Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 536 Both advanced [Please subscribe]

Make a deal?

Zhou Chun looked at Zeng Tai with an unchanged expression, and said in a calm tone: "Oh, I wonder if there is anything in Zhang that is worthy of being valued by fellow Taoist Zeng?"

"Last time when Fellow Daoist Zhang healed Zeng's injuries, Zeng discovered that the magical power of Fellow Daoist's natal magic weapon seemed to have the effect of restraining and dissolving metallic spiritual power. This made Zeng very curious about this. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Zhang could talk about this magical power?"

Zeng Tai looked directly at Zhou Chun and said, as if he didn't realize how excessive his request was.

Zhou Chun's face suddenly darkened, and he looked at him with a gloomy expression and replied: "Don't you think this request is a bit too much, Zeng Daoyou? If Zhang wants to know about the kind of spiritual power that combines the two attributes of gold and fire that Zeng Daoyou cultivates, Zeng Daoyou Are you willing to talk to Zhang?"

Hearing what he said, Zeng Tai couldn't help but look at him deeply, and then smiled softly and said: "Fellow Daoist Zhang may have misunderstood. Zeng has no ill intentions, he just wants to satisfy his curiosity."

After saying that, he continued: "Well, Zeng knows that Fellow Daoist Zhang has been collecting some elixir materials recently. It happens that Zeng also has several elixirs that Fellow Daoist Zhang needs. As long as Fellow Daoist Zhang is willing to satisfy Zeng's curiosity, Zeng is willing In exchange for this.”

He obviously came prepared.

But Zhou Chun was unmoved at all, and just said coldly: "Sorry, it concerns Zhang's privacy, and there is absolutely no room for negotiation on this matter!"

After speaking, he stood up directly and said: "If Zeng Daoyou has nothing else to do, Zhang will leave first."

This firm and decisive attitude seemed to be somewhat beyond Zeng Tai's expectations, and his face looked slightly ugly.

As a golden elixir elder from a major sect such as Yuanyang Sect, Zeng Tai rarely encountered people who did not give him face in the circle of golden elixir monks in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Nowadays, a mere early Jindan cultivator from a foreign cultivating family dares to deny him face like this, which really makes him feel a little embarrassed.

But he seemed to have forgotten that precisely because Zhou Chun was not a Jindan monk from the Great Zhou Kingdom, there was no need to give him any face.

No matter how powerful the Yuanyang Sect is, its influence can only be used in the Great Zhou Kingdom and several surrounding countries. As long as Zhou Chun doesn't ask for anything from him, no matter how noble his status is, what does it matter?

"Wait a minute, fellow Daoist Zhang."

Seeing that Zhou Chun was about to go out, Zeng Tai finally spoke out to persuade him to stay.

After his expression changed several times, he bowed his hands towards Zhou Chun and said, "Friend Zhang, please calm down. It was Zeng who offended fellow Taoist because of his lack of consideration. Zeng hereby apologizes to fellow Taoist."

His apology was somewhat beyond Zhou Chun's expectations.

After being stunned for a while, he said to him with a calmer expression: "Fellow Daoist Zeng is serious. It's not that Mr. Zhang is unkind. It's just that the magical powers and secrets practiced by monks like us are extremely private matters. If you leak it to others indiscriminately, An uncertain future may leave fatal dangers to oneself, and these fellow Taoists must also know that!"

"Yes, yes, of course Zeng knows this."

Zeng Tai nodded repeatedly, then looked at Zhou Chun and said: "But Zeng and Daoyou Zhang have already known each other. If Zhang can't trust others, can he still not trust Zeng? Zeng just wants to know, what kind of friend Zhang is?" Where is the limit of magical power? Is it really possible to dissolve all metallic spiritual power at will?"

He still didn't give up the idea of ​​getting to the bottom of it!

This made Zhou Chun suddenly have a very poor sense of him, knowing that he was a arrogant and paranoid guy.

However, although Zhou Chun had begun to dislike this person in his heart, it was hard for Zhou Chun to reject him outright like before.

Because he knew in his heart that with the arrogance shown by Zeng Tai, if he had lowered his attitude and failed to achieve his goal, he was afraid that he would be really angry and retaliate against him later.

That will definitely cause him a lot of trouble!

