Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 531 How to crack [Please subscribe]

Capture a mid-stage Jindan monk alive?

When Zhou Mingde heard Zhou Chun's words, he was also shocked.

He didn't know the strength of the Ice Prison Gate killer, but he had personally participated in the siege and killing of a mid-stage Golden Core monk not long ago.

Therefore, he still knows how strong the middle-stage Jindan monks are.

In order to kill the traitor Yu Jinghua, they were five golden elixir monks who besieged each other together, and almost let the other side escape.

Now that Zhou Chun actually said that he wanted to capture a middle-stage Jindan monk alive, how could Zhou Mingde not be shocked.

"Is this... can this be done? Are you sure, Zhengchun?"

He looked at Zhou Chun in surprise, doubting Zhou Chun's strength for the first time.

It's not that he doesn't believe Zhou Chun, it's just that this matter is too sensational.

After all, capturing a middle-stage Jindan monk alive is something that even late-stage Jindan monks dare not boast about.

In the battle of Golden Core Stage monks, it is relatively easy to defeat the opponent, but it will be very difficult to kill, and it is even more difficult to capture the opponent alive.

Not to mention that Zhou Chun still had to capture a mid-stage Golden Elixir cultivator alive with his early-stage Golden Elixir cultivation!

If Zhou Chun hadn't mentioned this matter, Zhou Mingde wouldn't have dared to think about it.

If someone else said this to him, he would just think that person was crazy!

Facing Zhou Mingde's doubts, Zhou Chun also said calmly: "As for how confident I am, I don't dare to boast, but with this secret talisman given by Yuelun Sect's Yuanying Master, I think I can give it a try!"

"So this is ah……"

Zhou Mingde suddenly realized, then frowned and said: "But even if you can capture the opponent alive, what are you going to do?"

"This is exactly where the juniors are troubled and hesitant now."

Zhou Chun's face flashed with sadness, and he couldn't help but murmured: "If we really capture the killer alive, even if we force the other party to make an oath not to reveal the spiritual treasure of this junior, and force the Ice Prison Sect to agree to give up on this junior, After the assassination, after letting the other party go, there is no guarantee that the other party will not find another way to harm the junior!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde immediately nodded his head and said: "That's true. Killer sects such as Ice Prison Sect cannot be measured by common sense. For the sake of their so-called credibility, even if they sacrifice a golden elixir-level killer, Completing the mission and capturing the killer alive will only anger them even more!"

"Yes, such killer sects are most likely afraid of power rather than virtue. It does not really threaten their fundamental strength. I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to respect them!"

Zhou Chun sighed with emotion.

Then both of them fell into silence for a while.

After being silent for a period of time, Zhou Mingde's eyes suddenly lit up, he clapped his hands and shouted: "Yes, I have thought of a way!"

"Oh, what good ideas have you always thought of?"

Zhou Chun's eyes narrowed and she looked at him with some surprise.

But he saw Zhou Mingde looking at him with a smile on his face and asked: "Zhengchun, think about it, some normal people would dare to believe that you, an early-stage Jindan monk, or several early-stage Jindan monks from our Zhou family can capture him alive." A middle-stage golden elixir monk?"

"This...should not happen."

Zhou Chun thought for a moment and shook his head slightly.

Immediately he saw Zhou Mingde clapped his hands and shouted: "Isn't this right? In this case, as long as Zhengchun can really capture the middle-stage Jindan killer alive, and then seal him and imprison him, let the Ice Prison Gate People can’t find him, but they know he’s not dead yet, what do you think they will think?”

"Will they believe that it was us who did it?"

"If they don't believe that it was us who did it, then which strong person helped our Zhou family capture the killer alive?"

"Is there a real person from the Nascent Soul Stage behind our Zhou family who is protecting us?"

When Zhou Mingde said this, he couldn't help but smile and said: "As long as they can't figure this out and find the killer who was captured alive, they will definitely not dare to easily accept the employment of Qinglian Temple and continue to send late-stage Jindan killers. Deal with the Zhou family!"

