Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 523: Cheated and killed [Please subscribe]

Yan Lingzi wanted to compete in magic power, and Zhou Chun naturally did as he wished!

In terms of deep magic power, Zhou Chun, who had just formed a pill, was naturally no match for Yan Lingzi.

But the mana consumed by his two low-grade magic weapons was less than that of the other party, not to mention the support of spiritual pets.

Just when Yan Lingzi's mana was running low, a wave of explosions hit him hard!

But Qingweizi seemed to have an insight into Zhou Chun's plan. Half an hour after Taoist Yiyang's persuasion failed, he persuaded him again and asked several others to follow him.

At that time, Yan Lingzi's defeat could no longer be concealed, and he felt that he was riding a tiger.

After being persuaded by Qingweizi and a group of fellow disciples, he finally walked down the steps and took the initiative to admit defeat.

This made Zhou Chun quite regretful.

"The third match is won by the Zhou family. The winner of this bet is the Zhou family. The spiritual land of Jiufeng Ridge will continue to belong to the Zhou family in the future. Qinglian Temple can no longer forcibly take back this place for any reason!"

Master Baiyue glanced at Yan Lingzi, who had surrendered and returned to the team, then his eyes fell on Taoist Yiyang, and announced the result of the gambling battle in a serious tone.

Taoist Yi Yang and others were dissatisfied with this result, but they did not dare to say anything more.

At that moment, he could only say with a sullen face: "I know, Pindao, now that the gambling fight is over, Pindao will say goodbye to his junior brothers and say goodbye!"

After saying that, he bowed his hands towards the Moon Worshiper in a perfunctory manner, took the people from Qinglian Temple and left.

When Zhou Chun saw this scene, he saluted Master Yue Bai with a grateful look on his face and said, "Thank you Master Master for upholding justice for our Zhou family. This junior and the entire Zhou family are deeply grateful."

"You're welcome, little friend Zhou. These are all obtained by virtue of my own ability. I don't dare to take credit."

Master Bai Yue waved his hand, and then said: "If Little You Zhou is not in a hurry to go back, would you be interested in following me back to the sect's mountain gate?"

"Since the real headmaster invites me, I naturally have no reason not to respond."

Zhou Chun replied without hesitation and agreed.

So the group of people immediately went back home and returned to the Moon Lun Sect's mountain gate.

After arriving at the mountain gate, Lin Hongyu went to Su Yunniang's cave to look after Taoist companion Zhou Daoyi, while Zhou Chun followed the Moon Worshiper to his cave.

As the leader of the Yuelun Sect, although the cave of Zhenren Baoyue is not as good as the dojo of the three Nascent Soul Ancestors, it is still a first-class cave in the Yuelun Sect.

This is the first time Zhou Chun has been invited to this place. The rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth inside is even better than the secret islands he has been to before!

Of course, this is also related to the fact that he has never really been to the core area of ​​the secret island.

"If I could meditate here all year round, my cultivation speed should be more than 10% faster!"

He thought secretly in his heart, and he was extremely envious in his heart.

The 10% increase in cultivation speed may not seem like much, but combined with the lifespan of the Golden Core Stage monks, it is equivalent to giving people nearly a hundred extra years of cultivation time out of thin air!

Such a top-notch cave cannot be rented for any amount of spiritual coins outside!

However, there are probably not many such top-notch caves in the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate. At least the cave of Su Yunniang, the Jindan Elder, is far behind.

As long as you are willing to spend spiritual coins, it is not difficult to rent a training cave in Tianyuan Immortal City that is comparable to Su Yunniang's cave.

While Zhou Chun was thinking about this, Master Baiyue had already spoken to him to sit down.

When he thanked him and sat down, he looked at him with emotion and said: "Young Zhou showed off his magical powers today, which really opened my eyes. I don't think that in addition to the skills of controlling beasts, I also have a lot of skills." He has such magical powers!”

Hearing this, Zhou Chun quickly showed a look of shame on his face and answered with his hands, "The master is so complimentary. How can I deserve such praise from you with my little magical power? Who in Jingguo doesn't know that the master has great magical powers?" , has the power to rival Nascent Soul!"

Zhou Chun doesn’t know whether Zhenren Bai Yue can match the power of Nascent Soul, but he’s just bragging about it anyway!

In fact, he probably guessed why Master Baiyue invited him to the cave to talk about it. Now he just waited for the other party to get to the point.

