Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 528 Treasure, attacked [Please subscribe]

A incomplete treasure map that had been collected for many years was completed, and Zhou Chun was still very interested in this matter.

Not only him, I believe any cultivator would be interested in this kind of thing.

After all, there are too many legends about various treasures in the world of immortality.

Every immortal cultivator, whether he is a casual cultivator, a family cultivator, or a sect cultivator, has once imagined that he will become the lucky one in the stories and legends.

The key is that these legends are not all fabrications, but there are many factual examples.

Let’s not go into details, let’s just say that Zhou Chun knows the two most famous examples that he has participated in.

One is Tianjing Zhenren. When he was young, he unexpectedly received the inheritance of "Xuanjing Zhenren", a casual cultivator in the middle stage of Yuanying. He inherited the legacy left by this real person in Yuanying stage, and finally succeeded in transforming elixirs into infants and becoming Yuanying. Infancy real person!

Another example is the secret island discovered by Luo Qingni and others based on the treasure map. Zhou Chun was also a personal participant in this incident and benefited greatly from it.

With these successful examples in the past, now a high-level treasure map has been found by the Zhou family. How could Zhou Chun not be interested in the treasures recorded on the treasure map!

But despite being interested, Zhou Chun had no intention of going treasure hunting right away.

After he pondered for a while, he said to Zhou Mingde: "That treasure map is only recorded in third-level animal skins. The treasures contained in it may not be very precious to us. Why don't we let a few family elders take them first?" Let people try it out, and if it works, it will be an opportunity for them!"

It's not that Zhou Chun doesn't look down on the treasures on the treasure map, it's just that he knows in his heart that the family cannot rely on himself and Zhou Mingde, the two golden elixir monks, to handle everything.

Sometimes we have to find something to do for those Foundation Establishment monks and Zifu Stage monks.

Something like this, exploring an already identified treasure location, is certainly a great opportunity.

It would be a good thing if the family elders and core clan members sent there could solve the problem and bring back the treasure.

If they can't solve the problem, it's not too late to take action personally.

Zhou Mingde naturally heard the meaning of Zhou Chun's words. After hearing the words, he just pondered for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said, "This is a good idea. Those juniors should find something to do for them, so as not to develop bad habits." Everything depends on the family’s bad habits!”

After the two reached an agreement, they discussed it for a while and decided to let Zhou Xinlan and Zhang Liang, two Zifu period monks, take Zhou Sihan, Zhou Xinyan and other six Foundation Establishment period monks to search for the treasure.

Just in case, Zhou Chun also gave Zhou Xinlan the golden armor, mountain turtle and stone to wear for protection.

After Zhou Xinlan and others set off, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde patiently waited at home for the news.

On the other side, after Zhou Xinlan and Zhang Liang led the team to leave the family mountain gate, they headed to the final treasure location on the treasure map under the leadership of Zhou Sihan.

After several days of traveling, the group soon arrived at the place where the treasure was hidden.

"The mountain range in front is called 'Wutou Ridge' by local monks. There are a lot of poisonous ebony trees growing in the mountains. Once these ebony trees are destroyed, whether they are burned or cut down, they will release highly toxic smoke and The smell can poison a monk in the Qi refining stage."

"And there are many kinds of poisonous monsters inhabiting the mountains and forests, such as aconite snakes, black birds, black jade centipedes and other monsters!"

"The place where the treasure is hidden is located in a mountain peak full of poisonous miasma deep in the Wutou Ridge. It is protected by a powerful formation. There are also a large number of black blackbirds living on the mountain, among which there are second-level blackbirds. There are five of them, and the Bird King is a second-level high-grade demon bird!"

I saw a black forest outside. Zhou Sihan, who had been here before and was responsible for leading the way this time, pointed to the large black forest ahead and told the situation inside in a solemn tone.

He had come here alone to look for treasures before, but he almost fell into a trap because he underestimated the poisonous insects and monsters inside.

And the group of black birds completely extinguished his idea of ​​obtaining the treasure based on his own strength. After returning, he could only hand in the other half of the treasure map he obtained.

