Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 527 The Heavenly Mirror bestows a treasure, and the treasure map appears in the world [Pleas

Master Tianjing's attitude made Zhou Chun a little unsure of what he was thinking.

Originally, according to his idea, Master Tianjing had to ask how Yu Jinghua died, where he hid during his lifetime, and how the Zhou family found him.

But now Tianjing's attitude is so indifferent, as if he doesn't care whether Yu Jinghua is dead or not, and he has no intention to ask about this dead man.

Such a bland attitude was really beyond Zhou Chun's expectation.

Is this the state of mind of a real person in the Nascent Soul stage?

Zhou Chun muttered to himself that he shouldn't speculate too much.

It's just a pity that this way, it is basically impossible to knock on the Yulingmen with the help of Tianjing Zhenren.

It is very likely that this debt can only be settled with the Yuling Sect after he transforms into a pill and gives birth to a baby in the future!

What he should be thinking about now is how to answer Master Tianjing.

The other party asked him to make his own request, which seemed to be a reward for him to present Yu Jinghua's head, but in fact it was a test for him.

If the lion opens his mouth, the impression in the other party's heart will be greatly reduced.

But if you just ask for something casually, regardless of whether you will suffer a loss or not, I am afraid that Master Tianjing may not really appreciate it, and may just go along with it and dismiss him casually, leaving him unable to find any fault.

With all kinds of thoughts flashing through his mind, Zhou Chun finally chose an answer that was very pertinent in all aspects.

I saw him replying in a respectful tone: "To tell you the truth, this junior wants a pill-forming spiritual object that helps to combine the pills!"

A pill-forming spiritual object looks rare, but in fact it only costs hundreds of thousands of spiritual coins. For a real person in the Nascent Soul stage, it is not a precious thing at all.

And there is no way that the head of Yu Jinghua, a middle-stage Jindan monk, is not worth even this little bit of value.

Therefore, after listening to Zhou Chun's answer, Master Tianjing immediately nodded lightly and said: "This request is not too much, but I don't have the kind of pill-forming spiritual object you need in my hands for the time being. If you are willing to wait a little longer, In a few years, I can ask someone to buy and exchange it!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but smiled bitterly and cupped his hands and said: "To be honest, I actually applied to the Tianling Alliance to exchange for three points of pill-forming spiritual objects, just because the alliance produced such spiritual objects. The quantity is limited, and there are many people who need it at the same time, so the juniors are not yet able to queue up to receive the related spiritual items.”

"But time waits for no one. One of the elders of the junior generation is now nearly 400 years old. If he delays it any longer, he may miss the best age for forming pills. That's why the juniors want to exchange him for a pill-forming spiritual object as soon as possible!"

This is not an excuse. Zhou Daoyi's age is definitely not too young compared to the monks in the Zifu period.

Moreover, over the years, he has been running around in many ways and fighting fiercely with others for the revitalization of the Zhou family. He has accumulated a lot of hidden wounds in his body and has suffered a considerable loss of his own essence.

If you wait until you are over 400 years old to form an elixir, without the help of precious elixirs like [Holy Spirit Blood Pill], the success rate of forming an elixir is really unexpectable.

Therefore, he must enter a state of seclusion and elixir formation within ten years, so that he can have a chance to truly achieve success in elixir formation!

After hearing what he said, Master Tianjing was silent for a while.

After being silent for a while, he sighed softly and said, "Well, since you don't want to wait any longer, let's change the reward!"

After saying that, he didn't let Zhou Chun choose the reward again, so as to avoid the recurrence of something like this that he couldn't honor.

Then he saw him directly raising his hand and sending a jade box to Zhou Chun, "The talisman inside was refined by me in my free time. Because the sealed source power is small, there is only one chance to use it." , which can probably exert 10% of the power of the magic weapon itself, so I’ll give it to you for self-defense!”

A talisman made by a real person in the Yuanying period?

