Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 525 The traitor is beheaded【Please subscribe】

Yu Jinghua is a monk in the middle stage of Jindan. He has strong spiritual consciousness and a wide search range.

Zhou Chun was also afraid that he would find out in advance that he and others were ambushing him.

So when Mu Mei received the news that Yu Jinghua had been discovered, he quickly asked him to appear in the direction Zhou Hui was searching, leading Zhou Hui towards the ambush circle.

Everything is going smooth.

After Zhou Hui discovered Mu Mei's figure, he hurriedly notified Yu Jinghua, and then chased Mu Mei all the way.

Not long after, Yu Jinghua also rushed over.

When he saw the figure of the green spirit deer, he suddenly had no doubts in his heart.

"It is indeed Mu Mei! What a great blessing! What a great blessing!"

Yu Jinghua was ecstatic and overjoyed at this moment.

Only a high-level monk like him knows the potential and usefulness of spirits like Mu Mei.

If this wooden charm can be captured, it will be of great benefit whether it is used to exchange treasures with the Great Elder of the Yuling Sect or presented to a certain Nascent Soul Stage monk!

In view of this, when he saw Mu Mei performing the Wood Escape Technique in front of his eyes and escaping for more than twenty miles, he quickly spread out his spiritual consciousness with all his strength, firmly locked onto Mu Mei's figure, and pursued him at full speed.

After chasing like this for a while, he chased Mu Mei into the place where Zhou Chun and others were ambush.

It is very unrealistic to want to sneak attack a mid-stage Jindan monk.

Therefore, just after Yu Jinghua entered the ambush circle, five golden elixir stage monks, Zhou Chun, Su family ancestor, Lin Hongyu, Su Yuzhen, and Zhou Mingde, suddenly appeared and surrounded him from all sides.

"Zhou Wende, it turns out it's you!!"

In the sky, Yu Jinghua looked at Zhou Chun and others with an ugly expression, and understood everything in an instant.

Zhou Mingde looked at him with a cold face and said in a cold voice: "Yu Jinghua, this day has finally come. I have finally waited for this day!"

Only Zhou Mingde himself knew how long he had been waiting for this day to come.

Perhaps he should also thank Yu Jinghua, because when he formed the pill, his biggest motivation for the pill's success was to personally eliminate this traitor for the family after forming the pill!

"Do you think you can kill Yu with more people?"

Yu Jinghua looked at Zhou Mingde with a gloomy expression, then turned to look at the ancestor of the Su family and said: "This is fellow Taoist Su, right? Does your Su family also want to get involved in the Zhou family's family affairs? Do you know if I can't kill Yu today?" What consequences will it bring to your Su family!"

Listening to his threatening words, the ancestor of the Su family smiled indifferently and said: "If Fellow Daoist Yu can still escape today, then I will have to stick to the family mountain gate after I return!"

"Okay, very good, Yu remembers fellow Taoist Su!!"

Yu Jinghua gritted his teeth and said a harsh word, then opened his mouth and spat out, several magic weapons auras flew out, and three magic weapons appeared in mid-air.

These three magic weapons are a cyan flag, an earthy yellow tripod, and a silver-black flying sword.

The cyan flag flag and the flying sword are both middle-grade magic weapons. Among them, the cyan flag flag is Yu Jinghua's natal magic weapon. The other two magic weapons were handed down from the ancestors of the Zhou family.

Zhou Mingde had already informed Zhou Chun and others about the information about these three magic weapons.

Leaving aside the cyan flag, the khaki-colored tripod magic weapon is called [Thick Earth Cauldron], which is good at defensive powers. It was a magic weapon obtained by an ancestor of the Zhou family on an adventure outside.

The silver-black flying sword is called [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword]. It was the magic weapon used by the ancestor of the Zhou family who killed a dragon. It is unparalleled in its sharpness and its killing power is unparalleled!

In addition to these two magic weapons, Yu Jinghua should also have a low-grade magic weapon [Wind and Fire Universe Fan] and a low-grade magic weapon [Qingmang Immortal Staff].

However, even if he has many magic weapons, it is impossible to have as many as Zhou Chun and the other five golden elixir stage monks.

Seeing him showing off his magic weapon at this time, everyone stopped talking nonsense and immediately launched an attack on him with their magic weapon.

Lin Hongyu waved her hand, and her magic weapon [Flamy Dragon Ring] flew out, manifesting its true form and flying towards Yu Jinghua.

