Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 535 Two years in a hurry [Please subscribe]

Having obtained a set of master-level alchemy inheritance, as well as fourth-level elixir prescriptions such as [Yulu Jinxia Dan], Luo Qingni naturally responded to Zhou Chun's requests.

She happily gave Zhou Chun the green light, and at Zhou Chun's request, she helped mobilize her connections to collect materials for refining [Guchen Pill].

At the same time, the two quickly reached an agreement to jointly collect materials to refine the [Yulu Jinxia Dan].

After everything was settled, Luo Qingni went to refine the [Dragon Transformation Pill] for Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun also took advantage of the situation and rented a cave in the city as a place to stay in the future.

Not long after, Luo Qingni came out of seclusion and handed the successfully refined [Dragon Transformation Pill] into Zhou Chun's hands.

After getting the elixir, Zhou Chun didn't waste any time and immediately secretly returned to Jingguo and sent the elixir back to Zhou's family and handed it over to Zhou Daoquan.

As for whether Zhou Daoquan's spiritual pet, the Blood Flame Dragon Python, can successfully evolve into a third-level dragon through this [Dragon Transformation Pill], it can only depend on its own luck.

After Zhou Chun returned to the Great Zhou Kingdom, he went to the mountain gate of Yuanpuppet Gate with the letter of introduction given by Luo Qingni.

Previously, he felt that his strength was insufficient and he did not dare to easily go to the sect's mountain gate where the "Master of Thousand Machines" was located, lest the other party would have malicious intentions to harm him.

Now that his strength is no less than that of a mid-stage Golden Core cultivator, Zhou Chun dares to buy a fourth-level puppet.

The Yuan Puppet Sect was once a large sect with Yuanying Stage monks in charge. However, now that there is a gap in the Yuan Ying Stage monks within the sect, the sect has shrunk its power and kept a low profile.

However, as one of the few sects that can refine fourth-level puppets, even if the Yuan Puppet Sect is now in decline, ordinary people and forces do not dare to take their chances.

After all, no one knows how many fourth-level puppets are hidden in the mountain gate of Yuanpuppet Sect, let alone whether there are also fifth-level puppets equivalent to Yuanying stage monks hidden inside!

As a force that started out with puppetry, the Yuanpuppet Sect does not recruit anyone like other sects when it comes to recruiting disciples. Instead, it prefers only those monks who are talented in controlling puppets or refining puppets.

Of course, if it is a high-grade spiritual root qualification, Yuan Puppet Sect will also consider it.

All in all, the number of disciples in this sect is very small, and the total number of disciples in the whole sect is less than a thousand!

Fewer people means less overall demand for cultivation resources, so the Yuan Puppet Sect now only lives by guarding its own mountain gate. There is only a small market under the control of the sect outside, which specializes in selling some mid- to low-level puppet magic tools. .

It is worth mentioning that puppet magic weapons of level 4 and below do not need to be driven by spiritual crystals as energy. They can be driven by a specially refined "spiritual source bead" specially refined by the Yuan Puppet Sect.

This "Lingyuan Bead" itself is an energy storage magic weapon. Depending on the grade, it can store one-third of the mana of a monk in the corresponding realm.

For example, the third-level high-grade "Lingyuan Pearl" can store one-third of the mana of late-stage Zifu monks.

Once the mana in the "Lingyuan Bead" is exhausted, the immortal cultivator needs to recharge it before it can be used again. Moreover, the mana in the "Lingyuan Bead" cannot be stored for a long time and will gradually pass over time.

If that's the case, the "Lingyuan Pearl" can be regarded as a great invention.

But the biggest flaw of this type of energy-storing magic weapon is that it can only store the magic power of the owner of the magic weapon.

And because the monk's own mana attribute is seriously biased, if a "spiritual source bead" filled with metallic mana is used to drive a puppet that is good at fire attribute methods, the efficiency will be very low, and it will also have a greater impact on the puppet itself. Big damage.

These restrictions make it rare for cultivators to use puppet magic weapons of level 4 or below in the world of cultivating immortals. Only disciples of the Yuan Puppet Sect will use it as a means to fight against the enemy.

After Zhou Chun hid his cultivation and came to Fangshi under the control of the Yuan Puppet Sect, he bought a few second-level puppet instruments and the matching "Lingyuan Bead" out of curiosity to study them.

