Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 534 The imaginative Qingweizi【Please subscribe】

After a careful search, Zhou Chun and the others found out the identity of the force that built the secret vault.

According to the alchemy notes left by an alchemy master in the alchemy inheritance, he should be a monk from a sect called "Dongyang Sect".

And this "Dongyang Sect" is a sect of immortality that was destroyed thousands of years ago in Chengguo.

Unfortunately, there are not many records about the "Dongyang Sect" in the Zhou family's collection of books. We only know that this sect of cultivating immortals should have never had any Nascent Soul monks, so it is not really a big force.

Thousands of years ago, it was a turbulent era in several countries such as Jingguo, Fengguo, and Chengguo. At that time, many such immortal sects and Jindan families were exterminated.

After the "Dongyang Sect" was exterminated, I don't know what happened again. The secret treasure house built in advance was not opened. Instead, the treasure map was divided into two parts and scattered. The token key to open the secret treasure house was also not opened. lost.

"Good at alchemy and weapon refining, could the ancestor of the Jiang family be a disciple of the Dongyang Sect?"

Zhou Chun couldn't help but murmur when he remembered the origin of his half of the treasure map.

But now, both Dongyangmen and the Jiang family have become a piece of history, and the truth of the matter is no longer important.

In short, after confirming that the builder of the secret treasure could no longer cause trouble to the Zhou family, Zhou Chun accepted the gift with a smile.

He made a copy of the alchemist's inheritance and took it with him, and asked Zhou Mingde to deal with these classics and inheritance.

Then he checked several treasure boxes and jade boxes he brought out.

As expected, it contains spiritual coins and some talismans and materials that can be sealed for a long time.

But with the size of the Dongyang Sect, the real good things at that time must still be in the hands of the Jindan monks of this sect. Therefore, these talisman materials were almost useless to Zhou Chun, so he left them to the family.

On the other hand, those elixirs that he picked before were compared with the inheritance of the elixirs he obtained. As expected, many of them are materials for refining [Purple Dust Pill], including the main materials Millennium Benefit God Grass and Millennium Fantasy Heart Orchid. Among them, the age of the medicine has greatly exceeded the requirements of the prescription records.

In addition, there are some elixirs that are used to refine [Yulu Jinxiadan], such as Millennium Golden Thread Dendrobium.

It's just that among the two main materials needed for [Yulu Jinxiadan], Dendrobium must be at the level of a thousand-year-old medicine. The medicine Zhou Chun got is only less than two thousand years old, which is far from it.

There is another main material of "Qionghua Jade Dew", which also needs to reach the thousand-year-old treasure medicine level.

If Zhou Chun wants to refine this elixir in the future, he will probably have to cooperate with others to collect materials and refine it like other golden elixir stage monks.

And the best person to cooperate with is Luo Qingni.

After checking the corresponding harvest, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde explained some relevant matters and left the Zhou family mountain gate openly.

Soon after, news came out from the Zhou family that the patriarch Zhou Zhengchun went out to travel to a foreign country, and his whereabouts were unknown.

Since the Zhou family is now a family of three golden elixirs, and there are powerful in-laws such as the Jiangzhou Su family who are in alliance with each other, even if outsiders know that Zhou Chun has left the Zhou family, they will probably not have any thoughts.

The other golden elixir monks from the golden elixir family are only envious of this.

If possible, they would naturally want to travel and look for opportunities.

However, as the backbone and rock of the family, once they leave the family for a long time, it will easily cause instability in the family and make outsiders look upon them.

If they are injured or die outside, it will be even more serious, which may lead to the ruin of hundreds of thousands of years of family legacy!

Therefore, for these Jindan monks from Jindan aristocratic families, their family has actually become an obstacle to their progress.

But even if they knew this, what could they do?

These people are not like Zhou Chun. Most of them were able to successfully open Zifu and form pills in the first place because their elders devoted their entire family's efforts to help them succeed. It can be said that they owe a huge favor to their family.