After listening to his words, Zhou Xinlan waved her hands nonchalantly and said: "With niece Xiaolian here, it's just that those poisonous insects and beasts won't come to kill me. If they dare to come and die, I can just give her some nourishment!"

After speaking, he looked at Zhou Yuanlian, who was specially recruited into the team.

"Junior must do his best."

Zhou Yuanlian replied with an indifferent expression, her words devoid of any emotion.

Zhou Xinlan and other Zhou family monks seemed not to be surprised by this, and no one thought that she was dissatisfied with anyone because of her expression and tone.

Anyone who knows something about Zhou Yuanlian knows that because of her cultivation, she has the same indifferent attitude towards everyone. It is said that there is no change even in front of the clan leader Zhou Zhengchun!

At this time, a group of people, led by Zhou Xinlan, immediately strode into the forest.

The reason for walking instead of flying in the air is naturally to save mana and avoid exposure.

"Wutou Ridge" is the territory of monsters. Although I haven't heard of any third-order monsters appearing there, there are quite a few second-order monsters and first-order monsters.

If you fly directly above it, you will easily be attacked by the monsters inside.

Especially those black birds have a very strong sense of territory in the air and will never allow people like the Zhou family to fly freely in the sky.

Moreover, there are some middle and low-level monks taking risks here all year round. If such a large group of people from the Zhou family flew through the air, it would definitely be very eye-catching.

Once the local foundation-building monks or Zifu-level monks are attracted by then, the place where the treasure is hidden will no longer be hidden!

And with the strength of the Zhou family's team, the scattered monsters and poisonous insects in "Wutou Ridge" are naturally unlikely to pose a threat to them.

After walking in the mountains and forests for less than half a day, they arrived at their destination.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, a large black-green miasma spread over the mountains and forests. The wind could not blow it away and the sun could not dissipate it.

Deep in this black-green miasma, there are several continuous mountain peaks hundreds of feet high. From time to time, strange, noisy and harsh screams can be heard in the mountains.

When everyone stopped outside the miasma area, they saw Zhou Yuanlian stepping forward and entering for a while.

Then he returned outside, raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out several talisman made of unknown insect carapace and handed them to Zhou Xinlan and others, "Wear these poison-proof talismans on your body for three hours." You should be able to ignore the miasma erosion here."

It is said to be a talisman, but in fact it should be a talisman.

The "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" records many methods for refining poison-repelling magical weapons and talismans. Zhou Yuanlian's current cultivation level in the early stages of foundation building is still difficult to refine those powerful poison-repelling magical weapons.

However, some of the talismans that do not require very high production skills can already be made proficiently.

The materials for making these talismans are generally based on the shells of poisonous insects, and some also use spirit wood, animal skins, animal bones, and scales, and the production process also requires the use of the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual". Mana is the guide.

It can be said to be Zhou Yuanlian's unique skill.

At this time, everyone hung the anti-poison talisman on their chests as Zhou Yuanlian said, and then stepped into the miasma.

Immediately, an invisible force pushed the miasma away from everyone's body for several feet, making it impossible for them to get involved.

In this way, with the protection of the anti-poison talisman, everyone no longer needs to spend mana to resist the erosion of miasma, saving a lot of their mana.

But as they penetrated deeper into this miasma area, they soon attracted attacks from the owner of this place.

A dull sound of flapping wings was heard from the depths of the miasma, and soon black arrows penetrated the miasma and shot at everyone.

However, Zhou Xinlan and Zhang Liang, two Zifu period monks, had warned them in advance. In the end, these jet-black arrows were either dodged by everyone or blocked by their spells and magical weapons.

Then the enemy figure that attacked them also appeared in the sky.

I saw that they were big, fat black birds. They looked a bit like crows, but their bodies were as fat as balls, and their eyes were black and purple.

This is the Black Crow, a demonic bird whose blood is highly poisonous!

At this time, there were probably more than fifty black birds attacking the Zhou family's monk team, led by a second-level low-grade black bird.

