Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 530 The Treasure of the Secret Treasury: The Abandoned Son [Please subscribe]

A secret treasure house built by a certain force for the purpose of making a comeback interests Zhou Chun more than a cave from the past.

Judging from the level of protection arranged here, if it is a cave, it is at most a cave for a Golden Core monk, and it may not be a powerful Golden Core monk.

The key point is that even if it is a cave for monks at the Golden Core stage, you may not necessarily be able to find magic weapons and other treasures inside.

You must know that there are actually no remains or personal belongings in the caves of many senior monks.

Because its owner probably died while away from home, rather than sitting down.

On the other hand, the secret treasure house is basically impossible to disappoint. There must be a lot of resources and treasures in it.

At this time, Zhou Chun went all the way deep, and the doors of all the stone chambers he saw along the way were opened by him.

After getting halfway through, he was immediately surprised by what he found inside the stone chamber.

I saw that these stone chambers have been specially modified, and micro arrays that can generate light sources and water vapor are arranged inside to supply the growth of elixirs in them.

Yes, these stone chambers are miniature elixir gardens, with one or several rare elixirs planted in each stone chamber.

Thousand-year-old Dendrobium, Thousand-Year Green Herb, Thousand-Year Orchid, Thousand-Year Herbaceous Herb...

Zhou Chun looked from stone room to stone room and saw that each stone room contained thousand-year-old elixirs that were rare in the outside world.

Some thousand-year-old elixirs seem to be over two thousand years old!

Although it is only a thousand-year elixir, because of the rarity of these elixirs, their value is far greater than ordinary thousand-year elixirs such as Thousand-Year Polygonatum.

Because these thousand-year-old elixirs themselves are the main ingredients and necessary things for refining some rare elixirs!

"I remember hearing Fellow Daoist Luo mention before that the Millennium Benefit Divine Grass seems to be the main material for refining some elixirs that assist in opening up the Purple Mansion? So, these rare thousand-year-old elixirs are all refining elixirs that assist in opening up the Purple Mansion. What elixir is needed?”

When Zhou Chun thought of this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and excitement suddenly appeared in his eyes.

If this is really what he thought, then he really made a lot of money this time!

His eyes no longer lingered on the stone chambers where elixirs were planted, and he soon came to a stone chamber in the deepest part of the place.

This stone chamber is obviously the most important place in the treasure house. Not only is the stone door of the stone chamber made of a hard stone "Black Hell Stone", but there are also separate restrictions. There is a keyhole on the stone door. It seems that a special key is required to open the stone door.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun did not rush to break the door, but quickly turned around and left the treasure house, bringing Zhang Liang to the door.

"Clan leader Mingjian, according to the research of the younger generation, the prohibition on this stone door is a self-destruction prohibition. A corresponding magic weapon must be inserted through the keyhole to temporarily invalidate the self-destruction prohibition and push the stone door open!"

"If we forcibly destroy the stone gate and the surrounding stone walls, it will definitely trigger the self-destruction of the ban, thereby destroying everything inside!"

Zhang Liang was indeed worthy of his reputation as a formation genius. He just stepped forward to study it for a while, and then he saw how famous it was.

But the result of what he said was a bad thing.

"Is there any way you can break the restrictions here?"

Zhou Chun frowned and asked in a deep voice what Zhang Liang expected.

After thinking about it for a while, he replied in a low voice: "Junior needs time to study slowly before he can give the answer. And even if there are some risky methods, the success rate is estimated to be impossible to exceed 30%!"

"Then you can study it slowly here. I will arrange people to protect you here!"

Zhou Chun nodded and made a decision on the spot.

Zhang Liang naturally didn't dare to have any objections, but he just asked his Taoist companion Zhou Xindie to come over to help with the study.

Zhou Chun quickly agreed to this little thing.

Zhou Chun then picked all the elixirs in the stone chambers, and picked a total of forty-eight rare varieties of thousand-year-old elixirs, which are of immeasurable value.

As for the huge quantities of ore, they were handed over to Zhou Xinlan and others to carry back to the family in batches.

