Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 529: Retreating the Enemy, Secret Treasury [Please subscribe]

"Those who hide their heads and show their tails, get out of here Zhou!"

In the sky, Zhou Chun shouted angrily, and with a wave of his hand, the [Taibai Dragon Sword] shot towards the monk hiding in the clouds.

At the same time, he spat out golden light from his mouth, and his natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of All Transformations] flew out, spitting out rich golden light and laying down layers of protection around himself.

The person who assassinated him seemed not to have thought that his tried-and-tested method had no effect at all. At this time, his reaction was obviously half a beat too slow.

It wasn't until the silver-black flying sword came to his eyes that he came back to his senses. He hurriedly waved his sleeves and used a white shield magic weapon to block the flying sword.

Then he made a sword gesture with both hands, and the transparent flying sword that assassinated Zhou Chun suddenly swayed slightly and disappeared again in an instant.

But at this time, Zhou Chun's consciousness was highly concentrated, and he still caught a special wave.

But even if he caught the trajectory of the flying sword, it would be useless, so the flying speed of the sword was too fast, more than twice as fast as his sword-wielding speed!

Almost as soon as his consciousness captured the trajectory of the sword, the flying sword had already torn apart several layers of protective golden light he had laid out.

After all, the time it took to refine the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] was too short. Even though its material is extremely high and its potential is huge, it is still impossible to compare with this flying sword magic weapon in terms of power.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun also had the "Taiyin Body Protective Immortal Clothes" for personal protection, which was enough to make it difficult for the flying sword to hurt him after breaking through the golden light protection.

After a few exchanges of moves, the killer's figure emerged from the clouds.

He roughly looked like a man, wearing a white robe, with a hazy white spiritual light covering his body, making it difficult for people to truly see his appearance and figure, whether through spiritual consciousness or spiritual power.

His cultivation level is a small level higher than Zhou Chun's, and he is in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation.

After Zhou Chun observed this person for a few times, he was immediately convinced that this person was not a monk from Jingguo. Otherwise, he would not have heard of any rumors about a strong man with such means.

"Zhou is very curious, does a person with your cultivation level have to work hard for others to earn cultivation resources?"

Zhou Chun's eyes flickered, and while he was resisting his opponent's attack with all his strength, he couldn't help but make some probing remarks.

But the opponent paid no attention to what he meant. He just used another white mirror magic weapon without saying a word, triggering a stream of extremely cold ice light to shoot at him.

Although those extremely cold ice lights are completely incomparable to the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light", every white ice light falling on the protective golden light outside Zhou Chun's body will freeze and break one or two layers of protection. In conjunction with the attack of the invisible flying sword, Basically he can only defend passively.

But as the saying goes, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it!

Zhou Chun knew very well that if he continued to defend passively, he would definitely fall deeper and deeper.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and he quickly took back the [Taibai Dragon Sword], trying to intercept the attack of the invisible flying sword with this sword.

Zhou Chun didn't expect to be able to stop the invisible flying sword every time. If he succeeded three or four times out of ten, he would have achieved his goal.

The only thing he fears is this invisible flying sword.

In fact, he didn't really care about the rest, whether it was the killer's white mirror magic weapon or the other party's ice-attribute magical power.

With the [Moon Toad Orb] as a spiritual treasure to protect him, I dare not say everything. At least most of the ice attribute attacks cannot have much effect on him.

If he lets go of the protective golden light formed by the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] at this moment and lets the extremely cold ice light shine on him, I am afraid that not only will it not be able to hurt him at all, but it may also supplement the [Moon Toad Orb] and enhance the "Taiyin Body Protective Fairy Clothes" defense.

Of course, he would definitely not do this unless he was forced to do so. In that case, as long as his opponent was not a fool, he would be able to guess that the protective treasure on his body must be a top-notch magic weapon with ice attributes, or even a spiritual treasure!

At that time, the killer who was originally hired to assassinate him will probably directly take advantage of Bao and fight him to the death in order to get the treasure on him!

After retracting the flying sword, Zhou Chun quickly cast a spell to transform the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] into a golden shield to supplement his defense.

This [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] was refined using various rare spiritual golds. In terms of the material of the magic weapon alone, it is no worse than those top-quality magic weapons.

At this moment, he was using it to resist the attack of the invisible flying sword, but there was no need to worry about being damaged.