After hearing what he said, Zhou Chun's eyes lit up, and he immediately nodded and said: "Yes, your analysis makes sense, the fact is indeed like this, it is indeed such a truth!"

Then he seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but frown and said: "But where should we seal the captured person? There should be a real person in the Nascent Soul stage at the Ice Prison Gate, and the killer must have left someone behind. The essence, blood and life soul card are inside the Ice Prison Gate. If the Yuanying Stage Master of the Ice Prison Gate comes to look for the killer in person, how can we make him return without success?"

This question immediately caught Zhou Mingde's attention, and the smile on his face quickly faded away.

One of the two frowned, the other lowered his head, both thinking hard about a solution.

After thinking like this for a long time, Zhou Chun slowly said: "If you want to make the Yuanying period master return without success, you must either use means to block his search methods, so that you can't find the person's specific location. Naturally, Nowhere to find it!”

"Either it is to place the target in a dangerous place that no real person in the Nascent Soul stage is willing to easily step into, so that he is not willing to take risks for a junior in the Golden Core stage!"

Having said this, he shook his head and said: "The first method is basically impossible to achieve. Our Zhou family doesn't have that kind of background!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde instantly realized something and couldn't help but look at him and said: "So Zhengchun, do you mean to send people to Long Yuanze?"

Zhou Mingde could only think of Long Yuanze as a dangerous place that even a real person in the Nascent Soul stage would not want to easily step into.

Sure enough, Zhou Chun quickly nodded and responded: "At present, Long Yuanze should be the most suitable place!"

"But how do you imprison him? After all, he is a golden elixir stage monk. If his cultivation is abolished, he will soon die due to insufficient life span. If he does not abolish his cultivation, I am afraid that he will not be able to stop him. He ran away!"

Zhou Mingde expressed his worries with a worried look.

"Among the secrets of magic skills that this junior obtained from those demon cultivators before, there is a secret technique called "Soul-Sealing and Corpse-Sealing Technique", which is a secret technique used by the Corpse Demon Cult to suppress the consciousness of fourth-level psychic zombies."

"This junior has also seen this technique before. If it can be assisted by a magic weapon like the soul-sealing coffin, even the later monks of the Zifu will have a chance to suppress the consciousness of the fourth-level psychic zombies!"

"With the power of this junior's spiritual consciousness, combined with the soul-sealing coffin, it is thought to be enough to suppress the consciousness of the mid-stage Golden Elixir killer, making him fall into a deep sleep and unable to move!"

When Zhou Chun said this, he said happily: "Fortunately, the junior still keeps one of the soul-sealing coffin magic weapon. Originally, he wanted to have multiple ways to deal with powerful zombie monsters when he encounters them again in the future, but... I didn’t expect that it would come in handy now!”

He went on a killing spree on the battlefield of immortals and demons, killing as many as a dozen demon cultivators of the Purple Mansion Period, and seizing countless magic weapons.

Most of the magic weapons were handed over by him to the Tianling Legion at that time to exchange for military achievements.

The magic weapons he chose to keep were either barely usable by immortal cultivators, or had special uses like the soul-sealing coffin.

But after Zhou Mingde heard his method, he was still a little worried and couldn't help but remind him: "Since it is a secret technique to suppress zombies, Zhengchun, are you sure it can also have an effect on monks? And the fourth-level psychic zombies His consciousness is completely incomparable to that of a Golden Core cultivator, let alone a middle-stage Golden Core cultivator with a strong mind and will!"

"It should be no problem, and if it really doesn't work, then inject corpse energy and corpse poison into his body to transform him into a half-corpse body. That will definitely be all right!"

When Zhou Chun said this, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

Since that killer dared to be hired by someone to assassinate him, no matter how he treated him, it would not be too much. He just wished he could kill him!

After listening to his analysis, Zhou Mingde had no doubts in his mind. He nodded immediately and said: "Well, if that's the case, then the only thing left to consider is how to prevent people from suspecting the disappearance of the killer and you. It’s relevant!”

