Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 532 Plan Pass【Please subscribe】

Naturally, the killer of the Ice Prison Gate didn't know that Zhou Chun was able to detect his sneak attack in advance not by relying on his own ability, but by relying on the Lingbao as a warning.

[Moon Toad Orb] This spiritual treasure is very spiritual. In addition, the killer's natal flying sword is made of [Ten Thousand Years Ice Crystal], the ultimate ice attribute material. The extremely cold air contained in it is very strong. It will be easily captured by the [Moon Toad Orb].

But of course Zhou Chun wouldn't tell him this.

At this moment, facing his extremely surprised question, Zhou Chun would just sneer and say: "Sure enough, Zhou knows that you, a thief, can't just wait in Jiuling Snow Mountain!"

A killer invites someone to a duel, which is not reliable no matter how you look at it.

Therefore, Zhou Chun did not believe that this person would really duel with him in Jiuling Snow Mountain from the beginning, even if the environment there was indeed more favorable to him.

But Zhou Chun was also secretly frightened at this moment.

Along the way, he did not dare to relax his mind, and his consciousness kept detecting the area within a radius of twenty miles.

But until the [Moon Toad Orb] warned, he was unable to find any trace of this killer.

The opponent's magical power of invisibility can no longer be described as "brilliant", it can simply be said to be a miraculous skill!

No wonder the monks of the Ice Prison Sect choose to be killers to earn resources.

However, this magical power of invisibility is obviously only effective when no action is taken.

Once you fight someone, and your energy is leaked and someone catches you, you will no longer be able to sneak into the stealth state for a sneak attack.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for other monks to be able to fight back!

At this moment, facing Zhou Chun's sarcasm, the killer snorted coldly: "Huh, last time you had the talisman of a Nascent Soul monk to escape disaster, let's see what other methods you can use this time!"

Before his voice fell, he activated the invisible flying sword and the white mirror magic weapon to launch a fierce attack on Zhou Chun.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun, just like last time, first mobilized two magic weapons to defend and observe the opponent's situation.

Last time he had no experience, so he seemed a little messy.

This time he had already thought of a way to deal with the killer's attack, so he would not be easily manipulated.

And Zhou Chun knew that this killer definitely didn't want to fight with him for a long time, otherwise something might happen as time went by.

So he just needs to be on the defensive and wait for the opponent to make a move.

Everything went as Zhou Chun expected. After using his old tricks to fight him and seeing that he couldn't take any big advantage, the killer used his special move.

But when he saw the person raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, a white jade talisman appeared in his hand.

He held the white jade talisman in his hand, injected the ice attribute mana he had cultivated into it, and quickly activated the jade talisman to strike it out.

Immediately, a powerful ring of white ice light spread out from the jade talisman, spreading in the direction of Zhou Chun at an extremely fast speed.

Wherever this white ice light passed, all the water vapor in the sky condensed into pieces of broken ice, showing various shapes. Even the clouds condensed directly into frost, and the whole piece flew to the ground. !

The terrifying thing is that this phenomenon covers a very wide area, covering an area of ​​dozens of miles around, and even the temperature on the earth quickly drops to the level of ice, and the mountains and rivers are transformed in the blink of an eye. The color has changed, and the sky and the earth are frosty white!

Such a means of changing the world in an instant is truly awe-inspiring.

There is no doubt that this must be the magical effect of a Yuanying stage monk. That white jade talisman must be a magical jade talisman made by a Yuanying stage monk from the Ice Prison Sect!

Generally speaking, monks in the Nascent Soul stage rarely make offensive magical jade talismans, because the power of this magical power will be more difficult to restrain and seal, and it is also very dangerous for monks in the Golden Core stage to use this kind of jade talisman. One cannot control it. You may injure yourself.

But now the magical jade talisman used by the Ice Prison Gate killer is obviously an offensive magical jade talisman.

At that moment, Zhou Chun faced the impact of the white ice light. Several layers of protection outside his body were easily frozen and broken. Even the golden shield magic weapon transformed from the natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of Ten Thousand Transformations] was frozen in an instant.

