Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 533 A gratifying harvest [Please subscribe]

Ukuru, the high priest of the alien race of scaled frogs, can also be considered an old friend of Zhou Chun.

Since Lu Ran passed away, the two parties have been cooperating for hundreds of years.

And thanks to the long-term trade between the two parties, Ukuru has now become a third-level mid-level warlock.

More importantly, after the previous massacre of the scaled frog alien tribe by the demon cultivators, Ukulu had successfully integrated most of the scaled frog alien tribes at the suggestion of the Zhou family, established a grand tribal alliance, and took on the role of his own. The leader of the Grand Alliance.

Now he has three third-level warlocks under his command, and he can command and control as many as two to three hundred second-level warlocks. It can be said that he has a strong army.

The stronger the power controlled by Ukuru's men, the more quantity and quality of treasures they can obtain from Longyuan Ze, and the Zhou family will naturally benefit from this.

Since Zhou Chun successfully formed the elixir, he has rarely come to deal with Ukulu in person.

At this time, it was learned that he had come in person. After hearing the news, Ukuru hurried to meet him.

"Wukulu has met Senior Zhou, and I don't know what the senior's instructions were when he summoned Wukulu."

On a reef near the lake, after Ukulu emerged from the water, he bowed to Zhou Chun respectfully.

Zhou Chun knew that such alien beings were afraid of power rather than virtue, so at this time he did not say anything about the two of them continuing to talk to each other as equals.

He stared at Ukulu with a solemn expression and said, "Ukuru, you have been cooperating with Zhou for hundreds of years. How do Zhou or the Zhou family treat you? Have they ever harmed you?"

Hearing what he said, Ukuru's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly replied: "Senior Zhou and the Zhou family are naturally very good to this junior. Without the help of senior Zhou and the Zhou family, this junior would not be where he is today. status, we and the Scaled Frog Clan cannot be as united and prosperous as they are today!"

"Okay, since you know this very well, Zhou now wants you to help with a dangerous thing that may be dangerous but must be done. Are you willing to do it?"

When Zhou Chun said this, his eyes were fixed on Ukuru's eyes, and his heartbeat and blood flow were all included in his observation.

I saw Ukuru's heartbeat speeding up significantly, and his eyes showed nervousness and apprehension.

But not long after, he seemed to have figured out something, and suddenly nodded vigorously towards Zhou Chun and said: "If you are willing, junior, just ask senior Zhou to give you orders!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun suddenly laughed and said: "Hahaha, don't be nervous, Zhou is not asking you to fight against any strong enemy, he just wants you to run into the depths of Longyuan Ze!"

Sure enough, after hearing his words, Ukuru breathed a sigh of relief.

For the scaled frog alien race, although going to the depths of Longyuan Ze is also a more dangerous thing, compared with fighting some powerful monsters head-on, at least there is still a lot of room for maneuver.

He immediately looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Junior understands, I wonder what junior should do?"

"What you have to do is very simple. Help me send this body bag to Longyuan deep in Longyuanze, and then find a cave to take out the coffin and store it in it. Remember to block it when you come back. The entrance to the cave and leave a mark for easy finding!”

"If this is done, Zhou will definitely be rewarded heavily!"

Zhou Chun said, then raised his hand to remove a black body bag hanging from his waist and handed it to Ukulu.

"What? I'm going to Longyuan!"

Ukulu's expression changed, and he looked at Zhou Chun with shock, but saw that Zhou Chun's face was calm.

He just looked at him lightly and asked, "What? Don't you dare?"

"I...yes, Ukuru obeys!"

After gritting his teeth, Ukuru raised his hand to take the black body bag and accepted the errand.

"Very good, then Zhou will be waiting here for good news from you, fellow Taoist Wukuru!"

Zhou Chun nodded with satisfaction, seemingly satisfied with his performance.

Ukuru, however, was filled with bitterness and was speechless. He could only bid farewell to Zhou Chun quickly and return to the tribe to arrange funeral arrangements.

Long Yuan is not a good place to go, that is where the name Long Yuanze comes from.

The water area where the scaled frog aliens now live is right called Long Yuan Ze, but in fact it is only the outermost area of ​​the real Long Yuan Ze.

After traveling thousands of miles straight from this peripheral area to the depths of Longyuanze, the depth of the water will plummet a lot, reaching thousands of feet or even ten thousand feet deep!

That is Longyuan, where the headquarters of the Jiaolong clan is located.