Zhou Chun planned to go back and release the news that the Zhou family had discovered a secret treasure house, and then he could openly sell some things in the family that were not easy to expose.

At that time, a wave of family financial pressure should be greatly relieved.

After making a rough arrangement, Zhou Chun left Chengguo alone and rushed directly to the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate.

The harvest from the secret treasure house was certainly gratifying, but the pressure brought by the killer made Zhou Chun dare not relax at all.

Unless this matter is resolved, he will not dare to go out easily in the future!

After galloping all the way, within half a day, Zhou Chun arrived at the gate of Yuelun Sect.

Now, as a monk at the Golden Core stage, Zhou Chun no longer needs to wait for notification when he comes to visit again. He can directly send a letter to Master Yue Bai with a flying sword, and he can quickly get his personal permission to enter the mountain gate.

"Young friend Zhou is here today. Do you have any advice?"

In the main hall of the leader of the Moon Lun Sect, Master Yue Bai waited for Zhou Chun to greet him, and then took the initiative to ask him about his purpose with doubts in his eyes.

"Master Master, it is clear to me that this junior is here today to pay homage to Master Master. I am here to ask for help!"

Zhou Chun replied in a low voice with a bitter look on his face, and then told him that he was tracked and attacked by a killer on the way.

"What, this happened!"

After listening to Zhou Chun's account, Master Baiyue also showed a look of surprise.

He looked at Zhou Chun in surprise and said immediately: "Little friend Zhou, please be more detailed and tell me all the magic weapons and magical powers that the killer used to fight you."

"Yes, junior, I obey."

Zhou Chun responded and recounted the details of the fight at that time.

After listening to his retelling, Master Baiyue's eyes suddenly flashed, and he suddenly said to Zhou Chun: "I know the situation. Little friend Zhou, you stay in our sect first, and I will go and ask some of my disciples for advice." Ancestor Ying, let’s see if they know the origin of the killer!”

"Junior understands, then I'll leave everything to the Master."

Zhou Chun saluted Master Yue Bai with a solemn expression, then retreated and waited.

After waiting in the Moon Lun Sect's mountain gate for a day, Zhou Chun was finally summoned to the master's hall by Master Yue Worshiper again.

"I have already consulted several ancestors. According to the judgment of our ancestors, the assassin who assassinated you, Little Friend Zhou, should be from the Frozen Yi Kingdom in the East, from a sect force called the Ice Prison Sect in that country. This force is an assassin organization, specially hired to assassinate some high-level monks from other countries!"

When Master Baiyue said this, he continued with a slightly solemn tone: "According to what the ancestor of our sect said, in order to maintain its credibility, the killers in the sect will continue to assassinate the target after one attempt fails. , will only stop the assassination operation when it is sure that it cannot deal with the target!"

"But even if the killers sent stop the assassination operation, as long as the employer is willing to continue to increase the reward, Ice Prison Gate will still send higher-level killers to assassinate the target!"

After hearing his words, Zhou Chun's expression suddenly changed.

This is what Zhou Chun is most worried about.

After his expression changed for a while, he bent down and bowed to Master Yue Worshiper and said, "Junior, if you dare, please ask the Master to make the decision for this junior and the Zhou family!"

If the situation is really as bad as Master Bai Yue said, then the only one who can save the Zhou family is the Yuelun Sect.

Otherwise, even if Zhou Chun hides inside the family mountain gate and cannot come out, the killers from Qinglian Temple and the Ice Prison Gate will definitely try their best to force him out!

But facing Zhou Chun's request, Master Baiyue said with a troubled face: "Young friend Zhou, I'm afraid you don't know that there is a rule for the killers of Ice Prison Sect to accept tasks, that is, they will not protect real people who have the Nascent Soul stage. The powerful monks took action."

"But correspondingly, major forces will not easily offend this killer organization to avoid being targeted by the other party!"

"If you want this sect to directly send people to help you deal with the killer, I'm afraid it won't work!"

At this point, Master Baiyue seemed to feel that this answer was too perfunctory, so he looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Let's do this. I will give you, Little Friend Zhou, a secret talisman made by the ancestor of our sect. This talisman is enough for you." I guarantee that you will be supported by the late-stage Jindan monks for more than half an hour, so that you can have enough time to return to the family mountain gate or other places."

