Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 526 Divide the treasure and whip the corpse【Please subscribe】

[Moon Toad Orb] is indeed a spiritual treasure that even monks in the Nascent Soul stage are extremely coveted.

Although Zhou Chun was limited by his cultivation and was unable to exert its true power, its power was still stronger than ordinary high-grade magic weapons.

Previously, when he had just formed a pill and left seclusion, he used this treasure to easily kill a fourth-level monster and a multi-winged clan archmage.

Now, the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" that had been planned for a long time also penetrated the protection of Yu Jinghua, a middle-stage golden elixir monk, without any accident, and turned him into an ice sculpture!

But after all, Yu Jinghua is a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir, and his magical power is much stronger than that in the early stage of the Golden Elixir.

Although he was frozen into an ice sculpture, Zhou Chun felt that his life breath did not dissipate immediately. It was obvious that the all-extinguishing cold air had not completely frozen his golden elixir soul, leaving him with a chance to survive.

But even so, all of Yu Jinghua's mind and strength at this moment were used to fight against the extremely cold air, and he was unable to care about the outside world at all!

Of course Zhou Chun wouldn't just watch.

He relied on his natal magical power [Qianyuan Jinxia] and the body of the fourth-level thunder dragon to resist the blow of [Taibai Dragon Sword], and soon the human dragon was separated, and then activated the magic weapon transformed by [Wanhua Golden Cauldron] The golden sword slashed towards the ice sculpture.

Although Yu Jinghua felt the situation outside at this time, he was unable to break free. In the end, he could only open his eyes wide and watch as the golden giant sword cut him across the waist and cut him into two pieces with one sword!

This torture of being cut in half was Zhou Chun's punishment for his betrayal of the Zhou family!

And with the powerful vitality of a Golden Core Stage monk, Yu Jinghua would not die immediately even if he was cut in half.

This was also done deliberately by Zhou Chun. He wanted to wait for Zhou Mingde to arrive and then personally kill him to vent his hatred.

Yu Jinghua seemed to understand Zhou Chun's thoughts. He looked at Zhou Chun with resentment in his eyes, but there was a look of fear deep in his eyes.

It's a pity that he is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Even though he knows Zhou Chun's thoughts and knows that it is difficult for him to be good today, his survival instinct is still stubbornly resisting the erosion of the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" and he is unwilling to give up his life.

After waiting for a cup of tea, Zhou Mingde and others arrived at the scene.

Then looking at Yu Jinghua who had been cut off at the waist, Zhou Mingde understood Zhou Chun's intention in an instant.

Immediately, a happy look appeared on his face.

He raised his hand and held the magic weapon [Red Flame Burning Sky Blade] in his hand, then walked towards Yu Jinghua with a big smile.

"Hahahaha, Yu Jinghua, you shameless traitor, when you betrayed the Zhou family, did you ever think that this day would happen?"

Zhou Mingde stood in front of Yu Jinghua, pointing the blade at his head, feeling extremely happy and excited.

But Yu Jinghua couldn't say a word at this moment, but his eyes showed shame and anger.

When Zhou Mingde saw this, he immediately sighed with regret: "It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity that I can't capture you alive and take you back to the Zhou family. Otherwise, Zhou would have invited guests from all over the world and summoned all the monks to the scene so that everyone could see it with their own eyes. How did you, the traitor, die! I killed you, the traitor, in front of everyone and our ancestors!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he activated the magic weapon in his hand and struck Yu Jinghua's neck with the sword.

Zhou Chun took the freezing cold air away from that place just right.


As a stream of blood flew out, Yu Jinghua's head was suddenly separated from his upper body, and the body became three pieces.

And with only one head left, he finally could no longer resist the power of the "Taiyin's Exterminating Divine Light" and was completely knocked out of his mind!

After it was confirmed that Yu Jinghua was really out of his mind, Zhou Chun immediately congratulated Zhou Mingde: "Congratulations to the Supreme Elder for fulfilling his long-cherished wish, avenging his great revenge, and killing the traitor with his own hands to enhance the prestige of our clan!"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Mingde suddenly smiled happily and said: "Hahahaha, I should be the one who should say thank you. If it weren't for the help of you Zhengchun, fellow Taoist Su and others, how could I have been able to fulfill this long-cherished wish!"