With such an all-out defense, Zhou Chun finally stabilized his position temporarily and no longer had to worry about the enemy suddenly breaking through the defense and injuring himself.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, his opponent also changed his tactics.

But when the killer quickly made a sword gesture with his hands, the invisible flying sword suddenly differentiated into dozens of ice sword energy, and shot towards Zhou Chun from all directions.

This seemed to be a magical swordsmanship. Zhou Chun was unable to lock the body of the invisible flying sword for a while, so he could only quickly activate the [Qianyuan Jinxia] magical power to superimpose protection.

Unexpectedly, after the strands of ice sword energy collided with the protection he had arranged and shattered, they did not dissipate directly. Instead, they merged with each other's cold energy, seeming to seal him in ice.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun hurriedly pointed out, and the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron], which turned into a golden shield, suddenly emitted golden light, and instantly erupted with a concussive force to disperse the cold air.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of golden elixir fire to burn the cold air.

With such dual responses, the situation of being frozen was finally avoided.

However, the invisible flying sword took this opportunity to strike hard at the golden shield, leaving a shallow sword mark directly on the shield.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun's [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] itself has excellent self-healing properties. This damage can be repaired with a little cultivation, but it is not a big problem.

However, after seeing his opponent's powerful attack power, Zhou Chun gave up all hope of fighting with him and just wanted to force him back quickly.

Therefore, he decisively took out the talisman given by Master Tianjing.

It is almost as easy for a monk in the Golden Core stage to activate the talisman as to activate the talisman, even if this talisman was made by a real person in the Nascent Soul stage.

When the talisman was activated, a golden mirror immediately formed in mid-air.

Zhou Chun's consciousness locked onto the killer, and with a thought, the golden mirror shot out a golden mirror light towards the opponent.

The golden mirror light was so incredibly fast that the killer almost didn't even react.

Fortunately, his white shield magic weapon itself has the effect of automatically protecting the master, and he finally moved it to the front in time to block the golden mirror light.

But the power of the golden mirror light cannot be blocked by a white shield.

When this medium-grade defensive magic weapon was illuminated by the golden mirror light, hairline-sized cracks suddenly appeared on the originally indestructible shield, and the magic weapon's aura instantly dimmed a lot.

This result immediately made the killer shocked and angry, and he cursed in his heart that the sect's intelligence collectors were all useless.

The strength and trump card displayed by this target now are completely beyond the scope of sect intelligence.

It can be said that he was tricked by his own people!

However, Zhou Chun will not care about what his opponent is thinking. The talisman given by Master Tianjing can only be used once. The golden mirror light just consumed only about 20% of the power of the talisman. How many more times does he have left? opportunity to take action.

So he quickly activated another magical power of the golden mirror.

I saw a surge of golden light on the golden treasure mirror, and suddenly a ball of golden thunder light emerged, turning into a golden thunder spear and shooting towards the moment.

As soon as this golden thunder spear appeared, the killer himself felt a warning sign in his heart, and instantly felt a fatal threat.

Without having time to think about it, he hurriedly recalled the invisible flying sword and slashed at the golden thunder spear.

Only a roar and explosion was heard rising from the sky, and the golden thunder spear was directly slashed by the invisible flying sword in the air.

But the killer himself groaned, and a trace of blood instantly overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

It turned out that although he blocked the blow, the invisible flying sword, which was his natal magic weapon, was also destroyed by the golden thunder spear. Even the magic weapon itself had weak cracks that were difficult to see with the naked eye.

This result made him feel very incredible!

You must know that the refining material of his invisible flying sword is the top-level magic weapon spiritual material [Ten Thousand Years Ice Crystal], a spiritual material that is stronger than most top-level spiritual gold!

Just the piece of [Ten Thousand Years Ice Crystal] consumed to refine this invisible flying sword is no less valuable than a mid-grade magic weapon!

Such spiritual objects are encountered by many real people in the Nascent Soul stage, and they will try their best to exchange them.

Ever since he refined this invisible flying sword with [Ten Thousand Years Ice Crystal], he quickly rose up in the Ice Prison Gate and became a gold medal killer. The success rate of his previous missions was 100%, and he had never failed.

At the same time, there was no damage to this invisible flying sword in the fight with any prey, not at all!

I never thought that today I would be in a big mess!

"You are lucky today. I will come to see you again!"