Ordinary first-level black crows can basically only spit venom flying arrows. Some first-level high-quality black crows can perform the "Poison Rain Technique".

If they are one-on-one, they are no match for immortal cultivators of the same level.

But it's a pity that this kind of demon bird rarely stays alone, and always comes out in groups.

Dozens of first-order black birds spit out venom flying arrows at the same time to attack. The monks in the early stage of foundation building must avoid their sharp edges to avoid being contaminated by their highly toxic venom.

When Zhou Sihan came here alone before, he was chased by three second-level black birds and hundreds of first-level black birds. In the end, he only managed to escape with his life by giving up a third-level low-grade magic talisman!

But this time those blackbirds hit the wall.

When they appeared, Zhou Xinyan, Zhou Sihan and other six foundation-building monks immediately took action together. Various magical weapons and spells flashed in the sky, and most of the birds were wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Even the second-level low-grade black bird had no time to escape. Zhou Xinyan, who was already in the late stage of foundation building, used a "Jiamu Xuanguang Sword" to slash it down into the sky.

"The Nineteenth Brother's 'Jiamu Xuanguang' magical power is indeed extraordinary. It is indeed a top-notch skill that comes with magical powers!"

Seeing that everyone had already dealt with the enemy without taking action, Zhou Xinlan praised Zhou Xinyan and others without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, after Zhou Xinyan heard what he said, he shook his head calmly and said: "No matter how extraordinary it is, it is still a foundation-building method. Fourth Brother, if a monk like you, the Purple Mansion Stage, takes action, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch a single move. Come down!"

Zhou Xinlan immediately didn't know how to answer these words.

He knew in his heart that Zhou Xinyan, as the first high-grade spiritual root qualified monk born after the Zhou family took root in Jiufeng Ridge, and as a contemporary of him, had always been quite proud of himself.

As a result, after the foundation was established, because there were no direct elders to support and help, and because I was arrogant and chose the "Jiamu Xuan Gong", a top-notch technique that is difficult to practice, my practice speed was surpassed by Zhou Xinlan and other clan brothers. Go down.

In the end, Zhou Xinlan received help from her father Zhou Zhengyong to open up the spiritual objects of the Purple Mansion, and successfully opened up the Purple Mansion ahead of all the monks of his generation, directly surpassing these monks of his generation by a huge level.

How can Zhou Xinyan, who has always been proud, accept this in her heart!

Therefore, anyone who is familiar with Zhou Xinyan in recent years has discovered that the number of times he goes out on adventures has increased much more than before, but the number of times he communicates with fellow monks has decreased, as if he is holding his breath.

This time Zhou Chun arranged for Zhou Xinlan to lead a team to collect the treasure, and also arranged for Zhou Xinyan to join the team. This must be another big stimulus for Zhou Xinyan.

Under such stimulation, Zhou Xinlan's words of praise for him might become harsh in his ears.

After Zhou Xinlan discovered this at this moment, he could only shake his head helplessly, and did not answer Zhou Xinyan's words. He just asked everyone to collect the fallen black bird corpse on the ground and continue to move towards the mountain where the treasure was located.

But perhaps it was because the black birds that had just escaped returned to report the news. They had just finished cleaning up the battlefield when Zhou Xinlan and Zhang Liang's consciousness noticed a large number of black birds flying towards them.

"Quick, everyone prepares immediately, those black birds are coming out of their nests!"

Zhou Xinlan shouted a warning and took out the magic weapon in preparation for the attack.

Not long after he finished speaking, hundreds of black birds appeared in everyone's sight.

Among them, the huge figure of the second-order high-grade black bird is even more conspicuous.

"I will deal with the bird king, and leave the rest of the black birds to you. Brother Zhang will wait for me to plunder the formation!"

Zhou Xinlan ordered everyone to fight against the enemy with a deep voice. With his own awareness, a long sword magical weapon turned into a beam of fire and slashed towards the second-order high-grade black bird.

With his cultivation at the Zifu stage, he would naturally be able to deal with a second-level high-grade monster with one hand.