On the other hand, most of them have had the experience of marrying wives and having children. Now they have children and grandchildren, and they have all kinds of worries and ties.

It is difficult for them to let go of these worries and fetters and seek an opportunity for progress that they don't even know is possible.

And to take a step back, what if they find further opportunities outside?

Is it still possible for them to transform into elixirs and form babies?

This is basically impossible!

Therefore, these Jindan monks from Jindan aristocratic families often can only place their hopes on their younger generations.

If he can cultivate a descendant who has formed a golden elixir before he passes away, then he can give his descendants hope to pursue the things that he has never dared to go out and pursue!

Zhou Chun actually knew this in his heart, so he had always wanted to train a few more Golden Core monks for the Zhou family, so that while strengthening the family, he could also liberate himself.

However, although the general forces did not have any special reaction to Zhou Chun traveling away from home, Qinglian Temple was different.

Although she had reached a commission with the Ice Prison Sect, Qingweizi only knew that the Ice Prison Sect had sent a killer to lurk in Jingguo, but she had no idea about the killer's whereabouts.

According to the entrustment agreement, he would only pay the remaining reward after confirming that Zhou Chun had died.

So before that, Qingweizi could only follow the progress through Zhou Chun's movements.

After Zhou Chun was assassinated for the first time more than a year ago, Qingweizi was hit hard by the Ice Prison Gate because she provided inaccurate information, and was forced to pay more.

Although he was very dissatisfied with the behavior of the Ice Prison Gate at that time, he still endured it in order to achieve his goal.

When she first heard that Zhou Chun seemed to have been seriously injured and returned to her family, Qingweizi felt happy and felt that something was going to happen.

But then he didn't see the killer from the Ice Prison Gate who inspired the token to contact him, and then he didn't hear the news of Zhou Chun's death, so he became anxious.

When she heard that Zhou Chun could still travel far away, Qingweizi became completely uneasy.

"What's going on? What do the killers at Ice Prison Gate do for food? Didn't they promise that this attack would be absolutely foolproof?"

In the cave, Qingweizi started to curse quite angrily.

This time, he paid a huge price in order to invite the assassins from the Ice Prison Gate to assassinate Zhou Chun.

Even if most of the agreed remuneration has not yet been paid, a lot of the deposit has already been paid.

And more importantly, after this assassination, there is almost no possibility of relaxation between Qinglianguan and the Zhou family, and they may suffer the same revenge in the future!

Therefore, the assassination must be successful, and Zhou Chun, the genius with the greatest potential and strength in the Zhou family, must be killed!

But now the result is going in the direction that Qingweizi least wants to see.

Not only did Zhou Chun escape two assassinations in succession, he also seemed determined to stay away from his family and hide in the dark.

In this way, Qinglian Temple can be said to have stolen the chicken but lost the rice, and will have to worry about Zhou Chun's revenge in the future.

How could Qingweizi not be so angry!

Unfortunately, he only has a token for the Ice Prison Gate Killer to contact him, and has no way to contact him.

Otherwise, he must find the killer now and ask him what he is doing!

After waiting in such an angry and anxious manner for nearly a month, Qingweizi finally waited until someone from the Ice Prison Gate contacted him.

But the way the other party contacted him made his heart skip a beat, and his face instantly darkened.

Because the message that the other party asked him to go out to meet was not communicated through a token, but was sent directly to him through the disciples of Qinglian Temple.

what does that mean?

This means that the cover-up he made before is useless. In fact, the Ice Prison Sect already knows who commissioned them to kill!

"Hmph, is this a warning to me?"

Qingweizi snorted coldly with a gloomy face, annoyance showing in her eyes.

Of course, he didn't want to use his true identity to deal with the people of the Ice Prison Sect. If any evidence left behind was exposed, it would have very serious consequences for himself and Qinglian Temple.

But now the killer from the Ice Prison Gate came directly to the door. If he continued to avoid him, he was afraid that the other party would actually reveal that he hired a murderer to kill someone.

Even if there is no evidence, it will cause great damage to his and Qinglian Temple's reputation.