Normally, it would be impossible for the scaled frog aliens to go there, and their range of activities would not even go deeper than three thousand miles into Longyuan Ze.

Ordinary scaled frog aliens don't have the ability to go to such places. Only third-level warlocks like Ukuru can reluctantly go there.

As the headquarters of the Jiaolong clan, human monks are absolutely prohibited from entering the Longyuan area.

Even human Yuanying stage monks would not dare to set foot in such forbidden areas easily to avoid being surrounded by those fifth-level dragons.

You must know that for these fifth-level dragons, the Nascent Soul of the human monks is a great tonic. Taking one is more effective than their hard work for a hundred years!

Therefore, as long as Ukuru really hides the soul-sealing coffin containing the Ice Prison Gate killer into the Dragon Abyss, it is basically impossible for any Ice Prison Gate monk to dare to go there to look for him.

In the next few days, Zhou Chun could feel through the mark left on the soul-sealing coffin that the object was moving deeper into Longyuanze. It was obvious that Ukuru had already begun to carry out the tasks assigned by him.

The third-level scaled frog alien warlock is not much weaker than the ordinary third-level monster in the water. As long as Ukuru brings some helpers and is more cautious, there is still great hope for completing this task.

After more than ten days of this, the sluggish Ukulu finally came to Zhou Chun again.

"Senior Zhou, junior, fortunately, I have lived up to my mission and successfully placed the coffin in Longyuan according to your instructions, and left a mark for easy identification according to your instructions!"

He weakly talked about the completion of his mission, his tone was weak, as if he was struggling to speak.

But Zhou Chun could actually see that although his vitality was indeed seriously injured, it was not to such an extent.

What you are doing now is nothing more than wanting to be rewarded.

Zhou Chun didn't have any objections to this, after all, the other party did risk his life to complete the task he assigned.

The emperor is not short of hungry soldiers!

Zhou Chun naturally would not let Ukulu take risks in vain.

He immediately raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and a jade slip appeared in his hand.

Then he threw it to Ukuru and said: "This jade slip contains an improved inheritance of weapon refining. Zhou knows that Ukuru has long wanted to train a weapon refining master of his own clan. Now If you take the thing and let it be studied carefully, maybe you, the Scaled Frog Clan, will be able to produce some low-level magic weapons in the future!"

Hearing his words, Ukuru was surprised at first, and then happy.

He hurriedly caught the jade slip, and then saluted Zhou Chun repeatedly to thank him, "Thank you, Senior Zhou, for the reward. I assure you, even if the Scaled Frog clan is able to produce low-level magic weapons in the future, it will never affect the trade with the Zhou family. !”

He was smart enough to know what the Zhou family might be worried about, so he made his attitude clear at this time.

But he actually didn't know that Zhou Chun was not afraid that the Scaled Frog aliens would cut off trade with the Zhou family after they mastered the ability to refine low-level magic weapons.

Zhou Chun didn't want to explain any more, but just nodded with a smile and said: "Well, Ukuru, you are a smart high priest. The Scale Frog Clan needs the guidance of a high priest with far-sighted vision like you to transcend in Longyuan Ze." The better!"

Then he let Ukuru leave.

"I hope these scaled frog aliens will not disappoint me and produce their own low-level magic weapons as soon as possible!"

Zhou Chun looked at the direction in which Ukulu was going away, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

If he could, he certainly wouldn't want the Scaled Frogs to produce their own low-level magic weapons.

But the reality is that with the hundreds of years of trade with the Zhou family, the number of low-level magic weapons currently owned by the Scaled Frogs is very large.

Although this greatly increased their strength, it also laid hidden dangers.

What if someone from the Hualong Cult comes one day and notices the use of magic weapons by the alien warlocks of the Scaled Frogs, wouldn't it be possible to expose the existence of the Zhou family?

Therefore, Zhou Chun now wants the Scaled Frogs to produce their own low-level magic weapons. When the Hualong Sect really tracks them down, they can also cover up the existence of the Zhou family.

Fortunately now, although many scaled frog alien warlocks know that High Priest Ukuru has a trade with the human race behind his back, there are not many scaled frog alien warlocks who really know the existence of the Zhou family.

Every time when trade was going on, it was Ukulu and a few of his cronies who interacted with the Zhou family monks. The Zhou family monks would never appear openly in front of ordinary scaled frog alien warlocks.

In this way, as long as there are no problems with Ukuru and a few of his cronies, the Zhou family should be able to hide.

After solving the Ice Prison Gate killer in this way, Zhou Chun did not stay in the wilderness for long, and quickly went to the secret treasure house of Chengguo.