Therefore, after hesitating and pondering for a long time, Zhou Chuncai slowly said: "Since fellow Taoist Zeng wants to know this so much, Zhang will make an exception and talk about it!"

As he spoke, he explained: "Although Zhang's magical power has the effect of dissolving and dissolving metal spiritual power, the premise is that it can only take effect when it is penetrated into the body of fellow Taoist without resistance, just like when he was used to heal fellow Taoist Zeng, or It is effective against some uncontrolled metallic spiritual powers. This magical power is actually an auxiliary magical power, not an offensive technique!"

"Is that true?"

Zeng Tai's eyes flashed, as if he didn't believe it.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately said directly: "If you don't believe it, fellow Taoist Zeng, you can experience this magical power for yourself."

Hearing what he said, Zeng Tai immediately smiled and said, "Then I'll trouble Taoist Zhang."

Then the two of them left the teahouse and went directly to Tianbao Pavilion, where there was a place dedicated to testing the power of magic weapons, where they could freely display their magical powers without alerting the Immortal City Guards.

Sun Yuanjing from Tianbao Pavilion is a common friend of the two, so he will naturally not refuse such a small thing.

Then, under the witness of Sun Yuanjing, Zhou Chun summoned the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] and used the "Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Light" to attack Zeng Tai.

As Zhou Chun himself said, the "Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Light" does not have much offensive ability. A defensive magic weapon that Zeng Tai casually offered easily blocked this magical attack.

Later Zhou Chun also asked him to try his own protective magical power, and he could also prevent the attack of "Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Light".

This made him feel completely relieved, but also secretly disappointed.

"How's it going? Now Daoist Zeng believes in Zhang's words, right?"

Zhou Chun put away the magic weapon and looked at Zeng Tai with a calm expression.

Hearing his words, Zeng Tai's face flashed with embarrassment, and then he responded with a dry smile: "Haha, fellow Taoist Zhang was joking. Of course Zeng trusts fellow Taoist."

With that said, he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out four jade boxes and handed them to Zhou Chun.

"I have troubled you, Fellow Daoist Zhang. These elixirs are my apology from Zeng. Please don't refuse, Fellow Daoist Zhang."

He was not completely unreasonable. He also knew that the previous incident had made Zhou Chun unhappy, and now he wanted to make amends.

It's a pity that Zhou Chun already had a deep prejudice against him. Although he accepted the elixir he gave him at this time, he was already classified as a group of people who should not be closely associated with him.

Next, the two of them took Sun Yuanjing to sit down and talk in a friendly manner, and then Zeng Tai left first.

After sending Zeng Tai away like this, Sun Yuanjing turned around and smiled bitterly at Zhou Chun: "Sun made a mistake this time. I didn't expect that Zeng Tai would be so arrogant and paranoid. He relied on his origins in the Yuanyang Sect. He doesn't take other fellow Taoists seriously and dares to make any demands. He is really not a son of a man!"

From the previous trial between the two of them, he roughly understood Zeng Tai's intention of looking for Zhou Chun, and he felt very annoyed about it.

It was true that he wanted to make friends with powerful elders like Zeng Tai, but he would not sell out all his other clients just to make friends with this person.

After all, Zeng Tai's identity is not enough for him to do such a thing that destroys his credibility.

But just like Zhou Chun, he just didn't want to make friends with these people anymore, and he didn't dare to offend them easily. At this time, he could only apologize to Zhou Chun.

Facing his apology, Zhou Chun just shook his head and said: "Forget it, let this matter go by now!"

But he didn't want to talk more about Zeng Tai.

But what happened this time was a wake-up call for Zhou Chun.

It seems that monks from top sects like Zeng Tai must be cautious when making friends in the future. Otherwise, if they encounter this ordinary incident of repaying kindness with enmity, they will really suffer for themselves.

At this time, after some exchanges with Sun Yuanjing, Zhou Chun returned to his cave to practice.

On the other side, after Zeng Tai left Tianbao Pavilion and returned to his temporary residence, he recalled the trial between himself and Zhou Chun and couldn't help but sigh.

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have expectations for a monk from a small sect like this. It seems that if you want to restrain and weaken the guy from the Nine Yuan Sword Sect, you have to start from other aspects!"