But there was only one protective exception, and that was the silver-white fairy clothes draped close to his body.

The defensive magical power of "Taiyin Body Protective Fairy Clothes" is limited by Zhou Chun's own cultivation and only has the power under normal circumstances. It stands to reason that it cannot block an attack with the power of the magical secret talisman.

But the only exception is the magical power of ice attribute!

[Moon Toad Orb] This spiritual treasure has a strong ability to absorb ice-attribute power, even ice-attribute power with a quality level of fifth level is no exception.

As a personal protective magical power, the "Taiyin Body Protective Immortal Clothes" naturally inherits the ability of the Lingbao body.

Therefore, after the white ice light hit it, its power was immediately swallowed up and dissolved, making it difficult to cause any real harm to Zhou Chun.

However, the white ice light is only the killer's first offensive.

After activating the magical talisman in his hand, the killer used the sword technique again, turning the invisible flying sword into a white sword rainbow and shooting towards Zhou Chun.

Before the sword rainbow arrived, the biting coldness had already made Zhou Chun's hair stand on end, feeling a strong crisis.

He didn't have time to think too much, and hurriedly activated the magical secret talisman that had been hidden in his sleeve.

In an instant, a silver-white light shield condensed and emerged in front of Zhou Chun, just blocking the white sword rainbow that shot through the sky!

After all, it is a magical power exerted by a real person in the Nascent Soul stage. Even if it only has a few percent of normal magical power, it cannot be broken by a single blow from a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core.

After the white sword rainbow landed on the silver-white light shield, although it caused the silver light on the light shield to shine brightly, forming a powerful conflict wave, it soon ended with the invisible flying sword itself being ejected.

On the other hand, although the silver light shield was a little dimmer, it still firmly protected Zhou Chun within it.

No wonder Master Baiyue was very confident at the time and said that the magical secret talisman could allow Zhou Chun to withstand the attack of the late-stage Jindan monks for half an hour.

And the killer didn't seem to expect that he actually had such a defensive magic talisman on his body.

Seeing that his long-planned offensive had completely failed, his face that could not be seen clearly showed a look of shock and disbelief.

The offensive stopped for a while.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately looked at the killer with a calm face and said, "Why don't you attack? Are you ready to give up?"

"Zhou heard about your Ice Prison Sect's assassin rules. Once the assassin sent out is confirmed to be unable to kill the target, it will be considered a mission failure, and the employer will then either choose to increase the reward, or cancel the mission commission without requiring a deposit! "

"I wonder what you plan to do now?"

At the end of the sentence, there was a hint of joking in his eyes, which seemed to be a mockery of the killer.

Hearing his words, the killer did not get angry, but said in a low tone: "You, a monk from a small family in a remote place, actually know the reputation and rules of our sect. It seems that you have been highly influenced by the Moon Wheel Sect. Please give me some advice!”

As he spoke, his tone turned cold, and he continued with a cold voice: "But do you think that with the defense of a magical talisman, you can make me retreat in the face of difficulties?"

After speaking as if to prove his words, he immediately continued to activate the invisible flying sword and the white mirror magic weapon to launch a new round of offensive against Zhou Chun.

In fact, this killer is also riding a tiger and is unable to get off.

After the previous assassination failed, although he succeeded in getting the sect to increase the reward through feedback on the unequal intelligence, and obtained a magical secret talisman, he also issued a military order.

If he fails again this time, not only will he not get any reward, but he will also have to compensate the sect for a large amount of money and resources for using that magical secret talisman, and his status as a gold medal killer will also be demoted!

This huge loss was something he was unwilling to accept.

Therefore, as long as there is still some chance, he will not give up the assassination.

Of course Zhou Chun didn't know these inside stories.

When he saw that the killer on the opposite side was still unwilling to give up, he was not angry but smiling in his heart.

Now that he has used the magical secret talisman, he is actually afraid that the other party will turn around and leave, completely giving up on assassinating him.

Then he might have to face the killer in the later stage of Jin Dan later.