After many years of cultivation, her natal magic weapon is now a top-quality low-grade magic weapon, and its power is much stronger than when it was first successfully refined.

The ancestor of the Su family didn't hold back at all, and directly sacrificed his eight-sided magic weapon. As soon as the magic power was activated, he released a ball of blue lightning and blasted towards Yu Jinghua.

Su Yuzhen's natal magic weapon is a blue and white two-color jade Ruyi, which is an auxiliary type of magic weapon. However, she also refined a blue jade bead magic weapon that is both offensive and defensive, which can condense a water dragon that is not inferior to the fourth-level magic to attack the enemy.

And Zhou Mingde's natal magic weapon is a fiery red long sword named [Red Flame Burning Sky Blade]. Because the materials used are of the highest quality and its power is extraordinary, he also sacrificed the [Three Yang True Fire Pot] and directly It condensed into a firebird and pounced on Yu Jinghua.

As for Zhou Chun, he first released the thunder dragon in vain to deal with Zhou Hui, then he used the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] and swung out golden sword rainbows at Yu Jinghua with a snap of his fingers.

In this way, the five people used their own methods to attack at the same time. Yu Jinghua, who faced the five people, instantly felt unprecedented pressure.

He used all his strength to activate the magic weapon [Thick Earth Cauldron], causing it to spit out brilliant yellow clouds to protect him.

At the same time, he was distracted and activated the [Taibai Dragon Slashing Sword], turning it into a silver-black sword light and slashing towards the rushing flame dragon.

Then he waved the cyan flag in his hand, and a ball of cyan light exploded, instantly turning into dense wind blades and slashing towards Zhou Mingde.

Zhou Chun's sword rainbow hit the target first, and three sword rainbows landed on the Huang Xia swallowed by the [Thick Earth Cauldron], and immediately tore a large piece of Huang Xia apart, vaguely revealing the earthy yellow body of the cauldron inside.

Then the blue thunder released by the ancestor of the Su family also bombarded Huang Xia, instantly wiping out a large area of ​​Huang Xia.

Immediately afterwards, the [Red Flame Burning Sky Blade] of the Imperial Envoy Zhou Mingde struck the earth-yellow treasure cauldron with torrential flames, causing the cauldron to make a clanging sound.

It can be seen from this that even though Yu Jinghua is a middle-stage Jindan monk, it is already his limit to deal with the normal attacks of three early-stage Jindan monks at the same time.

But Yu Jinghua is a monk in the middle stage of alchemy after all, and his hundreds of years of practice are not wasted time.

At this moment, seeing that the [Thick Earth Cauldron] was not enough to defend against the enemy's attack, he immediately flicked his sleeves, and in the blink of an eye, a green and white barrier of strong wind rose up in front of him.

After Su Yuzhen's condensed water dragon pounced on the strong wind barrier, it shattered into water splashes all over the sky in the blink of an eye.

Subsequently, the fire bird transformed by Zhou Mingde's "Three Yang True Fire" was also blocked by the Gangfeng barrier, and could only fight a war of attrition with it.

On the contrary, the sky-wide wind blades released by Yu Jinghua forced Zhou Mingde to use the [Wutu Vajra Cover] to protect himself and avoid becoming a breakthrough point for the opponent.

After this first round of fighting, Yu Jinghua could barely hold his ground.

But it’s just a little stabilization!

Soon Zhou Chun, the ancestor of the Su family and others also showed their magical powers and activated their own magical powers.

Lin Hongyu made a magic spell with both hands, and red flames burst out from her palms, and soon formed a red flame dragon and rushed towards Yu Jinghua.

On the other side, the ancestor of the Su family opened his mouth and spat out, and a ball of dark blue water flew out, turning into a blue bolt and sweeping towards Yu Jinghua.

Su Yuzhen shook the jade Ruyi in his hand, and a white spiritual light suddenly blessed Zhou Chun.

For a moment, Zhou Chun felt that the mana in his body was more active than ever before. When he used [God-killing Jin Ge], the mana consumed suddenly increased by one-third.

But correspondingly, the power of the Jin Ge in his hand also increased by more than 30%!

He raised his hand and threw it hard, and Jin Ge turned into a golden light and shot through the hole towards Yu Jinghua.

Faced with such an onslaught from everyone, the strong wind barrier that Yu Jinghua had set up by using his magical powers quickly shattered, and then even the [Thick Earth Cauldron] itself was knocked away by Zhou Chun's Jin Ge.