As expected, Master Baiyue didn't fight with him much. After standing up, he quickly looked at him and said: "Little friend Zhou, do you know that there is a rule in our sect that all disciples of our sect receive the inheritance of secret techniques from outside?" If you only need to present it to the sect, you can choose any secret technique of the same level from the sect's scripture collection pavilion to practice based on the quality of the inheritance, and you will also receive corresponding rewards for your good deeds!"

"This junior really doesn't know."

Zhou Chun replied calmly.

Of course, it doesn't matter if he doesn't know clearly. What matters is that he knows it now.

Then I saw Master Baiyue saying again: "Today, little friend Guanzhou is fighting with others. His skills and treasures are unique, which is really eye-catching and eye-opening. Therefore, an elder of our sect suggested that he want to fight with the little friend. Exchange exercises with friends to see if you can draw parallels and improve yourself."

"If Zhou Xiaoyou is willing, our sect is willing to exchange with Zhou Xiaoyou according to the treatment of disciples in the sect."

The so-called exchange is nothing more than good listening and speaking.

Zhou Chun and Zhenren Baiyue knew everything in their hearts.

So Zhou Chun quickly responded: "Since the Shangzong is interested in the junior's practice, the junior is naturally willing to dedicate it to the Shangzong. However, there is only one tool for carrying this skill, so the junior can only offer the replica jade slip to the Shangzong. Zong!"

"Youyu Jianjian is enough, Zhou Xiaoyou is indeed a person who understands the general situation!"

Master Bai Yue responded with a satisfied look on his face, and complimented Zhou Chun by the way.

In fact, he didn't care about Zhou Chun's technique, because he knew in his heart that no matter how powerful the technique was, it all depended on who practiced it.

What he cared more about was Zhou Chun's attitude towards this matter.

And Zhou Chun's attitude now undoubtedly makes him very satisfied.

Immediately, in front of Master Worshiping the Moon, Zhou Chun recorded the four cultivation methods in "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" on the jade slips, and then handed them over to him.

Anyway, the first two chapters of this skill have already been included in Qinglian Temple, and it is probably available at Tianjing Villa, and even at Yulingmen.

What's the harm in having one more Lunar Cult!

Zhou Chun is not afraid of anyone targeting him by studying his own cultivation techniques, because his true strength does not come from his techniques and his natal magic weapon.

Anyone who thinks they can deal with him by grasping the weaknesses of his skills and his natal magic weapon will definitely be in trouble!

Besides, after Master Baiyue took the jade slip, he did not shy away from Zhou Chun and directly checked the contents in person.

With his cultivation level in the late Jindan period, it would not take much time to just read through it briefly.

Only two quarters of an hour later, he put down the jade slip, looked at Zhou Chun with emotion and sighed: "That's it! I didn't expect that the technique that Zhou Xiaoyou practiced was actually the Tongtian Mysterious Technique that few people in ancient times dared to practice! No wonder your magic weapon looks so sharp!"

Tongtian Xuan Gong?

Zhou Chun looked stunned, this was the first time he heard this statement.

At that moment, he looked at the Master of Worshiping the Moon with a puzzled expression and asked, "May I ask the Master, what is the Heaven-reaching Mysterious Technique?"

"The so-called Tongtian Xuan Gong is the name that later monks like us gave to some ancient techniques."

"The "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique" practiced by little friend Zhou is the Heaven-reaching Mysterious Technique passed down by some descending immortals in ancient times. This type of technique does not place much emphasis on spiritual root qualifications, but rather on cultivation. The opportunity for understanding of the person.”

"If you have good understanding and good opportunities, practicing this skill will be smooth sailing. It is often easier to form elixirs and transform into babies, and you will have great magical powers!"

"If you have ordinary understanding and opportunities, you will easily fall into disaster if you practice this skill!"

Master Baiyue talked eloquently and quickly answered Zhou Chun's doubts.

According to what he said, any ancient skill that belongs to the "Tongtian Xuan Gong" will undergo a life and death disaster similar to "Broken Cauldron Recasting" after each successful chapter or level.

If a cultivator can survive this catastrophe, he will be able to have a smooth journey. There will be no hidden worries about the skills in this realm. If he cannot survive, he will naturally be wiped out!

The reason why the Dao tripod in Zhou Chun's body must be recast every time he breaks through to a great realm is because if it is not recast, it will not be able to suppress the various hidden dangers that arise during the cultivation process.

