Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 524 Yu Jinghua takes the bait【Please subscribe】

"Fellow Daoist Xu has trained the Iron-horned Rhinoceros very well. As far as I know, if this kind of monster wants to advance, the largest and most suitable direction is the intermediate-level monster Silver-horned Rhinoceros."

"There are some examples in our sect that have successfully cultivated this kind of monster into a silver-horned rhinoceros. However, Zhao is not in the sect now and cannot go to the library to check the information. We can only ask friends in the sect to help Daoist Xu to check the relevant information. Maybe It will take some time to give feedback to Fellow Daoist Xu.”

In the backyard of Yuling Pavilion, shopkeeper Zhao Wentang gave Zhou Chun his own suggestions after checking the iron-horned rhinoceros he had released.

Although he is also a foundation-building monk of the Yuling Sect, there are so many types of monsters in the world, and it is naturally impossible for him to know how to help each monster advance.

Generally, Yu Ling Pavilion helps people formulate spiritual pet advancement plans, and they all proceed as he said now.

But most of the time, they only develop this kind of advanced plan for monks who buy spiritual pets in their stores, in order to maintain the competitiveness of their own goods.

Zhou Chun also knew not to be too eager for success. When Zhao Wentang agreed to help retrieve information from Yulingmen, his goal had been achieved.

At that moment, he cupped his hands towards the other party with a grateful face and said: "Then I'll leave this matter to Shopkeeper Zhao. Please take care of this matter. As long as Iron Horned Rhinoceros can successfully advance, Xu will be grateful!"

"Easy to say, easy to say. As Daoist Fellow Xu says, Zhao will definitely do his best!"

Zhao Wentang smiled softly on his face and was very satisfied with Zhou Chun's success.

After the two exchanged some experiences and insights on cultivation, Zhou Chun left first.

After leaving Yuling Pavilion, Zhou Chun entered an inn in Fangshi.

The identity he is currently pretending to be is that of a monk from a small family who traveled thousands of miles to look for opportunities to advance to spiritual beasts after hearing about Yuling Sect.

The reason why he wanted to help the Iron Horn Rhino advance was because he was afraid that after his death, his family would not have a strong person to protect him, so he wanted to cultivate this beast to become a clan-protecting spiritual beast!

With this identity background, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money and directly rented a guest room in Fangshi Inn to live in, trying to make friends with Yulingmen disciples.

"It's hard to say whether there are other foundation-building monks in the Yuling Sect who have tamed the Silver-horned Rhinoceros, but the person famous for taming the Silver-horned Rhinoceros must be Zhou Zhenkun's descendant Zhou Hui, who must have inherited Zhou Zhenkun's original third-level Silverhorn Rhinoceros!”

"So as long as Zhao Wentang is willing to help, and as long as I am willing to show an attitude of not caring about the cost, I will have a chance to meet Zhou Hui!"

"As long as I can meet Zhou Hui and initially gain his trust, I can let Mu Mei appear!!"

In the room, Zhou Chun thought about his plan carefully, his eyes shining.

He didn't have much time to slowly establish friendship and build relationships with Yu Jinghua's disciples.

So there was this plan to lure the snake out of its hole.

Xu Yun, disguised by him, inadvertently revealed the news about Mu Mei, attracting Zhou Hui to verify the authenticity.

After Zhou Hui confirmed the existence of Mu Mei, he found that he was not enough to take down Mu Mei, and he was bound to report the news to Yu Jinghua.

Facing the temptation of a wooden charm, even if Yu Jinghua was still wary to a certain extent, he would definitely not be willing to share the news with other Jindan monks in the Yuling Sect.

At that time, as long as Yu Jinghua goes alone to track Mu Mei, he can lead Mu Mei into the ambush location and surround and kill him!

This plan is actually very crude, but fortunately Mu Mei is attractive enough, and Zhou Chun is still very optimistic about the success rate of the plan.

After staying in Xuanqingfang City for more than a month, when Zhou Chun went to Yuling Pavilion again, the shopkeeper Zhao Wentang invited him into the quiet room.

In the quiet room, after the two people exchanged polite greetings, Zhao Wentang took the initiative and said: "Zhao has already completed the things that Taoist Xu asked Zhao to do. Now Zhao has three different success stories in his hands." , Fellow Daoist Xu only needs to cultivate the iron-horned rhinoceros according to the successful experience of our monks, and there is at least a 30% chance that he can successfully advance it!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun did not show any joy, but whispered: "Is it only a 30% chance? Isn't it too small!"