He discovered that although the "Lingyuan Pearl" was also a magical weapon, in fact, when commanding the puppet to fight, it basically did not take up much of the monk's spiritual consciousness, let alone his mana.

The amount of spiritual consciousness a cultivator pays to command a second-level high-grade puppet is probably equivalent to commanding a second-level high-grade magic weapon and a second-level low-grade magic weapon.

The combat power of a second-level high-grade puppet can firmly suppress a mid-stage foundation-building monk without consuming its own mana.

In this way, even an ordinary late-stage foundation-building monk can use two second-level high-quality puppets to fight while still having enough energy to activate a second-level high-quality defensive weapon to protect himself.

After the mana of the "Lingyuan Pearl" in the two second-level high-grade puppets is exhausted, you can directly give up the two puppets and then use the full state to deal with the enemy.

"It's a pity that the price is too expensive. The price of a second-order high-grade puppet equipped with a 'Lingyuan Bead' is almost equivalent to a third-order low-grade magical weapon!"

"Except for the Yuan Puppet Sect's own disciples, or those from rich families who are not short of money, there are a few monks who can equip themselves with two puppets of the same level!"

Zhou Chun shook his head and put several puppets into storage bags. He would later give them to some family descendants as protective objects depending on the situation.

Then he personally visited Yuanpuppet Mountain not far away, handed Luo Qingni's letter, and named the "Master of Thousand Machines" whom he wanted to visit.

Because Zhou Chun had revealed his cultivation at the Golden Core stage, the Zhike disciples of the Yuanpuppet Sect were very efficient in doing things. Not long after, a man with a middle stage cultivation in the Zifu who called himself a disciple of "Master Thousand Machines" came to greet Zhou Chun.

After following this person to an elegant courtyard deep inside Yuanpuppet Gate, Zhou Chun saw the "Master of Thousand Machines" he was going to visit.

This puppet master looks very old, with gray hair and wrinkles on his face. It seems that his life is running out, and his cultivation is still in the middle stage of Jindan.

After chatting with Zhou Chun for a while, he looked directly at Zhou Chun and said, "The remains of the puppet sent by Fellow Daoist Luo really inspired me a lot, and I gained a lot. Now she has the remains in Fellow Daoist's hand in her letter. I wonder if you can show me the more complete remains of the puppet?"


Zhou Chun nodded, and then took out the basically intact bow and arrow warrior puppet from the storage bag.

"They are indeed puppets from the same origin!"

As soon as he saw the shape of the bow warrior puppet, Master Qianji's eyes lit up, and he immediately waved the puppet in front of him and inspected it carefully.

After this inspection, he became a little forgetful, as if he didn't feel the passage of time at all, and he also forgot that Zhou Chun, an outsider, existed.

And Zhou Chun didn't want to disturb him rashly, lest he make him unhappy and make his exchange of fourth-level puppets a secret.

As a result, Zhou Chun waited for most of the day before Master Qianji came back from his immersed state and suddenly realized that he, an outsider, was here.

"I'm getting old. It's always easy to forget things. Thank you for your long wait, fellow Taoist Zhou."

He patted his head and apologized to Zhou Chun with an apologetic expression. Then he looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhou, this puppet is indeed very well preserved, and it is still possible to repair it. I don't know if you want to use it." What can I exchange for this thing?"

"Zhou wants to exchange a fourth-level puppet with the master!"

Zhou Chun stated his purpose of coming without hesitation.

Hearing what he said, Master Qianji immediately nodded and said: "Well, this request is not too much. I happen to have a few puppets in hand for exchange. Fellow Daoist Zhou, you can choose one yourself!"

After saying that, he took out three puppets from the storage bag and placed them in front of Zhou Chun for him to choose from.

These three puppets, namely the ape puppet, the wolf puppet, and the turtle puppet, represent different emphases.

The wolf puppet is better at attacking, the turtle puppet is better at defense, and the ape puppet is more balanced.

After Zhou Chun thought about it, he chose the ape puppet.

He came to exchange for the fourth-level puppets, not for himself, but to enhance the Zhou family's heritage.

Compared with the other two puppets with serious scientific biases, the ape puppet is undoubtedly more in line with his requirements.

"Since Fellow Daoist Zhou has made his choice, this puppet belongs to Fellow Daoist. If the puppet is damaged and needs to be repaired in the future, Fellow Daoist can contact this sect and we will charge a fee based on the difficulty of repair."

Master Qianji said as he put away the other two puppets.