So after thinking for a long time, Qingweizi decided to go out and see each other.

Of course, even if she goes out to see the other party, Qingweizi will not use her true appearance, but will still cover herself in all aspects.

Anyway, no matter whether the other party already knows his true identity, he will definitely not reveal his true identity in front of the other party.

On this day, after Qingweizi, disguised as an old man, arrived at the agreed place, she only waited for half a quarter of an hour before she suddenly saw a figure in white robes appearing in front of her.

After seeing this person, Qingweizi asked in a sharp tone: "Is this how you do things in the Ice Prison Sect? Last time you asked for additional reward, I agreed to it, but now the target is not only fine, but has already left the house. You are traveling far away to avoid disaster, you must give me an explanation for this matter!"

Upon hearing this, the white-robed monk immediately replied in a calm tone: "Your Majesty, please be patient. Of course I, the Ice Prison Sect, will give you a satisfactory answer to this matter, but before that, you have to give me a thorough explanation." OK!"

"Give the truth? Tell the truth for what? What do you mean?"

Qingweizi's expression changed, and she looked at the white-robed monk with puzzled eyes, not understanding what he meant.

But he saw the white-robed monk looking at him coldly and saying: "Did you know that the junior brother sent by our sect to assassinate the target has now disappeared, and according to the tracking results of him, his current location has already disappeared. It’s located deep in Longyuanze!”

"What? Are you sure you are not teasing me? How is this possible!!"

Qingweizi looked at the white-robed monk in shock, and couldn't help being shocked by the other person's words.

You must know that although he does not know which assassin the Ice Prison Sect sent to deal with the assassination of Zhou Chun, he also knows that the assassin he hired at such a high cost will definitely not be lower than the middle stage of the Golden Core, and his strength must be the Golden Core The best among the mid-term monks!

For such a powerful middle-stage golden elixir monk, even if he fails to assassinate Zhou Chun, logically speaking, there is no possibility of him being injured or killed!

Of course, the white-robed monk understood why Qingweizi was shocked, but he still couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Huh, what's the point of me teasing you? I have already personally visited the Longyuan Zebank before and went deep into it for several times. I haven't found that junior brother even after traveling thousands of miles, so we can basically conclude that he is now in the legendary Dragon Abyss!"

Speaking of this, he also looked at Qingweizi with sharp eyes and said: "Now that my junior brother's soul card is shaking and his soul light is dim, it seems that someone has sealed his soul!"

"But you also know how difficult it is to capture and seal the spirit of my junior brother alive! Let alone put him in the dragon abyss!"

"Such an ability is definitely not something that a junior who has cultivated in the early stages of the Golden Core can possess. There must be an expert behind him!"

Hearing his words, Qingweizi was stunned on the spot and didn't know how to respond to him for a moment.

Are there any experts behind the Zhou family?

How come he didn’t know about this!

In an instant, the two forces, Yuelun Sect and Tianjing Zhenren, flashed in Qingweizi's mind, but they were quickly denied by him.

He had already investigated clearly. Zhou Chun took out the talisman given by Master Tianjing at that time. It was a reward given by Master Tianjing to reward the Zhou family for presenting the head of the traitor Yu Jinghua.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible for Master Tianjing to protect the Zhou family and Qinglian Temple as enemies. Qingweizi, who knows some inside information, is extremely sure of this.

As for the Moon Lun Sect, if they really want to protect Zhou Chun and the Zhou family, there seems to be no need to go to such trouble.

As the overlords of Jingguo, as long as they say something, the Ice Prison Sect will most likely have to give up this business!

By the way, Long Yuanze, could it be the Hualong Sect?

Qingweizi suddenly became excited, thinking of some terrible possibility, and her eyes changed instantly.

Naturally, he could not escape the sight of the white-robed monk with such a change. Seeing this, he looked at him and asked, "How is it? From the look of your Excellency, it seems that you already have the answer?"

"I'm not sure, but I just made a bold guess. I wonder if it's the answer you want!"