His words seemed to step on Zhao Wentang's tail, and he suddenly shouted excitedly: "The 30% chance is already very high!"

As he said that, he looked at Zhou Chun with a look like "A summer insect cannot speak of ice" and said loudly: "Fellow Daoist Xu, don't you know that monsters with low-level bloodline want to break through the shackles of bloodline and advance to a higher realm, the chances are better than mine?" Will it be more difficult for the cultivators to break through to the great realm?"

"Think about how difficult it is for us monks to build a foundation. A foundation-building pill can only increase the chance of success by a few percent!"

"It's not that Zhao is boasting. If there are not these successful examples in Zhao's hand as a reference, if you try it on your own with fellow Taoist Xu, let alone a 30% chance, there is absolutely no chance of even 10%! And most likely, the iron-horned rhinoceros will be defeated. Die during the breakthrough!”

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, and the spittle from his mouth almost flew to Zhou Chun's face.

After hearing his words, Zhou Chun's face changed slightly, showing a look of embarrassment. He quickly raised his hands and said: "Friend Zhao, calm down. Xu has no intention of looking down on fellow Taoist, but this iron-horned rhinoceros can Whether the advancement is successful or not is of great significance to Xu and the Xu family, so they want to make it perfect!"

Seeing him so sincerely apologizing, Zhao Wentang's face suddenly looked much better, and then he shook his head slightly and said: "Fellow Daoist Xu, Zhao also knows what you mean, but even if we and other disciples of the Yuling Sect want to cultivate a second-level monster, we still It’s just a gamble on luck, there is no absolute guarantee of success!”

Zhou Chun nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, Xu understands, but Xu has also heard a rumor that low-level monsters evolve towards intermediate monsters. If they swallow a large amount of blood essence corresponding to the intermediate monsters, they can also improve their success." Probability, I wonder if that’s the case?”

Having said this, he also looked at Zhao Wentang with an inquiring look.

"This is not a rumor. This is indeed the case. It's just that what Fellow Daoist Xu means is..."

Zhao Wentang looked at Zhou Chun hesitantly, as if he understood what he meant.

"That's right, if Fellow Daoist Zhao can invite fellow Daoists or seniors from your sect who have tamed the Silver-horned Rhinoceros to provide blood essence and blood to Xu, Xu will be very grateful!"

Zhou Chun nodded and stated his request solemnly.

Hearing what he said, Zhao Wentang couldn't help but said hesitantly: "Fellow Daoist Xu's idea is good, but there is only one disciple in our sect who has truly tamed the Silver-horned Rhinoceros, and his Silver-horned Rhinoceros is still three. Level monster!"

"Wouldn't that be better! If we can get the essence and blood of the third-level silver-horned rhinoceros, the advancement of Xu's iron-horned rhinoceros will definitely be much smoother!"

Zhou Chun said loudly, looking extremely happy.

But Zhao Wentang smiled bitterly and replied: "The truth is like this, but you also know, fellow Daoist Xu, that my senior brother has a third-level monster with him, will there be any shortage of ordinary cultivation resources? You want to ask for help, just I’m afraid they may not be willing to agree!”

"Since Fellow Daoist Zhao calls him Senior Brother, does it mean that Fellow Daoist is still a Foundation Establishment monk?"

Zhou Chun asked knowingly.

"Not only is he a foundation-building monk, but his current cultivation level is still in the middle stage of foundation-building!"

Zhao Wentang sighed, and sighed with envy on his face: "It's just that I'm lucky. Not only do I have a third-level monster passed down from my ancestors, but I also have a golden elixir stage monk master!"

"This...this is really enviable!"

Zhou Chun couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

Then after a slight hesitation, he said softly: "In that case, let's not mention the matter of obtaining the silver-horned rhinoceros essence and blood. Xu will prepare other advanced resources first!"

Hearing his words, Zhao Wentang's eyes flashed, he quickly calmed down, nodded to him with admiration and said: "This is right, this is pragmatic."

Then he took out the three prepared Iron Horned Rhinoceros advanced plans and completed the exchange with Zhou Chun.