Zhou Chun's eyes lit up and he quickly took the jade box and thanked him profusely: "Thank you, senior, for the reward. Thank you, senior for the treasure!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished his words of thanks, Master Tianjing waved his hand and said: "Okay, since you are quite satisfied with this treasure, I won't keep you any longer."

He actually sent the guests off directly.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun could only resigned and left Tianjing Villa.

"I always feel that this Master Tianjing is a little weird. Even if all Masters in the Nascent Soul stage have a high state of mind, they won't be so wishless and undemanding, right? When he first successfully conceived a baby, , still looking ambitious?"

After returning to his cave in Tuyun Ridge, Zhou Chun reviewed his experience of meeting Master Tianjing, and immediately became suspicious of Master Tianjing's personal condition.

Judging from several experiences and the fact that there has been little news about Master Tianjing in recent years, it seems that Master Tianjing's state is somewhat abnormal.

If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be "lying flat".

Tianjing Zhenren now gave Zhou Chun the feeling of lying flat on his back, with no desires or desires, and no longer paying attention to anything.

However, it is undoubtedly extremely abnormal for this kind of situation to occur to a real person in the Nascent Soul stage, especially a real person in the Nascent Soul stage who has just given birth less than two hundred years ago.

Normally speaking, even after conceiving a baby successfully, knowing that there is almost no chance of an upward breakthrough in the future will lead to other desires.

For example, he likes to have fun, taking in many female cultivators as concubines, eating all kinds of delicacies, and living a life of wine and meat, in order to make up for some of the regrets left by his single-minded cultivation in the previous thousand years.

To put it in that sentence, after practicing for a lifetime and finally successfully conceiving a baby, shouldn’t you enjoy it?

As for the rare Nascent Soul cultivators like Master Tianjing, many of them have the idea of ​​starting a sect and want to be honored as their ancestors and become the founder of a sect.

But Zhou Chun hadn't heard of any rumors about Tianjing Zhenren taking concubines, otherwise there would have been many cultivating families rushing to send their female cultivators to Tianjing Villa!

"It seems that the problem still lies in the time when Master Qingxiao captured his Nascent Soul alive. Perhaps this high-ranking Master in the Nascent Soul stage is not as carefree as people think!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, as if he vaguely understood something.

But even if he guessed why Master Tianjing became like this, there is nothing he can use.

So he quickly cut off these conjectures and took out the jade box given to him by Master Tianjing to check.

Inside the jade box was a piece of talisman with a faint golden light. There was a golden mirror pattern imprinted on the talisman paper. It should have been made by Master Tianjing by extracting the original power of his own talisman.

Extracting a small part of the original power of the magic weapon to make it into a talisman like this will not cause any permanent damage to the magic weapon, but will temporarily reduce its power, which requires cultivation and training before it can be restored.

And with Tianjing Zhenren's cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, as long as his natal magic weapon has not been promoted to a spiritual treasure, it will not take long to recover.

But even if his natal magic weapon is only a top-quality magic weapon, this talisman that can exert 10% of the power of his natal magic weapon is still considered a top-quality treasure for early Jindan monks like Zhou Chun.

If you use it when fighting against others, it will not be worse than a top-grade magic weapon!

The only pity is that this talisman can only be used once. Zhou Chun needs to make good use of it and cannot waste it easily.

After inspecting the talisman at this time, Zhou Chun put it away, and then took out the middle-grade magic weapon [Taibai Killing Dragon Sword] obtained from Yu Jinghua.

This [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] is a magic weapon used by Zhou Tong, the ancestor of the Zhou family, to kill the fourth-level dragon. It is not his natal magic weapon, but something obtained by external opportunities. It should be left behind by a powerful golden elixir stage monk. The natal magic weapon.

Originally this treasure was not called this name, but after killing the fourth-level dragon, the sword added a legendary color in the Zhou family, so it was changed to this name after ancestor Zhou Tong passed away.

And this treasure can be said to be the most precious magic weapon of the Zhou family. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the treasure of the clan.

