Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 537 Former Enemies【Please subscribe】

In Tianyuan Immortal City, the communication between Zhou Chun and his family was quite inconvenient.

He had no idea what was going on with his family.

But no news came, which was actually the best news.

Because it is not an important matter, Zhou Mingde will definitely not let the family monks go to the Great Zhou Kingdom to deliver a message to him.

After all, except for the Golden Core Stage monks, even the Zifu Stage monks may encounter unexpected events when they come to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

As for Zhou Chun going back to his family to understand the situation, it's not impossible, but it's just not necessary.

Again, he is not the nanny of the Zhou family. Even if the Zhou family really encounters something, as long as it is not something that requires his intervention to solve, there is no need for him to intervene.

The lifespan of a foundation-building monk is only more than two hundred years, while Zhou Chun still has more than seven hundred years left to live.

Even if he intervenes to save some of the Zhou family's foundation-building monks, there is a high probability that these people will still die because they cannot open up the Zi Mansion.

Therefore, as long as something intolerable does not occur, such as monks from other forces bullying the Zhou family monks, no matter what dangers these clan members encounter outside, Zhou Chun and other family elders do not need to take care of them.

While Zhou Chun was collecting the materials to refine the [Ancient Chen Pill], he did not give up on his own practice.

After years of hard training, and with the experience of merging with Thunder Dragon Baibai as a reference, Zhou Chun's "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique" practice progress has also steadily increased, and now he has successfully fused with Jin Jiafu Mountain Turtle Shitou once.

This gave him another powerful way to save his life.

Once he merges with the Golden Armor Bearing Mountain Turtle and Stone, the attacks of the early stage Golden Core monks will have no effect on him at all, and the middle stage Golden Core monks will have to use mid-level magic weapons to break through his defense.

But as long as he is allowed to stand on the ground, the middle-stage Jindan monks will have absolutely no way to deal with him.

Now that the golden armor, mountain turtle, and stone can be combined into one, the golden-winged tiger is naturally not far away.

In the end, the spiritual pet that may be the most difficult to fuse with Zhou Chun is Mu Mei Mu Sang.

This is not only because the tacit relationship between him and Mu Mei Mu Sang is not as deep as the other three-headed spiritual pets, but also because the opponent's own mana attributes are seriously opposed to his. The difficulty of merging will be much higher, and the strength of the fusion may not be as good. promoted.

In addition, the secret skills [Concentric Golden Lock] and [Golden Gang Slash] that Zhou Chun originally practiced were both cultivated to the third level, corresponding to the level of the Golden Core stage.

The next time you fight with monks of the same level, these two secret techniques can also be used for some purposes.

It's a pity that there is still no clue about the cultivation of "Golden Escape". Although it cannot be said that there is no progress at all, the speed of progress is unbearable!

Zhou Chun now devotes part of his energy to cultivating the [Gengjin Sky-Splitting Thunder] magical power that he brought from the Moon Wheel Sect.

This magical power is a variant of the "Gengjin Divine Thunder" among the Five Elements Divine Thunder. The difficulty of practicing it is much less than that of the "Golden Escape Technique".

Zhou Chun was able to activate this kind of divine thunder after only practicing for more than a year.

However, he currently only has a superficial understanding of this magical power. Not only is the speed of triggering the divine thunder extremely slow, there are very few changes, and the power does not meet the requirements.

If you want to truly apply this magical power to combat, you will probably have to spend twenty or thirty years of hard training.

Fortunately, now that he has completed the golden elixir, he doesn't need to be distracted from practicing the skills of those elixirs and talisman arrays. He has plenty of time to practice these magical powers.

In the sixth year after arriving in Tianyuan Immortal City, Zhou Chun once again gathered together a batch of materials for the [Ancient Chen Pill] and asked Luo Qingni to refine seven elixirs.

All seven of these elixirs were given to Thunder Dragon in vain.

The third-level high-grade monsters have to be promoted to the fourth level, which is different from the late-stage monks of Zifu who form pills.

Immortal cultivators who advance can trigger visions of heaven and earth, absorb and refine a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth into their own mana.

However, monsters do not have this convenience.

Therefore, they need to start accumulating power after reaching the third level of cultivation, until they can no longer accumulate power.

For four-clawed thunder dragons like Thunder Dragon Baibai, there is no barrier to advancing to the fourth level, so they only need to continuously accumulate strength.

When enough savings are accumulated, it will be able to naturally break through to the fourth level.

On the other hand, those monsters whose bloodline level is not high enough will be limited by the shackles of their bloodline and unable to truly break through after their strength is accumulated to the maximum. It will take some amazing opportunity to take that step and change their fate against the will of heaven.