"I understand, Zhou. Thank you, Master, for your help."

Zhou Chun looked overjoyed, and immediately gave a bow to thank him, and then put the ape puppet away.

He didn't expect that things would go so smoothly.

The Master of Thousand Machines didn't seem to care where he got the bow and arrow samurai puppet. In other words, he abided by the rules of the immortal world and didn't ask about the origin of such items.

After achieving his goal, Zhou Chun did not stay at Yuanpuppet Gate for long and quickly left.

When returning to Tianyuan Immortal City, Zhou Chun was very cautious, worried that the Master of Thousand Machines might deliberately paralyze him and secretly kill him.

But it turned out that he seemed to have thought too much. His journey back was very smooth and he did not encounter any trouble.

This made him sigh, there are still normal people in the world of immortality!

After returning to Tianyuan Fairy City, Zhou Chun tried his best to collect the elixirs for refining the [Ancient Chen Pill].

Zhang Liang has been operating in Tianyuan Immortal City for decades or hundreds of years, and has met a lot of monks.

Zhou Chun also spread the word at this time, and even went to the "Tianyuan Palace" to register for a mission to collect elixirs. Soon many Zifu monks and Jindan monks in the city knew about his collection of certain elixirs at high prices.

Doing so will definitely allow those who own the relevant elixirs to take the opportunity to raise their prices, but it will indeed help Zhou Chun raise the relevant elixirs faster.

Anyway, he is not short of spiritual coins now, and he has also accumulated a lot of ordinary thousand-year-old elixirs, and he can accept even a premium transaction.

Now Zhou Chun only has one idea, and that is to upgrade a spiritual pet to the fourth level as soon as possible!

Facts have proved that as long as Golden Core Stage monks are willing to spend money, most thousand-year-old elixirs can still be obtained, except for thousand-year-old elixirs and some rare magical materials that are difficult to obtain in a short time.

Zhou Chun paid a premium to buy it at a price that was almost 30% to 50% higher than the normal price. Together with the elixir he already had in hand, he was able to collect two batches of [Guchen Pill] in just two years. s material.

At this time, Luo Qingni was still practicing and studying the alchemy inheritance given to her by Zhou Chun, and would only start the alchemy furnace a few times at intervals.

After Zhou Chun collected all the materials, she immediately helped Zhou Chun refine the [Guchen Pill] without saying a word.

Perhaps because he practiced twice more, or perhaps because his alchemy skills had improved, Luo Qingni refined two furnaces of [Ancient Chen Pills] this time, yielding a total of fourteen pills.

After receiving these fourteen [Guchen Pills], Zhou Chun immediately made the distribution.

Lei Jiao got six elixirs in vain, Jinjia Bearing Mountain Turtle Shitou got six elixirs, and the remaining two were given to Golden Winged Tiger.

According to his distribution arrangement, after the three spiritual pets swallowed all these spiritual pills, the Thunder Dragon Baibai would definitely be able to break through to the third level high-grade monster. The Golden Armor Bearing Mountain Turtle Stone had also swallowed a Silver-horned Rhinoceros before. The demon pill can definitely break through to the third level of high quality.

The reason why Zhou Chun did not give all the [Ancient Chen Pills] to one monster to swallow was firstly because he did not want to be too partial, and secondly because if too much of this pill was taken in succession, resistance would develop.

And he will continue to collect the elixir for refining the [Ancient Chen Pill]. If he is willing to spend money, it should not be a problem to gather the materials for a furnace of elixir in five or six years.

Just when Zhou Chun was expecting a few spiritual pets to break through, Zhou Daoyi followed Lin Hongyu to Tianyuan Immortal City.

It turned out that Lin Hongyu had already exchanged a kind of elixir-forming spiritual object that was helpful for combining elixirs, and this time she brought Zhou Daoyi over to retreat to form elixirs.

At the same time, the two of them also brought Zhou Chun a piece of news that was neither good nor bad.

After Zhou Daoquan's spiritual pet Blood Flame Dragon Python took the [Dragon Transformation Pill], it failed to evolve into a Blood Flame Dragon.

But also because the medicinal power of [Hualong Pill] helped him purify his bloodline, he broke through the shackles of his bloodline and broke through to become a third-level monster, the Blood Flame Dragon Python.

In terms of strength and potential, the third-level monster Blood Flame Dragon Python is naturally much inferior to the third-level Blood Flame Jiao, but it is definitely not worse than Zhou Mingde's Vulcan Jackal.