But what is commendable is that this black bird is worthy of being the bird king of the flock. Even though it is only a second-level high-level cultivation, it dares to take the initiative to take action against Zhou Xinlan, a monk in the Purple Mansion Stage.

It seemed to be able to slightly control the poisonous miasma. With its wings flapping, it could condense and compress the poisonous miasma to form poisonous arrows that filled the sky and shoot towards Zhou Xinlan.

It is a pity that such an attack, which is very threatening to the monks in the foundation-building stage, fell on the [Xuan Gang Pearl] protective shield activated by Zhou Xinlan, but it did not make any waves.

However, Zhou Xinlan activated the long sword weapon and cut off a section of its wings with the first blow, and chopped off its head with the second blow!

After killing the Black Bird Queen with two swords, Zhou Xinlan did not intervene in other people's battles, but was ready to save others at any time.

But in fact, he was a little overly worried. Except for Zhou Yuanlian, the foundation-building monks who followed him this time were all veteran foundation-building monks who had been building foundations for many years. Everyone had these second-level magic weapons in hand, so they could deal with them. The remaining three second-order black birds and other first-order black birds have no chance of overturning.

In less than a quarter of an hour, most of the hundreds of black birds that attacked were killed, and only a few dozen fled in all directions, luckily escaping with their lives.

No one paid attention to the black birds that escaped, and everyone who had captured a lot was busy collecting the corpses of the demon birds on the ground.

The bird's feathers and the poison sac in the black bird's body are both weapon refining materials, and they are also good materials for Zhou Yuanlian to practice poison skills.

Zhou Xinlan made the decision on the spot and handed over the corpses of several second-order blackbirds, except for their feathers, to Zhou Yuanlian for disposal.

No one has any objection to this.

Not to mention the unclear relationship between Zhou Yuanlian and the clan leader Zhou Zhengchun, let’s just say that Zhou Yuanlian’s contribution in providing detoxification and anti-toxic substances to everyone along the way made him qualified to obtain these things.

Besides, they also wanted to take this opportunity to make good friends with this clansman, so that it would be easier for them to ask him for help in detoxifying or buying poisons and anti-poison charms in the future.

It only took less than a quarter of an hour to resolve the battle, but it took nearly three quarters of an hour to clean the battlefield.

After the battlefield was cleaned up, everyone set off again.

At this time, because the black bird flock was dealt with, everyone encountered no resistance on the way forward, and soon arrived at the mountain peak where the treasure was hidden, which was also the nest of the black bird flock.

At this time, except for some black bird chicks that were unable to fly, there were no other monsters on the mountain peak.

"It's a pity that if a demon bird like the Black Crow wants to advance to the second level, it must form a large flock. Otherwise, you can bring some eggs and chicks back to the family to raise!"

Zhou Siyu, another female cultivator in the team, looked at the baby birds and eggs in the bird's nest and couldn't help but sigh with pity on her face.

The second-level black bird's combat power is still very good, and its poison attribute spells are also very weird and difficult to prevent. It can be regarded as a good spiritual pet.

But as Zhou Siyu said, if a gregarious monster like the black bird wants to produce a second-level monster, it needs to form a flock.

And it is impossible for the Zhou family to raise one or two hundred black birds to cultivate second-level black birds. The cost is too high and it is not worth it.

At this moment, Zhou Yuanlian suddenly said: "There are many poisonous weeds on this mountain that are beneficial to my practice. I will go and pick these poisonous weeds first. Just call me when you find the place where the treasure is hidden."

"Since it concerns niece Xiaolian and your practice, you can just go on your own."

Zhou Xinlan nodded slightly and agreed.

Then he, Zhou Sihan and others took out the rubbing map and searched for the specific treasure location.

After following the map and searching separately on the mountain for almost two quarters of an hour, everyone found the treasure location recorded above.

"This is it, the treasure is inside this stone wall!"

Under a cliff, Zhou Xinlan and others held the treasure map in their hands and after comparing it repeatedly, they finally unanimously determined that the location marked on it was the cliff in front of them.