He originally had great expectations for Zhou Chun's "Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Light" magical power, and wanted to use this magical power to deal with one of his opponents.

Unfortunately, the result of this personal test really disappointed him, so he completely lost interest in Zhou Chun.

But Zhou Chun didn't know that he was lucky enough to escape this time because his magical power was too weak.

Time flies by, and two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Just as Zhou Chun expected, after successively swallowing the [Ancient Chen Pills] given by him, the thunder dragon Baibai and the golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou were both promoted to third-level high-grade monsters, and their respective strengths have greatly improved. .

The power of the thunder escape technique of the third-level high-grade thunder dragon Baibai is even more powerful. Now, unless an early-stage golden elixir monk has an ambush in advance, there is no way he can catch up with it.

If Zhou Chun uses the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique" with it, the speed will not be much worse than that of late-stage Jindan monks.

When it breaks through to the fourth level and Zhou Chun merges with it, he won't be afraid of being chased by the late-stage Jindan monks.

The defense of the third-level high-grade golden-armored mountain turtle stone is so strong that it can resist the attacks of ordinary early-stage golden elixir monks. If it were placed on the earth, there would be no way that early-stage golden elixir monks could do anything to it!

At the same time, its Earth Escape Technique has become even more powerful. If you can give it a certain amount of time to activate it, it can also take Zhou Chun to escape thousands of feet underground, leaving the late Golden Core cultivators to do nothing but helpless!

It can be said that Zhou Chun was very satisfied with the performance of both spiritual pets, so he couldn't help but have a hard time deciding who should be given priority to advance to the fourth level.

In terms of practical effects, whoever reaches the fourth level of the two will be of immediate help to him.

If Lei Jiao is promoted to the fourth level in vain, he will be able to maximize the effect of the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique" and truly complete the fourth level of the "Secret of Dragon Transformation" that he has stagnated for a long time, not to mention the powerful combat power he possesses. .

If the Golden Armor Bearing Mountain Turtle Stone is promoted to the fourth level, one thing that is certain is that it will be difficult for monks below the Jindan stage to hurt it, and its earth escape technique will be qualitatively improved, and it will be able to truly display it. With the ability of the "Carrying Mountain Turtle" bloodline, you can carry mountains with you!

"Why don't we let them discuss it themselves?"

After Zhou Chun hesitated for a long time, he suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He called both of his spiritual pets to him, and then informed them of his current difficulties, saying that only by concentrating resources could he train one of them to advance to the fourth level.

Perhaps because of their noble bloodline, or perhaps because of Zhou Chun's more than two hundred years of teachings, these two spiritual pets are not much less intelligent than ordinary human teenagers except that they cannot speak.

What Zhou Chun said is not difficult to understand.

Not long after, Shitou Shitou gave Zhou Chun feedback, saying that it was not in a hurry to break through to the fourth level, and if it broke through to the fourth level, it would have to hide in the mountain for decades in order to carry the mountain with it. Zhou Chun cannot be provided with immediate combat power immediately.

Zhou Chun was also pleased with Lei Jiao Baibai's feedback. It meant that the golden-armored mountain turtle stone had been promoted to the fourth level and could better protect its owner. Moreover, its cultivation speed was faster than that of the stone itself. Even if there were no resources to cultivate it, it would be a latent cultivator. There is also a chance to break through to the fourth level in a hundred years.

Such a scene of brotherhood and brotherhood made Zhou Chun extremely happy and felt that all his efforts over the years were worth it.

Compared to humans, these monsters are often more pure.

Because of the contractual bond between them, they are able to communicate with their masters to a certain extent. At the same time, they are not polluted by outside opinions and the environment, and they always maintain their loyalty and respect for their masters.

There are some monsters in the world of immortal cultivation. Because they have a very deep relationship with their masters, even if they reach the fifth level of cultivation, survive the thunder tribulation of heaven, and have the ability to regain their freedom, they will not choose to leave their masters.

What's more, they will continue to protect the owner's descendants and family after the owner passes away.

An example of this known to Zhou Chun is the Huangfu family of the royal family of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

The reason why this clan ranks among the top five in the Great Zhou Kingdom is because, in addition to the two Nascent Soul stage monks of this clan, there is also an ancestor who is a demon king from their ancestors.