After completing the exchange with Zhao Wentang at the price of two thousand spiritual coins per plan, Zhou Chun personally gave him a 600-year-old elixir, and then left on the grounds that he needed to collect advanced resources. .

Then Zhou Chun first went around Xuanqingfang City to collect resources for the Iron-horned Rhinoceros evolution plan, and then left Xuanqingfang City, seemingly intending to continue collecting resources elsewhere.

But in fact, he returned to the Zhou family to shake people!

Half a year later, with everything arranged, Zhou Chun returned to Xuanqingfang City again and approached Yuling Pavilion.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, Xu has already gathered the evolutionary resources required for this plan. Now all he needs to do is get the blood of the Silver-horned Rhinoceros to allow the Iron-horned Rhinoceros to start evolving!"

In the quiet room, Zhou Chun told Zhao Wentang the reason for his visit with a happy look on his face.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Wentang couldn't help but smile and praised: "Fellow Daoist Xu is really fast at doing things!"

Then he shook his head and said: "It's just the essence and blood of the silver-horned rhinoceros. Didn't Zhao tell you about it last time, fellow Daoist Xu? This matter is really not something that Zhao can handle!"

After Zhou Chun heard this, he said with confidence: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhao, Xu is very sure that he can impress your senior brother this time. All you need to do is help Xu invite him over to meet him!"

"Oh, but I wonder how Daoyou Xu plans to impress Senior Brother Zhou?"

Zhao Wentang's curiosity seemed to be aroused, and he looked at Zhou Chun in surprise.

But Zhou Chun pretended to be secretive, shook his head and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhao, please forgive me, but what Xu prepared is not a treasure, but an important piece of intelligence information, but it is inconvenient for a third party to know this information!"

"An intelligence tip?"

Zhao Wentang frowned, then looked at Zhou Chun with a serious face and said: "Fellow Daoist Xu, don't try to trick me. What news is worthy of Senior Brother Zhou giving you the essence and blood of the third-level Silver-horned Rhinoceros? If he makes his trip in vain, Zhao will offend people greatly!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun replied confidently: "I will never let that fellow Taoist travel in vain. If he is not interested in the news, Xu can not only not take the blood of the Silver Horned Rhinoceros, but also be willing to I offer you an eight-hundred-year-old elixir to apologize!"

His words made Zhao Wentang even more curious, but looking at him, it was obvious that he would not let go easily.

"Forget it, if it is true as he said, as long as this matter is successful, I can also have a good relationship with that Senior Brother Zhou!"

Zhao Wentang whispered to himself, but there was a look of hesitation on his face.

It wasn't until Zhou Chun couldn't help but plead again that he nodded reluctantly and said, "Okay, then Zhao will try to write a letter to Senior Brother Zhou to ask about the situation."

"Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Zhao!"

Zhou Chun's face flashed with joy and he hurriedly thanked him.

Almost half a month later, Zhou Chun came to Yuling Pavilion again.

I saw that in addition to Zhao Wentang, there was also a burly young man in black in the quiet room this time.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, you are here. Zhao will introduce to you that this is Senior Brother Zhou Huizhou, our true disciple!"

As Zhao Wentang spoke, he cupped his hands to the young man in black with a flattering look on his face and said, "Senior Brother Zhou, this is Taoist Fellow Xu Yun."

Seeing this, Zhou Chun quickly took the initiative to salute the young man in black and said: "Xu Yun has met Fellow Daoist Zhou and thanks Fellow Daoist Zhou for giving Xu this opportunity."

"You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Xu. Junior Brother Zhao said that you want the essence and blood of the Silver-horned Rhinoceros, and you are willing to exchange it for an important piece of information. I wonder what kind of important piece of information it is?"

The young man in black waved his hand and went straight to the topic without exchanging more greetings with Zhou Chun.

Little did he know that this was exactly what Zhou Chun meant, so Dangjie sent a message to him and said: "To be honest with Zhou Daoyou, after Xu returned to his family before, he was reported by his clansmen that they found a spiritual deer suspected of being a wood demon in a mountain. Xu went over and searched for it, and indeed found a demon deer that can escape from the wood!"

After speaking, he added: "Although Xu is not sure that the demon deer must be the legendary Mu Mei, I think the whereabouts of a third-level deer demon will be enough to exchange for some silver-horned rhinoceros essence blood with fellow Taoist Zhou!"

"What? Fellow Daoist Xu, are you sure that is really Mu Mei?"