But now that the other party still refuses to give up, he can find a way to implement his plan.

Relying on the shield formed by the magical talisman, he directly gave up his other protection and used all his strength to use the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] and the [Wanhua Golden Cauldron] to launch a counterattack against the killer.

However, although it was difficult for the killer to break the silver-white light shield for a while, it was not difficult to protect and dodge his attacks.

Especially at this moment, the sky and the earth are covered with frost and ice, which directly provides the killer with a home field advantage.

He even used the ice escape technique in front of Zhou Chun to dodge the attack.

Judging from the fact that he can easily perform the ice escape technique, his mastery of this escape technique has reached a high level and can be used in actual battles.

This also made Zhou Chun cautious, not daring to use his trump card easily, lest the opponent dodge it through escape techniques.

Time passed slowly like this, and nearly half an hour passed quickly.

The fluctuations in the battle between the two Golden Core monks have attracted many nearby monks to hide and watch from a distance.

The silver-white light shield of Zhou Chun's body was also much dim at this time, and it seemed that it could no longer sustain it for much longer.

At this time, Zhou Chun seemed to be timid. He gave up the counterattack against the killer and fled away from the place with his shield on his back.

When the killer saw this, he suddenly felt happy and hurriedly chased him all the way.

The two golden elixir stage monks chased and fled, and soon disappeared from the sight of the middle and low-level monks who were watching in the dark.

After chasing him for hundreds of miles, Zhou Chun was stopped over a barren mountain.

"Boy, your turtle shell is about to burst. Look how crazy you are now!"

In the sky, the Ice Prison Gate killer used his flying sword to attack Zhou Chun, but he couldn't help but mock him.

In the previous battles, this killer had been verbally attacked by Zhou Chun frequently, and he had already endured enough.

But Zhou Chun snorted coldly, refusing to admit defeat at all: "Hmph, haven't you also used up most of your mana? It's not certain who will win and who will lose!"

After saying that, he suddenly raised his hand and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, releasing the thunder dragon in vain.


Seeing Zhou Chun suddenly release a third-level mid-level monster, the killer was slightly startled.

It's not that he didn't know that Zhou Chun had a spiritual pet.

In fact, the information provided by Qinglian Temple is very complete, and it has detailed information on several of Zhou Chun's spiritual pets except Mu Mei.

However, because Zhou Chun had never revealed to outsiders the reason why he had learned the secret technique of "The Great Method of Integration of Beast Spirits", there was no such record in the information of Qinglian Temple.

So when Zhou Chun released Thunder Dragon Baibai in the battle, the killer couldn't understand the meaning of his doing so.

However, being cautious as a killer, he quickly raised his hand and fired a blast of ice sword energy towards Thunder Dragon Baibai.

With a flash of lightning, Lei Jiao Baibai easily dodged the attack of the ice sword energy through the art of lightning escape.

Zhou Chun then used the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique" to merge with it into a human-faced thunder dragon.

What kind of magical power is this! !

Seeing the human-faced thunder dragon that suddenly appeared in the sky, the killer's eyes narrowed and he was very shocked.

He is also well-informed, and there is a rich collection of books inside the Ice Prison Gate. There are relevant records on many magical powers and secrets that are famous in various countries.

But this was the first time he had heard of and seen the mysterious magical power of this kind of people united into one.

For a while, I didn’t know how to deal with it.

But after all, he was a man who had experienced hundreds of battles. After a brief shock, he quickly drew his sword and slashed at the human-faced thunder dragon.

No matter how he changes, I will kill him with one sword.

However, Zhou Chun, who transformed into a human-faced thunder dragon, could not only perform the thunder escape technique, but his perception was also strengthened.

Now he not only has the spiritual consciousness of a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core, but also has the bloodline sense and powerful spiritual sense of the monster itself for danger.

In his perception, the offensive of the invisible flying sword was no longer as hard to track and difficult to capture as before.

He relied on the art of lightning escape to move left and right, frequently dodging the attacks of flying swords, and even used the [Taibai Dragon Sword] to clash with them several times.