This demon king ancestor is now a fifth-level high-grade demon beast, and his strength is comparable to that of a late-stage Nascent Soul monk!

It is precisely because of the protection of this powerful and long-lived demon king ancestor that the Huangfu family has been able to produce numerous Nascent Soul monks and has firmly maintained its position as the number one immortal cultivating family in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

However, there is very little news from the outside world about the demon king ancestor of the Huangfu family. Zhou Chun only accidentally learned about it from a certain Jindan monk, and he was quite shocked and excited at the time.

For him and the Zhou family, this is undoubtedly a very good example.

If the Zhou family can also cultivate such a powerful demon king in the future, and make him willing to stay as a guardian, then the family will truly have the foundation to survive for thousands of years.

Therefore, when he was usually in the Zhou family, Zhou Chun soon became very fond of several spiritual pets, and the other monks of the Zhou family were also extremely respectful and flattering to them.

Sometimes when they encounter thunder dragon Baibai and golden-winged tiger wandering inside and outside the mountain gate, some Zhou family monks will feed them food.

If they are happy with their meal, they will sometimes leave a piece of scale or fallen hair as a gift.

Zhou Chun is also very encouraging and supportive of this.

He also hopes that a few spiritual pets can slowly get used to this kind of lifestyle over the years, and get used to having their hair washed and fed, so that they will truly become fifth-level demon kings in the future, and there is a high chance that they will I wouldn't want to go to those wilderness areas to dominate the mountains and continue to live in caves and sleep on the floor!

"Very good, since you think so, then give priority to promoting the fourth level in vain!"

Zhou Chun reached out and touched the heads of the two spiritual pets with satisfaction, and made a decision on the spot.

There is a saying about the golden-armored mountain turtle stone that moved Zhou Chun. After it reaches the fourth level, it has to carry its upper body up the mountain. It will take dozens or hundreds of years to hide in the mountain and slowly complete the impregnation and sacrifice of the mountain.

During that period, it could not move or fight for Zhou Chun, otherwise all previous efforts would be wasted and it would have to start all over again.

In this way, it is not suitable to be the first spiritual pet to be promoted to the fourth level.

After making the decision, Zhou Chun continued to mobilize his connections and traveled around the cities of the Great Zhou Kingdom, and even the surrounding countries, and purchased the relevant elixirs for refining the [Ancient Dust Pill] at high prices.

In a wilderness place, somewhere in the mountains.

Zhou Xinyan and five Zhou family foundation-building monks were hiding on a mountain peak, carefully staring at a grassy slope on the mountain.

On the grassy slope grew a large area of ​​"wind grass", a low-level spiritual grass with short stems and long leaves that is not afraid of strong winds.

At this time, a group of strange-looking monsters were eating these spiritual grasses on the grassy slope.

This strange beast looks like a zebra, with green and white stripes, and a green mane on its neck. What's even weirder is that they also have a single horn on their forehead like a rhinoceros.

The single horn is not long, usually no more than three feet, and is generally white with circles of cyan threads.

At this time, the six foundation-building monks of the Zhou family were hiding in the dark, secretly observing this group of monsters, and then heard Zhou Xinyan transmit a message to others: "Brothers, dear nephews, this group of [One-horned Wind Chasing Horses] are I finally discovered that whether I can make a great contribution this time and obtain the [Xuanxin Purple Return Pill] depends on whether I can capture them all and send them back to the family!"

"As long as you help me complete this matter, whether you want to compete for the Purple Mansion's spiritual objects or need help with other things in the future, I, Zhou Xinyan, will have absolutely nothing to say!"

It turns out that since Zhou Chun set the standards for competing for the [Xuanxin Zihuan Dan], Zhou Xinyan and other Zhou family monks who were expected to open up the Zi Mansion were eager to compete for it.

Zhou Xinyan had been practicing abroad before and met many other family monks and foundation-building casual cultivators.

At this time, in order to compete for the [Xuanxin Zihuan Dan], he mobilized those relationships and asked them to help him find a population of monsters worthy of being captured and tamed.

According to the rules of the Zhou family, if a clan member can contribute a highly valuable monster species to the family, they will be able to obtain a large amount of good deeds for the family.