After saying that, he bowed to the ancestors of the Su family and Lin Hongyu and said: "I would like to solemnly say thank you to all of you fellow Taoists!"

"Hehehe, fellow Taoist Zhou, you are too polite. The relationship between your family and my family does not require such politeness."

The ancestor of the Su family laughed and did not take any credit.

Then he glanced at Zhou Chun with strange eyes, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

No one saw the scene when Zhou Chun used the [Moon Toad Orb] to freeze Yu Jinghua.

But seeing that Yu Jinghua, a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core, was frozen and unable to move, the ancestor of the Su family knew without thinking that he must have a powerful magic weapon that was inconvenient to show to others.

Of course, the spiritual treasure was so amazing that the ancestor of the Su family couldn't believe that Zhou Chun could sacrifice such a treasure. He only guessed that it might be some powerful top-grade magic weapon, or even a top-grade magic weapon!

But he was an old man. Since Zhou Chun didn't want to reveal this magic weapon in public and never mentioned it beforehand, he wouldn't be stupid enough to ask Zhou Chun how he did it.

Next, everyone did not stay at the scene for too long. After hurriedly packing up the belongings of master and apprentice Yu Jinghua, they hurriedly left here and returned directly to Jingguo.

What can be expected is that Yu Jinghua must have left a "birth soul card" in Yulingmen. With his death at this moment, the people in Yulingmen will definitely find out about this.

It won't be long before a Yuling Sect monk will find this place.

After all, the fluctuations in the fighting skills of the six golden elixir stage monks were too strong, and it is expected that they will spread throughout the nearby area soon.

But even if the Yulingmen knew that Yu Jinghua was killed by the Zhou family, they would definitely not dare to go to Jingguo to avenge Yu Jinghua.

On the contrary, it is them who should be nervous next.

Taking in traitors like Yu Jinghua who are wanted by the Nascent Soul stage monk Tianjing Zhenren, once this matter is exposed, Tianjing Zhenren will definitely not turn a blind eye, and will definitely come to them personally to ask for an explanation!

Therefore, the Zhou family does not need to worry that after killing Yu Jinghua, they will attract a powerful enemy for themselves.

Here, after Zhou Chun and others returned to Jingguo, they also began to count the gains from killing Yu Jinghua's master and apprentice.

Because Yu Jinghua was directly frozen at the time, the relics on his body can be said to be very well preserved.

Including the four magic weapons he used, there was basically no major damage except for the three magic weapons, the cyan flag banner, [Thick Earth Cauldron], and [Green Light Immortal Staff], which had some excessive loss of the magic weapon's origin.

Except for the [Thick Earth Cauldron], which is too depleted in its origin and may be difficult to restore to its complete state, the rest of the magic weapons can be restored to completeness as long as someone sacrifices and refines them.

In addition, Zhou Hui, a foundation-building monk, has a lot of useful things. There is a fake magic weapon in his storage bag called [Green Wood Seal], which was specially refined by a golden elixir-level monk of the Zhou family for his descendants. In the past, It is run by Zhou Zhenkun. (The previous chapter has been modified, replacing [Green Wood Seal] with [Green Light Immortal Staff])

But the pseudo-magic weapon can basically only be activated by late-stage cultivators from the Zifu. This pseudo-magic weapon could only be left in a storage bag to gather dust in Zhou Hui and the former Zhou Zhenkun.

However, this treasure only requires the Zhou family's bloodline and special sacrificial techniques to be used. In the future, the Zhou family's late-stage Zifu cultivators can take charge of this treasure, giving it an additional powerful means to fight against the enemy.

At the same time, the third-level demon beast Silver Horned Rhinoceros left behind by Zhou Zhenkun was also killed by the thunder dragon in vain. The demon pill and corpse fell into Zhou Chun's hands.

This silver-horned rhinoceros is only a third-level low-grade cultivation level, but fortunately the demon elixir has a metallic property, which can be used to nourish the golden-winged tiger and the golden-armored mountain turtle with stones.

Of course, Yu Jinghua’s storage bag also contains many good things.

Although Zhou Chun did not find another magic weapon of the Zhou family [Wind and Fire Universe Fan] inside, there were as many as 1.2 million spiritual coins in it!