Zhou Daoquan himself was not disappointed at all, and asked Zhou Daoyi to help express his thanks to Zhou Chun.

Another thing that makes Zhou Chun feel at ease is that the Zhou family has generally been relatively stable in the past two years and has not been harassed.

This proves that his method is effective. The Ice Prison Gate may be worried about the masters behind the Zhou family, so they temporarily restrained themselves and did not take any further action.

In fact, this is normal. Although the killer sect of Ice Prison Gate has a high completion rate in the past, it is not without its experience of failure.

And if the killers they sent were killed or captured, it was often because there was a strong person behind the target.

For this kind of situation, Ice Prison Gate usually investigates the situation first to see if the target is easy to mess with.

If the target's situation is clearly investigated and easily grasped, Ice Prison Gate will naturally gather killers to uproot it.

But if the target does have a powerful background and is protected by a Nascent Soul monk, most of the time the Ice Prison Sect will have no choice but to admit defeat.

After all, they are not so powerful that they are only allowed to assassinate others, but others are not allowed to kill them!

It is very irrational to offend a Nascent Soul monk for the sake of a Golden Core killer!

Although Zhou Chun didn't fully understand the methods of the Ice Prison Sect, he roughly guessed that if the other party could not find the missing killer and fully understand the details, he would definitely have some scruples and would not attack the Zhou family easily again.

As for Qinglian Temple, after learning about the disappearance of the Ice Prison Gate killer, they would also be wary and would not dare to attack the Zhou family easily.

Zhou Chun just needs to delay now. If he delays for several decades, he will have the strength not to be afraid of the Ice Prison Gate killer and Qinglian Temple.

The next thing was easier to handle. Lin Hongyu and his wife went to rent a cave to form elixirs. Zhou Chunming still had nothing to do with them, but he was actively collecting related elixirs in Tianyuan Fairy City.

On this day, Zhou Chun was practicing in the cave when he suddenly received a message from Sun Yuanjing, the manager of Tianbao Pavilion, asking him to come to Tianbao Pavilion for a chat.

Because of the original purchase of [Taiyi Xuanjin Qi] and the purchase and refining of the [Guchen Pill] elixir in the past few years, the friendship between Zhou Chun and Sun Yuanjing has steadily improved.

At this time, the other party sent a message to invite him. Although he did not explain what it was about, he did not neglect it. After finishing his work, he went to Tianbao Pavilion.

"Fellow Daoist Sun suddenly invited Zhang here today. Could it be that he found the elixir Zhou needed again?"

In the private room of Tianbao Pavilion, when Zhou Chun saw Sun Yuanjing, he half-jokingly asked him why he invited him here.

But Sun Yuanjing shook his head and said, "That's not true. I invited fellow Taoist Zhang here today because I was entrusted by someone else."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and said, "Do you, Fellow Daoist Zhang, remember that Fellow Daoist Zeng who asked you to help get rid of stubborn illnesses? This time, Fellow Daoist Zeng asked Sun to invite Fellow Daoist Zhang over and want to have a private meeting with Fellow Daoist Zhang!"

"That's it..."

Zhou Chun looked at Sun Yuanjing, lowered his head and pondered, thinking about the intention of the monk named Zeng.

The deal he had with the monk named Zeng was just a deal, and he didn't even know the other party's real name.

Now that the other party suddenly said that he wanted to meet with him in private, he must have something to ask for.

From a fundamental point of view, Zhou Chun certainly didn't want to cause trouble.

But he also knew that since the other party relied on Sun Yuanjing's relationship, it meant that he would not give up easily.

If he refuses at this time, it will only offend Sun Yuanjing's face. I am afraid that he may not be able to really dispel the idea of ​​the monk named Zeng.

Therefore, after thinking about it, he nodded slightly to Sun Yuanjing and said: "Since Taoist Fellow Sun has spoken, Zhang naturally wants to give fellow Taoist a face, so please ask fellow Taoist to arrange a place!"

Hearing his words, Sun Yuanjing immediately laughed and said: "Hehehe, so Sun has thanked fellow Taoist Zhang first."

Then he explained: "Zeng Daoyou has already said it before. If Zhang Daoyou agrees to meet, you can go to the Tianzihao private room of Luya Teahouse in the city to meet!"

"Green bud teahouse? Zhang understands."