At the same time, he also used the thunder escape technique to get close to the killer many times, trying to take advantage of the melee advantage of the dragon's body.

It's just that the killer's own protection was excellent, and the invisible flying sword's attack at close range made it difficult for Zhou Chun to dodge, and it was difficult to find an opportunity to use the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" to attack the opponent.

He knew very well that he only had one chance, so he had to be sure that he could break the opponent's protection with one blow before he would actually launch his killing move.

After nearly a quarter of an hour of fighting between the human-faced thunder dragon and the killer, Zhou Chun's human-faced thunder dragon already had several sword wounds on his body, all of which were left when he tried to attack the opponent in close combat.

Fortunately, the freezing cold air released by the invisible flying sword was resolved by the [Moon Toad Orb], otherwise these sword wounds would have left Zhou Chun's thunder dragon body half disabled at this moment.

But this situation has also aroused the killer's attention and suspicion.

It can't be delayed any longer!

Seeing that the killer had begun to have doubts, Zhou Chun finally made up his mind.

He once again appeared behind the killer through the Thunder Escape Technique, and then opened his mouth and spat out a huge silver thunder ball.


When the silver thunder ball landed on the protection in front of the killer and exploded, a white orb spewed out from the mouth of the human-faced thunder dragon, blooming with a pure white ice light that penetrated the thunder and hit the killer.

Also activated at the same time was the "God-killing Technique".

Maybe this time the target himself has practiced the secret defense technique of spiritual consciousness, or maybe the opponent's spiritual consciousness is too powerful. After Zhou Chun performed the "God-killing Technique" this time, his own spiritual consciousness suffered some backlash, and he was directly forced to Out of the combined state.

But fortunately, as long as the "God-Slaying Sword" hits the target, even if the opponent can resist the blow, his consciousness will definitely be shaken, affecting other aspects of reaction speed.

Zhou Chun only needs that the opponent cannot dodge the attack of "Taiyin's Extinction Divine Light". It does not matter whether it can damage the opponent's consciousness.

And when the thunder light dissipated, a scene that surprised Zhou Chun appeared.

I saw that the killer, who was previously covered by a layer of hazy white light, was now frozen into an ice sculpture.

However, because the white robe he was wearing covered all his body parts except his eyes and palms, it was still impossible to see clearly what he looked like.

At this moment, the [Moon Toad Orb] fell on top of his head, continuously providing power to keep this person frozen.

As a mid-Jindan monk who practices ice-attribute skills, this killer will definitely not be annihilated by the greatly reduced power of the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light". Therefore, in order to prevent him from dissolving his own power in ice, he must obtain spiritual treasures. The main body maintains the frozen state by itself.

At this moment, Zhou Chun confirmed that the opponent was really frozen and lost the ability to fight back. He immediately raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist and took out a black sarcophagus.

This black sarcophagus is the soul-suppressing coffin. It is considered a third-order middle-grade magic weapon. To the monks of the Corpse Demon Sect, its value is higher than the ordinary third-order high-grade magic weapon.

Zhou Chun performed a magic trick to open the coffin lid, and put the killer who turned into an ice sculpture inside. The [Moon Toad Orb] was not withdrawn, but was still placed on his chest to continue to provide freezing power.

Zhou Chun then put the lid back on the coffin, suppressed the invisible flying sword magic weapon left by the killer, cleaned the battlefield briefly and left.

Not long after, the monks of the Zhou family suddenly saw Zhou Chun flying back to Tuyunling Mountain Gate with a pale face, and then announced his retreat.

This incident immediately caused panic in the family, and many monks of the Zhou family began to try their best to find out the news, wanting to know who had injured the patriarch.

But in fact, Zhou Chun just showed his face and used a blind trick.

In fact, he quickly left Tuyunling quietly through the golden armored mountain turtle stone, and then went straight to Longyuan Ze.

After arriving in the wilderness, Zhou Chun soon arrived at the gate of the former Blood Dragon Altar.

At that time, the demonic cultivators built the mountain gate here and massacred the alien tribe of scaled frogs, trying to artificially create a Yin evil spirit vein.