After that, he added: "And after this is done, Masazumi, you have to leave the family to avoid the limelight, so as not to let the other party come directly to your door!"

"Junior understands, and you'd better forget today's memory to avoid being tricked into confessing!"

Zhou Chun nodded solemnly and reminded Zhou Mingde of another point of attention.

After your cultivation reaches the golden elixir stage, it is not difficult to erase your short-term memories through some secret methods.

It's just that it's generally not necessary. No one is willing to lose their memory.

After all, if the memory is erased, even for a short period of one or two days, it will cause some discomfort and feel like something has been lost.

But what the two discussed today was too important. If it were leaked, the consequences would be disastrous.

Zhou Chun could only make Zhou Mingde feel aggrieved.

Zhou Mingde is naturally a person who understands the importance of things. After hearing this, not only was he not unhappy at all, but he immediately said: "Don't worry, I will cast a spell now to erase today's memory!"

After saying that, he cast a spell in front of Zhou Chun to erase his memory of the past two days.

After he finished casting the spell, he opened his eyes. His eyes were empty and confused for a while, and then he suddenly looked at Zhou Chun and said in surprise: "Hey, Zhengchun, why are you in my cave? Didn't you go to open that treasure?" ?"

As expected, his memory was stuck on the day Zhou Chun left the family to go to Chengguo to open the treasure, and he couldn't remember what happened next.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately reminded him: "Junior, the treasure has been opened. You just erased the memory of these two days."

"I erased my memory of the past two days?"

Zhou Mingde's expression changed and he realized something instantly.

After his expression changed, he nodded to Zhou Chun and said, "I understand, then Zhengchun, be careful with yourself!"

But he understood that since he had erased his memory, it meant that it was of great importance, so he did not ask Zhou Chun for relevant details out of curiosity.

"Don't worry, this junior has the protection of the master, and everything will be fine!"

Zhou Chun smiled slightly and said calmly.

Blessed by an expert?

Zhou Mingde was slightly stunned at first, and then nodded thoughtfully, without asking any more information from the so-called expert.

Next, Zhou Chun shared with him what he had learned from the treasure in the secret vault, and told him all his arrangements and plans. The two of them discussed how to deal with the treasure in the secret vault.

After finalizing the disposal of the treasure in the secret treasury, Zhou Chun returned to his cave to study the secret technique of "Sealing the Soul and Suppressing the Corpse".

The killer was injured by the talisman given by Tianjing Zhenren. It would take at least two or three years of warming to recover. He happened to take advantage of this time to master the secret technique of "Sealing the Soul and Suppressing the Corpse". Do some research and practice.

According to Zhou Chun's arrangement, the news that the Zhou family had found a secret treasure house quietly spread out in the following time.

It is rumored that the Zhou family discovered a large amount of ore and spiritual resources in the secret warehouse.

There are also rumors that the Zhou family obtained some rare elixirs in the secret vault.

There are even rumors that the Zhou family found dozens of sealed Foundation Establishment Pills in the secret vault!

In short, there are all kinds of rumors.

Whether these rumors are true or false, they all seem to prove one thing, that is, the Zhou family has indeed found a secret treasure house.

And those big forces basically just need to inquire and know that the Zhou family was indeed looking for a treasure map before, and it is easy to confirm the authenticity of the news.

Then the Zhou family began to arrange for people to sell the ore everywhere, and some of the rumors were completely confirmed.

This incident quickly spread, making many people envious of the Zhou family's luck.

Some unscrupulous monks seemed to have seen the opportunity and immediately concocted various fake treasure maps to sell, taking the opportunity to make money.

Some bandit cultivators even use fake treasure maps to trick people into trapping them!

It caused chaos in the Jingguo immortal world for a while.

But the life and death of these low-level monks is naturally not cared about by high-level monks and various forces.

The world of immortality itself is so cruel. Greed that does not match one's own cultivation strength will always be the biggest cause of death for immortality cultivators!

Zhou Chun only pays attention to how much profit the Zhou family has made from selling a large amount of various resources, and whether the family's financial situation has improved.