He had to finish off the treasures in this secret vault before the Ice Prison Gate could react, and then go hide in the Great Zhou Kingdom for a while.

In the Frozen Yi Kingdom, there is a cold ice room somewhere.

I don't know where this place is located underground, and the four walls are covered with blue-shiny ice.

In the ice room, there are soul tablets emitting purple-black spiritual light. Each soul tablet has its owner's name on the front.

At a glance, there are hundreds of soul cards in total!

When the assassin who assassinated Zhou Chun was sealed by him with the "Soul-Sealing and Corpse-Suppressing Technique", a soul tablet with the name "Chi Qinghan" on it suddenly shook slightly, and the purple-black spiritual light emitted from it also shook. It's a lot bleaker.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of an old man meditating in the corner of the ice room.

The old man's head was all white, and he wore an ice sculpture mask on his face.

As soon as he opened his eyes, his gaze fell on the soul card that was showing movement.

"The soul card is shaking and the soul light is dim. It seems that Junior Brother Chi has encountered a dangerous situation when he went out on a mission. Let's take a closer look."

The old man murmured to himself in a low voice, and then focused part of his attention on the soul card.

After observing like this for half a day, when he saw that the soul card was no longer moving and the soul light gradually stabilized, the old man frowned and couldn't help but murmured to himself: "Looking at the reaction of this soul card, Junior Brother Chi should not have it." What kind of worries about life, but are you injured and need to recuperate, or is your soul sealed by someone?"

After thinking for a moment, the old man took out a communication talisman and informed the owner of the Ice Prison Gate of his discovery.

Not long after this, he received a reply.

"Continue to observe for half a month, and come back if there is no change after half a month."

After muttering the door owner's reply in a low voice, the old man immediately continued to meditate with his eyes closed.

Half a month passed quickly.

When he saw that the soul card had not changed after half a month, the old man sent another communication talisman to the sect owner, attaching the results of his observations for half a month.

Then a golden elixir monk from the Ice Prison Gate left the mountain gate and went to Jingguo to investigate the situation.

At this time, Zhou Chun had already appeared in Cheng Guo's secret vault.

While he was waiting for Zhang Liang to set up the formation, he also counted the gains from capturing the Ice Prison Gate killer alive.

After capturing the opponent alive, Zhou Chun also coveted the use of several magic weapons on the opponent's body, especially the natal flying sword refined with [Ten Thousand Years Ice Crystal].

But precisely because the flying sword was the opponent's natal flying sword, once it was carried on his body, it might be found by the masters of the Ice Prison Sect using secret techniques. Zhou Chun could only reluctantly seal it in the soul-sealing coffin.

The real magic weapon he kept in his hand was the white mirror and another white shield.

Among them, although the white mirror is only a low-grade magic weapon, the ice light magical power it releases is very powerful, and its value is much greater than the several low-grade magic weapons Zhou Chun has dealt with before.

The white shield magic weapon is even more of a mid-level defensive magic weapon. Unfortunately, it was damaged spiritually by the talisman given by him with Tianjing Zhenren, and was repeatedly attacked by him in previous battles. Now his spirituality is greatly damaged, and he has fallen back. Signs of a low-grade magic weapon.

These two magic weapons are not the killer's natural magic weapons. Zhou Chun only needs to erase the mark and aura left by the other party, and he does not have to worry about being followed by the aura.

But because it was stolen goods, it might expose the killer of Ice Prison Gate in the future, so he planned to exchange it with the people of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

After sizing up the two magic weapons, Zhou Chun took out the killer's storage bag and opened it.

As he expected, there weren't many good things in the other party's storage bag.

As killers, they may die on the mission at any time, so these Ice Prison Gate killers cannot bring many things with them when they go out to perform missions.

Except for a piece of spiritual crystal used to replenish and restore mana, some healing elixirs and spells, there is nothing important inside.

Zhou Chun found no evidence inside that could prove against Qinglian Guan. He only found two pieces of intelligence information about himself and the Zhou family. Judging from the situation, it seems that Qinglian Guan provided one piece and the Ice Prison Gate collected one piece by itself.

He didn't even find any identity token or anything related to the Ice Prison Gate!

However, it is not accurate to say that this person has no good things. At least the white robe he wears is very good. It is a magic weapon that can hide the breath.

Unfortunately, the style was so unique that Zhou Chun didn't dare to keep it on his body, so he had no choice but to stay in the soul-sealing coffin with him.