Qingweizi looked at the white-robed monk with complicated eyes and said.

"tell me the story."

The white-robed monk's eyes moved and he immediately asked for details.

Upon hearing this, Qingweizi immediately whispered in a complicated tone: "I don't know if there is really a so-called master behind the Zhou family. If there is, combined with the Taoist friends, I ordered my junior brother to be sealed in Longyuanze What’s going on deep down, I think it might be the Dragon Transformation Sect!”

"Hualong Cult?"

The white-robed monk murmured to himself, then looked at Qingweizi and said, "If I remember correctly, the target seems to have a deep grudge against the Hualong Sect. Previously, there was also a late Jindan cultivator from the Hualong Sect. Die?"

"It is precisely because of this that I never thought that the target would be mixed up with the Hualong Sect. But if you think about it the other way around, if the Hualong Sect is willing to spend money, this is really possible!"

When Qingweizi said this, she believed it in her heart.

Then my heart was full of bitterness.

Because he knew that even if his guess came true, he would not be able to take this opportunity to eradicate the Zhou family now.

Unless he plans to reveal that he hired a killer to assassinate Zhou Chun!

And now everything is his own speculation, and he has not found any evidence. Even if he says it, it will be difficult to win the belief of the Moon Wheel Sect.

But he didn't expect that something even more uncomfortable was yet to come.

After hearing his speculation, the white-robed monk was silent for a while, and then looked at him and said: "I will report this to the sect master. Since my junior brother is currently alive and dead, the target's danger level has increased to extremely dangerous. This entrustment will no longer be accepted by our sect for the time being, and your deposit will also be distributed as compensation to the relatives of my junior fellow apprentices. This will be done in advance!"

After saying that, even before Qingweizi could argue, she transformed into a white ray of light and left quickly.

After hearing his words, Qingweizi was so angry that she wanted to curse, but after seeing the speed of the light he transformed into, she suppressed her curses.

The flying speed of the white escaping light can be described as lightning fast, and it flew dozens of miles away in the blink of an eye.

Even late-stage Jindan monks with average speed may not be able to achieve this!

Thinking that she had just had a close conversation and argument with a late-stage Jindan assassin, Qingweizi couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart, and all her anger disappeared.

"Forget it, just think of it as burial expenses for that killer!"

He cursed secretly and left the place in a hurry.

The news he learned today was really shocking. He had to go back and think about it carefully.

Tianyuan Fairy City.

When Zhou Chun returned to this place, his heart immediately relaxed a lot.

Although Tianyuan Immortal City has never used "Once you enter the Immortal City, all grudges will disappear" as a promotional slogan, for some monks taking refuge, this place does have this kind of refuge function.

As long as you don't commit heinous crimes or offend the top powers of the Great Zhou Kingdom, hiding in Tianyuan Immortal City basically means you are safe for anything involving personal grudges and vendettas.

Even if your enemies hate you, they will basically not dare to touch you in Tianyuan Immortal City!

And killer sects like Ice Prison Sect will not assassinate targets in Tianyuan Immortal City.

That would be tantamount to directly offending the entire Tianyuan Immortal City and offending the big forces behind the Immortal City!

For Zhou Chun, now that he has accomplished everything he can do, there is nothing more he can do for the Zhou family. He can only try his best to improve his strength first.

If he can cultivate all three spiritual pets to the fourth level, even if he encounters a late-stage Golden Core killer, he will not be without the power to fight back!

As usual, after Zhou Chun entered the city, he first went to the shop where Luo Qingni placed orders.

To his delight, Luo Qingni finally came out of seclusion.

After learning about this, he immediately went to "Qingniju" to visit the other party without saying anything.

Luo Qingni was in the cave at this time. After receiving the message that Zhou Chun was visiting, he immediately welcomed him into his cave.

Then she made some spiritual tea and apologized to him: "I'm really sorry, the retreat time is a bit longer than expected, and I kept Daoist Zhou waiting for a long time."