Although it ultimately failed due to the raid by the Heavenly Spirit Alliance and the spiritual land here was completely abandoned, it also turned this place into a sinister place.

Now there are ghosts and corpses roaming there all year round, and even monsters are unwilling to enter this place.

For Zhou Chun, this place is undoubtedly the best place to perform the "Soul-Sealing and Corpse-Suppressing Technique".

He had already tried it before, and it was indeed not feasible to simply rely on the soul-sealing coffin combined with the "Soul-Sealing and Corpse-Sealing Technique" to seal the killer.

The other party's will is too strong!

Now Zhou Chun can only induce the corpse spirit to infiltrate into the opponent's body, corrode the opponent's consciousness, and then recreate the seal.

Fortunately, he had killed many Zifu monks from the Corpse Demon Sect. It was not difficult to gather and activate the aura of the Corpse Demon.

After clearing an area within the Blood Dragon Branch Station, Zhou Chun immediately carved an array pattern, using the soul-sealing coffin as the center of the array to gather the evil spirit of the place and enter the coffin.

I don’t know how many corpses of scaled frog aliens and human monks have been buried here. The corpse evil aura accumulated underground is naturally very strong.

At this moment, they were attracted by Zhou Chun's formation, and they immediately gathered towards the soul-sealing coffin from all directions.

Zhou Chun was also worried that the quality of these zombie evil spirits was not enough to transform a killer with a mid-level Jindan cultivation level into a half-corpse body.

He also deliberately took out the mutated corpse bead that he had obtained from killing [Zombie General] Jiang Zhong's fourth-level psychic zombie, and forcibly shattered the bead, allowing the pure corpse energy inside to flow into the soul-sealing coffin.

After seven days of doing this, Zhou Chun opened the lid of the soul-sealing coffin again.

I saw that the ice that had frozen the killer was slightly tinged with gray and black. His skin was even more black and blue, his fingernails had grown to half a foot long, and the hair on his body had become much lusher.

Such symptoms undoubtedly indicate that Zhou Chun's plan has been successful.

At this moment, the killer has been transformed into a half-corpse body!

In this case, even if Zhou Chun released him, it would be extremely difficult for him to convert his body back, and his future path would be basically cut off.

But Zhou Chun naturally would not let the tiger go back to the mountain.

After careful inspection, he drove seven "corpse-suppressing nails" into the killer's limbs, head, chest, and pubic area. Then he sat cross-legged on the ground and used the secret technique of "Soul-Sealing Corpse-Suppressing Technique" on him again. .

As the secret technique was performed, drops of sweat suddenly overflowed from Zhou Chun's forehead. This was because his own consciousness was under great pressure in the process of suppressing the killer's will.

But compared to the previous spell-casting failures, although this time it was still a bit difficult, after a battle with spiritual consciousness, Zhou Chun successfully completed the spell.

When the lid of the soul-sealing coffin was closed again, Zhou Chunhu spat out a mouthful of blood essence, quickly made seals with his hands, and controlled the blood essence to turn into bloody runes and imprint them on the coffin lid, and finally formed a A special blood charm.

The completion of this blood talisman not only means that the "Soul-Sealing and Corpse-Suppressing Technique" has been successfully performed, but if the killer sealed inside is about to escape, or someone releases him from the outside, Zhou Chun will immediately feel the reaction .

But the second method is hard to say. If it were the former, Zhou Chun would definitely not let it happen.

He will come here every ten years to strengthen the seal. After a hundred years, when the Ice Prison Gate completely gives up the search for this killer, he will kill him completely to avoid future troubles!

After confirming that the seal was secure, Zhou Chun did not dare to rest much and hurriedly took the soul-sealing coffin to the Scaled Frog alien tribe.

He did not dare to go to the depths of Long Yuanze in person, otherwise once exposed, the danger would be no less than provoking an assassination by a late-stage Golden Core assassin.

Therefore, this matter can only be entrusted to Ukuru, the high priest of the scaled frog alien tribe.

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