"It is said that the Frozen End Kingdom is rich in all kinds of cold-attributed spiritual beings. Most of the monsters there are ice, wind, and water-attributed. Maybe there will be monsters with the blood of [Lunar Moon Toad] there?"

Zhou Chun looked at the several treasures obtained from the killer in front of him, his eyes flashed, as if he had some idea.

But soon he put everything away, shut out distracting thoughts and meditated quietly.

"Chapter Qi, the formation has been arranged. Now we only need to consume the spiritual energy here according to the plan. When the spiritual energy drops to a certain level, we can break the door!"

At the foot of the cliff, Zhang Liang quickly came to Zhou Chun, who was sitting cross-legged, and reported the results of his work respectfully.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Chun immediately said: "Now that the arrangements have been made, let's get started!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, and released the three spirit pets, the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Shitou, the Golden Winged Tiger, and the Wooden Charm Mulberry, and let them begin to attack the formation together, consuming the mountain. of aura.

The spiritual energy concentration of this place's spiritual veins is similar to that of Zhou Family's Jiufeng Ridge. With the attack strength of the three-headed spiritual pets, one day is enough to reduce the spiritual energy of this place to the required level.

Just doing this makes a bit of noise, which can easily attract the attention of other monks and monsters around.

But fortunately, Zhou Chun had already made arrangements in advance. As long as a golden elixir-level monk didn't suddenly come over, it shouldn't be a problem to hide the news for a day or two.

The day passed quickly.

When Zhang Liang, who was always observing the changes in spiritual energy on the mountain, issued a reminder, Zhou Chun immediately asked the three-headed spiritual pet to stop the offensive.

Then he came to the stone door made of "Black Hell Stone" and offered the [Moon Toad Orb] without saying a word.

In terms of pure attack power, "Taiyin's Extinction Divine Light" is undoubtedly the strongest method that Zhou Chun currently has.

Moreover, the power of this magical power to freeze everything may also have a certain positive effect on the self-destruction restriction inside.

Sure enough, even the "Black Hell Stone", a hard stone that could not be easily broken by Golden Core Stage monks, was eclipsed by the extreme freezing power of the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light".

White ice light fell on the stone door, and only a breath or two passed before the stone door collapsed.

Zhou Chun took advantage of the situation and activated the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] to slash out with his sword, and the shattered stone door shattered with a "bang".

But at the same time, because the stone door suffered a heavy blow, the self-destruction ban was also directly triggered, and a dazzling fire suddenly appeared in the stone chamber.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun didn't care about anything else and hurriedly rushed into it and rescued the things inside from the fire.

As Zhou Chun expected, there were many paper and leather books stored inside the stone room, as well as treasure chests and jade boxes.

But at this moment, with the fire, many books burned, and strong explosions of fire broke out near the treasure boxes and jade boxes.

Some jade boxes were exploded, and the talismans sealed inside were detonated, creating even more powerful destructive power.

In this case, these talismans are like explosive ammunition in the arsenal, which will only make the destruction more powerful.

After Zhou Chun blessed himself with the [Qianyuan Jinxia] natal magical power, he tried his best to save the things inside.

His priority to rescue was naturally those classics.

For the Zhou family, these classics are much more useful than the other treasures stored in the stone room.

No matter how precious other treasures are, the Zhou family will be able to buy them with money and exchange them for things in the future.

But some precious inherited classics are things that even money cannot buy.

It's a pity that although Zhou Chun was not slow in his attack, he couldn't resist the rapid spread of the destructive power inside.

He only had time to rescue less than half of the classics and took away some treasure chests and jade boxes. The other items inside were destroyed in the violent explosion.

And as a box filled with magic talismans was detonated, the violent explosion force quickly collapsed the mountain, making it impossible for Zhou Chun to collect other treasures.

"Come on, everyone, come up, I'll leave right away!"

Within the collapsed mountain peak, a sword light suddenly burst out of the ground, and then Zhou Chun's voice spread in the air.

Immediately, Zhang Liang, Zhou Xindie and other Zhou family monks who were waiting around rushed towards the flying sword that transformed into a giant sword more than ten feet long in the sky.

Soon the giant sword carried Zhou Chun and a group of Zhou family monks straight into the sky and quickly disappeared from here.

And as everyone in the Zhou family left, the monks and monsters who were attracted by the violent explosions and roars here also gathered towards the secret vault ruins.

Soon after, the news about the secret warehouse in Wutou Ridge spread quickly throughout Chengguo.