Originally, Zhou Chun had the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] and did not necessarily need to sacrifice this magic weapon.

But after giving both the [Etu Vajra Shield] and [Blazing Gloves] to Zhou Mingde, he had no second magic weapon to use.

When he needs to supplement his defense, he still has to use the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] to protect himself.

Therefore, if this magic weapon is sacrificed and refined, there will be more room for error.

Because it was a middle-grade magic weapon, Zhou Chun spent almost a month refining it before he finished refining the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword].

Then he also learned about the magical power of this magic weapon.

This flying sword magic weapon itself is extremely hard and sharp. It is smelted with [Taibai Fine Gold], a rare and rare magic weapon material. It has powerful armor-breaking and shield-breaking effects. It can even easily cut through the dragon scales of a fourth-order low-grade dragon. break.

In addition, the sword body can also store a "Taibai Xin Sword Qi". When the sword is struck, the power will be extraordinary.

When he besieged Yu Jinghua before, the thief relied on this "Taibai Xin Sword Qi" to break through Su Yuzhen's protection and wound him with one sword.

But Zhou Chun felt that the true power of this sword should be more than that. It should be coordinated with the sword master's sword control skills in order to fully exert its true power.

It's a pity that there are not many real sword cultivators, and it is even rarer to reach the golden elixir stage. This sword fell into the Zhou family, which is actually a secret investment!

But the advantage of the magic weapon is that as long as someone keeps cultivating it, it can still be used after being passed down for thousands of years.

As long as this treasure continues to be passed down in the Zhou family, there will always be a chance to meet Bole who can really make it shine in the future!

Since Zhou Chun failed to obtain the elixir-forming spiritual objects that were helpful for combining elixirs from Tianjing Zhenren, Lin Hongyu went to the Kingdom of Zhou to collect such elixir-forming objects for Zhou Daoyi. Zhou Chun also used several of them for this purpose. The thousand-year-old treasure medicine and some magic weapons and spiritual materials that were not enough were given to her in order to exchange them from some golden elixir stage monks.

For many golden elixir stage monks, the elixir-forming spiritual objects are just rare spiritual objects that they cannot use. Without the need to train their descendants, they are willing to exchange this object for other treasures.

If Zhou Chun is willing to give up a magic weapon, exchanging a set of auxiliary pill-forming spiritual objects is not a problem!

Of course, such opportunities are still rare.

In the following time, Zhou Chun basically focused on practicing in the cave and paid little attention to family affairs, leaving everything to Zhou Mingde.

At this time, the morale of the Zhou family was at an all-time high because they first defeated Qinglianguan in a gambling battle and then cleaned up the family and killed the family traitor Yu Jinghua.

Outside forces are also in awe of the strength displayed by the Zhou family. Except for those big forces, there are not many family sects in Jingguo who dare not give the Zhou family some face.

The Zhou family's various businesses have improved a lot.

There are even some small families who have begun to take the initiative to vote, wanting to become a vassal force of the Zhou family, betting on the fate of the whole family, believing that the Zhou family will become the overlord of the party in the future!

Most of these small families have only been passed down for one or two generations. Their founders strengthened themselves through adventure after adventure, and finally built a foundation.

Because of this successful experience, they are not afraid to take a gamble!

Anyway, there are only a few or even a dozen of them in total!

As for these small forces who wanted to take refuge, Zhou Mingde decided to refuse to accept this vassal relationship after discussing with Zhou Chun, and just gave them a gift to thank them for their "good intentions".

After all, the Zhou family has set the tone for low-key development in the future, and there is no need to touch the bottom line of Qinglian Guan on this kind of thing.

The current plan of the Zhou family is that the top management will support Zhou Daoyi in trying to form an elixir, while the middle and lower levels will discover and cultivate talents, consolidate the family foundation, and at the same time increase the development of the wilderness.