He hurriedly waved the cyan flag flag magic weapon in his hand to lay down wind walls, but most of them were destroyed by Lin Hongyu's red flame dragon.

Then the ancestor of the Su family's true water rushed away, easily dispersing all the remaining wind walls!

In the end, he could only activate a fourth-level mid-grade defensive talisman to block Zhen Shui's subsequent impact.

But again, faced with the siege of as many as five early-stage Jindan monks, even if he tried his best to resist for a while, it would be difficult for him to withstand the continuous offensive!

Yu Jinghua himself knows this best.

Therefore, after resisting several waves of attacks and roughly understanding everyone's methods, he immediately chose to break out without hesitation.

I saw that he first sprayed a mouthful of blood on the cyan flag flag in his hand, causing the cyan flag flag to wave. Suddenly, strong winds began to rise. The green wind covered the sky and surged towards Su Yuzhen's direction like a tidal wave.

This wind is as sharp as a knife, continuous, and has the effect of suppressing the power of spiritual consciousness.

Su Yuzhen, as the main target, felt great pressure in an instant.

She didn't dare to be too big, so she hurriedly used all her strength to activate the power of the blue orb in front of her, and a water-blue shield bloomed to protect herself within it.

Then he activated his golden elixir magical power and condensed a white mysterious light to protect him personally.

The ancestor of the Su family was concerned about the safety of his descendants, so he quickly activated his eight-edged mace to hit Yu Jinghua.

The others, such as Zhou Chun, Lin Hongyu and others, responded quickly.

I never thought that Yu Jinghua’s real target was not Su Yuzhen, but Zhou Mingde!

Just like Zhou Chun and others knew the details of Yu Jinghua, Yu Jinghua also knew the details of Zhou Mingde.

He knew very well that what Zhou Mingde practiced was not a top-notch skill, so he was still in the early stage of Jindan cultivation, but in fact he was lagging behind others in terms of mana and magical powers.

Therefore, the direction he really chose to break out was actually Zhou Mingde's side!

At this time, seeing that everyone's attention was drawn to Su Yuzhen, he pinched the magic with both hands, and his figure disappeared instantly.

When he reappeared, he was already in another place in the sky thousands of feet away, less than a thousand feet away from Zhou Mingde.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde immediately activated the [Three Yang True Fire Pot] without thinking. The fire inside was flickering, and he instantly spit out a ball of true fire and shot it towards Yu Jinghua.

At the same time, he made a secret with both hands to recall his natal magic weapon [Red Flame Burning Sky Blade], and used all his strength to drive the weapon towards Yu Jinghua, making sure not to give him another chance to use the wind escape technique!

But Yu Jinghua didn't bother with him at all. He directly waved a fourth-level low-grade magic talisman and turned it into a golden sword energy to scatter the real fire.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and spat out a ball of green light, which turned into a green wind dragon and flew away the flaming sword.

Then he made a hand seal and prepared to continue using the wind escape technique to escape.

Although his wind escape technique is not yet complete, it is no worse than Zhou Daoyi's green dragon's wind escape technique.

With his cultivation in the middle stage of the Golden Core, once he uses them continuously, his escape speed cannot be underestimated.

But just when he was about to use the escape technique, his vision suddenly went dark, and he let out a cry of pain as if he was struck by lightning. The escape technique he was about to use was forced to disperse.

It turned out that Zhou Chun used the "God-killing Technique" in time to kill him with a sword!

Speaking of which, although Yu Jinghua is a middle-stage Jindan cultivator, because he has never practiced the secret technique of "Heart Lotus Zhengfa" to resist spiritual attacks, Zhou Chun's sword attack on him is more effective than that of Yanyanlingzi. .

At this time, after cutting off his chance to escape with a sword from the air, Lin Hongyu and the ancestor of the Su family quickly caught up after reacting, and activated the magic weapon again to launch a fierce attack on him.

Under the fierce attack of everyone, Yu Jinghua had no chance to continuously use the wind escape technique to distance himself from everyone.

Not long after, he was pierced through the protection by a sword rainbow activated by Zhou Chun, directly piercing a bloody hole in his shoulder!

"Damn junior, if Yu doesn't die today, I will definitely make you look good someday!"

Yu Jinghua hurriedly used his magic power to seal the wound, blocking and suppressing the alien magic power that had penetrated into his body to prevent the injury from worsening.

But he knew better in his heart that if he didn't break out as soon as possible, he would only be injured more in the future.

So he hesitated for a moment and quickly made up his mind.