A cold voice came from the killer's mouth. He moved and turned into a white ray of light and quickly moved away. It seemed that he had given up on the assassination mission.

But how could Zhou Chun sit back and watch him escape easily.

"Don't leave!"

With a thought in Zhou Chun's mind, all the remaining power of the golden mirror was instantly activated by him. A golden beam of light suddenly shot towards the white light piercing hole that had escaped for more than ten miles, and soon caught up with the opponent.

But at this time, the killer didn't know what kind of magical power he had used, and his figure instantly dispersed into three. The golden light beam only scattered one fake body and lost the target.

In the end, Zhou Chun could only watch the other party disappear into the sky.

"I don't know where Qinglian Temple invited such a powerful killer. It seems that I have to go to the Moon Lun Sect's mountain gate later!"

Zhou Chun looked away from the direction where the killer left, and a hint of worry could not help but appear in his eyes.

He knew without thinking that this killer must have been hired by Qinglian Guan, which could also explain why Qinglian Guan had not used any means to attack the Zhou family for more than a year.

Moreover, to recruit such a powerful killer, both the personal connections and the price paid are extraordinary. No one except a few sects in Jingguo can do it.

But even if they knew that the killer was invited by Qinglian Temple, without evidence, the Moon Lun Sect would definitely not be able to help him.

Next, whether it is him or other Jindan stage monks of the Zhou family, or even Zifu stage monks, they may become the target of the killer!

This made Zhou Chun extremely worried.

If it weren't for the fact that Cheng Guo's treasure was still waiting for him to decipher, and that the killer was injured by him and needed to recuperate temporarily, he might have gone directly to the Moon Lun Sect's mountain gate to seek help now!

In this way, after two hours of worrying about the journey, Zhou Chun went through several reconnaissance tests and made sure that he was no longer being followed. Then he followed the feeling between the turtle and the stone and headed to the location of the treasure. at.

When Zhou Chun arrived at the location of the treasure, everything was normal and there were no unexpected incidents.

After he tested the defensive power of the formation, he asked everyone in the Zhou family to spread out and be on guard to prevent the movement here from attracting prying eyes from other monks.

Then he released the thunder dragon Baibai and the golden-winged tiger, and the master and servant launched a strong attack on the formation together.

According to Zhang Liang's judgment, the protection strength of the formation here is not up to the level of the forbidden formation, so for Zhou Chun, it is really a matter of output.

It only took less than half an hour for him to activate the [Taibai Dragon Sword] to break through the black-brown protective shield, tearing a gap in it that could allow one person to pass through.

Then he asked others to wait outside and entered the formation alone.

To Zhou Chun's expectation, there was another formation inside the formation, but it was an illusion formation.

The power of this array is also not bad. If the spiritual consciousness cannot reach the standard of a Golden Core Stage monk, he will definitely fall into it. Whether he can break free before his consciousness completely sinks completely depends on luck and personal will.

But for Zhou Chun, this illusory formation naturally had no lethality, so he simply ignored it.

After he easily got rid of the illusion formation, he could clearly see the details inside.

I saw that less than half of the mountain was hollowed out inside, and many stone chambers were built.

Zhou Chun originally thought that this might be a monk's cave, but after he opened the doors of some stone chambers, he discovered that this might actually be a treasure house, with a large amount of unrefined ore accumulated in the stone chambers!

Fine gold ore, silver ore, copper ore, fire crystal iron ore...

Various types of ore are stored in separate categories in the stone chamber warehouse.

Because they are all unrefined raw ores, as long as they are piled up in large quantities and stored in a rich spiritual environment, they can still be used even after thousands of years.

Moreover, these ores are rich ores, and finished materials can be obtained with a little refining, and the loss rate is extremely low.

As far as Zhou Chun knew, some forces would deliberately allocate part of their resources to build secret treasure houses when their sects and families were at their peak as a precaution.

In addition to storing martial arts books and other items, this secret treasure house also stores some treasures and spiritual resources that can be preserved for a long time.

The function of the secret treasure house is to prevent families and sects from declining or even perishing, so that survivors can continue their inheritance and make a comeback!

In the long history of the world of immortality, some sects and families have relied on this secret treasure house to rise again after their demise.

"If it is really a secret treasure house, then the harvest this time will not be small."

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed as he headed deeper into the stone chamber.

You don’t need to think about it to know that good things must be hidden deeper in those stone chambers!

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