Among Zhou Chun's current spiritual pets, only the Golden-winged Tiger may encounter some trouble when it breaks through to the fourth level.

After all, it only had a mutation in its bloodline, and it did not awaken the bloodline of some powerful tiger monster like the thunder dragon Baibai and the golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou.

Now it depends on who can break through to the fourth level first, Lei Jiao Baibai or Mu Mei Mu Sang.

On this day, Zhou Chun was invited to attend a small exchange meeting in the cave of a certain Jindan monk in Immortal City.

There are many golden elixir-level monks like Luo Qingni who are resident in Tianyuan Immortal City. Some of these people like to make friends with others, and then hold an exchange meeting every ten or eight years for monks of the same level to exchange information. none.

This not only facilitates their own collection of related spiritual objects, but also allows them to sell favors to other monks. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

And Jindan monks like Zhou Chun who live in Tianyuan Immortal City and come here to collect certain spiritual objects naturally do not want to miss such exchange meetings.

Zhou Chun has also participated in several such exchange meetings in the past few years. Most of the time it is common acquaintances, and occasionally new faces appear.

When he arrived at the monk's cave where the exchange meeting was held today, most of the monks who had arrived earlier knew each other, which made him slightly disappointed.

It's not that these people are poor in wealth, but he knows that these people probably don't have what he needs.

But because people haven't arrived yet, he still retains an expectation.

After waiting like this for a long time, five golden elixir stage monks suddenly came in, and three of them were strangers.

No, it shouldn’t be three people!

After Zhou Chun glanced at the faces of the three unfamiliar monks, he was shocked, and then quietly looked away to avoid attracting attention.

Fortunately, at this time, everyone's eyes fell on the five people who came in.

Then I saw the monk who was hosting the exchange meeting today, a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi with an elegant face and said with a smile: "Come on, come on, He will introduce these three new Taoist friends to you."

"This is Fellow Daoist Wang Jun from Leiya Valley. Fellow Daoist Wang has a well-known family. He formed a golden elixir when he was less than three hundred years old. He has extremely powerful thunder and lightning powers and has the talent of Nascent Soul!"

"This is Fellow Taoist Zhang Shiyao from the Huoling Sect of Chen State. The Fire Spirit Sect is also a powerful sect with a real person in the Nascent Soul Stage as its leader. Fellow Daoist Zhang's fire magic power is equally sharp and extraordinary!"

"As for this fellow Daoist Xu Bin from Rongguo, Fellow Daoist Xu has been forming elixirs for three hundred years and is about to break through to the middle stage of the golden elixir. His strength is also extraordinary!"

This man in green is named He Shengming. He is in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation. He is a well-known talisman-making master in Tianyuan Immortal City. He can even make fourth-level low-grade talismans.

Zhou Chun also established a friendship with Luo Qingni through his relationship.

At this time, after listening to his introduction to the three strange golden elixir monks he brought in, Zhou Chun and other eleven golden elixir monks who came first also greeted them one after another.

It's just that although Zhou Chun greets people with a smile, there is murderous intention brewing in his heart!

Wang Jun of Leiya Valley, this person Zhou Chun will naturally never forget.

When he was still in the early stages of cultivation in the Zi Mansion, he was robbed and killed by this person because he bid for a [Millennium Thunder Grass] at an auction.

That robbery not only severely injured Zhou Chun, but he also almost died at the opponent's hands.

He always remembers this grudge!

It's just that this person was not only stronger than him in cultivation at that time, but also had a very strong background.

So later, even though Zhou Chun had almost invincible strength compared to Zi Fuqi, he did not dare to seek revenge easily.

After successfully forming the elixir, Zhou Chun had too many things to do, and for the time being he had no time to find someone to take revenge on.

I never thought that today I would meet this enemy again under such circumstances, and the other party also successfully formed the elixir!

Given Wang Jun's identity and background, once the elixir is successfully formed, there will definitely be no shortage of magic weapons. He may also have magical secret talismans given to him by the master of Yuanying Stage in Leiya Valley.

If Zhou Chun wanted to take revenge, he would have to plan carefully.

The key is that if he takes revenge, he must find a way to avoid secret techniques such as "Blood Soul Induction" and hide Zhang Liang's identity.

This requires him to act with caution.

"It's better to wait until you are promoted to the fourth level in vain before considering this matter!"

Zhou Chun looked at his enemy who didn't recognize him, and temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​revenge.

It is never too late for a thousand years for immortal cultivators to take revenge.

There is no need for him to put himself in danger of life and death just to seek revenge.