In addition, there are seven magic weapons and spiritual materials, sixteen thousand-year-old elixirs, and two thousand-year-old elixirs.

There are three remaining fourth-level talismans, twenty-three third-level talismans, eight third-level talismans, and more than a dozen bottles of various elixirs.

As for the books on martial arts and the cultivation of secret arts and supernatural powers, there are also many books piled up.

These are just the treasures in the storage bag. There are two other spirit beast bags on Yu Jinghua's waist.

One spirit beast bag contained a third-level low-grade demonic beast, the Blue Feathered Crane, while the other spirit beast bag contained a group of "fat spirit birds".

Among them, the Qingyu Crane should be the inherited monster of Yuling Sect. Zhou Chun found its "Born Beast Tag" in Yu Jinghua's storage bag, which may be a transportation mount for him, the elder.

It was a pity that the group of "fat spirit birds" had all turned into corpses. It was obvious that Yu Jinghua triggered the contract prohibition and strangled them before his death.

Otherwise, this kind of spiritual bird is a good helper for immortal cultivators, and can play a great role in exploring and finding elixirs.

Yu Jinghua had previously released these spiritual birds to look for traces of Mu Mei.

At this time, after the inventory of Yu Jinghua's relics was completed, the distribution of the spoils began.

Although the treasures on Yu Jinghua's body were basically things that were taken away from the Zhou family, the ancestors of the Su family, Su Yuzhen, and Lin Hongyu all contributed a lot, and they should all get a share of the harvest due to emotion and reason.

But when Zhou Chun asked for his opinion on the division of treasures, the ancestor of the Su family said very considerately: "These magic weapons are the treasures passed down by the ancestors of your Zhou family. There is no reason for me and Yuzhen to take them. Otherwise, let's take the green magic weapon." Yu He can serve as a walking mount for me, and with the demon elixir and corpse of the 'Wind Demon Spider', I and Yu Zhen will gain quite a bit!"

This time, the Su family has two golden elixir stage monks. After harvesting so many magic weapons, they must get at least one magic weapon both emotionally and rationally.

Now he only asked to take away a third-level low-grade demonic beast, the Blue Feathered Crane, and a "Wind Demon Spider" whose demonic elixir origin and body were severely damaged due to its stimulation potential. He was already very considerate of the Zhou family's feelings.

Therefore, after listening to his words, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde not only did not feel that his request was too much, but also felt that his request was too low.

Then Zhou Mingde took the initiative to say: "This alone is not enough. Fellow Daoist Su has contributed a lot this time, and Yu Zhen was also injured. How can we just ignore this? If this spreads out, our Zhou family will have to let people go." What a joke!”

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Look at this, Zhengchun, how about we give 400,000 spiritual coins to Fellow Daoist Su?"

"No problem, I completely agree with you!"

Zhou Chun nodded in agreement without hesitation, and his opinions were very unified.

After hearing these two people's words, the ancestor of the Su family hesitated.

He originally wanted to sell the Zhou family a favor, so he only received a small amount of reward.

But now the two heads of the Zhou family don't want to owe another favor, and he doesn't know whether he should continue to refuse.

"From my point of view, this division is quite good. Fellow Daoist Su, please don't be humble. Otherwise, if you don't take it, I will be even more embarrassed to take it!"

Lin Hongyu seemed to see the hesitation in the heart of the ancestor of the Su family, and immediately smiled and gave him a step down.

Seeing this situation, the ancestor of the Su family immediately took advantage of the donkey's laughter and said: "Hehehe, since fellow Taoist Lin said so, I will accept it shamelessly."

After delineating the Su family's share in this way, the Zhou family can be divided into subdivisions.

Zhou Chun took the initiative and assigned the [Thick Earth Cauldron] to Lin Hongyu, and then gave his [Blazing Gloves] to Zhou Mingde.

The [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] was given to himself.

The remaining [Green Light Immortal Staff], [Green Wood Seal], and Yu Jinghua's natal magic weapon [Tianfeng Banner] were first collected into the family treasury.

Of the 800,000 spirit coins left, Zhou Chun took 400,000, while Zhou Mingde took no money. 200,000 were deposited in the family treasury, and 200,000 were distributed to Lin Hongyu.

The remaining raw materials and other items all belonged to Zhou Chun.