Zhou Hui's expression changed, and he looked at Zhou Chun in surprise, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

Obviously he also knew very well how valuable Mu Mei was.

Zhou Chun said with a cautious face: "Xu is not sure. After all, Xu is just a foundation-building monk. But seeing how easily the demon deer used the wood escape technique and never took the initiative to hurt anyone, I wonder if it could be possible." Small possibility!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Hui's expression suddenly changed, and then he nodded and said: "Okay, if what Fellow Daoist Xu said is true, then the essence and blood of the Silver-horned Rhinoceros will naturally not be a problem, but Zhou must first see with his own eyes what is in your mouth. Only the demon deer will do!"

"No problem, Xu can take Fellow Daoist Zhou to the mountain where the demon deer appeared at any time!"

Zhou Chun readily agreed.

After the two of them reached an agreement, Zhou Hui quickly explained to Zhao Wentang, and then eagerly urged Zhou Chun to take him to the scene.

After Zhou Chun thanked Zhao Wentang, he quickly took Zhou Hui to a mountain range three to four thousand miles away from Xuanqingfang City.

Since he planned to lure out Yu Jinghua, he naturally had to carefully select the location for the ambush.

The selected mountain range is indeed an adventure paradise for casual cultivators in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

For some reason, there is no particularly high-quality spiritual mountain blessed land in that mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles, so it has not attracted some big families to build mountain gates in it.

There are only some small and medium-sized families and casual cultivators looking for spiritual places in the mountains to establish mountain gates and strongholds, and then share the resources in the mountains.

At this time, after two days of traveling, Zhou Chun took Zhou Hui to a lush mountain, and then they searched for traces of Mu Mei.

After about three days of searching, Zhou Chun deliberately arranged for Mu Mei to appear and attack him.

Boom boom boom!

A series of explosions suddenly sounded in the mountains.

When Zhou Hui, who was separated from Zhou Chun to search for Mu Mei's traces, arrived on a silver-horned rhinoceros, he happened to see Zhou Chun being knocked off the cliff by Mu Mei's spell, and his life and death were unknown.

After Mu Mei discovered the Silver-horned Rhinoceros, she seemed to be frightened and hurriedly began to escape.


Zhou Hui didn't have time to think carefully and hurriedly drove the Silver Horned Rhinoceros to pursue him.

After he chased him for a certain distance, he was quickly thrown away by Mu Mei using the wood escape technique.

After seeing Mu Mei's wood escape technique, Zhou Hui suddenly had no doubts about his identity.

"I'm so excited, it's really Mu Mei!!"

In the mountain forest, the figure of the green spirit deer had completely disappeared, but Zhou Hui was trembling with excitement and his eyes were full of joy.

He just came to confirm the authenticity of the information, and never thought that he would be able to catch a third-level wooden charm.

Now that this matter has been confirmed, he will definitely receive a huge reward when he presents the information to his master, Yu Jinghua.

At this time, after all the excitement, Zhou Huicai seemed to remember that there was Xu Yun, so he hurried back to the place where Zhou Chun fell from the cliff to check the situation.

But in the end, apart from a pool of blood on the ground, no one was found.

"He was seriously injured and hiding? This person is cautious!"

Zhou Hui frowned slightly, and suddenly secretly thought it was a pity.

He originally wanted to come over and silence him. After all, Mu Mei was too valuable, and he didn't worry that anyone other than himself would know about it.

I didn't want to but it was all in vain.

"But since that man was seriously injured, everything must be recuperating first, and he also wants the silver-horned rhinoceros essence blood in my hand!"

"In this way, as long as Master moves quickly enough, you don't have to worry about the news leaking!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Hui immediately returned to Yuling Gate without stopping.

At the same time, in another valley about a hundred miles away, Zhou Chun immediately smiled at the elders who had been squatting here for a long time after Mu Mei came back: "Okay, the target has been bitten. Let’s wait for Yu Jinghua’s guy to come over next!”

Hearing his words, the ancestor of the Su family, who had been squatting for a long time, immediately looked at him and said: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Zhengchun, you are really good at hiding. It's not that you need to use the ancestor this time. I'm afraid." Ancestor, Yu Zhen and I are still kept in the dark by you. I wonder if you still have a rare spiritual pet like Mu Mei, or a Mu Mei who is about to be promoted to the fourth level!"