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, said goodbye to Sun Yuanjing, and then went to the Green Ya Teahouse.

This Green Bud Teahouse is a high-end teahouse in Tianyuan Immortal City. It only deals with high-level monk circles. Only monks in the Zifu period can book private rooms in it. The price is very expensive.

Zhou Chun had been here several times before and was deeply impressed by the unique spiritual teas in this teahouse.

At this time, he arrived at the teahouse and after telling him the surname of the owner of the private room, a beautiful woman came to greet him soon.

Zhou Chun still had some impression of this beautiful woman. She was the one who welcomed him and Sun Yuanjing into the cave of the monk named Zeng. If he remembered correctly, she should be named Wei.

When the woman saw Zhou Chun, she immediately bowed respectfully and said, "I have met Senior Zhang. My master has prepared tea in the private room and is waiting for Senior."

"You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Wei, please lead the way."

Zhou Chun said, and then followed the woman to the Tianzihao private room in the teahouse.

After entering the private room, Zhou Chun saw the true appearance of the monk named Zeng.

At this time, the monk named Zeng was not wearing a mask. His true appearance was that of a rather handsome man, probably between thirty and forty years old.

Judging from the aura on his body, it was obvious that the stubborn illness in his body had been completely eliminated and he had returned to normal.

Seeing this, he immediately bowed his hands to the other party and said, "Zhang has met Mr. Zeng. Congratulations to Mr. Zeng for getting rid of his old illness and regaining good health."

When the monk named Zeng heard this, he immediately smiled heartily and said: "Hahaha, Zeng can recover thanks to fellow Taoist Zhang. Fellow Taoist, please take a seat."

After saying that, he raised his hand to invite Zhou Chun to take a seat, and asked the beautiful woman who was a concubine to serve Zhou Chun tea and water.

Then he saw the person holding a cup of tea and saluting Zhou Chun: "It was rude of Zeng to invite fellow Taoist Zhang over. Zeng first offered tea instead of wine to apologize to fellow Taoist Zhang."

"You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Zeng."

Zhou Chun responded and picked up some tea in return.

After exchanging polite greetings, the monk surnamed Zeng turned to Zhou Chun with an apologetic face and said, "Zeng was suffering from a chronic illness and had to hide his identity as a last resort. I hope fellow Taoist Zhang won't be surprised."

After saying that, he introduced himself: "Actually, Zeng's name is Zeng Tai, and he is the elder of the Yuanyang Sect of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Zeng is actually an elder of the Yuanyang Sect. It's really disrespectful and disrespectful!"

Zhou Chun's face hardened, and he quickly greeted him politely.

He had heard of the Yuanyang Sect a long time ago. This sect was one of the most powerful sects in the Great Zhou Kingdom, and its power base was comparable to that of the Nine Yuan Sword Sect.

The contemporary Supreme Elder of the Yuanyang Sect, "Master Yuanyang", is a great monk in the late Yuanying period who is famous throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty. His strength is unfathomable.

In addition to the supreme elder, Yuanyang Sect also has another mid-stage Yuanying monk and two early-stage Yuanying monks.

Zeng Tai is actually the elder of Yuanyang Sect. No wonder Sun Yuanjing would show his affection to this person in every possible way!

But he saw Zeng Taihu looking at him with bright eyes and said: "Zeng's origin is now clear to Daoyou Zhang. I wonder if Daoyou Zhang can tell you his origin now?"

He had asked people to investigate Zhang Liang before, but it turned out that the investigation could not reveal Zhang Liang's specific details. He only knew that Zhang Liang was a monk from outside the Great Zhou Kingdom.

When it comes to forces outside the Great Zhou Kingdom, even if Zeng Tai is an elder of the Yuanyang Sect, it is impossible to investigate the origins of a false Golden Core monk in so many countries.

That's why he came all the way to meet Zhou Chun after learning that Zhou Chun was active in Tianyuan Immortal City again.

When he heard him ask about his origins, Zhou Chun immediately became vigilant. He immediately shook his head and said, "Zhang comes from a small family in a remote place, but there is nothing to say."

"So it turns out that Fellow Daoist Zhang is a family monk?"

Zeng Tai nodded thoughtfully, then stopped biting and immediately smiled slightly and said: "Fellow Taoist Zhang, don't worry too much. Zeng has no ill intentions towards fellow Taoist. I invited fellow Taoist here today just because I want to I just need to make a deal with fellow Taoist!"

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