Anyway, time is now on the side of the Zhou family. The several golden elixir-level monks in their family still have enough lifespan, and they can take their time and wait for the situation to change.

In the Frozen Yi Kingdom, there is a steep peak of snow.

Qingweizi, who transformed into a white-haired old man, came here based on the intelligence information she collected, and then carefully released her spiritual consciousness to search.

But no matter how hard he searched, his spiritual consciousness could not find anything unusual on this snowy peak that was not particularly rich in aura.

After some attempts, he chose to give up, and then took out a special talisman to activate it.

Watching the magic talisman turn into a white eyeball pattern suspended in the air after being activated, Qingweizi could only wait patiently.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, his consciousness suddenly moved and he looked towards the snow somewhere a hundred feet away.

After a flash of white light in that place, a figure whose whole body was covered by a white robe appeared there out of thin air.

Qingweizi's consciousness was deflected when he got close to the person. With his cultivation in the middle stage of Golden Core, he couldn't even see clearly what kind of cultivation the other party had. He only knew that he must be a cultivator in the Golden Core stage. wrong.

"Could it be that what fellow Taoist performed just now was the ice escape technique?"

Qingweizi stared at the white-robed monk and asked tentatively.

The ice escape technique he talks about is actually a partial escape technique, derived from the water escape technique, and can only be used in places where there is ice and snow.

But the advantage of this kind of escape technique is that after it is successfully practiced, it can be used at will in the land of ice and snow.

Like the top of the snow peak where Qingweizi is now, the ice and snow under her feet are tens of feet thick. Ordinary earth escape techniques cannot be used at all, and the same is true for water escape techniques.

But the ice escape technique here can be used like these two escape techniques to easily fly through the ice and snow.

If there was a fight in this environment, the monks who mastered the ice escape technique would be able to advance and retreat freely, occupying a very large geographical advantage.

And 70 to 80% of the entire Frozen Yi Kingdom is covered in ice and snow!

But at this time, facing Qingweizi's inquiry, the white-robed monk had no intention of responding to him. He just asked in an indifferent tone: "Your Excellency came with a token. I think you know the rules of this sect. I don't know." Who do you want me to take action against?"

After hearing his words, Qingweizi knew that it was impossible for her to get close.

Therefore, he soon became solemn and said solemnly: "Of course I know the rules. The person I want your family to deal with this time is an early stage Golden Core monk who is tens of thousands of miles away from Frozen Yi Country. He is related to The information has been recorded here!”

After saying that, he waved his hand and a jade slip flew towards the white-robed monk.

After the white-robed monk took the jade slip, he did not immediately check the intelligence information inside. He just said coldly: "This sect needs time to investigate the true situation of the target and evaluate the reward of this attack. Wait until the evaluation results come out. I will contact you later!"

After saying that, he made a seal with his hands and disappeared directly into the ground in front of Qingweizi.

Seeing this scene, Qingweizi couldn't help but narrow her eyes and quickly turned around and left the place.

He still needs to continue waiting in Frozen End Country, waiting for Ice Prison Sect to contact him again to discuss specific remuneration.

This is the rule of the Ice Prison Sect. When the assassination target is a Golden Core monk, the task will not be accepted immediately. Instead, the situation must be investigated clearly, the target's danger level is determined, and then a quotation will be made based on all aspects of the situation.

If they feel that the target is too difficult, they may even refuse to accept the assassination mission.

Without this caution, the killer sect like them would have been wiped out long ago because they kicked some iron plates!

After all, in the world of immortality, if you hide your sect's gate in a dark place where no one knows, no one will be able to find you.

For some Nascent Soul monks, they only need to collect a little bit of your breath to find your hiding place thousands of miles away.

There is even a magical divination technique in the world of immortality, which can directly predict the hiding place of the target person!

Zhou Chun, who only wanted to stay inside his family's mountain gate, would of course not know that Qingweizi had gone to the Frozen Yi Kingdom to hire a killer to assassinate him.