On the other side, after Zhou Chun brought everyone in the Zhou family back to Jingguo, he asked everyone to return to the family to receive the reward, and told everyone not to reveal any information about this trip.

Then he went back to his family to share the harvest in the secret vault with Zhou Mingde.

In Zhou Chun Cave Mansion in Tuyun Ridge, Zhou Mingde, who came after hearing the news, was busy with him, counting the books and classics he had rescued.

In his haste, Zhou Chun did not have time to carefully identify which books and classics were important, so he only used the simplest method of identification, which was to save them according to the rarity of the carrier.

Generally speaking, the more valuable the paper and animal skins used, the better.

Now it seems that his choice may not be entirely correct, but it is certainly not a big mistake.

After some counting, the two golden elixir stage monks of the Zhou family checked their respective counting results, and their faces were full of joy.

"That's right, after excluding the classics that overlap with the family's collection, there are still three top-level skills, eight fighting skills, and twenty-three ordinary skills that the family does not have. In addition, there are sixteen secret cultivation methods and alchemy methods. There are one set of inheritances for the master and the master of weapon refining, and the inheritance of talisman making and formation also involves three levels!"

"This harvest is more valuable than all the inheritance of classics that my Zhou family has harvested in the past two hundred years!"

Zhou Mingde told the counting results with a face full of joy, and his heart was filled with joy.

Zhou Chun also looked happy.

Not to mention those secret techniques, they are the icing on the cake for the Zhou family, allowing future members of the clan to have more choices when choosing techniques.

But for the Zhou family, the inheritance of alchemy and weapon refining are a timely help!

Especially the alchemy inheritance. When Zhou Chun checked the elixir recipes recorded in it, as expected, he found the elixir recipe of [Purple Dust Pill], which is a very famous elixir that assists in opening up the Zifu.

In addition, there are three spiritual elixir prescriptions suitable for monks in the Zifu period, including the [Zengyuan Dan] prescription currently owned by the Zhou family.

What's more important is that one of the elixir prescriptions written on fine gold paper actually records a method of refining elixirs that has been used by monks in the golden elixir stage to improve their magic power.

This elixir called [Yulu Jinxia Dan] can improve the mana cultivation of monks in the early stage of Jin Dan, and it also has a certain auxiliary effect in breaking through the barrier in the middle stage of Jin Dan.

The value of such an elixir recipe is even higher than that of a mid-grade magic weapon. It is definitely the biggest gain in the secret vault this time!

With this elixir recipe in hand, Zhou Chun is confident that Luo Qingni, the alchemy master, will refine elixirs for him for free for the next hundred years!

In comparison, the recipe of [Purple Dust Pill] has become a dispensable addition.

"This weapon refining inheritance is amazing. It actually contains the refining method for a third-level flying ship. This flying ship named [Silver Scale Cloud Piercing Ship] can not only carry two to three hundred people, but also has With its powerful defensive capabilities, its fastest flight speed is no worse than the light-escape flight of late-stage monks from the Zifu!"

"There is also this kind of flying magic weapon called [Blue Jade Cloud-breaking Boat]. Although it is a second-level flying magic weapon, it can carry twenty or thirty people. It doesn't seem to be difficult to refine!"

Just when Zhou Chun was excited and happy about the elixir recipe recorded in the alchemy inheritance, Zhou Mingde also loudly announced his discovery with bright eyes.

He has recently been diligently studying the art of refining weapons, and with the strategic advantage brought by his realm, he has been able to refine second-level high-grade magical weapons on his own.

Therefore, more attention is paid to the various unique magic weapon refining methods recorded in the weapon refining inheritance.

After listening to his words at this time, Zhou Chun also understood the importance of it.

Although almost everyone in the Zhou family has a spiritual pet who can travel on their behalf, it does not mean that there is no demand for such flying magic weapons.

After all, it is still very rare to see a spiritual pet that can take dozens or hundreds of people on a high-speed flight.

And flying magic weapons like the [Silver Scale Cloud-piercing Ship], which can carry hundreds of people flying at a time, can be said to be excellent personnel transfer tools, and can transfer almost all the personnel of some small and medium-sized families.

These treasures are basically only controlled by those sects.

Coupled with the prescription of the [Yulu Jinxia Pill], Zhou Chun couldn't help but become curious about the forces that built the secret vault.

He immediately said: "To be able to leave such a powerful inheritance, I don't know which force built the secret library. Let's take a closer look at these classics and maybe we can find some clues!"

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