Then Zhou Xinlan thought for a moment, then directly took out the long sword and slashed towards the stone wall.

However, he saw that after the long sword weapon broke through the stone wall about one foot deep, it was blocked and it was difficult to make any further progress.

"There is indeed a mystery in it!"

With a flash of joy in his eyes, Zhou Xinlan immediately took back the long sword weapon and looked at Zhang Liang.

Zhou Chun sent Zhang Liang to be his partner this time, precisely because he knew that the place where the treasure was hidden must be protected by formations, and Zhang Liang's current formation attainments were not much worse than some formation masters.

"Zhang will give it a try first."

Zhang Liang nodded slightly, then stepped forward to test the formation inside using the methods of a formation master.

After he was busy for almost half an hour, he shook his head slightly and said to Zhou Xinlan: "Zhang couldn't tell the specific origin of the formation here, but its arrangement method is quite clever, and it has been connected with the spiritual veins of this place. , and it also has the function of hiding the aura. If I wait alone, I am afraid it will be difficult to break this formation forcibly!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Xinlan couldn't help but sigh, and then nodded and said: "Then try to attack first. If it doesn't work, go back to the family and report to the clan leader."

After saying that, he called on everyone to attack the mountain wall in front of him.

Under their attack, the outer stone wall of the mountain wall was quickly shattered and fell off, revealing a dark brown formation shield inside.

The defensive power of this formation shield is very powerful. Zhou Xinlan's full blow can only make it slightly sway.

After trying this attack for half an hour with no results, Zhou Xinlan gave up completely.

He directly asked everyone to stop the offensive, then looked at Zhang Liang and said: "Brother Zhang, you can set up a formation to cover this place first. I will ask the 19th brother to go back to the family to report the situation to the clan leader."

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Xinyan and said: "Nineteenth brother, you have two second-level spiritual pets, and they are no worse than me when they continue to travel. I will trouble you to go back to the family and report the situation here!"

"I understand, then fourth brother, you should take care of yourselves."

Zhou Xinyan nodded, not showing off his temper in such serious matters, and quickly said goodbye to everyone and returned to Jingguo.

In this way, relying on the two second-level spiritual pets of Blue Feather Fire Kite and Blazing Dragon Python to travel in rotation, Zhou Xinyan returned to Tuyunling Mountain Gate in only two days.

After learning about the location of the treasure from Zhou Xinyan, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde discussed it and decided to go to Chengguo to collect the treasure in person.

He didn't let Zhou Xinyan lead the way, he just asked him to have a good rest first and rushed to Chengguo alone with the original treasure map.

Because he was worried about long nights and many dreams, Zhou Chun did not use the golden-winged tiger or the thunder dragon to travel in vain, but directly used the magic weapon [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] to rush on his way.

Only a few hours passed before others appeared on the border between Jingguo and Chengguo.

But at this moment, the [Moon Toad Orb] in Zhou Chun's body suddenly sounded a frantic warning, conveying a warning sign to him.

This is the first time Zhou Chun has encountered such a situation after refining this treasure.

After being stunned for a moment, he hurriedly activated this treasure to use the "Taiyin Body Protecting Immortal Clothes" magical power to protect himself.

The next moment after the silver-white fairy clothes appeared, Zhou Chun suddenly heard a cold snort in his mind, and was attacked by his spiritual consciousness.

It's just that the person who took action obviously didn't expect that Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness was not only stronger than that of the average middle-stage golden elixir monk, but also protected by the third layer of "Heart Lotus Zhengfa". This spiritual attack only made him slightly distracted, and then he quickly Recovered.

At this time, the silver-white fairy clothes outside Zhou Chun's body were shaking violently, and a white transparent long sword suddenly appeared in front of his chest.

The power emitted by this sword is much greater than the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword]. It is not a top-grade magic weapon, but it is not far behind.

And as this magic weapon appeared, Zhou Chun's wildly spreading consciousness also captured the location of the attacker.

In his spiritual perception, there was a vague figure hidden in a cloud somewhere more than ten miles away from him!

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