After all, no matter from any aspect, he had the greatest contribution and contribution in killing Yu Jinghua, and he should receive more than others.

Moreover, Yu Jinghua’s corpse can also be recycled. After being put on display, it will be sent to Tianjing Villa to receive the reward.

Tianjing Villa originally wanted this animal, but a generous reward was offered, and now the wanted order is still valid!

After dividing the treasures like this, the ancestors of the Su family and Su Yuzhen went back to the mountain gate of the Su family.

On Zhou Chun's side, he summoned all the members of the Zhou family who could be summoned, especially those monks who married into the Zhou family, to the gate of Tuyunling Mountain, and asked them all to visit Yu Jinghua's body in front of the ancestral temple.

In front of the Zhou family's ancestral temple, Yu Jinghua's body, which had been sutured, was seen kneeling directly in front of the gate of the ancestral temple, sealed with ice.

After all the Zhou family monks had arrived, Zhou Mingde came forward in person and said loudly to the crowd: "Dear members of the Zhou family, as well as all the uncles and wives of the Zhou family, I have called you here today, and there is only one person. One thing is to participate in the public trial of the whole clan and try a traitor!"

"Yes, you have seen now that this traitor is him. He is the biggest traitor since the founding of my Zhou family. The traitor who almost caused the inheritance of my Zhou family to be cut off, an ungrateful and ruthless traitor - Yu Jinghua!"

Zhou Mingde excitedly pointed at the ice sculpture on the ground, his tone full of resentment.

Only the older generation of Zhou family members like him know how much damage Yu Jinghua has caused to the Zhou family.

Even though he had personally killed this traitor now, when he talked about the harm this person had done to the Zhou family, he still couldn't explain the hatred in his heart.

And as he finished speaking, even those who didn't understand the identity of the ice sculpture now suddenly understood everything.

The whole place was in an uproar for a while, and most of the monks present looked shocked.

In the Zhou family, Yu Jinghua is not a taboo name that cannot be mentioned.

On the contrary, in order to let the clan members remember this traitor, the Zhou family has been conducting popular education for the younger generation of clan members to let them know what enemies the family has.

It was precisely because they heard about Yu Jinghua's deeds that these monks were in an uproar and shocked.

They all know that this traitor who once single-handedly split the Zhou family and almost caused the Zhou family's thousand-year inheritance to be cut off is actually a monk in the golden elixir stage, and has been successfully forming elixirs for hundreds of years.

Many people even know that Master Tianjing, a Nascent Soul Stage monk, is wanted for this person.

Now, such a veteran golden elixir-level monk who had been cultivating elixirs for hundreds of years was found by the Zhou family, who cleared the door and killed him!

How could such an astonishing thing not shock those who knew about it.

After the shock, many Zhou family monks showed joy and felt extremely relieved.

Zhou Daoyi, who was still recovering from his injuries, immediately stood up and said in a deep voice: "The Supreme Elder, this traitor Yu Jinghua was ungrateful and betrayed the family. It is really not a pity to die! I beg the Supreme Elder to expose his body to the public so that all Zhou family monks can kill him." We all whipped his corpse to express our hatred, and to warn future generations of our clan not to imitate him and do those countless things that forget our ancestors!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Zhengyong immediately spoke out in support: "What the great elder said is absolutely true, and this junior also supports the great elder's suggestion!"

Seeing that his father had spoken out, Zhou Xinlan, as a son, naturally couldn't watch anymore and immediately spoke up to support him.

With heavyweight family elders like them taking the lead, many of the Zhou family's foundation-building stage monks and Qi-refining stage monks also responded loudly.

Such an emotional scene made the faces of the Zhou family's sons-in-law and wives change, and their hearts were full of panic.

How could they not know the purpose of calling them here today?

It’s nothing more than killing the monkey and showing it to the chicken!

Since even Jindan monks like Yu Jinghua were found and executed for betraying the Zhou family, how could they survive if they dared to harbor dissent towards the Zhou family?

In this case, even if they have a clear conscience now, they will inevitably feel turbulent.

Especially Zhang Liang, the son-in-law of the Zhou family.

As the son-in-law with the highest level of cultivation in the Zhou family, he is also the one who seems to be highly valued by the top management. In private, no one deliberately compares him with the original Yu Jinghua out of jealousy.