"As long as the assassin fails his mission again and is sure that he is no longer strong enough to assassinate you with his own strength, he will naturally give up!"

However, after Zhou Chun heard his words, he did not look happy at all. Instead, he said with an ugly face: "Master Master, you also said that as long as the employer is willing to increase the salary, the Ice Prison Sect will continue to send more powerful The killer kills the target."

"Even if I defeat this killer with the secret talisman you gave me, what will I do when the Ice Prison Sect sends a killer from the late Golden Core stage?"

Zhou Chun could barely cope with a mid-stage Golden Elixir killer.

But if a late-stage Jindan killer comes, I'm afraid he won't be able to avoid his assassination even if he hides inside the family mountain gate.

This kind of professional killer must have extremely high stealth and assassination skills, and is not comparable to amateurs like Di Long, the original leader of the Black Dragon Hall of the Hualong Sect.

However, in the face of Zhou Chun's lament, Master Baiyue chose not to answer, and just said in a low voice: "The killers in the late stage of Jindan, even if they are killer organizations such as Ice Prison Sect, will not be able to exceed the number of one palm. I think To ask them to take action, the price paid is extraordinary, and I think the employer may not be willing to pay such a high price!"

How could Zhou Chun be convinced by this answer? He simply looked directly at Master Bai Yue and said, "Master Master, you and I both know who hired the Ice Prison Sect assassins. Can't we just ask them to withdraw the commission?"

As he spoke, he said in a deep voice: "You have said before that after the gambling battle, no matter what the outcome is, neither party will have any excuse to retaliate against the winner!"

Hearing what he said, Master Baiyue's face sank slightly, showing an unhappy look, and then he shook his head and said: "Xiaoyou Zhou, I understand what you mean, but if there is no evidence in this matter, even this sect will not You cannot directly slander the reputation of a major sect, especially a major sect with an excellent reputation like Qinglian Temple!"

This answer completely disappointed Zhou Chun with him and the Yuelun Sect.

Although Zhou Chun already knew that the Moon Wheel Sect was not a big tree that could be relied on because of the gambling incident, he still thought that he could use this tiger skin to bluff his family.

However, this time he really understood that once they encountered something that might cause them to lose their feathers, these powerful forces would always cherish their own feathers and would not care about the life or death of their vassals!

Perhaps in the eyes of Master Baiyue, even if the Zhou family is no longer a vassal, there are still other Jindan families who are willing to rely on them.

It is simply impossible to offend a killer organization like Ice Prison Sect for a dispensable vassal!

At this moment, feeling extremely disappointed, Zhou Chun also replied in a low tone: "Junior understands, then I won't bother the real master anymore!"

With the wisdom of Master Baiyue, he could naturally hear the disappointment in Zhou Chun's words.

But he didn't show anything strange. He just raised his sleeves and handed a jade box and a jade slip to Zhou Chun. "Take this secret talisman. Before using it, you need to follow the instructions in this jade slip." You just have to go through some rituals!"

"Thank you Master Master for the treasure. I will resign!"

Zhou Chun thanked him politely, accepted the treasure and left.

After Zhou Chun left, Master Bai Yue lowered his head slightly and fell into deep thought.

In fact, according to his wishes, he was still willing to protect Zhou Chun, and wanted to come forward to warn the killers of the Ice Prison Gate not to act recklessly in Jingguo.

However, his proposal was rejected by a Nascent Soul ancestor of Yuelun Sect.

The reason for the rejection by the Supreme Elder of the Moon Lun Sect was very simple. The Moon Lun Sect did not have the strength to destroy the Ice Prison Sect, and a killer sect like the Ice Prison Sect was very concerned about its credibility.

If the Moon Lun Sect directly issued a warning, they would probably regard it as a provocation and assassinate the people of the Moon Lun Sect.

Even if he didn't take action against the Yuelun Sect, he would definitely not care about the Yuelun Sect's warning and would continue to assassinate Zhou Chun.