Zhou Xinyan was very lucky. The Qi Refining Period casual cultivator team under one of his casual cultivator friends accidentally discovered traces of the "One-horned Wind Chasing Horse" here, so they informed him of the news.

You must know that this group of [One-horned Wind Chasing Horses] is not ordinary. Although there are only twenty-six of them, there are three second-level monsters, and the leader of them is a second-level mid-level monster.

This situation shows that this group of [One-horned Wind Chasing Horses] all have the potential to be promoted to second-level monsters, and their bloodline levels can reach the intermediate level.

The Zhou family's monster beast population that can reach this level now is only the descendants of the Cloud-Stepping Dragon Horse that evolved from the Dragon Scale Horse.

The key is that even if the [One-Horned Wind Chasing Horse] only reaches the first level of high-grade, it can still fly in the wind for a period of time. This is a talent that even the first-order dragon scale horse cannot match!

If Zhou Xinyan could capture these [One-horned Wind Chasing Horses] alive and send them back to the Zhou family for domestication, it would be a great achievement.

"Uncle Nineteen, don't worry. With six of us monks in the foundation-building stage taking action, plus you, a monk in the late-stage foundation-building stage, capturing these beasts won't be easy!"

Beside Zhou Xinyan, a man in green robe confidently comforted him.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Xinyan looked at him with a serious face and said: "Xianxi Siming, please don't be careless. Although the second-level [One-Horned Wind Chasing Horse] is not as strong as us, its flying speed is extraordinary, even faster than my Lan Yu." Fire Kite is even better, if it loses one end and two ends, most of my achievements will be lost!"

Hearing his words, the green-robed man Zhou Siming's face suddenly stiffened, and he smiled awkwardly, unable to speak.

Now Zhou Xinyan has bet all her hopes of obtaining the [Xuanxin Purple Return Pill] on these [One-Horned Wind Chasing Horses]. They all know how much psychological pressure they have, so they have to be careful what they say.

But there was someone who didn't want to open a certain pot, and suddenly sighed softly: "Hey, it would be great if we could borrow Elder Zhengyong's second-order high-grade golden feather eagle. With its strength and flight speed, no matter how hard it is, It’s impossible for these [One-Horned Wind Chasing Horses] to escape no matter how they escape!”

As soon as these words were spoken, Zhou Xinyan's expression changed, and an unpleasant look flashed in his eyes.

He turned to look at Zhou Xinchen who was speaking, forced himself to take a deep breath to suppress the unhappiness in his heart, frowned and said, "Brother Chen, what nonsense are you talking about? That golden feathered eagle was given to Elder Zhengyong by the clan leader. How can we lend a walking spirit beast to us to drive? Besides, wouldn’t that mean that I, Zhou Xinyan, am incompetent and need the help of my elders to do such a thing!"

After saying that, he said in a deep voice: "Okay, now act according to the plan, be very alert, don't be careless!"

Following his order, the six Zhou family foundation-building monks immediately rushed out and went straight to the group of [One-horned Wind Chasing Horses] that were eating grass to kill them.

Although there are only six of them, Zhou Xinyi alone owns two second-level spiritual pets, and the others have also tamed one or two first-level high-level spiritual pets.

Coupled with some talismans and magic weapons prepared in advance, all twenty-three first-order [One-horned Wind Chasing Horses] were quickly captured and trapped during the battle.

However, what Zhou Xinyan was worried about did not happen.

These [One-Horned Wind-Chasing Horses] obviously belong to the same family, and those first-order [One-Horned Wind-Chasing Horses] are the offspring of the second-order [One-Horned Wind-Chasing Horses].

After seeing their descendants captured, several second-level [One-Horned Wind Chasing Horses] did not abandon them and run away, but fought desperately to rescue these descendants.

In the end, they were all captured alive by Zhou Xinyan and the others who were outnumbered and well prepared!

After personally capturing the strongest second-level mid-level [One-horned Wind Chasing Horse], Zhou Xinyan could no longer restrain her inner joy and couldn't help but laugh at everyone: "Hahaha, thank you all for this time." With the help of brothers and nephews, I will also ask you to help transport these beasts back to the family gate. When this matter is over, I will definitely prepare a feast for you all!"

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