What reassured him was that after this large-scale sale of resource ores and various spiritual objects, coupled with the spiritual coin subsidies previously obtained from Yu Jinghua's storage bag, the Zhou family's financial situation was finally alleviated.

As long as nothing happens again that causes the family's financial resources to drop significantly, the Zhou family, which has the lowest amount of money, will be able to truly relax and completely survive this financial crisis.

Of course, Zhou Chun has not forgotten the deepest stone chamber in the treasure house, and has been paying attention to the progress of Zhang Liang and his wife in cracking the self-destruction ban.

He can probably guess what is in the stone chamber. If he can get all the things in it, both himself and his family will definitely benefit greatly!

Time flies like this, and in the blink of an eye, one year has passed since Zhou Chun was attacked.

After waiting for a year, he did not wait for the good news to come from the treasure house, but he waited for another good news.

After decades of waiting, the first of the three elixir-forming spiritual items he exchanged was finally fulfilled. According to his request, it was a bottle of [Poly Yang Fire Spiritual Liquid].

In addition, he also received the last of the three [Xuanxin Purple Return Pills] that he had exchanged.

After obtaining these two items, Zhou Chun directly gave the [Poly Yang Fire Spiritual Liquid] to Zhou Daoyi, so that as long as Lin Hongyu returned from finding the elixir-forming spiritual objects that were helpful for combining elixirs, Zhou Daoyi could take advantage of the situation to retreat and form elixirs.

As for the [Xuanxin Purple Return Pill], Zhou Chun also released the news and formulated the rules for competing for this pill.

According to the rules he established, in the next ten years, among all the late-stage foundation-building monks of the Zhou family, whoever has a life span of less than 200 years old and has obtained the most good deeds through family tasks or donating certain treasures will be the one who has achieved the most good deeds. Come take this magic pill!

This rule will also include those monks who have broken through to the late stage of foundation building in the past ten years.

And it is worth mentioning that the donated treasures cannot be obtained by borrowing from other tribesmen. They can only be obtained by oneself from outside or what one already owns. Violators will be directly disqualified!

At the same time, in order to give these people something to do, Zhou Chun suddenly launched more than 20 well-paid material collection tasks, so that these people can accumulate good deeds by completing tasks.

As the news was released, the three qualified late-stage foundation-building monks from the Zhou family, as well as the other four clan members who were expected to break through to the late-stage foundation-building stage within ten years, were all excited.

Almost within seven days after the news was announced, those Zhou family monks who met the requirements all received their tasks and left the family to work hard for their own opportunities in the Zifu.

But just when these Zhou family foundation-building monks were working hard for the opportunity of the Zifu, a piece of the opportunity of the Zifu fell into the hands of Zhou Sihan, who had previously presented the treasure map.

In order to reward him for presenting the treasure map, Zhou Chun rewarded him with the remaining [Spiritual Opening Pill].

This matter was not made public to avoid causing trouble to Zhou Sihan.

After obtaining the [Spiritual Opening Pill], Zhou Sihan, who was only in the middle stage of foundation building, also secretly took action, preparing to spend all his wealth to buy himself pills and spiritual objects that could improve his cultivation, so that he could break through as soon as possible. To the later stage of foundation building.

Half a year later, Zhang Liang and his wife finally made a breakthrough in their research on the self-destruction ban in the stone chamber of the secret library, and came up with a solution.

According to Zhang Liang himself, it is simply impossible to break the self-destruction restriction simply by studying outside, with his current cultivation and formation attainments.

Even if Zhou Chun finds a few more formation masters to help him, it will take at least ten or twenty years of research to achieve this.

Therefore, if the Zhou family did not want to wait for a long time, they could only use abnormal cracking methods.

Zhang Liang's method is to first completely dismantle the protective formation outside the secret vault, and then set up a formation that can absorb a large amount of spiritual energy, and first consume most of the spiritual energy in the location of the secret vault.

After the spiritual energy there was consumed to a certain extent, the formation suddenly increased the speed of absorbing spiritual energy, and Zhou Chun needed to forcefully break through the protection of the secret vault stone room as soon as possible.

