earth-yellow shield.

Two of the three "Earth Fiend Fire Thunder Beads" were detonated in advance by Zhou Chun's two golden lights a hundred feet away, and only one successfully landed on the earth-yellow shield.

However, the thunder beads collected and condensed from the evil energy of earth fire deep in the volcano are indeed vicious, and they are specialized in breaking shield-type magic weapons.

The combined damage caused by the explosion of the three thunder beads broke through the protection of the [Wutu Vajra Shield] and dispersed a lot of the golden glow that protected Zhou Chun.

However, as long as [Qianyuan Jinxia] is not completely broken through, Zhou Chun inside will not be harmed, and the poisonous fire energy cannot harm him at all.

After surviving Yan Lingzi's explosion, Zhou Chun's counterattack quickly launched.

Thunder Dragon was the first to attack in vain, and a [Tiangang Divine Thunder] blasted directly at Yan Lingzi. At the same time, it activated the power of thunder clouds in the sky and blasted out a series of thunderbolts towards him.

Those "Sky Frost Bees" were also driven by Zhou Chun, and quickly formed a giant demon bee and flew towards him.

Zhou Chun himself used his natal magic weapon, and when the golden light emerged, he shot another golden spear towards Yan Lingzi Cave.

As this offensive continued, Yan Lingzi could only use all his strength to use the earth-yellow umbrella magic weapon to protect himself, and then use the net bag magic weapon to snare the giant demon bee again.

He also saw that although the cold air spewed by these demonic bees was very powerful, their bodies were not strong and could not withstand the attack of his "Purple Flame Sky Net".

But after Zhou Chun's cultivation reached the golden elixir stage, his insect repelling skills were greatly improved compared to before.

At this moment, the giant demon bees formed by the agglomeration of a large number of "Sky Frost Bees" are not only superficial, but also have truly powerful strength.

Under the control of his "Spirit Melting Technique", the cold air exhaled by all the demon bees was fused into an extremely cold air.

At this moment, under his control through the will of a group of monster bees, the extremely cold air turned directly into a cold air ice dragon and hit the purple fire net.

For a moment, ice and fire collided, and soon the fire net was extinguished by the power of white frost.

The purple-red fire net also flew back to Yan Lingzi's hand with dim light, already hurting its origin!

Although this object is a middle-grade magic weapon, it is not Yan Lingzi's magic weapon. After hasty sacrifice, it cannot truly exert its full power.

And the total amount of cold air in the bodies of more than two hundred mature and adult "Sky Frost Bees" is so huge. How can this magic weapon be able to stop them when they are drawn out at this moment?

After destroying Yan Lingzi's magic weapon in this way, Zhou Chun did not give him a chance to retaliate, and directly took back the bee swarm that had almost exhausted the cold energy in his body.

Then he joined forces with Lei Jiao Baibai and his master and servant, and started bombarding Yan Lingzi indiscriminately.

"Junior Brother Qingweizi, it seems that we still underestimated Zhou Zhengchun's strength this week, but we miscalculated this time!"

Outside the battlefield, Taoist Yiyang looked at Zhou Chun who had switched from defense to attack. He couldn't help but sigh at Qing Weizi's voice transmission with an ugly look on his face.

Judging from the meaning in his words, it was obvious that Yan Lingzi was no longer optimistic about winning.

As a fellow disciple, he naturally knew Yan Lingzi's abilities.

Now that the fight has reached this level, Yan Lingzi has exhausted all his means and has no more cards to use.

There is no draw in this gambling fight. Even if the fight lasts for days and nights, there will definitely be a winner!

At this time, after listening to Taoist Yiyang's words, Qingweizi also responded in a low voice with an ugly face: "Yes, we miscalculated! No one thought that after forming the elixir, this child could achieve this without relying on spiritual pets. Wait for the fighting power!”

After saying that, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a solemn tone: "But in this case, we have to find a way to get rid of this son, otherwise when his thunder dragon is promoted to the fourth level, and the master and servant join forces, only I’m afraid even if a late-stage Jindan cultivator takes action personally, it will be difficult to capture him!”

"Do you want Senior Sister Qingsu to take action personally?"

Taoist Yiyang frowned, as if he heard the hint in Qingweizi's words.

But Qingweizi shook her head slightly and said: "No, we from Qinglian Temple cannot be allowed to take action, otherwise if the news is leaked, the Moon Lun Sect will have an honest reason to take action against us!"

"Then what do you mean..."

Taoist Yiyang looked at Qingweizi with a surprised expression, a little confused.

Qingweizi didn't show off, and quickly explained through a message: "When Junior Brother Xuan Shuangzi traveled to the Frozen Yi Kingdom in the East, he accidentally came into contact with a special force in the country, named [Ice Prison Sect]. The influence of this force The monks like to be killers to earn training resources, but they will only attack monks outside the Frozen End Kingdom!"

"This [Ice Prison Gate] killer has been hired to attack and kill late-stage Jindan monks. As long as we are willing to spend money to hire powerful killers, Zhou Zhengchun will definitely not escape death!"

Hearing his words, Taoist Yiyang's eyes also lit up.

Then he nodded slightly and said: "This plan is very clever, but you must be careful when dealing with the [Ice Prison Sect], and you must not leave any clues, so as not to implicate this sect!"

"Senior brother, don't worry. I will do it myself when the time comes, and I will never leave any clues!"

Qingweizi made the promise with a solemn expression.

The two people sent messages to discuss their treacherous plans, so outsiders naturally had no idea.

I only saw that Yan Lingzi had gradually fallen into a disadvantage under the offensive of Zhou Chun's master and servant. Just like Lin Hongyu before, it was difficult to restore the decline.

But if he continues to persevere, it will probably be fine for an hour or two.

After all, that middle-grade defensive magic weapon is indeed very powerful, far more mysterious and useful than Zhou Chun's [Wutu Vajra Shield].

But Taoist Yiyang, who had already made a plan, didn't want to watch Yan Lingzi's confidence being undermined by Zhou Chun.

At that moment, he took the initiative and said: "Junior Brother Yan Lingzi, forget it, you have tried your best this time!"

He took the initiative to speak, also wanting to give Yan Lingzi a step down so that he could take the initiative to admit defeat.

However, Yan Lingzi was already a little over the top and couldn't hold back his face.

When even his face was red and he said angrily: "No, I haven't lost yet, I want to compete with him in mana. I don't believe that he, a junior who has just successfully formed a pill, can have deeper mana than me!!"

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