For example, other monks who practice some top-level metallic skills are often easily affected by the skills, or their temperaments become cold and hard, or their bodies suffer various hidden injuries due to the corrosion of metal energy, or even become metallized!

In order to deal with this situation, they can only alleviate it by practicing other secret techniques, or avoid it by taking special elixirs.

Although Zhou Chun absorbed a large amount of gold energy during his cultivation, his personal temperament and physical body were not affected by the gold energy. On the contrary, his physical body was tempered.

This is all because of Dao Ding’s suppression!

"Although this type of Mysterious Technique has great benefits, it often requires very high resources. It becomes more and more difficult to practice it as time goes by."

"Let's take your technique, Little Friend Zhou, as an example. If you are able to conceive a baby in the future, the quality of the gold energy required for 'Recasting the Broken Cauldron' is so high that it is probably hard to find in the world!"

"Furthermore, we monks have finally succeeded in breaking the pill to transform into an infant, and have finally survived the 'Heart Demon Tribulation' and the Thunder Tribulation, and have lived for two to three thousand years. Who is willing to gamble with his life and path on the 'Shattering Cauldron'?" Cast's success rate?"

"So now, among the monks who have outstanding qualifications and are determined to form an elixir and transform into a baby, almost no one dares to practice this kind of mystical power to reach the sky anymore!"

When Master Bai Yue said this, he couldn't help but shake his head and completely lost interest in the "Jin Ding Xuan Gong".

But at the same time, he was completely relieved.

Since Zhou Chun is practicing this kind of "Tongtian Xuan Gong", he shouldn't think about it in the Nascent Soul stage from now on.

Even if Zhou Chun is able to transform elixirs into infants later on, the third "Recasting of the Broken Cauldron" will be almost impossible to complete, and it will not be enough to pose any threat to the Moon Lun Sect.

And there was one point he still hadn't explained to Zhou Chun.

Monks who practice "Tongtian Xuan Gong" to form infants often suffer more severe thunder disasters than other monks!

Taking these two points into consideration, Zhou Chun's greatest achievement in the future will only be in the later stage of Jindan.

Without Nascent Soul, there is no threat to the Moon Wheel Sect, and there is no need to be afraid of Zhou Chun and the Zhou family!

Thinking of this, Master Baiyue immediately said to Zhou Chun: "The Scripture Collection Pavilion of our religion also contains several Mysterious Techniques passed down from the ancient times, as well as some rumored powerful methods for cultivating magical powers. Since Zhou Xiaoyou I present this "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique", you can enter it and choose any one to take away!"

"In addition, I will exempt the Zhou family from paying tribute for the next ten years, as a reward for Zhou Xiaoyou's contribution to the practice!"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chun quickly saluted and thanked: "Junior, thank you Master Master for the reward."

Then he took the handwriting of Master Yue Worshiper and went straight to the Yuelun Sect's Sutra Pavilion to select from it.

The person who guards the Yuelun Sect's Sutra Pavilion is also an elder of the Yuelun Sect's Golden Pill. He looks very old and his life is short.

After reading the handwriting of Master Baiyue, he led Zhou Chun to a separate small quiet room in the library, and then took out dozens of jade slips for Zhou Chun to choose from.

"Only one-third of the martial arts and magical powers in these jade slips are open for people to check. If fellow Taoist Zhou chooses a certain one, I will unlock the restrictions for fellow Taoist Zhou!"

After the old man finished speaking, he closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately started checking the jade slips one by one.

"Xuanqing Heavenly Thunder Jade Book" draws the power of thunder into the body and condenses it into a treasure trove of thunder, which can control the power of thunder... For each successful level of cultivation, you need to draw ten times the power of thunder to condense one The new Heavenly Thunder Treasure...

"Xuanyang Heavenly Fire Sutra" can attract the power of Heavenly Fire into the body and form Heavenly Fire Mysterious Beads, which can trigger Heavenly Fire to burn the enemy... Every time you successfully practice one chapter, you need to be reborn from the fire and refine the Heavenly Fire Mysterious Beads...

The "Ancient Wood Immortality Technique" has been sealed in the ancient wood for hundreds of years. If it can blend with the wood after a hundred years and create the foundation of immortality, it will be successful. Each successful level can extend your life by 30%... Each level must be re-sealed in the ancient wood...