But he suddenly raised his hand and patted the spirit animal bag on his waist, releasing his spiritual pet "Wind Demon Spider".

Over the years, his "Wind Demon Spider" has been cultivated into a third-level high-grade monster and is stuck in front of the fourth-level bottleneck.

With the potential of this "Wind Demon Spider", unless Yu Jinghua can find rare treasures suitable for the evolution of monster beasts, it is basically impossible to break through to the fourth level.

But after Yu Jinghua released it at this moment, he quickly fed it a special pill and drank it with a snap of his fingers, and then used his hands to perform some kind of secret technique of the Soul Control Sect on it.

Under the dual stimulation of secret medicine and secret techniques, the "Wind Demon Spider", which was originally only a third-order high-grade monster, rapidly expanded and enlarged, and its aura soared at an extremely fast rate. It actually broke through the shackles of its bloodline in just a dozen breaths. , promoted to a fourth-level monster!

"Is this the method of Yulingmen? It can actually ignore the shackles of blood and force the monsters to advance!"

Zhou Chun's expression moved slightly, and he was quite surprised by the effects of such secret techniques.

But he quickly thought of something, and shook his head secretly in his heart: "But such methods must greatly overdraw and consume the monster's life essence. After the secret technique and the effect of the medicine have passed, this 'Wind Demon Spider' will be If you don’t die immediately, your cultivation will definitely regress and you will become a waste!”

For beast-controlling monks, monster beast spiritual pets are not only a means of fighting enemies, but also their companions and relatives. At least this is what the Zhou family has always taught their clansmen.

And if he did what Yu Jinghua did, it would be equivalent to sacrificing the lives and futures of his partners and relatives to save himself!

Zhou Chun disagreed with this approach.

However, Yu Jinghua is extremely selfish, so it is not surprising that he would do this.

At this time, after he forced the "Wind Demon Spider" to the fourth level, he let the spiritual pet pounce towards the ancestor of the Su family, trying to contain an important fighting force of the Zhou family.

Then he opened his mouth and vomited out a green bamboo stick magic weapon, which was the Zhou family's inherited magic weapon [Qingmang Immortal Staff].

This treasure is also capable of both offense and defense, but at this moment it is being used by Yu Jinghua to strengthen his own defense.

He did not care about the original power of the magic weapon at all, and directly activated the magic weapon in the most violent way, burning the original power of the magic weapon to increase the power of the magic weapon.

In this case, Zhou Chun and others' offensive was blocked again, making it difficult to break through the heavy protection and hurt him.

After confirming that he was safe for the time being, Yu Jinghua quickly raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out a magic talisman glowing with black aura.

Look at the powerful coercive aura released by that talisman. It is a fourth-level high-grade talisman!

The power of these talismans is equivalent to a blow from a late-stage Golden Core cultivator. Although it is not an all-out blow, it is not something that an ordinary early-stage Golden Core cultivator can take.

Yu Jinghua held the talisman, his eyes flashed with pain, but he quickly activated it.

After the talisman was activated, it instantly turned into a large black cloud, covering the sky within several thousand feet.

Zhou Chun and Lin Hongyu, who were very close, were directly pulled into it by the black cloud.

But while inside the black cloud, their consciousness was greatly suppressed and disturbed. They could only move one to two hundred feet away from their bodies, and they could no longer even lock onto Yu Jinghua!

At the same time, the black cloud began to squeeze them, making them feel as if they were deep in the eye of the ocean, feeling stuffy and uncomfortable. They had to use all their magic power to protect themselves against this squeeze.

Zhou Chun was even more worried about the safety of Su Yuzhen and Zhou Mingde, so after discovering that the black cloud had a powerful siege effect, he activated the magical power of [Qianyuan Jinxia] to protect himself, and at the same time activated the power of [Wanhua Golden Cauldron] with all his strength. It broke out outwards.

But seeing the golden light flashing in the black clouds, the originally brilliant golden tripod was quickly turned into a golden giant sword several feet long under the stimulation of Zhou Chun's magic formula!

This is another way to use the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron]. Under the stimulation of the unique royal envoy's magic formula, it can change its shape and transform into another magic weapon form!

And this ability completely relies on the characteristic power of spiritual gold such as [Earth Mother Black Gold], so refining this treasure must use a large amount of [Earth Mother Black Gold] as the main material.

At this time, the golden tripod turned into a giant sword, and it immediately gained indestructible sharp power.