This was more or less a complaint against Zhou Chun for treating him as an outsider.

It just happened to be true.

Therefore, Zhou Chun was also a little embarrassed and didn't know how to explain it.

Fortunately, Zhou Mingde quickly helped him out: "Don't blame him, fellow Taoist Su, the wooden charm is too relevant. If people know that in addition to the four-clawed thunder dragon, he also has such spirits as spiritual pets, there is no guarantee that he will not be recruited." People are jealous and jealous, and use the big one to bully the small one and attack him, so in the past, Zhou specifically asked him to hide the matter and prevent more people from knowing about it!"

Having said this, he paused and said: "Of course, this matter should be hidden from anyone and not from Yuzhen!"

Then he saluted Su Yuzhen and said: "Yuzhen, I didn't let Zhengchun explain this to you at that time. If you want to blame me, blame me. I'd like to apologize to you!"

Seeing this, Su Yuzhen hurriedly stepped out of the way and said: "Senior, you are serious in your words. I am not an unreasonable person. How can I care about such excusable things?"

After saying that, he looked at the ancestor of the Su family with some anger.

When the ancestor of the Su family saw that the fire was burning on his body, he could only cough softly and said twice in embarrassment: "Ahem, I just said it casually. Fellow Taoist Zhou, you don't need to take it seriously. None of us cultivators have anything in their hearts that they shouldn't say to others. Things?"

Then he ignored the matter and never mentioned it again, so as not to make everyone look bad.

On the other hand, Zhou Hui knew that the matter was very important, and he was loved by everyone along the way. He returned to the mountain gate of Yulingmen in less than a day and reported to Yu Jinghua about Mu Mei.

"Hui'er, are you sure that's really Mu Mei? Don't make a mistake!"

In the cave, after hearing Zhou Hui's report, Yu Jinghua was surprised and happy, and then looked at the apprentice with uneasiness and confirmed it again and again.

"Master Mingjian, I dare not say that I am 100% sure, but I am at least 90% certain that it is Mu Mei!"

Zhou Hui responded respectfully.

After finishing speaking, he added: "Furthermore, even if it is not the rumored wooden charm, a third-level spiritual deer proficient in the wood escape technique is still valuable and worthy of your personal action, Master!"

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Yu Jinghua couldn't help but nodded, acknowledging his apprentice's words.

However, being cautious and suspicious, he still did not decide to leave immediately. Instead, he told Zhou Hui: "In this case, you go to the Yuling Pavilion in Fangshi and call the shopkeeper over. I still have some questions to ask. he!"

"Yes, disciple, I obey."

Zhou Hui responded and left quickly.

Within half a day, Zhao Wentang was taken to Yu Jinghua's cave.

"...Master Yu Mingjian, this is all this disciple knows!"

In the cave, after Yu Jinghua finished detailing his dealings with Xu Yun, he waited for Yu Jinghua's next words with a nervous look on his face.

He didn't know why Yu Jinghua, a dignified Golden Core monk, was suddenly so interested in a late-stage Foundation Establishment monk. He guessed that it might have something to do with Zhou Hui's previous outing, but he didn't dare to ask more questions.

After Yu Jinghua carefully considered Zhao Wentang's words, although he felt that Xu Yun's personal information was still a bit vague, he could not find any loopholes.

And time was running out, and he was afraid that Xu Yun would leak the news about Mu Mei after he recovered from his injuries.

Therefore, after weighing it in his mind, he nodded and said: "I understand. It's hard work for you, Master Zhao, to come here in such a hurry. Next, just rest in my cave for a day. I will ask Chen'er to come over and talk to you." You keep me company!"

"This...disciple obeys the order."

Zhao Wentang hesitated for a moment, but in the end he still did not dare to disobey the orders of the Golden Core monks, so he could only agree with anxiety.

After calling another disciple Wang Chen to watch Zhao Wentang, Yu Jinghua immediately made an excuse to tell the elder of Yulingmen that he wanted to go out, and then took Zhou Hui out of the Yulingmen mountain gate and went straight to Mu Mei. He rushed over wherever he appeared.

With Yu Jinghua's current middle-stage Jindan cultivation, it only took an hour or two to cover thousands of miles. Soon, Zhou Hui led him to the place where he had fought with Mu Mei.

Then the master and the apprentice separated to search for traces of Mu Mei.

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