The first thing Zhou Chun looked at was the so-called "Tongtian Mysterious Techniques". These techniques were indeed the same as what Master Baiyue said. Each one seemed to be extremely powerful and promising immortality.

But in fact, many of them are more dangerous and unpredictable than his "Jin Ding Xuan Gong", and they don't seem to be practiced by normal people at all!

If the Zhou family originally offered Zhou Chun these exercises to choose from, he would probably not dare to choose them!

And now that he knew the shortcomings of this "Tongtian Xuan Gong", he naturally would not want to choose such a technique to take away.

So he quickly turned his attention to those magical powers and secret techniques.

These magical powers and secret techniques are indeed methods of cultivating magical powers that are only found in rumors.

For example, "Samadhi True Fire", such as "Great Sun True Fire", and "Yuanyang Divine Thunder"...

However, the method of cultivating supernatural powers is easy to obtain, but the door to magical powers is difficult to enter!

Zhou Chun had experience in practicing "Golden Escape Technique" and already knew how difficult it was to gain access to these magical powers.

Therefore, he did not put more energy into the rumored methods of cultivating magical powers. He only focused on some magical powers that he might have a chance to successfully cultivate.

After such a selection, he finally chose a method of cultivating magical powers called "Geng Jin Splitting Sky Thunder".

This "Gengjin Sky-Splitting Thunder" belongs to the "Gengjin Divine Thunder" variant of the Five Elements Divine Thunder.

The reason why Zhou Chun is interested in it is that after mastering this magical power, he can combine it with some materials to refine it into thunder beads for later use.

In the previous fight between Zhou Chun and Yan Lingzi, the three "Earth Evil Fire Thunder Beads" used by the other party were the use of such magical powers.

If Zhou Chun can master this magical power in the future, refine several thunder beads and suppress them in his natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of Ten Thousand Transformations], and use them together when fighting others, the effect will definitely be very good.

"Zhou has chosen this method of cultivating magical powers."

Zhou Chun took the jade slip and handed it to the old man guarding the Scripture Pavilion.

Seeing this, the old man immediately made a secret with both hands and fired a spiritual light at the jade slip, lifting the restrictions on it, then handed it over to him again and said: "Okay, Fellow Daoist Zhou can take it away now."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

Zhou Chun bowed his hand and quickly left the Sutra-Tiding Pavilion.

After that, he went to Su Yunniang's cave to visit Zhou Daoyi, and then returned to the family with the two elders.

And as several members of the Zhou family returned to the family, the news about the Zhou family and Qinglian's victory in the gambling battle quickly spread.

Those monks who heard about this for the first time were all extremely surprised and asked for details everywhere.

But because it was related to the reputation of Qinglian Temple, although some people deliberately spread the news, no one was willing to disclose the details.

So those good people gave full play to their imagination and started talking about various speculations.

Including many monks from the Zhou family who had just heard about this matter, they also had various discussions about it.

Zhou Chun ignored these comments.

After he returned to the family, he held a small meeting with several senior family members.

This small meeting mainly discussed three things.

The first is how to continue to cover up those strongholds in the wilderness.

The second is when to surround and kill Yu Jinghua.

The third is about Zhou Daoyi’s elixir formation.

During this gambling fight with Qinglian Temple, Zhou Chun was reminded by Master Bai Yue and realized that the Zhou family was too conspicuous now.

After Qinglianguan lost the bet, the attention paid to the Zhou family would only increase a lot again.

Therefore, the contact with the wilderness must not be so frequent, and at the same time, we must try our best to move those who know about it there, or place them in safe places.

Nowadays, there are already quite a few Zhou family monks who know the stronghold in the wilderness.

Especially some of the junior foundation-building monks, many of whom have gone there to experience.

For this reason, Zhou Chun decided to let these people secretly move to the wilderness in the name of going out for experience, and stay there for ten or twenty years, and then wait for the limelight to pass and then see if the situation can be adjusted back.

And when the time comes, they will be announced internally as missing, and it will also be able to confuse and paralyze those forces that have ill intentions towards the Zhou family.

After discussing the matter of surrounding and killing Yu Jinghua, we decided to proceed as soon as possible!

At present, Qinglian Guan has just failed. Even if he wants to take revenge on the Zhou family, he probably won't be able to do it so quickly.

The Zhou family can take this opportunity to send out all their elites and go to the Kingdom of Zhou to deal with the traitor Yu Jinghua.