If they succeed in the assassination then, the Moon Lun Sect will really lose face!

Rather than doing this, it is better to ignore it and pretend that you don't know about it.

Doing this may make the Zhou family dissatisfied, but in the land of Jingguo, what if a Jindan family is dissatisfied with the Yuelun Sect? Don't you just have to continue to live your life by looking up at the moon wheel and teaching you how to breathe!

However, although it was equivalent to giving up Zhou Chun and the Zhou family, Qinglianguan's operation also angered several Yuelun Sect's supreme elders again.

After all, in the eyes of these Nascent Soul Stage real people, no matter how the internal forces of Jingguo fight, it is still a domestic matter of their own country.

But now hiring foreign killers to assassinate our country's Golden Core monks is going too far!

That is to say, he promised Master Qingxiao that he would protect Qinglian Temple for two hundred years. Otherwise, just based on this matter, several Yuelun Sect Supreme Elders would definitely make Qinglian Temple pay a heavy price.

"Master Qingxiao, Master Qingxiao, these disciples and grandsons of yours really don't care about your hard work!"

"If this continues, once the two hundred years of protection are over, there will no longer be a sect like Qinglian Temple in the world!"

Master Baiyue murmured to himself, shaking his head repeatedly at Qinglianguan's behavior of seeking death.

Originally out of admiration for Master Qingxiao's heroic sacrifice, he sympathized with Qinglian Guan, but now Qinglian Guan's series of operations made him feel that Qinglian Guan might have finally reached his end.

From now on, there will be no force that can directly replace them. I think all the ancestors in the Nascent Soul Stage will also break up their inheritance and eat up what Master Qingxiao left behind!

As for Zhou Chun, he could only hope that Zhou Chun would be lucky. Qinglianguan would choose to give up the subsequent assassination plan because they were unwilling to pay the fee for hiring a late-stage Jindan assassin.

Besides, after Zhou Chun left the Yuelun Sect, he went directly back to the family mountain gate.

Since the Moon Wheel Sect is now unreliable, he can only find a way to deal with the Ice Prison Gate killer on his own.

Over the years, he, Zhou Chun, has seen many storms and waves, and has come here. It is not that easy to kill him!

After returning to the Tuyunling Family Mountain Gate in this way, Zhou Chun did not conceal the Ice Prison Gate killer, and truthfully told Zhou Mingde all about his experience of going out.

As expected, when Zhou Mingde heard about this, his expression suddenly changed, and he was shocked and angry.

"How dare they! How dare they do this!"

Zhou Mingde shouted with an angry tone, shouting with shock and anger: "Aren't they afraid that my Zhou family will imitate them and hire assassins to assassinate their disciples?"

But both he and Zhou Chun knew that such words were just words.

In fact, even if they could find a way to contact the Ice Prison Sect killer, the Zhou family would not be able to afford the reward for several assassinations of Jindan monks, and the other party might not be willing to accept the assassination of Jindan monks from big sects like Qinglian Temple. Commission!

As for the assassination of some Zifu and Foundation-building monks from Qinglian Temple, first of all, it is of little use. Secondly, it will attract the same counterattack from Qinglian Temple, and then the Zhou family will suffer even more!

It was precisely because of this that Qinglianguan dared to hire a killer from the Ice Prison Sect to assassinate Zhou Chun.

At this time, after Zhou Mingde vented his anger, Zhou Chun said in a deep voice: "I can only record this revenge for the time being, and there will always be a chance to pay it back in the future!"

"The current plan is to find a way to get rid of the killers from the Ice Prison Gate, and then we can avoid this disaster!"

After hearing his words, Zhou Mingde quickly calmed down.

He lowered his head slightly and pondered for a while, then suddenly looked up at Zhou Chun and said, "How about you, Zhengchun, take refuge in the Kingdom of Zhou? No matter how powerful the Ice Prison Sect is, I won't dare to go to Tianyuan Immortal City to assassinate you!" As long as you practice in seclusion there for decades, I don’t believe they can still stay there!”

Zhou Chun had already thought of the method he mentioned.