The reason why he stayed in the family mountain gate to practice instead of going to the Great Zhou Kingdom was mainly because he was worried that Qinglian Temple would not be willing to lose the bet, and then secretly made some small moves to deal with the Zhou family.

In addition, he currently does not have much demand for the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Apart from asking Luo Qingni to help refine the [Dragon Transformation Pill], there was no reason why he had to go to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Lin Hongyu can completely help collect the materials for refining the [Guchen Pill], or let the family monks do it.

For this reason, he even asked some family foundation-building monks and Zifu monks to travel to various countries to help him collect relevant materials.

And if Luo Qingni leaves the customs and reads the summons he left, he will also find someone to come and notify him, without him having to make a special trip to wait.

"It's strange. It's been more than a year since this gambling fight ended, and Qinglian Temple really hasn't done anything. Could it be that the photo was taken by Master Baiyue to warn him not to make any small moves? It doesn't feel like Taoist Yiyang. He Qingweizi’s style!”

On this day, Zhou Chun went to the Zhongping Hall to check on the family's financial situation. After learning that everything was stabilizing and changing for the better, he couldn't help but murmur when he came back.

He had already planned for Qinglian Guan to use commercial means to snipe the Zhou family from everywhere. With the scale of Qinglian Guan, this matter could still bring a lot of trouble to the Zhou family.

Moreover, this kind of sniping is strictly a business competition. The Moon Wheel Sect can't even control how Qinglian Temple does business!

But what he didn't expect was that Qinglian Temple did nothing. Even the Zhou family shop in Hongyafang City, Lanzhou was still operating normally without any deliberate targeting.

This unexpected situation made Zhou Chun feel uneasy, like the calm before the storm.

After thinking about it for a while, he issued an order to ask the family elders to minimize going out in recent years, or to keep a low profile and conceal their true identities when going out to avoid any accidents.

For today's Zhou family, as long as high-level monks above the Zifu stage do not die unexpectedly, even if a few Foundation-building stage monks disappear or fall, the losses are still within the acceptable range.

Several months later, Zhou Mingde suddenly came to Zhou Chun's cave to see him in person.

"Zhengchun, do you still remember the treasure map you got from the Jiang family's secret vault after they destroyed it?"

Inside the cave, as soon as Zhou Mingde saw Zhou Chun, he suddenly asked about an old incident from many years ago.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chun reacted immediately, looked at him with surprise and said, "Of course I remember, junior. Now that you suddenly mentioned this matter, could it be that you discovered another treasure map corresponding to it?"

He clearly remembered that only half of the animal skin picture scroll was a fragment, but the texture of the animal skin was that of a third-level monster beast.

The treasure map made from the skin of this monster beast is definitely not an ordinary treasure, so it was collected by the Jiang family and entered into the secret vault.

And Zhou Chun remembered that he had put the rubbings of this treasure map in the family library many years ago. Any monk of the Zhou family who could enter the library could look at the copy for free and express his gratitude to the person who presented the other half of the treasure map. reward.

Zhou Mingde, who was now in charge of family affairs, suddenly mentioned this matter, and Zhou Chun realized that the measures taken back then might have achieved results.

Sure enough, after listening to his words, Zhou Mingde immediately smiled and said: "Yes, Zhou Sihan, the junior who traveled inside and outside the Japanese clan, suddenly returned to the family and handed over the other half of the treasure map. After Xinyi learned about this, he immediately contacted me After comparison, it was determined that the two treasure maps are exactly the same in terms of material, and there is no possibility of counterfeiting!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately said thoughtfully: "Junior Zhou Sihan, if I remember correctly, he should be in the middle stage of foundation building now. After he got the other half of the treasure map, didn't he try to find the treasure? place?"

"Hahaha, of course he tried it, but unfortunately that place is located within the territory of Chengguo, and it is now protected by a large formation and monster beasts. With his strength, it is impossible to obtain this opportunity!"

Zhou Mingde chuckled and said the answer with a smile.

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