Under Zhou Chun's all-out efforts, the golden giant sword instantly pushed across three thousand feet, slashing through the nine heavens with one sword, tearing a passage straight through the black clouds, leading directly to the outside sky.

Following the passage cut by the golden giant sword, Zhou Chun quickly appeared under the blue sky outside.

Then he saw Yu Jinghua's figure flashing away quickly.

Looking at the three Zhou Mingde people outside, the ancestor of the Su family still hadn't dealt with the crazy "Wind Demon Spider". Zhou Mingde fell to the ground with a pale face, and Su Yuzhen also had blood at the corner of his mouth.

It seemed that in just a dozen breaths when he was trapped in the black cloud, they had a fierce confrontation with Yu Jinghua.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun did not bother to ask them about their situation, and hurriedly called the thunder dragon that had already killed Zhou Hui and was swimming around in vain, and then used the secret technique of "Beast Spirit Fusion" with him.

After years of practice, Zhou Chun's "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique" secret technique has become much more proficient, and it is more in line with the state of Thunder Dragon Baibai's fusion.

At this time, as soon as he transformed into a human-faced thunder dragon, he quickly activated his thunder escape divine power to chase after the escaping figure.

As a four-clawed thunder dragon, Lei Jiao Baibai's thunder escape technique is much more sophisticated than those of ordinary bloodline thunder dragons. After Zhou Chun merged with it, its powerful magic power was enough to support it to continuously perform escape techniques many times.

Therefore, after chasing for less than half a quarter of an hour, Zhou Chun caught up with Yu Jinghua again.

At this time, he also discovered that Yu Jinghua's complexion was also extremely pale, as if he had lost too much energy.

This made him vaguely understand why Zhou Mingde and Su Yuzhen were injured.

When Yu Jinghua saw the human-faced thunder dragon chasing after him, he instantly understood what kind of secret technique Zhou Chun had used. He couldn't help but shouted at him in shock and anger: "Junior, you are so bold, how dare you chase him alone?" Come up!"

"Yu Jinghua, you three-surnamed slave who betrays your master and has no faith, Zhou will definitely take your life today!!"

Zhou Chun borrowed the mouth of the thunder dragon and made a thunderous drink.

At the same time, he directly activated the Thunder God to bombard Yu Jinghua.

However, his lightning strike was far less harmful to Yu Jinghua than the words "house slaves with three surnames"!

"Yu, kill you little bastard first!"

He shouted angrily, and immediately activated the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] to slash at the human-faced thunder dragon that Zhou Chun had transformed into.

At the same time, I saw him push the cyan flag in his hand, and a ball of cyan light spurted out, directly turning into a cyan wind blade about ten feet long and slashing towards Zhou Chun.

How could Zhou Chun be afraid of him!

Even though he activated the golden sword transformed from the [Wanhua Golden Cauldron] and the silver-black flying sword to fight in the air, he easily dodged the attack of the cyan wind blade through the technique of lightning escape.

Immediately, relying on the strength of the dragon's body, he rushed directly to Yu Jinghua and launched a close attack on him.

When Yu Jinghua saw this scene, he was secretly happy and said, "The younger generation is rampant."

If Zhou Chun focused on dodging through the thunder escape technique, he would be unable to do anything about it for a while.

Now that he dares to rely on the strength of the dragon's body to attack him at close range, he must let this junior know how powerful he is!

He first showed his weakness to the enemy, as if he was completely incompetent in close combat, and was torn apart by Zhou Chun's claws and beaten with his tail, making him roar again and again.

When he felt that the heat had arrived, he immediately pressed the cyan flag in his hand, and instantly a cyan light flew out like a rope, tying up the human-faced thunder dragon that appeared behind him and attacked him.

"Hahaha, you arrogant junior, today is your day of death!!"

Seeing that the target was bound, Yu Jinghua suddenly laughed with joy, and then suddenly recalled the [Taibai Dragon Sword], and slashed at the human-faced thunder dragon whose body was bound and could no longer use the thunder escape technique.

But he smiled and realized something was wrong, and saw the mocking look on the face of the human-faced thunder dragon.


Before Yu Jinghua could figure it out.

But he saw a white cold light that made his heart palpitate and panic spit out from the mouth of the human-faced thunder dragon, hitting him who was very close at hand.

In an instant, the cyan barrier he arranged was like paper, easily frozen and penetrated by the white cold light. Then his consciousness sank, and it felt as if the movement of his consciousness had slowed down a lot!

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