As for Zhou Daoyi's pill-forming matter, Zhou Chun had already mentioned the pill-forming spiritual object to Master Baiyue, and the other party also promised to cash in a portion of the pill-forming spiritual object [Poly Yang Fire Spiritual Liquid] for the Zhou family as soon as possible.

And Lin Hongyu also had a copy of [Extremely Cold Ice Marrow Liquid] in her hand.

In this way, as long as you get another spiritual object that helps to combine elixirs, you can collect a set of elixir-forming spiritual objects.

After making relevant plans in this way, Zhou Chun went to the Great Zhou Kingdom to explore the road, collect intelligence, and formulate a plan to encircle and kill Yu Jinghua.

Zhou Mingde followed the plan and arranged for family members to go to the wilderness in batches.

Tianyuan Fairy City.

When Zhou Chun returned to this place, as usual, he first went to the shop where Luo Qingni placed orders to see if he was out of customs.

The result was disappointing, Luo Qingni did not come out.

So he had no choice but to go to Tianzhi Tower to learn about Yu Jinghua's latest movements.

Zhou Chun was quite satisfied with the information he learned this time.

Judging from the intelligence, Yu Jinghua has basically returned to his normal life and does not go out as frequently as before.

This shows that his vigilance has been lowered a lot and he is no longer suspicious.

Now, for Zhou Chun, he just wanted to find a way to trick Yu Jinghua out from the mountain gate of Yulingmen alone, and then recruit helpers to surround him together.

He returned to his temporary residence with the information he had collected, and then dug out all the information he had collected before, and carefully studied the information on the people around Yu Jinghua.

More than two hundred years have passed, and most of the people who followed Yu Jinghua from the Sanjue Sect period are no longer alive due to various reasons, including Zhou Zhenkun, a monk from the Purple Mansion Period of the Zhou family who had taken refuge with him, and Xiao Lingyan, a monk from the Purple Mansion Period of the Zhou family.

There are now three close confidants around this person, one is Wang Chen, the disciple who joined the Yuling Sect, one is Zhou Zhenkun's descendant Zhou Hui, and the other is Cai He, the original disciple of the Sanjue Sect.

Among them, Wang Chen and Zhou Hui are both foundation-building monks, and only Cai He is a purple mansion monk. Now all three of them are Yu Jinghua's direct disciples.

If Zhou Chun wanted to trick Yu Jinghua into killing him, he would basically have to start with these direct disciples.

Unfortunately, Tianzhilou only collected rough information about the disciples around Yu Jinghua, and Zhou Chun only knew the names, cultivation levels, and origins of the three of them. He still had a blank look at their personalities.

And now if Tianzhilou is asked to collect information about these three people, there is no guarantee that they will not be alerted again.

So after pondering for a while, Zhou Chun decided to go out and contact these people personally.

He has the [Hundred Illusion Beads] in his hand, and as long as he does not meet the Golden Core monks face to face, it is impossible for these juniors to find out his true identity.

Two months later, Zhou Chun, whose pseudonym was Xu Yun, appeared in Xuanqingfang City with the appearance of a middle-aged man and a late-stage foundation-building cultivation.

As the nearest large-scale city to Yulingmen, Xuanqingfang City is a place frequented by Yulingmen disciples.

There is also a Yulingmen shop here, which specializes in selling some spirit beast cubs, spirit beast eggs, as well as various spirit beast rations and elixirs.

After Zhou Chun entered the store called "Yuling Pavilion", he easily found some spiritual beast rations and elixirs unique to the Zhou family for sale.

Fortunately, he was mentally prepared for this situation. After a slight pause, he pretended to be an ordinary customer and bought some spirit beast rations. Then, he asked the shopkeeper here for advice on how to cultivate and advance monster beasts. Set up almost.

As a new face, Zhou Chun's initial attempts to approach him naturally had no effect.

But in the following months, he visited the "Yuling Pavilion" many times and purchased a lot of things. He also showed a very sincere look and repeatedly pestered the shopkeeper for advice, promising that as long as he could help his spirit If your pet is successfully advanced, there will definitely be great gifts.

After his persistent pestering, the shopkeeper finally agreed to help him take a look.

The monster Zhou Chun deliberately prepared was a first-level high-grade monster called the Iron-horned Rhinoceros that he brought under contract from his family. The advanced monster of this monster was the intermediate-level monster called the Silver-horned Rhinoceros!

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