Wang Jun probably had long forgotten the incident of robbing and killing Zhou Chun, and never thought that the early-stage cultivator from the Zi Mansion who he was chasing could successfully form a pill so quickly.

Therefore, even though he was sitting across from him at the moment, he had no idea that his enemy was sitting across from him.

After such pleasantries, the exchange meeting soon started with He Shengming.

Just as Zhou Chun thought at the beginning, He Shengming and others couldn't bring out what he needed, so he basically could only watch.

I don't know if he was taking care of newcomers like Wang Jun, but soon he was asked to take the lead in displaying the exchange items.

He raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and there were several exchange items in front of him, all of which were relatively rare thousand-year-old elixirs and magical materials.

Then he said: "Wang wants to exchange these things for some spiritual objects that contain the power of thunder and lightning. It doesn't matter whether they are magic weapons, spiritual materials or elixirs. If there are any Taoist friends who want to sell such spiritual objects, you can consult Wang. Wang is willing to exchange at a high price!”

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun's heart moved, and he instantly had a way to take revenge in the future.

Spiritual objects with lightning attributes are rare in the world of immortality, and those that can be used by Golden Core Stage cultivators are even rarer. Judging from Wang Jun's appearance, there should be a lot of demand for such spiritual objects.

In this case, maybe he can use such spiritual objects as bait in the future to lure this person to the bait!

You must know that he has a treasure on his body that any monk of the Thunder Movement Technique cannot help but be attracted by, and that is the unicorn of the Thunder Lobster Beast.

Even though that unicorn only belongs to the third-level thunder worm beast, as long as it falls into the hands of a golden elixir stage monk, as long as he is willing to invest in other high-quality thunder-attribute spiritual materials, it is still possible to ask a master to refine it into a magic weapon!

At that time, even if only a low-grade magic weapon is refined, its value will not be lower than that of a high-grade magic weapon due to its special lightning absorption and lightning protection properties.

Zhou Chun knew that some golden elixir monks who practiced the thunder movement technique often had to absorb the power of sky thunder to practice magical powers.

However, the power of the sky thunder is domineering and ferocious, and it is not as easy to control as other powers. If you are not careful, you may injure the immortal cultivator.

If you have a magic weapon that has lightning absorption and lightning protection properties, you don't have to worry about this.

While Zhou Chun was thinking about these things, He Shengming and another early-stage Jindan monk named Zhong each took out thunder-attribute spiritual objects and exchanged them with Wang Jun.

Among them, what He Shengming took out was a piece of lightning strike wood. The wood itself was a fourth-level spiritual wood. After being destroyed by the sky thunder, some lightning strike wood containing the power of the sky thunder was left behind.

It can be seen that Wang Jun is very satisfied with this thing.

The other person took out a piece of "Lightning Iron". Although it was not a magical weapon, it was still accepted by Wang Jun.

After Wang Jun finished the exchange, he was replaced by Zhang Shiyao, who also came from the martial arts sect.

This person's move was quite extraordinary. He actually took out an earth attribute stick magic weapon, a thousand-year-old medicine, and several rare elixirs and magic materials.

Then he also expressed his request, "Zhang wants to exchange for a [Earth Lotus Fire] fire, or if any Taoist friend can provide information, Zhang will also be grateful!"

There are all kinds of naturally generated spiritual fires in the world. Once these spiritual fires are imbued with spirituality and turned into fire, they can be refined by immortal cultivators. Some powerful fire-attribute magical powers can only be achieved by refining the corresponding fire.

For example, the famous "Samadhi True Fire" magical power requires the collection of three types of fire from heaven and earth: fire in the wood, fire in the stone, and fire in the air to successfully cultivate it.

[Earth Lotus Fire] was born in the volcanic magma and barely meets the magical requirements of "Samadhi True Fire". Once it forms a fire, it is much more powerful than the elixir fire of the Golden elixir stage monks.

Although what Zhang Shiyao took out was considered valuable, it was obviously not enough to exchange for such treasures, and such treasures were not something that ordinary Golden Core monks could encounter and collect.

In the end, he could only take back his treasure with regret.

Then it was the turn of the monk named Xu Bin to show off his treasure.

He raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, then took out a jade box.

As the jade box was opened, a fiery red demon pill exuding a powerful aura came into view.

Then I heard the person introduce it: "Xu was very lucky a few years ago. He happened to encounter a monster that was seriously injured after breaking through the fourth level. Fortunately, he got a fourth-level fire attribute demon pill and all its materials. Today I want to I want to exchange this fourth-level demon elixir and all its materials for a pure defensive magic weapon!"

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