At that time, due to insufficient supply of spiritual energy, the activation of the self-destruction ban inside may also be slower, which can give Zhou Chun a certain amount of time to collect the treasures inside!

This plan is undoubtedly very risky. If the plan goes wrong and the self-destruction ban is activated, all the treasures in the secret room will be lost.

But after Zhou Chun read the plan submitted by Zhang Liang, he agreed without hesitation.

His idea is very simple. Anyway, the Zhou family picked up this secret treasure for nothing, and now they have made a lot of money.

Rather than taking all kinds of risks and arranging manpower to guard there, it is better to take a risk.

Even if nothing is found in the end, it can only be assumed that the Zhou family has nothing to do with those treasures!

After agreeing to Zhang Liang's plan, Zhou Chun asked his family to collect formation materials and transport them to the secret warehouse for him to deploy the formation.

After the formation is actually set up, Zhou Chun will go over to complete the final work of collecting the treasure.

But before Zhang Liang could arrange the formation, a letter asking Zhou Chun to open it was forcefully handed to a monk who was out to build the foundation of the Zhou family, and then fell into his hands.

"Within half a month, there will be a life-or-death showdown on the snowy peaks of Shen Kingdom's Nine Ridges! If you dare to break the promise, kill all the monks from the Zhou family who have gone out!"

Zhou Chun opened the letter in his hand and saw such murderous words.

His expression suddenly became gloomy.

"What a madman!"

Zhou Chun suddenly let out a low roar, and the letter in his hand was instantly burned to ashes.

He expected that the Ice Prison Gate killer would come back and use tricks to force him out.

But he didn't expect that the other party would be so arrogant and directly declare a war, and even threaten him with the lives of all the Zhou family monks!

There is simply no limit to the arrogance!

But it seems to be seen from this that the Ice Prison Gate killer is not worried about the Moon Wheel Church sending experts to deal with him, otherwise he would definitely not be so arrogant.

However, after being angry for a while, Zhou Chun quickly calmed down, "It seems that I still underestimated this person. Just over a year has passed, and he has recovered from the damage to his flying sword. It is indeed unexpected." !”

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but raise his hand to take out a silver-white jade talisman and rub it.

This silver-white jade talisman was given to him by Master Worshiping the Moon for self-defense and life-saving. It was a magical secret talisman made by a Master of the Yuelun Sect in the Yuanying stage, sealing his defensive magical power.

The value of this object is even more precious than a low-grade magic weapon.

Whether Zhou Chun can deal with the Ice Prison Gate killer and resolve the crisis of being assassinated depends entirely on this treasure.

After pondering for a long time while touching the magical talisman, Zhou Chun quickly made a decision.

Seven days later, Zhou Chun informed Zhou Mingde that he was going to the Su family in Jiangzhou to visit the Taoist monk Su Yuzhen.

Then he left Tuyunling Mountain Gate alone.

After leaving the house, Zhou Chun didn't need his spiritual pet to move around, and directly drove the sword light of the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] towards the Jiuling Snow Mountain of Shen State.

But just as he entered the territory of Shen Kingdom within a hundred miles, the [Moon Toad Orb] in his body warned him again.

This time, Zhou Chun didn't hesitate at all. The moment he received the warning, he directly activated the magical power of "Taiyin Body Protective Immortal Clothes" and also displayed his own magical power [Qianyuan Jinxia].

Sure enough, just after he exerted his two magical powers to protect himself, the invisible flying sword appeared silently, directly tore through the golden glow, slashed on the silver-white fairy clothes, and finally ejected itself.

"This shouldn't be the case! How on earth did you discover my whereabouts?"

In the sky, the Ice Prison Gate killer who failed in the sneak attack took the initiative to show up. He looked at Zhou Chun with a tone full of shock and anger and let out a low drink.

He couldn't understand how his stealth attack technique, which was difficult for even middle-stage Jindan monks to detect, could be discovered twice in a row by Zhou Chun, an early-stage Jindan monk.

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