Seeing this, Zhou Chun quickly returned the greeting and said, "Fellow Daoist Luo, you're too polite. Originally, it was Zhou who had something to trouble fellow Taoist, so why not wait!"

After speaking, he looked at the other party carefully, and then congratulated with a smile on his face: "It seems that Fellow Daoist Luo has achieved a lot in this retreat. I think it is not far away to break through to the middle stage of the Golden Elixir!"

However, he found that his cultivation of magical power had greatly improved, and his aura was much stronger than before.

Luo Qingni had already formed the elixir decades earlier than him, and her own qualifications were stronger than his, and her cultivation resources were probably better than his. If nothing unexpected happened, she would definitely be promoted to the middle stage of the golden elixir before him.

Just facing his congratulations, Luo Qingni waved his hands and smiled bitterly: "Young Daoist Zhou is joking. When your cultivation reaches the realm of you and me, a hundred years is not enough to break through a small realm, not to mention that there is a realm barrier there. Qingni is now It’s still far from the middle stage of Golden Core!”

She is aware of her family affairs. Although her cultivation and magic power have indeed increased now, if she wants to touch the middle stage of the golden elixir, she will have to practice hard for at least thirty to fifty years.

And I don’t know how much time it will take to break through the realm barrier.

But after Zhou Chun heard her words, he suddenly smiled mysteriously and said: "If Fellow Daoist Luo is worried about the small realm barrier problem, there is something Zhou has that can help Fellow Daoist!"

"Oh, is this what Fellow Daoist Zhou is serious? I wonder what it is?"

Luo Qingni's eyes lit up, and her curiosity was immediately aroused by Zhou Chun's words.

But Zhou Chun smiled and didn't answer. He just patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a jade slip and handed it to her.

Seeing this situation, Luo Qingni was slightly stunned, then quickly took the jade slip and examined it.

Then her face began to change drastically, full of surprise.

Zhou Chun waited like this for nearly two quarters of an hour before he saw her pull out her consciousness from the jade slip, and then took a deep breath to calm down.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun with complex eyes and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhou gave Qing Ni such a precious thing so easily. Qing Ni really doesn't know how to repay fellow Taoist Daoist!"

Zhou Chun seemed to have expected that she would say this, and Dang even smiled slightly and said: "People don't tell secrets. Fellow Daoist Luo and Zhou have worked together many times, and they have the same temperament. If you leave this treasure to others, Zhou is not at ease, and he is not capable of refining it himself. If it is handed over to Fellow Daoist Luo, with his character, Zhou will definitely not be treated badly!"

Having said this, Zhou Chun patted the storage bag again, then took out a few more jade slips and handed them to Luo Qingni.

"This is a complete set of alchemy inheritance that Zhou obtained from a secret treasure. After being compiled by two generations of alchemy masters, this set of alchemy inheritance should be a standard master-level inheritance. There is also [Purple Dust Pill] in it. A recipe for an important elixir!"

"In exchange for this set of alchemy inheritance and the recipe of [Yulu Jinxia Dan], Zhou wants to ask fellow Taoist Luo to refine the elixirs needed for Zhou for free in the next hundred years. I wonder if fellow Taoist Luo is willing to exchange?"

A set of master-level alchemy inheritance, plus two extremely precious elixir recipes, [Purple Dust Pill] and [Yulu Jinxia Pill], in exchange for free help in refining alchemy for a hundred years.

Luo Qingni knew that he would definitely make a lot of money from this transaction.

She immediately responded solemnly: "Okay, Qing Ni agreed. In the next hundred years, Qing Ni will not take any of the alchemy commissions from fellow Taoist Zhou, and will be given the highest priority. A hundred years from now, Qing Ni will also accept all the alchemy commissions from fellow Taoist Zhou. Charge 50% of the original price!”

"Hahaha, in this case it is Zhou who has made a profit. As expected, Fellow Daoist Luo has never let Zhou down!"

Zhou Chun laughed and immediately handed the jade slip in his hand to Luo Qingni.

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