And even if he had never had any thoughts of betrayal in his heart, seeing what happened to Yu Jinghua at this moment, it was impossible not to be shaken in his heart.

He could even clearly feel that the eyes of many monks from the Zhou family and his relatives were falling on him intentionally or unintentionally, and their eyes contained various meanings.

But fortunately, he was a monk in the Zifu period after all. Even though his heart was in turmoil, he still managed to keep his expression normal.

At this time, the Taoist monk Zhou Xindie beside him seemed to feel something, and suddenly reached out to grab his palm and smiled at him.

After seeing the peaceful smile on the Taoist monk's face, Zhang Liang quickly reassured himself. He smiled and nodded gently, quickly calming down.

Seeing the excitement among the tribesmen, Zhou Mingde naturally quickly obeyed the public opinion and agreed to Zhou Daoyi's request.

So in addition to preserving Yu Jinghua's head, the ice below his neck was quickly thawed, and then the stitched body began to bear the whippings of one Zhou family monk after another.

Even though the body of a Golden Core monk was as hard as a second-level monster, under the whippings of the Zhou family monks, whip marks soon appeared one after another and then fell apart!

Later, some of the Zhou family's sons-in-law and daughter-in-law also joined in the flogging of the corpse, either to show their loyalty or to fear being suspected.

Yu Jinghua, a monk in the middle stage of the golden elixir, would never have thought that even if he was beaten to death, his body would be whipped by a group of monks in the Qi refining stage!

In the end, his body was whipped and only a skeleton was left!

Even so, the bones were still not spared, and the minced meat was thrown away to feed the monsters. The skeleton was dismantled and thrown into various latrines of ordinary people of the Zhou family, forever being filthy by those filth!

This is the Zhou family's punishment for this traitor. Although it is not as cruel as lighting his soul on a lamp, it will definitely not let him die easily.

And just when the news that the Zhou family traveled thousands of miles to pursue and kill the traitor Yu Jinghua began to spread, Zhou Chun also took the specially protected Yu Jinghua's head to Tianjing Villa to meet the real Tianjing.

Previously, when the Zhou family was infiltrated by Di Long, the leader of the Black Dragon Hall of the Hualong Sect, and caused a ruckus at the Zhou family's mountain gate, Zhou Chun came to express his gratitude by giving gifts to Master Tianjing for his rescue.

Although his gift was accepted at that time, he could not really see the face of Tianjing.

This time he came again with Yu Jinghua's head, and Master Tianjing finally received him.

Under the leadership of Wang Qingyun, a golden elixir monk from Tianjing Villa who had attended his golden elixir ceremony, Zhou Chun soon met Tianjing Zhenren in a hall.

He once met Tianjing Zhenren at the "Tianjing Dharma Assembly". At that time, the person was a white-haired man with white hair and a childish face, and he had the demeanor of a Taoist master.

But now that the Tian Jing Zhenren he saw had a face that was vaguely similar to what he had seen before, he looked like a young man with black hair.

Obviously, this is the new image of the other party after taking over the body.

Zhou Chun had read in some classics the records of real people in the Nascent Soul stage seizing the body.

According to what is said in the classics, once a real person in the Nascent Soul stage seizes someone's body, it is equivalent to a cause and effect, so basically he will not deliberately change the appearance of that person, and will even protect his relatives and friends!

Some people speculate that if this is not done, the obsession of the person who has been taken away will be difficult to eliminate, which will have an impact on the integration of the real Yuanying and the physical body.

In a sense, Zhou Chun is also a person who has been reborn.

So after he saw the appearance of Master Tianjing now, he didn't have much to deal with, and he adapted quickly.

He raised his head slightly and glanced at the other party, then hurriedly lowered his head and saluted respectfully: "Junior Zhou Zhengchun pays homage to the real person. The traitor Yu Jinghua's head is here. I would like to ask the real person to inspect it!"

As he spoke, he handed over the head in his hand.

Master Tianjing just glanced at the head casually, and after confirming its authenticity, he fired a golden light and destroyed the head into green smoke.

Then he looked at him indifferently and said: "Since your Zhou family can kill this traitor, it saves me from having to do it myself. If you have any requests, but you can say it, as long as it is not too much, I will accept it!"

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