At this time, he quickly shook his head and replied: "This is not a good idea. If this junior goes to the Great Zhou Kingdom to take refuge, Qinglian Temple will definitely target you and Elder Lin. At that time, in order to force you to leave the mountain gate, or Arranging for someone to infiltrate and assassinate you will definitely cause great damage to the family and implicate many innocent clan members!"

Zhou Mingde didn't know this in his heart, but at this time he still gritted his teeth and said: "It doesn't matter even if this is the case. As long as you, Zhengchun, are still here in our Zhou family, we will still have a chance to make a comeback, and we will have the opportunity to replace me and other clan members." A day of revenge!”

When he said this, he was obviously ready to sacrifice himself.

Zhou Chun was extremely moved when he heard this.

You must know that Zhou Mingde is still less than 500 years old. According to the thousand-year lifespan of a golden elixir monk, he still has at least 500 years to live.

If it were another golden elixir stage monk, after going through untold hardships and suffering almost death, he finally formed the golden elixir and would fight for another five hundred years. No matter what, he would not be willing to sacrifice himself to help others.

Only Zhou Mingde, who regards his family as more important than his own life and regards Zhou Chun as the hope of the Zhou family, would protect the younger generation Zhou Chun so much at the risk of his life!

But he was moved. Zhou Chun still shook his head and refused with a serious look on his face: "It makes no sense, there is no sense in this at all!"

After saying that, he looked directly at Zhou Mingde and said: "If you and other clan members die because of the junior, the junior will definitely have a knot in their hearts in the future. If there is a chance to transform the elixir into a baby in the future, under the 'Heart Demon Tribulation', The younger generation will definitely not be spared!"

"So even if it is for the sake of my future career, I cannot escape from this matter!"

Sure enough, Zhou Mingde was speechless when he heard that he used the future as a reason.

Both he and Zhou Chun knew that if they really wanted to take revenge on the Ice Prison Sect in the future, they would not be able to do it without their Nascent Soul stage cultivation.

And if you can't even survive the "Inner Demon Tribulation", how can you have the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation level!

"Then how about calling fellow Daoist Lin back, and the three of us will go in and out together in the future. If it only takes a few decades, the killer who comes to the Ice Prison Gate won't have that much time to spend with us!"

After a period of silence, Zhou Mingde came up with another plan and expressed his thoughts with excitement.

After Zhou Chun heard what he said, his expression also changed, but soon he seemed to have thought of something. He couldn't help but said with a wry smile: "This method is okay to deal with the Ice Prison Gate killer in the middle stage of the Golden Core, but if he comes An Ice Prison Gate killer with a late-stage Golden Core cultivation level, I’m afraid even if the three of us are tied together, there won’t be enough to kill each other!”

He had been chased by the multi-winged master who was equivalent to a late-stage Jindan monk. He had also seen the powerful strength of Shen Jianxing, a late-stage Jindan sword cultivator from the Nine Yuan Sword Sect. There was a direct confrontation with a late Jindan cultivator.

Therefore, he still has a say in the strength of the late-stage Jindan monks.

If the mid-stage Golden Elixir assassin who assassinated him before is used as a reference, the strength of Ice Prison Sect's late-stage Golden Elixir assassin will definitely not be worse than that of Di Long, and may even reach the level of Shen Jianxing!

Such a strong man, and proficient in the art of assassination, tying the three early Golden Core monks together is just a matter of giving them a few more swords!

But after Zhou Mingde's suggestion was rejected by him this time, he did not give up his opinion. Instead, he looked at him seriously and said, "You have to give it a try. Otherwise, Zhengchun, do you have any other good ideas?"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but nodded and said: "This junior has an immature idea, but I just don't know if it's feasible or not!"

"Oh, what exactly is the solution? Zhengchun, please come and tell me!"

Zhou Mingde's eyes lit up and he immediately looked at Zhou Chun expectantly.

Zhou Chun didn't give in, and immediately said: "You said that if this junior can capture the Ice Prison Sect killer who has cultivated in the middle stage of Jindan alive, can he negotiate with the Ice Prison Sect to resolve this disaster?"

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